path: root/l10n-nn-NO/suite
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 09:22:09 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 09:22:09 +0000
commit43a97878ce14b72f0981164f87f2e35e14151312 (patch)
tree620249daf56c0258faa40cbdcf9cfba06de2a846 /l10n-nn-NO/suite
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 110.0.1.upstream/110.0.1upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-nn-NO/suite')
256 files changed, 10432 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/branding/seamonkey/brand.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/branding/seamonkey/brand.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b88ad7200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/branding/seamonkey/brand.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY brandFullName "SeaMonkey">
+<!ENTITY brandShortName "SeaMonkey">
+<!ENTITY brandShorterName "SeaMonkey">
+<!ENTITY vendorShortName "SeaMonkey e.V.">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/branding/seamonkey/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/branding/seamonkey/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94acf7da68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/branding/seamonkey/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+vendorShortName=SeaMonkey e.V.
+# Only change these links if you are providing a localized website including
+# release notes.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (app.releaseNotesURL): Only translate this string if
+# providing a localized version of the release notes.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (app.troubleshootingURL): Only translate this string if
+# providing a localized version of the release notes.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (app.vendorURL): Only translate this string if
+# providing a localized version of the SeaMonkey website.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Only translate this string if
+# providing a localized version of the SeaMonkey documentation.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (app.update.url.details): Only translate this string if
+# providing a localized version of the release notes. More information about
+# this update link available in the update wizard.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (app.update.url.manual): Only translate this string if
+# providing a localized version of the SeaMonkey website. Available if for some
+# reason all update installation attempts fail.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/branding/aboutRights.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/branding/aboutRights.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5eb3a5b128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/branding/aboutRights.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE This file is very similar to the one in Firefox from browser/locales/en-US/chrome/browser/aboutRights.dtd so you can use that file as a starting point -->
+<!-- rights.locale-direction instead of the usual local.dir entity, so RTL can skip translating page. -->
+<!ENTITY rights.locale-direction "ltr">
+<!ENTITY rights.pagetitle "about:rights">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-header "Om rettane dine">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro "&brandFullName; er programvare basert på fri og open kjeldekode, utvikla av eit samfunn med tusenvis av medlemmar rundt om i verda. Det er nokre ting du bør vite:">
+<!-- Note on pointa / pointb / pointc form:
+ These points each have an embedded link in the HTML, so each point is
+ split into chunks for text before the link, the link text, and the text
+ after the link. If a localized grammar doesn't need the before or after
+ chunk, it can be left blank.
+ Also note the leading/trailing whitespace in strings here, which is
+ deliberate for formatting around the embedded links. -->
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point1a "&brandShortName; er gjort tilgjengeleg for deg under vilkåra i ">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point1b "Mozilla Public License">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point1c ". Dette tyder at du kan bruka, kopiera og distribuera &brandShortName; til andre. Du kan også endra kjeldekoden til &brandShortName; som du vil, for å passa til dine behov. Mozilla Public License gjev deg også rett til å distribuera endra versjonar.">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point2aa "&vendorShortName; gir deg ikkje rett til å bruke «&brandFullName;»-varemerka eller logoane. Meir informasjon om varemerke finn du ">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point2b "her">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point2c ".">
+<!-- point 2da is technically point 3. in the list -->
+<!-- point 3 text for official branded builds -->
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point3a "Personvernerklæring for &vendorShortName; sine produkt kan du finna ">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point3b "her">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point3c ".">
+<!-- point 4 text for official branded builds -->
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point4b "tenestevilkåra">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point4c ".">
+<!ENTITY rights.webservices-header "&brandFullName; informasjonstenester">
+<!-- Note that this paragraph references entities from extensions.dtd,
+ preferences.dtd, pref-smartupdate.dtd, and pref-security.dtd,
+ so that we can refer to text the user sees in the UI, without
+ this page being forgotten every time those strings are updated. -->
+<!-- intro paragraph for branded builds -->
+<!ENTITY rights3.webservices-b "her">
+<!ENTITY rights3.webservices-c ". Andre funksjonar og tenester kan slåast på eller av i programinnstillingane.">
+<!-- add-on related points for branded builds -->
+<!ENTITY rights.addons-a "Utvidingstenester: ">
+<!ENTITY rights.addons-term1 "Opne programinnstillingane">
+<!ENTITY rights.addons-term2 "Vel &smart.label;-panelet i &advance.label;-kategorien">
+<!ENTITY rights.addons-term3 "Fjern avkryssinga til &quot;&autoAddOnsUpdates.label;&quot; og &quot;&enablePersonalized.label;&quot;">
+<!ENTITY rights.addons-term4 "Tillegstenestene er slått av no">
+<!-- safe browsing points for branded builds -->
+<!ENTITY rights.safebrowsing-a "Trygg nettlesing: ">
+<!ENTITY rights.safebrowsing-b "Å slå av Trygg nettlesing-funksjonen er ikkje tilrådd, sidan det kan føra til at du vitjar utrygge nettstader. Dersom du ynskjer å skru av funksjonen heilt, følg desse stega:">
+<!ENTITY rights.safebrowsing-term1 "Opna programinnstillingane">
+<!ENTITY rights.safebrowsing-term2 "Vel hovudpanelet på &security.label;-panelet">
+<!ENTITY rights.safebrowsing-term3 "Fjern avkryssinga frå &quot;&blockAttackSites.label;&quot; og &quot;&blockWebForgeries.label;&quot;">
+<!ENTITY rights.safebrowsing-term4 "Trygg nettlesing er no slått av">
+<!-- location aware browsing points for branded builds -->
+<!ENTITY rights.locationawarebrowsing-a "Stadmedviten nettlesing: ">
+<!ENTITY rights.locationawarebrowsing-term1 "Opne program-innstillingane">
+<!ENTITY rights.locationawarebrowsing-term2 "Vel hovudpanelet på &security.label;-panelet">
+<!ENTITY rights.locationawarebrowsing-term3 "Vel alternativet for å &quot;&geoDisabled.label;&quot;">
+<!ENTITY rights.locationawarebrowsing-term4 "Stadmedviten nettlesing er no slått av">
+<!-- points 0-6 text for branded builds -->
+<!ENTITY rights.webservices-term1 "&vendorShortName; kan avbryta eller endra Tenestene etter eige ynskje.">
+<!ENTITY rights.webservices-term2a "Du er velkomen til å bruka desse Tenestene med versjonen av &brandShortName; som følger med, og du har alle rettar for å gjera det. &vendorShortName; og dess lisensgjevarar reserverer alle andre rettar til Tenestene. Desse vilkåra er ikkje meint for å avgrensa rettane som er gjevne under open kjeldekode-lisensane som er knytt til &brandShortName;, og den tilhøyrande kjeldekodeutgåva av &brandShortName;.">
+<!ENTITY rights.webservices-term3 "Tenestene er tilbydde &quot;som-dei-er.&quot; &vendorShortName;, bidragsytarane, lisensgjevarane og distributørane gjev ingen garantiar, verken eksplisitt eller implisitt, inkludert utan avgrensingar, garantiar for at Tenestene skal passa til dine føremål. Du har den fulle og heile risikoen for å velja Tenestene for å oppnå dine føremål, samt for kvaliteten og ytinga til Tenestene. Nokre jurisdiksjonar tillèt ikkje at implisitte garantiar vert ekskluderte, så dette dementiet gjeld kanskje ikkje deg.">
+<!ENTITY rights.webservices-term4 "Med unntak av der det er påkravd av lova, &vendorShortName;, dess bidragsytarar, lisensgjevarar og distributørar er ikkje ansvarlege for nokon indirekte, spesiell, tilfeldig, følgeleg, strafferettsleg eller mønstergyldige skadar eller ulemper som skjer som ei følge av eller relatert til bruk av &brandShortName; og Tenestene. Det kollektive ansvaret i desse vilkåra vil ikkje overstiga $500 (fem hundre amerikanske dollar). Nokre jurisdiksjonar tillèt ikkje eksklusjon eller avgrensing av enkelte former av skade, så det er mogleg desse eksklusjonane og avgrensingane ikkje gjeld deg.">
+<!ENTITY rights.webservices-term5 "&vendorShortName; kan oppdatere desse vilkåra etter behov med jamne mellomrom. Vilkåra kan ikkje verta endra eller annullerte utan skriftleg avtale frå &vendorShortName;.">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/branding/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/branding/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ea91893fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/branding/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+buttonLabel = Kjenn rettane dine
+buttonAccessKey = K
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (notifyRightsText2): Please check if the usage of vendorShortName in your translated
+# content is still correct too.
+notifyRightsText2 = %S er fri og open programvare frå den tyskregistrerte foreininga SeaMonkey e.V.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/linkToolbar.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/linkToolbar.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2390002a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/linkToolbar.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Link Toolbar Title -->
+<!ENTITY linkToolbar.label "Sidenavigasjonslinje">
+<!ENTITY linkToolbar.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY linkToolbar.tooltip "Nettstadsnavigasjonslinje">
+<!-- Link Toolbar visibility options -->
+<!ENTITY linkToolbarAlways.label "Vis alltid">
+<!ENTITY linkToolbarAlways.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY linkToolbarAsNeeded.label "Vis berre etter behov">
+<!ENTITY linkToolbarAsNeeded.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY linkToolbarNever.label "Gøym alltid">
+<!ENTITY linkToolbarNever.accesskey "G">
+<!-- Toolbar buttons, menus, and menuitems -->
+<!ENTITY topButton.label "Topp">
+<!ENTITY upButton.label "Opp">
+<!ENTITY firstButton.label "Første">
+<!ENTITY prevButton.label "Førre">
+<!ENTITY nextButton.label "Neste">
+<!ENTITY lastButton.label "Siste">
+<!ENTITY documentButton.label "Dokument">
+<!ENTITY tocButton.label "Innhaldsliste">
+<!ENTITY chapterButton.label "Kapittel">
+<!ENTITY sectionButton.label "Seksjonar">
+<!ENTITY subSectionButton.label "Underseksjonar">
+<!ENTITY appendixButton.label "Appendiks">
+<!ENTITY glossaryButton.label "Ordliste">
+<!ENTITY indexButton.label "Indeks">
+<!ENTITY moreButton.label "Meir">
+<!ENTITY helpButton.label "Hjelp">
+<!ENTITY searchButton.label "Søk">
+<!ENTITY authorButton.label "Forfattar(ar)">
+<!ENTITY copyrightButton.label "Kopirett">
+<!ENTITY bookmarkButton.label "Bokmerke">
+<!ENTITY alternateButton.label "Andre versjonar">
+<!ENTITY feedButton.label "Abonner">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/mailNavigatorOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/mailNavigatorOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d7471cf3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/mailNavigatorOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY newMessageCmd.label "Melding">
+<!ENTITY newMessageCmd.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY newMessageCmd.key "M">
+<!ENTITY newContactCmd.label "Kontakt…">
+<!ENTITY newContactCmd.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY sendPage.label "Send side…">
+<!ENTITY sendPage.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY contextSendThisPage.label "Send denne sida…">
+<!ENTITY contextSendThisPage.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY contextSendThisLink.label "Send denne lenkja…">
+<!ENTITY contextSendThisLink.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY contextSendImage.label "Send bilde…">
+<!ENTITY contextSendImage.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY contextSendVideo.label "Send video…">
+<!ENTITY contextSendVideo.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY contextSendAudio.label "Send lyd…">
+<!ENTITY contextSendAudio.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY contextSendFrame.label "Send ramme…">
+<!ENTITY contextSendFrame.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY sendLinkCmd.label "Send lenkje…">
+<!ENTITY sendLinkCmd.accesskey "d">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/metadata.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/metadata.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12d388c781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/metadata.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY no-properties.label "Ingen eigenskapar er spesifiserte.">
+<!ENTITY caption.label "Elementeigenskapar">
+<!ENTITY image-sec.label "Bildeeigenskapar">
+<!ENTITY image-url.label "Adresse:">
+<!ENTITY image-desc.label "Skildring:">
+<!ENTITY image-alt.label "Alternativ tekst:">
+<!ENTITY image-width.label "Breidde:">
+<!ENTITY image-height.label "Høgde:">
+<!ENTITY image-filesize.label "FRilstorleik:">
+<!ENTITY image-filesize.value "Ukjend">
+<!ENTITY insdel-sec.label "Set inn/slett eigenskapar">
+<!ENTITY insdel-cite.label "Info:">
+<!ENTITY insdel-date.label "Dato:">
+<!ENTITY link-sec.label "Lenkjeeigenskapar">
+<!ENTITY link-url.label "Adresse:">
+<!ENTITY link-target.label "Vert opna i:">
+<!ENTITY link-type.label "Måltype:">
+<!ENTITY link-lang.label "Målspråk:">
+<!ENTITY link-rel.label "Relasjon:">
+<!ENTITY link-rev.label "Reversert relasjon:">
+<!ENTITY misc-sec.label "Diverse eigenskapar">
+<!ENTITY misc-lang.label "Tekstspråk:">
+<!ENTITY misc-title.label "Tittel:">
+<!ENTITY misc-tblsummary.label "Tabellsamandrag:">
+<!ENTITY quote-sec.label "Sitateigenskapar">
+<!ENTITY quote-cite.label "Info:">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d3d2123d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+sameWindowText=Same vindauge
+newWindowText=Nytt vindauge
+parentFrameText=Overordna ramme
+sameFrameText=Same ramme
+unableToShowProps=Ingen eigenskapar tilgjengelege.
