#!/usr/bin/env python3 import io import re import unittest import typing import jsparagus from jsparagus import gen, lexer, rewrites from jsparagus.grammar import (Grammar, Production, CallMethod, Nt, Optional, LookaheadRule, NtDef, Var) from js_parser.parse_esgrammar import parse_esgrammar LispTokenizer = lexer.LexicalGrammar("( )", SYMBOL=r'[!%&*+:<=>?@A-Z^_a-z~]+') def prod(body, method_name): return Production(body, CallMethod(method_name, list(range(len(body))))) class GenTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def compile(self, tokenize, grammar, **kwargs): """Compile a grammar. Use this when you expect compilation to succeed.""" self.tokenize = tokenize self.parser_class = gen.compile(grammar, **kwargs) def parse(self, text, goal=None): if goal is None: parser = self.parser_class() else: parser = self.parser_class(goal=goal) lexer = self.tokenize(parser) lexer.write(text) return lexer.close() def compile_multi(self, tokenize, grammar): self.tokenize = tokenize obj = gen.compile_multi(grammar) for attr in dir(obj): if attr.startswith("parse_"): setattr(self, attr, getattr(obj, attr)) def assertParse(self, s, expected=None, *, goal=None): result = self.parse(s, goal=goal) if expected is not None: self.assertEqual(expected, result) def assertNoParse(self, s, *, goal=None, message="banana"): if goal is None: kwargs = {} else: kwargs = {"goal": goal} self.assertRaisesRegex( SyntaxError, re.escape(message), lambda: self.parse(s, **kwargs)) def testSimple(self): grammar = parse_esgrammar( """ expr : SYMBOL => $0 `(` tail tail : `)` => $0 expr tail """, terminal_names=["SYMBOL"] ) self.compile(LispTokenizer, grammar) self.assertParse( "(lambda (x) (* x x))", ('expr_1', '(', ('tail_1', 'lambda', ('tail_1', ('expr_1', '(', ('tail_1', 'x', ')')), ('tail_1', ('expr_1', '(', ('tail_1', '*', ('tail_1', 'x', ('tail_1', 'x', ')')))), ')'))))) def testEnd(self): self.compile( lexer.LexicalGrammar("ONE TWO"), Grammar({ 'goal': [ ['ONE', 'TWO'] ] }) ) self.assertNoParse("ONE TWO TWO", message="expected 'end of input', got 'TWO'") def testList(self): list_grammar = Grammar({ 'prelist': [ ['word', 'list'] ], 'list': [ ['word'], ['list', 'word'], ], 'word': [ ['SYMBOL'] ], }) self.compile(LispTokenizer, list_grammar) self.assertParse( "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog", ('prelist', 'the', ('list_1', ('list_1', ('list_1', ('list_1', ('list_1', ('list_1', ('list_1', 'quick', 'brown'), 'fox'), 'jumped'), 'over'), 'the'), 'lazy'), 'dog'))) def testArithmetic(self): tokenize = lexer.LexicalGrammar( "+ - * / ( )", NUM=r'[0-9]\w*', VAR=r'[A-Za-z]\w*') arith_grammar = Grammar({ 'expr': [ ['term'], ['expr', '+', 'term'], ['expr', '-', 'term'], ], 'term': [ ['prim'], ['term', '*', 'prim'], ['term', '/', 'prim'], ], 'prim': [ ['NUM'], ['VAR'], ['(', 'expr', ')'], ], }) self.compile(tokenize, arith_grammar) self.assertParse( '2 * 3 + 4 * (5 + 7)', ('expr_1', ('term_1', '2', '*', '3'), '+', ('term_1', '4', '*', ('prim_2', '(', ('expr_1', '5', '+', '7'), ')')))) self.assertNoParse( "(", message="unexpected end of input") self.assertNoParse( ")", message="expected one