use crate::{ device::{DeviceError, HostMap, MissingDownlevelFlags, MissingFeatures}, hub::{Global, GlobalIdentityHandlerFactory, HalApi, Resource, Token}, id::{AdapterId, DeviceId, SurfaceId, TextureId, Valid}, init_tracker::{BufferInitTracker, TextureInitTracker}, track::TextureSelector, validation::MissingBufferUsageError, Label, LifeGuard, RefCount, Stored, }; use smallvec::SmallVec; use thiserror::Error; use std::{borrow::Borrow, ops::Range, ptr::NonNull}; /// The status code provided to the buffer mapping callback. /// /// This is very similar to `BufferAccessResult`, except that this is FFI-friendly. #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub enum BufferMapAsyncStatus { /// The Buffer is sucessfully mapped, `get_mapped_range` can be called. /// /// All other variants of this enum represent failures to map the buffer. Success, /// The buffer is already mapped. /// /// While this is treated as an error, it does not prevent mapped range from being accessed. AlreadyMapped, /// Mapping was already requested. MapAlreadyPending, /// An unknown error. Error, /// Mapping was aborted (by unmapping or destroying the buffer before mapping /// happened). Aborted, /// The context is Lost. ContextLost, /// The buffer is in an invalid state. Invalid, /// The range isn't fully contained in the buffer. InvalidRange, /// The range isn't properly aligned. InvalidAlignment, /// Incompatible usage flags. InvalidUsageFlags, } pub(crate) enum BufferMapState { /// Mapped at creation. Init { ptr: NonNull, stage_buffer: A::Buffer, needs_flush: bool, }, /// Waiting for GPU to be done before mapping Waiting(BufferPendingMapping), /// Mapped Active { ptr: NonNull, range: hal::MemoryRange, host: HostMap, }, /// Not mapped Idle, } unsafe impl Send for BufferMapState {} unsafe impl Sync for BufferMapState {} #[repr(C)] pub struct BufferMapCallbackC { pub callback: unsafe extern "C" fn(status: BufferMapAsyncStatus, user_data: *mut u8), pub user_data: *mut u8, } unsafe impl Send for BufferMapCallbackC {} pub struct BufferMapCallback { // We wrap this so creating the enum in the C variant can be unsafe, // allowing our call function to be safe. inner: Option, } enum BufferMapCallbackInner { Rust { callback: Box, }, C { inner: BufferMapCallbackC, }, } impl BufferMapCallback { pub fn from_rust(callback: Box) -> Self { Self { inner: Some(BufferMapCallbackInner::Rust { callback }), } } /// # Safety /// /// - The callback pointer must be valid to call with the provided user_data /// pointer. /// /// - Both pointers must point to valid memory until the callback is /// invoked, which may happen at an unspecified time. pub unsafe fn from_c(inner: BufferMapCallbackC) -> Self { Self { inner: Some(BufferMapCallbackInner::C { inner }), } } pub(crate) fn call(mut self, result: BufferAccessResult) { match self.inner.take() { Some(BufferMapCallbackInner::Rust { callback }) => { callback(result); } // SAFETY: the contract of the call to from_c says that this unsafe is sound. Some(BufferMapCallbackInner::C { inner }) => unsafe { let status = match result { Ok(()) => BufferMapAsyncStatus::Success, Err(BufferAccessError::Device(_)) => BufferMapAsyncStatus::ContextLost, Err(BufferAccessError::Invalid) | Err(BufferAccessError::Destroyed) => { BufferMapAsyncStatus::Invalid } Err(BufferAccessError::AlreadyMapped) => BufferMapAsyncStatus::AlreadyMapped, Err(BufferAccessError::MapAlreadyPending) => { BufferMapAsyncStatus::MapAlreadyPending } Err(BufferAccessError::MissingBufferUsage(_)) => { BufferMapAsyncStatus::InvalidUsageFlags } Err(BufferAccessError::UnalignedRange) | Err(BufferAccessError::UnalignedRangeSize { .. }) | Err(BufferAccessError::UnalignedOffset { .. }) => { BufferMapAsyncStatus::InvalidAlignment } Err(BufferAccessError::OutOfBoundsUnderrun { .. }) | Err(BufferAccessError::OutOfBoundsOverrun { .. }) | Err(BufferAccessError::NegativeRange { .. }) => { BufferMapAsyncStatus::InvalidRange } Err(_) => BufferMapAsyncStatus::Error, }; (inner.callback)(status, inner.user_data); }, None => { panic!