+imageSize=%S KB (%S byte)
+imageSizeUnknown=Ukjend (ikkje snøgglagra)
+imageWidth=%S px
+imageHeight=%S px
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Next two strings are for language name representations
+# %1$S = language name, %2$S = region name
+languageRegionFormat=%1$S (%2$S)
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/navigator.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/navigator.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d075174ca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/navigator.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/navigator.xul -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE This file contains the browser main menu items -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE Do not translate commandkeys -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (mainWindow.title): DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY mainWindow.title "&brandShortName;">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (mainWindow.titlemodifier) : DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY mainWindow.titlemodifier "&brandShortName;">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (mainWindow.titlemodifiermenuseparator): DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY mainWindow.titlemodifiermenuseparator " - ">
+<!ENTITY mainWindow.titleprivate "Privat nettlesing">
+<!ENTITY editPageCmd.label "Rediger sida">
+<!ENTITY editPageCmd.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY editPageCmd.commandkey "e">
+<!ENTITY navbarCmd.label "Navigasjonslinje">
+<!ENTITY navbarCmd.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY bookmarksToolbarCmd.label "Bokmerkelinje">
+<!ENTITY bookmarksToolbarCmd.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY closeWindow.label "lat att vindauget">
+<!ENTITY closeWindow.accesskey "v">
+<!ENTITY minimizeButton.tooltip "Minimer">
+<!ENTITY restoreButton.tooltip "Bygg oppatt">
+<!ENTITY feedsMenu.label "Abonner på denne sida">
+<!ENTITY feedsMenu.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY menuBar.tooltip "Menylinje">
+<!ENTITY bookmarksToolbar.tooltip "Bokmerkelinje">
+<!ENTITY navigationToolbar.tooltip "Navigasjonsverktøylinje">
+<!ENTITY editBookmark.done.label "Fullført">
+<!ENTITY editBookmark.cancel.label "Avbryt">
+<!ENTITY editBookmark.removeBookmark.accessKey "r">
+<!-- Toolbar items -->
+<!ENTITY backButton.label "Tilbake">
+<!ENTITY backButton.tooltip "Gå tilbake ei side">
+<!ENTITY forwardButton.label "Fram">
+<!ENTITY forwardButton.tooltip "Gå fram ei side">
+<!ENTITY reloadButton.label "Oppdater">
+<!ENTITY reloadButton.tooltip "Oppdater denne sida">
+<!ENTITY stopButton.label "Stopp">
+<!ENTITY stopButton.tooltip "Stopp lasting av sida">
+<!ENTITY searchButton.label "Søk">
+<!ENTITY searchButton.tooltip "Skriv inn eit ord i feltet til venstre og trykk Søk">
+<!ENTITY goButton.label "Gå">
+<!ENTITY goButton.tooltip "Skriv inn ei adresse i feltet til venstre og trykk Gå">
+<!ENTITY printButton.label "Skriv ut">
+<!ENTITY printButton.tooltip "Skriv ut denne sida">
+<!ENTITY locationBar.tooltip "Skriv inn eit søkjeord, nykelord eller ei nettadresse her">
+<!ENTITY locationBar.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY locationBar.title "Adresse">
+<!ENTITY proxyIcon.tooltip "Drag og slepp dette ikonet for å opprette ei lenkje til sida">
+<!ENTITY searchItem.title "Søk">
+<!ENTITY bookmarksButton.label "Bokmerke">
+<!ENTITY bookmarksButton.tooltip "Bokmerkeliste">
+<!ENTITY homeButton.label "Heim">
+<!ENTITY bookmarksToolbarItem.label "Element i bokmerkeverktøylinja">
+<!ENTITY bookmarksToolbarChevron.tooltip "Vis fleire bokmerke">
+<!-- Statusbar -->
+<!ENTITY statusText.label "Fullført">
+<!ENTITY popupIcon.tooltiptext "Opphev blokkering av denne nettsida sine sprettoppvindauge">
+<!ENTITY viewSecurityInfo.label "Vis tryggingsinfo">
+<!ENTITY viewSecurityInfo.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY viewCertificate.label "Vis sertifikat">
+<!ENTITY viewCertificate.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY viewCertManager.label "Opne sertifikathandsamar">
+<!ENTITY viewCertManager.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY zoomIn.tooltiptext "Større">
+<!ENTITY zoomOut.tooltiptext "Mindre">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8487e928fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+openFile=Opne fil
+uploadFile=Last opp fil
+droponhomebutton=Slepp ei lenkje eller ei fil for å gjere henne til heimeside
+droponhometitle=Vel heimeside
+droponhomemsg=Vil du bruke dette dokumentet som startside?
+droponhomeokbutton=Vel heimeside
+jserror=Det oppstod ein feil. Dobbelklikk her for detaljar.
+nothingAvailable=(Ingenting tilgjengeleg)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the security certifiate issuer
+securityButtonTooltipSecure=Signert av %S
+securityButtonTooltipMixedContent=Åtvaring: Inneheld uautentisert innhald
+securityButtonTooltipInsecure=Viser tryggingsinfo om denne sida
+# menu_close labels
+tabs.closeTab.label=Lat att fane
+tabs.close.label=Lat att
+tabs.recentlyClosed.format=%1$S %2$S
+windows.recentlyClosed.format=%1$S %2$S
+tabs.historyItem=Gruppe av faner
+menuOpenAllInTabs.label=Opne alle i faner
+# urlbarBindings.xml
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This is for the location bar drop-down string:
+# "Search " + search_engine_name + " for " + user_input
+# e.g. "Search Google for abc"
+# DO NOT change the %S order when translate, the first %S must be the search engine name.
+searchFor=Søk %S etter «%S»
+# Star button
+starButtonOn.tooltip=Rediger dette bokmerket
+starButtonOff.tooltip=Bokmerk denne sida
+# Edit Bookmark UI
+editBookmarkPanel.pageBookmarkedTitle=Sida lagt i bokmerke
+editBookmarkPanel.pageBookmarkedDescription=%S vil hugse denne nettsida for deg.
+editBookmarkPanel.bookmarkedRemovedTitle=Bokmerke fjerna
+editBookmarkPanel.editBookmarkTitle=Rediger dette bokmerket
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editBookmark.removeBookmarks.label)
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms. Replacement for #1 is
+# the number of bookmarks to be removed.
+# If this causes problems with localization you can also do "Remove Bookmarks (#1)"
+# instead of "Remove #1 Bookmarks".
+editBookmark.removeBookmarks.label=Slett bokmerke;Slett #1 bokmerke
+# bookmark dialog strings
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addKeywordTitleAutoFill): %S will be replaced by the page's title
+# Used as the bookmark name when saving a keyword for a search field.
+addKeywordTitleAutoFill=Søk %S
+extensions.{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}.name=SeaMonkey standardtema
+extensions.{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}.description=Dette temaet brukar stil og fargar frå systemet for å passe med andre program.