of ['(', 'NUM', 'VAR'], got ')'") def testAmbiguous(self): # This grammar should fail verification. # It's ambiguous: is ABC s(A)y(BC) or s(AB)y(C)? grammar = Grammar({ 'goal': [ ['s', 'y'], ], 's': [ ['A'], ['s', 'B'], ], 'y': [ ['C'], ['B', 'C'], ], }) out = io.StringIO() self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, r"conflict", lambda: gen.generate_parser(out, grammar)) def testAmbiguousEmpty(self): """Reject grammars that are ambiguous due to empty productions. (Empty productions are ones that match the empty string.)""" def check(rules): grammar = Grammar(rules, goal_nts=['goal']) out = io.StringIO() self.assertRaisesRegex( ValueError, r"ambiguous grammar|conflict", lambda: gen.generate_parser(out, grammar)) check({'goal': [[], []]}) check({'goal': [[Optional('X')], []]}) check({'goal': [[Optional('X')], [Optional('Y')]]}) check({'goal': [[Optional('X'), Optional('Y')], [Optional('Z')]]}) # Issue #3: This also has an abiguity; empty string matches either # `goal ::= [empty]` or `goal ::= phrase, phrase ::= [empty]`. check({ 'goal': [[Optional('phrase')]], 'phrase': [[Optional('X')]], }) # Input "X" is ambiguous, could be ('goal', ('a', None), ('a', 'X')) # or the other 'a' could be the one that's missing. check({ 'goal': [['a', 'a']], 'a': [[Optional('X')]], }) def testLeftFactor(self): """Most basic left-factoring test.""" tokenize = lexer.LexicalGrammar("A B") grammar = Grammar({ 'goal': [ ['A'], ['A', 'B'], ], }) self.compile(tokenize, grammar) self.assertParse("A", 'A') self.assertParse("A B", ('goal_1', 'A', 'B')) def testLeftFactorMulti(self): """Test left-factoring with common prefix of length >1.""" tokenize = lexer.LexicalGrammar("A B C D E") grammar = Grammar({ 'goal': [ ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], ['A', 'B', 'C', 'E'], ], }) self.compile(tokenize, grammar) self.assertParse( "A B C D", ('goal_0', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D')) self.assertParse( "A B C E", ('goal_1', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'E')) def testLeftFactorMultiLevel(self): """Test left-factoring again on a nonterminal introduced by left-factoring.""" tokenize = lexer.LexicalGrammar("FOR IN TO BY ( ) = ;", VAR=r'[A-Za-z]+') # The first left-factoring pass on `stmt` will left-factor `FOR ( VAR`. # A second pass is needed to left-factor `= expr TO expr`. grammar = Grammar({ 'stmt': [ ['expr', ';'], ['FOR', '(', 'VAR', 'IN', 'expr', ')', 'stmt'], ['FOR', '(', 'VAR', '=', 'expr', 'TO', 'expr', ')', 'stmt'], ['FOR', '(', 'VAR', '=', 'expr', 'TO', 'expr', 'BY', 'expr', ')', 'stmt'], ['IF', '(', 'expr', ')', 'stmt'], ], 'expr': [ ['VAR'], ], }) self.compile(tokenize, grammar) self.assertParse( "FOR (x IN y) z;", ('stmt_1', 'FOR', '(', 'x', 'IN', 'y', ')', ('stmt_0', 'z', ';'))) self.assertParse( "FOR (x = y TO z) x;", ('stmt_2', 'FOR', '(', 'x', '=', 'y', 'TO', 'z', ')', ('stmt_0', 'x', ';'))) self.assertParse( "FOR (x = y TO z BY w) x;", ('stmt_3', 'FOR', '(', 'x', '=', 'y', 'TO', 'z', 'BY', 'w', ')', ('stmt_0', 'x', ';'))) def testFirstFirstConflict(self): """This grammar is unambiguous, but is not LL(1) due to a