/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "PerfStats.h" #include "nsAppRunner.h" #include "mozilla/dom/BrowserParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/CanonicalBrowsingContext.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ContentParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ContentProcessManager.h" #include "mozilla/dom/WindowGlobalParent.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/GPUChild.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/GPUProcessManager.h" #include "mozilla/JSONStringWriteFuncs.h" using namespace mozilla::dom; using namespace mozilla::gfx; namespace mozilla { #define METRIC_NAME(metric) #metric, static const char* const sMetricNames[] = { FOR_EACH_PERFSTATS_METRIC(METRIC_NAME) #undef METRIC_NAME "Invalid"}; PerfStats::MetricMask PerfStats::sCollectionMask = 0; StaticMutex PerfStats::sMutex; StaticAutoPtr PerfStats::sSingleton; void PerfStats::SetCollectionMask(MetricMask aMask) { sCollectionMask = aMask; GetSingleton()->ResetCollection(); if (!XRE_IsParentProcess()) { return; } GPUProcessManager* gpuManager = GPUProcessManager::Get(); GPUChild* gpuChild = nullptr; if (gpuManager) { gpuChild = gpuManager->GetGPUChild(); if (gpuChild) { gpuChild->SendUpdatePerfStatsCollectionMask(aMask); } } nsTArray contentParents; ContentParent::GetAll(contentParents); for (ContentParent* parent : contentParents) { Unused << parent->SendUpdatePerfStatsCollectionMask(aMask); } } PerfStats::MetricMask PerfStats::GetCollectionMask() { return sCollectionMask; } PerfStats* PerfStats::GetSingleton() { if (!sSingleton) { sSingleton = new PerfStats; } return sSingleton.get(); } void PerfStats::RecordMeasurementStartInternal(Metric aMetric) { StaticMutexAutoLock lock(sMutex); GetSingleton()->mRecordedStarts[static_cast(aMetric)] = TimeStamp::Now(); } void PerfStats::RecordMeasurementEndInternal(Metric aMetric) { StaticMutexAutoLock lock(sMutex); MOZ_ASSERT(sSingleton); sSingleton->mRecordedTimes[static_cast(aMetric)] += (TimeStamp::Now() - sSingleton->mRecordedStarts[static_cast(aMetric)]) .ToMilliseconds(); sSingleton->mRecordedCounts[static_cast(aMetric)]++; } void PerfStats::RecordMeasurementInternal(Metric aMetric, TimeDuration aDuration) { StaticMutexAutoLock lock(sMutex); MOZ_ASSERT(sSingleton); sSingleton->mRecordedTimes[static_cast(aMetric)] += aDuration.ToMilliseconds(); sSingleton->mRecordedCounts[static_cast(aMetric)]++; } void PerfStats::RecordMeasurementCounterInternal(Metric aMetric, uint64_t aIncrementAmount) { StaticMutexAutoLock lock(sMutex); MOZ_ASSERT(sSingleton); sSingleton->mRecordedTimes[static_cast(aMetric)] += double(aIncrementAmount); sSingleton->mRecordedCounts[static_cast(aMetric)]++; } void AppendJSONStringAsProperty(nsCString& aDest, const char* aPropertyName, const nsACString& aJSON) { // We need to manually append into the string here, since JSONWriter has no // way to allow us to write an existing JSON object into a property. aDest.Append(",\n\""); aDest.Append(aPropertyName); aDest.Append("\": "); aDest.Append(aJSON); } static void WriteContentParent(nsCString& aRawString, JSONWriter& aWriter, const nsACString& aString, ContentParent* aParent) { aWriter.StringProperty("type", "content"); aWriter.IntProperty("id", aParent->ChildID()); const ManagedContainer& browsers = aParent->ManagedPBrowserParent(); aWriter.StartArrayProperty("urls"); for (const auto& key : browsers) { // This only reports -current- URLs, not ones that may have been here in // the past, this is unfortunate especially for processes which are dying // and that have no more active URLs. RefPtr parent = BrowserParent::GetFrom(key); CanonicalBrowsingContext* ctx = parent->GetBrowsingContext(); if (!ctx) { continue; } WindowGlobalParent* windowGlobal = ctx->GetCurrentWindowGlobal(); if (!windowGlobal) { continue; } RefPtr uri = windowGlobal->GetDocumentURI(); if (!uri) { continue; } nsAutoCString