"use strict"; async function focusWindow(win) { if (Services.focus.activeWindow == win) { return; } let promise = new Promise(resolve => { win.addEventListener( "focus", function () { resolve(); }, { capture: true, once: true } ); }); win.focus(); await promise; } function getDialogDoc() { // Trudge through all the open windows, until we find the one // that has either commonDialog.xhtml or selectDialog.xhtml loaded. // var enumerator = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser"); for (let { docShell } of Services.wm.getEnumerator(null)) { var containedDocShells = docShell.getAllDocShellsInSubtree( docShell.typeChrome, docShell.ENUMERATE_FORWARDS ); for (let childDocShell of containedDocShells) { // Get the corresponding document for this docshell // We don't want it if it's not done loading. if (childDocShell.busyFlags != Ci.nsIDocShell.BUSY_FLAGS_NONE) { continue; } var childDoc = childDocShell.contentViewer.DOMDocument; if ( childDoc.location.href != "chrome://global/content/commonDialog.xhtml" && childDoc.location.href != "chrome://global/content/selectDialog.xhtml" ) { continue; } // We're expecting the dialog to be focused. If it's not yet, try later. // (In particular, this is needed on Linux to reliably check focused elements.) if (Services.focus.focusedWindow != childDoc.defaultView) { continue; } return childDoc; } } return null; } async function waitForAuthPrompt() { let promptDoc = await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { return getAuthPrompt(); }); info("Got prompt: " + promptDoc); return promptDoc; } function getAuthPrompt() { let doc = getDialogDoc(); if (!doc) { return false; // try again in a bit } return doc; } async function loadAccessRestrictedURL(browser, url, username, password) { let browserLoaded = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser); BrowserTestUtils.loadURIString(browser, url); // Wait for the auth prompt, enter the login details and close the prompt await PromptTestUtils.handleNextPrompt( browser, { modalType: authPromptModalType, promptType: "promptUserAndPass" }, { buttonNumClick: 0, loginInput: username, passwordInput: password } ); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(browser.ownerGlobal); await browserLoaded; } const PRIVATE_BROWSING_CAPTURE_PREF = "signon.privateBrowsingCapture.enabled"; let nsLoginInfo = new Components.Constructor( "@mozilla.org/login-manager/loginInfo;1", Ci.nsILoginInfo, "init" ); let login = new nsLoginInfo( "https://example.com", "https://example.com", null, "notifyu1", "notifyp1", "user", "pass" ); const form1Url = `https://example.com/${DIRECTORY_PATH}subtst_privbrowsing_1.html`; const form2Url = `https://example.com/${DIRECTORY_PATH}form_password_change.html`; const authUrl = `https://example.com/${DIRECTORY_PATH}authenticate.sjs`; let normalWin; let privateWin; let authPromptModalType; // XXX: Note that tasks are currently run in sequence. Some tests may assume the state // resulting from successful or unsuccessful logins in previous tasks add_task(async function test_setup() { authPromptModalType = Services.prefs.getIntPref("prompts.modalType.httpAuth"); normalWin = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow({ private: false }); privateWin = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow({ private: true }); Services.logins.removeAllUserFacingLogins(); }); add_task(async function test_normal_popup_notification_1() { info("test 1: run outside of private mode, popup notification should appear"); await focusWindow(normalWin); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser: normalWin.gBrowser, url: form1Url, }, async function (browser) { let fieldValues = await submitFormAndGetResults( browser, "formsubmit.sjs", { "#user": "notifyu1", "#pass": "notifyp1", } ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = getCaptureDoorhanger( "password-save", PopupNotifications, browser ); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); if (notif) { await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => !notif.dismissed, "notification should not be dismissed" ); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } } ); }); add_task(async function test_private_popup_notification_2() { info( "test 2: run inside of private mode, dismissed popup notification should appear" ); const capturePrefValue = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( PRIVATE_BROWSING_CAPTURE_PREF ); Assert.ok( capturePrefValue, `Expect ${PRIVATE_BROWSING_CAPTURE_PREF} to default to true` ); // clear existing logins for parity with the previous test Services.logins.removeAllUserFacingLogins(); await focusWindow(privateWin); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser: privateWin.gBrowser, url: form1Url, }, async function (browser) { let fieldValues = await submitFormAndGetResults( browser, "formsubmit.sjs", { "#user": "notifyu1", "#pass": "notifyp1", } ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = getCaptureDoorhanger( "password-save", PopupNotifications, browser ); Assert.ok(notif, "Expected notification popup"); if (notif) { await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => notif.dismissed, "notification should be dismissed" ); let { panel } = privateWin.PopupNotifications; let promiseShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(panel, "popupshown"); notif.anchorElement.click(); await promiseShown; let notificationElement = panel.childNodes[0]; let toggleCheckbox = notificationElement.querySelector( "#password-notification-visibilityToggle" ); Assert.ok( !toggleCheckbox.hidden, "Toggle should