// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // <LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option. // All files in the project carrying such notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. //! Security Support Provider Interface Prototypes and structure definitions use ctypes::{c_char, c_int, c_uchar, c_ulong, c_ushort, c_void}; use shared::basetsd::ULONG_PTR; use shared::guiddef::GUID; use shared::minwindef::{PUCHAR, ULONG, USHORT}; use um::subauth::PUNICODE_STRING; use um::wincred::{PCREDUI_INFOA, PCREDUI_INFOW}; use um::winnt::{ ANYSIZE_ARRAY, BOOLEAN, CHAR, HANDLE, LARGE_INTEGER, LONG, LPSTR, LPWSTR, LUID, PCSTR, PCWSTR, PVOID, WCHAR }; pub type SEC_WCHAR = WCHAR; pub type SEC_CHAR = CHAR; pub type SECURITY_STATUS = LONG; STRUCT!{struct SecHandle { dwLower: ULONG_PTR, dwUpper: ULONG_PTR, }} pub type PSecHandle = *mut SecHandle; pub const SEC_DELETED_HANDLE: ULONG_PTR = 2; pub type CredHandle = SecHandle; pub type PCredHandle = PSecHandle; pub type CtxtHandle = SecHandle; pub type PCtxtHandle = PSecHandle; pub type SECURITY_INTEGER = LARGE_INTEGER; pub type PSECURITY_INTEGER = *mut LARGE_INTEGER; pub type TimeStamp = SECURITY_INTEGER; pub type PTimeStamp = *mut SECURITY_INTEGER; STRUCT!{struct SECURITY_STRING { Length: c_ushort, MaximumLength: c_ushort, Buffer: *mut c_ushort, }} pub type PSECURITY_STRING = *mut SECURITY_STRING; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgInfoW { fCapabilities: c_ulong, wVersion: c_ushort, wRPCID: c_ushort, cbMaxToken: c_ulong, Name: *mut SEC_WCHAR, Comment: *mut SEC_WCHAR, }} pub type PSecPkgInfoW = *mut SecPkgInfoW; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgInfoA { fCapabilities: c_ulong, wVersion: c_ushort, wRPCID: c_ushort, cbMaxToken: c_ulong, Name: *mut SEC_CHAR, Comment: *mut SEC_CHAR, }} pub type PSecPkgInfoA = *mut SecPkgInfoA; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_INTEGRITY: c_ulong = 0x00000001; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_PRIVACY: c_ulong = 0x00000002; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_TOKEN_ONLY: c_ulong = 0x00000004; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_DATAGRAM: c_ulong = 0x00000008; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_CONNECTION: c_ulong = 0x00000010; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_MULTI_REQUIRED: c_ulong = 0x00000020; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_CLIENT_ONLY: c_ulong = 0x00000040; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_EXTENDED_ERROR: c_ulong = 0x00000080; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_IMPERSONATION: c_ulong = 0x00000100; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_ACCEPT_WIN32_NAME: c_ulong = 0x00000200; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_STREAM: c_ulong = 0x00000400; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_NEGOTIABLE: c_ulong = 0x00000800; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_GSS_COMPATIBLE: c_ulong = 0x00001000; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_LOGON: c_ulong = 0x00002000; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_ASCII_BUFFERS: c_ulong = 0x00004000; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_FRAGMENT: c_ulong = 0x00008000; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_MUTUAL_AUTH: c_ulong = 0x00010000; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_DELEGATION: c_ulong = 0x00020000; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_READONLY_WITH_CHECKSUM: c_ulong = 0x00040000; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_RESTRICTED_TOKENS: c_ulong = 0x00080000; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_NEGO_EXTENDER: c_ulong = 0x00100000; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_NEGOTIABLE2: c_ulong = 0x00200000; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_APPCONTAINER_PASSTHROUGH: c_ulong = 0x00400000; pub const SECPKG_FLAG_APPCONTAINER_CHECKS: c_ulong = 0x00800000; pub const SECPKG_ID_NONE: c_ulong = 0xFFFF; pub const SECPKG_CALLFLAGS_APPCONTAINER: c_ulong = 0x00000001; pub const SECPKG_CALLFLAGS_APPCONTAINER_AUTHCAPABLE: c_ulong = 0x00000002; pub const SECPKG_CALLFLAGS_FORCE_SUPPLIED: c_ulong = 0x00000004; STRUCT!{struct SecBuffer { cbBuffer: c_ulong, BufferType: c_ulong, pvBuffer: *mut c_void, }} pub type PSecBuffer = *mut SecBuffer; STRUCT!{struct SecBufferDesc { ulVersion: c_ulong, cBuffers: c_ulong, pBuffers: PSecBuffer, }} pub type PSecBufferDesc = *mut SecBufferDesc; pub const SECBUFFER_VERSION: c_ulong = 0; pub const SECBUFFER_EMPTY: c_ulong = 0; pub const SECBUFFER_DATA: c_ulong = 1; pub const SECBUFFER_TOKEN: c_ulong = 2; pub const SECBUFFER_PKG_PARAMS: c_ulong = 3; pub const SECBUFFER_MISSING: c_ulong = 4; pub const SECBUFFER_EXTRA: c_ulong = 5; pub const SECBUFFER_STREAM_TRAILER: c_ulong = 6; pub const SECBUFFER_STREAM_HEADER: c_ulong = 7; pub const SECBUFFER_NEGOTIATION_INFO: c_ulong = 8; pub const SECBUFFER_PADDING: c_ulong = 9; pub const SECBUFFER_STREAM: c_ulong = 10; pub const SECBUFFER_MECHLIST: c_ulong = 11; pub const SECBUFFER_MECHLIST_SIGNATURE: c_ulong = 12; pub const SECBUFFER_TARGET: c_ulong = 13; pub const SECBUFFER_CHANNEL_BINDINGS: c_ulong = 14; pub const SECBUFFER_CHANGE_PASS_RESPONSE: c_ulong = 15; pub const SECBUFFER_TARGET_HOST: c_ulong = 16; pub const SECBUFFER_ALERT: c_ulong = 17; pub const SECBUFFER_APPLICATION_PROTOCOLS: c_ulong = 18; pub const SECBUFFER_ATTRMASK: c_ulong = 0xF0000000; pub const SECBUFFER_READONLY: c_ulong = 0x80000000; pub const SECBUFFER_READONLY_WITH_CHECKSUM: c_ulong = 0x10000000; pub const SECBUFFER_RESERVED: c_ulong = 0x60000000; STRUCT!