use std::mem::MaybeUninit; use core_foundation::{ base::{CFGetRetainCount, CFIndex, CFTypeRef, OSStatus, TCFType}, string::{CFString, CFStringRef}, }; use coremidi_sys::*; use crate::{object::Object, result_from_status, unit_result_from_status}; pub trait PropertyGetter { fn value_from(&self, object: &Object) -> Result; } pub trait PropertySetter { fn set_value(&self, object: &Object, value: T) -> Result<(), OSStatus>; } /// Because Property structs can be constructed from strings that have been /// passed in from the user or are constants CFStringRefs from CoreMidi, we /// need to abstract over how we store their keys. enum PropertyKeyStorage { Owned(CFString), Constant(CFStringRef), } impl PropertyKeyStorage { /// Return a raw CFStringRef pointing to this property key fn as_string_ref(&self) -> CFStringRef { match self { PropertyKeyStorage::Owned(owned) => owned.as_concrete_TypeRef(), PropertyKeyStorage::Constant(constant) => *constant, } } /// For checking the retain count when debugging #[allow(dead_code)] fn retain_count(&self) -> CFIndex { match self { PropertyKeyStorage::Owned(owned) => owned.retain_count(), PropertyKeyStorage::Constant(constant) => unsafe { CFGetRetainCount(*constant as CFTypeRef) }, } } } /// A MIDI object property which value is an String /// pub struct StringProperty(PropertyKeyStorage); impl StringProperty { pub fn new(name: &str) -> Self { StringProperty(PropertyKeyStorage::Owned(CFString::new(name))) } /// Note: Should only be used internally with predefined CoreMidi constants, /// since it does not bump the retain count of the CFStringRef. fn from_constant_string_ref(string_ref: CFStringRef) -> Self { StringProperty(PropertyKeyStorage::Constant(string_ref)) } } impl PropertyGetter for StringProperty where T: From, { fn value_from(&self, object: &Object) -> Result { let property_key = self.0.as_string_ref(); let mut string_ref = MaybeUninit::uninit(); let status = unsafe { MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(object.0, property_key, string_ref.as_mut_ptr()) }; result_from_status(status, || { let string_ref = unsafe { string_ref.assume_init() }; if string_ref.is_null() { return "".to_string().into(); }; let cf_string: CFString = unsafe { TCFType::wrap_under_create_rule(string_ref) }; cf_string.to_string().into() }) } } impl<'a, T> PropertySetter for StringProperty where T: Into, { fn set_value(&self, object: &Object, value: T) -> Result<(), OSStatus> { let property_key = self.0.as_string_ref(); let value: String = value.into(); let string = CFString::new(&value); let string_ref = string.as_concrete_TypeRef(); let status = unsafe { MIDIObjectSetStringProperty(object.0, property_key, string_ref) }; unit_result_from_status(status) } } /// A MIDI object property which value is an Integer /// pub struct IntegerProperty(PropertyKeyStorage); impl IntegerProperty { pub fn new(name: &str) -> Self { IntegerProperty(PropertyKeyStorage::Owned(CFString::new(name))) } /// Note: Should only be used internally with predefined CoreMidi constants, /// since it does not bump the retain count of the CFStringRef. fn from_constant_string_ref(string_ref: CFStringRef) -> Self { IntegerProperty(PropertyKeyStorage::Constant(string_ref)) } } impl PropertyGetter for IntegerProperty where T: From, { fn value_from(&self, object: &Object) -> Result { let property_key = self.0.as_string_ref(); let mut value = MaybeUninit::uninit(); let status = unsafe { MIDIObjectGetIntegerProperty(object.0, property_key, value.as_mut_ptr()) }; result_from_status(status, || { let value = unsafe { value.assume_init() }; value.into() }) } } impl PropertySetter for IntegerProperty where T: Into, { fn set_value(&self, object: &Object, value: T) -> Result<(), OSStatus> { let property_key = self.0.as_string_ref(); let status = unsafe { MIDIObjectSetIntegerProperty(object.0, property_key, value.into()) }; unit_result_from_status(status) } } /// A MIDI object property which value is a Boolean /// pub struct BooleanProperty(IntegerProperty); impl BooleanProperty { pub fn new(name: &str) -> Self { BooleanProperty(IntegerProperty::new(name)) } /// Note: Should only be used internally with predefined CoreMidi constants, /// since it does not bump the retain count of the CFStringRef. fn from_constant_string_ref(string_ref: CFStringRef) -> Self { BooleanProperty(IntegerProperty::from_constant_string_ref(string_ref)) } } impl PropertyGetter for BooleanProperty where T: From, { fn value_from(&self, object: &Object) -> Result { self.0 .value_from(object) .map(|value: SInt32| (value == 1).into()) } } impl PropertySetter for BooleanProperty where T: Into, { fn set_value(&self, object: &Object, value: T) -> Result<(), OSStatus> { let value: SInt32 = if value.into() { 1 } else { 0 }; self.0.set_value(object, value) } } /// The set of properties that might be available for MIDI objects. /// pub struct Properties; impl Properties { /// See [kMIDIPropertyName]( pub fn name() -> StringProperty { StringProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyName }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyManufacturer]( pub fn manufacturer() -> StringProperty { StringProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyManufacturer }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyModel]( pub fn model() -> StringProperty { StringProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyModel }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyUniqueID]( pub fn unique_id() -> IntegerProperty { IntegerProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyUniqueID }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyDeviceID]( pub fn device_id() -> IntegerProperty { IntegerProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyDeviceID }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyReceiveChannels]( pub fn receive_channels() -> IntegerProperty { IntegerProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyReceiveChannels }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyTransmitChannels]( pub fn transmit_channels() -> IntegerProperty { IntegerProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyTransmitChannels }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyMaxSysExSpeed]( pub fn max_sysex_speed() -> IntegerProperty { IntegerProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyMaxSysExSpeed }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyAdvanceScheduleTimeMuSec]( pub fn advance_schedule_time_musec() -> IntegerProperty { IntegerProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyAdvanceScheduleTimeMuSec }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyIsEmbeddedEntity]( pub fn is_embedded_entity() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyIsEmbeddedEntity }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyIsBroadcast]( pub fn is_broadcast() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyIsBroadcast }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertySingleRealtimeEntity]( pub fn single_realtime_entity() -> IntegerProperty { IntegerProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertySingleRealtimeEntity }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyConnectionUniqueID]( pub fn connection_unique_id() -> IntegerProperty { IntegerProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyConnectionUniqueID }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyOffline]( pub fn offline() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyOffline }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyPrivate]( pub fn private() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyPrivate }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyDriverOwner]( pub fn driver_owner() -> StringProperty { StringProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyDriverOwner }) } // /// See [kMIDIPropertyNameConfiguration]( // pub fn name_configuration() -> Property { unsafe { Property(kMIDIPropertyNameConfiguration) } } // /// See [kMIDIPropertyImage]( // pub fn image() -> Property { unsafe { Property(kMIDIPropertyImage) } } /// See [kMIDIPropertyDriverVersion]( pub fn driver_version() -> IntegerProperty { IntegerProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyDriverVersion }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertySupportsGeneralMIDI]( pub fn supports_general_midi() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertySupportsGeneralMIDI }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertySupportsMMC]( pub fn supports_mmc() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertySupportsMMC }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyCanRoute]( pub fn can_route() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyCanRoute }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyReceivesClock]( pub fn receives_clock() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyReceivesClock }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyReceivesMTC]( pub fn receives_mtc() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyReceivesMTC }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyReceivesNotes]( pub fn receives_notes() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyReceivesNotes }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyReceivesProgramChanges]( pub fn receives_program_changes() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyReceivesProgramChanges }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyReceivesBankSelectMSB]( pub fn receives_bank_select_msb() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyReceivesBankSelectMSB }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyReceivesBankSelectLSB]( pub fn receives_bank_select_lsb() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyReceivesBankSelectLSB }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyTransmitsBankSelectMSB]( pub fn transmits_bank_select_msb() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyTransmitsBankSelectMSB }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyTransmitsBankSelectLSB]( pub