# -*- Mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*- # vim: set filetype=python: # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import os from copy import deepcopy from struct import unpack from uuid import UUID from six import iteritems H_HEADER = """/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This file was auto-generated from {0} by gen_dll_blocklist_data.py. */ #ifndef mozilla_{1}_h #define mozilla_{1}_h """ H_FOOTER = """#endif // mozilla_{1}_h """ H_DEFS_BEGIN_DEFAULT = """#include "mozilla/WindowsDllBlocklistCommon.h" DLL_BLOCKLIST_DEFINITIONS_BEGIN """ H_DEFS_END_DEFAULT = """ DLL_BLOCKLIST_DEFINITIONS_END """ H_BEGIN_LSP = """#include static const GUID gLayerGuids[] = { """ H_END_LSP = """ }; """ H_BEGIN_A11Y = """#include "mozilla/WindowsDllBlocklistCommon.h" DLL_BLOCKLIST_DEFINITIONS_BEGIN_NAMED(gBlockedInprocDlls) """ # These flag names should match the ones defined in WindowsDllBlocklistInfo.h FLAGS_DEFAULT = "FLAGS_DEFAULT" BLOCK_WIN8_AND_OLDER = "BLOCK_WIN8_AND_OLDER" BLOCK_WIN7_AND_OLDER = "BLOCK_WIN7_AND_OLDER" USE_TIMESTAMP = "USE_TIMESTAMP" CHILD_PROCESSES_ONLY = "CHILD_PROCESSES_ONLY" BROWSER_PROCESS_ONLY = "BROWSER_PROCESS_ONLY" SUBSTITUTE_LSP_PASSTHROUGH = "SUBSTITUTE_LSP_PASSTHROUGH" REDIRECT_TO_NOOP_ENTRYPOINT = "REDIRECT_TO_NOOP_ENTRYPOINT" UTILITY_PROCESSES_ONLY = "UTILITY_PROCESSES_ONLY" SOCKET_PROCESSES_ONLY = "SOCKET_PROCESSES_ONLY" GPU_PROCESSES_ONLY = "GPU_PROCESSES_ONLY" GMPLUGIN_PROCESSES_ONLY = "GMPLUGIN_PROCESSES_ONLY" # Only these flags are available in the input script INPUT_ONLY_FLAGS = { BLOCK_WIN8_AND_OLDER, BLOCK_WIN7_AND_OLDER, } def FILTER_ALLOW_ALL(entry): # A11y entries are special, so we always exclude those by default # (so it's not really allowing 'all', but it is simpler to reason about by # pretending that it is allowing all.) return not isinstance(entry, A11yBlocklistEntry) def FILTER_DENY_ALL(entry): return False def FILTER_ALLOW_ONLY_A11Y(entry): return isinstance(entry, A11yBlocklistEntry) def FILTER_ALLOW_ONLY_LSP(entry): return isinstance(entry, LspBlocklistEntry) def FILTER_TESTS_ONLY(entry): return not isinstance(entry, A11yBlocklistEntry) and entry.is_test() def derive_test_key(key): return key + "_TESTS" ALL_DEFINITION_LISTS = ( "ALL_PROCESSES", "BROWSER_PROCESS", "CHILD_PROCESSES", "GMPLUGIN_PROCESSES", "GPU_PROCESSES", "UTILITY_PROCESSES", "SOCKET_PROCESSES", ) class BlocklistDescriptor(object): """This class encapsulates every file that is output from this script. Each instance has a name, an "input specification", and optional "flag specification" and "output specification" entries. """ DEFAULT_OUTSPEC = { "mode": "", "filter": FILTER_ALLOW_ALL, "begin": H_DEFS_BEGIN_DEFAULT, "end": H_DEFS_END_DEFAULT, } FILE_NAME_TPL = "WindowsDllBlocklist{0}Defs" OutputDir = None ExistingFd = None ExistingFdLeafName = None def __init__(self, name, inspec, **kwargs): """Positional arguments: name -- String containing the name of the output list. inspec -- One or more members of ALL_DEFINITION_LISTS. The input used for this blocklist file is the union of all lists specified by this variable. Keyword arguments: outspec -- an optional list of dicts that specify how the lists output will be written out to a file. Each dict may contain the following keys: 'mode' -- a string that specifies a mode that is used when writing out list entries to this particular output. This is passed in as the mode argument to DllBlocklistEntry's write method. 'filter' -- a function that, given a blocklist entry, decides whether or not that entry shall be included in this output file. 'begin' -- a string that is written to the output file after writing the file's header, but prior to writing out any blocklist entries. 'end' -- a string that is written to the output file after writing out any blocklist entries but before the file's footer. Any unspecified keys will be assigned default values. flagspec -- an optional dict whose keys consist of one or more of the list names from inspec. Each corresponding value is a set of flags that should be applied to each entry from that list. For example, the flagspec: {'CHILD_PROCESSES': {CHILD_PROCESSES_ONLY}} causes any blocklist entries from the CHILD_PROCESSES list to be output with the CHILD_PROCESSES_ONLY flag set. """ self._name = name # inspec's elements must all come from ALL_DEFINITION_LISTS assert not (set(inspec).difference(set(ALL_DEFINITION_LISTS))) # Internally to the descriptor, we store input specifications as a dict # that maps each input blocklist name to the set of flags to be applied # to each entry in that blocklist. self._inspec = {blocklist: set() for blocklist in inspec} self._outspecs = kwargs.get("outspec", BlocklistDescriptor.DEFAULT_OUTSPEC) if isinstance(self._outspecs, dict): # _outspecs should always be stored as a list of dicts self._outspecs = [self._outspecs] flagspecs = kwargs.get("flagspec", dict()) # flagspec's keys must all come from ALL_DEFINITION_LISTS assert not (set(flagspecs.keys()).difference(set(self._inspec.keys()))) # Merge the flags from flagspec into _inspec's sets for blocklist, flagspec in iteritems(flagspecs): spec = self._inspec[blocklist] if not isinstance(spec, set): raise TypeError("Flag spec for list %s must be a set!" % blocklist) spec.update(flagspec) @staticmethod def set_output_fd(fd): """The build system has already provided an open file descriptor for one of our outputs. We save that here so that we may use that fd once we're ready to process that fd's file. We also obtain the output dir for use as the base directory for the other output files that we open. """ BlocklistDescriptor.ExistingFd = fd ( BlocklistDescriptor.OutputDir, BlocklistDescriptor.ExistingFdLeafName, ) = os.path.split(fd.name) @staticmethod def ensure_no_dupes(defs): """Ensure that defs does not contain any dupes. We raise a ValueError because this is a bug in the input and requires developer intervention. """ seen = set() for e in defs: name = e.get_name() if name not in seen: seen.add(name) else: raise ValueError("Duplicate entry found: %s" % name) @staticmethod def get_test_entries(exec_env, blocklist): """Obtains all test entries for the corresponding blocklist, and also ensures that each entry has its test flag set. Positional arguments: exec_env -- dict containing the globals that were passed to exec to when the input script was run. blocklist -- The name of the blocklist to obtain tests from. This should be one of the members of ALL_DEFINITION_LISTS """ test_key = derive_test_key(blocklist) def set_is_test(elem): elem.set_is_test() return elem return map(set_is_test, exec_env[test_key]) def gen_list(self, exec_env, filter_func): """Generates a sorted list of blocklist entries from the input script, filtered via filter_func. Positional arguments: exec_env -- dict containing the globals that were passed to exec to when the input script was run. This function expects exec_env to contain lists of blocklist entries, keyed using one of the members of ALL_DEFINITION_LISTS. filter_func -- a filter function that evaluates each blocklist entry to determine whether or not it should be included in the results. """ # This list contains all the entries across all blocklists that we # potentially want to process unified_list = [] # For each blocklist specified in the _inspec, we query the globals # for their entries, add any flags, and then add them to the # unified_list. for blocklist, listflags in iteritems(self._inspec): def add_list_flags(elem): # We deep copy so that flags set for an entry in one blocklist # do not interfere with flags set for an entry in a different # list. result = deepcopy(elem) result.add_flags(listflags) return result # We add list flags *before* filtering because the filters might # want to access flags as part of their operation. unified_list.extend(map(add_list_flags, exec_env[blocklist])) # We also add any test entries for the lists specified by _inspec unified_list.extend( map(add_list_flags, self.get_test_entries(exec_env, blocklist)) ) # Now we filter out any unwanted list entries filtered_list = filter(filter_func, unified_list) # Sort the list on entry name so that the blocklist code may use # binary search if it so chooses. return sorted(filtered_list, key=lambda e: e.get_name()) @staticmethod def get_fd(outspec_leaf_name): """If BlocklistDescriptor.ExistingFd corresponds to