// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // or the MIT license // , at your option. // All files in the project carrying such notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. use shared::bthsdpdef::SDP_ERROR; use shared::guiddef::GUID; use shared::minwindef::{DWORD, UCHAR, ULONG, USHORT}; use shared::ntdef::{CHAR, ULONGLONG}; pub const BTH_MAJORVERSION: DWORD = 2; pub const BTH_MINORVERSION: DWORD = 1; DEFINE_GUID!{GUID_BTHPORT_DEVICE_INTERFACE, 0x850302a, 0xb344, 0x4fda, 0x9b, 0xe9, 0x90, 0x57, 0x6b, 0x8d, 0x46, 0xf0} DEFINE_GUID!{GUID_BTH_RFCOMM_SERVICE_DEVICE_INTERFACE, 0xb142fc3e, 0xfa4e, 0x460b, 0x8a, 0xbc, 0x07, 0x2b, 0x62, 0x8b, 0x3c, 0x70} DEFINE_GUID!{GUID_BLUETOOTH_RADIO_IN_RANGE, 0xea3b5b82, 0x26ee, 0x450e, 0xb0, 0xd8, 0xd2, 0x6f, 0xe3, 0x0a, 0x38, 0x69} DEFINE_GUID!{GUID_BLUETOOTH_RADIO_OUT_OF_RANGE, 0xe28867c9, 0xc2aa, 0x4ced, 0xb9, 0x69, 0x45, 0x70, 0x86, 0x60, 0x37, 0xc4} DEFINE_GUID!{GUID_BLUETOOTH_L2CAP_EVENT, 0x7eae4030, 0xb709, 0x4aa8, 0xac, 0x55, 0xe9, 0x53, 0x82, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0xaa} DEFINE_GUID!{GUID_BLUETOOTH_HCI_EVENT, 0xfc240062, 0x1541, 0x49be, 0xb4, 0x63, 0x84, 0xc4, 0xdc, 0xd7, 0xbf, 0x7f} DEFINE_GUID!{GUID_BLUETOOTH_AUTHENTICATION_REQUEST, 0x5DC9136D, 0x996C, 0x46DB, 0x84, 0xF5, 0x32, 0xC0, 0xA3, 0xF4, 0x73, 0x52} DEFINE_GUID!{GUID_BLUETOOTH_KEYPRESS_EVENT, 0xD668DFCD, 0x0F4E, 0x4EFC, 0xBF, 0xE0, 0x39, 0x2E, 0xEE, 0xC5, 0x10, 0x9C} DEFINE_GUID!{GUID_BLUETOOTH_HCI_VENDOR_EVENT, 0x547247e6, 0x45bb, 0x4c33, 0xaf, 0x8c, 0xc0, 0x0e, 0xfe, 0x15, 0xa7, 0x1d} DEFINE_GUID!{Bluetooth_Base_UUID, 0x00000000, 0x0000, 0x1000, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x5F, 0x9B, 0x34, 0xFB} pub const SDP_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x0001; pub const UDP_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x0002; pub const RFCOMM_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x0003; pub const TCP_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x0004; pub const TCSBIN_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x0005; pub const TCSAT_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x0006; pub const ATT_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x0007; pub const OBEX_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x0008; pub const IP_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x0009; pub const FTP_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x000A; pub const HTTP_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x000C; pub const WSP_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x000E; pub const BNEP_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x000F; pub const UPNP_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x0010; pub const HID_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x0011; pub const HCCC_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x0012; pub const HCDC_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x0014; pub const HCN_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x0016; pub const AVCTP_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x0017; pub const AVDTP_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x0019; pub const CMPT_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x001B; pub const UDI_C_PLANE_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x001D; pub const L2CAP_PROTOCOL_UUID16: USHORT = 0x0100; DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{SDP_PROTOCOL_UUID, SDP_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{UDP_PROTOCOL_UUID, UDP_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{RFCOMM_PROTOCOL_UUID, RFCOMM_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{TCP_PROTOCOL_UUID, TCP_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{TCSBIN_PROTOCOL_UUID, TCSBIN_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{TCSAT_PROTOCOL_UUID, TCSAT_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{ATT_PROTOCOL_UUID, ATT_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{OBEX_PROTOCOL_UUID, OBEX_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{IP_PROTOCOL_UUID, IP_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{FTP_PROTOCOL_UUID, FTP_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{HTTP_PROTOCOL_UUID, HTTP_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{WSP_PROTOCOL_UUID, WSP_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{BNEP_PROTOCOL_UUID, BNEP_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{UPNP_PROTOCOL_UUID, UPNP_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{HID_PROTOCOL_UUID, HID_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{HCCC_PROTOCOL_UUID, HCCC_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{HCDC_PROTOCOL_UUID, HCDC_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{HCN_PROTOCOL_UUID, HCN_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{AVCTP_PROTOCOL_UUID, AVCTP_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{AVDTP_PROTOCOL_UUID, AVDTP_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{CMPT_PROTOCOL_UUID, CMPT_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{UDI_C_PLANE_PROTOCOL_UUID, UDI_C_PLANE_PROTOCOL_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{L2CAP_PROTOCOL_UUID, L2CAP_PROTOCOL_UUID16} pub const ServiceDiscoveryServerServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1000; pub const BrowseGroupDescriptorServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1001; pub const PublicBrowseGroupServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1002; pub const SerialPortServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1101; pub const LANAccessUsingPPPServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1102; pub const DialupNetworkingServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1103; pub const IrMCSyncServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1104; pub const OBEXObjectPushServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1105; pub const OBEXFileTransferServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1106; pub const IrMcSyncCommandServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1107; pub const HeadsetServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1108; pub const CordlessTelephonyServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1109; pub const AudioSourceServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x110A; pub const AudioSinkServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x110B; pub const AVRemoteControlTargetServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x110C; pub const AVRemoteControlServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x110E; pub const AVRemoteControlControllerServiceClass_UUID16: USHORT = 0x110F; pub const IntercomServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1110; pub const FaxServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1111; pub const HeadsetAudioGatewayServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1112; pub const WAPServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1113; pub const WAPClientServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1114; pub const PANUServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1115; pub const NAPServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1116; pub const GNServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1117; pub const DirectPrintingServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1118; pub const ReferencePrintingServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1119; pub const ImagingResponderServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x111B; pub const ImagingAutomaticArchiveServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x111C; pub const ImagingReferenceObjectsServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x111D; pub const HandsfreeServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x111E; pub const HandsfreeAudioGatewayServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x111F; pub const DirectPrintingReferenceObjectsServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1120; pub const ReflectsUIServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1121; pub const PrintingStatusServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1123; pub const HumanInterfaceDeviceServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1124; pub const HCRPrintServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1126; pub const HCRScanServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1127; pub const CommonISDNAccessServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1128; pub const VideoConferencingGWServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1129; pub const UDIMTServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x112A; pub const UDITAServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x112B; pub const AudioVideoServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x112C; pub const SimAccessServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x112D; pub const PhonebookAccessPceServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x112E; pub const PhonebookAccessPseServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x112F; pub const HeadsetHSServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1131; pub const MessageAccessServerServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1132; pub const MessageNotificationServerServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1133; pub const GNSSServerServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1136; pub const ThreeDimensionalDisplayServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1137; pub const ThreeDimensionalGlassesServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1138; pub const MPSServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x113B; pub const CTNAccessServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x113C; pub const CTNNotificationServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x113D; pub const PnPInformationServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1200; pub const GenericNetworkingServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1201; pub const GenericFileTransferServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1202; pub const GenericAudioServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1203; pub const GenericTelephonyServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1204; pub const UPnpServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1205; pub const UPnpIpServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1206; pub const ESdpUpnpIpPanServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1300; pub const ESdpUpnpIpLapServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1301; pub const ESdpUpnpL2capServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1302; pub const VideoSourceServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1303; pub const VideoSinkServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1304; pub const HealthDeviceProfileSourceServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1401; pub const HealthDeviceProfileSinkServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1402; DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{ServiceDiscoveryServerServiceClassID_UUID, ServiceDiscoveryServerServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{BrowseGroupDescriptorServiceClassID_UUID, BrowseGroupDescriptorServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{PublicBrowseGroupServiceClass_UUID, PublicBrowseGroupServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{SerialPortServiceClass_UUID, SerialPortServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{LANAccessUsingPPPServiceClass_UUID, LANAccessUsingPPPServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{DialupNetworkingServiceClass_UUID, DialupNetworkingServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{IrMCSyncServiceClass_UUID, IrMCSyncServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{OBEXObjectPushServiceClass_UUID, OBEXObjectPushServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{OBEXFileTransferServiceClass_UUID, OBEXFileTransferServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{IrMCSyncCommandServiceClass_UUID, IrMcSyncCommandServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{HeadsetServiceClass_UUID, HeadsetServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{CordlessTelephonyServiceClass_UUID, CordlessTelephonyServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{AudioSourceServiceClass_UUID, AudioSourceServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{AudioSinkServiceClass_UUID, AudioSinkServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{AVRemoteControlTargetServiceClass_UUID, AVRemoteControlTargetServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{AVRemoteControlServiceClass_UUID, AVRemoteControlServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{AVRemoteControlControllerServiceClass_UUID, AVRemoteControlControllerServiceClass_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{IntercomServiceClass_UUID, IntercomServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{FaxServiceClass_UUID, FaxServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{HeadsetAudioGatewayServiceClass_UUID, HeadsetAudioGatewayServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{WAPServiceClass_UUID, WAPServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{WAPClientServiceClass_UUID, WAPClientServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{PANUServiceClass_UUID, PANUServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{NAPServiceClass_UUID, NAPServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{GNServiceClass_UUID, GNServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{DirectPrintingServiceClass_UUID, DirectPrintingServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{ReferencePrintingServiceClass_UUID, ReferencePrintingServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{ImagingResponderServiceClass_UUID, ImagingResponderServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{ImagingAutomaticArchiveServiceClass_UUID, ImagingAutomaticArchiveServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{ImagingReferenceObjectsServiceClass_UUID, ImagingReferenceObjectsServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{HandsfreeServiceClass_UUID, HandsfreeServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{HandsfreeAudioGatewayServiceClass_UUID, HandsfreeAudioGatewayServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{DirectPrintingReferenceObjectsServiceClass_UUID, DirectPrintingReferenceObjectsServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{ReflectedUIServiceClass_UUID, ReflectsUIServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{PrintingStatusServiceClass_UUID, PrintingStatusServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{HumanInterfaceDeviceServiceClass_UUID, HumanInterfaceDeviceServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{HCRPrintServiceClass_UUID, HCRPrintServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{HCRScanServiceClass_UUID, HCRScanServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{CommonISDNAccessServiceClass_UUID, CommonISDNAccessServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{VideoConferencingGWServiceClass_UUID, VideoConferencingGWServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{UDIMTServiceClass_UUID, UDIMTServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{UDITAServiceClass_UUID, UDITAServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{AudioVideoServiceClass_UUID, AudioVideoServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{SimAccessServiceClass_UUID, SimAccessServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{PhonebookAccessPceServiceClass_UUID, PhonebookAccessPceServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{PhonebookAccessPseServiceClass_UUID, PhonebookAccessPseServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{HeadsetHSServiceClass_UUID, HeadsetHSServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{MessageAccessServerServiceClass_UUID, MessageAccessServerServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{MessageNotificationServerServiceClass_UUID, MessageNotificationServerServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{GNSSServerServiceClass_UUID, GNSSServerServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{ThreeDimensionalDisplayServiceClass_UUID, ThreeDimensionalDisplayServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{ThreeDimensionalGlassesServiceClass_UUID, ThreeDimensionalGlassesServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{MPSServiceClass_UUID, MPSServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{CTNAccessServiceClass_UUID, CTNAccessServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{CTNNotificationServiceClass_UUID, CTNNotificationServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{PnPInformationServiceClass_UUID, PnPInformationServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{GenericNetworkingServiceClass_UUID, GenericNetworkingServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{GenericFileTransferServiceClass_UUID, GenericFileTransferServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{GenericAudioServiceClass_UUID, GenericAudioServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{GenericTelephonyServiceClass_UUID, GenericTelephonyServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{UPnpServiceClass_UUID, UPnpServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{UPnpIpServiceClass_UUID, UPnpIpServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{ESdpUpnpIpPanServiceClass_UUID, ESdpUpnpIpPanServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{ESdpUpnpIpLapServiceClass_UUID, ESdpUpnpIpLapServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{ESdpUpnpL2capServiceClass_UUID, ESdpUpnpL2capServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{VideoSourceServiceClass_UUID, VideoSourceServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{VideoSinkServiceClass_UUID, VideoSinkServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{HealthDeviceProfileSourceServiceClass_UUID, HealthDeviceProfileSourceServiceClassID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{HealthDeviceProfileSinkServiceClass_UUID, HealthDeviceProfileSinkServiceClassID_UUID16} pub const AdvancedAudioDistributionProfileID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x110D; pub const ImagingServiceProfileID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x111A; pub const BasicPrintingProfileID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1122; pub const HardcopyCableReplacementProfileID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1125; pub const PhonebookAccessProfileID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1130; pub const MessageAccessProfileID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1134; pub const GNSSProfileID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1135; pub const ThreeDimensionalSynchronizationProfileID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1139; pub const MPSProfileID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x113A; pub const CTNProfileID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x113E; pub const VideoDistributionProfileID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1305; pub const HealthDeviceProfileID_UUID16: USHORT = 0x1400; DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{AdvancedAudioDistributionProfile_UUID, AdvancedAudioDistributionProfileID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{ImagingServiceProfile_UUID, ImagingServiceProfileID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{BasicPrintingProfile_UUID, BasicPrintingProfileID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{HardcopyCableReplacementProfile_UUID, HardcopyCableReplacementProfileID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{PhonebookAccessProfile_UUID, PhonebookAccessProfileID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{MessageAccessProfile_UUID, MessageAccessProfileID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{GNSSProfile_UUID, GNSSProfileID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{ThreeDimensionalSynchronizationProfile_UUID, ThreeDimensionalSynchronizationProfileID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{MPSProfile_UUID, MPSProfileID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{CTNProfile_UUID, CTNProfileID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{VideoDistributionProfile_UUID, VideoDistributionProfileID_UUID16} DEFINE_BLUETOOTH_UUID128!