header = """/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */""" autogen_warning = """/* DO NOT MODIFY THIS MANUALLY! This file was generated using cbindgen. */ #ifndef mp4parse_rust_mp4parse_h #error "Don't include this file directly, instead include mp4parse.h" #endif """ include_version = true braces = "SameLine" line_length = 100 tab_width = 2 language = "C" cpp_compat = true [enum] rename_variants = "QualifiedScreamingSnakeCase" [defines] "feature = 3gpp" = "MP4PARSE_FEATURE_3GPP" "feature = meta-xml" = "MP4PARSE_FEATURE_META_XML" "feature = unstable-api" = "MP4PARSE_UNSTABLE_API" [parse] parse_deps = true include = ["mp4parse"] [export] # `mp4parse::Status` was previously defined as `mp4parse_capi::Mp4parseStatus`, # but now is referenced from `mp4parse_capi` via `pub use mp4parse::Status as Mp4parseStatus`, # the name `Status` does not appear in the public C API, so we must force its inclusion. # Similarly, we must force the inclusion of `mp4parse::Feature` as well. include = ["Status", "Feature"] [export.rename] # We need to declare these types in mp4parse, but we rename them in the generated # header to match mp4parse_capi naming conventions "Status" = "Mp4parseStatus" "Feature" = "Mp4parseFeature" "ParseStrictness" = "Mp4parseStrictness" "ImageSpatialExtentsProperty" = "Mp4parseImageSpatialExtents" "ImageRotation" = "Mp4parseIrot" "ImageMirror" = "Mp4parseImir" "Indice" = "Mp4parseIndice" "NclxColourInformation" = "Mp4parseNclxColourInformation"