{struct SEC_NEGOTIATION_INFO { Size: c_ulong, NameLength: c_ulong, Name: *mut SEC_WCHAR, Reserved: *mut c_void, }} pub type PSEC_NEGOTIATION_INFO = *mut SEC_NEGOTIATION_INFO; STRUCT!{struct SEC_CHANNEL_BINDINGS { dwInitiatorAddrType: c_ulong, cbInitiatorLength: c_ulong, dwInitiatorOffset: c_ulong, dwAcceptorAddrType: c_ulong, cbAcceptorLength: c_ulong, dwAcceptorOffset: c_ulong, cbApplicationDataLength: c_ulong, dwApplicationDataOffset: c_ulong, }} pub type PSEC_CHANNEL_BINDINGS = *mut SEC_CHANNEL_BINDINGS; ENUM!{enum SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_EXT { SecApplicationProtocolNegotiationExt_None, SecApplicationProtocolNegotiationExt_NPN, SecApplicationProtocolNegotiationExt_ALPN, }} pub type PSEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_EXT = *mut SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_EXT; STRUCT!{struct SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_LIST { ProtoNegoExt: SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_EXT, ProtocolListSize: c_ushort, ProtocolList: [c_uchar; 0], }} pub type PSEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_LIST = *mut SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_LIST; STRUCT!{struct SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOLS { ProtocolListsSize: c_ulong, ProtocolLists: [SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_LIST; ANYSIZE_ARRAY], }} pub type PSEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOLS = *mut SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOLS; pub const SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP: c_ulong = 0x00000010; pub const SECURITY_NETWORK_DREP: c_ulong = 0x00000000; pub const SECPKG_CRED_INBOUND: c_ulong = 0x00000001; pub const SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND: c_ulong = 0x00000002; pub const SECPKG_CRED_BOTH: c_ulong = 0x00000003; pub const SECPKG_CRED_DEFAULT: c_ulong = 0x00000004; pub const SECPKG_CRED_RESERVED: c_ulong = 0xF0000000; pub const SECPKG_CRED_AUTOLOGON_RESTRICTED: c_ulong = 0x00000010; pub const SECPKG_CRED_PROCESS_POLICY_ONLY: c_ulong = 0x00000020; pub const ISC_REQ_DELEGATE: c_ulong = 0x00000001; pub const ISC_REQ_MUTUAL_AUTH: c_ulong = 0x00000002; pub const ISC_REQ_REPLAY_DETECT: c_ulong = 0x00000004; pub const ISC_REQ_SEQUENCE_DETECT: c_ulong = 0x00000008; pub const ISC_REQ_CONFIDENTIALITY: c_ulong = 0x00000010; pub const ISC_REQ_USE_SESSION_KEY: c_ulong = 0x00000020; pub const ISC_REQ_PROMPT_FOR_CREDS: c_ulong = 0x00000040; pub const ISC_REQ_USE_SUPPLIED_CREDS: c_ulong = 0x00000080; pub const ISC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY: c_ulong = 0x00000100; pub const ISC_REQ_USE_DCE_STYLE: c_ulong = 0x00000200; pub const ISC_REQ_DATAGRAM: c_ulong = 0x00000400; pub const ISC_REQ_CONNECTION: c_ulong = 0x00000800; pub const ISC_REQ_CALL_LEVEL: c_ulong = 0x00001000; pub const ISC_REQ_FRAGMENT_SUPPLIED: c_ulong = 0x00002000; pub const ISC_REQ_EXTENDED_ERROR: c_ulong = 0x00004000; pub const ISC_REQ_STREAM: c_ulong = 0x00008000; pub const ISC_REQ_INTEGRITY: c_ulong = 0x00010000; pub const ISC_REQ_IDENTIFY: c_ulong = 0x00020000; pub const ISC_REQ_NULL_SESSION: c_ulong = 0x00040000; pub const ISC_REQ_MANUAL_CRED_VALIDATION: c_ulong = 0x00080000; pub const ISC_REQ_RESERVED1: c_ulong = 0x00100000; pub const ISC_REQ_FRAGMENT_TO_FIT: c_ulong = 0x00200000; pub const ISC_REQ_FORWARD_CREDENTIALS: c_ulong = 0x00400000; pub const ISC_REQ_NO_INTEGRITY: c_ulong = 0x00800000; pub const ISC_REQ_USE_HTTP_STYLE: c_ulong = 0x01000000; pub const ISC_REQ_UNVERIFIED_TARGET_NAME: c_ulong = 0x20000000; pub const ISC_REQ_CONFIDENTIALITY_ONLY: c_ulong = 0x40000000; pub const ISC_RET_DELEGATE: c_ulong = 0x00000001; pub const ISC_RET_MUTUAL_AUTH: c_ulong = 0x00000002; pub const ISC_RET_REPLAY_DETECT: c_ulong = 0x00000004; pub const ISC_RET_SEQUENCE_DETECT: c_ulong = 0x00000008; pub const ISC_RET_CONFIDENTIALITY: c_ulong = 0x00000010; pub const ISC_RET_USE_SESSION_KEY: c_ulong = 0x00000020; pub const ISC_RET_USED_COLLECTED_CREDS: c_ulong = 0x00000040; pub const ISC_RET_USED_SUPPLIED_CREDS: c_ulong = 0x00000080; pub const ISC_RET_ALLOCATED_MEMORY: c_ulong = 0x00000100; pub const ISC_RET_USED_DCE_STYLE: c_ulong = 0x00000200; pub const ISC_RET_DATAGRAM: c_ulong = 0x00000400; pub const ISC_RET_CONNECTION: c_ulong = 0x00000800; pub const ISC_RET_INTERMEDIATE_RETURN: c_ulong = 0x00001000; pub const ISC_RET_CALL_LEVEL: c_ulong = 0x00002000; pub const ISC_RET_EXTENDED_ERROR: c_ulong = 0x00004000; pub const ISC_RET_STREAM: c_ulong = 0x00008000; pub const ISC_RET_INTEGRITY: c_ulong = 0x00010000; pub const ISC_RET_IDENTIFY: c_ulong = 0x00020000; pub const ISC_RET_NULL_SESSION: c_ulong = 0x00040000; pub const ISC_RET_MANUAL_CRED_VALIDATION: c_ulong = 0x00080000; pub const ISC_RET_RESERVED1: c_ulong = 0x00100000; pub const ISC_RET_FRAGMENT_ONLY: c_ulong = 0x00200000; pub const ISC_RET_FORWARD_CREDENTIALS: c_ulong = 0x00400000; pub const ISC_RET_USED_HTTP_STYLE: c_ulong = 0x01000000; pub const ISC_RET_NO_ADDITIONAL_TOKEN: c_ulong = 0x02000000; pub const ISC_RET_REAUTHENTICATION: c_ulong = 0x08000000; pub const ISC_RET_CONFIDENTIALITY_ONLY: c_ulong = 0x40000000; pub const ASC_REQ_DELEGATE: c_ulong = 0x00000001; pub const ASC_REQ_MUTUAL_AUTH: c_ulong = 0x00000002; pub const ASC_REQ_REPLAY_DETECT: c_ulong = 0x00000004; pub const ASC_REQ_SEQUENCE_DETECT: c_ulong = 0x00000008; pub const ASC_REQ_CONFIDENTIALITY: c_ulong = 0x00000010; pub const ASC_REQ_USE_SESSION_KEY: c_ulong = 0x00000020; pub const ASC_REQ_SESSION_TICKET: c_ulong = 0x00000040; pub const ASC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY: c_ulong = 0x00000100; pub const ASC_REQ_USE_DCE_STYLE: c_ulong = 0x00000200; pub const ASC_REQ_DATAGRAM: c_ulong = 0x00000400; pub const ASC_REQ_CONNECTION: c_ulong = 0x00000800; pub const ASC_REQ_CALL_LEVEL: c_ulong = 0x00001000; pub const ASC_REQ_EXTENDED_ERROR: c_ulong = 0x00008000; pub const ASC_REQ_STREAM: c_ulong = 0x00010000; pub const ASC_REQ_INTEGRITY: c_ulong = 0x00020000; pub const ASC_REQ_LICENSING: c_ulong = 0x00040000; pub const ASC_REQ_IDENTIFY: c_ulong = 0x00080000; pub const ASC_REQ_ALLOW_NULL_SESSION: c_ulong = 0x00100000; pub const ASC_REQ_ALLOW_NON_USER_LOGONS: c_ulong = 0x00200000; pub const ASC_REQ_ALLOW_CONTEXT_REPLAY: c_ulong = 0x00400000; pub const ASC_REQ_FRAGMENT_TO_FIT: c_ulong = 0x00800000; pub const ASC_REQ_FRAGMENT_SUPPLIED: c_ulong = 0x00002000; pub const ASC_REQ_NO_TOKEN: c_ulong = 0x01000000; pub const ASC_REQ_PROXY_BINDINGS: c_ulong = 0x04000000; pub const ASC_REQ_ALLOW_MISSING_BINDINGS: c_ulong = 0x10000000; pub const ASC_RET_DELEGATE: c_ulong = 0x00000001; pub const ASC_RET_MUTUAL_AUTH: c_ulong = 0x00000002; pub const ASC_RET_REPLAY_DETECT: c_ulong = 0x00000004; pub const ASC_RET_SEQUENCE_DETECT: c_ulong = 0x00000008; pub const ASC_RET_CONFIDENTIALITY: c_ulong = 0x00000010; pub const ASC_RET_USE_SESSION_KEY: c_ulong = 0x00000020; pub const ASC_RET_SESSION_TICKET: c_ulong = 0x00000040; pub const ASC_RET_ALLOCATED_MEMORY: c_ulong = 0x00000100; pub const ASC_RET_USED_DCE_STYLE: c_ulong = 0x00000200; pub const ASC_RET_DATAGRAM: c_ulong = 0x00000400; pub const ASC_RET_CONNECTION: c_ulong = 0x00000800; pub const ASC_RET_CALL_LEVEL: c_ulong = 0x00002000; pub const ASC_RET_THIRD_LEG_FAILED: c_ulong = 0x00004000; pub const ASC_RET_EXTENDED_ERROR: c_ulong = 0x00008000; pub const ASC_RET_STREAM: c_ulong = 0x00010000; pub const ASC_RET_INTEGRITY: c_ulong = 0x00020000; pub const ASC_RET_LICENSING: c_ulong = 0x00040000; pub const ASC_RET_IDENTIFY: c_ulong = 0x00080000; pub const ASC_RET_NULL_SESSION: c_ulong = 0x00100000; pub const ASC_RET_ALLOW_NON_USER_LOGONS: c_ulong = 0x00200000; pub const ASC_RET_ALLOW_CONTEXT_REPLAY: c_ulong = 0x00400000; pub const ASC_RET_FRAGMENT_ONLY: c_ulong = 0x00800000; pub const ASC_RET_NO_TOKEN: c_ulong = 0x01000000; pub const ASC_RET_NO_ADDITIONAL_TOKEN: c_ulong = 0x02000000; pub const SECPKG_CRED_ATTR_NAMES: c_ulong = 1; pub const SECPKG_CRED_ATTR_SSI_PROVIDER: c_ulong = 2; pub const SECPKG_CRED_ATTR_KDC_PROXY_SETTINGS: c_ulong = 3; pub const SECPKG_CRED_ATTR_CERT: c_ulong = 4; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgCredentials_NamesW { sUserName: *mut SEC_WCHAR, }} pub type PSecPkgCredentials_NamesW = *mut SecPkgCredentials_NamesW; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgCredentials_NamesA { sUserName: *mut SEC_CHAR, }} pub type PSecPkgCredentials_NamesA = *mut SecPkgCredentials_NamesA; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgCredentials_SSIProviderW { sProviderName: *mut SEC_WCHAR, ProviderInfoLength: c_ulong, ProviderInfo: *mut c_char, }} pub type PSecPkgCredentials_SSIProviderW = *mut SecPkgCredentials_SSIProviderW; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgCredentials_SSIProviderA { sProviderName: *mut SEC_CHAR, ProviderInfoLength: c_ulong, ProviderInfo: *mut c_char, }} pub type PSecPkgCredentials_SSIProviderA = *mut SecPkgCredentials_SSIProviderA; pub const KDC_PROXY_SETTINGS_V1: ULONG = 1; pub const KDC_PROXY_SETTINGS_FLAGS_FORCEPROXY: ULONG = 0x1; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgCredentials_KdcProxySettingsW { Version: ULONG, Flags: ULONG, ProxyServerOffset: USHORT, ProxyServerLength: USHORT, ClientTlsCredOffset: USHORT, ClientTlsCredLength: USHORT, }} pub type PSecPkgCredentials_KdcProxySettingsW = *mut SecPkgCredentials_KdcProxySettingsW; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgCredentials_Cert { EncodedCertSize: c_ulong, EncodedCert: *mut c_uchar, }} pub type PSecPkgCredentials_Cert = *mut SecPkgCredentials_Cert; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_SIZES: c_ulong = 0; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_NAMES: c_ulong = 1; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_LIFESPAN: c_ulong = 2; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_DCE_INFO: c_ulong = 3; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_STREAM_SIZES: c_ulong = 4; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_KEY_INFO: c_ulong = 5; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_AUTHORITY: c_ulong = 6; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_PROTO_INFO: c_ulong = 7; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_PASSWORD_EXPIRY: c_ulong = 8; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_SESSION_KEY: c_ulong = 9; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_PACKAGE_INFO: c_ulong = 10; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_USER_FLAGS: c_ulong = 11; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_NEGOTIATION_INFO: c_ulong = 12; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_NATIVE_NAMES: c_ulong = 13; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_FLAGS: c_ulong = 14; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_USE_VALIDATED: c_ulong = 15; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_CREDENTIAL_NAME: c_ulong = 16; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_TARGET_INFORMATION: c_ulong = 17; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_ACCESS_TOKEN: c_ulong = 18; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_TARGET: c_ulong = 19; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_AUTHENTICATION_ID: c_ulong = 20; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_LOGOFF_TIME: c_ulong = 21; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_NEGO_KEYS: c_ulong = 22; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_PROMPTING_NEEDED: c_ulong = 24; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_UNIQUE_BINDINGS: c_ulong = 25; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_ENDPOINT_BINDINGS: c_ulong = 26; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_CLIENT_SPECIFIED_TARGET: c_ulong = 27; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_LAST_CLIENT_TOKEN_STATUS: c_ulong = 30; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_NEGO_PKG_INFO: c_ulong = 31; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_NEGO_STATUS: c_ulong = 32; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_CONTEXT_DELETED: c_ulong = 33; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_DTLS_MTU: c_ulong = 34; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_DATAGRAM_SIZES: c_ulong = SECPKG_ATTR_STREAM_SIZES; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_SUBJECT_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES: c_ulong = 128; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL: c_ulong = 35; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_SubjectAttributes { AttributeInfo: *mut c_void, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_SubjectAttributes = *mut SecPkgContext_SubjectAttributes; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_NEGO_INFO_FLAG_NO_KERBEROS: c_ulong = 0x1; pub const SECPKG_ATTR_NEGO_INFO_FLAG_NO_NTLM: c_ulong = 0x2; ENUM!{enum SECPKG_CRED_CLASS { SecPkgCredClass_None = 0, SecPkgCredClass_Ephemeral = 10, SecPkgCredClass_PersistedGeneric = 20, SecPkgCredClass_PersistedSpecific = 30, SecPkgCredClass_Explicit = 40, }} pub type PSECPKG_CRED_CLASS = *mut SECPKG_CRED_CLASS; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_CredInfo { CredClass: SECPKG_CRED_CLASS, IsPromptingNeeded: c_ulong, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_CredInfo = *mut SecPkgContext_CredInfo; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_NegoPackageInfo { PackageMask: c_ulong, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_NegoPackageInfo = *mut SecPkgContext_NegoPackageInfo; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_NegoStatus { LastStatus: c_ulong, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_NegoStatus = *mut SecPkgContext_NegoStatus; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_Sizes { cbMaxToken: c_ulong, cbMaxSignature: c_ulong, cbBlockSize: c_ulong, cbSecurityTrailer: c_ulong, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_Sizes = *mut SecPkgContext_Sizes; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_StreamSizes { cbHeader: c_ulong, cbTrailer: c_ulong, cbMaximumMessage: c_ulong, cBuffers: c_ulong, cbBlockSize: c_ulong, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_StreamSizes = *mut SecPkgContext_StreamSizes; pub type SecPkgContext_DatagramSizes = SecPkgContext_StreamSizes; pub type PSecPkgContext_DatagramSizes = PSecPkgContext_StreamSizes; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_NamesW { sUserName: *mut SEC_WCHAR, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_NamesW = *mut SecPkgContext_NamesW; ENUM!{enum SECPKG_ATTR_LCT_STATUS { SecPkgAttrLastClientTokenYes, SecPkgAttrLastClientTokenNo, SecPkgAttrLastClientTokenMaybe, }} pub type PSECPKG_ATTR_LCT_STATUS = *mut SECPKG_ATTR_LCT_STATUS; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_LastClientTokenStatus { LastClientTokenStatus: SECPKG_ATTR_LCT_STATUS, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_LastClientTokenStatus = *mut SecPkgContext_LastClientTokenStatus; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_NamesA { sUserName: *mut SEC_CHAR, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_NamesA = *mut SecPkgContext_NamesA; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_Lifespan { tsStart: TimeStamp, tsExpiry: TimeStamp, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_Lifespan = *mut SecPkgContext_Lifespan; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_DceInfo { AuthzSvc: c_ulong, pPac: *mut c_void, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_DceInfo = *mut SecPkgContext_DceInfo; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_KeyInfoA { sSignatureAlgorithmName: *mut SEC_CHAR, sEncryptAlgorithmName: *mut SEC_CHAR, KeySize: c_ulong, SignatureAlgorithm: c_ulong, EncryptAlgorithm: c_ulong, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_KeyInfoA = *mut SecPkgContext_KeyInfoA; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_KeyInfoW { sSignatureAlgorithmName: *mut SEC_WCHAR, sEncryptAlgorithmName: *mut SEC_WCHAR, KeySize: c_ulong, SignatureAlgorithm: c_ulong, EncryptAlgorithm: c_ulong, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_KeyInfoW = *mut SecPkgContext_KeyInfoW; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_AuthorityA { sAuthorityName: *mut SEC_CHAR, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_AuthorityA = *mut SecPkgContext_AuthorityA; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_AuthorityW { sAuthorityName: *mut SEC_WCHAR, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_AuthorityW = *mut SecPkgContext_AuthorityW; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_ProtoInfoA { sProtocolName: *mut SEC_CHAR, majorVersion: c_ulong, minorVersion: c_ulong, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_ProtoInfoA = *mut SecPkgContext_ProtoInfoA; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_ProtoInfoW { sProtocolName: *mut SEC_WCHAR, majorVersion: c_ulong, minorVersion: c_ulong, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_ProtoInfoW = *mut SecPkgContext_ProtoInfoW; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_PasswordExpiry { tsPasswordExpires: TimeStamp, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_PasswordExpiry = *mut SecPkgContext_PasswordExpiry; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_LogoffTime { tsLogoffTime: TimeStamp, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_LogoffTime = *mut SecPkgContext_LogoffTime; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_SessionKey { SessionKeyLength: c_ulong, SessionKey: *mut c_uchar, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_SessionKey = *mut SecPkgContext_SessionKey; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_NegoKeys { KeyType: c_ulong, KeyLength: c_ushort, KeyValue: *mut c_uchar, VerifyKeyType: c_ulong, VerifyKeyLength: c_ushort, VerifyKeyValue: *mut c_uchar, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_NegoKeys = *mut SecPkgContext_NegoKeys; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_PackageInfoW { PackageInfo: PSecPkgInfoW, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_PackageInfoW = *mut SecPkgContext_PackageInfoW; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_PackageInfoA { PackageInfo: PSecPkgInfoA, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_PackageInfoA = *mut SecPkgContext_PackageInfoA; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_UserFlags { UserFlags: c_ulong, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_UserFlags = *mut SecPkgContext_UserFlags; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_Flags { Flags: c_ulong, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_Flags = *mut SecPkgContext_Flags; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_NegotiationInfoA { PackageInfo: PSecPkgInfoA, NegotiationState: c_ulong, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_NegotiationInfoA = *mut SecPkgContext_NegotiationInfoA; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_NegotiationInfoW { PackageInfo: PSecPkgInfoW, NegotiationState: c_ulong, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_NegotiationInfoW = *mut SecPkgContext_NegotiationInfoW; pub const SECPKG_NEGOTIATION_COMPLETE: c_ulong = 0; pub const SECPKG_NEGOTIATION_OPTIMISTIC: c_ulong = 1; pub const SECPKG_NEGOTIATION_IN_PROGRESS: c_ulong = 2; pub const SECPKG_NEGOTIATION_DIRECT: c_ulong = 3; pub const SECPKG_NEGOTIATION_TRY_MULTICRED: c_ulong = 4; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_NativeNamesW { sClientName: *mut SEC_WCHAR, sServerName: *mut SEC_WCHAR, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_NativeNamesW = *mut SecPkgContext_NativeNamesW; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_NativeNamesA { sClientName: *mut SEC_CHAR, sServerName: *mut SEC_CHAR, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_NativeNamesA = *mut SecPkgContext_NativeNamesA; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_CredentialNameW { CredentialType: c_ulong, sCredentialName: *mut SEC_WCHAR, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_CredentialNameW = *mut SecPkgContext_CredentialNameW; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_CredentialNameA { CredentialType: c_ulong, sCredentialName: *mut SEC_CHAR, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_CredentialNameA = *mut SecPkgContext_CredentialNameA; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_AccessToken { AccessToken: *mut c_void, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_AccessToken = *mut SecPkgContext_AccessToken; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_TargetInformation { MarshalledTargetInfoLength: c_ulong, MarshalledTargetInfo: *mut c_uchar, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_TargetInformation = *mut SecPkgContext_TargetInformation; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_AuthzID { AuthzIDLength: c_ulong, AuthzID: *mut c_char, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_AuthzID = *mut SecPkgContext_AuthzID; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_Target { TargetLength: c_ulong, Target: *mut c_char, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_Target = *mut SecPkgContext_Target; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_ClientSpecifiedTarget { sTargetName: *mut SEC_WCHAR, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_ClientSpecifiedTarget = *mut SecPkgContext_ClientSpecifiedTarget; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_Bindings { BindingsLength: c_ulong, Bindings: *mut SEC_CHANNEL_BINDINGS, }} pub type PSecPkgContext_Bindings = *mut SecPkgContext_Bindings; ENUM!