{HealthDeviceProfile_UUID, HealthDeviceProfileID_UUID16} pub const VideoConferencingServiceClass_UUID: GUID = AVRemoteControlControllerServiceClass_UUID; pub const VideoConferencingServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = AVRemoteControlControllerServiceClass_UUID16; pub const HN_PROTOCOL_UUID: GUID = HCN_PROTOCOL_UUID; pub const BasicPringingServiceClass_UUID: GUID = BasicPrintingProfile_UUID; pub const CommonISDNAccessServiceClass_UUID16: USHORT = CommonISDNAccessServiceClassID_UUID16; pub const VideoConferencingGWServiceClass_UUID16: USHORT = VideoConferencingGWServiceClassID_UUID16; pub const UDIMTServiceClass_UUID16: USHORT = UDIMTServiceClassID_UUID16; pub const UDITAServiceClass_UUID16: USHORT = UDITAServiceClassID_UUID16; pub const AudioVideoServiceClass_UUID16: USHORT = AudioVideoServiceClassID_UUID16; pub const CordlessServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = CordlessTelephonyServiceClassID_UUID16; pub const AudioSinkSourceServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = AudioSinkServiceClassID_UUID16; pub const AdvancedAudioDistributionServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = AdvancedAudioDistributionProfileID_UUID16; pub const ImagingServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = ImagingServiceProfileID_UUID16; pub const BasicPrintingServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = BasicPrintingProfileID_UUID16; pub const HardcopyCableReplacementServiceClassID_UUID16: USHORT = HardcopyCableReplacementProfileID_UUID16; pub const AdvancedAudioDistributionServiceClass_UUID: GUID = AdvancedAudioDistributionProfile_UUID; pub const ImagingServiceClass_UUID: GUID = ImagingServiceProfile_UUID; pub const BasicPrintingServiceClass_UUID: GUID = BasicPrintingProfile_UUID; pub const HardcopyCableReplacementServiceClass_UUID: GUID = HardcopyCableReplacementProfile_UUID; pub const VideoDistributionServiceClass_UUID: GUID = VideoDistributionProfile_UUID; pub const BTH_MAX_NAME_SIZE: usize = 248; pub const BTH_MAX_PIN_SIZE: usize = 16; pub const BTH_LINK_KEY_LENGTH: usize = 16; pub const BTH_MFG_ERICSSON: u16 = 0; pub const BTH_MFG_NOKIA: u16 = 1; pub const BTH_MFG_INTEL: u16 = 2; pub const BTH_MFG_IBM: u16 = 3; pub const BTH_MFG_TOSHIBA: u16 = 4; pub const BTH_MFG_3COM: u16 = 5; pub const BTH_MFG_MICROSOFT: u16 = 6; pub const BTH_MFG_LUCENT: u16 = 7; pub const BTH_MFG_MOTOROLA: u16 = 8; pub const BTH_MFG_INFINEON: u16 = 9; pub const BTH_MFG_CSR: u16 = 10; pub const BTH_MFG_SILICONWAVE: u16 = 11; pub const BTH_MFG_DIGIANSWER: u16 = 12; pub const BTH_MFG_TI: u16 = 13; pub const BTH_MFG_PARTHUS: u16 = 14; pub const BTH_MFG_BROADCOM: u16 = 15; pub const BTH_MFG_MITEL: u16 = 16; pub const BTH_MFG_WIDCOMM: u16 = 17; pub const BTH_MFG_ZEEVO: u16 = 18; pub const BTH_MFG_ATMEL: u16 = 19; pub const BTH_MFG_MITSIBUSHI: u16 = 20; pub const BTH_MFG_RTX_TELECOM: u16 = 21; pub const BTH_MFG_KC_TECHNOLOGY: u16 = 22; pub const BTH_MFG_NEWLOGIC: u16 = 23; pub const BTH_MFG_TRANSILICA: u16 = 24; pub const BTH_MFG_ROHDE_SCHWARZ: u16 = 25; pub const BTH_MFG_TTPCOM: u16 = 26; pub const BTH_MFG_SIGNIA: u16 = 27; pub const BTH_MFG_CONEXANT: u16 = 28; pub const BTH_MFG_QUALCOMM: u16 = 29; pub const BTH_MFG_INVENTEL: u16 = 30; pub const BTH_MFG_AVM_BERLIN: u16 = 31; pub const BTH_MFG_BANDSPEED: u16 = 32; pub const BTH_MFG_MANSELLA: u16 = 33; pub const BTH_MFG_NEC: u16 = 34; pub const BTH_MFG_WAVEPLUS_TECHNOLOGY_CO: u16 = 35; pub const BTH_MFG_ALCATEL: u16 = 36; pub const BTH_MFG_PHILIPS_SEMICONDUCTOR: u16 = 37; pub const BTH_MFG_C_TECHNOLOGIES: u16 = 38; pub const BTH_MFG_OPEN_INTERFACE: u16 = 39; pub const BTH_MFG_RF_MICRO_DEVICES: u16 = 40; pub const BTH_MFG_HITACHI: u16 = 41; pub const BTH_MFG_SYMBOL_TECHNOLOGIES: u16 = 42; pub const BTH_MFG_TENOVIS: u16 = 43; pub const BTH_MFG_MACRONIX_INTERNATIONAL: u16 = 44; pub const BTH_MFG_APPLE: u16 = 76; pub const BTH_MFG_NORDIC_SEMICONDUCTORS_ASA: u16 = 89; pub const BTH_MFG_ARUBA_NETWORKS: u16 = 283; pub const BTH_MFG_INTERNAL_USE: u16 = 65535; pub type BTH_ADDR = ULONGLONG; pub type PBTH_ADDR = *mut ULONGLONG; pub type BTH_COD = ULONG; pub type PBTH_COD = *mut ULONG; pub type BTH_LAP = ULONG; pub type PBTH_LAP = *mut ULONG; pub const BTH_ADDR_NULL: BTH_ADDR = 0x0000000000000000; pub const NAP_MASK: u64 = 0xFFFF00000000; pub const SAP_MASK: u64 = 0x0000FFFFFFFF; pub const NAP_BIT_OFFSET: u8 = 8 * 4; pub const SAP_BIT_OFFSET: u8 = 0; #[inline] pub fn GET_NAP(addr: BTH_ADDR) -> u16 { ((addr & NAP_MASK) >> NAP_BIT_OFFSET) as u16 } #[inline] pub fn GET_SAP(addr: BTH_ADDR) -> u32 { ((addr & SAP_MASK) >> SAP_BIT_OFFSET) as u32 } #[inline] pub fn SET_NAP(nap: u16) -> BTH_ADDR { (nap as u64) << NAP_BIT_OFFSET } #[inline] pub fn SET_SAP(sap: u32) -> BTH_ADDR { (sap as u64) << SAP_BIT_OFFSET } #[inline] pub fn SET_NAP_SAP(nap: u16, sap: u32) -> BTH_ADDR { SET_NAP(nap) | SET_SAP(sap) } pub const COD_FORMAT_BIT_OFFSET: u8 = 0; pub const COD_MINOR_BIT_OFFSET: u8 = 2; pub const COD_MAJOR_BIT_OFFSET: u8 = 8 * 1; pub const COD_SERVICE_BIT_OFFSET: u8 = 8 * 1 + 5; pub const COD_FORMAT_MASK: u32 = 0x000003; pub const COD_MINOR_MASK: u32 = 0x0000FC; pub const COD_MAJOR_MASK: u32 = 0x001F00; pub const COD_SERVICE_MASK: u32 = 0xFFE000; #[inline] pub fn GET_COD_FORMAT(cod: BTH_COD) -> u8 { ((cod & COD_FORMAT_MASK) >> COD_FORMAT_BIT_OFFSET) as u8 } #[inline] pub fn GET_COD_MINOR(cod: BTH_COD) -> u8 { ((cod & COD_MINOR_MASK) >> COD_MINOR_BIT_OFFSET) as u8 } #[inline] pub fn GET_COD_MAJOR(cod: BTH_COD) -> u8 { ((cod & COD_MAJOR_MASK) >> COD_MAJOR_BIT_OFFSET) as u8 } #[inline] pub fn GET_COD_SERVICE(cod: BTH_COD) -> u16 { ((cod & COD_SERVICE_MASK) >> COD_SERVICE_BIT_OFFSET) as u16 } #[inline] pub fn SET_COD_MINOR(cod: BTH_COD, minor: u8) -> BTH_COD { (cod & !COD_MINOR_MASK) | ((minor as u32) << COD_MINOR_BIT_OFFSET) } #[inline] pub fn SET_COD_MAJOR(cod: BTH_COD, major: u8) -> BTH_COD { (cod & !COD_MAJOR_MASK) | ((major as u32) << COD_MAJOR_BIT_OFFSET) } #[inline] pub fn SET_COD_SERVICE(cod: BTH_COD, service: u16) -> BTH_COD { (cod & !COD_SERVICE_MASK) | ((service as u32) << COD_SERVICE_BIT_OFFSET) } pub const COD_VERSION: u32 = 0x0; pub const COD_SERVICE_LIMITED: u16 = 0x0001; pub const COD_SERVICE_POSITIONING: u16 = 0x0008; pub const COD_SERVICE_NETWORKING: u16 = 0x0010; pub const COD_SERVICE_RENDERING: u16 = 0x0020; pub const COD_SERVICE_CAPTURING: u16 = 0x0040; pub const COD_SERVICE_OBJECT_XFER: u16 = 0x0080; pub const COD_SERVICE_AUDIO: u16 = 0x0100; pub const COD_SERVICE_TELEPHONY: u16 = 0x0200; pub const COD_SERVICE_INFORMATION: u16 = 0x0400; pub const COD_SERVICE_VALID_MASK: u16 = COD_SERVICE_LIMITED | COD_SERVICE_POSITIONING | COD_SERVICE_NETWORKING | COD_SERVICE_RENDERING | COD_SERVICE_CAPTURING | COD_SERVICE_OBJECT_XFER | COD_SERVICE_AUDIO | COD_SERVICE_TELEPHONY | COD_SERVICE_INFORMATION; pub const COD_SERVICE_MAX_COUNT: usize = 9; pub const COD_MAJOR_MISCELLANEOUS: u8 = 0x00; pub const COD_MAJOR_COMPUTER: u8 = 0x01; pub const COD_MAJOR_PHONE: u8 = 0x02; pub const COD_MAJOR_LAN_ACCESS: u8 = 0x03; pub const COD_MAJOR_AUDIO: u8 = 0x04; pub const COD_MAJOR_PERIPHERAL: u8 = 0x05; pub const COD_MAJOR_IMAGING: u8 = 0x06; pub const COD_MAJOR_WEARABLE: u8 = 0x07; pub const COD_MAJOR_TOY: u8 = 0x08; pub const COD_MAJOR_HEALTH: u8 = 0x09; pub const COD_MAJOR_UNCLASSIFIED: u8 = 0x1F; pub const COD_COMPUTER_MINOR_UNCLASSIFIED: u8 = 0x00; pub const COD_COMPUTER_MINOR_DESKTOP: u8 = 0x01; pub const COD_COMPUTER_MINOR_SERVER: u8 = 0x02; pub const COD_COMPUTER_MINOR_LAPTOP: u8 = 0x03; pub const COD_COMPUTER_MINOR_HANDHELD: u8 = 0x04; pub const COD_COMPUTER_MINOR_PALM: u8 = 0x05; pub const COD_COMPUTER_MINOR_WEARABLE: u8 = 0x06; pub const COD_PHONE_MINOR_UNCLASSIFIED: u8 = 0x00; pub const COD_PHONE_MINOR_CELLULAR: u8 = 0x01; pub const COD_PHONE_MINOR_CORDLESS: u8 = 0x02; pub const COD_PHONE_MINOR_SMART: u8 = 0x03; pub const COD_PHONE_MINOR_WIRED_MODEM: u8 = 0x04; pub const COD_AUDIO_MINOR_UNCLASSIFIED: u8 = 0x00; pub const COD_AUDIO_MINOR_HEADSET: u8 = 0x01; pub const COD_AUDIO_MINOR_HANDS_FREE: u8 = 0x02; pub const COD_AUDIO_MINOR_HEADSET_HANDS_FREE: u8 = 0x03; pub const COD_AUDIO_MINOR_MICROPHONE: u8 = 0x04; pub const COD_AUDIO_MINOR_LOUDSPEAKER: u8 = 0x05; pub const COD_AUDIO_MINOR_HEADPHONES: u8 = 0x06; pub const COD_AUDIO_MINOR_PORTABLE_AUDIO: u8 = 0x07; pub const COD_AUDIO_MINOR_CAR_AUDIO: u8 = 0x08; pub const COD_AUDIO_MINOR_SET_TOP_BOX: u8 = 0x09; pub const COD_AUDIO_MINOR_HIFI_AUDIO: u8 = 0x0A; pub const COD_AUDIO_MINOR_VCR: u8 = 0x0B; pub const COD_AUDIO_MINOR_VIDEO_CAMERA: u8 = 0x0C; pub const COD_AUDIO_MINOR_CAMCORDER: u8 = 0x0D; pub const COD_AUDIO_MINOR_VIDEO_MONITOR: u8 = 0x0E; pub const COD_AUDIO_MINOR_VIDEO_DISPLAY_LOUDSPEAKER: u8 = 0x0F; pub const COD_AUDIO_MINOR_VIDEO_DISPLAY_CONFERENCING: u8 = 0x10; pub const COD_AUDIO_MINOR_GAMING_TOY: u8 = 0x12; pub const COD_PERIPHERAL_MINOR_KEYBOARD_MASK: u8 = 0x10; pub const COD_PERIPHERAL_MINOR_POINTER_MASK: u8 = 0x20; pub const COD_PERIPHERAL_MINOR_NO_CATEGORY: u8 = 0x00; pub const COD_PERIPHERAL_MINOR_JOYSTICK: u8 = 0x01; pub const COD_PERIPHERAL_MINOR_GAMEPAD: u8 = 0x02; pub const COD_PERIPHERAL_MINOR_REMOTE_CONTROL: u8 = 0x03; pub const COD_PERIPHERAL_MINOR_SENSING: u8 = 0x04; pub const COD_IMAGING_MINOR_DISPLAY_MASK: u8 = 0x04; pub const COD_IMAGING_MINOR_CAMERA_MASK: u8 = 0x08; pub const COD_IMAGING_MINOR_SCANNER_MASK: u8 = 0x10; pub const COD_IMAGING_MINOR_PRINTER_MASK: u8 = 0x20; pub const COD_WEARABLE_MINOR_WRIST_WATCH: u8 = 0x01; pub const COD_WEARABLE_MINOR_PAGER: u8 = 0x02; pub const COD_WEARABLE_MINOR_JACKET: u8 = 0x03; pub const COD_WEARABLE_MINOR_HELMET: u8 = 0x04; pub const COD_WEARABLE_MINOR_GLASSES: u8 = 0x05; pub const COD_TOY_MINOR_ROBOT: u8 = 0x01; pub const COD_TOY_MINOR_VEHICLE: u8 = 0x02; pub const COD_TOY_MINOR_DOLL_ACTION_FIGURE: u8 = 0x03; pub const COD_TOY_MINOR_CONTROLLER: u8 = 0x04; pub const COD_TOY_MINOR_GAME: u8 = 0x05; pub const COD_HEALTH_MINOR_BLOOD_PRESSURE_MONITOR: u8 = 0x01; pub const COD_HEALTH_MINOR_THERMOMETER: u8 = 0x02; pub const COD_HEALTH_MINOR_WEIGHING_SCALE: u8 = 0x03; pub const COD_HEALTH_MINOR_GLUCOSE_METER: u8 = 0x04; pub const COD_HEALTH_MINOR_PULSE_OXIMETER: u8 = 0x05; pub const COD_HEALTH_MINOR_HEART_PULSE_MONITOR: u8 = 0x06; pub const COD_HEALTH_MINOR_HEALTH_DATA_DISPLAY: u8 = 0x07; pub const COD_HEALTH_MINOR_STEP_COUNTER: u8 = 0x08; pub const COD_LAN_ACCESS_BIT_OFFSET: u8 = 5; pub const COD_LAN_MINOR_MASK: u32 = 0x00001C; pub const COD_LAN_ACCESS_MASK: u32 = 0x0000E0; #[inline] pub fn GET_COD_LAN_MINOR(cod: BTH_COD) -> u8 { ((cod & COD_LAN_MINOR_MASK) >> COD_MINOR_BIT_OFFSET) as u8 } #[inline] pub fn GET_COD_LAN_ACCESS(cod: BTH_COD) -> u8 { ((cod & COD_LAN_ACCESS_MASK) >> COD_LAN_ACCESS_BIT_OFFSET) as u8 } pub const COD_LAN_MINOR_UNCLASSIFIED: u8 = 0x00; pub const COD_LAN_ACCESS_0_USED: u8 = 0x00; pub const COD_LAN_ACCESS_17_USED: u8 = 0x01; pub const COD_LAN_ACCESS_33_USED: u8 = 0x02; pub const COD_LAN_ACCESS_50_USED: u8 = 0x03; pub const COD_LAN_ACCESS_67_USED: u8 = 0x04; pub const COD_LAN_ACCESS_83_USED: u8 = 0x05; pub const COD_LAN_ACCESS_99_USED: u8 = 0x06; pub const COD_LAN_ACCESS_FULL: u8 = 0x07; pub const BTH_EIR_FLAGS_ID: u8 = 0x01; pub const BTH_EIR_16_UUIDS_PARTIAL_ID: u8 = 0x02; pub const BTH_EIR_16_UUIDS_COMPLETE_ID: u8 = 0x03; pub const BTH_EIR_32_UUIDS_PARTIAL_ID: u8 = 0x04; pub const BTH_EIR_32_UUIDS_COMPLETE_ID: u8 = 0x05; pub const BTH_EIR_128_UUIDS_PARTIAL_ID: u8 = 0x06; pub const BTH_EIR_128_UUIDS_COMPLETE_ID: u8 = 0x07; pub const BTH_EIR_LOCAL_NAME_PARTIAL_ID: u8 = 0x08; pub const BTH_EIR_LOCAL_NAME_COMPLETE_ID: u8 = 0x09; pub const BTH_EIR_TX_POWER_LEVEL_ID: u8 = 0x0A; pub const BTH_EIR_OOB_OPT_DATA_LEN_ID: u8 = 0x0B; pub const BTH_EIR_OOB_BD_ADDR_ID: u8 = 0x0C; pub const BTH_EIR_OOB_COD_ID: u8 = 0x0D; pub const BTH_EIR_OOB_SP_HASH_ID: u8 = 0x0E; pub const BTH_EIR_OOB_SP_RANDOMIZER_ID: u8 = 0x0F; pub const BTH_EIR_MANUFACTURER_ID: u8 = 0xFF; pub const BTH_EIR_SIZE: usize = 240; // #define LAP_GIAC_INIT { 0x33, 0x8B, 0x9E } // #define LAP_LIAC_INIT { 0x00, 0x8B, 0x9E } pub const LAP_GIAC_VALUE: BTH_LAP = 0x009E8B33; pub const LAP_LIAC_VALUE: BTH_LAP = 0x009E8B00; pub const BTH_ADDR_IAC_FIRST: BTH_ADDR = 0x9E8B00; pub const BTH_ADDR_IAC_LAST: BTH_ADDR = 0x9E8B3f; pub const BTH_ADDR_LIAC: BTH_ADDR = 0x9E8B00; pub const BTH_ADDR_GIAC: BTH_ADDR = 0x9E8B33; pub type BTHSTATUS = UCHAR; pub type PBTHSTATUS = *mut UCHAR; #[inline] pub fn BTH_ERROR(btStatus: BTHSTATUS) -> bool { btStatus != BTH_ERROR_SUCCESS } #[inline] pub fn BTH_SUCCESS(btStatus: BTHSTATUS) -> bool { btStatus == BTH_ERROR_SUCCESS } pub const BTH_ERROR_SUCCESS: BTHSTATUS = 0x00; pub const BTH_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HCI_COMMAND: BTHSTATUS = 0x01; pub const BTH_ERROR_NO_CONNECTION: BTHSTATUS = 0x02; pub const BTH_ERROR_HARDWARE_FAILURE: BTHSTATUS = 0x03; pub const BTH_ERROR_PAGE_TIMEOUT: BTHSTATUS = 0x04; pub const BTH_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE: BTHSTATUS = 0x05; pub const BTH_ERROR_KEY_MISSING: BTHSTATUS = 0x06; pub const BTH_ERROR_MEMORY_FULL: BTHSTATUS = 0x07; pub const BTH_ERROR_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT: BTHSTATUS = 0x08; pub const BTH_ERROR_MAX_NUMBER_OF_CONNECTIONS: BTHSTATUS = 0x09; pub const BTH_ERROR_MAX_NUMBER_OF_SCO_CONNECTIONS: BTHSTATUS = 0x0a; pub const BTH_ERROR_ACL_CONNECTION_ALREADY_EXISTS: BTHSTATUS = 0x0b; pub const BTH_ERROR_COMMAND_DISALLOWED: BTHSTATUS = 0x0c; pub const BTH_ERROR_HOST_REJECTED_LIMITED_RESOURCES: BTHSTATUS = 0x0d; pub const BTH_ERROR_HOST_REJECTED_SECURITY_REASONS: BTHSTATUS = 0x0e; pub const BTH_ERROR_HOST_REJECTED_PERSONAL_DEVICE: BTHSTATUS = 0x0f; pub const BTH_ERROR_HOST_TIMEOUT: BTHSTATUS = 0x10; pub const BTH_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE_OR_PARAMETER: BTHSTATUS = 0x11; pub const BTH_ERROR_INVALID_HCI_PARAMETER: BTHSTATUS = 0x12; pub const BTH_ERROR_REMOTE_USER_ENDED_CONNECTION: BTHSTATUS = 0x13; pub const BTH_ERROR_REMOTE_LOW_RESOURCES: BTHSTATUS = 0x14; pub const BTH_ERROR_REMOTE_POWERING_OFF: BTHSTATUS = 0x15; pub const BTH_ERROR_LOCAL_HOST_TERMINATED_CONNECTION: BTHSTATUS = 0x16; pub const BTH_ERROR_REPEATED_ATTEMPTS: BTHSTATUS = 0x17; pub const BTH_ERROR_PAIRING_NOT_ALLOWED: BTHSTATUS = 0x18; pub const BTH_ERROR_UKNOWN_LMP_PDU: BTHSTATUS = 0x19; pub const BTH_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_REMOTE_FEATURE: BTHSTATUS = 0x1a; pub const BTH_ERROR_SCO_OFFSET_REJECTED: BTHSTATUS = 0x1b; pub const BTH_ERROR_SCO_INTERVAL_REJECTED: BTHSTATUS = 0x1c; pub const BTH_ERROR_SCO_AIRMODE_REJECTED: BTHSTATUS = 0x1d; pub const BTH_ERROR_INVALID_LMP_PARAMETERS: BTHSTATUS = 0x1e; pub const BTH_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR: BTHSTATUS = 0x1f; pub const BTH_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_LMP_PARM_VALUE: BTHSTATUS = 0x20; pub const BTH_ERROR_ROLE_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED: BTHSTATUS = 0x21; pub const BTH_ERROR_LMP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT: BTHSTATUS = 0x22; pub const BTH_ERROR_LMP_TRANSACTION_COLLISION: BTHSTATUS = 0x23; pub const BTH_ERROR_LMP_PDU_NOT_ALLOWED: BTHSTATUS = 0x24; pub const BTH_ERROR_ENCRYPTION_MODE_NOT_ACCEPTABLE: BTHSTATUS = 0x25; pub const BTH_ERROR_UNIT_KEY_NOT_USED: BTHSTATUS = 0x26; pub const BTH_ERROR_QOS_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED: BTHSTATUS = 0x27; pub const BTH_ERROR_INSTANT_PASSED: BTHSTATUS = 0x28; pub const BTH_ERROR_PAIRING_WITH_UNIT_KEY_NOT_SUPPORTED: BTHSTATUS = 0x29; pub const BTH_ERROR_DIFFERENT_TRANSACTION_COLLISION: BTHSTATUS = 0x2a; pub const BTH_ERROR_QOS_UNACCEPTABLE_PARAMETER: BTHSTATUS = 0x2c; pub const BTH_ERROR_QOS_REJECTED: BTHSTATUS = 0x2d; pub const BTH_ERROR_CHANNEL_CLASSIFICATION_NOT_SUPPORTED: BTHSTATUS = 0x2e; pub const BTH_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY: BTHSTATUS = 0x2f; pub const BTH_ERROR_PARAMETER_OUT_OF_MANDATORY_RANGE: BTHSTATUS = 0x30; pub const BTH_ERROR_ROLE_SWITCH_PENDING: BTHSTATUS = 0x32; pub const BTH_ERROR_RESERVED_SLOT_VIOLATION: BTHSTATUS = 0x34; pub const BTH_ERROR_ROLE_SWITCH_FAILED: BTHSTATUS = 0x35; pub const BTH_ERROR_EXTENDED_INQUIRY_RESPONSE_TOO_LARGE: BTHSTATUS = 0x36; pub const BTH_ERROR_SECURE_SIMPLE_PAIRING_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_HOST: BTHSTATUS = 0x37; pub const BTH_ERROR_HOST_BUSY_PAIRING: BTHSTATUS = 0x38; pub const BTH_ERROR_CONNECTION_REJECTED_DUE_TO_NO_SUITABLE_CHANNEL_FOUND: BTHSTATUS = 0x39; pub const BTH_ERROR_CONTROLLER_BUSY: BTHSTATUS = 0x3a; pub const BTH_ERROR_UNACCEPTABLE_CONNECTION_INTERVAL: BTHSTATUS = 0x3b; pub const BTH_ERROR_DIRECTED_ADVERTISING_TIMEOUT: BTHSTATUS = 0x3c; pub const BTH_ERROR_CONNECTION_TERMINATED_DUE_TO_MIC_FAILURE: BTHSTATUS = 0x3d; pub const BTH_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED_TO_BE_ESTABLISHED: BTHSTATUS = 0x3e; pub const BTH_ERROR_MAC_CONNECTION_FAILED: BTHSTATUS = 0x3f; pub const BTH_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED: BTHSTATUS = 0xFF; pub const L2CAP_MIN_MTU: u16 = 48; pub const L2CAP_MAX_MTU: u16 = 0xFFFF; pub const L2CAP_DEFAULT_MTU: u16 = 672; pub const MAX_L2CAP_PING_DATA_LENGTH: usize = 44; pub const MAX_L2CAP_INFO_DATA_LENGTH: usize = 44; pub const BDIF_ADDRESS: u32 = 0x00000001; pub const BDIF_COD: u32 = 0x00000002; pub const BDIF_NAME: u32 = 0x00000004; pub const BDIF_PAIRED: u32 = 0x00000008; pub const BDIF_PERSONAL: u32 = 0x00000010; pub const BDIF_CONNECTED: u32 = 0x00000020; pub const BDIF_SHORT_NAME: u32 = 0x00000040; pub const BDIF_VISIBLE: u32 = 0x00000080; pub const BDIF_SSP_SUPPORTED: u32 = 0x00000100; pub const BDIF_SSP_PAIRED: u32 = 0x00000200; pub const BDIF_SSP_MITM_PROTECTED: u32 = 0x00000400; pub const BDIF_RSSI: u32 = 0x00001000; pub const BDIF_EIR: u32 = 0x00002000; pub const BDIF_BR: u32 = 0x00004000; pub const BDIF_LE: u32 = 0x00008000; pub const BDIF_LE_PAIRED: u32 = 0x00010000; pub const BDIF_LE_PERSONAL: u32 = 0x00020000; pub const BDIF_LE_MITM_PROTECTED: u32 = 0x00040000; pub const BDIF_LE_PRIVACY_ENABLED: u32 = 0x00080000; pub const BDIF_LE_RANDOM_ADDRESS_TYPE: u32 = 0x00100000; pub const BDIF_LE_DISCOVERABLE: u32 = 0x00200000; pub const BDIF_LE_NAME: u32 = 0x00400000; pub const BDIF_LE_VISIBLE: u32 = 0x00800000; pub const BDIF_LE_CONNECTED: u32 = 0x01000000; pub const BDIF_LE_CONNECTABLE: u32 = 0x02000000; pub const BDIF_CONNECTION_INBOUND: u32 = 0x04000000; pub const BDIF_BR_SECURE_CONNECTION_PAIRED: u32 = 0x08000000; pub const BDIF_LE_SECURE_CONNECTION_PAIRED: u32 = 0x10000000; pub const BDIF_VALID_FLAGS: u32 = BDIF_ADDRESS | BDIF_COD | BDIF_NAME | BDIF_PAIRED | BDIF_PERSONAL | BDIF_CONNECTED | BDIF_SHORT_NAME | BDIF_VISIBLE | BDIF_RSSI | BDIF_EIR | BDIF_SSP_PAIRED | BDIF_SSP_MITM_PROTECTED | BDIF_BR | BDIF_LE | BDIF_LE_PAIRED | BDIF_LE_PERSONAL | BDIF_LE_MITM_PROTECTED | BDIF_LE_PRIVACY_ENABLED | BDIF_LE_RANDOM_ADDRESS_TYPE | BDIF_LE_DISCOVERABLE | BDIF_LE_NAME | BDIF_LE_VISIBLE | BDIF_LE_CONNECTED | BDIF_LE_CONNECTABLE | BDIF_CONNECTION_INBOUND | BDIF_BR_SECURE_CONNECTION_PAIRED | BDIF_LE_SECURE_CONNECTION_PAIRED; STRUCT!{struct BTH_DEVICE_INFO { flags: ULONG, address: BTH_ADDR, classOfDevice: BTH_COD, name: [CHAR; BTH_MAX_NAME_SIZE], }} pub type PBTH_DEVICE_INFO = *mut BTH_DEVICE_INFO; STRUCT!{struct BTH_RADIO_IN_RANGE { deviceInfo: BTH_DEVICE_INFO, previousDeviceFlags: ULONG, }} pub type PBTH_RADIO_IN_RANGE = *mut BTH_RADIO_IN_RANGE; STRUCT!{struct BTH_L2CAP_EVENT_INFO { bthAddress: BTH_ADDR, psm: USHORT, connected: UCHAR, initiated: UCHAR, }} pub type PBTH_L2CAP_EVENT_INFO = *mut BTH_L2CAP_EVENT_INFO; pub const HCI_CONNECTION_TYPE_ACL: u8 = 1; pub const HCI_CONNECTION_TYPE_SCO: u8 = 2; pub const HCI_CONNECTION_TYPE_LE: u8 = 3; pub const HCI_CONNNECTION_TYPE_ACL: u8 = HCI_CONNECTION_TYPE_ACL; pub const HCI_CONNNECTION_TYPE_SCO: u8 = HCI_CONNECTION_TYPE_SCO; STRUCT!{struct BTH_HCI_EVENT_INFO { bthAddress: BTH_ADDR, connectionType: UCHAR, connected: UCHAR, }} pub type PBTH_HCI_EVENT_INFO = *mut BTH_HCI_EVENT_INFO; ENUM!{enum IO_CAPABILITY { IoCaps_DisplayOnly = 0x00, IoCaps_DisplayYesNo = 0x01, IoCaps_KeyboardOnly = 0x02, IoCaps_NoInputNoOutput = 0x03, IoCaps_Undefined = 0xff, }} ENUM!{enum AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREMENTS { MITMProtectionNotRequired = 0x00, MITMProtectionRequired = 0x01, MITMProtectionNotRequiredBonding = 0x02, MITMProtectionRequiredBonding = 0x03, MITMProtectionNotRequiredGeneralBonding = 0x04, MITMProtectionRequiredGeneralBonding = 0x05, MITMProtectionNotDefined = 0xff, }} #[inline] pub fn IsMITMProtectionRequired(requirements: AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREMENTS) -> bool { MITMProtectionRequired == requirements || MITMProtectionRequiredBonding == requirements || MITMProtectionRequiredGeneralBonding == requirements } pub const BTH_MAX_SERVICE_NAME_SIZE: usize = 256; pub const MAX_UUIDS_IN_QUERY: usize = 12; pub const BTH_VID_DEFAULT_VALUE: u16 = 0xFFFF; pub const SDP_ERROR_INVALID_SDP_VERSION: u16 = 0x0001; pub const SDP_ERROR_INVALID_RECORD_HANDLE: u16 = 0x0002; pub const SDP_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST_SYNTAX: u16 = 0x0003; pub const SDP_ERROR_INVALID_PDU_SIZE: u16 = 0x0004; pub const SDP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTINUATION_STATE: u16 = 0x0005; pub const SDP_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES: u16 = 0x0006; pub const SDP_ERROR_SUCCESS: SDP_ERROR = 0x0000; pub const SDP_ERROR_SERVER_INVALID_RESPONSE: SDP_ERROR = 0x0100; pub const SDP_ERROR_SERVER_RESPONSE_DID_NOT_PARSE: SDP_ERROR = 0x0200; pub const SDP_ERROR_SERVER_BAD_FORMAT: SDP_ERROR = 0x0300; pub const SDP_ERROR_COULD_NOT_SEND_CONTINUE: SDP_ERROR = 0x0400; pub const SDP_ERROR_RESPONSE_TOO_LARGE: SDP_ERROR = 0x0500; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_RECORD_HANDLE: u16 = 0x0000; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_CLASS_ID_LIST: u16 = 0x0001; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_RECORD_STATE: u16 = 0x0002; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_SERVICE_ID: u16 = 0x0003; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_PROTOCOL_DESCRIPTOR_LIST: u16 = 0x0004; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_BROWSE_GROUP_LIST: u16 = 0x0005; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_LANG_BASE_ATTRIB_ID_LIST: u16 = 0x0006; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_INFO_TIME_TO_LIVE: u16 = 