+ moderne moderne tema for alle komponentar.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/navigatorOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/navigatorOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19517245f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/navigatorOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- File Menu -->
+<!ENTITY tabCmd.label "Nettlesarfane">
+<!ENTITY tabCmd.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY tabCmd.commandkey "t">
+<!ENTITY openCmd.label "Opne nettadresse…">
+<!ENTITY openCmd.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY openCmd.commandkey "l">
+<!ENTITY openFileCmd.label "Opne fil…">
+<!ENTITY openFileCmd.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY openFileCmd.commandkey "o">
+<!ENTITY closeOtherTabs.label "Lat att andre faner">
+<!ENTITY closeOtherTabs.accesskey "a">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (closeTabsToTheEnd.label): This should indicate the
+direction in which tabs are closed, i.e. locales that use RTL mode should say
+left instead of right. -->
+<!ENTITY closeTabsToTheEnd.label "Lat att faner til høgre">
+<!ENTITY closeTabsToTheEnd.accesskey "h">
+<!ENTITY uploadFile.label "Last opp fil…">
+<!ENTITY uploadFile.accesskey "F">
+<!-- Edit Menu -->
+<!ENTITY findOnCmd.label "Søk på denne sida…">
+<!-- View Menu -->
+<!ENTITY toolbarsCmd.label "Vis/Gøym">
+<!ENTITY toolbarsCmd.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY tabbarCmd.label "Fanelinje">
+<!ENTITY tabbarCmd.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY taskbarCmd.label "Statuslinje">
+<!ENTITY taskbarCmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY componentbarCmd.label "Komponentlinje">
+<!ENTITY componentbarCmd.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY fullScreenCmd.label "Fullskjerm">
+<!ENTITY fullScreenCmd.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY useStyleSheetMenu.label "Bruk stil">
+<!ENTITY useStyleSheetMenu.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY useStyleSheetNone.label "Ingen">
+<!ENTITY useStyleSheetNone.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY useStyleSheetPersistentOnly.label "Standardstil">
+<!ENTITY useStyleSheetPersistentOnly.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY bidiSwitchPageDirectionItem.label "Byt sideretning">
+<!ENTITY bidiSwitchPageDirectionItem.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY pageSourceCmd.label "Vis kjeldekode">
+<!ENTITY pageSourceCmd.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY pageSourceCmd.commandkey "u">
+<!ENTITY pageInfoCmd.label "Sideinfo">
+<!ENTITY pageInfoCmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY pageInfoCmd.commandkey "i">
+<!-- Go Menu -->
+<!ENTITY goMenu.label "Gå">
+<!ENTITY goMenu.accesskey "G">
+<!ENTITY goBackCmd.commandKey "[">
+<!ENTITY goForwardCmd.commandKey "]">
+<!ENTITY goHomeCmd.label "Heim">
+<!ENTITY goHomeCmd.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY historyCmd.label "Historikk">
+<!ENTITY historyCmd.accesskey "s">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (historyCmd.key): This is used only on the mac. -->
+<!ENTITY historyCmd.key "H">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (history.commandKey): This is used on platforms other
+ than the mac instead of historyCmd.key. -->
+<!ENTITY history.commandKey "h">
+<!ENTITY recentTabs.label "Nyleg attlatne faner">
+<!ENTITY recentTabs.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY recentTabs.commandkey "t">
+<!ENTITY recentWindows.label "Nyleg attlatne vindauge">
+<!ENTITY recentWindows.accesskey "v">
+<!ENTITY recentWindows.commandkey "y">
+<!ENTITY historyRestoreLastSession.label "Bygg oppatt siste programøkt">
+<!ENTITY historyRestoreLastSession.accesskey "G">
+<!ENTITY syncTabsMenu.label "Faner frå andre datamaskiner">
+<!ENTITY syncTabsMenu.accesskey "F">
+<!-- Bookmarks Menu -->
+<!ENTITY bookmarksMenu.label "Bokmerke">
+<!ENTITY bookmarksMenu.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY addCurPageCmd.label "Bokmerk denne sida">
+<!ENTITY addCurPageCmd.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY addCurPageAsCmd.label "Lag bokmerke…">
+<!ENTITY addCurPageAsCmd.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY addCurPageAsCmd.commandkey "d">
+<!ENTITY addCurTabsAsCmd.label "Bokmerk denne fanegruppa…">
+<!ENTITY addCurTabsAsCmd.accesskey "G">
+<!ENTITY manBookmarksCmd.label "Handter bokmerke…">
+<!ENTITY manBookmarksCmd.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY manBookmarksCmd.commandkey "b">
+<!-- Tools Menu -->
+<!ENTITY searchInternetCmd.label "Søk på nettet">
+<!ENTITY searchInternetCmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY searchInternet.commandKey "s">
+<!ENTITY translateMenu.label "Omsett sida">
+<!ENTITY translateMenu.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY cookieMessageTitle.label "Løyve for infokapslar endra">
+<!ENTITY cookieDisplayCookiesCmd.label "Handter lagra infokapslar">
+<!ENTITY cookieDisplayCookiesCmd.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY cookieAllowCookiesCmd.label "Tillat infokapslar frå denne nettstaden">
+<!ENTITY cookieAllowCookiesCmd.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY cookieAllowCookiesMsg.label "Infokapslar frå denne nettstaden vil allttid tillatast.">
+<!ENTITY cookieAllowSessionCookiesCmd.label "Tillat øktinfokapslar frå denne nettstaden">
+<!ENTITY cookieAllowSessionCookiesCmd.accesskey "ø">
+<!ENTITY cookieAllowSessionCookiesMsg.label "Denne nettstaden vil kunne sette infokapsler berre for denne programøkta.">
+<!ENTITY cookieCookiesDefaultCmd.label "Bruk standardreglar for infokapslar">
+<!ENTITY cookieCookiesDefaultCmd.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY cookieCookiesDefaultMsg.label "Infokapslar frå denne nettstaden vil bli akseptert eller blokkert basert på standardinnstillingar.">
+<!ENTITY cookieBlockCookiesCmd.label "Blokker infokapslar frå denne nettstaden">
+<!ENTITY cookieBlockCookiesCmd.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY cookieBlockCookiesMsg.label "Infokapslar frå denne nettsaten vil alltid bli blokkerte.">
+<!ENTITY cookieImageMessageTitle.label "Løyve for bilde endra">
+<!ENTITY cookieDisplayImagesCmd.label "Handter bildeløyve">
+<!ENTITY cookieDisplayImagesCmd.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY cookieAllowImagesCmd.label "Tillat bilde frå denne nettstaden">
+<!ENTITY cookieAllowImagesCmd.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY cookieAllowImagesMsg.label "Bilde frå denne nettstaden vil alltid bli lasta ned.">
+<!ENTITY cookieImagesDefaultCmd.label "Bruk standard bildeløyve">
+<!ENTITY cookieImagesDefaultCmd.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY cookieImagesDefaultMsg.label "Bilde frå denne nettstaden vil bli lasta ned basert på standardinnstillingar.">
+<!ENTITY cookieBlockImagesCmd.label "Blokker bilde frå denne nettstaden">
+<!ENTITY cookieBlockImagesCmd.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY cookieBlockImagesMsg.label "Bilde frå denne nettstaden vil aldri lastast ned.">
+<!ENTITY popupsMessageChangeTitle.label "LØyve for sprettoppvindauge endra">
+<!ENTITY popupAllowCmd.label "Tillat sprettoppvindauge frå denne nettsida">
+<!ENTITY popupAllowCmd.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY popupAllowMsg.label "Sprettoppvindauge frå denne nettstaden vil alltid bli viste.">
+<!ENTITY popupDefaultCmd.label "Bruk standardreglar for sprettoppvindauge">
+<!ENTITY popupDefaultCmd.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY popupDefaultMsg.label "Sprettoppvindauge frå denne nettstaden vil bli viste basert på standardinnstillingar.">
+<!ENTITY popupBlockCmd.label "Blokker sprettoppvindauge frå denne nettstaden">
+<!ENTITY popupBlockCmd.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY popupBlockMsg.label "Sprettoppvindauge frå denne nettstaden vil ikkje bli viste.">
+<!ENTITY popupsManage.label "Handsam sprettoppvindauge">
+<!ENTITY popupsManage.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY cookieCookieManager.label "Infokapselhandsamar">
+<!ENTITY cookieCookieManager.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY cookieImageManager.label "Bildehandsamar">
+<!ENTITY cookieImageManager.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY popupsManager.label "Sprettoppvindaugehandsamar">
+<!ENTITY popupsManager.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY clearPrivateDataCmd.label "Slett private data…">
+<!ENTITY clearPrivateDataCmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY stopCmd.macCommandKey ".">
+<!ENTITY fullScreenCmd.commandKey "f">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/pageInfo.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/pageInfo.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..356a0ce1ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/pageInfo.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+<!-- Note to localizers, don't localize the strings 'width' or 'height' -->
+<!ENTITY pageInfoWindow.dimensions "width: 100ch; height: 38em;">
+<!ENTITY copy.key "C">
+<!ENTITY copy.label "Kopier">
+<!ENTITY copy.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY selectall.key "A">
+<!ENTITY selectall.label "Merk alt">
+<!ENTITY selectall.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY openHelpMac.key "?">
+<!ENTITY closeWindow.key "w">
+<!ENTITY copyLinks.label "Kopier lenkje(r)">
+<!ENTITY copyLinks.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY openInNewTab.label "Opne i ny fane">
+<!ENTITY openInNewTab.accesskey "f">
+<!ENTITY openInNewWindow.label "Opne i nytt vindauge">
+<!ENTITY openInNewWindow.accesskey "v">
+<!ENTITY generalTab "Generelt">
+<!ENTITY generalTab.accesskey "G">
+<!ENTITY generalTitle "Tittel:">
+<!ENTITY generalURL "Adresse:">
+<!ENTITY generalType "Type:">
+<!ENTITY generalMode "Attgjevingsmodus:">
+<!ENTITY generalSize "Storleik:">
+<!ENTITY generalReferrer "Refererande URL:">
+<!ENTITY generalSource "Snøgglagerkjelde:">
+<!ENTITY generalModified "Sist endra:">
+<!ENTITY generalEncoding2 "Tekstkoding:">
+<!ENTITY generalMetaName "Namn">
+<!ENTITY generalMetaContent "Innhald">
+<!ENTITY generalSecurityDetails "Detaljar">
+<!ENTITY generalSecurityDetails.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY formsTab "Skjema">
+<!ENTITY formsTab.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY formAction "Skjemahandling">
+<!ENTITY formMethod "Metode">
+<!ENTITY formName "Namn">
+<!ENTITY formEncoding "Koding:">
+<!ENTITY formTarget "Mål">
+<!ENTITY formFields "Felt:">
+<!ENTITY formLabel "Etikett">
+<!ENTITY formFName "Feltnamn">
+<!ENTITY formType "Type">
+<!ENTITY formCValue "Gjeldande verdi">
+<!ENTITY linksTab "Lenkjer">
+<!ENTITY linksTab.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY linkName "Namn">
+<!ENTITY linkAddress "Adresse">
+<!ENTITY linkType "Type">
+<!ENTITY linkTarget "Mål">
+<!ENTITY linkAccessKey "Tilgangstast">
+<!ENTITY mediaTab "Media">
+<!ENTITY mediaTab.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY mediaLocation "Adresse:">
+<!ENTITY mediaText "Tilknytt tekst:">
+<!ENTITY mediaAltHeader "Alternativ tekst">
+<!ENTITY mediaAddress "Adresse">
+<!ENTITY mediaType "Type">
+<!ENTITY mediaSize "Storleik">
+<!ENTITY mediaCount "Tal på">
+<!ENTITY mediaDimension "Dimensjonar:">
+<!ENTITY mediaLongdesc "Lang skildring:">
+<!ENTITY mediaBlockImage.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY mediaSaveAs "Lagre som…">
+<!ENTITY mediaSaveAs.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY mediaSaveAs2.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY mediaPreview "Førehandsvising:">
+<!ENTITY feedTab "Nyheitskjelder">
+<!ENTITY feedTab.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY feedSubscribe "Abonner">
+<!ENTITY feedSubscribe.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY permTab "Løyve">
+<!ENTITY permTab.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY permissionsFor "Løyve for:">
+<!ENTITY securityTab "Sikkerheit">
+<!ENTITY securityTab.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY securityHeader "Tryggingsinfo for denne sida">
+<!ENTITY securityView.certView "Vis sertifikat">
+<!ENTITY securityView.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY securityView.unknown "Ukjent">
+<!ENTITY securityView.identity.header "Nettstadsidentitet">
+<!ENTITY securityView.identity.owner "Eigar:">
+<!ENTITY securityView.identity.domain "Nettstad:">
+<!ENTITY securityView.identity.verifier "Stadfesta av:">
+<!ENTITY securityView.identity.validity "Går ut:">
+<!ENTITY securityView.privacy.header "Personvern og historikk">
+<!ENTITY securityView.privacy.history "Har eg besøkt denne nettstaden tidlegare i dag?">
+<!ENTITY securityView.privacy.cookies "Lagrar nettstaden informasjon (infokapslar) på datamaskina mi?">
+<!ENTITY securityView.privacy.viewCookies "Vis infokapslar">
+<!ENTITY securityView.privacy.viewCookies.accessKey "V">
+<!ENTITY securityView.privacy.passwords "Har eg lagra passord for denne nettstaden?">
+<!ENTITY securityView.privacy.viewPasswords "Vis lagra passord">
+<!ENTITY securityView.privacy.viewPasswords.accessKey "s">
+<!ENTITY securityView.technical.header "Tekniske detaljar">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e40505d451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+ - %S
+pageInfo.frame.title=Rammeinformasjon - %S
+noPageTitle=Namnlaus side:
+notSet=Ikkje spesifisert
+mediaFileSize=%S KB
+mediaSize=%S px \u00D7 %S px
+mediaSelectFolder=Vel ei mappe å lagre bilda i
+mediaBlockImage=Blokker bilde frå %S
+mediaUnknownNotCached=Ukjend (ikkje i snøgglager)
+mediaAnimatedImageType=%S-bilde (animert, %S rammer)
+mediaDimensions=%Spx \u00D7 %Spx
+mediaDimensionsScaled=%Spx \u00D7 %Spx (skalert til %Spx \u00D7 %Spx)
+generalNotCached=Utan snøgglager
+generalDiskCache=Snøgglager på disk
+generalMemoryCache=Snøgglager i minnet
+generalSize=%S KB (%S byte)
+generalMetaTag=Metainformasjon (1 tagg)
+generalMetaTags=Metainformasjon (%S taggar)
+generalSiteIdentity=Denne nettstaden er ått av %S\nNettstaden er stadfesta av %S
+formTitle=Skjema %S:
+formUntitled=Skjema utan namn:
+formDefaultTarget=Ingen (opnar i same vindauge)
+formUnchecked=Ikkje valt
+linkSubmit=Send førespurnad
+linkRel=Relatert element
+linkX=Enkel XLink
+securityNoOwner=Denne nettstaden har ikkje informasjon om eigaren.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (securityVisitsNumber):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 is the number of visits and can be used in all plural forms as needed, e.g.
