/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */
"use strict";
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.manifestV3.enabled", true);
const server = createHttpServer({
hosts: ["example.net", "example.com"],
server.registerDirectory("/data/", do_get_file("data"));
const pageContent = `
server.registerPathHandler("/", (request, response) => {
response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");
if (request.queryString) {
let extensionData = {
manifest: {
permissions: ["webRequest", "webRequestBlocking", "*://example.net/*"],
background() {
let csp_value = undefined;
browser.test.onMessage.addListener(function (msg) {
csp_value = msg;
e => {
browser.test.log(`onHeadersReceived ${e.requestId} ${e.url}`);
if (csp_value === undefined) {
browser.test.assertTrue(false, "extension called before CSP was set");
if (csp_value !== null) {
e.responseHeaders = e.responseHeaders.filter(
i => i.name.toLowerCase() != "content-security-policy"
if (csp_value !== "") {
name: "Content-Security-Policy",
value: csp_value,
return { responseHeaders: e.responseHeaders };
{ urls: ["*://example.net/*"] },
["blocking", "responseHeaders"]
* @typedef {object} ExpectedResourcesToLoad
* @property {object} img1_loaded image from a first party origin.
* @property {object} img3_loaded image from a third party origin.
* @property {object} script1_loaded script from a first party origin.
* @property {object} script3_loaded script from a third party origin.
* @property {object} [cspJSON] expected final document CSP (in JSON format, See dom/webidl/CSPDictionaries.webidl).
* Test a combination of Content Security Policies against first/third party images/scripts.
* @param {object} opts
* @param {string} opts.site_csp The CSP to be sent by the site, or null.
* @param {string} opts.ext1_csp The CSP to be sent by the first extension,
* "" to remove the header, or null to not modify it.
* @param {string} opts.ext2_csp The CSP to be sent by the first extension,
* "" to remove the header, or null to not modify it.
* @param {ExpectedResourcesToLoad} opts.expect
* Object containing information which resources are expected to be loaded.
* @param {object} [opts.ext1_data] first test extension definition data (defaults to extensionData).
* @param {object} [opts.ext2_data] second test extension definition data (defaults to extensionData).
async function test_csp({
ext1_data = extensionData,
ext2_data = extensionData,
}) {
let extension1 = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension(ext1_data);
let extension2 = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension(ext2_data);
await extension1.startup();
await extension2.startup();
await extension1.awaitMessage("csp-set");
await extension2.awaitMessage("csp-set");
let csp_value = encodeURIComponent(site_csp || "");
let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(
let results = await contentPage.spawn([], async () => {
let img1 = this.content.document.getElementById("img1");
let img3 = this.content.document.getElementById("img3");
let cspJSON = JSON.parse(this.content.document.cspJSON);
return {
img1_loaded: img1.complete && img1.naturalWidth > 0,
img3_loaded: img3.complete && img3.naturalWidth > 0,
// Note: "good" and "bad" are just placeholders; they don't mean anything.
script1_loaded: !!this.content.document.getElementById("good"),
script3_loaded: !!this.content.document.getElementById("bad"),
await contentPage.close();
await extension1.unload();
await extension2.unload();
let action = {
true: "loaded",
false: "blocked",
`test_csp: From "${site_csp}" to ${JSON.stringify(
)} to ${JSON.stringify(ext2_csp)}`
`expected first party image to be ${action[expect.img1_loaded]}`
`expected third party image to be ${action[expect.img3_loaded]}`
`expected first party script to be ${action[expect.script1_loaded]}`
`expected third party script to be ${action[expect.script3_loaded]}`
if (expect.cspJSON) {
`Got the expected final CSP set on the content document`
add_setup(async () => {
await AddonTestUtils.promiseStartupManager();
// Test that merging csp header on both mv2 and mv3 extensions
// (and combination of both).
