//! Test if the OnceCell properly synchronizes. //! Needs to be run in release mode. //! //! We create a `Vec` with `N_ROUNDS` of `OnceCell`s. All threads will walk the `Vec`, and race to //! be the first one to initialize a cell. //! Every thread adds the results of the cells it sees to an accumulator, which is compared at the //! end. //! All threads should end up with the same result. use once_cell::sync::OnceCell; const N_THREADS: usize = 32; const N_ROUNDS: usize = 1_000_000; static CELLS: OnceCell>> = OnceCell::new(); static RESULT: OnceCell = OnceCell::new(); fn main() { let start = std::time::Instant::now(); CELLS.get_or_init(|| vec![OnceCell::new(); N_ROUNDS]); let threads = (0..N_THREADS).map(|i| std::thread::spawn(move || thread_main(i))).collect::>(); for thread in threads { thread.join().unwrap(); } println!("{:?}", start.elapsed()); println!("No races detected"); } fn thread_main(i: usize) { let cells = CELLS.get().unwrap(); let mut accum = 0; for cell in cells.iter() { let &value = cell.get_or_init(|| i); accum += value; } assert_eq!(RESULT.get_or_init(|| accum), &accum); }