("Map callback invoked twice"); } } } } impl Drop for BufferMapCallback { fn drop(&mut self) { if self.inner.is_some() { panic!("Map callback was leaked"); } } } pub struct BufferMapOperation { pub host: HostMap, pub callback: BufferMapCallback, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)] #[non_exhaustive] pub enum BufferAccessError { #[error(transparent)] Device(#[from] DeviceError), #[error("Buffer map failed")] Failed, #[error("Buffer is invalid")] Invalid, #[error("Buffer is destroyed")] Destroyed, #[error("Buffer is already mapped")] AlreadyMapped, #[error("Buffer map is pending")] MapAlreadyPending, #[error(transparent)] MissingBufferUsage(#[from] MissingBufferUsageError), #[error("Buffer is not mapped")] NotMapped, #[error( "Buffer map range must start aligned to `MAP_ALIGNMENT` and end to `COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT`" )] UnalignedRange, #[error("Buffer offset invalid: offset {offset} must be multiple of 8")] UnalignedOffset { offset: wgt::BufferAddress }, #[error("Buffer range size invalid: range_size {range_size} must be multiple of 4")] UnalignedRangeSize { range_size: wgt::BufferAddress }, #[error("Buffer access out of bounds: index {index} would underrun the buffer (limit: {min})")] OutOfBoundsUnderrun { index: wgt::BufferAddress, min: wgt::BufferAddress, }, #[error( "Buffer access out of bounds: last index {index} would overrun the buffer (limit: {max})" )] OutOfBoundsOverrun { index: wgt::BufferAddress, max: wgt::BufferAddress, }, #[error("Buffer map range start {start} is greater than end {end}")] NegativeRange { start: wgt::BufferAddress, end: wgt::BufferAddress, }, #[error("Buffer map aborted")] MapAborted, } pub type BufferAccessResult = Result<(), BufferAccessError>; pub(crate) struct BufferPendingMapping { pub range: Range, pub op: BufferMapOperation, // hold the parent alive while the mapping is active pub _parent_ref_count: RefCount, } pub type BufferDescriptor<'a> = wgt::BufferDescriptor>; pub struct Buffer { pub(crate) raw: Option, pub(crate) device_id: Stored, pub(crate) usage: wgt::BufferUsages, pub(crate) size: wgt::BufferAddress, pub(crate) initialization_status: BufferInitTracker, pub(crate) sync_mapped_writes: Option, pub(crate) life_guard: LifeGuard, pub(crate) map_state: BufferMapState, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)] #[non_exhaustive] pub enum CreateBufferError { #[error(transparent)] Device(#[from] DeviceError), #[error("Failed to map buffer while creating: {0}")] AccessError(#[from] BufferAccessError), #[error("Buffers that are mapped at creation have to be aligned to `COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT`")] UnalignedSize, #[error("Invalid usage flags {0:?}")] InvalidUsage(wgt::BufferUsages), #[error("`MAP` usage can only be combined with the opposite `COPY`, requested {0:?}")] UsageMismatch(wgt::BufferUsages), #[error("Buffer size {requested} is greater than the maximum buffer size ({maximum})")] MaxBufferSize { requested: u64, maximum: u64 }, #[error(transparent)] MissingDownlevelFlags(#[from] MissingDownlevelFlags), } impl Resource for Buffer { const TYPE: &'static str = "Buffer"; fn life_guard(&self) -> &LifeGuard { &self.life_guard } } /// A temporary buffer, consumed by the command that uses it. /// /// A [`StagingBuffer`] is designed for one-shot uploads of data to the GPU. It /// is always created mapped, and the command that uses it destroys the buffer /// when it is done. /// /// [`StagingBuffer`]s can be created with [`queue_create_staging_buffer`] and /// used with [`queue_write_staging_buffer`]. They are also used internally by /// operations like [`queue_write_texture`] that need to upload data to the GPU, /// but that don't belong to any particular wgpu command buffer. /// /// Used `StagingBuffer`s are accumulated in [`Device::pending_writes`], to be /// freed once their associated operation's queue submission has finished /// execution. /// /// [`queue_create_staging_buffer`]: Global::queue_create_staging_buffer /// [`queue_write_staging_buffer`]: Global::queue_write_staging_buffer /// [`queue_write_texture`]: Global::queue_write_texture /// [`Device::pending_writes`]: crate::device::Device pub struct StagingBuffer { pub(crate) raw: A::Buffer, pub(crate) size: wgt::BufferAddress, pub(crate) is_coherent: bool, } impl Resource for StagingBuffer { const TYPE: &'static str = "StagingBuffer"; fn life_guard(&self) -> &LifeGuard { unreachable!