# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import json import os import tarfile from io import BytesIO from textwrap import dedent try: import zstandard as zstd except ImportError as e: zstd = e from taskgraph.util import docker from taskgraph.util.taskcluster import get_artifact_url, get_session def get_image_digest(image_name): from taskgraph.generator import load_tasks_for_kind from taskgraph.parameters import Parameters params = Parameters( level=os.environ.get("MOZ_SCM_LEVEL", "3"), strict=False, ) tasks = load_tasks_for_kind(params, "docker-image") task = tasks[f"build-docker-image-{image_name}"] return task.attributes["cached_task"]["digest"] def load_image_by_name(image_name, tag=None): from taskgraph.generator import load_tasks_for_kind from taskgraph.optimize import IndexSearch from taskgraph.parameters import Parameters params = Parameters( level=os.environ.get("MOZ_SCM_LEVEL", "3"), strict=False, ) tasks = load_tasks_for_kind(params, "docker-image") task = tasks[f"build-docker-image-{image_name}"] task_id = IndexSearch().should_replace_task( task, {}, task.optimization.get("index-search", []) ) if task_id in (True, False): print( "Could not find artifacts for a docker image " "named `{image_name}`. Local commits and other changes " "in your checkout may cause this error. Try " "updating to a fresh checkout of mozilla-central " "to download image.".format(image_name=image_name) ) return False return load_image_by_task_id(task_id, tag) def load_image_by_task_id(task_id, tag=None): artifact_url = get_artifact_url(task_id, "public/image.tar.zst") result = load_image(artifact_url, tag) print("Found docker image: {}:{}".format(result["image"], result["tag"])) if tag: print(f"Re-tagged as: {tag}") else: tag = "{}:{}".format(result["image"], result["tag"]) print(f"Try: docker run -ti --rm {tag} bash") return True def build_context(name, outputFile, args=None): """Build a context.tar for image with specified name.""" if not name: raise ValueError("must provide a Docker image name") if not outputFile: raise ValueError("must provide a outputFile") image_dir = docker.image_path(name) if not os.path.isdir(image_dir): raise Exception("image directory does not exist: %s" % image_dir) docker.create_context_tar(".", image_dir, outputFile, args) def build_image(name, tag, args=None): """Build a Docker image of specified name. Output from image building process will be printed to stdout. """ if not name: raise ValueError("must provide a Docker image name") image_dir = docker.image_path(name) if not os.path.isdir(image_dir): raise Exception("image directory does not exist: %s" % image_dir) tag = tag or docker.docker_image(name, by_tag=True) buf = BytesIO() docker.stream_context_tar(".", image_dir, buf, "", args) docker.post_to_docker(buf.getvalue(), "/build", nocache=1, t=tag) print(f"Successfully built {name} and tagged with {tag}") if tag.endswith(":latest"): print("*" * 50) print("WARNING: no VERSION file found in image directory.") print("Image is not suitable for deploying/pushing.") print("Create an image suitable for deploying/pushing by creating") print("a VERSION file in the image directory.") print("*" * 50) def load_image(url, imageName=None, imageTag=None): """ Load docker image from URL as imageName:tag, if no imageName or tag is given it will use whatever is inside the zstd compressed tarball. Returns an object with properties 'image', 'tag' and 'layer'. """ if isinstance(zstd, ImportError): raise ImportError( dedent( """ zstandard is not installed! Use `pip install taskcluster-taskgraph[load-image]` to use this feature. """ ) ) from zstd # If imageName is given and we don't have an imageTag # we parse out the imageTag from imageName, or default it to 'latest' # if no imageName and no imageTag is given, 'repositories' won't be rewritten if imageName and not imageTag: if ":" in imageName: imageName, imageTag = imageName.split(":", 1) else: imageTag = "latest" info = {} def download_and_modify_image(): # This function downloads and edits the downloaded tar file on the fly. # It emits chunked buffers of the edited tar file, as a generator. print(f"Downloading from {url}") # get_session() gets us a requests.Session set to retry several times. req = get_session().get(url, stream=True) req.raise_for_status() with zstd.ZstdDecompressor().stream_reader(req.raw) as ifh: tarin = tarfile.open( mode="r|", fileobj=ifh, bufsize=zstd.DECOMPRESSION_RECOMMENDED_OUTPUT_SIZE, ) # Stream through each member of the downloaded tar file individually. for member in tarin: # Non-file members only need a tar header. Emit one. if not member.isfile(): yield member.tobuf(tarfile.GNU_FORMAT) continue # Open stream reader for the member reader = tarin.extractfile(member) # If member is `repositories`, we parse and possibly rewrite the # image tags. if member.name == "repositories": # Read and parse repositories repos = json.loads(reader.read()) reader.close() # If there is more than one image or tag, we can't handle it # here. if len(repos.keys()) > 1: raise Exception("file contains more than one image") info["image"] = image = list(repos.keys())[0] if len(repos[image].keys()) > 1: raise Exception("file contains more than one tag") info["tag"] = tag = list(repos[image].keys())[0] info["layer"] = layer = repos[image][tag] # Rewrite the repositories file data = json.dumps({imageName or image: {imageTag or tag: layer}}) reader = BytesIO(data.encode("utf-8")) member.size = len(data) # Emit the tar header for this member. yield member.tobuf(tarfile.GNU_FORMAT) # Then emit its content. remaining = member.size while remaining: length = min(remaining, zstd.DECOMPRESSION_RECOMMENDED_OUTPUT_SIZE) buf = reader.read(length) remaining -= len(buf) yield buf # Pad to fill a 512 bytes block, per tar format. remainder = member.size % 512 if remainder: yield ("\0" * (512 - remainder)).encode("utf-8") reader.close() docker.post_to_docker(download_and_modify_image(), "/images/load", quiet=0) # Check that we found a repositories file if not info.get("image") or not info.get("tag") or not info.get("layer"): raise Exception("No repositories file found!") return info