0x0007; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_AVAILABILITY: u16 = 0x0008; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_PROFILE_DESCRIPTOR_LIST: u16 = 0x0009; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_DOCUMENTATION_URL: u16 = 0x000A; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_CLIENT_EXECUTABLE_URL: u16 = 0x000B; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_ICON_URL: u16 = 0x000C; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_ADDITIONAL_PROTOCOL_DESCRIPTOR_LIST: u16 = 0x000D; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_PROFILE_SPECIFIC: u16 = 0x0200; pub const LANG_BASE_LANGUAGE_INDEX: u16 = 0x0000; pub const LANG_BASE_ENCODING_INDEX: u16 = 0x0001; pub const LANG_BASE_OFFSET_INDEX: u16 = 0x0002; pub const LANG_DEFAULT_ID: u16 = 0x0100; pub const LANGUAGE_EN_US: u16 = 0x656E; pub const ENCODING_UTF_8: u16 = 0x006A; pub const STRING_NAME_OFFSET: u16 = 0x0000; pub const STRING_DESCRIPTION_OFFSET: u16 = 0x0001; pub const STRING_PROVIDER_NAME_OFFSET: u16 = 0x0002; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_SDP_VERSION_NUMBER_LIST: u16 = 0x0200; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_SDP_DATABASE_STATE: u16 = 0x0201; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_BROWSE_GROUP_ID: u16 = 0x0200; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_CORDLESS_EXTERNAL_NETWORK: u16 = 0x0301; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_FAX_CLASS_1_SUPPORT: u16 = 0x0302; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_FAX_CLASS_2_0_SUPPORT: u16 = 0x0303; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_FAX_CLASS_2_SUPPORT: u16 = 0x0304; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_FAX_AUDIO_FEEDBACK_SUPPORT: u16 = 0x0305; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_HEADSET_REMOTE_AUDIO_VOLUME_CONTROL: u16 = 0x0302; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_LAN_LPSUBNET: u16 = 0x0200; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_OBJECT_PUSH_SUPPORTED_FORMATS_LIST: u16 = 0x0303; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_SYNCH_SUPPORTED_DATA_STORES_LIST: u16 = 0x0301; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_SERVICE_VERSION: u16 = 0x0300; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_PAN_NETWORK_ADDRESS: u16 = 0x0306; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_PAN_WAP_GATEWAY: u16 = 0x0307; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_PAN_HOME_PAGE_URL: u16 = 0x0308; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_PAN_WAP_STACK_TYPE: u16 = 0x0309; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_PAN_SECURITY_DESCRIPTION: u16 = 0x030A; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_PAN_NET_ACCESS_TYPE: u16 = 0x030B; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_PAN_MAX_NET_ACCESS_RATE: u16 = 0x030C; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_IMAGING_SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES: u16 = 0x0310; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_IMAGING_SUPPORTED_FEATURES: u16 = 0x0311; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_IMAGING_SUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS: u16 = 0x0312; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_IMAGING_TOTAL_DATA_CAPACITY: u16 = 0x0313; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_DI_SPECIFICATION_ID: u16 = 0x0200; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_DI_VENDOR_ID: u16 = 0x0201; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_DI_PRODUCT_ID: u16 = 0x0202; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_DI_VERSION: u16 = 0x0203; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_DI_PRIMARY_RECORD: u16 = 0x0204; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_DI_VENDOR_ID_SOURCE: u16 = 0x0205; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_HID_DEVICE_RELEASE_NUMBER: u16 = 0x0200; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_HID_PARSER_VERSION: u16 = 0x0201; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_HID_DEVICE_SUBCLASS: u16 = 0x0202; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_HID_COUNTRY_CODE: u16 = 0x0203; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_HID_VIRTUAL_CABLE: u16 = 0x0204; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_HID_RECONNECT_INITIATE: u16 = 0x0205; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_HID_DESCRIPTOR_LIST: u16 = 0x0206; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_HID_LANG_ID_BASE_LIST: u16 = 0x0207; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_HID_SDP_DISABLE: u16 = 0x0208; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_HID_BATTERY_POWER: u16 = 0x0209; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_HID_REMOTE_WAKE: u16 = 0x020A; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_HID_PROFILE_VERSION: u16 = 0x020B; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_HID_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT: u16 = 0x020C; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_HID_NORMALLY_CONNECTABLE: u16 = 0x020D; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_HID_BOOT_DEVICE: u16 = 0x020E; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_HID_SSR_HOST_MAX_LATENCY: u16 = 0x020F; pub const SDP_ATTRIB_HID_SSR_HOST_MIN_TIMEOUT: u16 = 0x0210; pub const CORDLESS_EXTERNAL_NETWORK_PSTN: u8 = 0x01; pub const CORDLESS_EXTERNAL_NETWORK_ISDN: u8 = 0x02; pub const CORDLESS_EXTERNAL_NETWORK_GSM: u8 = 0x03; pub const CORDLESS_EXTERNAL_NETWORK_CDMA: u8 = 0x04; pub const CORDLESS_EXTERNAL_NETWORK_ANALOG_CELLULAR: u8 = 0x05; pub const CORDLESS_EXTERNAL_NETWORK_PACKET_SWITCHED: u8 = 0x06; pub const CORDLESS_EXTERNAL_NETWORK_OTHER: u8 = 0x07; pub const OBJECT_PUSH_FORMAT_VCARD_2_1: u8 = 0x01; pub const OBJECT_PUSH_FORMAT_VCARD_3_0: u8 = 0x02; pub const OBJECT_PUSH_FORMAT_VCAL_1_0: u8 = 0x03; pub const OBJECT_PUSH_FORMAT_ICAL_2_0: u8 = 0x04; pub const OBJECT_PUSH_FORMAT_VNOTE: u8 = 0x05; pub const OBJECT_PUSH_FORMAT_VMESSAGE: u8 = 0x06; pub const OBJECT_PUSH_FORMAT_ANY: u8 = 0xFF; pub const SYNCH_DATA_STORE_PHONEBOOK: u8 = 0x01; pub const SYNCH_DATA_STORE_CALENDAR: u8 = 0x03; pub const SYNCH_DATA_STORE_NOTES: u8 = 0x05; pub const SYNCH_DATA_STORE_MESSAGES: u8 = 0x06; pub const DI_VENDOR_ID_SOURCE_BLUETOOTH_SIG: u16 = 0x0001; pub const DI_VENDOR_ID_SOURCE_USB_IF: u16 = 0x0002; pub const PSM_SDP: u16 = 0x0001; pub const PSM_RFCOMM: u16 = 0x0003; pub const PSM_TCS_BIN: u16 = 0x0005; pub const PSM_TCS_BIN_CORDLESS: u16 = 0x0007; pub const PSM_BNEP: u16 = 0x000F; pub const PSM_HID_CONTROL: u16 = 0x0011; pub const PSM_HID_INTERRUPT: u16 = 0x0013; pub const PSM_UPNP: u16 = 0x0015; pub const PSM_AVCTP: u16 = 0x0017; pub const PSM_AVDTP: u16 = 0x0019; pub const PSM_AVCTP_BROWSE: u16 = 0x001B; pub const PSM_UDI_C_PLANE: u16 = 0x001D; pub const PSM_ATT: u16 = 0x001F; pub const PSM_3DSP: u16 = 0x0021; pub const PSM_LE_IPSP: u16 = 0x0023; pub const STR_ADDR_FMTA: &'static str = "(%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x)\0"; // #define STR_ADDR_FMTW L"(%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x)" pub const STR_ADDR_SHORT_FMTA: &'static str = "%04x%08x\0"; // #define STR_ADDR_SHORT_FMTW L"%04x%08x" pub const