() } fn label(&self) -> &str { "" } } pub type TextureDescriptor<'a> = wgt::TextureDescriptor, Vec>; #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) enum TextureInner { Native { raw: Option, }, Surface { raw: A::SurfaceTexture, parent_id: Valid, has_work: bool, }, } impl TextureInner { pub fn as_raw(&self) -> Option<&A::Texture> { match *self { Self::Native { raw: Some(ref tex) } => Some(tex), Self::Native { raw: None } => None, Self::Surface { ref raw, .. } => Some(raw.borrow()), } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum TextureClearMode { BufferCopy, // View for clear via RenderPass for every subsurface (mip/layer/slice) RenderPass { clear_views: SmallVec<[A::TextureView; 1]>, is_color: bool, }, // Texture can't be cleared, attempting to do so will cause panic. // (either because it is impossible for the type of texture or it is being destroyed) None, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Texture { pub(crate) inner: TextureInner, pub(crate) device_id: Stored, pub(crate) desc: wgt::TextureDescriptor<(), Vec>, pub(crate) hal_usage: hal::TextureUses, pub(crate) format_features: wgt::TextureFormatFeatures, pub(crate) initialization_status: TextureInitTracker, pub(crate) full_range: TextureSelector, pub(crate) life_guard: LifeGuard, pub(crate) clear_mode: TextureClearMode, } impl Texture { pub(crate) fn get_clear_view(&self, mip_level: u32, depth_or_layer: u32) -> &A::TextureView { match self.clear_mode { TextureClearMode::BufferCopy => { panic!("Given texture is cleared with buffer copies, not render passes") } TextureClearMode::None => { panic!("Given texture can't be cleared") } TextureClearMode::RenderPass { ref clear_views, .. } => { let index = if self.desc.dimension == wgt::TextureDimension::D3 { (0..mip_level).fold(0, |acc, mip| { acc + (self.desc.size.depth_or_array_layers >> mip).max(1) }) } else { mip_level * self.desc.size.depth_or_array_layers } + depth_or_layer; &clear_views[index as usize] } } } } impl Global { /// # Safety /// /// - The raw texture handle must not be manually destroyed pub unsafe fn texture_as_hal)>( &self, id: TextureId, hal_texture_callback: F, ) { profiling::scope!("Texture::as_hal"); let hub = A::hub(self); let mut token = Token::root(); let (guard, _) = token); let texture = guard.try_get(id).ok().flatten(); let hal_texture = texture.and_then(|tex| tex.inner.as_raw()); hal_texture_callback(hal_texture); } /// # Safety /// /// - The raw adapter handle must not be manually destroyed pub unsafe fn adapter_as_hal) -> R, R>( &self, id: AdapterId, hal_adapter_callback: F, ) -> R { profiling::scope!("Adapter::as_hal"); let hub = A::hub(self); let mut token = Token::root(); let (guard, _) = token); let adapter = guard.try_get(id).ok().flatten(); let hal_adapter =|adapter| &adapter.raw.adapter); hal_adapter_callback(hal_adapter) } /// # Safety /// /// - The raw device handle must not be manually destroyed pub unsafe fn device_as_hal) -> R, R>( &self, id: DeviceId, hal_device_callback: F, ) -> R { profiling::scope!("Device::as_hal"); let hub = A::hub(self); let mut token = Token::root(); let (guard, _) = token); let device = guard.try_get(id).ok().flatten(); let hal_device =|device| &device.raw); hal_device_callback(hal_device) } /// # Safety /// - The raw surface handle must not be manually destroyed pub unsafe fn surface_as_hal_mut) -> R, R>( &self, id: SurfaceId, hal_surface_callback: F, ) -> R { profiling::scope!("Surface::as_hal_mut"); let mut token = Token::root(); let (mut guard, _) = self.surfaces.write(&mut token); let surface = guard.get_mut(id).ok(); let hal_surface = surface .and_then(|surface| A::get_surface_mut(surface)) .map(|surface| &mut surface.raw); hal_surface_callback(hal_surface) } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub enum TextureErrorDimension { X, Y, Z, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)] #[non_exhaustive] pub enum TextureDimensionError { #[error("Dimension {0:?