{enum SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_STATUS { SecApplicationProtocolNegotiationStatus_None, SecApplicationProtocolNegotiationStatus_Success, SecApplicationProtocolNegotiationStatus_SelectedClientOnly, }} pub type PSEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_STATUS = *mut SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_STATUS; pub const MAX_PROTOCOL_ID_SIZE: usize = 0xff; STRUCT!{struct SecPkgContext_ApplicationProtocol { ProtoNegoStatus: SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_STATUS, ProtoNegoExt: SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_EXT, ProtocolIdSize: c_uchar, ProtocolId: [c_uchar; MAX_PROTOCOL_ID_SIZE], }} pub type PSecPkgContext_ApplicationProtocol = *mut SecPkgContext_ApplicationProtocol; FN!{stdcall SEC_GET_KEY_FN( Arg: *mut c_void, Principal: *mut c_void, KeyVer: c_ulong, Key: *mut *mut c_void, Status: *mut SECURITY_STATUS, ) -> ()} pub const SECPKG_CONTEXT_EXPORT_RESET_NEW: c_ulong = 0x00000001; pub const SECPKG_CONTEXT_EXPORT_DELETE_OLD: c_ulong = 0x00000002; pub const SECPKG_CONTEXT_EXPORT_TO_KERNEL: c_ulong = 0x00000004; extern "system" { pub fn AcquireCredentialsHandleW( pszPrincipal: LPWSTR, pszPackage: LPWSTR, fCredentialUse: c_ulong, pvLogonId: *mut c_void, pAuthData: *mut c_void, pGetKeyFn: SEC_GET_KEY_FN, pvGetKeyArgument: *mut c_void, phCredential: PCredHandle, ptsExpiry: PTimeStamp, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; } FN!{stdcall ACQUIRE_CREDENTIALS_HANDLE_FN_W( *mut SEC_WCHAR, *mut SEC_WCHAR, c_ulong, *mut c_void, *mut c_void, SEC_GET_KEY_FN, *mut c_void, PCredHandle, PTimeStamp, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS} extern "system" { pub fn AcquireCredentialsHandleA( pszPrincipal: LPSTR, pszPackage: LPSTR, fCredentialUse: c_ulong, pvLogonId: *mut c_void, pAuthData: *mut c_void, pGetKeyFn: SEC_GET_KEY_FN, pvGetKeyArgument: *mut c_void, phCredential: PCredHandle, ptsExpiry: PTimeStamp, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; } FN!{stdcall ACQUIRE_CREDENTIALS_HANDLE_FN_A( *mut SEC_CHAR, *mut SEC_CHAR, c_ulong, *mut c_void, *mut c_void, SEC_GET_KEY_FN, *mut c_void, PCredHandle, PTimeStamp, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS} extern "system" { pub fn FreeCredentialsHandle( phCredential: PCredHandle, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; } FN!{stdcall FREE_CREDENTIALS_HANDLE_FN( PCredHandle, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS} extern "system" { pub fn AddCredentialsW( hCredentials: PCredHandle, pszPrincipal: LPWSTR, pszPackage: LPWSTR, fCredentialUse: c_ulong, pAuthData: *mut c_void, pGetKeyFn: SEC_GET_KEY_FN, pvGetKeyArgument: *mut c_void, ptsExpiry: PTimeStamp, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; } FN!{stdcall ADD_CREDENTIALS_FN_W( PCredHandle, *mut SEC_WCHAR, *mut SEC_WCHAR, c_ulong, *mut c_void, SEC_GET_KEY_FN, *mut c_void, PTimeStamp, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS} extern "system" { pub fn AddCredentialsA( hCredentials: PCredHandle, pszPrincipal: LPSTR, pszPackage: LPSTR, fCredentialUse: c_ulong, pAuthData: *mut c_void, pGetKeyFn: SEC_GET_KEY_FN, pvGetKeyArgument: *mut c_void, ptsExpiry: PTimeStamp, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; } FN!{stdcall ADD_CREDENTIALS_FN_A( PCredHandle, *mut SEC_CHAR, *mut SEC_CHAR, c_ulong, *mut c_void, SEC_GET_KEY_FN, *mut c_void, PTimeStamp, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS} extern "system" { // pub fn spiCreateAsyncContext(); // pub fn SspiFreeAsyncContext(); // pub fn SspiReinitAsyncContext(); // pub fn SspiSetAsyncNotifyCallback(); // pub fn SspiAsyncContextRequiresNotify(); // pub fn SspiGetAsyncCallStatus(); // pub fn SspiAcquireCredentialsHandleAsyncW(); // pub fn SspiAcquireCredentialsHandleAsyncA(); // pub fn SspiInitializeSecurityContextAsyncW(); // pub fn SspiInitializeSecurityContextAsyncA(); // pub fn SspiAcceptSecurityContextAsync(); // pub fn SspiFreeCredentialsHandleAsync(); // pub fn SspiDeleteSecurityContextAsync(); pub fn ChangeAccountPasswordW( pszPackageName: *mut SEC_WCHAR, pszDomainName: *mut SEC_WCHAR, pszAccountName: *mut SEC_WCHAR, pszOldPassword: *mut SEC_WCHAR, pszNewPassword: *mut SEC_WCHAR, bImpersonating: BOOLEAN, dwReserved: c_ulong, pOutput: PSecBufferDesc, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; } FN!{stdcall CHANGE_PASSWORD_FN_W( *mut SEC_WCHAR, *mut SEC_WCHAR, *mut SEC_WCHAR, *mut SEC_WCHAR, *mut SEC_WCHAR, BOOLEAN, c_ulong, PSecBufferDesc, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS} extern "system" { pub fn ChangeAccountPasswordA( pszPackageName: *mut SEC_CHAR, pszDomainName: *mut SEC_CHAR, pszAccountName: *mut SEC_CHAR, pszOldPassword: *mut SEC_CHAR, pszNewPassword: *mut SEC_CHAR, bImpersonating: BOOLEAN, dwReserved: c_ulong, pOutput: PSecBufferDesc, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; } FN!