use super::errors::{ErrorKind, ParserError}; use super::{core::Parser, core::Result, slice::Slice}; use crate::ast; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] enum TextElementTermination { LineFeed, CRLF, PlaceableStart, EOF, } // This enum tracks the placement of the text element in the pattern, which is needed for // dedentation logic. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] enum TextElementPosition { InitialLineStart, LineStart, Continuation, } // This enum allows us to mark pointers in the source which will later become text elements // but without slicing them out of the source string. This makes the indentation adjustments // cheaper since they'll happen on the pointers, rather than extracted slices. #[derive(Debug)] enum PatternElementPlaceholders { Placeable(ast::Expression), // (start, end, indent, position) TextElement(usize, usize, usize, TextElementPosition), } // This enum tracks whether the text element is blank or not. // This is important to identify text elements which should not be taken into account // when calculating common indent. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] enum TextElementType { Blank, NonBlank, } impl<'s, S> Parser where S: Slice<'s>, { pub(super) fn get_pattern(&mut self) -> Result>> { let mut elements = vec![]; let mut last_non_blank = None; let mut common_indent = None; self.skip_blank_inline(); let mut text_element_role = if self.skip_eol() { self.skip_blank_block(); TextElementPosition::LineStart } else { TextElementPosition::InitialLineStart }; while self.ptr < self.length { if self.take_byte_if(b'{') { if text_element_role == TextElementPosition::LineStart { common_indent = Some(0); } let exp = self.get_placeable()?; last_non_blank = Some(elements.len()); elements.push(PatternElementPlaceholders::Placeable(exp)); text_element_role = TextElementPosition::Continuation; } else { let slice_start = self.ptr; let mut indent = 0; if text_element_role == TextElementPosition::LineStart { indent = self.skip_blank_inline(); if let Some(b) = get_current_byte!(self) { if indent == 0 { if b != &b'\r' && b != &b'\n' { break; } } else if !Self::is_byte_pattern_continuation(*b) { self.ptr = slice_start; break; } } else { break; } } let (start, end, text_element_type, termination_reason) = self.get_text_slice()?; if start != end { if text_element_role == TextElementPosition::LineStart && text_element_type == TextElementType::NonBlank { if let Some(common) = common_indent { if indent < common { common_indent = Some(indent); } } else { common_indent = Some(indent); } } if text_element_role != TextElementPosition::LineStart || text_element_type == TextElementType::NonBlank || termination_reason == TextElementTermination::LineFeed { if text_element_type == TextElementType::NonBlank { last_non_blank = Some(elements.len()); } elements.push(PatternElementPlaceholders::TextElement( slice_start, end, indent, text_element_role, )); } } text_element_role = match termination_reason { TextElementTermination::LineFeed => TextElementPosition::LineStart, TextElementTermination::CRLF => TextElementPosition::LineStart, TextElementTermination::PlaceableStart => TextElementPosition::Continuation, TextElementTermination::EOF => TextElementPosition::Continuation, }; } } if let Some(last_non_blank) = last_non_blank { let elements = elements .into_iter() .take(last_non_blank + 1) .enumerate() .map(|(i, elem)| match elem { PatternElementPlaceholders::Placeable(expression) => { ast::PatternElement::Placeable { expression } } PatternElementPlaceholders::TextElement(start, end, indent, role) => { let start = if role == TextElementPosition::LineStart { common_indent.map_or_else( || start + indent, |common_indent| start + std::cmp::min(indent, common_indent), ) } else { start }; let mut value = self.source.slice(start..end); if last_non_blank == i { value.trim(); } ast::PatternElement::TextElement { value } } }) .collect(); return Ok(Some(ast::Pattern { elements })); } Ok(None) } fn get_text_slice( &mut self, ) -> Result<(usize, usize, TextElementType, TextElementTermination)> { let start_pos = self.ptr; let mut text_element_type = TextElementType::Blank; while let Some(b) = get_current_byte!(self) { match b { b' ' => self.ptr += 1, b'\n' => { self.ptr += 1; return Ok(( start_pos, self.ptr, text_element_type, TextElementTermination::LineFeed, )); } b'\r' if self.is_byte_at(b'\n', self.ptr + 1) => { self.ptr += 1; return Ok(( start_pos, self.ptr - 1, text_element_type, TextElementTermination::CRLF, )); } b'{' => { return Ok(( start_pos, self.ptr, text_element_type, TextElementTermination::PlaceableStart, )); } b'}' => { return error!(ErrorKind::UnbalancedClosingBrace, self.ptr); } _ => { text_element_type = TextElementType::NonBlank; self.ptr += 1 } } } Ok(( start_pos, self.ptr, text_element_type, TextElementTermination::EOF, )) } }