use super::*; use {Signature, Path, Message, ffi, OwnedFd}; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::{ptr, mem, any, fmt}; use super::check; use std::ffi::{CString}; use std::os::raw::{c_void, c_int}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::hash::Hash; // Map DBus-Type -> Alignment. Copied from _dbus_marshal_write_fixed_multi in // // Note that Rust booleans are one byte, dbus booleans are four bytes! const FIXED_ARRAY_ALIGNMENTS: [(ArgType, usize); 9] = [ (ArgType::Byte, 1), (ArgType::Int16, 2), (ArgType::UInt16, 2), (ArgType::UInt32, 4), (ArgType::Int32, 4), (ArgType::Boolean, 4), (ArgType::Int64, 8), (ArgType::UInt64, 8), (ArgType::Double, 8) ]; /// Represents a D-Bus array. impl<'a, T: Arg> Arg for &'a [T] { const ARG_TYPE: ArgType = ArgType::Array; fn signature() -> Signature<'static> { Signature::from(format!("a{}", T::signature())) } } fn array_append(z: &[T], i: &mut IterAppend, mut f: F) { let zptr = z.as_ptr(); let zlen = z.len() as i32; // Can we do append_fixed_array? let a = (T::ARG_TYPE, mem::size_of::()); let can_fixed_array = (zlen > 1) && (z.len() == zlen as usize) && FIXED_ARRAY_ALIGNMENTS.iter().any(|&v| v == a); i.append_container(ArgType::Array, Some(T::signature().as_cstr()), |s| if can_fixed_array { unsafe { check("dbus_message_iter_append_fixed_array", ffi::dbus_message_iter_append_fixed_array(&mut s.0, a.0 as c_int, &zptr as *const _ as *const c_void, zlen)) }} else { for arg in z { f(arg, s); }} ); } /// Appends a D-Bus array. Note: In case you have a large array of a type that implements FixedArray, /// using this method will be more efficient than using an Array. impl<'a, T: Arg + Append + Clone> Append for &'a [T] { fn append(self, i: &mut IterAppend) { array_append(self, i, |arg, s| arg.clone().append(s)); } } impl<'a, T: Arg + RefArg> RefArg for &'a [T] { fn arg_type(&self) -> ArgType { ArgType::Array } fn signature(&self) -> Signature<'static> { Signature::from(format!("a{}", ::signature())) } fn append(&self, i: &mut IterAppend) { array_append(self, i, |arg, s| (arg as &RefArg).append(s)); } #[inline] fn as_any(&self) -> &any::Any where Self: 'static { self } #[inline] fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut any::Any where Self: 'static { self } fn box_clone(&self) -> Box { Box::new(InternalArray { inner_sig: ::signature(), data: self.iter().map(|x| x.box_clone()).collect(), }) } } impl RefArg for Vec { fn arg_type(&self) -> ArgType { ArgType::Array } fn signature(&self) -> Signature<'static> { Signature::from(format!("a{}", ::signature())) } fn append(&self, i: &mut IterAppend) { array_append(&self, i, |arg, s| (arg as &RefArg).append(s)); } #[inline] fn as_any(&self) -> &any::Any where Self: 'static { self } #[inline] fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut any::Any where Self: 'static { self } fn as_iter<'a>(&'a self) -> Option + 'a>> { Some(Box::new(self.iter().map(|b| b as &RefArg))) } #[inline] fn box_clone(&self) -> Box { (&**self).box_clone() } } impl<'a, T: FixedArray> Get<'a> for &'a [T] { fn get(i: &mut Iter<'a>) -> Option<&'a [T]> { debug_assert!(FIXED_ARRAY_ALIGNMENTS.iter().any(|&v| v == (T::ARG_TYPE, mem::size_of::()))); i.recurse(Self::ARG_TYPE).and_then(|mut si| unsafe { let etype = ffi::dbus_message_iter_get_element_type(&mut i.0); if etype != T::ARG_TYPE as c_int { return None }; let mut v = ptr::null_mut(); let mut i = 0; ffi::dbus_message_iter_get_fixed_array(&mut si.0, &mut v as *mut _ as *mut c_void, &mut i); if v == ptr::null_mut() { assert_eq!(i, 0); Some(&[][..]) } else { Some(::std::slice::from_raw_parts(v, i as usize)) } }) } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] /// Append a D-Bus dict type (i e, an array of dict entries). /// /// See the argument guide and module level documentation for details and alternatives. pub struct Dict<'a, K: DictKey, V: Arg, I>(I, PhantomData<(&'a Message, *const K, *const V)>); impl<'a, K: DictKey, V: Arg, I> Dict<'a, K, V, I> { fn entry_sig() -> String { format!