PY_OUT = js_parser/ HANDLER_FILE = crates/generated_parser/src/ HANDLER_INFO_OUT = jsparagus/emit/collect_handler_info/info.json RS_TABLES_OUT = crates/generated_parser/src/ RS_AST_OUT = crates/ast/src/ \ crates/ast/src/ \ crates/ast/src/ \ crates/ast/src/ \ crates/ast/src/ \ crates/generated_parser/src/ JSPARAGUS_DIR := $(dir $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) VENV_BIN_DIR := $(JSPARAGUS_DIR)jsparagus_build_venv/bin PYTHON := $(VENV_BIN_DIR)/python PIP := $(VENV_BIN_DIR)/pip all: $(PY_OUT) rust init-venv: python3 -m venv jsparagus_build_venv &&\ $(PIP) install --upgrade pip &&\ $(PIP) install -r requirements.txt init: init-venv git config core.hooksPath .githooks ECMA262_SPEC_HTML = ../tc39/ecma262/spec.html STANDARD_ES_GRAMMAR_OUT = js_parser/es.esgrammar # List of files which have a grammar_extension! Rust macro. The macro content is # scrapped to patch the extracted grammar. EXTENSION_FILES = \ # Incomplete list of files that contribute to the dump file. SOURCE_FILES = $(EXTENSION_FILES) \ jsparagus/ \ jsparagus/ \ jsparagus/ \ jsparagus/ \ jsparagus/ \ jsparagus/ \ jsparagus/ \ jsparagus/ \ jsparagus/ \ jsparagus/ \ js_parser/esgrammar.pgen \ js_parser/ \ js_parser/ \ js_parser/ \ js_parser/es-simplified.esgrammar EMIT_FILES = $(SOURCE_FILES) \ jsparagus/emit/ \ jsparagus/emit/ \ jsparagus/emit/ DUMP_FILE = js_parser/parser_generated.jsparagus_dump $(DUMP_FILE): $(SOURCE_FILES) $(PYTHON) -m js_parser.generate_js_parser_tables --progress -o $@ $(EXTENSION_FILES:%=--extend %) $(PY_OUT): $(EMIT_FILES) $(DUMP_FILE) $(PYTHON) -m js_parser.generate_js_parser_tables --progress -o $@ $(DUMP_FILE) $(HANDLER_INFO_OUT): jsparagus/emit/collect_handler_info/src/ $(HANDLER_FILE) (cd jsparagus/emit/collect_handler_info/; cargo run --bin collect_handler_info ../../../$(HANDLER_FILE) $(subst jsparagus/emit/collect_handler_info/,,$(HANDLER_INFO_OUT))) $(RS_AST_OUT): crates/ast/ast.json crates/ast/ (cd crates/ast && $(abspath $(PYTHON)) $(RS_TABLES_OUT): $(EMIT_FILES) $(DUMP_FILE) $(HANDLER_INFO_OUT) $(PYTHON) -m js_parser.generate_js_parser_tables --progress -o $@ $(DUMP_FILE) $(HANDLER_INFO_OUT) # This isn't part of the `all` target because it relies on a file that might # not be there -- it lives in a different git respository. $(STANDARD_ES_GRAMMAR_OUT): $(ECMA262_SPEC_HTML) $(PYTHON) -m js_parser.extract_es_grammar $(ECMA262_SPEC_HTML) > $@ || rm $@ rust: $(RS_AST_OUT) $(RS_TABLES_OUT) cargo build --all jsparagus/ $(PYTHON) -m jsparagus.parse_pgen --regenerate > $@ check: all static-check dyn-check dyn-check: ./ cargo fmt cargo test --all static-check: $(VENV_BIN_DIR)/mypy -p jsparagus -p tests -p js_parser jsdemo: $(PY_OUT) $(PYTHON) -m js_parser.try_it update-stencil: $(PYTHON) \ ../mozilla-unified ./ update-unicode: $(PYTHON) UNIDATA ./ smoosh-status: $(PYTHON) smoosh-status-ci: $(PYTHON) ci .PHONY: all check static-check dyn-check jsdemo rust update-opcodes-m-u smoosh-status smoosh-status-ci