const { ClientEnvironment } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://normandy/lib/ClientEnvironment.sys.mjs" ); const { TargetingContext } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://messaging-system/targeting/Targeting.sys.mjs" ); const { TelemetryTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/TelemetryTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); const { TestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/TestUtils.sys.mjs" ); add_task(async function instance_with_default() { let targeting = new TargetingContext(); let res = await targeting.eval( `ctx.locale == '${Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47}'` ); Assert.ok(res, "Has local context"); }); add_task(async function instance_with_context() { let targeting = new TargetingContext({ bar: 42 }); let res = await targeting.eval(" == 42"); Assert.ok(res, "Merge provided context with default"); }); add_task(async function eval_1_context() { let targeting = new TargetingContext(); let res = await targeting.eval(" == 42", { custom1: { bar: 42 } }); Assert.ok(res, "Eval uses provided context"); }); add_task(async function eval_2_context() { let targeting = new TargetingContext(); let res = await targeting.eval(" == 42 && == 42", { custom1: { bar: 42 }, custom2: { foo: 42 }, }); Assert.ok(res, "Eval uses provided context"); }); add_task(async function eval_multiple_context() { let targeting = new TargetingContext(); let res = await targeting.eval( " == 42 && == 42 && custom3.baz == 42", { custom1: { bar: 42 }, custom2: { foo: 42 } }, { custom3: { baz: 42 } } ); Assert.ok(res, "Eval uses provided context"); }); add_task(async function eval_multiple_context_precedence() { let targeting = new TargetingContext(); let res = await targeting.eval( " == 42 && == 42", { custom1: { bar: 24 }, custom2: { foo: 24 } }, { custom1: { bar: 42 }, custom2: { foo: 42 } } ); Assert.ok(res, "Last provided context overrides previously defined ones."); }); add_task(async function eval_evalWithDefault() { let targeting = new TargetingContext({ foo: 42 }); let res = await targeting.evalWithDefault("foo == 42"); Assert.ok(res, "Eval uses provided context"); }); add_task(async function log_targeting_error_events() { let ctx = { get foo() { throw new Error("unit test"); }, }; let targeting = new TargetingContext(ctx); let stub = sinon.stub(targeting, "_sendUndesiredEvent"); await Assert.rejects( targeting.evalWithDefault("foo == 42", ctx), /unit test/, "Getter should throw" ); Assert.equal(stub.callCount, 1, "Error event was logged"); let { args: [{ event, value }], } = stub.firstCall; Assert.equal(event, "attribute_error", "Correct error message"); Assert.equal(value, "foo", "Correct attribute name"); }); add_task(async function eval_evalWithDefault_precedence() { let targeting = new TargetingContext({ region: "space" }); let res = await targeting.evalWithDefault("region != 'space'"); Assert.ok(res, "Custom context does not override TargetingEnvironment"); }); add_task(async function eval_evalWithDefault_combineContexts() { let combinedCtxs = TargetingContext.combineContexts({ foo: 1 }, { foo: 2 }); let targeting = new TargetingContext(combinedCtxs); let res = await targeting.evalWithDefault("foo == 1"); Assert.ok(res, "First match is returned for combineContexts"); }); add_task(async function log_targeting_error_events_in_namespace() { let ctx = { get foo() { throw new Error("unit test"); }, }; let targeting = new TargetingContext(ctx); let stub = sinon.stub(targeting, "_sendUndesiredEvent"); let catchStub = sinon.stub(); try { await targeting.eval(" == 42"); } catch (e) { catchStub(); } Assert.equal(stub.callCount, 1, "Error event was logged"); let { args: [{ event, value }], } = stub.firstCall; Assert.equal(event, "attribute_error", "Correct error message"); Assert.equal(value, "", "Correct attribute name"); Assert.ok(catchStub.calledOnce, "eval throws errors"); }); add_task(async function log_timeout_errors() { let ctx = { timeout: 1, get foo() { return new Promise(() => {}); }, }; let targeting = new TargetingContext(ctx); let