error[E0277]: the trait bound `NotImplFm: FromMeta` is not satisfied --> tests/compile-fail/ | 7 | inner: NotImplFm, | ^^^^^^^^^ the trait `FromMeta` is not implemented for `NotImplFm` | = help: the following other types implement trait `FromMeta`: () Arc AtomicBool ExprArray ExprPath Flag HashMap HashMap and $N others error[E0277]: the trait bound `NotImplFm: FromMeta` is not satisfied --> tests/compile-fail/ | 13 | inner: NotImplFm, | ^^^^^^^^^ the trait `FromMeta` is not implemented for `NotImplFm` | = help: the following other types implement trait `FromMeta`: () Arc AtomicBool ExprArray ExprPath Flag HashMap HashMap and $N others