# Contributing to Serde CBOR Thanks for your interest! There are many ways to help: * write an issue about a problem you encountered * submit a pull request * add documentation and examples ## Pull Requests Code should be easy to understand and documented. For new features and fixed bugs please add a test to one of the files in `test/`. The tests are run on Travis CI to catch regressions early. Format your code with `cargo fmt` before committing. Currently Serde CBOR does not contain `unsafe` code and I would like to keep it this way. ## Making a Release * [ ] Make sure the crate compiles and all tests pass. * [ ] (Optional) Test that the fuzzer works and fuzz the crate for some time. * [ ] Write a list with all changes made since the last release * [ ] Increment the version number in `Cargo.toml` and the `README.md`. Bugfixes increase the patch version while new features or an increased minimum Rust version require a new minor version. * [ ] Check that the file `examples/readme.rs` and the example from the `README.md` match. * [ ] Commit the changes. * [ ] Add a git tag with the new version number: `git tag "v42.0.2"` * [ ] Push the changes: `git push --tags` * [ ] Run `cargo publish` * [ ] Add a new release to GitHub with a list of changes.