/*jshint eqeqeq:false */ (function (window) { 'use strict'; var MemoryStorage = {}; var ID = 1; /** * Creates a new client side storage object and will create an empty * collection if no collection already exists. * * @param {string} name The name of our DB we want to use * @param {function} callback Our fake DB uses callbacks because in * real life you probably would be making AJAX calls */ function Store(name, callback) { callback = callback || function () {}; this._dbName = name; if (!MemoryStorage[name]) { var data = { todos: [] }; MemoryStorage[name] = JSON.stringify(data); } callback.call(this, JSON.parse(MemoryStorage[name])); } /** * Finds items based on a query given as a JS object * * @param {object} query The query to match against (i.e. {foo: 'bar'}) * @param {function} callback The callback to fire when the query has * completed running * * @example * db.find({foo: 'bar', hello: 'world'}, function (data) { * // data will return any items that have foo: bar and * // hello: world in their properties * }); */ Store.prototype.find = function (query, callback) { if (!callback) { return; } var todos = JSON.parse(MemoryStorage[this._dbName]).todos; callback.call(this, todos.filter(function (todo) { for (var q in query) { if (query[q] !== todo[q]) { return false; } } return true; })); }; /** * Will retrieve all data from the collection * * @param {function} callback The callback to fire upon retrieving data */ Store.prototype.findAll = function (callback) { callback = callback || function () {}; callback.call(this, JSON.parse(MemoryStorage[this._dbName]).todos); }; /** * Will save the given data to the DB. If no item exists it will create a new * item, otherwise it'll simply update an existing item's properties * * @param {object} updateData The data to save back into the DB * @param {function} callback The callback to fire after saving * @param {number} id An optional param to enter an ID of an item to update */ Store.prototype.save = function (updateData, callback, id) { var data = JSON.parse(MemoryStorage[this._dbName]); var todos = data.todos; callback = callback || function () {}; // If an ID was actually given, find the item and update each property if (id) { for (var i = 0; i < todos.length; i++) { if (todos[i].id === id) { for (var key in updateData) { todos[i][key] = updateData[key]; } break; } } MemoryStorage[this._dbName] = JSON.stringify(data); callback.call(this, todos); } else { // Generate an ID updateData.id = ID++; todos.push(updateData); MemoryStorage[this._dbName] = JSON.stringify(data); callback.call(this, [updateData]); } }; /** * Will remove an item from the Store based on its ID * * @param {number} id The ID of the item you want to remove * @param {function} callback The callback to fire after saving */ Store.prototype.remove = function (id, callback) { var data = JSON.parse(MemoryStorage[this._dbName]); var todos = data.todos; for (var i = 0; i < todos.length; i++) { if (todos[i].id == id) { todos.splice(i, 1); break; } } MemoryStorage[this._dbName] = JSON.stringify(data); callback.call(this, todos); }; /** * Will drop all storage and start fresh * * @param {function} callback The callback to fire after dropping the data */ Store.prototype.drop = function (callback) { var data = {todos: []}; MemoryStorage[this._dbName] = JSON.stringify(data); callback.call(this, data.todos); }; // Export to window window.app = window.app || {}; window.app.Store = Store; })(window);