//! Contains an implementation of pull-based XML parser. use std::mem; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::io::prelude::*; use common::{ self, XmlVersion, Position, TextPosition, is_name_start_char, is_name_char, }; use name::OwnedName; use attribute::OwnedAttribute; use namespace::NamespaceStack; use reader::events::XmlEvent; use reader::config::ParserConfig; use reader::lexer::{Lexer, Token}; macro_rules! gen_takes( ($($field:ident -> $method:ident, $t:ty, $def:expr);+) => ( $( impl MarkupData { #[inline] fn $method(&mut self) -> $t { mem::replace(&mut self.$field, $def) } } )+ ) ); gen_takes!( name -> take_name, String, String::new(); ref_data -> take_ref_data, String, String::new(); version -> take_version, Option, None; encoding -> take_encoding, Option, None; standalone -> take_standalone, Option, None; element_name -> take_element_name, Option, None; attr_name -> take_attr_name, Option, None; attributes -> take_attributes, Vec, vec!() ); macro_rules! self_error( ($this:ident; $msg:expr) => ($this.error($msg)); ($this:ident; $fmt:expr, $($arg:expr),+) => ($this.error(format!($fmt, $($arg),+))) ); mod outside_tag; mod inside_processing_instruction; mod inside_declaration; mod inside_doctype; mod inside_opening_tag; mod inside_closing_tag_name; mod inside_comment; mod inside_cdata; mod inside_reference; static DEFAULT_VERSION: XmlVersion = XmlVersion::Version10; static DEFAULT_ENCODING: &'static str = "UTF-8"; static DEFAULT_STANDALONE: Option = None; type ElementStack = Vec; pub type Result = super::Result; /// Pull-based XML parser. pub struct PullParser { config: ParserConfig, lexer: Lexer, st: State, buf: String, nst: NamespaceStack, data: MarkupData, final_result: Option, next_event: Option, est: ElementStack, pos: Vec, encountered_element: bool, parsed_declaration: bool, inside_whitespace: bool, read_prefix_separator: bool, pop_namespace: bool } impl PullParser { /// Returns a new parser using the given config. pub fn new(config: ParserConfig) -> PullParser { PullParser { config: config, lexer: Lexer::new(), st: State::OutsideTag, buf: String::new(), nst: NamespaceStack::default(), data: MarkupData { name: String::new(), version: None, encoding: None, standalone: None, ref_data: String::new(), element_name: None, quote: None, attr_name: None, attributes: Vec::new() }, final_result: None, next_event: None, est: Vec::new(), pos: vec![TextPosition::new()], encountered_element: false, parsed_declaration: false, inside_whitespace: true, read_prefix_separator: false, pop_namespace: false } } /// Checks if this parser ignores the end of stream errors. pub fn is_ignoring_end_of_stream(&self) -> bool { self.config.ignore_end_of_stream } } impl Position for PullParser { /// Returns the position of the last event produced by the parser #[inline] fn position(&self) -> TextPosition { self.pos[0] } } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum State { OutsideTag, InsideOpeningTag(OpeningTagSubstate), InsideClosingTag(ClosingTagSubstate), InsideProcessingInstruction(ProcessingInstructionSubstate), InsideComment, InsideCData, InsideDeclaration(DeclarationSubstate), InsideDoctype, InsideReference(Box) } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum OpeningTagSubstate { InsideName, InsideTag, InsideAttributeName, AfterAttributeName, InsideAttributeValue, } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum ClosingTagSubstate { CTInsideName, CTAfterName } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum ProcessingInstructionSubstate { PIInsideName, PIInsideData } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum DeclarationSubstate { BeforeVersion, InsideVersion, AfterVersion, InsideVersionValue, AfterVersionValue, InsideEncoding, AfterEncoding, InsideEncodingValue, BeforeStandaloneDecl, InsideStandaloneDecl, AfterStandaloneDecl, InsideStandaloneDeclValue, AfterStandaloneDeclValue } #[derive(PartialEq)] enum QualifiedNameTarget { AttributeNameTarget, OpeningTagNameTarget, ClosingTagNameTarget } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] enum QuoteToken { SingleQuoteToken, DoubleQuoteToken } impl QuoteToken { fn from_token(t: &Token) -> QuoteToken { match *t { Token::SingleQuote => QuoteToken::SingleQuoteToken, Token::DoubleQuote => QuoteToken::DoubleQuoteToken, _ => panic!