add_task(async function test_webRequest_mergecsp() {
const testCases = [
site_csp: "default-src *",
ext1_csp: "script-src 'none'",
ext2_csp: null,
expect: {
img1_loaded: true,
img3_loaded: true,
script1_loaded: false,
script3_loaded: false,
site_csp: null,
ext1_csp: "script-src 'none'",
ext2_csp: null,
expect: {
img1_loaded: true,
img3_loaded: true,
script1_loaded: false,
script3_loaded: false,
site_csp: "default-src *",
ext1_csp: "script-src 'none'",
ext2_csp: "img-src 'none'",
expect: {
img1_loaded: false,
img3_loaded: false,
script1_loaded: false,
script3_loaded: false,
site_csp: null,
ext1_csp: "script-src 'none'",
ext2_csp: "img-src 'none'",
expect: {
img1_loaded: false,
img3_loaded: false,
script1_loaded: false,
script3_loaded: false,
site_csp: "default-src *",
ext1_csp: "img-src example.com",
ext2_csp: "img-src example.org",
expect: {
img1_loaded: false,
img3_loaded: false,
script1_loaded: true,
script3_loaded: true,
const extMV2Data = { ...extensionData };
const extMV3Data = {
useAddonManager: "temporary",
manifest: {
manifest_version: 3,
permissions: ["webRequest", "webRequestBlocking"],
host_permissions: ["*://example.net/*"],
granted_host_permissions: true,
info("Run all test cases on ext1 MV2 and ext2 MV2");
for (const testCase of testCases) {
await test_csp({
ext1_data: extMV2Data,
ext2_data: extMV2Data,
info("Run all test cases on ext1 MV3 and ext2 MV3");
for (const testCase of testCases) {
await test_csp({
ext1_data: extMV3Data,
ext2_data: extMV3Data,
info("Run all test cases on ext1 MV3 and ext2 MV2");
for (const testCase of testCases) {
await test_csp({
ext1_data: extMV3Data,
ext2_data: extMV2Data,
info("Run all test cases on ext1 MV2 and ext2 MV3");
for (const testCase of testCases) {
await test_csp({
ext1_data: extMV2Data,
ext2_data: extMV3Data,
add_task(async function test_remove_and_replace_csp_mv2() {
// CSP removed, CSP added.
await test_csp({
site_csp: "img-src 'self'",
ext1_csp: "",
ext2_csp: "img-src example.com",
expect: {
img1_loaded: false,
img3_loaded: true,
script1_loaded: true,
script3_loaded: true,
// CSP removed, CSP added.
await test_csp({
site_csp: "default-src 'none'",
ext1_csp: "",
ext2_csp: "img-src example.com",
expect: {
img1_loaded: false,
img3_loaded: true,
script1_loaded: true,
script3_loaded: true,
// CSP replaced - regression test for bug 1635781.
await test_csp({
site_csp: "default-src 'none'",
ext1_csp: "img-src example.com",
ext2_csp: null,
expect: {
img1_loaded: false,
img3_loaded: true,
script1_loaded: true,
script3_loaded: true,
// CSP unchanged, CSP replaced - regression test for bug 1635781.
await test_csp({
site_csp: "default-src 'none'",
ext1_csp: null,
ext2_csp: "img-src example.com",
expect: {
img1_loaded: false,
img3_loaded: true,
script1_loaded: true,
script3_loaded: true,
// CSP replaced, CSP removed.
await test_csp({
site_csp: "default-src 'none'",
ext1_csp: "img-src example.com",
ext2_csp: "",
expect: {
img1_loaded: true,
img3_loaded: true,
script1_loaded: true,
script3_loaded: true,
// Test that fully replace the website csp header from an mv3 extension
// isn't allowed and it is considered a no-op.
add_task(async function test_remove_and_replace_csp_mv3() {
const extMV2Data = { ...extensionData };
const extMV3Data = {
useAddonManager: "temporary",
manifest: {
manifest_version: 3,
permissions: ["webRequest", "webRequestBlocking"],
host_permissions: ["*://example.net/*"],
granted_host_permissions: true,
await test_csp({
// site: CSP strict on images, lax on default and script src.
site_csp: "img-src 'self'",
// ext1: MV3 extension which return an empty CSP header (which is a no-op).
ext1_csp: "",
// ext2: MV3 extension which return a CSP header (which is expected to be merged).
ext2_csp: "img-src example.com",
expect: {
img1_loaded: false,
img3_loaded: false,
script1_loaded: true,
script3_loaded: true,
cspJSON: [
{ "img-src": ["'self'"], "report-only": false },
{ "img-src": ["http://example.com"], "report-only": false },
ext1_data: extMV3Data,
ext2_data: extMV3Data,
await test_csp({
// site: CSP strict on default-src.
site_csp: "default-src 'none'",
// ext1: MV3 extension which return an empty CSP header (which is a no-op).
ext1_csp: "",
// ext2: MV3 extension which return a CSP header (which is expected to be merged).
