use futures::executor::block_on; use futures::future::{join_all, ready, Future, JoinAll}; use futures::pin_mut; use std::fmt::Debug; #[track_caller] fn assert_done(actual_fut: impl Future, expected: T) where T: PartialEq + Debug, { pin_mut!(actual_fut); let output = block_on(actual_fut); assert_eq!(output, expected); } #[test] fn collect_collects() { assert_done(join_all(vec![ready(1), ready(2)]), vec![1, 2]); assert_done(join_all(vec![ready(1)]), vec![1]); // REVIEW: should this be implemented? // assert_done(join_all(Vec::::new()), vec![]); // TODO: needs more tests } #[test] fn join_all_iter_lifetime() { // In futures-rs version 0.1, this function would fail to typecheck due to an overly // conservative type parameterization of `JoinAll`. fn sizes(bufs: Vec<&[u8]>) -> impl Future> { let iter = bufs.into_iter().map(|b| ready::(b.len())); join_all(iter) } assert_done(sizes(vec![&[1, 2, 3], &[], &[0]]), vec![3_usize, 0, 1]); } #[test] fn join_all_from_iter() { assert_done(vec![ready(1), ready(2)].into_iter().collect::>(), vec![1, 2]) }