("Unexpected token: {}", t) } } fn as_token(self) -> Token { match self { QuoteToken::SingleQuoteToken => Token::SingleQuote, QuoteToken::DoubleQuoteToken => Token::DoubleQuote } } } struct MarkupData { name: String, // used for processing instruction name ref_data: String, // used for reference content version: Option, // used for XML declaration version encoding: Option, // used for XML declaration encoding standalone: Option, // used for XML declaration standalone parameter element_name: Option, // used for element name quote: Option, // used to hold opening quote for attribute value attr_name: Option, // used to hold attribute name attributes: Vec // used to hold all accumulated attributes } impl PullParser { /// Returns next event read from the given buffer. /// /// This method should be always called with the same buffer. If you call it /// providing different buffers each time, the result will be undefined. pub fn next(&mut self, r: &mut R) -> Result { if let Some(ref ev) = self.final_result { return ev.clone(); } if let Some(ev) = self.next_event.take() { return ev; } if self.pop_namespace { self.pop_namespace = false; self.nst.pop(); } loop { // While lexer gives us Ok(maybe_token) -- we loop. // Upon having a complete XML-event -- we return from the whole function. match self.lexer.next_token(r) { Ok(maybe_token) => match maybe_token { None => break, Some(token) => match self.dispatch_token(token) { None => {} // continue Some(Ok(XmlEvent::EndDocument)) => return { self.next_pos(); self.set_final_result(Ok(XmlEvent::EndDocument)) }, Some(Ok(xml_event)) => return { self.next_pos(); Ok(xml_event) }, Some(Err(xml_error)) => return { self.next_pos(); self.set_final_result(Err(xml_error)) }, } }, Err(lexer_error) => return self.set_final_result(Err(lexer_error)), } } // Handle end of stream // Forward pos to the lexer head self.next_pos(); let ev = if self.depth() == 0 { if self.encountered_element && self.st == State::OutsideTag { // all is ok Ok(XmlEvent::EndDocument) } else if !self.encountered_element { self_error!(self; "Unexpected end of stream: no root element found") } else { // self.st != State::OutsideTag self_error!(self; "Unexpected end of stream") // TODO: add expected hint? } } else { if self.config.ignore_end_of_stream { self.final_result = None; self.lexer.reset_eof_handled(); return self_error!(self; "Unexpected end of stream: still inside the root element"); } else { self_error!(self; "Unexpected end of stream: still inside the root element") } }; self.set_final_result(ev) } // This function is to be called when a terminal event is reached. // The function sets up the `self.final_result` into `Some(result)` and return `result`. fn set_final_result(&mut self, result: Result) -> Result { self.final_result = Some(result.clone()); result } #[inline] fn error>>(&self, msg: M) -> Result { Err((&self.lexer, msg).into()) } #[inline] fn next_pos(&mut self) { if self.pos.len() > 1 { self.pos.remove(0); } else { self.pos[0] = self.lexer.position(); } } #[inline] fn push_pos(&mut self) { self.pos.push(self.lexer.position()); } fn dispatch_token(&mut self, t: Token) -> Option { match self.st.clone() { State::OutsideTag => self.outside_tag(t), State::InsideProcessingInstruction(s) => self.inside_processing_instruction(t, s), State::InsideDeclaration(s) => self.inside_declaration(t, s), State::InsideDoctype => self.inside_doctype(t), State::InsideOpeningTag(s) => self.inside_opening_tag(t, s), State::InsideClosingTag(s) => self.inside_closing_tag_name(t, s), State::InsideComment => self.inside_comment(t), State::InsideCData => self.inside_cdata(t), State::InsideReference(s) => self.inside_reference(t, *s) } } #[inline] fn depth(&self) -> usize { self.est.len() } #[inline] fn buf_has_data(&self) -> bool { self.buf.len() > 0 } #[inline] fn take_buf(&mut self) -> String { mem::replace(&mut self.buf, String::new()) } #[inline] fn append_char_continue(&mut self, c: char) -> Option { self.buf.push(c); None } #[inline] fn into_state(&mut self, st: State, ev: Option) -> Option { self.st = st; ev } #[inline] fn into_state_continue(&mut self, st: State) -> Option { self.into_state(st, None) } #[inline] fn into_state_emit(&mut self, st: State, ev: Result) -> Option { self.into_state(st, Some(ev)) } /// Dispatches tokens in order to process qualified name. If qualified name cannot be parsed, /// an error is returned. /// /// # Parameters /// * `t` --- next token; /// * `on_name` --- a callback which is executed when whitespace is encountered. fn read_qualified_name(&mut self, t: Token, target: QualifiedNameTarget, on_name: F) -> Option where F: Fn(&mut PullParser, Token, OwnedName) -> Option { // We can get here for the first time only when self.data.name contains zero or one character, // but first character cannot be a colon anyway if self.buf.len() <= 1 { self.read_prefix_separator = false; } let invoke_callback = |this: &mut PullParser, t| { let name = this.take_buf(); match name.parse() { Ok(name) => on_name(this, t, name), Err(_) => Some(self_error!(this; "Qualified name is invalid: {}", name)) } }; match t { // There can be only one colon, and not as the first character Token::Character(':') if self.buf_has_data() && !self.read_prefix_separator => { self.buf.push(':'); self.read_prefix_separator = true; None } Token::Character(c) if c != ':' && (!self.buf_has_data() && is_name_start_char(c) || self.buf_has_data() && is_name_char(c)) => self.append_char_continue(c), Token::EqualsSign if target == QualifiedNameTarget::AttributeNameTarget => invoke_callback(self, t), Token::EmptyTagEnd if target == QualifiedNameTarget::OpeningTagNameTarget => invoke_callback(self, t), Token::TagEnd if target == QualifiedNameTarget::OpeningTagNameTarget || target == QualifiedNameTarget::ClosingTagNameTarget => invoke_callback(self, t), Token::Whitespace(_) => invoke_callback(self, t), _ => Some(self_error!(self; "Unexpected token inside qualified name: {}", t)) } } /// Dispatches tokens in order to process attribute value. /// /// # Parameters /// * `t` --- next token; /// * `on_value` --- a callback which is called when terminating quote is encountered. fn read_attribute_value(&mut self, t: Token, on_value: F) -> Option where F: Fn(&mut PullParser, String) -> Option { match t { Token::Whitespace(_) if self.data.quote.is_none() => None, // skip leading whitespace Token::DoubleQuote | Token::SingleQuote => match self.data.quote { None => { // Entered attribute value self.data.quote = Some(QuoteToken::from_token(&t)); None } Some(q) if q.as_token() == t => { self.data.quote = None; let value = self.take_buf(); on_value(self, value) } _ => { t.push_to_string(&mut self.buf); None } }, Token::ReferenceStart => { let st = Box::new(self.st.clone()); self.into_state_continue(State::InsideReference(st)) } Token::OpeningTagStart => Some(self_error!