/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #![cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(clippy::needless_lifetimes))] extern crate std; use rand::{thread_rng, RngCore}; use std::ffi::CString; use std::io; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use crate::consts::*; use crate::u2ftypes::*; use crate::util::io_err; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Device Commands //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pub fn u2f_init_device<T>(dev: &mut T) -> bool where T: U2FDevice + Read + Write, { let mut nonce = [0u8; 8]; thread_rng().fill_bytes(&mut nonce); // Initialize the device and check its version. init_device(dev, &nonce).is_ok() && is_v2_device(dev).unwrap_or(false) } pub fn u2f_register<T>(dev: &mut T, challenge: &[u8], application: &[u8]) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> where T: U2FDevice + Read + Write, { if challenge.len() != PARAMETER_SIZE || application.len() != PARAMETER_SIZE { return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "Invalid parameter sizes", )); } let mut register_data = Vec::with_capacity(2 * PARAMETER_SIZE); register_data.extend(challenge); register_data.extend(application); let flags = U2F_REQUEST_USER_PRESENCE; let (resp, status) = send_ctap1(dev, U2F_REGISTER, flags, ®ister_data)?; status_word_to_result(status, resp) } pub fn u2f_sign<T>( dev: &mut T, challenge: &[u8], application: &[u8], key_handle: &[u8], ) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> where T: U2FDevice + Read + Write, { if challenge.len() != PARAMETER_SIZE || application.len() != PARAMETER_SIZE { return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "Invalid parameter sizes", )); } if key_handle.len() > 256 { return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "Key handle too large", )); } let mut sign_data = Vec::with_capacity(2 * PARAMETER_SIZE + 1 + key_handle.len()); sign_data.extend(challenge); sign_data.extend(application); sign_data.push(key_handle.len() as u8); sign_data.extend(key_handle); let flags = U2F_REQUEST_USER_PRESENCE; let (resp, status) = send_ctap1(dev, U2F_AUTHENTICATE, flags, &sign_data)?; status_word_to_result(status, resp) } pub fn u2f_is_keyhandle_valid<T>( dev: &mut T, challenge: &[u8], application: &[u8], key_handle: &[u8], ) -> io::Result<bool> where T: U2FDevice + Read + Write, { if challenge.len() != PARAMETER_SIZE || application.len() != PARAMETER_SIZE { return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "Invalid parameter sizes", )); } if key_handle.len() >= 256 { return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "Key handle too large", )); } let mut sign_data = Vec::with_capacity(2 * PARAMETER_SIZE + 1 + key_handle.len()); sign_data.extend(challenge); sign_data.extend(application); sign_data.push(key_handle.len() as u8); sign_data.extend(key_handle); let flags = U2F_CHECK_IS_REGISTERED; let (_, status) = send_ctap1(dev, U2F_AUTHENTICATE, flags, &sign_data)?; Ok(status == SW_CONDITIONS_NOT_SATISFIED) } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal Device Commands //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// fn init_device<T>(dev: &mut T, nonce: &[u8]) -> io::Result<()> where T: U2FDevice + Read + Write, { assert_eq!(nonce.len(), INIT_NONCE_SIZE); // Send Init to broadcast address to create a new channel let raw = sendrecv(dev, HIDCmd::Init, nonce)?; let rsp = U2FHIDInitResp::read(&raw, nonce)?; // Get the new Channel ID dev.set_cid(rsp.cid); let vendor = dev .get_property("Manufacturer") .unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from("Unknown Vendor")); let product = dev .get_property("Product") .unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from("Unknown Device")); dev.set_device_info(U2FDeviceInfo { vendor_name: vendor.as_bytes().to_vec(), device_name: product.as_bytes().to_vec(), version_interface: rsp.version_interface, version_major: rsp.version_major, version_minor: rsp.version_minor, version_build: rsp.version_build, cap_flags: rsp.cap_flags, }); Ok(()) } fn is_v2_device<T>(dev: &mut T) -> io::Result<bool> where T: U2FDevice + Read + Write, { let (data, status) = send_ctap1(dev, U2F_VERSION, 0x00, &[])?; let actual = CString::new(data)?; let expected = CString::new("U2F_V2")?; status_word_to_result(status, actual == expected) } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Error Handling //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// fn status_word_to_result<T>(status: [u8; 2], val: T) -> io::Result<T> { use self::io::ErrorKind::{InvalidData, InvalidInput}; match status { SW_NO_ERROR => Ok(val), SW_WRONG_DATA => Err(io::Error::new(InvalidData, "wrong data")), SW_WRONG_LENGTH => Err(io::Error::new(InvalidInput, "wrong length")), SW_CONDITIONS_NOT_SATISFIED => Err(io_err("conditions not satisfied")), _ => Err(io_err(&format!("failed with status {status:?}"))), } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Device Communication Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pub fn sendrecv<T>(dev: &mut T, cmd: HIDCmd, send: &[u8]) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> where T: U2FDevice + Read + Write, { // Send initialization packet. let mut count = U2FHIDInit::write(dev, cmd.into(), send)?; // Send continuation packets. let mut sequence = 0u8; while count < send.len() { count += U2FHIDCont::write(dev, sequence, &send[count..])