be visible upon 1st opening" ); info("Hiding popup."); let promiseHidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(panel, "popuphidden"); panel.hidePopup(); await promiseHidden; info("Clicking on anchor to reshow popup."); promiseShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(panel, "popupshown"); notif.anchorElement.click(); await promiseShown; Assert.ok( toggleCheckbox.hidden, "Toggle should be hidden upon 2nd opening" ); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } } ); Assert.equal( Services.logins.getAllLogins().length, 0, "No logins were saved" ); }); add_task(async function test_private_popup_notification_no_capture_pref_2b() { info( "test 2b: run inside of private mode, with capture pref off," + "popup notification should not appear" ); const capturePrefValue = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( PRIVATE_BROWSING_CAPTURE_PREF ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PRIVATE_BROWSING_CAPTURE_PREF, false); // clear existing logins for parity with the previous test Services.logins.removeAllUserFacingLogins(); await focusWindow(privateWin); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser: privateWin.gBrowser, url: form1Url, }, async function (browser) { let fieldValues = await submitFormAndGetResults( browser, "formsubmit.sjs", { "#user": "notifyu1", "#pass": "notifyp1", } ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = getCaptureDoorhanger( "password-save", PopupNotifications, browser ); // restore the pref to its original value Services.prefs.setBoolPref( PRIVATE_BROWSING_CAPTURE_PREF, capturePrefValue ); Assert.ok(!notif, "Expected no notification popup"); if (notif) { await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } } ); Assert.equal( Services.logins.getAllLogins().length, 0, "No logins were saved" ); }); add_task(async function test_normal_popup_notification_3() { info( "test 3: run with a login, outside of private mode, " + "match existing username/password: no popup notification should appear" ); Services.logins.removeAllUserFacingLogins(); await Services.logins.addLoginAsync(login); let allLogins = Services.logins.getAllLogins(); // Sanity check the HTTP login exists. Assert.equal(allLogins.length, 1, "Should have the HTTP login"); let timeLastUsed = allLogins[0].timeLastUsed; let loginGuid = allLogins[0].guid; await focusWindow(normalWin); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser: normalWin.gBrowser, url: form1Url, }, async function (browser) { let fieldValues = await submitFormAndGetResults( browser, "formsubmit.sjs", { "#user": "notifyu1", "#pass": "notifyp1", } ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = getCaptureDoorhanger("any", PopupNotifications, browser); Assert.ok(!notif, "got no notification popup"); if (notif) { await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } } ); allLogins = Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal( allLogins[0].guid, loginGuid, "Sanity-check we are comparing the same login record" ); Assert.ok( allLogins[0].timeLastUsed > timeLastUsed, "The timeLastUsed timestamp has been updated" ); }); add_task(async function test_private_popup_notification_3b() { info( "test 3b: run with a login, in private mode," + " match existing username/password: no popup notification should appear" ); Services.logins.removeAllUserFacingLogins(); await Services.logins.addLoginAsync(login); let allLogins = Services.logins.getAllLogins(); // Sanity check the HTTP login exists. Assert.equal(allLogins.length, 1, "Should have the HTTP login"); let timeLastUsed = allLogins[0].timeLastUsed; let loginGuid = allLogins[0].guid; await focusWindow(privateWin); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser: privateWin.gBrowser, url: form1Url, }, async function (browser) { let fieldValues = await submitFormAndGetResults( browser, "formsubmit.sjs", { "#user": "notifyu1", "#pass": "notifyp1", } ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = getCaptureDoorhanger("any", PopupNotifications, browser); Assert.ok(!notif, "got no notification popup"); if (notif) { await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } } ); allLogins = Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal( allLogins[0].guid, loginGuid, "Sanity-check we are comparing the same login record" ); Assert.equal( allLogins[0].timeLastUsed, timeLastUsed, "The timeLastUsed timestamp has not been updated" ); }); add_task(async function test_normal_new_password_4() { info( "test 4: run with a login, outside of private mode," + " add a new password: popup notification should appear" ); Services.logins.removeAllUserFacingLogins(); await Services.logins.addLoginAsync(login); let allLogins = Services.logins.getAllLogins(); // Sanity check the HTTP login exists. Assert.equal(allLogins.length, 1, "Should have the HTTP login"); let timeLastUsed = allLogins[0].timeLastUsed; let loginGuid = allLogins[0].guid; await focusWindow(normalWin); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser: normalWin.gBrowser, url: form2Url, }, async function (browser) { let fieldValues = await submitFormAndGetResults( browser, "formsubmit.sjs", { "#pass": "notifyp1", "#newpass": "notifyp2", } ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = getCaptureDoorhanger( "password-change", PopupNotifications, browser ); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); if (notif) { await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => !notif.dismissed, "notification should not be dismissed" ); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } } ); // We put up