#!/usr/bin/env python3 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import asyncio import glob import logging import os import sys import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from os import path import aiohttp logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO, format="%(message)s") log = logging.getLogger(__name__) UV_CACHE_PATH = os.getenv( "UV_CACHE_PATH", os.path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "../release/updates/cache/") ) UV_PARALLEL_DOWNLOADS = os.getenv("UV_PARALLEL_DOWNLOADS", 20) FTP_SERVER_TO = os.getenv("ftp_server_to", "http://stage.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org") FTP_SERVER_FROM = os.getenv( "ftp_server_from", "http://stage.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org" ) AUS_SERVER = os.getenv("aus_server", "https://aus5.mozilla.org") def create_cache(): if not os.path.isdir(UV_CACHE_PATH): os.mkdir(UV_CACHE_PATH) def remove_cache(): """ Removes all files in the cache folder We don't support folders or .dot(hidden) files By not deleting the cache directory, it allows us to use Docker tmpfs mounts, which are the only workaround to poor mount r/w performance on MacOS Bug Reference: https://forums.docker.com/t/file-access-in-mounted-volumes-extremely-slow-cpu-bound/8076/288 """ files = glob.glob(f"{UV_CACHE_PATH}/*") for f in files: os.remove(f) def _cachepath(i, ext): # Helper function: given an index, return a cache file path return path.join(UV_CACHE_PATH, f"obj_{i:0>5}.{ext}") async def fetch_url(url, path, connector): """ Fetch/download a file to a specific path Parameters ---------- url : str URL to be fetched path : str Path to save binary Returns ------- dict Request result. If error result['error'] is True """ def _result(response, error=False): data = { "headers": dict(response.headers), "status": response.status, "reason": response.reason, "_request_info": str(response._request_info), "url": url, "path": path, "error": error, } return data # Set connection timeout to 15 minutes timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=900) try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession( connector=connector, connector_owner=False, timeout=timeout ) as session: log.info(f"Retrieving {url}") async with session.get( url, headers={"Cache-Control": "max-stale=0"} ) as response: # Any response code > 299 means something went wrong if response.status > 299: log.info(f"Failed to download {url} with status {response.status}") return _result(response, True) with open(path, "wb") as fd: while True: chunk = await response.content.read() if not chunk: break fd.write(chunk) result = _result(response) log.info(f'Finished downloading {url}\n{result["headers"]}') return result except ( UnicodeDecodeError, # Data parsing asyncio.TimeoutError, # Async timeout aiohttp.ClientError, # aiohttp error ) as e: log.error("=============") log.error(f"Error downloading {url}") log.error(e) log.error("=============") return {"path": path, "url": url, "error": True} async def download_multi(targets, sourceFunc): """ Download list of targets Parameters ---------- targets : list List of urls to download sourceFunc : str Source function name (for filename) Returns ------- tuple List of responses (Headers) """ targets = set(targets) amount = len(targets) connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector( limit=UV_PARALLEL_DOWNLOADS, # Simultaneous connections, per host ttl_dns_cache=600, # Cache DNS for 10 mins ) log.info(f"\nDownloading {amount} files ({UV_PARALLEL_DOWNLOADS} async limit)") # Transform targets into {url, path} objects payloads = [ {"url": url, "path": _cachepath(i, sourceFunc)} for (i, url) in enumerate(targets) ] downloads = [] fetches = [fetch_url(t["url"], t["path"], connector) for t in payloads] downloads.extend(await asyncio.gather(*fetches)) connector.close() results = [] # Remove file if download failed for fetch in downloads: # If there's an error, try to remove the file, but keep going if file not present if fetch["error"]: try: os.unlink(fetch.get("path", None)) except (TypeError, FileNotFoundError) as e: log.info(f"Unable to cleanup error file: {e} continuing...") continue results.append(fetch) return results async def