ext2_csp: "img-src example.com",
expect: {
img1_loaded: false,
img3_loaded: false,
script1_loaded: false,
script3_loaded: false,
cspJSON: [
{ "default-src": ["'none'"], "report-only": false },
{ "img-src": ["http://example.com"], "report-only": false },
ext1_data: extMV3Data,
ext2_data: extMV3Data,
await test_csp({
// site: CSP strict on default-src.
site_csp: "default-src 'none'",
// ext1: MV3 extension which return a CSP header (which is expected to be merged and to
// not be able to make it less strict).
ext1_csp: "img-src example.com",
// ext2: MV3 extension which leaves the header unmodified.
ext2_csp: null,
expect: {
img1_loaded: false,
img3_loaded: false,
script1_loaded: false,
script3_loaded: false,
cspJSON: [
{ "default-src": ["'none'"], "report-only": false },
{ "img-src": ["http://example.com"], "report-only": false },
ext1_data: extMV3Data,
ext2_data: extMV3Data,
await test_csp({
// site: CSP strict on default-src.
site_csp: "default-src 'none'",
// ext1: MV3 extension which merges additional directive into the site csp (and can't make
// it less strict).
ext1_csp: "img-src example.com",
// ext2: MV3 extension which merges an empty CSP header (which is a no-op, unlike with MV2).
ext2_csp: "",
expect: {
img1_loaded: false,
img3_loaded: false,
script1_loaded: false,
script3_loaded: false,
cspJSON: [
{ "default-src": ["'none'"], "report-only": false },
{ "img-src": ["http://example.com"], "report-only": false },
ext1_data: extMV3Data,
ext2_data: extMV3Data,
await test_csp({
// site: lax CSP (which is expected to be made stricted by the ext1 extension).
site_csp: "default-src *",
// ext1: MV3 extension which wants to set a stricter CSP (expected to work fine with the MV3 extension)
ext1_csp: "default-src 'none'",
// ext2: MV3 extension which leaves it unchanged.
ext2_csp: null,
expect: {
img1_loaded: false,
img3_loaded: false,
script1_loaded: false,
script3_loaded: false,
cspJSON: [
{ "default-src": ["*"], "report-only": false },
{ "default-src": ["'none'"], "report-only": false },
ext1_data: extMV3Data,
ext2_data: extMV3Data,
await test_csp({
// site: CSP strict on default-src.
site_csp: "default-src 'none'",
// ext1: MV3 extension and tries to replace the strict site csp with this lax one
// (but as an MV3 extension that is going to be merged to the site csp and the
// resulting site CSP is expected to stay strict).
ext1_csp: "default-src *",
// ext2: MV3 extension which leaves it unchanged.
ext2_csp: null,
expect: {
// strict site csp merged with the lax one from ext1 stays strict.
img1_loaded: false,
img3_loaded: false,
script1_loaded: false,
script3_loaded: false,
cspJSON: [
{ "default-src": ["'none'"], "report-only": false },
{ "default-src": ["*"], "report-only": false },
ext1_data: extMV3Data,
ext2_data: extMV3Data,
await test_csp({
// site: CSP strict on default-src.
site_csp: "default-src 'none'",
// ext1: MV3 extension which return an empty CSP (expected to be a no-op for an MV3 extension).
ext1_csp: "",
// ext2: MV2 exension which wants to replace the site csp with a lax one (and still be allowed to
// because the empty one from the MV3 extension is expected to be a no-op).
ext2_csp: "default-src *",
expect: {
img1_loaded: true,
img3_loaded: true,
script1_loaded: true,
script3_loaded: true,
cspJSON: [{ "default-src": ["*"], "report-only": false }],
ext1_data: extMV3Data,
ext2_data: extMV2Data,
await test_csp({
// site: CSP strict on default-src.
site_csp: "default-src 'none'",
// ext1: MV3 extension which return an empty CSP (which is expected to be a no-op).
ext1_csp: "",
// ext2: MV2 extension which also returns an empty CSP (which for an MV2 extension is expected
// to clear the CSP).
ext2_csp: "",
expect: {
img1_loaded: true,
img3_loaded: true,
script1_loaded: true,
script3_loaded: true,
// Expect the resulting final document CSP to be empty (due to the MV2 extension clearing it).
cspJSON: [],
ext1_data: extMV3Data,
ext2_data: extMV2Data,