// These tests require the thread-local scoped dispatcher, which only works when // we have a standard library. The behaviour being tested should be the same // with the standard lib disabled. // // The alternative would be for each of these tests to be defined in a separate // file, which is :( #![cfg(feature = "std")] use tracing::{ debug, error, field::{debug, display}, info, subscriber::with_default, trace, warn, Level, }; use tracing_mock::*; macro_rules! event_without_message { ($name:ident: $e:expr) => { #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test)] #[test] fn $name() { let (subscriber, handle) = subscriber::mock() .event( event::mock().with_fields( field::mock("answer") .with_value(&42) .and( field::mock("to_question") .with_value(&"life, the universe, and everything"), ) .only(), ), ) .done() .run_with_handle(); with_default(subscriber, || { info!( answer = $e, to_question = "life, the universe, and everything" ); }); handle.assert_finished(); } }; } event_without_message! {event_without_message: 42} event_without_message! {wrapping_event_without_message: std::num::Wrapping(42)} event_without_message! {nonzeroi32_event_without_message: std::num::NonZeroI32::new(42).unwrap()} // needs API breakage //event_without_message!{nonzerou128_event_without_message: std::num::NonZeroU128::new(42).unwrap()} #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test)] #[test] fn event_with_message() { let (subscriber, handle) = subscriber::mock() .event(event::msg(format_args!( "hello from my event! yak shaved = {:?}", true ))) .done() .run_with_handle(); with_default(subscriber, || { debug!("hello from my event! yak shaved = {:?}", true); }); handle.assert_finished(); } #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test)] #[test] fn message_without_delims() { let (subscriber, handle) = subscriber::mock() .event( event::mock().with_fields( field::mock("answer") .with_value(&42) .and(field::mock("question").with_value(&"life, the universe, and everything")) .and(field::msg(format_args!( "hello from my event! tricky? {:?}!", true ))) .only(), ), ) .done() .run_with_handle(); with_default(subscriber, || { let question = "life, the universe, and everything"; debug!(answer = 42, question, "hello from {where}! tricky? {:?}!", true, where = "my event"); }); handle.assert_finished(); } #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test)] #[test] fn string_message_without_delims() { let (subscriber, handle) = subscriber::mock() .event( event::mock().with_fields( field::mock("answer") .with_value(&42) .and(field::mock("question").with_value(&"life, the universe, and everything")) .and(field::msg(format_args!("hello from my event"))) .only(), ), ) .done() .run_with_handle(); with_default(subscriber, || { let question = "life, the universe, and everything"; debug!(answer = 42, question, "hello from my event"); }); handle.assert_finished(); } #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test)] #[test] fn one_with_everything() { let (subscriber, handle) = subscriber::mock() .event( event::mock() .with_fields( field::mock("message") .with_value(&tracing::field::debug(format_args!( "{:#x} make me one with{what:.>20}", 4_277_009_102u64, what = "everything" ))) .and(field::mock("foo").with_value(&666)) .and(field::mock("bar").with_value(&false)) .and(field::mock("like_a_butterfly").with_value(&42.0)) .only(), ) .at_level(Level::ERROR) .with_target("whatever"), ) .done() .run_with_handle(); with_default(subscriber, || { tracing::event!( target: "whatever", Level::ERROR, { foo = 666, bar = false, like_a_butterfly = 42.0 }, "{:#x} make me one with{what:.>20}", 4_277_009_102u64, what = "everything" ); }); handle.assert_finished(); } #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test)] #[test] fn moved_field() { let (subscriber, handle) = subscriber::mock() .event( event::mock().with_fields( field::mock("foo") .with_value(&display("hello from my event")) .only(), ), ) .done() .run_with_handle(); with_default(subscriber, || { let from = "my event"; tracing::event!(Level::INFO, foo = display(format!("hello from {}", from))) }); handle.assert_finished(); } #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test)] #[test] fn dotted_field_name() { let (subscriber, handle) = subscriber::mock() .event( event::mock().with_fields( field::mock("foo.bar") .with_value(&true) .and(field::mock("foo.baz").with_value(&false)) .only(), ), ) .done() .run_with_handle(); with_default(subscriber, || { tracing::event!(Level::INFO, foo.bar = true, foo.baz = false); }); handle.assert_finished(); } #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test)] #[test] fn borrowed_field() { let (subscriber, handle) = subscriber::mock() .event( event::mock().with_fields( field::mock("foo") .with_value(&display("hello from my event")) .only(), ), ) .done() .run_with_handle(); with_default(subscriber, || { let from = "my event"; let mut message = format!("hello from {}", from); tracing::event!(Level::INFO, foo = display(&message)); message.push_str(", which happened!"); }); handle.assert_finished(); } #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test)] #[test] // If emitting log instrumentation, this gets moved anyway, breaking the test. #[cfg(not(feature = "log"))] fn move_field_out_of_struct() { use tracing::field::debug; #[derive(Debug)] struct Position { x: f32, y: f32, } let pos = Position { x: 3.234, y: -1.223, }; let (subscriber, handle) = subscriber::mock() .event( event::mock().with_fields( field::mock("x") .with_value(&debug(3.234)) .and(field::mock("y").with_value(&debug(-1.223))) .only(), ), ) .event(event::mock().with_fields(field::mock("position").with_value(&debug(&pos)))) .done() .run_with_handle(); with_default(subscriber, || { let pos = Position { x: 3.234, y: -1.223, }; debug!