use core_foundation::{ base::{OSStatus, TCFType}, string::CFString, }; use coremidi_sys::{ MIDIClientCreate, MIDIClientDispose, MIDIDestinationCreate, MIDIInputPortCreate, MIDINotification, MIDIOutputPortCreate, MIDIPacketList, MIDISourceCreate, }; use std::{mem::MaybeUninit, ops::Deref, os::raw::c_void, panic::catch_unwind, ptr}; use crate::{ callback::BoxedCallback, endpoints::{destinations::VirtualDestination, sources::VirtualSource, Endpoint}, notifications::Notification, object::Object, packets::PacketList, ports::{InputPort, OutputPort, Port}, result_from_status, }; /// A [MIDI client]( /// /// An object maintaining per-client state. /// /// A simple example to create a Client: /// /// ```rust,no_run /// let client = coremidi::Client::new("example-client").unwrap(); /// ``` #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Client { // Order is important, object needs to be dropped first object: Object, callback: BoxedCallback, } impl Client { /// Creates a new CoreMIDI client with support for notifications. /// See [MIDIClientCreate]( /// /// The notification callback will be called on the [run loop]( /// that was current when this associated function is called. /// /// It follows that this particular run loop needs to be running in order to /// actually receive notifications. The run loop can be started after the /// client has been created if need be. pub fn new_with_notifications(name: &str, callback: F) -> Result where F: FnMut(&Notification) + Send + 'static, { let client_name = CFString::new(name); let mut client_ref = MaybeUninit::uninit(); let mut boxed_callback = BoxedCallback::new(callback); let status = unsafe { MIDIClientCreate( client_name.as_concrete_TypeRef(), Some(Self::notify_proc as extern "C" fn(_, _)), boxed_callback.raw_ptr(), client_ref.as_mut_ptr(), ) }; result_from_status(status, || { let client_ref = unsafe { client_ref.assume_init() }; Client { object: Object(client_ref), callback: boxed_callback, } }) } /// Creates a new CoreMIDI client. /// See [MIDIClientCreate]( /// pub fn new(name: &str) -> Result { let client_name = CFString::new(name); let mut client_ref = MaybeUninit::uninit(); let status = unsafe { MIDIClientCreate( client_name.as_concrete_TypeRef(), None, ptr::null_mut(), client_ref.as_mut_ptr(), ) }; result_from_status(status, || { let client_ref = unsafe { client_ref.assume_init() }; Client { object: Object(client_ref), callback: BoxedCallback::null(), } }) } /// Creates an output port through which the client may send outgoing MIDI messages to any MIDI destination. /// See [MIDIOutputPortCreate]( /// pub fn output_port(&self, name: &str) -> Result { let port_name = CFString::new(name); let mut port_ref = MaybeUninit::uninit(); let status = unsafe { MIDIOutputPortCreate( self.object.0, port_name.as_concrete_TypeRef(), port_ref.as_mut_ptr(), ) }; result_from_status(status, || { let port_ref = unsafe { port_ref.assume_init() }; OutputPort { port: Port { object: Object(port_ref), }, } }) } /// Creates an input port through which the client may receive incoming MIDI messages from any MIDI source. /// See [MIDIInputPortCreate]( /// pub fn input_port(&self, name: &str, callback: F) -> Result where F: FnMut(&PacketList) + Send + 'static, { let port_name = CFString::new(name); let mut port_ref = MaybeUninit::uninit(); let mut box_callback = BoxedCallback::new(callback); let status = unsafe { MIDIInputPortCreate( self.object.0, port_name.as_concrete_TypeRef(), Some(Self::read_proc as extern "C" fn(_, _, _)), box_callback.raw_ptr(), port_ref.as_mut_ptr(), ) }; result_from_status(status, || { let port_ref = unsafe { port_ref.assume_init() }; InputPort { port: Port { object: Object(port_ref), }, callback: box_callback, } }) } /// Creates a virtual source in the client. /// See [MIDISourceCreate]( /// pub fn virtual_source(&self, name: &str) -> Result { let virtual_source_name = CFString::new(name); let mut virtual_source = MaybeUninit::uninit(); let status = unsafe { MIDISourceCreate( self.object.0, virtual_source_name.as_concrete_TypeRef(), virtual_source.as_mut_ptr(), ) }; result_from_status(status, || { let virtual_source = unsafe { virtual_source.assume_init() }; VirtualSource { endpoint: Endpoint { object: Object(virtual_source), }, } }) } /// Creates a virtual destination in the client. /// See [MIDIDestinationCreate]( /// pub fn virtual_destination( &self, name: &str, callback: F, ) -> Result where F: FnMut(&PacketList) + Send + 'static, { let virtual_destination_name = CFString::new(name); let mut virtual_destination = MaybeUninit::uninit(); let mut boxed_callback = BoxedCallback::new(callback); let status = unsafe { MIDIDestinationCreate( self.object.0, virtual_destination_name.as_concrete_TypeRef(), Some(Self::read_proc as extern "C" fn(_, _, _)), boxed_callback.raw_ptr(), virtual_destination.as_mut_ptr(), ) }; result_from_status(status, || { let virtual_destination = unsafe { virtual_destination.assume_init() }; VirtualDestination { endpoint: Endpoint { object: Object(virtual_destination), }, callback: boxed_callback, } }) } extern "C" fn notify_proc(notification_ptr: *const MIDINotification, ref_con: *mut c_void) { let _ = catch_unwind(|| unsafe { if let Ok(notification) = Notification::from(&*notification_ptr) { BoxedCallback::call_from_raw_ptr(ref_con, ¬ification) } }); } extern "C" fn read_proc( pktlist: *const MIDIPacketList, read_proc_ref_con: *mut c_void, _src_conn_ref_con: *mut c_void, ) { let _ = catch_unwind(|| unsafe { let packet_list = &*(pktlist as *const PacketList); BoxedCallback::call_from_raw_ptr(read_proc_ref_con, packet_list); }); } } impl Deref for Client { type Target = Object; fn deref(&self) -> &Object { &self.object } } impl Drop for Client { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { MIDIClientDispose(self.object.0) }; } }