url; uri->GetSpec(url); aWriter.StringElement(url); } aWriter.EndArray(); AppendJSONStringAsProperty(aRawString, "perfstats", aString); } struct PerfStatsCollector { PerfStatsCollector() : writer(MakeUnique(string)) {} void AppendPerfStats(const nsCString& aString, ContentParent* aParent) { writer.StartObjectElement(); WriteContentParent(string, writer, aString, aParent); writer.EndObject(); } void AppendPerfStats(const nsCString& aString, GPUChild* aChild) { writer.StartObjectElement(); writer.StringProperty("type", "gpu"); writer.IntProperty("id", aChild->Id()); AppendJSONStringAsProperty(string, "perfstats", aString); writer.EndObject(); } ~PerfStatsCollector() { writer.EndArray(); writer.End(); promise.Resolve(string, __func__); } nsCString string; JSONWriter writer; MozPromiseHolder promise; }; void PerfStats::ResetCollection() { for (uint64_t i = 0; i < static_cast(Metric::Max); i++) { if (!(sCollectionMask & 1 << i)) { continue; } mRecordedTimes[i] = 0; mRecordedCounts[i] = 0; } mStoredPerfStats.Clear(); } void PerfStats::StorePerfStatsInternal(dom::ContentParent* aParent, const nsACString& aPerfStats) { nsCString jsonString; JSONStringRefWriteFunc jw(jsonString); JSONWriter w(jw); // To generate correct JSON here we don't call start and end. That causes // this to use Single Line mode, sadly. WriteContentParent(jsonString, w, aPerfStats, aParent); mStoredPerfStats.AppendElement(jsonString); } auto PerfStats::CollectPerfStatsJSONInternal() -> RefPtr { if (!PerfStats::sCollectionMask) { return PerfStatsPromise::CreateAndReject(false, __func__); } if (!XRE_IsParentProcess()) { return PerfStatsPromise::CreateAndResolve( CollectLocalPerfStatsJSONInternal(), __func__); } std::shared_ptr collector = std::make_shared(); JSONWriter& w = collector->writer; w.Start(); { w.StartArrayProperty("processes"); { w.StartObjectElement(); { w.StringProperty("type", "parent"); AppendJSONStringAsProperty(collector->string, "perfstats", CollectLocalPerfStatsJSONInternal()); } w.EndObject(); // Append any processes that closed earlier. for (nsCString& string : mStoredPerfStats) { w.StartObjectElement(); // This trick makes indentation even more messed up than it already // was. However it produces technically correct JSON. collector->string.Append(string); w.EndObject(); } // We do not clear this, we only clear stored perfstats when the mask is // reset. GPUProcessManager* gpuManager = GPUProcessManager::Get(); GPUChild* gpuChild = nullptr; if (gpuManager) { gpuChild = gpuManager->GetGPUChild(); } nsTArray contentParents; ContentParent::GetAll(contentParents); if (gpuChild) { gpuChild->SendCollectPerfStatsJSON( [collector, gpuChild = RefPtr{gpuChild}](const nsCString& aString) { collector->AppendPerfStats(aString, gpuChild); }, // The only feasible errors here are if something goes wrong in the // the bridge, we choose to ignore those. [](mozilla::ipc::ResponseRejectReason) {}); } for (ContentParent* parent : contentParents) { RefPtr parentRef = parent; parent->SendCollectPerfStatsJSON( [collector, parentRef](const nsCString& aString) { collector->AppendPerfStats(aString, parentRef.get()); }, // The only feasible errors here are if something goes wrong in the // the bridge, we choose to ignore those. [](mozilla::ipc::ResponseRejectReason) {}); } } } return collector->promise.Ensure(__func__); } nsCString PerfStats::CollectLocalPerfStatsJSONInternal() { StaticMutexAutoLock lock(PerfStats::sMutex); nsCString jsonString; JSONStringRefWriteFunc jw(jsonString); JSONWriter w(jw); w.Start(); { w.StartArrayProperty("metrics"); { for (uint64_t i = 0; i < static_cast(Metric::Max); i++) { if (!(sCollectionMask & (1 << i))) { continue; } w.StartObjectElement(); { w.IntProperty("id", i); w.StringProperty("metric", MakeStringSpan(sMetricNames[i])); w.DoubleProperty("time", mRecordedTimes[i]); w.IntProperty("count", mRecordedCounts[i]); } w.EndObject(); } } w.EndArray(); } w.End(); return jsonString; } } // namespace mozilla