} is zero")] Zero(TextureErrorDimension), #[error("Dimension {dim:?} value {given} exceeds the limit of {limit}")] LimitExceeded { dim: TextureErrorDimension, given: u32, limit: u32, }, #[error("Sample count {0} is invalid")] InvalidSampleCount(u32), #[error("Width {width} is not a multiple of {format:?}'s block width ({block_width})")] NotMultipleOfBlockWidth { width: u32, block_width: u32, format: wgt::TextureFormat, }, #[error("Height {height} is not a multiple of {format:?}'s block height ({block_height})")] NotMultipleOfBlockHeight { height: u32, block_height: u32, format: wgt::TextureFormat, }, #[error("Multisampled texture depth or array layers must be 1, got {0}")] MultisampledDepthOrArrayLayer(u32), } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)] #[non_exhaustive] pub enum CreateTextureError { #[error(transparent)] Device(#[from] DeviceError), #[error("Invalid usage flags {0:?}")] InvalidUsage(wgt::TextureUsages), #[error(transparent)] InvalidDimension(#[from] TextureDimensionError), #[error("Depth texture ({1:?}) can't be created as {0:?}")] InvalidDepthDimension(wgt::TextureDimension, wgt::TextureFormat), #[error("Compressed texture ({1:?}) can't be created as {0:?}")] InvalidCompressedDimension(wgt::TextureDimension, wgt::TextureFormat), #[error( "Texture descriptor mip level count {requested} is invalid, maximum allowed is {maximum}" )] InvalidMipLevelCount { requested: u32, maximum: u32 }, #[error( "Texture usages {0:?} are not allowed on a texture of type {1:?}{}", if *.2 { " due to downlevel restrictions" } else { "" } )] InvalidFormatUsages(wgt::TextureUsages, wgt::TextureFormat, bool), #[error("The view format {0:?} is not compatible with texture format {1:?}, only changing srgb-ness is allowed.")] InvalidViewFormat(wgt::TextureFormat, wgt::TextureFormat), #[error("Texture usages {0:?} are not allowed on a texture of dimensions {1:?}")] InvalidDimensionUsages(wgt::TextureUsages, wgt::TextureDimension), #[error("Texture usage STORAGE_BINDING is not allowed for multisampled textures")] InvalidMultisampledStorageBinding, #[error("Format {0:?} does not support multisampling")] InvalidMultisampledFormat(wgt::TextureFormat), #[error("Sample count {0} is not supported by format {1:?} on this device. It may be supported by your adapter through the TEXTURE_ADAPTER_SPECIFIC_FORMAT_FEATURES feature.")] InvalidSampleCount(u32, wgt::TextureFormat), #[error("Multisampled textures must have RENDER_ATTACHMENT usage")] MultisampledNotRenderAttachment, #[error("Texture format {0:?} can't be used due to missing features")] MissingFeatures(wgt::TextureFormat, #[source] MissingFeatures), #[error(transparent)] MissingDownlevelFlags(#[from] MissingDownlevelFlags), } impl Resource for Texture { const TYPE: &'static str = "Texture"; fn life_guard(&self) -> &LifeGuard { &self.life_guard } } impl Borrow for Texture { fn borrow(&self) -> &TextureSelector { &self.full_range } } /// Describes a [`TextureView`]. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "trace", derive(serde::Serialize))] #[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(serde::Deserialize), serde(default))] pub struct TextureViewDescriptor<'a> { /// Debug label of the texture view. /// /// This will show up in graphics debuggers for easy identification. pub label: Label<'a>, /// Format of the texture view, or `None` for the same format as the texture /// itself. /// /// At this time, it must be the same the underlying format of the texture. pub format: Option, /// The dimension of the texture view. /// /// - For 1D textures, this must be `D1`. /// - For 2D textures it must be one of `D2`, `D2Array`, `Cube`, or `CubeArray`. /// - For 3D textures it must be `D3`. pub dimension: Option, /// Range within the texture that is accessible via this view. pub range: wgt::ImageSubresourceRange, } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct HalTextureViewDescriptor { pub format: wgt::TextureFormat, pub dimension: wgt::TextureViewDimension, pub range: wgt::ImageSubresourceRange, } impl HalTextureViewDescriptor { pub fn aspects(&self) -> hal::FormatAspects { hal::FormatAspects::new(self.format, self.range.aspect) } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Error)] pub enum TextureViewNotRenderableReason { #[error("The texture this view references doesn't include the RENDER_ATTACHMENT usage. Provided usages: {0:?