outspec_leaf_name, then we return that. Otherwise, we construct a new absolute path to outspec_leaf_name and open a new file descriptor for writing. """ if ( not BlocklistDescriptor.ExistingFd or BlocklistDescriptor.ExistingFdLeafName != outspec_leaf_name ): new_name = os.path.join(BlocklistDescriptor.OutputDir, outspec_leaf_name) return open(new_name, "w") fd = BlocklistDescriptor.ExistingFd BlocklistDescriptor.ExistingFd = None return fd def write(self, src_file, exec_env): """Write out all output files that are specified by this descriptor. Positional arguments: src_file -- name of the input file from which the lists were generated. exec_env -- dictionary containing the lists that were parsed from the input file when it was executed. """ for outspec in self._outspecs: # Use DEFAULT_OUTSPEC to supply defaults for any unused outspec keys effective_outspec = BlocklistDescriptor.DEFAULT_OUTSPEC.copy() effective_outspec.update(outspec) entries = self.gen_list(exec_env, effective_outspec["filter"]) if not entries: continue mode = effective_outspec["mode"] # Since each output descriptor may generate output across multiple # modes, each list is uniquified via the concatenation of our name # and the mode. listname = self._name + mode leafname_no_ext = BlocklistDescriptor.FILE_NAME_TPL.format(listname) leafname = leafname_no_ext + ".h" with self.get_fd(leafname) as output: print(H_HEADER.format(src_file, leafname_no_ext), file=output, end="") print(effective_outspec["begin"], file=output, end="") for e in entries: e.write(output, mode) print(effective_outspec["end"], file=output, end="") print(H_FOOTER.format(src_file, leafname_no_ext), file=output, end="") A11Y_OUTPUT_SPEC = { "filter": FILTER_ALLOW_ONLY_A11Y, "begin": H_BEGIN_A11Y, } LSP_MODE_GUID = "Guid" LSP_OUTPUT_SPEC = [ { "mode": LSP_MODE_GUID, "filter": FILTER_ALLOW_ONLY_LSP, "begin": H_BEGIN_LSP, "end": H_END_LSP, }, ] GENERATED_BLOCKLIST_FILES = [ BlocklistDescriptor("A11y", ["BROWSER_PROCESS"], outspec=A11Y_OUTPUT_SPEC), BlocklistDescriptor( "Launcher", ALL_DEFINITION_LISTS, flagspec={ "BROWSER_PROCESS": {BROWSER_PROCESS_ONLY}, "CHILD_PROCESSES": {CHILD_PROCESSES_ONLY}, "GMPLUGIN_PROCESSES": {GMPLUGIN_PROCESSES_ONLY}, "GPU_PROCESSES": {GPU_PROCESSES_ONLY}, "UTILITY_PROCESSES": {UTILITY_PROCESSES_ONLY}, "SOCKET_PROCESSES": {SOCKET_PROCESSES_ONLY}, }, ), BlocklistDescriptor( "Legacy", ALL_DEFINITION_LISTS, flagspec={ "BROWSER_PROCESS": {BROWSER_PROCESS_ONLY}, "CHILD_PROCESSES": {CHILD_PROCESSES_ONLY}, "GMPLUGIN_PROCESSES": {GMPLUGIN_PROCESSES_ONLY}, "GPU_PROCESSES": {GPU_PROCESSES_ONLY}, "UTILITY_PROCESSES": {UTILITY_PROCESSES_ONLY}, "SOCKET_PROCESSES": {SOCKET_PROCESSES_ONLY}, }, ), # Roughed-in for the moment; we'll enable this in bug 1238735 # BlocklistDescriptor('LSP', ALL_DEFINITION_LISTS, outspec=LSP_OUTPUT_SPEC), BlocklistDescriptor( "Test", ALL_DEFINITION_LISTS, outspec={"filter": FILTER_TESTS_ONLY} ), ] class PETimeStamp(object): def __init__(self, ts): max_timestamp = (2 ** 32) - 1 if ts < 0 or ts > max_timestamp: raise ValueError("Invalid timestamp value") self._value = ts def __str__(self): return "0x%08XU" % self._value class Version(object): """Encapsulates a DLL version.""" ALL_VERSIONS = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF UNVERSIONED = 0 def __init__(self, *args): """There are multiple ways to construct a Version: As a tuple containing four elements (recommended); As four integral arguments; As a PETimeStamp; As a long integer. The tuple and list formats require the value of each element to be between 0 and 0xFFFF, inclusive. """ self._ver = Version.UNVERSIONED if len(args) == 1: if isinstance(args[0], tuple): self.validate_iterable(args[0]) self._ver = "MAKE_VERSION%r" % (args[0],) elif isinstance(args[0], PETimeStamp): self._ver = args[0] else: self._ver = int(args[0]) elif len(args) == 4: self.validate_iterable(args) self._ver = "MAKE_VERSION%r" % (tuple(args),) else: raise ValueError("Bad arguments to Version constructor") def validate_iterable(self, arg): if len(arg) != 4: raise ValueError("Versions must be a 4-tuple") for component in arg: if not isinstance(component, int) or component < 0 or component > 0xFFFF: raise