# Makes error reporting in procedural macros nice and easy [![travis ci](https://travis-ci.org/CreepySkeleton/proc-macro-error.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/CreepySkeleton/proc-macro-error) [![docs.rs](https://docs.rs/proc-macro-error/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/proc-macro-error) [![unsafe forbidden](https://img.shields.io/badge/unsafe-forbidden-success.svg)](https://github.com/rust-secure-code/safety-dance/) This crate aims to make error reporting in proc-macros simple and easy to use. Migrate from `panic!`-based errors for as little effort as possible! Also, you can explicitly [append a dummy token stream][crate::dummy] to your errors. To achieve his, this crate serves as a tiny shim around `proc_macro::Diagnostic` and `compile_error!`. It detects the most preferable way to emit errors based on compiler's version. When the underlying diagnostic type is finally stabilized, this crate will be simply delegating to it, requiring no changes in your code! So you can just use this crate and have *both* some of `proc_macro::Diagnostic` functionality available on stable ahead of time and your error-reporting code future-proof. ```toml [dependencies] proc-macro-error = "1.0" ``` *Supports rustc 1.31 and up* [Documentation and guide][guide] ## Quick example Code: ```rust #[proc_macro] #[proc_macro_error] pub fn make_fn(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let mut input = TokenStream2::from(input).into_iter(); let name = input.next().unwrap(); if let Some(second) = input.next() { abort! { second, "I don't like this part!"; note = "I see what you did there..."; help = "I need only one part, you know?"; } } quote!( fn #name() {} ).into() } ``` This is how the error is rendered in a terminal:

And this is what your users will see in their IDE:

## Examples ### Panic-like usage ```rust use proc_macro_error::{ proc_macro_error, abort, abort_call_site, ResultExt, OptionExt, }; use proc_macro::TokenStream; use syn::{DeriveInput, parse_macro_input}; use quote::quote; // This is your main entry point #[proc_macro] // This attribute *MUST* be placed on top of the #[proc_macro] function #[proc_macro_error] pub fn make_answer(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let input = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput); if let Err(err) = some_logic(&input) { // we've got a span to blame, let's use it // This immediately aborts the proc-macro and shows the error // // You can use `proc_macro::Span`, `proc_macro2::Span`, and // anything that implements `quote::ToTokens` (almost every type from // `syn` and `proc_macro2`) abort!(err, "You made an error, go fix it: {}", err.msg); } // `Result` has some handy shortcuts if your error type implements // `Into`. `Option` has one unconditionally. more_logic(&input).expect_or_abort("What a careless user, behave!"); if !more_logic_for_logic_god(&input) { // We don't have an exact location this time, // so just highlight the proc-macro invocation itself abort_call_site!( "Bad, bad user! Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did!"); } // Now all the processing is done, return `proc_macro::TokenStream` quote!(/* stuff */).into() } ``` ### `proc_macro::Diagnostic`-like usage ```rust use proc_macro_error::*; use proc_macro::TokenStream; use syn::{spanned::Spanned, DeriveInput, ItemStruct, Fields, Attribute , parse_macro_input}; use quote::quote; fn process_attrs(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Vec { attrs .iter() .filter_map(|attr| match process_attr(attr) { Ok(res) => Some(res), Err(msg) => { emit_error!(attr, "Invalid attribute: {}", msg); None } }) .collect() } fn process_fields(_attrs: &Fields) -> Vec { // processing fields in pretty much the same way as attributes unimplemented!() } #[proc_macro] #[proc_macro_error] pub fn make_answer(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let input = parse_macro_input!(input as ItemStruct); let attrs = process_attrs(&input.attrs); // abort right now if some errors were encountered // at the attributes processing stage abort_if_dirty(); let fields = process_fields(&input.fields); // no need to think about emitted errors // #[proc_macro_error] will handle them for you // // just return a TokenStream as you normally would quote!(/* stuff */).into() } ``` ## Real world examples * [`structopt-derive`](https://github.com/TeXitoi/structopt/tree/master/structopt-derive) (abort-like usage) * [`auto-impl`](https://github.com/auto-impl-rs/auto_impl/) (emit-like usage) ## Limitations - Warnings are emitted only on nightly, they are ignored on stable. - "help" suggestions can't have their own span info on stable, (essentially inheriting the parent span). - If your macro happens to trigger a panic, no errors will be displayed. This is not a technical limitation but rather intentional design. `panic` is not for error reporting. ## MSRV policy `proc_macro_error` will always be compatible with proc-macro Holy Trinity: `proc_macro2`, `syn`, `quote` crates. In other words, if the Trinity is available to you - `proc_macro_error` is available too. > **Important!** > > If you want to use `#[proc_macro_error]` with `synstructure`, you're going > to have to put the attribute inside the `decl_derive!` invocation. Unfortunately, > due to some bug in pre-1.34 rustc, putting proc-macro attributes inside macro > invocations doesn't work, so your MSRV is effectively 1.34. ## Motivation Error handling in proc-macros sucks. There's not much of a choice today: you either "bubble up" the error up to the top-level of the macro and convert it to a [`compile_error!`][compl_err] invocation or just use a good old panic. Both these ways suck: - Former sucks because it's quite redundant to unroll a proper error handling just for critical errors that will crash the macro anyway; so people mostly choose not to bother with it at all and use panic. Simple `.expect` is too tempting. Also, if you do decide to implement this `Result`-based architecture in your macro you're going to have to rewrite it entirely once [`proc_macro::Diagnostic`][] is finally stable. Not cool. - Later sucks because there's no way to carry out the span info via `panic!`. `rustc` will highlight the invocation itself but not some specific token inside it. Furthermore, panics aren't for error-reporting at all; panics are for bug-detecting (like unwrapping on `None` or out-of-range indexing) or for early development stages when you need a prototype ASAP so error handling can wait. Mixing these usages only messes things up. - There is [`proc_macro::Diagnostic`][] which is awesome but it has been experimental for more than a year and is unlikely to be stabilized any time soon. This crate's API is intentionally designed to be compatible with `proc_macro::Diagnostic` and delegates to it whenever possible. Once `Diagnostics` is stable this crate will **always** delegate to it, no code changes will be required on user side. That said, we need a solution, but this solution must meet these conditions: - It must be better than `panic!`. The main point: it must offer a way to carry the span information over to user. - It must take as little effort as possible to migrate from `panic!`. Ideally, a new macro with similar semantics plus ability to carry out span info. - It must maintain compatibility with [`proc_macro::Diagnostic`][] . - **It must be usable on stable**. This crate aims to provide such a mechanism. All you have to do is annotate your top-level `#[proc_macro]` function with `#[proc_macro_error]` attribute and change panics to [`abort!`]/[`abort_call_site!`] where appropriate, see [the Guide][guide]. ## Disclaimer Please note that **this crate is not intended to be used in any way other than error reporting in procedural macros**, use `Result` and `?` (possibly along with one of the many helpers out there) for anything else.
#### License Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions. [compl_err]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/macro.compile_error.html [`proc_macro::Diagnostic`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/proc_macro/struct.Diagnostic.html [crate::dummy]: https://docs.rs/proc-macro-error/1/proc_macro_error/dummy/index.html [crate::multi]: https://docs.rs/proc-macro-error/1/proc_macro_error/multi/index.html [`abort_call_site!`]: https://docs.rs/proc-macro-error/1/proc_macro_error/macro.abort_call_site.html [`abort!`]: https://docs.rs/proc-macro-error/1/proc_macro_error/macro.abort.html [guide]: https://docs.rs/proc-macro-error