first/first conflict. Cribbed from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17047370/94977 """ tokenize = lexer.LexicalGrammar("A B C") grammar = Grammar({ 's': [ ['x', 'B'], ['y', 'C'], ], 'x': [ prod(['A'], "x"), ], 'y': [ prod(['A'], "y"), ], }) self.compile(tokenize, grammar) self.assertParse("A B", ('s_0', ('x', 'A'), 'B')) self.assertParse("A C", ('s_1', ('y', 'A'), 'C')) def testLeftHandSideExpression(self): """Example of a grammar that's in SLR(1) but hard to smoosh into an LL(1) form. This is taken from the ECMAScript grammar. ...Of course, it's not really possible to enforce the desired syntactic restrictions in LR(k) either; the ES grammar matches `(x + y) = z` and an additional attribute grammar (IsValidSimpleAssignmentTarget) is necessary to rule it out. """ self.compile( lexer.LexicalGrammar("= +", VAR=r'[a-z]+\b'), Grammar({ 'AssignmentExpression': [ ['AdditiveExpression'], ['LeftHandSideExpression', '=', 'AssignmentExpression'], ], 'AdditiveExpression': [ ['LeftHandSideExpression'], ['AdditiveExpression', '+', 'LeftHandSideExpression'], ], 'LeftHandSideExpression': [ ['VAR'], ] }) ) self.assertParse("z = x + y") self.assertNoParse( "x + y = z", message="expected one of ['+', 'end of input'], got '='") def testDeepRecursion(self): grammar = Grammar({ 'expr': [ ['SYMBOL'], ['(', ')'], ['(', 'exprs', ')'], ], 'exprs': [ ['expr'], ['exprs', 'expr'], ], }) self.compile(LispTokenizer, grammar) N = 3000 s = "x" t = ('expr_0', 'x') for i in range(N): s = "(" + s + ")" t = ('expr_2', '(', t, ')') result = self.parse(s) # Python can't check that result == t; it causes a RecursionError. # Testing that repr(result) == repr(t), same deal. So: for i in range(N): self.assertIsInstance(result, tuple) self.assertEqual(len(result), 4) self.assertEqual(result[0], 'expr_2') self.assertEqual(result[1], '(') self.assertEqual(result[3], ')') result = result[2] def testExpandOptional(self): grammar = Grammar({'goal': [[]]}) empties = {} # Unit test for rewrites.expand_optional_symbols_in_rhs self.assertEqual( list(rewrites.expand_optional_symbols_in_rhs(['ONE', 'TWO', '3'], grammar, empties)), [(['ONE', 'TWO', '3'], {})]) self.assertEqual( list(rewrites.expand_optional_symbols_in_rhs( ['a', 'b', Optional('c')], grammar, empties)), [(['a', 'b'], {2: None}), (['a', 'b', 'c'], {})]) self.assertEqual( list(rewrites.expand_optional_symbols_in_rhs( [Optional('a'), Optional('b')], grammar, empties)), [([], {0: None, 1: None}), (['a'], {1: None}), (['b'], {0: None}), (['a', 'b'], {})]) def testEmptyGrammar(self): tokenize = lexer.LexicalGrammar("X") self.compile(tokenize, Grammar({'goal': [[]]})) self.assertParse("", ('goal',)) self.assertNoParse( "X", message="expected 'end of input', got 'X' (line 1)") def testOptionalEmpty(self): tokenize = lexer.LexicalGrammar("X Y") grammar = Grammar({ 'a': [ [Optional('b'), Optional('c')], ], 'b': [ prod(['X'], 'b'), ], 'c': [ prod(['Y'], 'c'), ] }) self.compile(tokenize, grammar) self.assertParse("", ('a', None, None)) self.assertParse("X", ('a', ('b', 'X'), None)) self.assertParse("Y", ('a', None, ('c', 'Y'))) self.assertParse("X Y", ('a', ('b', 