ValueError( "Each version component must be a 16-bit " "unsigned integer" ) def build_long(self, args): self.validate_iterable(args) return ( (int(args[0]) << 48) | (int(args[1]) << 32) | (int(args[2]) << 16) | int(args[3]) ) def is_timestamp(self): return isinstance(self._ver, PETimeStamp) def __str__(self): if isinstance(self._ver, int): if self._ver == Version.ALL_VERSIONS: return "DllBlockInfo::ALL_VERSIONS" if self._ver == Version.UNVERSIONED: return "DllBlockInfo::UNVERSIONED" return "0x%016XULL" % self._ver return str(self._ver) class DllBlocklistEntry(object): TEST_CONDITION = "defined(ENABLE_TESTS)" def __init__(self, name, ver, flags=(), **kwargs): """Positional arguments: name -- The leaf name of the DLL. ver -- The maximum version to be blocked. NB: The comparison used by the blocklist is <=, so you should specify the last bad version, as opposed to the first good version. flags -- iterable containing the flags that should be applicable to this blocklist entry. Keyword arguments: condition -- a string containing a C++ preprocessor expression. This condition is written as a condition for an #if/#endif block that is generated around the entry during output. """ self.check_ascii(name) self._name = name.lower() self._ver = Version(ver) self._flags = set() self.add_flags(flags) if self._ver.is_timestamp(): self._flags.add(USE_TIMESTAMP) self._cond = kwargs.get("condition", set()) if isinstance(self._cond, str): self._cond = {self._cond} @staticmethod def check_ascii(name): try: # Supported in Python 3.7 if not name.isascii(): raise ValueError('DLL name "%s" must be ASCII!' % name) return except AttributeError: pass try: name.encode("ascii") except UnicodeEncodeError: raise ValueError('DLL name "%s" must be ASCII!' % name) def get_name(self): return self._name def set_condition(self, cond): self._cond.add(cond) def get_condition(self): if len(self._cond) == 1: fmt = "{0}" else: fmt = "({0})" return " && ".join([fmt.format(c) for c in self._cond]) def set_is_test(self): self.set_condition(DllBlocklistEntry.TEST_CONDITION) def is_test(self): return self._cond and DllBlocklistEntry.TEST_CONDITION in self._cond def add_flags(self, new_flags): if isinstance(new_flags, str): self._flags.add(new_flags) else: self._flags.update(new_flags) @staticmethod def get_flag_string(flag): return "mozilla::DllBlockInfoFlags::" + flag def get_flags_list(self): return self._flags def write(self, output, mode): if self._cond: print("#if %s" % self.get_condition(), file=output) flags_str = "" flags = self.get_flags_list() if flags: flags_str = ", " + " | ".join(map(self.get_flag_string, flags)) entry_str = ' DLL_BLOCKLIST_ENTRY("%s", %s%s)' % ( self._name, str(self._ver), flags_str, ) print(entry_str, file=output) if self._cond: print("#endif // %s" % self.get_condition(), file=output) class A11yBlocklistEntry(DllBlocklistEntry): """Represents a blocklist entry for injected a11y DLLs. This class does not need to do anything special compared to a DllBlocklistEntry; we just use this type to distinguish a11y entries from "regular" blocklist entries. """ def __init__(self, name, ver, flags=(), **kwargs): """These arguments are identical to DllBlocklistEntry.__init__""" super(A11yBlocklistEntry, self).__init__(name, ver, flags, **kwargs) class RedirectToNoOpEntryPoint(DllBlocklistEntry): """Represents a blocklist entry to hook the entrypoint into a function just returning TRUE to keep a module alive and harmless. This entry is intended to block a DLL which is injected by IAT patching which is planted by a kernel callback routine for LoadImage because blocking such a DLL makes a process fail to launch. """ def __init__(self, name, ver, flags=(), **kwargs): """These arguments are identical to DllBlocklistEntry.__init__""" super(RedirectToNoOpEntryPoint, self).__init__(name, ver, flags, **kwargs) def get_flags_list(self): flags = super(RedirectToNoOpEntryPoint, self).get_flags_list() # RedirectToNoOpEntryPoint items always include the following flag flags.add(REDIRECT_TO_NOOP_ENTRYPOINT) return flags class LspBlocklistEntry(DllBlocklistEntry): """Represents a blocklist entry for a WinSock Layered Service Provider (LSP).""" GUID_UNPACK_FMT_LE = "