+# for '1': 'Yes, #1 time'
+securityVisitsNumber=Ja, ein gong;Ja, #1 gongar
+permissions.useDefault=Bruk standard
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/tabbrowser.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/tabbrowser.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12000740e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/tabbrowser.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY untitledTab "(Namnlaus)">
+<!ENTITY newTab.label "Ny fane">
+<!ENTITY newTab.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY closeTab.label "Lat att fane">
+<!ENTITY closeTab.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY closeOtherTabs.label "Lat att andre faner">
+<!ENTITY closeOtherTabs.accesskey "a">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (closeTabsToTheEnd.label): This should indicate the
+direction in which tabs are closed, i.e. locales that use RTL mode should say
+left instead of right. -->
+<!ENTITY closeTabsToTheEnd.label "Lat att faner til høgre">
+<!ENTITY closeTabsToTheEnd.accesskey "h">
+<!ENTITY reloadAllTabs.label "Oppdater alle faner">
+<!ENTITY reloadAllTabs.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY reloadTab.label "Oppdater fane">
+<!ENTITY reloadTab.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY bookmarkGroup.label "Bokmerk denne gruppa av faner">
+<!ENTITY bookmarkGroup.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY closeTabButton.tooltip "Lat att denne fana">
+<!ENTITY newTabButton.tooltip "Opne ei ny fane">
+<!ENTITY listAllTabs.tooltip "List opp alle faner">
+<!ENTITY undoCloseTab.label "Angre attlating av fane">
+<!ENTITY undoCloseTab.accesskey "U">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b175b31f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+tabs.closeWarningTitle=Stadfest attlating av andre faner
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabs.closeWarningOther):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# The singular form is not considered since this string is used only for
+# multiple tabs.
+tabs.closeButton=Lat att andre faner
+tabs.closeWarningPromptMe=Åtvar meg når eg freistar å late att andre faner
+tabs.closeWarningTitleAll=Stadfest attlating
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabs.closeWarningAll):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# The singular form is not considered since this string is used only for
+# multiple tabs.
+tabs.closeButtonAll=Lat att alle faner
+tabs.closeWarningPromptMeAll=Åtvar meg når eg vil late att fleire faner
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabs.openWarningTitle, tabs.openWarningMultipleBranded, tabs.openButtonMultiple, tabs.openWarningPromptMeBranded):
+# These items were moved from /chrome/common/places/
+# Now they are not specific to bookmarks.
+tabs.openWarningTitle=Stadfest opning
+tabs.openWarningMultipleBranded=Du opnar no %S faner. Dette kan gjere %S tregare når sidene lastar. Er du sikker på at du vil fortsetje?
+tabs.openButtonMultiple=Opne faner
+tabs.openWarningPromptMeBranded=Varsle meg om når opning av fleire faner kan gjere %S treg
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47412b20cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+taskbar.tasks.newTab.label=Opne ny fane
+taskbar.tasks.newTab.description=Opne ei ny nettlesarfane.
+taskbar.tasks.newWindow.label=Opne nytt vindauge
+taskbar.tasks.newWindow.description=Opne eit nytt nettlesarvindauge.
+taskbar.tasks.newPrivate.label=Opne privat vindauge
+taskbar.tasks.newPrivate.description=Opne eit nytt privat nettlesarvindauge.
+taskbar.tasks.mailWindow.label=Opne e-post og nyheitsgrupper
+taskbar.tasks.mailWindow.description=Opne e-post og nyheitsgrupper-vindauget.
+taskbar.tasks.composeMessage.label=Skriv ny melding
+taskbar.tasks.composeMessage.description=Skriv ei ny melding.
+taskbar.tasks.openAddressBook.label=Opne adresseboka
+taskbar.tasks.openAddressBook.description=Opner adresseboka.
+taskbar.tasks.openEditor.label=Opne ny Composer-side
+taskbar.tasks.openEditor.description=Opne ei ny Composer-side.
+taskbar.frequent.label=Ofte brukt
+taskbar.recent.label=Nyleg brukt
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/webDeveloper.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/webDeveloper.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..132df2dd2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/browser/webDeveloper.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY validatePage.label "Valider denne sida">
+<!ENTITY validatePage.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY allowRemoteDebugging.label "Tillat ekstern debugging">
+<!ENTITY allowRemoteDebugging.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY devToolsCmd.keycode "VK_F12">
+<!ENTITY devToolsCmd.keytext "F12">
+<!ENTITY devtoolsConnect.label "Kople til…">
+<!ENTITY devtoolsConnect.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY browserConsoleCmd.label "Nettlesarkonsoll">
+<!ENTITY browserConsoleCmd.commandkey "Ζ">
+<!ENTITY browserConsoleCmd.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY responsiveDesignTool.label "Responsiv design-vising">
+<!ENTITY responsiveDesignTool.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY eyedropper.label "Pipette">
+<!ENTITY eyedropper.accesskey "t">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (scratchpad.label): This menu item label appears
+ - in the Tools menu. See bug 653093.
+ - The Scratchpad is intended to provide a simple text editor for creating
+ - and evaluating bits of JavaScript code for the purposes of function
+ - prototyping, experimentation and convenient scripting.
+ -
+ - It's quite possible that you won't have a good analogue for the word
+ - "Scratchpad" in your locale. You should feel free to find a close
+ - approximation to it or choose a word (or words) that means
+ - "simple discardable text editor". -->
+<!ENTITY scratchpad.label "Kladdeblokk">
+<!ENTITY scratchpad.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY scratchpad.keycode "VK_F4">
+<!ENTITY scratchpad.keytext "F4">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (browserToolboxMenu.label): This is the label for the
+ - application menu item that opens the browser toolbox UI in the Tools menu. -->
+<!ENTITY browserToolboxMenu.label "Nettlesarverktøy">
+<!ENTITY browserToolboxMenu.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY browserToolboxCmd.commandkey "I">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (browserContentToolboxMenu.label): This is the label for the
+ - application menu item that opens the browser content toolbox UI in the Tools menu.
+ - This toolbox allows to debug the chrome of the content process in multiprocess builds. -->
+<!ENTITY browserContentToolboxMenu.label "Verktøy for nettlesarinnhald">
+<!ENTITY browserContentToolboxMenu.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY devToolbarCloseButton.tooltiptext "Lat att utviklarverktøylinje">
+<!ENTITY devToolbarMenu.label "Utviklarverktøylinje">
+<!ENTITY devToolbarMenu.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY webide.label "WebIDE">
+<!ENTITY webide.accesskey "W">
+<!ENTITY webide.keycode "VK_F8">
+<!ENTITY webide.keytext "F8">
+<!ENTITY devToolbar.keycode "VK_F2">
+<!ENTITY devToolbar.keytext "F2">
+<!ENTITY devToolboxMenuItem.label "Slå av/på verktøy">
+<!ENTITY devToolboxMenuItem.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY devToolboxMenuItem.keytext "I">
+<!ENTITY devToolbarToolsButton.tooltip "Slå av/på utviklarverktøy">
+<!ENTITY getMoreDevtoolsCmd.label "Hent fleire verktøy">
+<!ENTITY getMoreDevtoolsCmd.accesskey "v">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/about.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/about.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..791b18bddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/about.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE the following declarations were copied from
+ mozilla/toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/global/about.dtd which was removed
+ by bug 1408044. -->
+<!ENTITY about.version "versjon">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.credits.beforeLink): note that there is no space
+ between this phrase and the linked about.credits.linkTitle phrase, so if
+ your locale needs a space between words, add it at the end of this
+ entity. -->
+<!ENTITY about.credits.beforeLink "Sjå liste over ">
+<!ENTITY about.credits.linkTitle "bidragsytarar">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.credits.afterLink): note that there is no space
+ between the linked about.credits.linkTitle phrase and this phrase, so if
+ your locale needs a space between words, add it at the start of this
+ entity. -->
+<!ENTITY about.credits.afterLink " til Mozilla-prosjektet.">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.license.beforeTheLink): note that there is no
+ space between this phrase and the linked about.license.linkTitle phrase,
+ so if your locale needs a space between words, add it at the end of this
+ entity. -->
+<!ENTITY about.license.beforeTheLink "Les ">
+<!ENTITY about.license.linkTitle "lisensinformasjonen">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.license.afterTheLink): note that there is no
+ space between the linked about.license.linkTitle phrase and this phrase,
+ so if your locale needs a space between words, add it at the start of
+ this entity. -->
+<!ENTITY about.license.afterTheLink " for dette produktet.">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.relnotes.beforeTheLink): note that there is no
+ space between this phrase and the linked about.relnotes.linkTitle phrase,
+ so if your locale needs a space between words, add it at the end of this
+ entity. -->
+<!ENTITY about.relnotes.beforeTheLink "Les ">
+<!ENTITY about.relnotes.linkTitle "versjonsnotatet">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.relnotes.afterTheLink): note that there is no
+ space between the linked about.relnotes.linkTitle phrase and this phrase,
+ so if your locale needs a space between words, add it at the start of
+ this entity. -->
+<!ENTITY about.relnotes.afterTheLink " for denne versjonen.">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.buildconfig.beforeTheLink): note that there is
+ no space between this phrase and the linked about.buildconfig.linkTitle
+ phrase, so if your locale needs a space between words, add it at the end
+ of this entity. -->
+<!ENTITY about.buildconfig.beforeTheLink "Sjå ">
+<!ENTITY about.buildconfig.linkTitle "bygginnstillingane">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.buildconfig.afterTheLink): note that there is no
+ space between the linked about.buildconfig.linkTitle phrase and this
+ phrase, so if your locale needs a space between words, add it at the
+ start of this entity. -->
+<!ENTITY about.buildconfig.afterTheLink " brukt av denne versjonen.">
+<!ENTITY about.buildIdentifier "Byggidentifikasjon: ">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE end of declarations that were copied from
+ mozilla/toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/global/about.dtd -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (channel.description.start,channel.description.end):
+ channel.description.start and channel.description.end create one sentence,
+ with the current channel label inserted in between.
