# memoffset # [![](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/memoffset.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/memoffset) C-Like `offset_of` functionality for Rust structs. Introduces the following macros: * `offset_of!` for obtaining the offset of a member of a struct. * `offset_of_tuple!` for obtaining the offset of a member of a tuple. (Requires Rust 1.20+) * `offset_of_union!` for obtaining the offset of a member of a union. * `span_of!` for obtaining the range that a field, or fields, span. `memoffset` works under `no_std` environments. ## Usage ## Add the following dependency to your `Cargo.toml`: ```toml [dependencies] memoffset = "0.8" ``` These versions will compile fine with rustc versions greater or equal to 1.19. ## Examples ## ```rust use memoffset::{offset_of, span_of}; #[repr(C, packed)] struct Foo { a: u32, b: u32, c: [u8; 5], d: u32, } fn main() { assert_eq!(offset_of!(Foo, b), 4); assert_eq!(offset_of!(Foo, d), 4+4+5); assert_eq!(span_of!(Foo, a), 0..4); assert_eq!(span_of!(Foo, a .. c), 0..8); assert_eq!(span_of!(Foo, a ..= c), 0..13); assert_eq!(span_of!(Foo, ..= d), 0..17); assert_eq!(span_of!(Foo, b ..), 4..17); } ``` ## Usage in constants ## `memoffset` has support for compile-time `offset_of!` on rust>=1.65, or on older nightly compilers. ### Usage on stable Rust ### Constant evaluation is automatically enabled and avilable on stable compilers starting with rustc 1.65. This is an incomplete implementation with one caveat: Due to dependence on [`#![feature(const_refs_to_cell)]`](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/80384), you cannot get the offset of a `Cell` field in a const-context. This means that if need to get the offset of a cell, you'll have to remain on nightly for now. ### Usage on recent nightlies ### If you're using a new-enough nightly and you require the ability to get the offset of a `Cell`, you'll have to enable the `unstable_const` cargo feature, as well as enabling `const_refs_to_cell` in your crate root. Do note that `unstable_const` is an unstable feature that is set to be removed in a future version of `memoffset`. Cargo.toml: ```toml [dependencies.memoffset] version = "0.8" features = ["unstable_const"] ``` Your crate root: (`lib.rs`/`main.rs`) ```rust,ignore #![feature(const_refs_to_cell)] ``` ### Usage on older nightlies ### In order to use it on an older nightly compiler, you must enable the `unstable_const` crate feature and several compiler features. Your crate root: (`lib.rs`/`main.rs`) ```rust,ignore #![feature(const_ptr_offset_from, const_refs_to_cell)] ```