syntax = "proto3"; // Describes a chart generated from WebRTC event log data. option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; package; import "chart_enums.proto"; message DataSet { repeated float x_values = 1; repeated float y_values = 2; string label = 3; ChartStyle.Type style = 4; bool highlight_points = 5; } message TickLabel { float value = 1; string label = 2; } message Chart { repeated DataSet data_sets = 1; float xaxis_min = 2; float xaxis_max = 3; string xaxis_label = 4; float yaxis_min = 5; float yaxis_max = 6; string yaxis_label = 7; string title = 8; string id = 9; repeated TickLabel yaxis_tick_labels = 10; } message ChartCollection { repeated Chart charts = 1; // `calltime_to_utc_ms` is the UTC time (in ms) for the x-axis in the charts. // In other words, time t ms in the charts corresponds to // t+calltime_to_utc_ms ms in UTC time. int64 calltime_to_utc_ms = 2; }