//! Benchmark comparing the current GCD implemtation against an older one. #![feature(test)] extern crate num_integer; extern crate num_traits; extern crate test; use num_integer::Integer; use num_traits::{AsPrimitive, Bounded, Signed}; use test::{black_box, Bencher}; trait GcdOld: Integer { fn gcd_old(&self, other: &Self) -> Self; } macro_rules! impl_gcd_old_for_isize { ($T:ty) => { impl GcdOld for $T { /// Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of the number and /// `other`. The result is always positive. #[inline] fn gcd_old(&self, other: &Self) -> Self { // Use Stein's algorithm let mut m = *self; let mut n = *other; if m == 0 || n == 0 { return (m | n).abs(); } // find common factors of 2 let shift = (m | n).trailing_zeros(); // The algorithm needs positive numbers, but the minimum value // can't be represented as a positive one. // It's also a power of two, so the gcd can be // calculated by bitshifting in that case // Assuming two's complement, the number created by the shift // is positive for all numbers except gcd = abs(min value) // The call to .abs() causes a panic in debug mode if m == Self::min_value() || n == Self::min_value() { return (1 << shift).abs(); } // guaranteed to be positive now, rest like unsigned algorithm m = m.abs(); n = n.abs(); // divide n and m by 2 until odd // m inside loop n >>= n.trailing_zeros(); while m != 0 { m >>= m.trailing_zeros(); if n > m { std::mem::swap(&mut n, &mut m) } m -= n; } n << shift } } }; } impl_gcd_old_for_isize!(i8); impl_gcd_old_for_isize!(i16); impl_gcd_old_for_isize!(i32); impl_gcd_old_for_isize!(i64); impl_gcd_old_for_isize!(isize); impl_gcd_old_for_isize!(i128); macro_rules! impl_gcd_old_for_usize { ($T:ty) => { impl GcdOld for $T { /// Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of the number and /// `other`. The result is always positive. #[inline] fn gcd_old(&self, other: &Self) -> Self { // Use Stein's algorithm let mut m = *self; let mut n = *other; if m == 0 || n == 0 { return m | n; } // find common factors of 2 let shift = (m | n).trailing_zeros(); // divide n and m by 2 until odd // m inside loop n >>= n.trailing_zeros(); while m != 0 { m >>= m.trailing_zeros(); if n > m { std::mem::swap(&mut n, &mut m) } m -= n; } n << shift } } }; } impl_gcd_old_for_usize!(u8); impl_gcd_old_for_usize!(u16); impl_gcd_old_for_usize!(u32); impl_gcd_old_for_usize!(u64); impl_gcd_old_for_usize!(usize); impl_gcd_old_for_usize!(u128); /// Return an iterator that yields all Fibonacci numbers fitting into a u128. fn fibonacci() -> impl Iterator { (0..185).scan((0, 1), |&mut (ref mut a, ref mut b), _| { let tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b += tmp; Some(*b) }) } fn run_bench(b: &mut Bencher, gcd: fn(&T, &T) -> T) where T: AsPrimitive, u128: AsPrimitive, { let max_value: u128 = T::max_value().as_(); let pairs: Vec<(T, T)> = fibonacci() .collect::>() .windows(2) .filter(|&pair| pair[0] <= max_value && pair[1] <= max_value) .map(|pair| (pair[0].as_(), pair[1].as_())) .collect(); b.iter(|| { for &(ref m, ref n) in &pairs { black_box(gcd(m, n)); } }); } macro_rules! bench_gcd { ($T:ident) => { mod $T { use crate::{run_bench, GcdOld}; use num_integer::Integer; use test::Bencher; #[bench] fn bench_gcd(b: &mut Bencher) { run_bench(b, $T::gcd); } #[bench] fn bench_gcd_old(b: &mut Bencher) { run_bench(b, $T::gcd_old); } } }; } bench_gcd!(u8); bench_gcd!(u16); bench_gcd!(u32); bench_gcd!(u64); bench_gcd!(u128); bench_gcd!(i8); bench_gcd!(i16); bench_gcd!(i32); bench_gcd!(i64); bench_gcd!(i128);