'X'), ('c', 'Y'))) def testOptional(self): tokenize = lexer.LexicalGrammar('[ ] , X') grammar = Grammar({ 'array': [ ['[', Optional('elision'), ']'], ['[', 'elements', ']'], ['[', 'elements', ',', Optional('elision'), ']'] ], 'elements': [ [Optional('elision'), 'X'], ['elements', ',', Optional('elision'), 'X'] ], 'elision': [ [','], ['elision', ','] ] }) self.compile(tokenize, grammar) self.assertParse("[]", ('array_0', '[', None, ']')) self.assertParse("[,]", ('array_0', '[', ',', ']')) self.assertParse( "[,,X,,X,]", ('array_2', '[', ('elements_1', ('elements_0', ('elision_1', ',', ','), 'X'), ',', ',', 'X'), ',', None, ']')) def testPositiveLookahead(self): self.compile( lexer.LexicalGrammar('A B + ( )'), Grammar({ 'goal': [ [LookaheadRule(frozenset({'A', 'B'}), True), 'expr'], ], 'expr': [ ['term'], ['expr', '+', 'term'], ], 'term': [ ['A'], ['B'], ['(', 'expr', ')'], ] }) ) self.assertNoParse( "(A)", message="expected one of ['A', 'B'], got '('") self.assertParse("A + B") def testNegativeLookahead(self): tokenize = lexer.LexicalGrammar('a b') rules = { 'goal': [ [LookaheadRule(frozenset({'a'}), False), 'abs'], ], 'abs': [ ['a'], ['b'], ['abs', 'a'], ['abs', 'b'], ], } self.compile(tokenize, Grammar(rules)) self.assertNoParse("a b", message="expected 'b', got 'a'") self.assertParse( 'b a', ('goal', ('abs_2', 'b', 'a'))) # In simple cases like this, the lookahead restriction can even # disambiguate a grammar that would otherwise be ambiguous. rules['goal'].append(prod(['a'], 'goal_a')) self.compile(tokenize, Grammar(rules)) self.assertParse('a', ('goal_a', 'a')) def disabledNegativeLookaheadDisambiguation(self): tokenize = lexer.LexicalGrammar( '( ) { } ; function =', IDENT=r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*') grammar = Grammar({ 'stmts': [ ['stmt'], ['stmts', 'stmt'], ], 'stmt': [ [LookaheadRule(set=frozenset({'function'}), positive=False), 'expr', ';'], ['fndecl'], ], 'fndecl': [ ['function', 'IDENT', '(', ')', '{', Optional('stmt'), '}'], ], 'expr': [ ['term'], ['IDENT', '=', 'expr'], ], 'term': [ ['(', 'expr', ')'], ['fndecl'], ['term', '(', 'expr', ')'], ], }) self.compile(tokenize, grammar) # Test that without the lookahead restriction, we reject this grammar # (it's ambiguous): del grammar['stmt'][0][0] self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'banana', lambda: gen.compile(grammar)) self.assertParse( 'function f() { x = function y() {}; }', ('stmt', 1, ('fndecl', 'function', 'f', '(', ')', '{', ('stmt', 0, ('expr', 1, 'x', '=', ('expr', 0, ('term', 1, ('fndecl', 'function', 'y', '(', ')', '{', None, '}')))), ';')))) self.assertParse( '(function g(){});', ('stmts', 0, ('stmt', 0, ('term', 1, ('fndecl', 'function', 'g', '(', ')', '{', None, '}')), ';'))) def testTrailingLookahead(self): """Lookahead at the end of a production is banned.""" tokenize = lexer.LexicalGrammar('IF ( X ) ELSE OTHER ;') grammar = gen.Grammar({ 'goal': [['stmt']], 'stmt': [ ['OTHER', ';'], ['IF', '(', 'X', ')', 'stmt', LookaheadRule(frozenset({'ELSE'}), False)], ['IF', '(', 'X', ')', 'stmt', 'ELSE', 'stmt'], ], }) def stmt_0(): return ('stmt_0', 'OTHER', ';') def