extern crate autocfg; use std::env; /// Tests that autocfg uses the RUSTFLAGS or CARGO_ENCODED_RUSTFLAGS /// environment variables when running rustc. #[test] fn test_with_sysroot() { // Use the same path as this test binary. let dir = env::current_exe().unwrap().parent().unwrap().to_path_buf(); env::set_var("OUT_DIR", &format!("{}", dir.display())); // If we have encoded rustflags, they take precedence, even if empty. env::set_var("CARGO_ENCODED_RUSTFLAGS", ""); env::set_var("RUSTFLAGS", &format!("-L {}", dir.display())); let ac = autocfg::AutoCfg::new().unwrap(); assert!(ac.probe_sysroot_crate("std")); assert!(!ac.probe_sysroot_crate("autocfg")); // Now try again with useful encoded args. env::set_var( "CARGO_ENCODED_RUSTFLAGS", &format!("-L\x1f{}", dir.display()), ); let ac = autocfg::AutoCfg::new().unwrap(); assert!(ac.probe_sysroot_crate("autocfg")); // Try the old-style RUSTFLAGS, ensuring HOST != TARGET. env::remove_var("CARGO_ENCODED_RUSTFLAGS"); env::set_var("HOST", "lol"); let ac = autocfg::AutoCfg::new().unwrap(); assert!(ac.probe_sysroot_crate("autocfg")); }