fn transmits_bank_select_lsb() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyTransmitsBankSelectLSB }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyTransmitsClock]( pub fn transmits_clock() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyTransmitsClock }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyTransmitsMTC]( pub fn transmits_mtc() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyTransmitsMTC }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyTransmitsNotes]( pub fn transmits_notes() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyTransmitsNotes }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyTransmitsProgramChanges]( pub fn transmits_program_changes() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyTransmitsProgramChanges }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyPanDisruptsStereo]( pub fn pan_disrupts_stereo() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyPanDisruptsStereo }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyIsSampler]( pub fn is_sampler() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyIsSampler }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyIsDrumMachine]( pub fn is_drum_machine() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyIsDrumMachine }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyIsMixer]( pub fn is_mixer() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyIsMixer }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyIsEffectUnit]( pub fn is_effect_unit() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyIsEffectUnit }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyMaxReceiveChannels]( pub fn max_receive_channels() -> IntegerProperty { IntegerProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyMaxReceiveChannels }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyMaxTransmitChannels]( pub fn max_transmit_channels() -> IntegerProperty { IntegerProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyMaxTransmitChannels }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyDriverDeviceEditorApp]( pub fn driver_device_editor_app() -> StringProperty { StringProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyDriverDeviceEditorApp }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertySupportsShowControl]( pub fn supports_show_control() -> BooleanProperty { BooleanProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertySupportsShowControl }) } /// See [kMIDIPropertyDisplayName]( pub fn display_name() -> StringProperty { StringProperty::from_constant_string_ref(unsafe { kMIDIPropertyDisplayName }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::{endpoints::destinations::VirtualDestination, Client}; const NAME_ORIG: &str = "A"; fn setup() -> (Client, VirtualDestination) { let client = Client::new("Test Client").unwrap(); let dest = client.virtual_destination(NAME_ORIG, |_| ()).unwrap(); (client, dest) } mod string { use super::*; const NAME_MODIFIED: &str = "B"; // Test getting the original value of the "name" property fn check_get_original(property: &StringProperty, dest: &VirtualDestination) { let name: String = property.value_from(dest).unwrap(); assert_eq!(name, NAME_ORIG); } // Test setting then getting the "name" property fn check_roundtrip(property: &StringProperty, dest: &VirtualDestination) { property.set_value(dest, NAME_MODIFIED).unwrap(); let name: String = property.value_from(dest).unwrap(); assert_eq!(name, NAME_MODIFIED); } #[test] fn test_from_constant() { let (_client, dest) = setup(); let property = Properties::name(); check_get_original(&property, &dest); check_roundtrip(&property, &dest); } #[test] fn test_new() { let (_client, dest) = setup(); // "name" is the value of the CoreMidi constant kMIDIPropertyName let property = StringProperty::new("name"); check_get_original(&property, &dest); check_roundtrip(&property, &dest); } } mod integer { use super::*; const ADVANCED_SCHEDULE_TIME: i32 = 44; #[test] fn test_not_set() { let (_client, dest) = setup(); // Is not set by default for Virtual Destinations let property = Properties::advance_schedule_time_musec(); let value: Result = property.value_from(&dest); assert!(value.is_err()) } #[test] fn test_roundtrip() { let (_client, dest) = setup(); let property = Properties::advance_schedule_time_musec(); property.set_value(&dest, ADVANCED_SCHEDULE_TIME).unwrap(); let num: i32 = property.value_from(&dest).unwrap(); assert_eq!(num, ADVANCED_SCHEDULE_TIME); } } mod boolean { use super::*; #[test] fn test_not_set() { let (_client, dest) = setup(); // Not set by default on Virtual Destinations let property = Properties::transmits_program_changes(); let value: Result = property.value_from(&dest); assert!(value.is_err()) } #[test] fn test_roundtrip() { let (_client, dest) = setup(); let property = Properties::private(); property.set_value(&dest, true).unwrap(); let value: bool = property.value_from(&dest).unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, true); } } }