stmt_1(t): return ('stmt_1', 'IF', '(', 'X', ')', t) def stmt_2(t, e): return ('stmt_2', 'IF', '(', 'X', ')', t, 'ELSE', e) self.compile(tokenize, grammar) self.assertParse('IF(X) OTHER;', stmt_1(stmt_0())) self.assertParse('IF(X) OTHER; ELSE OTHER;', stmt_2(stmt_0(), stmt_0())) self.assertParse('IF(X) IF(X) OTHER; ELSE OTHER; ELSE OTHER;', stmt_2(stmt_2(stmt_0(), stmt_0()), stmt_0())) self.assertParse('IF(X) OTHER; ELSE IF(X) OTHER; ELSE OTHER;', stmt_2(stmt_0(), stmt_2(stmt_0(), stmt_0()))) self.assertParse('IF(X) IF(X) OTHER; ELSE OTHER;', stmt_1(stmt_2(stmt_0(), stmt_0()))) def testLookaheadBeforeOptional(self): self.compile( lexer.LexicalGrammar( '= : _', PUBLIC=r'public\b', IDENT=r'[a-z]+\b', NUM=r'[0-9]\b'), Grammar({ 'decl': [ [ LookaheadRule(frozenset({'IDENT'}), True), Optional('attrs'), 'pat', '=', 'NUM' ], ], 'attrs': [ ['attr'], ['attrs', 'attr'], ], 'attr': [ ['PUBLIC', ':'], ['IDENT', ':'], ], 'pat': [ ['IDENT'], ['_'], ], }) ) self.assertEqual( self.parse("x = 0"), ("decl", None, "x", "=", "0")) self.assertParse("thread: x = 0") self.assertNoParse( "public: x = 0", message="expected 'IDENT', got 'public'") self.assertNoParse("_ = 0", message="expected 'IDENT', got '_'") self.assertParse("funny: public: x = 0") self.assertParse("funny: _ = 0") def testForLookahead(self): grammar = Grammar({ 'Stmt': [ [';'], ['ForStmt'], ], 'ForStmt': [ ["for", "(", LookaheadRule(frozenset({"let"}), False), "Expr", ";", ";", ")", "Stmt"], ], 'Expr': [ ["0"], ["let"], ], }) self.compile(lexer.LexicalGrammar("for ( let ; ) 0"), grammar) self.assertParse("for (0;;) ;") self.assertNoParse("for (let;;) ;", message="expected '0', got 'let'") def testLookaheadDisambiguation(self): """A lookahead restriction should be able to rule out certain nonterminals entirely.""" grammar = Grammar({ 'Script': [ ['Statement'], ['Statement', 'Statement'], ], 'Statement': [ [LookaheadRule(frozenset({'function'}), False), 'Expression', ';'], ['Function'], ], 'Function': [ ['function', 'x', '(', ')', '{', '}'], ], 'Expression': [ ['Primary'], ['++', 'Primary'], ['Primary', '++'], ], 'Primary': [ ['Function'], ['x'], ], }) self.compile(lexer.LexicalGrammar("function x ( ) { } ++ ;"), grammar) self.assertParse("function x() {}") self.assertParse("++function x() {};") self.assertNoParse("++function x() {}", message="unexpected end") # TODO: The parser generator fails to handle this case because it does # not forward the restriction from producting a Function to the # Primitive rule. Therefore, `Function [lookahead: ;]` is incorrectly # reduced to a `Primitive [lookahead: ;]` # self.assertNoParse("function x() {}++;", message="got ';'") self.assertParse("function x() {} ++x;") # XXX to test: combination of lookaheads, ++, +-, -+, -- # XXX todo: find an example where lookahead canonicalization matters def testHugeExample(self): grammar = Grammar( { 'grammar': [['nt_def_or_blank_line'], ['grammar', 'nt_def_or_blank_line']], 'arg': [['sigil', 'NT']], 'args': [['arg'], ['args', ',', 'arg']], 'definite_sigil': [['~'], ['+']], 'exclusion': [['terminal'], ['nonterminal'], ['CHR', 'through', 'CHR']], 'exclusion_list': [['exclusion'], ['exclusion_list', 'or', 'exclusion']], 'ifdef': [['[', 'definite_sigil', 'NT', ']']], 'line_terminator': [['NT'], ['NTALT']], 'lookahead_assertion': [ ['==', 'terminal'], ['!