+ example: You are currently on the _Stable_ update channel. -->
+<!ENTITY channel.description.start "Du brukar no ">
+<!ENTITY channel.description.end " oppdateringskanalen.">
+<!ENTITY about.userAgent "Brukaragent: ">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/aboutPrivateBrowsing.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/aboutPrivateBrowsing.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..748944faa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/aboutPrivateBrowsing.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: where ".private" and ".normal" variants exist,
+ - the former is shown in a private browsing window and the latter in
+ - a regular (non-private) browsing window. -->
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.title.private "Du er i eit privat nettlesingsvindauge">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.title.normal "Vil du starte privat nettlesing?">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.status.private "&brandShortName; vil ikkje hugse historikk for dette vindauget.">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.status.normal "Du er ikkje i eit privat vindauge.">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.learnmore.label "Les meir">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.learnmore.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.close.label "Lat att dette vindauget no">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.close.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.private.label "Opne eit nytt privat vindauge">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.private.accesskey "O">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/aboutSessionRestore.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/aboutSessionRestore.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00c2597000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/aboutSessionRestore.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY restorepage.tabtitle "Bygg oppatt programøkta">
+<!ENTITY restorepage.pagetitle "Vil du byggje oppatt programøkta?">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: If "closed unexpectedly" sounds too awkward in the translation,
+ you may translate "crash" instead (even though it's IT-speak) -->
+<!ENTITY restorepage.issueDesc "Den siste &brandShortName;-programøkta fekk eit uventa avbrot. Vi beklagar det. Du kan byggje oppatt faner og vindauge frå siste programøkt, eller du kan starte ei ny programøkt dersom du ikkje treng dei meir.">
+<!ENTITY restorepage.remedies "Dersom &brandShortName; avsluttar mange gongar:">
+<!ENTITY restorepage.dueToChrome "Prøv då å slå av utvidingar du nyleg har installert i Utvidingshandteraren.">
+<!ENTITY restorepage.dueToContent "Prøv å starte programøkta utan nettsider som du trur kan ha forårsaka problemet:">
+<!ENTITY restorepage.restoreButton "Bygg oppatt siste programøkt">
+<!ENTITY restorepage.restore.access "B">
+<!ENTITY restorepage.cancelButton "Start ny programøkt">
+<!ENTITY restorepage.cancel.access "S">
+<!ENTITY restorepage.restoreHeader "Bygg oppatt">
+<!ENTITY restorepage.listHeader "Vindauge og faner">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: &#37;S will be replaced with a number. -->
+<!ENTITY restorepage.windowLabel "Vindauge &#37;S">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/aboutSyncTabs.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/aboutSyncTabs.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c5879c1c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/aboutSyncTabs.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabs.otherComputers.label): Keep this in sync with syncTabsMenu.label from navigator.dtd -->
+<!ENTITY tabs.otherComputers.label "Faner frå andre datamaskiner">
+<!ENTITY tabs.searchText.label "Skriv her for å finne faner…">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabs.context.openTab.accesskey, tabs.context.openMultipleTabs.accesskey;
+ tabs.context.bookmarkSingleTab.accesskey, tabs.context.bookmarkMultipleTabs.accesskey):
+ Only one of each of these pairs will show at a time (based on selection), so reusing accesskey is ok. -->
+<!ENTITY tabs.context.openTab.label "Opne denne fana">
+<!ENTITY tabs.context.openTab.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY tabs.context.openMultipleTabs.label "Opne valde faner">
+<!ENTITY tabs.context.openMultipleTabs.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY tabs.context.bookmarkSingleTab.label "Bokmerk denne fana…">
+<!ENTITY tabs.context.bookmarkSingleTab.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY tabs.context.bookmarkMultipleTabs.label "Bokmerk valde faner…">
+<!ENTITY tabs.context.bookmarkMultipleTabs.accesskey "v">
+<!ENTITY tabs.context.refreshList.label "Oppdater liste">
+<!ENTITY tabs.context.refreshList.accesskey "O">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/askViewZoom.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/askViewZoom.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..403451ea41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/askViewZoom.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY askViewZoom.title "Zoom">
+<!ENTITY selectZoom.label "Vel zoom (&#37;):">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/certError.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/certError.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb88afd9cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/certError.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- These strings are used by SeaMonkey's custom about:certerror page,
+a replacement for the standard security certificate errors produced
+by NSS/PSM via netError.xhtml. -->
+<!ENTITY certerror.pagetitle "Utrygg tilkopling">
+<!ENTITY certerror.longpagetitle "Dette sambandet er ikkje trygt">
+<!-- Localization note (certerror.introPara1a) - The text content of the span
+tag will be replaced at runtime with the name of the server to which the user
+was trying to connect. -->
+<!ENTITY certerror.whatShouldIDo.heading "Kva bør eg gjere?">
+<!ENTITY "Eg forstår risikoen">
+<!ENTITY certerror.addException.label "Lag ein unntaksregel…">
+<!ENTITY certerror.technical.heading "Tekniske detaljar">
+<!ENTITY dnsNotFound.pageTitle "Fann ikkje serveren">
+<!ENTITY malformedURI.pageTitle "Ugyldig nettadresse">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/console/console.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/console/console.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17a71358f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/console/console.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY errorConsole.title "Feilmeldingar">
+<!ENTITY errFile.label "Kjeldefil:">
+<!ENTITY errLine.label "Linje:">
+<!ENTITY errColumn.label "Kolonne:">
+<!ENTITY all.label "Alle">
+<!ENTITY all.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY errors.label "Feil">
+<!ENTITY errors.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY warnings.label "Åtvaringar">
+<!ENTITY warnings.accesskey "Å">
+<!ENTITY messages.label "Meldingar">
+<!ENTITY messages.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY clear.label "Tøm">
+<!ENTITY clear.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY codeEval.label "Kode:">
+<!ENTITY codeEval.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY evaluate.label "Evaluer">
+<!ENTITY evaluate.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY filter2.label "Filter:">
+<!ENTITY filter2.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY copyCmd.label "Kopier">
+<!ENTITY copyCmd.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY copyCmd.commandkey "C">
+<!ENTITY sortFirst.label "Første -> Siste sorteringsrekkjefølgje">
+<!ENTITY sortFirst.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY sortLast.label "Siste > Første sorteringsrekkjefølgje">
+<!ENTITY sortLast.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY closeCmd.commandkey "w">
+<!ENTITY focus1.commandkey "l">
+<!ENTITY focus2.commandkey "d">
+<!ENTITY menuBar.tooltip "Menylinje">
+<!ENTITY modeToolbar.tooltip "Modus-verktøylinje">
+<!ENTITY entryToolbar.tooltip "Javascript-inntastingsverktøylinje">
+<!ENTITY toolbarsCmd.label "Vis/Gøym">
+<!ENTITY toolbarsCmd.accesskey "G">
+<!ENTITY toolbarMode.label "Modus">
+<!ENTITY toolbarMode.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY toolbarEval.label "JavaScript-inntasting">
+<!ENTITY toolbarEval.accesskey "J">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/console/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/console/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c6694a76d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/console/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+errFile=Kjeldefil: %S
+errLine=Linje: %S
+errLineCol=Linje: %S, kolonne: %S
+errTime=Tidsstempel: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (evaluationContextChanged): The message displayed when the
+# browser console's evaluation context (window against which input is evaluated)
+# changes.