?; sequence += 1; } // Now we read. This happens in 2 chunks: The initial packet, which has the // size we expect overall, then continuation packets, which will fill in // data until we have everything. let (_, mut data) = U2FHIDInit::read(dev)?; let mut sequence = 0u8; while data.len() < data.capacity() { let max = data.capacity() - data.len(); data.extend_from_slice(&U2FHIDCont::read(dev, sequence, max)?); sequence += 1; } Ok(data) } fn send_ctap1<T>(dev: &mut T, cmd: u8, p1: u8, send: &[u8]) -> io::Result<(Vec<u8>, [u8; 2])> where T: U2FDevice + Read + Write, { let apdu = CTAP1RequestAPDU::serialize(cmd, p1, send)?; let mut data = sendrecv(dev, HIDCmd::Msg, &apdu)?; if data.len() < 2 { return Err(io_err("unexpected response")); } let split_at = data.len() - 2; let status = data.split_off(split_at); Ok((data, [status[0], status[1]])) } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tests //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #[cfg(test)] pub(crate) mod tests { use super::{init_device, is_v2_device, send_ctap1, sendrecv, U2FDevice}; use crate::consts::{Capability, HIDCmd, CID_BROADCAST, SW_NO_ERROR}; use crate::transport::device_selector::Device; use crate::transport::hid::HIDDevice; use crate::u2ftypes::U2FDeviceInfo; use rand::{thread_rng, RngCore}; #[test] fn test_init_device() { let mut device = Device::new("u2fprotocol").unwrap(); let nonce = vec![0x08, 0x07, 0x06, 0x05, 0x04, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01]; // channel id let mut cid = [0u8; 4]; thread_rng().fill_bytes(&mut cid); // init packet let mut msg = CID_BROADCAST.to_vec(); msg.extend(vec![HIDCmd::Init.into(), 0x00, 0x08]); // cmd + bcnt msg.extend_from_slice(&nonce); device.add_write(&msg, 0); // init_resp packet let mut msg = CID_BROADCAST.to_vec(); msg.extend(vec![HIDCmd::Init.into(), 0x00, 0x11]); // cmd + bcnt msg.extend_from_slice(&nonce); msg.extend_from_slice(&cid); // new channel id msg.extend(vec![0x02, 0x04, 0x01, 0x08, 0x01]); // versions + flags device.add_read(&msg, 0); init_device(&mut device, &nonce).unwrap(); assert_eq!(device.get_cid(), &cid); let dev_info = device.get_device_info(); assert_eq!(dev_info.version_interface, 0x02); assert_eq!(dev_info.version_major, 0x04); assert_eq!(dev_info.version_minor, 0x01); assert_eq!(dev_info.version_build, 0x08); assert_eq!(dev_info.cap_flags, Capability::WINK); // 0x01 } #[test] fn test_get_version() { let mut device = Device::new("u2fprotocol").unwrap(); // channel id let mut cid = [0u8; 4]; thread_rng().fill_bytes(&mut cid); device.set_cid(cid); let info = U2FDeviceInfo { vendor_name: Vec::new(), device_name: Vec::new(), version_interface: 0x02, version_major: 0x04, version_minor: 0x01, version_build: 0x08, cap_flags: Capability::WINK, }; device.set_device_info(info); // ctap1.0 U2F_VERSION request let mut msg = cid.to_vec(); msg.extend([HIDCmd::Msg.into(), 0x0, 0x7]); // cmd + bcnt msg.extend([0x0, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0]); device.add_write(&msg, 0); // fido response let mut msg = cid.to_vec(); msg.extend([HIDCmd::Msg.into(), 0x0, 0x08]); // cmd + bcnt msg.extend([0x55, 0x32, 0x46, 0x5f, 0x56, 0x32]); // 'U2F_V2' msg.extend(SW_NO_ERROR); device.add_read(&msg, 0); let res = is_v2_device(&mut device).expect("Failed to get version"); assert!(res); } #[test] fn test_sendrecv_multiple() { let mut device = Device::new("u2fprotocol").unwrap(); let cid = [0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04]; device.set_cid(cid); // init packet let mut msg = cid.to_vec(); msg.extend(vec![HIDCmd::Ping.into(), 0x00, 0xe4]); // cmd + length = 228 // write msg, append [1u8; 57], 171 bytes remain device.add_write(&msg, 1); device.add_read(&msg, 1); // cont packet let mut msg = cid.to_vec(); msg.push(0x00); // seq = 0 // write msg, append [1u8; 59], 112 bytes remaining device.add_write(&msg, 1); device.add_read(&msg, 1); // cont packet let mut msg = cid.to_vec(); msg.push(0x01); // seq = 1 // write msg, append [1u8; 59], 53 bytes remaining device.add_write(&msg, 1); device.add_read(&msg, 1); // cont packet let mut msg = cid.to_vec(); msg.push(0x02); // seq = 2 msg.extend_from_slice(&[1u8; 53]); // write msg, append remaining 53 bytes. device.add_write(&msg, 0); device.add_read(&msg, 0); let data = [1u8; 228]; let d = sendrecv(&mut device, HIDCmd::Ping, &data).unwrap(); assert_eq!(d.len(), 228); assert_eq!(d, &data[..]); } #[test] fn test_sendapdu() { let cid = [0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04]; let data = [0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05]; let mut device = Device::new("u2fprotocol").unwrap(); device.set_cid(cid); let mut msg = cid.to_vec(); // sendrecv header msg.extend(vec![HIDCmd::Msg.into(), 0x00, 0x0e]); // len = 14 // apdu header msg.extend(vec![ 0x00, HIDCmd::Ping.into(), 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, ]); // apdu data msg.extend_from_slice(&data); device.add_write(&msg, 0); // Send data back let mut msg = cid.to_vec(); msg.extend(vec![HIDCmd::Msg.into(), 0x00, 0x07]); msg.extend_from_slice(&data); msg.extend_from_slice(&SW_NO_ERROR); device.add_read(&msg, 0); let (result, status) = send_ctap1(&mut device, HIDCmd::Ping.into(), 0xaa, &data).unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, &data); assert_eq!(status, SW_NO_ERROR); } #[test] fn test_get_property() { let device = Device::new("u2fprotocol").unwrap(); assert_eq!(device.get_property("a").unwrap(), "a not implemented"); } }