{stdcall CHANGE_PASSWORD_FN_A( *mut SEC_CHAR, *mut SEC_CHAR, *mut SEC_CHAR, *mut SEC_CHAR, *mut SEC_CHAR, BOOLEAN, c_ulong, PSecBufferDesc, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS} extern "system" { pub fn InitializeSecurityContextW( phCredential: PCredHandle, phContext: PCtxtHandle, pszTargetName: *mut SEC_WCHAR, fContextReq: c_ulong, Reserved1: c_ulong, TargetDataRep: c_ulong, pInput: PSecBufferDesc, Reserved2: c_ulong, phNewContext: PCtxtHandle, pOutput: PSecBufferDesc, pfContextAttr: *mut c_ulong, ptsExpiry: PTimeStamp, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; } // INITIALIZE_SECURITY_CONTEXT_FN_W extern "system" { pub fn InitializeSecurityContextA( phCredential: PCredHandle, phContext: PCtxtHandle, pszTargetName: *mut SEC_CHAR, fContextReq: c_ulong, Reserved1: c_ulong, TargetDataRep: c_ulong, pInput: PSecBufferDesc, Reserved2: c_ulong, phNewContext: PCtxtHandle, pOutput: PSecBufferDesc, pfContextAttr: *mut c_ulong, ptsExpiry: PTimeStamp, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn AcceptSecurityContext( phCredential: PCredHandle, phContext: PCtxtHandle, pInput: PSecBufferDesc, fContextReq: c_ulong, TargetDataRep: c_ulong, phNewContext: PCtxtHandle, pOutput: PSecBufferDesc, pfContextAttr: *mut c_ulong, ptsExpiry: PTimeStamp, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn CompleteAuthToken( phContext: PCtxtHandle, pToken: PSecBufferDesc, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn ImpersonateSecurityContext( phContext: PCtxtHandle, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn RevertSecurityContext( phContext: PCtxtHandle, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn QuerySecurityContextToken( phContext: PCtxtHandle, Token: *mut *mut c_void, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn DeleteSecurityContext( phContext: PCtxtHandle, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn ApplyControlToken( phContext: PCtxtHandle, pInput: PSecBufferDesc, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn QueryContextAttributesW( phContext: PCtxtHandle, ulAttribute: c_ulong, pBuffer: *mut c_void, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; // pub fn QueryContextAttributesExW(); pub fn QueryContextAttributesA( phContext: PCtxtHandle, ulAttribute: c_ulong, pBuffer: *mut c_void, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; // pub fn QueryContextAttributesExA(); pub fn SetContextAttributesW( phContext: PCtxtHandle, ulAttribute: c_ulong, pBuffer: *mut c_void, cbBuffer: c_ulong, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn SetContextAttributesA( phContext: PCtxtHandle, ulAttribute: c_ulong, pBuffer: *mut c_void, cbBuffer: c_ulong, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn QueryCredentialsAttributesW( phCredential: PCredHandle, ulAttribute: c_ulong, pBuffer: *mut c_void, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; // pub fn QueryCredentialsAttributesExW(); pub fn QueryCredentialsAttributesA( phCredential: PCredHandle, ulAttribute: c_ulong, pBuffer: *mut c_void, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; // pub fn QueryCredentialsAttributesExA(); pub fn SetCredentialsAttributesW( phCredential: PCredHandle, ulAttribute: c_ulong, pBuffer: *mut c_void, cbBuffer: c_ulong, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn SetCredentialsAttributesA( phCredential: PCredHandle, ulAttribute: c_ulong, pBuffer: *mut c_void, cbBuffer: c_ulong, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn FreeContextBuffer( pvContextBuffer: PVOID, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn MakeSignature( phContext: PCtxtHandle, fQOP: c_ulong, pMessage: PSecBufferDesc, MessageSeqNo: c_ulong, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn VerifySignature( phContext: PCtxtHandle, pMessage: PSecBufferDesc, MessageSeqNo: c_ulong, pfQOP: *mut c_ulong, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn EncryptMessage( phContext: PCtxtHandle, fQOP: c_ulong, pMessage: PSecBufferDesc, MessageSeqNo: c_ulong, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn DecryptMessage( phContext: PCtxtHandle, pMessage: PSecBufferDesc, MessageSeqNo: c_ulong, pfQOP: *mut c_ulong, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn EnumerateSecurityPackagesW( pcPackages: *mut c_ulong, ppPackageInfo: *mut PSecPkgInfoW, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn EnumerateSecurityPackagesA( pcPackages: *mut c_ulong, ppPackageInfo: *mut PSecPkgInfoA, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn QuerySecurityPackageInfoW( pszPackageName: LPWSTR, ppPackageInfo: *mut PSecPkgInfoW, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn QuerySecurityPackageInfoA( pszPackageName: LPSTR, ppPackageInfo: *mut PSecPkgInfoA, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; } ENUM!{enum SecDelegationType { SecFull, SecService, SecTree, SecDirectory, SecObject, }} pub type PSecDelegationType = *mut SecDelegationType; extern "system" { // pub fn DelegateSecurityContext(); pub fn ExportSecurityContext( phContext: PCtxtHandle, fFlags: ULONG, pPackedContext: PSecBuffer, pToken: *mut *mut c_void, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn ImportSecurityContextW( pszPackage: LPWSTR, pPackedContext: PSecBuffer, Token: *mut c_void, phContext: PCtxtHandle, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn ImportSecurityContextA( pszPackage: LPSTR, pPackedContext: PSecBuffer, Token: *mut c_void, phContext: PCtxtHandle, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; // pub fn SecMakeSPN(); // pub fn SecMakeSPNEx(); // pub fn SecMakeSPNEx2(); // pub fn SecLookupAccountSid(); // pub fn SecLookupAccountName(); // pub fn SecLookupWellKnownSid(); } extern "system" { // pub fn InitSecurityInterfaceA(); // pub fn InitSecurityInterfaceW(); // pub