}")] Usage(wgt::TextureUsages), #[error("The dimension of this texture view is not 2D. View dimension: {0:?}")] Dimension(wgt::TextureViewDimension), #[error("This texture view has more than one mipmap level. View mipmap levels: {0:?}")] MipLevelCount(u32), #[error("This texture view has more than one array layer. View array layers: {0:?}")] ArrayLayerCount(u32), #[error( "The aspects of this texture view are a subset of the aspects in the original texture. Aspects: {0:?}" )] Aspects(hal::FormatAspects), } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct TextureView { pub(crate) raw: A::TextureView, // The parent's refcount is held alive, but the parent may still be deleted // if it's a surface texture. TODO: make this cleaner. pub(crate) parent_id: Stored, pub(crate) device_id: Stored, //TODO: store device_id for quick access? pub(crate) desc: HalTextureViewDescriptor, pub(crate) format_features: wgt::TextureFormatFeatures, /// This is `Err` only if the texture view is not renderable pub(crate) render_extent: Result, pub(crate) samples: u32, pub(crate) selector: TextureSelector, pub(crate) life_guard: LifeGuard, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)] #[non_exhaustive] pub enum CreateTextureViewError { #[error("Parent texture is invalid or destroyed")] InvalidTexture, #[error("Not enough memory left")] OutOfMemory, #[error("Invalid texture view dimension `{view:?}` with texture of dimension `{texture:?}`")] InvalidTextureViewDimension { view: wgt::TextureViewDimension, texture: wgt::TextureDimension, }, #[error("Invalid texture view dimension `{0:?}` of a multisampled texture")] InvalidMultisampledTextureViewDimension(wgt::TextureViewDimension), #[error("Invalid texture depth `{depth}` for texture view of dimension `Cubemap`. Cubemap views must use images of size 6.")] InvalidCubemapTextureDepth { depth: u32 }, #[error("Invalid texture depth `{depth}` for texture view of dimension `CubemapArray`. Cubemap views must use images with sizes which are a multiple of 6.")] InvalidCubemapArrayTextureDepth { depth: u32 }, #[error("Source texture width and height must be equal for a texture view of dimension `Cube`/`CubeArray`")] InvalidCubeTextureViewSize, #[error("Mip level count is 0")] ZeroMipLevelCount, #[error("Array layer count is 0")] ZeroArrayLayerCount, #[error( "TextureView mip level count + base mip level {requested} must be <= Texture mip level count {total}" )] TooManyMipLevels { requested: u32, total: u32 }, #[error("TextureView array layer count + base array layer {requested} must be <= Texture depth/array layer count {total}")] TooManyArrayLayers { requested: u32, total: u32 }, #[error("Requested array layer count {requested} is not valid for the target view dimension {dim:?}")] InvalidArrayLayerCount { requested: u32, dim: wgt::TextureViewDimension, }, #[error("Aspect {requested_aspect:?} is not in the source texture format {texture_format:?}")] InvalidAspect { texture_format: wgt::TextureFormat, requested_aspect: wgt::TextureAspect, }, #[error("Unable to view texture {texture:?} as {view:?