#!/usr/bin/python import json read_filename = 'count/fuzzbug.json' write_count = 'badges/open-fuzzbug.json' open_fuzzbugs = 0 with open(read_filename, 'r') as f: filedata = json.load(f) # the open fuzzbug count. Can be deleted open_fuzzbugs = len([x for x in filedata if x['closed_at'] is None]) # Write fuzzbug count data = { "schemaVersion": 1, "label": "Open FuzzBugs", "message": str(open_fuzzbugs) if open_fuzzbugs > 0 else "None", "color": "green" if open_fuzzbugs == 0 else "yellow", } with open(write_count, 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4)