fn SaslEnumerateProfilesA(); // pub fn SaslEnumerateProfilesW(); // pub fn SaslGetProfilePackageA(); // pub fn SaslGetProfilePackageW(); // pub fn SaslIdentifyPackageA(); // pub fn SaslIdentifyPackageW(); // pub fn SaslInitializeSecurityContextW(); // pub fn SaslInitializeSecurityContextA(); // pub fn SaslAcceptSecurityContext(); // pub fn SaslSetContextOption(); // pub fn SaslGetContextOption(); } pub type PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_OPAQUE = PVOID; extern "system" { pub fn SspiPromptForCredentialsW( pszTargetName: PCWSTR, pUiInfo: PCREDUI_INFOW, dwAuthError: c_ulong, pszPackage: PCWSTR, pInputAuthIdentity: PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_OPAQUE, ppAuthIdentity: *mut PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_OPAQUE, pfSave: *mut c_int, dwFlags: c_ulong, ) -> c_ulong; pub fn SspiPromptForCredentialsA( pszTargetName: PCSTR, pUiInfo: PCREDUI_INFOA, dwAuthError: c_ulong, pszPackage: PCSTR, pInputAuthIdentity: PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_OPAQUE, ppAuthIdentity: *mut PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_OPAQUE, pfSave: *mut c_int, dwFlags: c_ulong, ) -> c_ulong; } STRUCT!{struct SEC_WINNT_AUTH_BYTE_VECTOR { ByteArrayOffset: c_ulong, ByteArrayLength: c_ushort, }} pub type PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_BYTE_VECTOR = *mut SEC_WINNT_AUTH_BYTE_VECTOR; STRUCT!{struct SEC_WINNT_AUTH_DATA { CredType: GUID, CredData: SEC_WINNT_AUTH_BYTE_VECTOR, }} pub type PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_DATA = *mut SEC_WINNT_AUTH_DATA; STRUCT!{struct SEC_WINNT_AUTH_PACKED_CREDENTIALS { cbHeaderLength: c_ushort, cbStructureLength: c_ushort, AuthData: SEC_WINNT_AUTH_DATA, }} pub type PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_PACKED_CREDENTIALS = *mut SEC_WINNT_AUTH_PACKED_CREDENTIALS; DEFINE_GUID!{SEC_WINNT_AUTH_DATA_TYPE_PASSWORD, 0x28bfc32f, 0x10f6, 0x4738, 0x98, 0xd1, 0x1a, 0xc0, 0x61, 0xdf, 0x71, 0x6a} DEFINE_GUID!{SEC_WINNT_AUTH_DATA_TYPE_CERT, 0x235f69ad, 0x73fb, 0x4dbc, 0x82, 0x3, 0x6, 0x29, 0xe7, 0x39, 0x33, 0x9b} STRUCT!{struct SEC_WINNT_AUTH_DATA_PASSWORD { UnicodePassword: SEC_WINNT_AUTH_BYTE_VECTOR, }} pub type PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_DATA_PASSWORD = *mut SEC_WINNT_AUTH_DATA_PASSWORD; DEFINE_GUID!{SEC_WINNT_AUTH_DATA_TYPE_CSP_DATA, 0x68fd9879, 0x79c, 0x4dfe, 0x82, 0x81, 0x57, 0x8a, 0xad, 0xc1, 0xc1, 0x0} // GUID SEC_WINNT_AUTH_DATA_TYPE_SMARTCARD_CONTEXTS STRUCT!{struct SEC_WINNT_AUTH_CERTIFICATE_DATA { cbHeaderLength: c_ushort, cbStructureLength: c_ushort, Certificate: SEC_WINNT_AUTH_BYTE_VECTOR, }} pub type PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_CERTIFICATE_DATA = *mut SEC_WINNT_AUTH_CERTIFICATE_DATA; STRUCT!{struct SEC_WINNT_CREDUI_CONTEXT_VECTOR { CredUIContextArrayOffset: ULONG, CredUIContextCount: USHORT, }} pub type PSEC_WINNT_CREDUI_CONTEXT_VECTOR = *mut SEC_WINNT_CREDUI_CONTEXT_VECTOR; STRUCT!{struct SEC_WINNT_AUTH_SHORT_VECTOR { ShortArrayOffset: ULONG, ShortArrayCount: USHORT, }} pub type PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_SHORT_VECTOR = *mut SEC_WINNT_AUTH_SHORT_VECTOR; extern "system" { pub fn SspiGetCredUIContext( ContextHandle: HANDLE, CredType: *mut GUID, LogonId: *mut LUID, CredUIContexts: *mut PSEC_WINNT_CREDUI_CONTEXT_VECTOR, TokenHandle: *mut HANDLE, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; pub fn SspiUpdateCredentials( ContextHandle: HANDLE, CredType: *mut GUID, FlatCredUIContextLength: ULONG, FlatCredUIContext: PUCHAR, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; } STRUCT!{struct CREDUIWIN_MARSHALED_CONTEXT { StructureType: GUID, cbHeaderLength: USHORT, LogonId: LUID, MarshaledDataType: GUID, MarshaledDataOffset: ULONG, MarshaledDataLength: USHORT, }} pub type PCREDUIWIN_MARSHALED_CONTEXT = *mut CREDUIWIN_MARSHALED_CONTEXT; STRUCT!{struct SEC_WINNT_CREDUI_CONTEXT { cbHeaderLength: USHORT, CredUIContextHandle: HANDLE, UIInfo: PCREDUI_INFOW, dwAuthError: ULONG, pInputAuthIdentity: PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_OPAQUE, TargetName: PUNICODE_STRING, }} pub type PSEC_WINNT_CREDUI_CONTEXT = *mut SEC_WINNT_CREDUI_CONTEXT; // GUID CREDUIWIN_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SSPIPFC // GUID SSPIPFC_STRUCTURE_TYPE_CREDUI_CONTEXT extern "system" { pub fn SspiUnmarshalCredUIContext( MarshaledCredUIContext: PUCHAR, MarshaledCredUIContextLength: ULONG, CredUIContext: *mut PSEC_WINNT_CREDUI_CONTEXT, ) -> SECURITY_STATUS; // pub fn SspiPrepareForCredRead(); // pub fn SspiPrepareForCredWrite(); // pub fn SspiEncryptAuthIdentity(); // pub fn SspiEncryptAuthIdentityEx(); // pub fn SspiDecryptAuthIdentity(); // pub fn SspiDecryptAuthIdentityEx(); // pub fn SspiIsAuthIdentityEncrypted(); // pub fn SspiEncodeAuthIdentityAsStrings(); // pub fn SspiValidateAuthIdentity(); // pub fn SspiCopyAuthIdentity(); // pub fn SspiFreeAuthIdentity(); // pub fn SspiZeroAuthIdentity(); // pub fn SspiLocalFree(); // pub fn SspiEncodeStringsAsAuthIdentity(); // pub fn SspiCompareAuthIdentities(); // pub fn SspiMarshalAuthIdentity(); // pub fn SspiUnmarshalAuthIdentity(); pub fn SspiIsPromptingNeeded( ErrorOrNtStatus: c_ulong, ) -> BOOLEAN; // pub fn SspiGetTargetHostName(); // pub fn SspiExcludePackage(); // pub fn AddSecurityPackageA(); // pub fn AddSecurityPackageW(); // pub fn DeleteSecurityPackageA(); // pub fn DeleteSecurityPackageW(); }