(self; "Unexpected token inside attribute value: <")), // Every character except " and ' and < is okay _ => { t.push_to_string(&mut self.buf); None } } } fn emit_start_element(&mut self, emit_end_element: bool) -> Option { let mut name = self.data.take_element_name().unwrap(); let mut attributes = self.data.take_attributes(); // check whether the name prefix is bound and fix its namespace match self.nst.get(name.borrow().prefix_repr()) { Some("") => name.namespace = None, // default namespace Some(ns) => name.namespace = Some(ns.into()), None => return Some(self_error!(self; "Element {} prefix is unbound", name)) } // check and fix accumulated attributes prefixes for attr in attributes.iter_mut() { if let Some(ref pfx) = attr.name.prefix { let new_ns = match self.nst.get(pfx) { Some("") => None, // default namespace Some(ns) => Some(ns.into()), None => return Some(self_error!(self; "Attribute {} prefix is unbound", attr.name)) }; attr.name.namespace = new_ns; } } if emit_end_element { self.pop_namespace = true; self.next_event = Some(Ok(XmlEvent::EndElement { name: name.clone() })); } else { self.est.push(name.clone()); } let namespace = self.nst.squash(); self.into_state_emit(State::OutsideTag, Ok(XmlEvent::StartElement { name: name, attributes: attributes, namespace: namespace })) } fn emit_end_element(&mut self) -> Option { let mut name = self.data.take_element_name().unwrap(); // check whether the name prefix is bound and fix its namespace match self.nst.get(name.borrow().prefix_repr()) { Some("") => name.namespace = None, // default namespace Some(ns) => name.namespace = Some(ns.into()), None => return Some(self_error!(self; "Element {} prefix is unbound", name)) } let op_name = self.est.pop().unwrap(); if name == op_name { self.pop_namespace = true; self.into_state_emit(State::OutsideTag, Ok(XmlEvent::EndElement { name: name })) } else { Some(self_error!(self; "Unexpected closing tag: {}, expected {}", name, op_name)) } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::io::BufReader; use common::{Position, TextPosition}; use name::OwnedName; use attribute::OwnedAttribute; use reader::parser::PullParser; use reader::ParserConfig; use reader::events::XmlEvent; fn new_parser() -> PullParser { PullParser::new(ParserConfig::new()) } macro_rules! expect_event( ($r:expr, $p:expr, $t:pat) => ( match $p.next(&mut $r) { $t => {} e => panic!("Unexpected event: {:?}", e) } ); ($r:expr, $p:expr, $t:pat => $c:expr ) => ( match $p.next(&mut $r) { $t if $c => {} e => panic!("Unexpected event: {:?}", e) } ) ); macro_rules! test_data( ($d:expr) => ({ static DATA: &'static str = $d; let r = BufReader::new(DATA.as_bytes()); let p = new_parser(); (r, p) }) ); #[test] fn issue_3_semicolon_in_attribute_value() { let (mut r, mut p) = test_data!(r#" "#); expect_event!(r, p, Ok(XmlEvent::StartDocument { .. })); expect_event!(r, p, Ok(XmlEvent::StartElement { ref name, ref attributes, ref namespace }) => *name == OwnedName::local("a") && attributes.len() == 1 && attributes[0] == OwnedAttribute::new(OwnedName::local("attr"), "zzz;zzz") && namespace.is_essentially_empty() ); expect_event!(r, p, Ok(XmlEvent::EndElement { ref name }) => *name == OwnedName::local("a")); expect_event!(r, p, Ok(XmlEvent::EndDocument)); } #[test] fn issue_140_entity_reference_inside_tag() { let (mut r, mut p) = test_data!(r#" "#); expect_event!(r, p, Ok(XmlEvent::StartDocument { .. })); expect_event!(r, p, Ok(XmlEvent::StartElement { ref name, .. }) => *name == OwnedName::local("bla")); expect_event!(r, p, Ok(XmlEvent::Characters(ref s)) => s == "\u{266b}"); expect_event!(r, p, Ok(XmlEvent::EndElement { ref name, .. }) => *name == OwnedName::local("bla")); expect_event!(r, p, Ok(XmlEvent::EndDocument)); } #[test] fn opening_tag_in_attribute_value() { let (mut r, mut p) = test_data!(r#" "#); expect_event!(r, p, Ok(XmlEvent::StartDocument { .. })); expect_event!(r, p, Err(ref e) => e.msg() == "Unexpected token inside attribute value: <" && e.position() == TextPosition { row: 1, column: 24 } ); } }