+evaluationContextChanged=Evalueringskonteksten til konsollen endra, sannsynlegvis på grunnav at målvindauget vart lukka eller fordi du opna eit hovudvindauge konsollvindauget i nettlesaren.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/contentAreaCommands.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/contentAreaCommands.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64625b1d04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/contentAreaCommands.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY openLinkCmdInTab.label "Opne lenkje i ny fane">
+<!ENTITY openLinkCmdInTab.accesskey "p">
+<!ENTITY openLinkCmd.label "Opne lenkje i nytt vindauge">
+<!ENTITY openLinkCmd.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY openLinkCmdInPrivateWindow.label "Opne lenkje i privat vindauge">
+<!ENTITY openLinkCmdInPrivateWindow.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY openLinkInWindowCmd.label "Opne">
+<!ENTITY openLinkInWindowCmd.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY openFrameCmd.label "Opne ramme i nytt vindauge">
+<!ENTITY openFrameCmd.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY openFrameCmdInTab.label "Opne ramme i ny fane">
+<!ENTITY openFrameCmdInTab.accesskey "f">
+<!ENTITY keywordfield.label "Legg til eit nykelord i dette søket…">
+<!ENTITY keywordfield.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY showOnlyThisFrameCmd.label "Vis berre denne ramma">
+<!ENTITY showOnlyThisFrameCmd.accesskey "b">
+<!ENTITY goBackCmd.label "Tilbake">
+<!ENTITY goBackCmd.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY goForwardCmd.label "Fram">
+<!ENTITY goForwardCmd.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY goUpCmd.label "Opp">
+<!ENTITY goUpCmd.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY reloadCmd.label "Oppdater">
+<!ENTITY reloadCmd.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY reloadCmd.commandkey "r">
+<!ENTITY stopCmd.label "Stopp">
+<!ENTITY stopCmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY reloadFrameCmd.label "Oppdater ramme">
+<!ENTITY reloadFrameCmd.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY viewPartialSourceForSelectionCmd.label "Vis kjeldekode for vald tekst">
+<!ENTITY viewPartialSourceForMathMLCmd.label "Vis MathML-kjeldekode">
+<!ENTITY viewPartialSourceCmd.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY viewPageSourceCmd.label "Vis kjeldekode">
+<!ENTITY viewPageSourceCmd.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY viewFrameSourceCmd.label "Vis kjeldekode for ramma">
+<!ENTITY viewFrameSourceCmd.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY viewPageInfoCmd.label "Vis sideinfo">
+<!ENTITY viewPageInfoCmd.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY viewFrameInfoCmd.label "Vis rammeinformasjon">
+<!ENTITY viewFrameInfoCmd.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY fitImageCmd.label "Tilpass bildet til vindauget">
+<!ENTITY fitImageCmd.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY reloadImageCmd.label "Oppdater bildet">
+<!ENTITY reloadImageCmd.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY viewImageCmd.label "Vis bildet">
+<!ENTITY viewImageCmd.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY viewImageInfoCmd.label "Vis bildeinfo">
+<!ENTITY viewImageInfoCmd.accesskey "f">
+<!ENTITY viewVideoCmd.label "Vis video">
+<!ENTITY viewVideoCmd.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY viewBGImageCmd.label "Vis bakgrunnsbildet">
+<!ENTITY viewBGImageCmd.accesskey "b">
+<!ENTITY setDesktopBackgroundCmd.label "Vel skrivebordsbakgrunn…">
+<!ENTITY setDesktopBackgroundCmd.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY bookmarkPageCmd.label "Bokmerk denne sida…">
+<!ENTITY bookmarkPageCmd.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY bookmarkLinkCmd.label "Bokmerk denne lenkja…">
+<!ENTITY bookmarkLinkCmd.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY bookmarkFrameCmd.label "Bokmerk denne ramma…">
+<!ENTITY bookmarkFrameCmd.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY savePageAsCmd.label "Lagre sida som…">
+<!ENTITY savePageCmd.label "Lagre sida">
+<!ENTITY savePageCmd.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY savePageCmd.commandkey "s">
+<!ENTITY saveFrameAsCmd.label "Lagre ramme som…">
+<!ENTITY saveFrameCmd.label "Lagre ramme">
+<!ENTITY saveFrameCmd.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY printFrameCmd.label "Skriv ut ramma…">
+<!ENTITY printFrameCmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY saveLinkAsCmd.label "Lagre lenkjemål som…">
+<!ENTITY saveLinkCmd.label "Lagre lenkjemål">
+<!ENTITY saveLinkCmd.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY saveImageAsCmd.label "Lagre bilde som…">
+<!ENTITY saveImageCmd.label "Lagre bilde">
+<!ENTITY saveImageCmd.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY saveVideoCmd.label "Lagre video som…">
+<!ENTITY saveVideoCmd.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY saveAudioCmd.label "Lagre lyd som…">
+<!ENTITY saveAudioCmd.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY copyLinkCmd.label "Kopier lenkjemål">
+<!ENTITY copyLinkCmd.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY copyImageCmd.label "Kopier bildeadresse">
+<!ENTITY copyImageCmd.accesskey "b">
+<!ENTITY copyVideoURLCmd.label "Kopier videoadresse">
+<!ENTITY copyVideoURLCmd.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY copyAudioURLCmd.label "Kopier lydadresse">
+<!ENTITY copyAudioURLCmd.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY metadataCmd.label "Eigenskapar">
+<!ENTITY metadataCmd.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY copyEmailCmd.label "Kopier e-postadresse">
+<!ENTITY copyEmailCmd.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY thisFrameMenu.label "Denne ramma">
+<!ENTITY thisFrameMenu.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlay.label "Spel av">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlay.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY mediaPause.label "Pause">
+<!ENTITY mediaPause.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY mediaMute.label "Slå av lyd">
+<!ENTITY mediaMute.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY mediaUnmute.label "Slå på lyd">
+<!ENTITY mediaUnmute.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlaybackRate.label "Avspelingsfart">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlaybackRate.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlaybackRate050.label "Sakte (½×)">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlaybackRate050.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlaybackRate100.label "Normal fart">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlaybackRate100.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlaybackRate125.label "Rask fart (1¼×)">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlaybackRate125.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlaybackRate150.label "Høg fart (1½×)">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlaybackRate150.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlaybackRate200.label "Dobbel fart">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlaybackRate200.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY mediaLoop.label "Repeter">
+<!ENTITY mediaLoop.accesskey "e">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: The access keys for "Show Controls" and
+"Hide Controls" are the same because the two context-menu
+items are mutually exclusive. -->
+<!ENTITY mediaShowControls.label "Vis mediakontrollar">
+<!ENTITY mediaShowControls.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY mediaHideControls.label "Gøym mediakontrollar">
+<!ENTITY mediaHideControls.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY videoFullScreen.label "Fullskjerm">
+<!ENTITY videoFullScreen.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY videoSaveImage.label "Lagre knipsa bilde som…">
+<!ENTITY videoSaveImage.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY videoShowStats.label "Vis statistikk">
+<!ENTITY videoShowStats.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY videoHideStats.label "Gøym statistikk">
+<!ENTITY videoHideStats.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY search.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY bidiSwitchPageDirectionItem.label "Byt sideretning">
+<!ENTITY bidiSwitchPageDirectionItem.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY bidiSwitchTextDirectionItem.label "Byt tekstretning">
+<!ENTITY bidiSwitchTextDirectionItem.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY spellAddToDictionary.label "Legg til i ordbok">
+<!ENTITY spellAddToDictionary.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY spellUndoAddToDictionary.label "Angre legg til i ordbok">
+<!ENTITY spellUndoAddToDictionary.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY spellIgnoreWord.label "Ignorer ord">
+<!ENTITY spellIgnoreWord.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY spellCheckEnable.label "Stavekontrollar">
+<!ENTITY spellCheckEnable.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY spellNoSuggestions.label "(Ingen forslag)">
+<!ENTITY spellDictionaries.label "Språk">
+<!ENTITY spellDictionaries.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY spellAddDictionaries.label "Last ned fleire ordbøker…">
+<!ENTITY spellAddDictionaries.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY fillLoginMenu.label "Fyll ut innlogging">
+<!ENTITY fillLoginMenu.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY fillPasswordMenu.label "Fyll inn passord">
+<!ENTITY fillPasswordMenu.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY fillUsernameMenu.label "Fyll inn brukarnamn">
+<!ENTITY fillUsernameMenu.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY noLoginSuggestions.label "(Ingen innloggingsforslag)">
+<!ENTITY viewSavedLogins.label "Vis lagra innloggingar">
+<!-- Developer Tools -->
+<!ENTITY devtoolsInspect.label "Inspiser element">
+<!ENTITY devtoolsInspect.accesskey "n">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5bc9eb3864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# context menu strings
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (searchSelected): %1$S is the search engine,
+# %2$S is the selection string.
+searchSelected=Søk med %1$S etter «%2$S»
+blockImage=Blokker bilde frå %S
+unblockImage=Tillat bilde frå %S
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/customizeToolbar.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/customizeToolbar.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6351731dbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/customizeToolbar.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: Strings below used to be in mozilla-central's
+ toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/global/customizeToolbar.dtd -->
+<!ENTITY dialog.title "Tilpass verktøylinje">
+<!ENTITY dialog.dimensions "width: 92ch; height: 36em;">
+<!ENTITY instructions.description "Du kan leggje til eller fjerne element ved å dra dei til eller frå verktøylinjer.">
+<!ENTITY show.label "Vis:">
+<!ENTITY iconsAndText.label "Ikon og tekst">
+<!ENTITY icons.label "Ikon">
+<!ENTITY text.label "Tekst">
+<!ENTITY useSmallIcons.label "Bruk små ikon">
+<!ENTITY restoreDefaultSet.label "Bygg oppatt standard">
+<!ENTITY addNewToolbar.label "Legg til ny verktøylinje">
+<!ENTITY saveChanges.label "Ferdig">
+<!ENTITY undoChanges.label "Angre endringar">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73444841ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Strings below used to be in mozilla-central's
+# toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/global/
+enterToolbarTitle=Ny verktøylinje
+enterToolbarName=Skriv inn eit namn for denne verktøylinja:
+enterToolbarDup=Det finst allereie ei verktøylinje med namnet «%S». Vel eit anna namn.
+enterToolbarBlank=Du må skrive inn eit namn for å opprette ei ny verktøylinje.
+springTitle=Fleksibelt mellomrom
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/dataman/dataman.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/dataman/dataman.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d55dca3f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/dataman/dataman.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY dataman.windowTitle "Databehandlar">
+<!ENTITY selectAll.key "a">
+<!ENTITY select.all.label "Alle datatypar">
+<!ENTITY select.cookies.label "Berre infokapslar">
+<!ENTITY select.permissions.label "Berre løyve">
+<!ENTITY select.preferences.label "Berre innstillingar">
+<!ENTITY select.passwords.label "Berre passord">
+<!ENTITY "Berre datalagring">
+<!ENTITY "Søk i domene">
+<!ENTITY "f">
+<!ENTITY domain.tree.domain.label "Domene">
+<!ENTITY domain.ctx.forgetdomain.label "Gløym alt om dette domenet">
+<!ENTITY domain.ctx.forgetdomain.accesskey "G">
+<!ENTITY domain.ctx.forgetglobal.label "Gløym alt om globale data">
+<!ENTITY domain.ctx.forgetglobal.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY "k">
+<!ENTITY tab.cookies.label "Infokapslar">
+<!ENTITY tab.permissions.label "Løyve">
+<!ENTITY tab.preferences.label "Innstillingar">
+<!ENTITY tab.passwords.label "Passord">
+<!ENTITY "Datalagring">
+<!ENTITY tab.formdata.label "Skjemadata">
+<!ENTITY tab.forget.label "Gløym">
+<!-- cookies -->
+<!ENTITY cookies.description "Dette domenet har lagra følgjande infokapslar på datamaskina di:">
+<!ENTITY "Nettstad">
+<!ENTITY "Namn på infokapsel">
+<!ENTITY cookies.tree.expires.label "Går ut">
+<!ENTITY cookies.infobox.label "Informasjon om vald infokapsel">
+<!ENTITY "Namn:">
+<!ENTITY "Innhald:">
+<!ENTITY "Server:">
+<!ENTITY "Domene:">
+<!ENTITY "Sti:">
+<!ENTITY "Send for:">
+<!ENTITY "Går ut:">
+<!ENTITY cookies.ctx.remove.label "Fjern">
+<!ENTITY cookies.ctx.remove.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY cookies.ctx.selectAll.label "Vel alle">
+<!ENTITY cookies.ctx.selectAll.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY cookies.button.remove.label "Fjern">
+<!ENTITY cookies.button.remove.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY cookies.blockOnRemove.accesskey "f">
+<!-- permissions -->
+<!ENTITY perm.UseDefault "Bruk standard">
+<!ENTITY perm.AskAlways "Spør alltid">
+<!ENTITY perm.NeverSave "Lagre aldri">
+<!ENTITY perm.Allow "Tillat">
+<!ENTITY perm.AllowSameDomain "Tillat for same domene">
+<!ENTITY perm.AllowSession "Tillat for programøkta">
+<!ENTITY perm.Block "Blokker">
+<!ENTITY "Skriv inn eit tenarnamn">
+<!ENTITY perm.button.add.label "Legg til">
+<!ENTITY perm.button.add.accesskey "L">
+<!-- preferences -->
+<!ENTITY "Nettstad">
+<!ENTITY "Innstillingnamn">
+<!ENTITY prefs.tree.value.label "Verdi">
+<!ENTITY prefs.ctx.remove.label "Fjern">
+<!ENTITY prefs.ctx.remove.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY prefs.ctx.selectAll.label "Merk alt">
+<!ENTITY prefs.ctx.selectAll.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY prefs.button.remove.label "Fjern">
+<!ENTITY prefs.button.remove.accesskey "F">
+<!-- passwords -->
+<!ENTITY pwd.description "Du har lagra følgjande passord for dette domenet:">
+<!ENTITY "Nettstad">
+<!ENTITY pwd.tree.username.label "Brukarnamn">
+<!ENTITY pwd.tree.password.label "Passord">
+<!ENTITY pwd.ctx.remove.label "Fjern">
+<!ENTITY pwd.ctx.remove.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY pwd.ctx.copyPasswordCmd.label "Kopier passordet">
+<!ENTITY pwd.ctx.copyPasswordCmd.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY pwd.ctx.selectAll.label "Merk alt">
+<!ENTITY pwd.ctx.selectAll.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY pwd.button.remove.label "Fjern">
+<!ENTITY pwd.button.remove.accesskey "F">
+<!-- storage -->
+<!ENTITY storage.description "Dette domenet brukar følgjande datalager på datamaskina:">
+<!ENTITY "Nettstad">
+<!ENTITY storage.tree.type.label "Type">
+<!ENTITY storage.tree.size.label "Storleik">
+<!ENTITY storage.ctx.remove.label "Fjern">
+<!ENTITY storage.ctx.remove.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY storage.ctx.selectAll.label "Merk alle">
+<!ENTITY storage.ctx.selectAll.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY storage.button.remove.label "Fjern">
+<!ENTITY storage.button.remove.accesskey "F">
+<!-- form data -->
+<!ENTITY "Søk i feltdata">
+<!ENTITY fdata.tree.fieldname.label "Feltnamn">
+<!ENTITY fdata.tree.value.label "Innskriven verdi">
+<!ENTITY fdata.tree.usecount.label "Tal på brukstilfelle">
+<!ENTITY fdata.tree.firstused.label "Først brukt">
+<!ENTITY fdata.tree.lastused.label "Sist brukt">
+<!ENTITY fdata.ctx.remove.label "Fjern">
+<!ENTITY fdata.ctx.remove.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY fdata.ctx.selectAll.label "Merk alt">
+<!ENTITY fdata.ctx.selectAll.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY fdata.button.remove.label "Fjern">
+<!ENTITY fdata.button.remove.accesskey "F">
+<!-- forget -->
+<!ENTITY forget.cookies.label "Infokapslar">
+<!ENTITY forget.cookies.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY forget.permissions.label "Løyve">
+<!ENTITY forget.permissions.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY forget.preferences.label "Innhaldsinnstillingar">
+<!ENTITY forget.preferences.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY forget.passwords.label "Passord">
+<!ENTITY forget.passwords.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY "Datalagring">
+<!ENTITY "D">
+<!ENTITY forget.formdata.label "Skjemadata">
+<!ENTITY forget.formdata.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY forget.button.label "Gløym desse dataa">
+<!ENTITY forget.button.accesskey "G">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/dataman/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/dataman/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a5cffa9f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/dataman/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# cookies
+cookies.expireAtEndOfSession=På slutten av programøkta
+cookies.secureOnly.all=Berre krypterte tilkoplingar
+cookies.anyConnection.all=Alle tilkoplingstypar
+cookies.deleteSelected=Er du sikker på at du vil slette valde infokapslar?