stub = sinon.stub(targeting, "_sendUndesiredEvent"); let catchStub = sinon.stub(); try { await targeting.eval(""); } catch (e) { catchStub(); } Assert.equal(catchStub.callCount, 1, "Timeout error throws"); Assert.equal(stub.callCount, 1, "Timeout event was logged"); let { args: [{ event, value }], } = stub.firstCall; Assert.equal(event, "attribute_timeout", "Correct error message"); Assert.equal(value, "", "Correct attribute name"); }); add_task(async function test_telemetry_event_timeout() { Services.telemetry.clearEvents(); let ctx = { timeout: 1, get foo() { return new Promise(() => {}); }, }; let expectedEvents = [ ["messaging_experiments", "targeting", "attribute_timeout", ""], ]; let targeting = new TargetingContext(ctx); try { await targeting.eval(""); } catch (e) {} TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents(expectedEvents); Services.telemetry.clearEvents(); }); add_task(async function test_telemetry_event_error() { Services.telemetry.clearEvents(); let ctx = { get bar() { throw new Error("unit test"); }, }; let expectedEvents = [ ["messaging_experiments", "targeting", "attribute_error", ""], ]; let targeting = new TargetingContext(ctx); try { await targeting.eval(""); } catch (e) {} TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents(expectedEvents); Services.telemetry.clearEvents(); }); // Make sure that when using the Normandy-style ClientEnvironment context, // `liveTelemetry` works. `liveTelemetry` is a particularly tricky object to // proxy, so it's useful to check specifically. add_task(async function test_live_telemetry() { let ctx = { env: ClientEnvironment }; let targeting = new TargetingContext(); // This shouldn't throw. await targeting.eval("env.liveTelemetry.main", ctx); }); add_task(async function test_default_targeting() { const targeting = new TargetingContext(); const expected_attributes = [ "locale", "localeLanguageCode", // "region", // Not available in test, requires network access to determine "userId", "version", "channel", "platform", ]; for (let attribute of expected_attributes) { let res = await targeting.eval(`ctx.${attribute}`); Assert.ok(res, `[eval] result for ${attribute} should not be null`); } for (let attribute of expected_attributes) { let res = await targeting.evalWithDefault(attribute); Assert.ok( res, `[evalWithDefault] result for ${attribute} should not be null` ); } }); add_task(async function test_targeting_os() { const targeting = new TargetingContext(); await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => targeting.eval("ctx.os.isWindows || ctx.os.isMac || ctx.os.isLinux") ); let res = await targeting.eval( `(ctx.os.isWindows && ctx.os.windowsVersion && ctx.os.windowsBuildNumber) || (ctx.os.isMac && ctx.os.macVersion && ctx.os.darwinVersion) || (ctx.os.isLinux && os.darwinVersion == null) ` ); Assert.ok(res, `Should detect platform version got: ${res}`); }); add_task(async function test_targeting_source_constructor() { Services.telemetry.clearEvents(); const targeting = new TargetingContext( { foo: true, get bar() { throw new Error("bar"); }, }, { source: "unit_testing" } ); let res = await targeting.eval(""); Assert.ok(res, "Should eval to true"); let expectedEvents = [ [ "messaging_experiments", "targeting", "attribute_error", "", { source: "unit_testing" }, ], ]; try { await targeting.eval(""); } catch (e) {} TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents(expectedEvents); Services.telemetry.clearEvents(); }); add_task(async function test_targeting_source_override() { Services.telemetry.clearEvents(); const targeting = new TargetingContext( { foo: true, get bar() { throw new Error("bar"); }, }, { source: "unit_testing" } ); let res = await targeting.eval(""); Assert.ok(res, "Should eval to true"); let expectedEvents = [ [ "messaging_experiments", "targeting", "attribute_error", "bar", { source: "override" }, ], ]; try { targeting.setTelemetrySource("override"); await targeting.evalWithDefault("bar"); } catch (e) {} TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents(expectedEvents); Services.telemetry.clearEvents(); });