("{{{}{}}}", K::signature(), V::signature()) } } impl<'a, K: 'a + DictKey, V: 'a + Append + Arg, I: Iterator> Dict<'a, K, V, I> { /// Creates a new Dict from an iterator. The iterator is consumed when appended. pub fn new>(j: J) -> Dict<'a, K, V, I> { Dict(j.into_iter(), PhantomData) } } impl<'a, K: DictKey, V: Arg, I> Arg for Dict<'a, K, V, I> { const ARG_TYPE: ArgType = ArgType::Array; fn signature() -> Signature<'static> { Signature::from(format!("a{}", Self::entry_sig())) } } impl<'a, K: 'a + DictKey + Append, V: 'a + Append + Arg, I: Iterator> Append for Dict<'a, K, V, I> { fn append(self, i: &mut IterAppend) { let z = self.0; i.append_container(Self::ARG_TYPE, Some(&CString::new(Self::entry_sig()).unwrap()), |s| for (k, v) in z { s.append_container(ArgType::DictEntry, None, |ss| { k.append(ss); v.append(ss); }) }); } } impl<'a, K: DictKey + Get<'a>, V: Arg + Get<'a>> Get<'a> for Dict<'a, K, V, Iter<'a>> { fn get(i: &mut Iter<'a>) -> Option { i.recurse(Self::ARG_TYPE).map(|si| Dict(si, PhantomData)) // TODO: Verify full element signature? } } impl<'a, K: DictKey + Get<'a>, V: Arg + Get<'a>> Iterator for Dict<'a, K, V, Iter<'a>> { type Item = (K, V); fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(K, V)> { let i = self.0.recurse(ArgType::DictEntry).and_then(|mut si| { let k = si.get(); if k.is_none() { return None }; assert!(; let v = si.get(); if v.is_none() { return None }; Some((k.unwrap(), v.unwrap())) });; i } } impl Arg for HashMap { const ARG_TYPE: ArgType = ArgType::Array; fn signature() -> Signature<'static> { Signature::from(format!("a{{{}{}}}", K::signature(), V::signature())) } } impl Append for HashMap { fn append(self, i: &mut IterAppend) { Dict::new(self.into_iter()).append(i); } } impl<'a, K: DictKey + Get<'a> + Eq + Hash, V: Arg + Get<'a>> Get<'a> for HashMap { fn get(i: &mut Iter<'a>) -> Option { // TODO: Full element signature is not verified. Dict::get(i).map(|d| d.into_iter().collect()) } } impl RefArg for HashMap { fn arg_type(&self) -> ArgType { ArgType::Array } fn signature(&self) -> Signature<'static> { format!("a{{{}{}}}", ::signature(), ::signature()).into() } fn append(&self, i: &mut IterAppend) { let sig = CString::new(format!("{{{}{}}}", ::signature(), ::signature())).unwrap(); i.append_container(ArgType::Array, Some(&sig), |s| for (k, v) in self { s.append_container(ArgType::DictEntry, None, |ss| { k.append(ss); v.append(ss); }) }); } #[inline] fn as_any(&self) -> &any::Any where Self: 'static { self } #[inline] fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut any::Any where Self: 'static { self } fn as_iter<'b>(&'b self) -> Option + 'b>> { Some(Box::new(self.iter().flat_map(|(k, v)| vec![k as &RefArg, v as &RefArg].into_iter()))) } #[inline] fn box_clone(&self) -> Box { Box::new(InternalDict { outer_sig: self.signature(), data: self.iter().map(|(k, v)| (k.box_clone(), v.box_clone())).collect(), }) } } impl Arg for Vec { const ARG_TYPE: ArgType = ArgType::Array; fn signature() -> Signature<'static> { Signature::from(format!("a{}", T::signature())) } } impl Append for Vec { fn append(self, i: &mut IterAppend) { Array::new(self).append(i); } } impl<'a, T: Arg + Get<'a>> Get<'a> for Vec { fn get(i: &mut Iter<'a>) -> Option { >>::get(i).map(|a| a.collect()) } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] /// Represents a D-Bus Array. Maximum flexibility (wraps an iterator of items to append). /// /// See the argument guide and module level documentation for details and alternatives. pub struct Array<'a, T, I>(I, PhantomData<(*const T, &'a Message)>); impl<'a, T: 'a, I: Iterator> Array<'a, T, I> { /// Creates a new Array from an iterator. The iterator is consumed when appending. pub fn new>(j: J) -> Array<'a, T, I> { Array(j.into_iter(), PhantomData) } } impl<'a, T: Arg, I> Arg for Array<'a, T, I> { const ARG_TYPE: ArgType = ArgType::Array; fn signature() -> Signature<'static> { Signature::from(format!