}")] FormatReinterpretation { texture: wgt::TextureFormat, view: wgt::TextureFormat, }, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)] #[non_exhaustive] pub enum TextureViewDestroyError {} impl Resource for TextureView { const TYPE: &'static str = "TextureView"; fn life_guard(&self) -> &LifeGuard { &self.life_guard } } /// Describes a [`Sampler`] #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "trace", derive(serde::Serialize))] #[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(serde::Deserialize))] pub struct SamplerDescriptor<'a> { /// Debug label of the sampler. /// /// This will show up in graphics debuggers for easy identification. pub label: Label<'a>, /// How to deal with out of bounds accesses in the u (i.e. x) direction pub address_modes: [wgt::AddressMode; 3], /// How to filter the texture when it needs to be magnified (made larger) pub mag_filter: wgt::FilterMode, /// How to filter the texture when it needs to be minified (made smaller) pub min_filter: wgt::FilterMode, /// How to filter between mip map levels pub mipmap_filter: wgt::FilterMode, /// Minimum level of detail (i.e. mip level) to use pub lod_min_clamp: f32, /// Maximum level of detail (i.e. mip level) to use pub lod_max_clamp: f32, /// If this is enabled, this is a comparison sampler using the given comparison function. pub compare: Option, /// Must be at least 1. If this is not 1, all filter modes must be linear. pub anisotropy_clamp: u16, /// Border color to use when address_mode is /// [`AddressMode::ClampToBorder`](wgt::AddressMode::ClampToBorder) pub border_color: Option, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Sampler { pub(crate) raw: A::Sampler, pub(crate) device_id: Stored, pub(crate) life_guard: LifeGuard, /// `true` if this is a comparison sampler pub(crate) comparison: bool, /// `true` if this is a filtering sampler pub(crate) filtering: bool, } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum SamplerFilterErrorType { MagFilter, MinFilter, MipmapFilter, } impl std::fmt::Debug for SamplerFilterErrorType { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match *self { SamplerFilterErrorType::MagFilter => write!(f, "magFilter"), SamplerFilterErrorType::MinFilter => write!(f, "minFilter"), SamplerFilterErrorType::MipmapFilter => write!(f, "mipmapFilter"), } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)] #[non_exhaustive] pub enum CreateSamplerError { #[error(transparent)] Device(#[from] DeviceError), #[error("Invalid lodMinClamp: {0}. Must be greater or equal to 0.0")] InvalidLodMinClamp(f32), #[error("Invalid lodMaxClamp: {lod_max_clamp}. Must be greater or equal to lodMinClamp (which is {lod_min_clamp}).")] InvalidLodMaxClamp { lod_min_clamp: f32, lod_max_clamp: f32, }, #[error("Invalid anisotropic clamp: {0}. Must be at least 1.")] InvalidAnisotropy(u16), #[error("Invalid filter mode for {filter_type:?}: {filter_mode:?}. When anistropic clamp is not 1 (it is {anisotropic_clamp}), all filter modes must be linear.")] InvalidFilterModeWithAnisotropy { filter_type: SamplerFilterErrorType, filter_mode: wgt::FilterMode, anisotropic_clamp: u16, }, #[error("Cannot create any more samplers")] TooManyObjects, /// AddressMode::ClampToBorder requires feature ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP_TO_BORDER. #[error(transparent)] MissingFeatures(#[from] MissingFeatures), } impl Resource for Sampler { const TYPE: &'static str = "Sampler"; fn life_guard(&self) -> &LifeGuard { &self.life_guard } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)] #[non_exhaustive] pub enum CreateQuerySetError { #[error(transparent)] Device(#[from] DeviceError), #[error("QuerySets cannot be made with zero queries")] ZeroCount, #[error("{count} is too many queries for a single QuerySet. QuerySets cannot be made more than {maximum} queries.")] TooManyQueries { count: u32, maximum: u32 }, #[error(transparent)] MissingFeatures(#[from] MissingFeatures), } pub type QuerySetDescriptor<'a> = wgt::QuerySetDescriptor>; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct QuerySet { pub(crate) raw: A::QuerySet, pub(crate) device_id: Stored, pub(crate) life_guard: LifeGuard, pub(crate) desc: wgt::QuerySetDescriptor<()>, } impl Resource for QuerySet { const TYPE: &'static str = "QuerySet"; fn life_guard(&self) -> &LifeGuard { &self.life_guard } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)] #[non_exhaustive] pub enum DestroyError { #[error("Resource is invalid")] Invalid, #[error("Resource is already destroyed")] AlreadyDestroyed, }