+cookies.deleteSelectedTitle=Slett valde infokapslar
+# permissions
+perm.allowXULXBL.label=Bruk XUL/XBL-oppmerking
+perm.cookie.label=Vel infokapslar
+perm.geo.label=Del plassering
+perm.image.label=Last inn bilde
+perm.indexedDB.label=Lagre lokale databasar
+perm.install.label=Installer utvidingar
+perm.offline-app.label=Fråkopla webapplikasjonar
+perm.object.label=Køyr programtillegg
+perm.login-saving.label=Lagre passord
+perm.plugins.label=Aktiver programtillegg
+perm.popup.label=Opne sprettoppvindauge
+perm.script.label=Køyr skript
+perm.stylesheet.label=Last stilsett
+perm.type.default=Vel ein type
+perm.validation.invalidurl=Spesifisert adresse er ikkje gyldig
+# passwords
+pwd.hidePasswords=Gøym passord
+pwd.showPasswords=Vis passord
+pwd.noMasterPasswordPrompt=Er du sikker på at du ønskjer å vise passorda dine?
+pwd.deleteSelected=Er du sikker på at du ønskjer å slette dei valde passorda?
+pwd.deleteSelectedTitle=Slett valde passord
+# preferences
+prefs.deleteSelected=Er du sikker på at du ønskjer å slette dei valde innstillingane?
+prefs.deleteSelectedTitle=Slett valde innstillingar
+# storage
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The next string is for disk usage of any storage
+# e.g. storageUsage: "50.23 MB"
+# %1$S = size (in bytes or megabytes, ...)
+# %2$S = unit of measure (bytes, KB, MB, ...)
+storageUsage=%1$S %2$S
+storage.deleteSelected=Er du sikker på at du vil slette dei valde weblagringane?
+storage.deleteSelectedTitle=Fjern valde lager
+# form data
+fdata.deleteSelected=Er du sikker på at du ønskjer å slette dei valde skjemahistorikkoppføringane?
+fdata.deleteSelectedTitle=Slett valde skjemahistorikkoppføringar
+# forget
+forget.desc.domain.pre=Gløym all data av følgjande typar knytte til domenet «%S»: data knytte til domenet «%S» av følgjande type, er sletta:øym alt av globaldata som gjeld følgjande typar: globaldata av følgjande typar er sletta:
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/datetimepicker.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/datetimepicker.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b010c48313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/datetimepicker.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- first day of week to display in datepicker, a value from 0 to 6,
+ 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, etc. -->
+<!ENTITY firstdayofweek.default "0">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/defaultClientDialog.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/defaultClientDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19fcb65dc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/defaultClientDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY defaultClient.title "Standardprogram">
+<!ENTITY defaultClient.intro "Bruk &brandShortName; som standard klientprogram for:">
+<!ENTITY browser.label "Nettlesar">
+<!ENTITY email.label "E-post">
+<!ENTITY newsgroups.label "Nyheitsgrupper">
+<!ENTITY feeds.label "RSS-kjelder">
+<!ENTITY checkOnStartup.label "Alltid kontroller standardprogram når &brandShortName; startar">
+<!ENTITY checkOnStartup.accesskey "A">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/downloads/downloadmanager.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/downloads/downloadmanager.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7452a14760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/downloads/downloadmanager.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY downloadManager.title "Nedlastingshandsamar">
+<!ENTITY menuBar.tooltip "Menylinje">
+<!ENTITY searchBar.tooltip "Søkjelinje">
+<!ENTITY search.placeholder "Søk i nedlastingar">
+<!ENTITY search.label "Søk i nedlastingar">
+<!ENTITY search.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY search.key "f">
+<!ENTITY cmd.clearList.label "Tøm lista">
+<!ENTITY cmd.clearList.tooltip "Fjerner fullførte, avbrotne og mislykka nedlastingar frå lista">
+<!ENTITY cmd.clearList.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY "Namn">
+<!ENTITY "N">
+<!ENTITY "Filnamn">
+<!ENTITY col.status.label "Status">
+<!ENTITY col.status.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY col.status.tooltip "Status">
+<!ENTITY col.actionPlay.label "Pause/Fortset/Prøv på nytt">
+<!ENTITY col.actionPlay.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY col.actionPlay.tooltip "Pause/Fortset/Prøv på nytt">
+<!ENTITY col.actionStop.label "Avbryt/fjern">
+<!ENTITY col.actionStop.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY col.actionStop.tooltip "Avbryt/fjern">
+<!ENTITY col.progress.label "Framdrift">
+<!ENTITY col.progress.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY col.progress.tooltip "Framdrift">
+<!ENTITY col.timeremaining.label "Tid att">
+<!ENTITY col.timeremaining.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY col.timeremaining.tooltip "Tid att">
+<!ENTITY col.transferred.label "Overført">
+<!ENTITY col.transferred.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY col.transferred.tooltip "Overført">
+<!ENTITY col.transferrate.label "Fart">
+<!ENTITY col.transferrate.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY col.transferrate.tooltip "Fart">
+<!ENTITY col.timeelapsed.label "Tid brukt">
+<!ENTITY col.timeelapsed.accesskey "b">
+<!ENTITY col.timeelapsed.tooltip "Tid brukt">
+<!ENTITY col.starttime.label "Starttid">
+<!ENTITY col.starttime.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY col.starttime.tooltip "Starttid">
+<!ENTITY col.endtime.label "Sluttid">
+<!ENTITY col.endtime.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY col.endtime.tooltip "Sluttid">
+<!ENTITY col.progresstext.label "&#37;">
+<!ENTITY col.progresstext.accesskey "&#37;">
+<!ENTITY col.progresstext.tooltip "Framdrift (&#37;)">
+<!ENTITY col.source.label "Kjelde">
+<!ENTITY col.source.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY col.source.tooltip "Kjelde">
+<!ENTITY view.columns.label "Vis kolonner">
+<!ENTITY view.columns.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY view.sortBy.label "Sorter etter">
+<!ENTITY view.sortBy.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY view.unsorted.label "Usortert">
+<!ENTITY view.unsorted.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY view.sortAscending.label "Sorteringsrekkjefølgje A -> Å">
+<!ENTITY view.sortAscending.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY view.sortDescending.label "Sorteringsrekkefølge Å > A">
+<!ENTITY view.sortDescending.accesskey "Å">
+<!ENTITY cmd.pause.label "Pause">
+<!ENTITY cmd.pause.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY cmd.resume.label "Fortset">
+<!ENTITY cmd.resume.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY cmd.retry.label "Prøv igjen">
+<!ENTITY cmd.retry.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY cmd.cancel.label "Avbryt">
+<!ENTITY cmd.cancel.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY cmd.remove.label "Fjern frå lista">
+<!ENTITY cmd.remove.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY "Opne">
+<!ENTITY "O">
+<!ENTITY "Opne mappa med fila">
+<!ENTITY "m">
+<!ENTITY cmd.goToDownloadPage.label "Gå til nedlastingssida">
+<!ENTITY cmd.goToDownloadPage.accesskey "G">
+<!ENTITY cmd.copyDownloadLink.label "Kopier nedlastingslenkje">
+<!ENTITY cmd.copyDownloadLink.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY "Eigenskapar…">
+<!ENTITY "E">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.unblock2.label):
+ This command is shown in the context menu when downloads are blocked.
+ -->
+<!ENTITY cmd.unblock2.label "Tillat nedlasting">
+<!ENTITY cmd.unblock2.accesskey "l">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/downloads/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/downloads/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0ff804829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/downloads/
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateUnknown):
+# Indicates that the download stat is unknown.
+# You should never see this in the ui.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateDownloading):
+# Indicates that the download is in progress.
+stateDownloading=Lastar ned
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateUploading):
+# Indicates that the upload is in progress.
+stateUploading=Lastar opp
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateStarting):
+# Indicates that the download is starting.