("a{}", T::signature())) } } impl<'a, T: 'a + Arg + Append, I: Iterator> Append for Array<'a, T, I> { fn append(self, i: &mut IterAppend) { let z = self.0; i.append_container(ArgType::Array, Some(T::signature().as_cstr()), |s| for arg in z { arg.append(s) }); } } impl<'a, T: Arg + Get<'a>> Get<'a> for Array<'a, T, Iter<'a>> { fn get(i: &mut Iter<'a>) -> Option>> { i.recurse(Self::ARG_TYPE).map(|si| Array(si, PhantomData)) // TODO: Verify full element signature? } } impl<'a, T: Get<'a>> Iterator for Array<'a, T, Iter<'a>> { type Item = T; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { let i = self.0.get();; i } } // Due to the strong typing here; RefArg is implemented only for T's that are both Arg and RefArg. // We need Arg for this to work for empty arrays (we can't get signature from first element if there is no elements). // We need RefArg for non-consuming append. impl<'a, T: 'a + Arg + fmt::Debug + RefArg, I: fmt::Debug + Clone + Iterator> RefArg for Array<'static, T, I> { fn arg_type(&self) -> ArgType { ArgType::Array } fn signature(&self) -> Signature<'static> { Signature::from(format!("a{}", ::signature())) } fn append(&self, i: &mut IterAppend) { let z = self.0.clone(); i.append_container(ArgType::Array, Some(::signature().as_cstr()), |s| for arg in z { (arg as &RefArg).append(s) } ); } #[inline] fn as_any(&self) -> &any::Any where Self: 'static { self } #[inline] fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut any::Any where Self: 'static { self } fn box_clone(&self) -> Box { Box::new(InternalArray { inner_sig: ::signature(), data: self.0.clone().map(|x| x.box_clone()).collect(), }) } } fn get_fixed_array_refarg<'a, T: FixedArray + Clone + RefArg>(i: &mut Iter<'a>) -> Box { let s = <&[T]>::get(i).unwrap(); Box::new(s.to_vec()) } fn get_var_array_refarg<'a, T: 'static + RefArg + Arg, F: FnMut(&mut Iter<'a>) -> Option> (i: &mut Iter<'a>, mut f: F) -> Box { let mut v: Vec = vec!(); // dbus_message_iter_get_element_count might be O(n), better not use it let mut si = i.recurse(ArgType::Array).unwrap(); while let Some(q) = f(&mut si) { v.push(q);; } Box::new(v) } #[derive(Debug)] struct InternalDict { data: Vec<(K, Box)>, outer_sig: Signature<'static>, } fn get_dict_refarg<'a, K, F: FnMut(&mut Iter<'a>) -> Option>(i: &mut Iter<'a>, mut f: F) -> Box where K: DictKey + 'static + RefArg + Clone { let mut data = vec!(); let outer_sig = i.signature(); let mut si = i.recurse(ArgType::Array).unwrap(); while let Some(mut d) = si.recurse(ArgType::DictEntry) { let k = f(&mut d).unwrap();; data.push((k, d.get_refarg().unwrap()));; } Box::new(InternalDict { data, outer_sig }) } // This only happens from box_clone impl RefArg for InternalDict> { fn arg_type(&self) -> ArgType { ArgType::Array } fn signature(&self) -> Signature<'static> { self.outer_sig.clone() } fn append(&self, i: &mut IterAppend) { let inner_sig = &self.outer_sig.as_cstr().to_bytes_with_nul()[1..]; let inner_sig = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(inner_sig).unwrap(); i.append_container(ArgType::Array, Some(inner_sig), |s| for (k, v) in & { s.append_container(ArgType::DictEntry, None, |ss| { k.append(ss); v.append(ss); }) }); } #[inline] fn as_any(&self) -> &any::Any where Self: 'static { self } #[inline] fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut any::Any where Self: 'static { self } fn as_iter<'b>(&'b self) -> Option + 'b>> { Some(Box::new(|(k, v)| vec![k as &RefArg, v as &RefArg].into_iter()))) } #[inline] fn box_clone(&self) -> Box { Box::new(InternalDict { data:|(k, v)| (k.box_clone(), v.box_clone())).collect(), outer_sig: self.outer_sig.clone(), }) } } impl RefArg for InternalDict { fn arg_type(&self) -> ArgType { ArgType::Array } fn signature(&self) -> Signature<'static> { self.outer_sig.clone() } fn append(&self, i: &mut IterAppend) { let inner_sig = &self.outer_sig.as_cstr().to_bytes_with_nul()[1..]; let inner_sig = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(inner_sig).unwrap(); i.append_container(ArgType::Array, Some(inner_sig), |s| for (k, v) in & { s.append_container(ArgType::DictEntry, None, |ss| { k.append(ss); v.append(ss); }) }); } #[inline] fn as_any(&self) -> &any::Any where Self: 'static { self } #[inline] fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut any::Any where Self: 'static { self } fn as_iter<'b>(&'b self) -> Option + 'b>> { Some(Box::new(|(k, v)| vec![k as &RefArg, v as &RefArg].into_iter()))) } #[inline] fn box_clone(&self) -> Box { Box::new(InternalDict { data:|(k, v)| (k.clone(), v.box_clone())).collect(), outer_sig: self.outer_sig.clone(), }) } } // Fallback for Arrays of Arrays and Arrays of Structs. // We store the signature manually here and promise that it is correct for all elements // has that signature. #[derive(Debug)] struct InternalArray { data: Vec>, inner_sig: Signature<'static>, } fn get_internal_array<'a>(i: &mut Iter<'a>) -> Box { let mut si = i.recurse(ArgType::Array).unwrap(); let inner_sig = si.signature(); let data = si.collect::>(); Box::new(InternalArray { data, inner_sig }) } impl RefArg for InternalArray { fn arg_type(&self) -> ArgType { ArgType::Array } fn signature(&self) -> Signature<'static> { Signature::from(format!("a{}", self.inner_sig)) } fn append(&self, i: &mut IterAppend) { i.append_container(ArgType::Array, Some(self.inner_sig.as_cstr()), |s| for arg in & { (arg as &RefArg).append(s) } ); } #[inline] fn as_any(&self) -> &any::Any where Self: 'static { self } #[inline] fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut any::Any where Self: 'static { self } fn as_iter<'a>(&'a self) -> Option + 'a>> { Some(Box::new(|b| b as &RefArg))) } #[inline] fn box_clone(&self) -> Box { Box::new(InternalArray { data:|x| x.box_clone()).collect(), inner_sig: self.inner_sig.clone(), }) } } pub fn get_array_refarg<'a>(i: &mut Iter<'a>) -> Box { debug_assert!(i.arg_type() == ArgType::Array); let etype = ArgType::from_i32(unsafe { ffi::dbus_message_iter_get_element_type(&mut i.0) } as i32).unwrap(); let x = match etype { ArgType::Byte => get_fixed_array_refarg::(i), ArgType::Int16 => get_fixed_array_refarg::(i), ArgType::UInt16 => get_fixed_array_refarg::(i), ArgType::Int32 => get_fixed_array_refarg::(i), ArgType::UInt32 => get_fixed_array_refarg::(i), ArgType::Int64 => get_fixed_array_refarg::(i), ArgType::UInt64 => get_fixed_array_refarg::(i), ArgType::Double => get_fixed_array_refarg::(i), ArgType::String => get_var_array_refarg::(i, |si| si.get()), ArgType::ObjectPath => get_var_array_refarg::, _>(i, |si| si.get::().map(|s| s.into_static())), ArgType::Signature => get_var_array_refarg::, _>(i, |si| si.get::().map(|s| s.into_static())), ArgType::Variant => get_var_array_refarg::>, _>(i, |si| Variant::new_refarg(si)), ArgType::Boolean => get_var_array_refarg::(i, |si| si.get()), ArgType::Invalid => panic!("Array with Invalid ArgType"), ArgType::Array => get_internal_array(i), ArgType::DictEntry => { let key = ArgType::from_i32(i.signature().as_bytes()[2] as i32).unwrap(); // The third character, after "a{", is our key. match key { ArgType::Byte => get_dict_refarg::(i, |si| si.get()), ArgType::Int16 => get_dict_refarg::(i, |si| si.get()), ArgType::UInt16 => get_dict_refarg::(i, |si| si.get()), ArgType::Int32 => get_dict_refarg::(i, |si| si.get()), ArgType::UInt32 => get_dict_refarg::(i, |si| si.get()), ArgType::Int64 => get_dict_refarg::(i, |si| si.get()), ArgType::UInt64 => get_dict_refarg::(i, |si| si.get()), ArgType::Double => get_dict_refarg::(i, |si| si.get()), ArgType::Boolean => get_dict_refarg::(i, |si| si.get()), // ArgType::UnixFd => get_dict_refarg::(i, |si| si.get()), ArgType::String => get_dict_refarg::(i, |si| si.get()), ArgType::ObjectPath => get_dict_refarg::, _>(i, |si| si.get::().map(|s| s.into_static())), ArgType::Signature => get_dict_refarg::, _>(i, |si| si.get::().map(|s| s.into_static())), _ => panic!("Array with invalid dictkey ({:?})", key), } } ArgType::UnixFd => get_var_array_refarg::(i, |si| si.get()), ArgType::Struct => get_internal_array(i), }; debug_assert_eq!(i.signature(), x.signature()); x }