#!/bin/bash # Script which automates modifying source version fields, and creating a release # commit and tag. The commit and tag are not automatically pushed, nor are the # crates published (see publish-release.sh). set -ex if [ "$#" -ne 1 ] then echo "Usage: $0 " exit 1 fi DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" VERSION="$1" MINOR="$( echo ${VERSION} | cut -d\. -f1-2 )" VERSION_MATCHER="([a-z0-9\\.-]+)" PROST_CRATE_MATCHER="(prost|prost-[a-z]+)" # Update the README.md. sed -i -E "s/${PROST_CRATE_MATCHER} = \"${VERSION_MATCHER}\"/\1 = \"${MINOR}\"/" "$DIR/README.md" # Update html_root_url attributes. sed -i -E "s~html_root_url = \"https://docs\.rs/${PROST_CRATE_MATCHER}/$VERSION_MATCHER\"~html_root_url = \"https://docs.rs/\1/${VERSION}\"~" \ "$DIR/src/lib.rs" \ "$DIR/prost-derive/src/lib.rs" \ "$DIR/prost-build/src/lib.rs" \ "$DIR/prost-types/src/lib.rs" # Update Cargo.toml version fields. sed -i -E "s/^version = \"${VERSION_MATCHER}\"$/version = \"${VERSION}\"/" \ "$DIR/Cargo.toml" \ "$DIR/prost-derive/Cargo.toml" \ "$DIR/prost-build/Cargo.toml" \ "$DIR/prost-types/Cargo.toml" # Update Cargo.toml dependency versions. sed -i -E "s/^${PROST_CRATE_MATCHER} = \{ version = \"${VERSION_MATCHER}\"/\1 = { version = \"${VERSION}\"/" \ "$DIR/Cargo.toml" \ "$DIR/prost-derive/Cargo.toml" \ "$DIR/prost-build/Cargo.toml" \ "$DIR/prost-types/Cargo.toml" git commit -a -m "release ${VERSION}" git tag -a "v${VERSION}" -m "release ${VERSION}"