a doorhanger, but didn't interact with it, so we expect the login timestamps // to be unchanged allLogins = Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal( allLogins[0].guid, loginGuid, "Sanity-check we are comparing the same login record" ); Assert.equal( allLogins[0].timeLastUsed, timeLastUsed, "The timeLastUsed timestamp was not updated" ); }); add_task(async function test_private_new_password_5() { info( "test 5: run with a login, in private mode," + "add a new password: popup notification should appear" ); const capturePrefValue = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( PRIVATE_BROWSING_CAPTURE_PREF ); Assert.ok( capturePrefValue, `Expect ${PRIVATE_BROWSING_CAPTURE_PREF} to default to true` ); let allLogins = Services.logins.getAllLogins(); // Sanity check the HTTP login exists. Assert.equal(allLogins.length, 1, "Should have the HTTP login"); let timeLastUsed = allLogins[0].timeLastUsed; let loginGuid = allLogins[0].guid; await focusWindow(privateWin); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser: privateWin.gBrowser, url: form2Url, }, async function (browser) { let fieldValues = await submitFormAndGetResults( browser, "formsubmit.sjs", { "#pass": "notifyp1", "#newpass": "notifyp2", } ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = getCaptureDoorhanger( "password-change", PopupNotifications, browser ); Assert.ok(notif, "Expected notification popup"); if (notif) { await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => !notif.dismissed, "notification should not be dismissed" ); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } } ); // We put up a doorhanger, but didn't interact with it, so we expect the login timestamps // to be unchanged allLogins = Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal( allLogins[0].guid, loginGuid, "Sanity-check we are comparing the same login record" ); Assert.equal( allLogins[0].timeLastUsed, timeLastUsed, "The timeLastUsed timestamp has not been updated" ); }); add_task(async function test_normal_with_login_6() { info( "test 6: run with a login, outside of private mode, " + "submit with an existing password (from test 4): popup notification should appear" ); await focusWindow(normalWin); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser: normalWin.gBrowser, url: form2Url, }, async function (browser) { let fieldValues = await submitFormAndGetResults( browser, "formsubmit.sjs", { "#pass": "notifyp1", "#newpass": "notifyp2", } ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = getCaptureDoorhanger( "password-change", PopupNotifications, browser ); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); if (notif) { await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => !notif.dismissed, "notification should not be dismissed" ); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } Services.logins.removeLogin(login); } ); }); add_task(async function test_normal_autofilled_7() { info("test 7: verify that the user/pass pair was autofilled"); await Services.logins.addLoginAsync(login); // Sanity check the HTTP login exists. Assert.equal( Services.logins.getAllLogins().length, 1, "Should have the HTTP login" ); await focusWindow(normalWin); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser: normalWin.gBrowser, url: "about:blank", }, async function (browser) { // Add the observer before loading the form page let formFilled = listenForTestNotification("FormProcessed"); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(browser.ownerGlobal); BrowserTestUtils.loadURIString(browser, form1Url); await formFilled; // the form should have been autofilled, so submit without updating field values let fieldValues = await submitFormAndGetResults( browser, "formsubmit.sjs", {} ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); } ); }); add_task(async function test_private_not_autofilled_8() { info("test 8: verify that the user/pass pair was not autofilled"); // Sanity check the HTTP login exists. Assert.equal( Services.logins.getAllLogins().length, 1, "Should have the HTTP login" ); let formFilled = listenForTestNotification("FormProcessed"); await focusWindow(privateWin); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser: privateWin.gBrowser, url: form1Url, }, async function (browser) { await formFilled; let fieldValues = await submitFormAndGetResults( browser, "formsubmit.sjs", {} ); Assert.ok(!fieldValues.username, "Checking submitted username"); Assert.ok(!fieldValues.password, "Checking submitted password"); } ); }); // Disabled for Bug 1523777 // add_task(async function test_private_autocomplete_9() { // info("test 9: verify that the user/pass pair was available for autocomplete"); // // Sanity check the HTTP login exists. // Assert.equal(Services.logins.getAllLogins().length, 1, "Should have the HTTP login"); // await focusWindow(privateWin); // await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({ // gBrowser: privateWin.gBrowser, // url: form1Url, // }, async function(browser) { // let popup = document.getElementById("PopupAutoComplete"); // Assert.ok(popup, "Got popup"); // let promiseShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(popup, "popupshown"); // // focus the user field. This should trigger the autocomplete menu // await ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, async function() { // content.document.getElementById("user").focus(); // }); // await promiseShown; // Assert.ok(promiseShown, "autocomplete shown"); // let promiseFormInput = ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, async function() { // let doc = content.document; // await new Promise(resolve => { // doc.getElementById("form").addEventListener("input", resolve, { once: true }); // }); // }); // info("sending keys"); // // select the item and hit enter to fill the form // await BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", {}, browser); // await BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", {}, browser); // await BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {}, browser); // await promiseFormInput; // let fieldValues = await submitFormAndGetResults(browser, "formsubmit.sjs", {}); // Assert.equal(fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username"); // Assert.equal(fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password"); // }); // }); add_task(async function test_normal_autofilled_10() { info( "test 10: verify that the user/pass pair does get autofilled in non-private window" ); // Sanity check the HTTP login exists. Assert.equal( Services.logins.getAllLogins().length, 1, "Should have the HTTP login" ); let formFilled = listenForTestNotification("FormProcessed"); await focusWindow(normalWin); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser: normalWin.gBrowser, url: form1Url, }, async function (browser) { await formFilled; let fieldValues = await submitFormAndGetResults( browser, "formsubmit.sjs", {} ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); } ); }); add_task(async function test_normal_http_basic_auth() { info( "test normal/basic-auth: verify that we get a doorhanger after basic-auth login" ); Services.logins.removeAllUserFacingLogins(); clearHttpAuths(); await focusWindow(normalWin); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser: normalWin.gBrowser, url: "https://example.com", }, async function (browser) { await loadAccessRestrictedURL(browser, authUrl, "test", "testpass"); Assert.ok(true, "Auth-required page loaded"); // verify result in the response document let fieldValues = await SpecialPowers.spawn( browser, [[]], async function () { let username = content.document.getElementById("user").textContent; let password = content.document.getElementById("pass").textContent; let ok = content.document.getElementById("ok").textContent; return { username, password, ok, }; } ); Assert.equal(fieldValues.ok, "PASS", "Checking authorization passed"); Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "test", "Checking authorized username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "testpass", "Checking authorized password" ); let notif = getCaptureDoorhanger( "password-save", PopupNotifications, browser ); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); if (notif) { await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => !notif.dismissed, "notification should not be dismissed" ); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } } ); }); add_task(async function test_private_http_basic_auth() { info( "test private/basic-auth: verify that we don't get a doorhanger after basic-auth login" ); Services.logins.removeAllUserFacingLogins(); clearHttpAuths(); const capturePrefValue = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( PRIVATE_BROWSING_CAPTURE_PREF ); Assert.ok( capturePrefValue, `Expect ${PRIVATE_BROWSING_CAPTURE_PREF} to default to true` ); await focusWindow(privateWin); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser: privateWin.gBrowser, url: "https://example.com", }, async function (browser) { await loadAccessRestrictedURL(browser, authUrl, "test", "testpass"); let fieldValues = await getFormSubmitResponseResult( browser, "authenticate.sjs" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "test", "Checking authorized username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "testpass", "Checking authorized password" ); let notif = getCaptureDoorhanger( "password-save", PopupNotifications, browser ); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); if (notif) { await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => notif.dismissed, "notification should be dismissed" ); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } } ); }); add_task(async function test_private_http_basic_auth_no_capture_pref() { info( "test private/basic-auth: verify that we don't get a doorhanger after basic-auth login" + "with capture pref off" ); const capturePrefValue = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( PRIVATE_BROWSING_CAPTURE_PREF ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PRIVATE_BROWSING_CAPTURE_PREF, false); Services.logins.removeAllUserFacingLogins(); clearHttpAuths(); await focusWindow(privateWin); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser: privateWin.gBrowser, url: "https://example.com", }, async function (browser) { await loadAccessRestrictedURL(browser, authUrl, "test", "testpass"); let fieldValues = await getFormSubmitResponseResult( browser, "authenticate.sjs" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "test", "Checking authorized username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "testpass", "Checking authorized password" ); let notif = getCaptureDoorhanger( "password-save", PopupNotifications, browser ); // restore the pref to its original value Services.prefs.setBoolPref( PRIVATE_BROWSING_CAPTURE_PREF, capturePrefValue ); Assert.ok(!notif, "got no notification popup"); if (notif) { await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } } ); }); add_task(async function test_cleanup() { await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(normalWin); await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(privateWin); });