(x = debug(pos.x), y = debug(pos.y)); debug!(target: "app_events", { position = debug(pos) }, "New position"); }); handle.assert_finished(); } #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test)] #[test] fn display_shorthand() { let (subscriber, handle) = subscriber::mock() .event( event::mock().with_fields( field::mock("my_field") .with_value(&display("hello world")) .only(), ), ) .done() .run_with_handle(); with_default(subscriber, || { tracing::event!(Level::TRACE, my_field = %"hello world"); }); handle.assert_finished(); } #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test)] #[test] fn debug_shorthand() { let (subscriber, handle) = subscriber::mock() .event( event::mock().with_fields( field::mock("my_field") .with_value(&debug("hello world")) .only(), ), ) .done() .run_with_handle(); with_default(subscriber, || { tracing::event!(Level::TRACE, my_field = ?"hello world"); }); handle.assert_finished(); } #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test)] #[test] fn both_shorthands() { let (subscriber, handle) = subscriber::mock() .event( event::mock().with_fields( field::mock("display_field") .with_value(&display("hello world")) .and(field::mock("debug_field").with_value(&debug("hello world"))) .only(), ), ) .done() .run_with_handle(); with_default(subscriber, || { tracing::event!(Level::TRACE, display_field = %"hello world", debug_field = ?"hello world"); }); handle.assert_finished(); } #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test)] #[test] fn explicit_child() { let (subscriber, handle) = subscriber::mock() .new_span(span::mock().named("foo")) .event(event::mock().with_explicit_parent(Some("foo"))) .done() .run_with_handle(); with_default(subscriber, || { let foo = tracing::span!(Level::TRACE, "foo"); tracing::event!(parent: foo.id(), Level::TRACE, "bar"); }); handle.assert_finished(); } #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test)] #[test] fn explicit_child_at_levels() { let (subscriber, handle) = subscriber::mock() .new_span(span::mock().named("foo")) .event(event::mock().with_explicit_parent(Some("foo"))) .event(event::mock().with_explicit_parent(Some("foo"))) .event(event::mock().with_explicit_parent(Some("foo"))) .event(event::mock().with_explicit_parent(Some("foo"))) .event(event::mock().with_explicit_parent(Some("foo"))) .done() .run_with_handle(); with_default(subscriber, || { let foo = tracing::span!(Level::TRACE, "foo"); trace!(parent: foo.id(), "a"); debug!(parent: foo.id(), "b"); info!(parent: foo.id(), "c"); warn!(parent: foo.id(), "d"); error!(parent: foo.id(), "e"); }); handle.assert_finished(); } #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test)] #[test] fn option_values() { let (subscriber, handle) = subscriber::mock() .event( event::mock().with_fields( field::mock("some_str") .with_value(&"yes") .and(field::mock("some_bool").with_value(&true)) .and(field::mock("some_u64").with_value(&42_u64)) .only(), ), ) .done() .run_with_handle(); with_default(subscriber, || { let some_str = Some("yes"); let none_str: Option<&'static str> = None; let some_bool = Some(true); let none_bool: Option = None; let some_u64 = Some(42_u64); let none_u64: Option = None; trace!( some_str = some_str, none_str = none_str, some_bool = some_bool, none_bool = none_bool, some_u64 = some_u64, none_u64 = none_u64 ); }); handle.assert_finished(); } #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test)] #[test] fn option_ref_values() { let (subscriber, handle) = subscriber::mock() .event( event::mock().with_fields( field::mock("some_str") .with_value(&"yes") .and(field::mock("some_bool").with_value(&true)) .and(field::mock("some_u64").with_value(&42_u64)) .only(), ), ) .done() .run_with_handle(); with_default(subscriber, || { let some_str = &Some("yes"); let none_str: &Option<&'static str> = &None; let some_bool = &Some(true); let none_bool: &Option = &None; let some_u64 = &Some(42_u64); let none_u64: &Option = &None; trace!( some_str = some_str, none_str = none_str, some_bool = some_bool, none_bool = none_bool, some_u64 = some_u64, none_u64 = none_u64 ); }); handle.assert_finished(); } #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test)] #[test] fn option_ref_mut_values() { let (subscriber, handle) = subscriber::mock() .event( event::mock().with_fields( field::mock("some_str") .with_value(&"yes") .and(field::mock("some_bool").with_value(&true)) .and(field::mock("some_u64").with_value(&42_u64)) .only(), ), ) .done() .run_with_handle(); with_default(subscriber, || { let some_str = &mut Some("yes"); let none_str: &mut Option<&'static str> = &mut None; let some_bool = &mut Some(true); let none_bool: &mut Option = &mut None; let some_u64 = &mut Some(42_u64); let none_u64: &mut Option = &mut None; trace!( some_str = some_str, none_str = none_str, some_bool = some_bool, none_bool = none_bool, some_u64 = some_u64, none_u64 = none_u64 ); }); handle.assert_finished(); } #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test)] #[test] fn string_field() { let (subscriber, handle) = subscriber::mock() .event(event::mock().with_fields(field::mock("my_string").with_value(&"hello").only())) .event( event::mock().with_fields(field::mock("my_string").with_value(&"hello world!").only()), ) .done() .run_with_handle(); with_default(subscriber, || { let mut my_string = String::from("hello"); tracing::event!(Level::INFO, my_string); // the string is not moved by using it as a field! my_string.push_str(" world!"); tracing::event!(Level::INFO, my_string); }); handle.assert_finished(); }