//! //! Library for Vulkan-like APIs to allocated descriptor sets //! from descriptor pools fast, with least overhead and zero fragmentation. //! //! Straightforward usage: //! ```ignore //! use gpu_descriptor::DescriptorAllocator; //! //! let mut allocator = DescriptorAllocator::new(max_update_after_bind_descriptors_in_all_pools); // Limit as dictated by API for selected hardware //! //! let result = allocator.allocate( //! device, // Implementation of `gpu_descriptor::DescriptorDevice`. Comes from plugins. //! layout, // Descriptor set layout recognized by device's type. //! flags, // Flags specified when layout was created. //! layout_descriptor_count, // Descriptors count in the layout. //! count, // count of sets to allocated. //! ); //! ``` //! #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)] #![warn( missing_docs, trivial_casts, trivial_numeric_casts, unused_extern_crates, unused_import_braces, unused_qualifications )] extern crate alloc; mod allocator; pub use {crate::allocator::*, gpu_descriptor_types::*};