"use strict"; const server = createHttpServer({ hosts: ["example.com"] }); server.registerDirectory("/data/", do_get_file("data")); add_task(async function test_contentscript_create_iframe() { function background() { browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener((msg, sender) => { let { name, availableAPIs, manifest, testGetManifest } = msg; let hasExtTabsAPI = availableAPIs.indexOf("tabs") > 0; let hasExtWindowsAPI = availableAPIs.indexOf("windows") > 0; browser.test.assertFalse( hasExtTabsAPI, "the created iframe should not be able to use privileged APIs (tabs)" ); browser.test.assertFalse( hasExtWindowsAPI, "the created iframe should not be able to use privileged APIs (windows)" ); let { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: expectedManifestGeckoId }, }, } = chrome.runtime.getManifest(); let { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: actualManifestGeckoId }, }, } = manifest; browser.test.assertEq( actualManifestGeckoId, expectedManifestGeckoId, "the add-on manifest should be accessible from the created iframe" ); let { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: testGetManifestGeckoId }, }, } = testGetManifest; browser.test.assertEq( testGetManifestGeckoId, expectedManifestGeckoId, "GET_MANIFEST() returns manifest data before extension unload" ); browser.test.sendMessage(name); }); } function contentScriptIframe() { window.GET_MANIFEST = browser.runtime.getManifest.bind(null); window.testGetManifestException = () => { try { window.GET_MANIFEST(); } catch (exception) { return String(exception); } }; let testGetManifest = window.GET_MANIFEST(); let manifest = browser.runtime.getManifest(); let availableAPIs = Object.keys(browser).filter(key => browser[key]); browser.runtime.sendMessage({ name: "content-script-iframe-loaded", availableAPIs, manifest, testGetManifest, }); } const ID = "contentscript@tests.mozilla.org"; let extensionData = { manifest: { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: ID } }, content_scripts: [ { matches: ["http://example.com/data/file_sample.html"], js: ["content_script.js"], run_at: "document_idle", }, ], web_accessible_resources: ["content_script_iframe.html"], }, background, files: { "content_script.js"() { let iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.src = browser.runtime.getURL("content_script_iframe.html"); document.body.appendChild(iframe); }, "content_script_iframe.html": `
`, "content_script_iframe.js": contentScriptIframe, }, }; let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension(extensionData); await extension.startup(); let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage( "http://example.com/data/file_sample.html" ); await extension.awaitMessage("content-script-iframe-loaded"); info("testing APIs availability once the extension is unloaded..."); await contentPage.legacySpawn(null, () => { this.iframeWindow = this.content[0]; Assert.ok(this.iframeWindow, "content script enabled iframe found"); Assert.ok( /content_script_iframe\.html$/.test(this.iframeWindow.location), "the found iframe has the expected URL" ); }); await extension.unload(); info( "test content script APIs not accessible from the frame once the extension is unloaded" ); await contentPage.legacySpawn(null, () => { let win = Cu.waiveXrays(this.iframeWindow); ok( !Cu.isDeadWrapper(win.browser), "the API object should not be a dead object" ); let manifest; let manifestException; try { manifest = win.browser.runtime.getManifest(); } catch (e) { manifestException = e; } Assert.ok(!manifest, "manifest should be undefined"); Assert.equal( manifestException.constructor.name, "TypeError", "expected exception received" ); Assert.ok( manifestException.message.endsWith("win.browser.runtime is undefined"), "expected exception received" ); let getManifestException = win.testGetManifestException(); Assert.equal( getManifestException, "TypeError: can't access dead object", "expected exception received" ); }); await contentPage.close(); });