=', 'terminal'], ['|U\+[0-9A-f]{4}', # nonterminals that will be followed by boolean parameters NTCALL=r'(?:uri|[A-Z])\w*(?=\[)', # nonterminals (also, boolean parameters) NT=r'(?:uri|[A-Z])\w*', # nonterminals wrapped in vertical bars for no apparent reason NTALT=r'\|[A-Z]\w+\|', # the spec also gives a few productions names PRODID=r'#[A-Za-z]\w*', # prose to the end of the line PROSE=r'>.*', # prose wrapped in square brackets WPROSE=r'\[>[^]]*\]', ) self.compile(emu_grammar_lexer, grammar) source = """\ IdentifierReference[Yield, Await] : Identifier [~Yield] `yield` [~Await] `await` """ self.assertParse(source) def testParameterizedProductions(self): passthru = ('Yield', Var('Yield')), name = Nt("name", passthru) stmt = Nt("stmt", passthru) stmts = Nt("stmts", passthru) grammar = Grammar({ 'script': [ ['def'], ['script', 'def'], ], 'def': [ [ 'function', 'IDENT', '(', ')', '{', Nt('stmts', (('Yield', False),)), '}' ], [ 'function', '*', 'IDENT', '(', ')', '{', Nt('stmts', (('Yield', True),)), '}' ], ], 'stmts': NtDef(('Yield',), [ [stmt], [stmts, stmt], ], None), 'stmt': NtDef(('Yield',), [ [name, "(", ")", ";"], [name, "=", name, ";"], Production(["yield", name, ";"], reducer=CallMethod("yield_stmt", [1]), condition=('Yield', True)), ], None), 'name': NtDef(('Yield',), [ ["IDENT"], # Specifically ask for a method here, because otherwise we # wouldn't get one and then type checking would fail. Production(["yield"], CallMethod("yield_as_name", []), condition=('Yield', False)), ], None), }, variable_terminals=["IDENT"]) self.compile(lexer.LexicalGrammar("( ) { } ; * = function yield", IDENT=r'[A-Za-z]\w*'), grammar) self.assertParse("function* farm() { cow = pig; yield cow; }") self.assertNoParse( "function city() { yield toOncomingTraffic; }", message="expected one of ['(', '='], got 'toOncomingTraffic'") self.assertNoParse( "function* farm() { yield = corn; yield yield; }", message="expected 'IDENT', got '='") def testMissingParameterError(self): grammar = { 'Foo': [ ['Bar'], ], 'Bar': NtDef(('Arg',), [ ['NUM'], Production(['STR'], reducer=0, condition=('Arg', True)), ], None), } self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "missing parameters for 'Bar'", lambda: Grammar(grammar)) def testCanonicalLR(self): """Example 4.39 (grammar 4.20) from the book.""" # Modified as marked below grammar = Grammar({ "S": [ ["L", "=", "R"], ["R"], ], "L": [ ["*", "R"], ["id"], ], "R": [ ["L"], # added so we can have a negative test, showing that # `R = R` is not an S: ["7"], ], }) self.compile(lexer.LexicalGrammar("id = * 7"), grammar) self.assertParse("id = *id") self.assertParse("*id = id") self.assertParse("id = 7") self.assertNoParse("7 = id", message="expected 'end of input', got '='") def testLookaheadWithCanonicalLR(self): """Only a lookahead assertion makes this grammar unambiguous.""" tokenize = lexer.LexicalGrammar("async => { } ;", Identifier=r'\w+') grammar = Grammar({ "script": [ ["Expression", ";"], ], "Expression": [ ["PrimaryExpression"], ["async", "Identifier", "=>", "AsyncConciseBody"], ], "AsyncConciseBody": [ [LookaheadRule(set=frozenset(["{"]), positive=False), "Expression"], ["{", "}"], ], "PrimaryExpression": [ ["{", "}"], ], }) self.compile(tokenize, grammar) self.assertParse("{};") self.assertParse("async x => {};") self.assertParse("async x => async y => {};") def testMultiGoal(self): tokenize = lexer.LexicalGrammar("WHILE DEF FN { } ( ) -> ;", ID=r'\w+') grammar = Grammar({ "stmt": [ ["expr", ";"], ["{", "stmts", "}"], ["WHILE", "(", "expr", ")", "stmt"], ["DEF", "ID", "(", "ID", ")", "{", Optional("stmts"), "}"], ], "stmts": [ ["stmt"], ["stmts", "stmt"], ], "expr": [ ["FN", "ID", "->", "expr"], ["call_expr"], ], "call_expr": [ ["ID"], ["call_expr", "(", "expr", ")"], ["(", "expr", ")"], ], }, goal_nts=["stmts", "expr"]) self.compile(tokenize, grammar) self.assertParse("WHILE ( x ) { decx ( x ) ; }", goal="stmts") self.assertNoParse( "WHILE ( x ) { decx ( x ) ; }", goal="expr", message="expected one of ['(', 'FN', 'ID'], got 'WHILE'") self.assertParse("f(x);", goal="stmts") self.assertNoParse("f(x);", goal="expr", message="expected 'end of input', got ';'") self.assertParse("(FN x -> f ( x ))(x)", goal="expr") self.assertNoParse("(FN x -> f ( x ))(x)", goal="stmts", message="unexpected end of input") def testStaggeredItems(self): """Items in a state can have different amounts of leading context.""" # In this example grammar, after "A" "B", we're in a state that # contains these two items (ignoring lookahead): # goal ::= "A" "B" · y # x ::= "B" · stars "X" # # Likewise, after `"A" "B" stars`, we have: # x ::= "B" stars · "X" # y ::= stars · "Y" # stars ::= stars · "*" tokenize = lexer.LexicalGrammar("A B * X Y") grammar = Grammar({ "goal": [ ["A", "x"], ["A", "B", "y"], ], "x": [ ["B", "stars", "X"], ], "y": [ ["stars", "Y"], ], "stars": [ ["*"], ["stars", "*"], ], }) self.compile(tokenize, grammar) self.assertParse("A B * * * X") self.assertParse("A B * * * Y") def testCheckCycleFree(self): tokenize = lexer.LexicalGrammar("!") grammar = Grammar({ "problem": [ ["one", "two"], ], "one": [ ["!"], ], "two": [ [Optional("problem")], ], }) self.compile(tokenize, grammar) self.assertParse("! ! ! ! !") def testReduceActions(self): tokenize = lexer.LexicalGrammar("+ - * / ( )", NUM=r'[0-9]\w*', VAR=r'[A-Za-z]\w*') grammar = Grammar({ "expr": [ ["term"], prod(["expr", "+", "term"], "add"), prod(["expr", "-", "term"], "sub"), ], "term": [ ["unary"], prod(["term", "*", "unary"], "mul"), prod(["term", "/", "unary"], "div"), ], "unary": [ ["prim"], prod(["-", "prim"], "neg"), ], "prim": [ prod(["(", "expr", ")"], "parens"), prod(["NUM"], "num"), prod(["VAR"], "var"), ], }, goal_nts=['expr']) self.compile(tokenize, grammar) self.assertParse("X", ('var', 'X')) self.assertParse("3 + 4", ('add', ('num', '3'), '+', ('num', '4'))) self.assertParse( "2 * 3 + 4 * (5 + 7)", ( 'add', ('mul', ('num', '2'), '*', ('num', '3')), '+', ( 'mul', ('num', '4'), '*', ('parens', '(', ('add', ('num', '5'), '+', ('num', '7')), ')')))) self.assertParse( "1 / (1 + 1 / (1 + 1 / (1 + 1)))", ( 'div', ('num', '1'), '/', ( 'parens', '(', ( 'add', ('num', '1'), '+', ( 'div', ('num', '1'), '/', ( 'parens', '(', ( 'add', ('num', '1'), '+', ( 'div', ('num', '1'), '/', ( 'parens', '(', ( 'add', ('num', '1'), '+', ('num', '1')), ')'))), ')'))), ')'))) def testConvenienceMethodTypeInference(self): """A method can be called only in an intermediate reduce expression.""" # The reduce expression `f(g($0))`. reducer = CallMethod("f", [CallMethod("g", [0])]) # The grammar `goal ::= NAME => f(g($1))`. grammar = Grammar( { 'goal': [Production(['NAME'], reducer)], }, variable_terminals=['NAME']) # Since the return value of f() is used as the value of a `goal`, # we infer that f() returns a goal. self.assertEqual( grammar.methods['f'].return_type, jsparagus.types.Type('goal')) # Since the return value of g() isn't used except as an argument, we # just give it the type `g`. self.assertEqual( grammar.methods['g'].return_type, jsparagus.types.Type('g')) # Since g() is passed to f(), we infer this: self.assertEqual( grammar.methods['f'].argument_types, [jsparagus.types.Type('g')]) def testEpsilonFreeTransform(self): tokenize = lexer.LexicalGrammar('{ } X') grammar = Grammar({ 'goal': [ ['{', 'xlist', '}'], ], 'xlist': [ [], ['xlist', 'X'], ], }) self.compile(tokenize, grammar) self.assertParse("{}", ('goal', '{', ('xlist_0',), '}')) def compile_as_js( self, grammar_source: str, goals: typing.Optional[typing.Iterable[str]] = None, verbose: bool = False, ) -> None: """Like self.compile(), but generate a parser from ESGrammar, with ASI support, using the JS lexer. """ from js_parser.lexer import JSLexer from js_parser import load_es_grammar from js_parser import generate_js_parser_tables grammar = parse_esgrammar( grammar_source, filename="es-simplified.esgrammar", extensions=[], goals=goals, synthetic_terminals=load_es_grammar.ECMASCRIPT_SYNTHETIC_TERMINALS, terminal_names=load_es_grammar.TERMINAL_NAMES_FOR_SYNTACTIC_GRAMMAR) grammar = generate_js_parser_tables.hack_grammar(grammar) base_parser_class = gen.compile(grammar, verbose=verbose) # "type: ignore" because poor mypy can't cope with the runtime codegen # we're doing here. class JSParser(base_parser_class): # type: ignore def __init__(self, goal='Script', builder=None): super().__init__(goal, builder) self._goal = goal # self.debug = True def clone(self): return JSParser(self._goal, self.methods) def on_recover(self, error_code, lexer, stv): """Check that ASI error recovery is really acceptable.""" if error_code == 'asi': if not self.closed and stv.term != '}' and not lexer.saw_line_terminator(): lexer.throw("missing semicolon") else: assert error_code == 'do_while_asi' self.tokenize = JSLexer self.parser_class = JSParser def testExtraGoal(self): grammar_source = """ StuffToIgnore_ThisWorksAroundAnUnrelatedBug: Identifier IdentifierName Hat : `^` ArrowFunction : `^` `=>` Hat `*` `=>` Script : `?` `?` ArrowFunction `?` `?` [lookahead ", goal='Script') self.assertParse("? ? ^ of", goal='Script') try_it(['Script', 'LazyArrowFunction']) try_it(['Script']) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()