// Karma configuration file // // For all available config options and default values, see: // https://github.com/karma-runner/karma/blob/stable/lib/config.js#L54 // base path, that will be used to resolve files and exclude basePath = ''; // list of files / patterns to load in the browser files = [ 'components/es5-shim/es5-shim.js', 'components/es5-shim/es5-sham.js', // frameworks JASMINE, JASMINE_ADAPTER, REQUIRE, REQUIRE_ADAPTER, // loaded without require 'components/jquery/jquery.js', 'components/jasmine-jquery/lib/jasmine-jquery.js', 'components/jasmine-flight/lib/jasmine-flight.js', // loaded with require {pattern: 'components/flight/**/*.js', included: false}, {pattern: 'components/mustache/**/*.js', included: false}, {pattern: 'app/**/*.js', included: false}, {pattern: 'test/fixtures/**/*.html', included: false}, {pattern: 'test/spec/**/*.js', included: false}, 'test/test-main.js' ]; // list of files to exclude exclude = [ ]; // use dots reporter, as travis terminal does not support escaping sequences reporters = [ 'dots' ]; // enable / disable watching file and executing tests whenever any file changes // CLI --auto-watch --no-auto-watch autoWatch = true; // start these browsers browsers = [ 'Chrome', 'Firefox' ]; // auto run tests on start (when browsers are captured) and exit // CLI --single-run --no-single-run singleRun = false;