#!/usr/bin/env vpython3 # Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license # that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source # tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found # in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may # be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. """MB - the Meta-Build wrapper around GN. MB is a wrapper script for GN that can be used to generate build files for sets of canned configurations and analyze them. """ import os import sys _SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) _SRC_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(_SCRIPT_DIR)) sys.path.insert(0, _SRC_DIR) from tools.mb import mb def _GetExecutable(target, platform): executable_prefix = '.\\' if platform == 'win32' else './' executable_suffix = '.exe' if platform == 'win32' else '' return executable_prefix + target + executable_suffix def main(args): mbw = WebRTCMetaBuildWrapper() return mbw.Main(args) class WebRTCMetaBuildWrapper(mb.MetaBuildWrapper): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Make sure default_config and default_isolate_map are attributes of the # parent class before changing their values. # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition assert self.default_config assert self.default_isolate_map self.default_config = os.path.join(_SCRIPT_DIR, 'mb_config.pyl') self.default_isolate_map = os.path.join(_SRC_DIR, 'infra', 'specs', 'gn_isolate_map.pyl') def GetSwarmingCommand(self, target, vals): isolate_map = self.ReadIsolateMap() test_type = isolate_map[target]['type'] is_android = 'target_os="android"' in vals['gn_args'] is_fuchsia = 'target_os="fuchsia"' in vals['gn_args'] is_ios = 'target_os="ios"' in vals['gn_args'] is_linux = self.platform.startswith('linux') and not is_android is_win = self.platform.startswith('win') if test_type == 'nontest': self.WriteFailureAndRaise('We should not be isolating %s.' % target, output_path=None) if test_type not in ('console_test_launcher', 'windowed_test_launcher', 'non_parallel_console_test_launcher', 'raw', 'additional_compile_target', 'junit_test', 'script'): self.WriteFailureAndRaise('No command line for ' '%s found (test type %s).' % (target, test_type), output_path=None) cmdline = [] extra_files = [ '../../.vpython3', '../../testing/test_env.py', ] vpython_exe = 'vpython3' if isolate_map[target].get('script'): cmdline += [ vpython_exe, '../../' + self.ToSrcRelPath(isolate_map[target]['script']) ] elif is_android: cmdline += [ 'luci-auth', 'context', '--', vpython_exe, '../../build/android/test_wrapper/logdog_wrapper.py', '--target', target, '--logdog-bin-cmd', '../../.task_template_packages/logdog_butler', '--logcat-output-file', '${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}/logcats', '--store-tombstones' ] elif is_ios or is_fuchsia or test_type == 'raw': if is_win: cmdline += ['bin\\run_{}.bat'.format(target)] else: cmdline += ['bin/run_{}'.format(target)] else: if isolate_map[target].get('use_webcam', False): cmdline += [ vpython_exe, '../../tools_webrtc/ensure_webcam_is_running.py' ] extra_files.append('../../tools_webrtc/ensure_webcam_is_running.py') if isolate_map[target].get('use_pipewire', False): cmdline += [vpython_exe, '../../tools_webrtc/configure_pipewire.py'] extra_files.append('../../tools_webrtc/configure_pipewire.py') # is_linux uses use_ozone and x11 by default. use_x11 = is_linux xvfb = use_x11 and test_type == 'windowed_test_launcher' if xvfb: cmdline += [vpython_exe, '../../testing/xvfb.py'] extra_files.append('../../testing/xvfb.py') else: cmdline += [vpython_exe, '../../testing/test_env.py'] extra_files += [ '../../third_party/gtest-parallel/gtest-parallel', '../../third_party/gtest-parallel/gtest_parallel.py', '../../tools_webrtc/gtest-parallel-wrapper.py', ] output_dir = '${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}/test_logs' cmdline += [ '../../tools_webrtc/gtest-parallel-wrapper.py', '--output_dir=%s' % output_dir, '--gtest_color=no', ] if test_type == 'non_parallel_console_test_launcher': # Still use the gtest-parallel-wrapper.py script since we # need it to run tests on swarming, but don't execute tests # in parallel. cmdline.append('--workers=1') asan = 'is_asan=true' in vals['gn_args'] lsan = 'is_lsan=true' in vals['gn_args'] msan = 'is_msan=true' in vals['gn_args'] tsan = 'is_tsan=true' in vals['gn_args'] sanitizer = asan or lsan or msan or tsan if not sanitizer: # Retry would hide most sanitizers detections. cmdline.append('--retry_failed=3') cmdline.append(_GetExecutable(target, self.platform)) cmdline.extend([ '--asan=%d' % asan, '--lsan=%d' % lsan, '--msan=%d' % msan, '--tsan=%d' % tsan, ]) cmdline += isolate_map[target].get('args', []) return cmdline, extra_files if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))