download_builds(verifyConfig): """ Given UpdateVerifyConfig, download and cache all necessary updater files Include "to" and "from"/"updater_pacakge" Parameters ---------- verifyConfig : UpdateVerifyConfig Chunked config Returns ------- list : List of file paths and urls to each updater file """ updaterUrls = set() for release in verifyConfig.releases: ftpServerFrom = release["ftp_server_from"] ftpServerTo = release["ftp_server_to"] for locale in release["locales"]: toUri = verifyConfig.to if toUri is not None and ftpServerTo is not None: toUri = toUri.replace("%locale%", locale) updaterUrls.add(f"{ftpServerTo}{toUri}") for reference in ("updater_package", "from"): uri = release.get(reference, None) if uri is None: continue uri = uri.replace("%locale%", locale) # /ja-JP-mac/ locale is replaced with /ja/ for updater packages uri = uri.replace("ja-JP-mac", "ja") updaterUrls.add(f"{ftpServerFrom}{uri}") log.info(f"About to download {len(updaterUrls)} updater packages") updaterResults = await download_multi(list(updaterUrls), "updater.async.cache") return updaterResults def get_mar_urls_from_update(path): """ Given an update.xml file, return MAR URLs If update.xml doesn't have URLs, returns empty list Parameters ---------- path : str Path to update.xml file Returns ------- list : List of URLs """ result = [] root = ET.parse(path).getroot() for patch in root.findall("update/patch"): url = patch.get("URL") if url: result.append(url) return result async def download_mars(updatePaths): """ Given list of update.xml paths, download MARs for each Parameters ---------- update_paths : list List of paths to update.xml files """ patchUrls = set() for updatePath in updatePaths: for url in get_mar_urls_from_update(updatePath): patchUrls.add(url) log.info(f"About to download {len(patchUrls)} MAR packages") marResults = await download_multi(list(patchUrls), "mar.async.cache") return marResults async def download_update_xml(verifyConfig): """ Given UpdateVerifyConfig, download and cache all necessary update.xml files Parameters ---------- verifyConfig : UpdateVerifyConfig Chunked config Returns ------- list : List of file paths and urls to each update.xml file """ xmlUrls = set() product = verifyConfig.product urlTemplate = ( "{server}/update/3/{product}/{release}/{build}/{platform}/" "{locale}/{channel}/default/default/default/update.xml?force=1" ) for release in verifyConfig.releases: for locale in release["locales"]: xmlUrls.add( urlTemplate.format( server=AUS_SERVER, product=product, release=release["release"], build=release["build_id"], platform=release["platform"], locale=locale, channel=verifyConfig.channel, ) ) log.info(f"About to download {len(xmlUrls)} update.xml files") xmlResults = await download_multi(list(xmlUrls), "update.xml.async.cache") return xmlResults async def _download_from_config(verifyConfig): """ Given an UpdateVerifyConfig object, download all necessary files to cache Parameters ---------- verifyConfig : UpdateVerifyConfig The config - already chunked """ remove_cache() create_cache() downloadList = [] ################## # Download files # ################## xmlFiles = await download_update_xml(verifyConfig) downloadList.extend(xmlFiles) downloadList += await download_mars(x["path"] for x in xmlFiles) downloadList += await download_builds(verifyConfig) ##################### # Create cache.list # ##################### cacheLinks = [] # Rename files and add to cache_links for download in downloadList: cacheLinks.append(download["url"]) fileIndex = len(cacheLinks) os.rename(download["path"], _cachepath(fileIndex, "cache")) cacheIndexPath = path.join(UV_CACHE_PATH, "urls.list") with open(cacheIndexPath, "w") as cache: cache.writelines(f"{l}\n" for l in cacheLinks) # Log cache log.info("Cache index urls.list contents:") with open(cacheIndexPath, "r") as cache: for ln, url in enumerate(cache.readlines()): line = url.replace("\n", "") log.info(f"Line {ln+1}: {line}") return None def download_from_config(verifyConfig): """ Given an UpdateVerifyConfig object, download all necessary files to cache (sync function that calls the async one) Parameters ---------- verifyConfig : UpdateVerifyConfig The config - already chunked """ return asyncio.run(_download_from_config(verifyConfig))