STR_USBHCI_CLASS_HARDWAREIDA: &'static str = "USB\\Class_E0&SubClass_01&Prot_01\0"; // #define STR_USBHCI_CLASS_HARDWAREIDW L"USB\\Class_E0&SubClass_01&Prot_01" #[inline] pub fn GET_BITS(field: u64, offset: u8, mask: u64) -> u64 { (field >> offset) & mask } #[inline] pub fn GET_BIT(field: u64, offset: u8) -> u64 { GET_BITS(field, offset, 1) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_3_SLOT_PACKETS(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 0) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_5_SLOT_PACKETS(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 1) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_ENCRYPTION(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 2) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_SLOT_OFFSET(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 3) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_TIMING_ACCURACY(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 4) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_SWITCH(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 5) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_HOLD_MODE(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 6) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_SNIFF_MODE(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 7) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_PARK_MODE(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 8) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_RSSI(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 9) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_CHANNEL_QUALITY_DRIVEN_MODE(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 10) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_SCO_LINK(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 11) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_HV2_PACKETS(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 12) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_HV3_PACKETS(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 13) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_MU_LAW_LOG(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 14) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_A_LAW_LOG(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 15) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_CVSD(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 16) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_PAGING_SCHEME(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 17) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_POWER_CONTROL(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 18) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_TRANSPARENT_SCO_DATA(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 19) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_FLOW_CONTROL_LAG(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BITS(x, 20, 0x3) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_BROADCAST_ENCRYPTION(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 23) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_ENHANCED_DATA_RATE_ACL_2MBPS_MODE(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 25) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_ENHANCED_DATA_RATE_ACL_3MBPS_MODE(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 26) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_ENHANCED_INQUIRY_SCAN(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 27) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_INTERLACED_INQUIRY_SCAN(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 28) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_INTERLACED_PAGE_SCAN(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 29) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_RSSI_WITH_INQUIRY_RESULTS(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 30) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_ESCO_LINK(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 31) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_EV4_PACKETS(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 32) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_EV5_PACKETS(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 33) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_AFH_CAPABLE_SLAVE(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 35) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_AFH_CLASSIFICATION_SLAVE(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 36) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_BR_EDR_NOT_SUPPORTED(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 37) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_LE_SUPPORTED(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 38) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_3SLOT_EDR_ACL_PACKETS(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 39) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_5SLOT_EDR_ACL_PACKETS(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 40) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_SNIFF_SUBRATING(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 41) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_PAUSE_ENCRYPTION(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 42) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_AFH_CAPABLE_MASTER(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 43) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_AFH_CLASSIFICATION_MASTER(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 44) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_EDR_ESCO_2MBPS_MODE(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 45) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_EDR_ESCO_3MBPS_MODE(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 46) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_3SLOT_EDR_ESCO_PACKETS(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 47) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_EXTENDED_INQUIRY_RESPONSE(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 48) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_SIMULT_LE_BR_TO_SAME_DEV(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 49) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_SECURE_SIMPLE_PAIRING(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 51) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_ENCAPSULATED_PDU(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 52) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_ERRONEOUS_DATA_REPORTING(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 53) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_NON_FLUSHABLE_PACKET_BOUNDARY_FLAG(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 54) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_LINK_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT_CHANGED_EVENT(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 56) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_INQUIRY_RESPONSE_TX_POWER_LEVEL(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 57) } #[inline] pub fn LMP_EXTENDED_FEATURES(x: u64) -> u64 { GET_BIT(x, 63) }