import sys from datetime import datetime from sentry_sdk.utils import ( AnnotatedValue, capture_internal_exception, disable_capture_event, safe_repr, strip_string, format_timestamp, ) from sentry_sdk._compat import text_type, PY2, string_types, number_types, iteritems from sentry_sdk._types import MYPY if MYPY: from types import TracebackType from typing import Any from typing import Dict from typing import List from typing import Optional from typing import Callable from typing import Union from typing import ContextManager from typing import Type from sentry_sdk._types import NotImplementedType, Event ReprProcessor = Callable[[Any, Dict[str, Any]], Union[NotImplementedType, str]] Segment = Union[str, int] if PY2: # Importing ABCs from collections is deprecated, and will stop working in 3.8 # from collections import Mapping, Sequence serializable_str_types = string_types else: # New in 3.3 # from import Mapping, Sequence # Bytes are technically not strings in Python 3, but we can serialize them serializable_str_types = (str, bytes) MAX_DATABAG_DEPTH = 5 MAX_DATABAG_BREADTH = 10 CYCLE_MARKER = u"" global_repr_processors = [] # type: List[ReprProcessor] def add_global_repr_processor(processor): # type: (ReprProcessor) -> None global_repr_processors.append(processor) class Memo(object): __slots__ = ("_ids", "_objs") def __init__(self): # type: () -> None self._ids = {} # type: Dict[int, Any] self._objs = [] # type: List[Any] def memoize(self, obj): # type: (Any) -> ContextManager[bool] self._objs.append(obj) return self def __enter__(self): # type: () -> bool obj = self._objs[-1] if id(obj) in self._ids: return True else: self._ids[id(obj)] = obj return False def __exit__( self, ty, # type: Optional[Type[BaseException]] value, # type: Optional[BaseException] tb, # type: Optional[TracebackType] ): # type: (...) -> None self._ids.pop(id(self._objs.pop()), None) def serialize(event, **kwargs): # type: (Event, **Any) -> Event memo = Memo() path = [] # type: List[Segment] meta_stack = [] # type: List[Dict[str, Any]] def _annotate(**meta): # type: (**Any) -> None while len(meta_stack) <= len(path): try: segment = path[len(meta_stack) - 1] node = meta_stack[-1].setdefault(text_type(segment), {}) except IndexError: node = {} meta_stack.append(node) meta_stack[-1].setdefault("", {}).update(meta) def _should_repr_strings(): # type: () -> Optional[bool] """ By default non-serializable objects are going through safe_repr(). For certain places in the event (local vars) we want to repr() even things that are JSON-serializable to make their type more apparent. For example, it's useful to see the difference between a unicode-string and a bytestring when viewing a stacktrace. For container-types we still don't do anything different. Generally we just try to make the Sentry UI present exactly what a pretty-printed repr would look like. :returns: `True` if we are somewhere in frame variables, and `False` if we are in a position where we will never encounter frame variables when recursing (for example, we're in `event.extra`). `None` if we are not (yet) in frame variables, but might encounter them when recursing (e.g. we're in `event.exception`) """ try: p0 = path[0] if p0 == "stacktrace" and path[1] == "frames" and path[3] == "vars": return True if ( p0 in ("threads", "exception") and path[1] == "values" and path[3] == "stacktrace" and path[4] == "frames" and path[6] == "vars" ): return True except IndexError: return None return False def _is_databag(): # type: () -> Optional[bool] """ A databag is any value that we need to trim. :returns: Works like `_should_repr_strings()`. `True` for "yes", `False` for :"no", `None` for "maybe soon". """ try: rv = _should_repr_strings() if rv in (True, None): return rv p0 = path[0] if p0 == "request" and path[1] == "data": return True if p0 == "breadcrumbs": path[1] return True if p0 == "extra": return True except IndexError: return None return False def _serialize_node( obj, # type: Any is_databag=None, # type: Optional[bool] should_repr_strings=None, # type: Optional[bool] segment=None, # type: Optional[Segment] remaining_breadth=None, # type: Optional[int] remaining_depth=None, # type: Optional[int] ): # type: (...) -> Any if segment is not None: path.append(segment) try: with memo.memoize(obj) as result: if result: return CYCLE_MARKER return _serialize_node_impl( obj, is_databag=is_databag, should_repr_strings=should_repr_strings, remaining_depth=remaining_depth, remaining_breadth=remaining_breadth, ) except BaseException: capture_internal_exception(sys.exc_info()) if is_databag: return u"" return None finally: if segment is not None: path.pop() del meta_stack[len(path) + 1 :] def _flatten_annotated(obj): # type: (Any) -> Any if isinstance(obj, AnnotatedValue): _annotate(**obj.metadata) obj = obj.value return obj def _serialize_node_impl( obj, is_databag, should_repr_strings, remaining_depth, remaining_breadth ): # type: (Any, Optional[bool], Optional[bool], Optional[int], Optional[int]) -> Any if should_repr_strings is None: should_repr_strings = _should_repr_strings() if is_databag is None: is_databag = _is_databag() if is_databag and remaining_depth is None: remaining_depth = MAX_DATABAG_DEPTH if is_databag and remaining_breadth is None: remaining_breadth = MAX_DATABAG_BREADTH obj = _flatten_annotated(obj) if remaining_depth is not None and remaining_depth <= 0: _annotate(rem=[["!limit", "x"]]) if is_databag: return _flatten_annotated(strip_string(safe_repr(obj))) return None if is_databag and global_repr_processors: hints = {"memo": memo, "remaining_depth": remaining_depth} for processor in global_repr_processors: result = processor(obj, hints) if result is not NotImplemented: return _flatten_annotated(result) if obj is None or isinstance(obj, (bool, number_types)): return obj if not should_repr_strings else safe_repr(obj) elif isinstance(obj, datetime): return ( text_type(format_timestamp(obj)) if not should_repr_strings else safe_repr(obj) ) elif isinstance(obj, Mapping): # Create temporary copy here to avoid calling too much code that # might mutate our dictionary while we're still iterating over it. obj = dict(iteritems(obj)) rv_dict = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] i = 0 for k, v in iteritems(obj): if remaining_breadth is not None and i >= remaining_breadth: _annotate(len=len(obj)) break str_k = text_type(k) v = _serialize_node( v, segment=str_k, should_repr_strings=should_repr_strings, is_databag=is_databag, remaining_depth=remaining_depth - 1 if remaining_depth is not None else None, remaining_breadth=remaining_breadth, ) rv_dict[str_k] = v i += 1 return rv_dict elif not isinstance(obj, serializable_str_types) and isinstance(obj, Sequence): rv_list = [] for i, v in enumerate(obj): if remaining_breadth is not None and i >= remaining_breadth: _annotate(len=len(obj)) break rv_list.append( _serialize_node( v, segment=i, should_repr_strings=should_repr_strings, is_databag=is_databag, remaining_depth=remaining_depth - 1 if remaining_depth is not None else None, remaining_breadth=remaining_breadth, ) ) return rv_list if should_repr_strings: obj = safe_repr(obj) else: if isinstance(obj, bytes): obj = obj.decode("utf-8", "replace") if not isinstance(obj, string_types): obj = safe_repr(obj) return _flatten_annotated(strip_string(obj)) disable_capture_event.set(True) try: rv = _serialize_node(event, **kwargs) if meta_stack and isinstance(rv, dict): rv["_meta"] = meta_stack[0] return rv finally: disable_capture_event.set(False)