#!/usr/bin/python import json from datetime import datetime read_filename = 'count/fuzzbug.json' write_since = 'badges/since-last-fuzzbug.json' days_since = None with open(read_filename, 'r') as f: filedata = json.load(f) count = len(filedata) # the last time we saw a fuzzbug regardless of status if count > 0: dt_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" fuzzbug_opened = filedata[0]["created_at"] fuzzbug_date = datetime.strptime(fuzzbug_opened, dt_format) today = datetime.today() days_since = (today - fuzzbug_date).days # Write days since last fuzzbug def get_color(days): if days_since is None or days_since > 100: return "green" elif days_since > 10: return "yellow" else: return "red" data = { "schemaVersion": 1, "label": "Days since last FuzzBug", "message": str(days_since) if days_since is not None else "Forever", "color": get_color(days_since), } with open(write_since, 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4)