+# You won't probably ever see this in the ui.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateNotStarted):
+# Indicates that the download has not started yet.
+# You won't probably ever see this in the ui.
+stateNotStarted=Ikkje starta
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateScanning):
+# Indicates that an external program is scanning the download for viruses.
+stateScanning=Skannar etter virus…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateFailed):
+# Indicates that the download failed because of an error.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (statePaused):
+# Indicates that the download was paused by the user.
+statePaused=Sett i pause
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateCanceled):
+# Indicates that the download was canceled by the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateCompleted):
+# Indicates that the download was completed.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateBlockedParentalControls):
+# Indicates that the download was blocked by the Parental Controls feature of
+# Windows. "Parental Controls" should be consistently named and capitalized
+# with the display of this feature in Windows. The following article can
+# provide a reference for the translation of "Parental Controls" in various
+# languages:
+stateBlockedParentalControls=Blokkert av foreldrekontroll
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateBlockedPolicy):
+# Indicates that the download was blocked on Windows because of the "Launching
+# applications and unsafe files" setting of the "security zone" associated with
+# the target site. "Security zone" should be consistently named and capitalized
+# with the display of this feature in Windows. The following article can
+# provide a reference for the translation of "security zone" in various
+# languages:
+stateBlockedPolicy=Blokkert av tryggingssone-innstillingar
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateDirty):
+# Indicates that the download was blocked after scanning.
+stateDirty=Blokkert: Kan innehalde virus eller spionprogram
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (blockedMalware, blockedPotentiallyUnwanted,
+# blockedUncommon2):
+# These strings are shown in the panel for some types of blocked downloads, and
+# are immediately followed by the "Learn More" link, thus they must end with a
+# period. You may need to adjust "downloadDetails.width" in "downloads.dtd" if
+# this turns out to be longer than the other existing status strings.
+# Note: These strings don't exist in the UI yet. See bug 1053890.
+blockedMalware=Denne fila inneheld eit virus eller eit skadeprogram.
+blockedPotentiallyUnwanted=Denne fila kan skade datamaskina di.
+blockedUncommon2=Denne fila vert vanlegvis ikkje lasta ned.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (unblockHeaderUnblock, unblockHeaderOpen,
+# unblockTypeMalware, unblockTypePotentiallyUnwanted2,
+# unblockTypeUncommon2, unblockTip2, unblockButtonOpen,
+# unblockButtonUnblock, unblockButtonConfirmBlock):
+# These strings are displayed in the dialog shown when the user asks a blocked
+# download to be unblocked. The severity of the threat is expressed in
+# descending order by the unblockType strings, it is higher for files detected
+# as malware and lower for uncommon downloads.
+unblockHeaderUnblock=Er du sikker på at du vil tillate denne nedlastinga?
+unblockHeaderOpen=Er du sikker på at du vil opne denne fila?
+unblockTypeMalware=Denne fila inneheld eit virus eller anna skadevare som vil skade datamaskina di.
+unblockTypePotentiallyUnwanted2=Denne fila er forkledd som ei hjelpsam nedlasting, men kan gjere uventa endringar i programma og innstillingane dine.
+unblockTypeUncommon2=Denne fila vert vanlegvis ikkje lasta ned og kan vera utrygg å opna. Ho kan innehalde virus eller gjera uventa endringar i programma og innstillingane dine.
+unblockTip2=Du kan søka etter ei alternativ nedlastingskjelde eller freista seinare.
+unblockButtonUnblock=Tillat nedlasting
+unblockButtonConfirmBlock=Fjern fil
+fileExecutableSecurityWarning=«%S» er ei køyrbar fil. Køyrbare filer kan innehade virus eller anna vondsinna kode som kan skade datamaskina. Ver forsiktig ved opning av denne fila. Er du sikker på at du vil opne «%S»?
+fileExecutableSecurityWarningTitle=Opne køyrbar fil?
+fileExecutableSecurityWarningDontAsk=Ikkje spør meg meir om dette
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (otherDownloads3):
+# This is displayed in an item at the bottom of the Downloads Panel when
+# there are more downloads than can fit in the list in the panel. Use a
+# semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+otherDownloads3=%1$S fil vert lasta ned;%1$S filer vert lasta ned
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (downloadsTitleFiles, downloadsTitlePercent): Semi-colon list of
+# plural forms. See:
+# %1$S number of files; %2$S overall download percent (only for downloadsTitlePercent)
+# %% will appear as a single % sign, so %2$S%% is the percent number plus the % sign
+# examples: 2% of 1 file - Download Manager; 22% of 11 files - Download Manager
+downloadsTitleFiles=%1$S fil - Nedlastingar;%1$S filer - Nedlastingar
+downloadsTitlePercent=%2$S%% av %1$S fil - Nedlastingar;%2$S%% av %1$S filer - Nedlastingar
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (progressTitle):
+# %1$S is the file name, %2$S is the download state
+# examples: coolvideo.ogg - Finished; - Paused
+progressTitle=%1$S - %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (progressTitlePercent):
+# %1$S is download percent, %2$S is the file name, %3$S is the download state
+# %% will appear as a single % sign, so %1$S%% is the percent number plus the % sign
+# examples: 42% of coolvideo.ogg - Paused; 98% of - Downloading
+progressTitlePercent=%1$S%% av %2$S - %3$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (percentFormat): %1$S is download percent
+# %% will appear as a single % sign, so %1$S%% is the percent number plus the % sign
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (speedFormat):
+# %1$S rate number; %2$S rate unit
+# units are taken from toolkit's
+# example: 2.2 MB/sec
+speedFormat=%1$S %2$S/sek
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeSingle): %1$S time number; %2$S time unit
+# example: 1 minute; 11 hours
+timeSingle=%1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeDouble):
+# %1$S time number; %2$S time unit; %3$S time sub number; %4$S time sub unit
+# example: 11 hours, 2 minutes; 1 day, 22 hours
+timeDouble=%1$S %2$S, %3$S %4$S
+# %1$S is transfer progress; %2$S download speed
+# example: 1.1 of 11.1 GB (2.2 MB/sec)
+sizeSpeed=%1$S (%2$S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (statusActive): — is the "em dash" (long dash)
+# %1$S download status; %2$S time remaining
+# example: Paused — 11 hours, 2 minutes remaining
+statusActive=%1$S — %2$S
+fromSource=Frå %S
+toTarget=Til %S
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/downloads/progressDialog.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/downloads/progressDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd3ff6ce42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/downloads/progressDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY progress.title "Nedlasting i framdrift…">
+<!ENTITY closeWindow.key "w">
+<!ENTITY cmd.pause.tooltip "Pause">
+<!ENTITY cmd.resume.tooltip "Fortset">
+<!ENTITY cmd.retry.tooltip "Prøv igjen">
+<!ENTITY cmd.cancel.tooltip "Avbryt">
+<!ENTITY "Opne">
+<!ENTITY "O">
+<!ENTITY "Opne mappa med fila">
+<!ENTITY "n">
+<!ENTITY cmd.goToDownloadPage.label "Gå til nedlastingssida">
+<!ENTITY cmd.goToDownloadPage.accesskey "G">
+<!ENTITY cmd.copyDownloadLink.label "Kopier nedlastingslenkje">
+<!ENTITY cmd.copyDownloadLink.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY closeWhenDone.label "Lat at dette vindauget når nedlastinga er fullført.">
+<!ENTITY closeWhenDone.accesskey "u">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/feeds/subscribe.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/feeds/subscribe.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8b9a70688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/feeds/subscribe.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY feedPage.title "Viser RSS-kjelde">
+<!ENTITY feedSubscribeNow "Abonner no">
+<!ENTITY feedMessenger "Nyheiter og bloggar">
+<!ENTITY feedLiveBookmarks "Levande bokmerke">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/feeds/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/feeds/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77da460303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/feeds/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+linkTitleTextFormat=Gå til %S
+addHandler=Legga til «%S» (%S) som ein RSS-kjeldelesar?
+addHandlerAddButton=Legg til RSS-kjeldelesar
+handlerRegistered=«%S» er allereie registrert som ein RSS-kjeldelesar
+subscribeNow=Abonner no
+chooseApplicationMenuItem=Vel applikasjon…
+chooseApplicationDialogTitle=Vel applikasjon
+alwaysUse=Alltid bruk %S for å abonnere på RSS-kjelder
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The next string is for the size of the enclosed media.
+# e.g. enclosureSizeText : "50.23 MB"
+# %1$S = size (in bytes or megabytes, ...)
+# %2$S = unit of measure (bytes, KB, MB, ...)
+enclosureSizeText=%1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The next three strings explains to the user what they're
+# doing.
+# e.g. alwaysUseForVideoPodcasts : "Always use Miro to subscribe to video podcasts."
+# %S = application to use (Miro, iTunes, ...)
+alwaysUseForFeeds=Alltid bruk %S for å abonnere på RSS-kjelder.
+alwaysUseForAudioPodcasts=Alltid bruk %S for å abonnere på podkastar.
+alwaysUseForVideoPodcasts=Alltid bruk %S for å abonnere på video-podkastar.
+subscribeFeedUsing=Abonner på denne RSS-kjelda med
+subscribeAudioPodcastUsing=Abonner på denne podkasten med
+subscribeVideoPodcastUsing=Abonner på denne videopodkasten med
+feedSubscriptionFeed1=Dette er ei «nyheitskjelde» med innhald som endrar seg ofte på denne nettstaden.
+feedSubscriptionFeed2=Du kan abonnera på denne kanalen for å få oppdateringar når innhaldet endrar seg.
+feedSubscriptionAudioPodcast2=Du kan abonnere på denne podkasten for å ta imot oppdateringar når innhaldet endrar seg.
+feedSubscriptionVideoPodcast2=Du kan abonnera på denne video-podkasten for å ta imot oppdateringar når innhaldet endrar seg.
+# Protocol Handling
+# "Add %appName (%appDomain) as an application for %protocolType links?"
+addProtocolHandler=Vil du leggje til %S (%S) som eit program for å handtere %S-lenker?
+addProtocolHandlerAddButton=Legg til program
+# "%appName has already been added as an application for %protocolType links."
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/gopherAddon.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/gopherAddon.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ded543f133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/gopherAddon.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY loadError.label "Sidelastingsfeil">
+<!ENTITY gopherAddon.title "Gopher-protokoll">
+<!ENTITY gopherAddon.shortDesc "gopher er ikkje registrert som ein protokoll.">
+<!ENTITY goToAddOn.label "Gå til utvidingsnettstaden">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/helpviewer/help.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/helpviewer/help.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..063637bc36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/helpviewer/help.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY printCmd.commandkey "p">
+<!ENTITY findOnCmd.commandkey "F">
+<!ENTITY findAgainCmd.commandkey "G">
+<!ENTITY findAgainCmd.commandkey2 "VK_F3">
+<!ENTITY backButton.label "Tilbake">
+<!ENTITY backButton.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY backButton.tooltip "Gå tilbake ei side">
+<!ENTITY forwardButton.label "Fram">
+<!ENTITY forwardButton.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY forwardButton.tooltip "Gå fram ei side">
+<!ENTITY copyCmd.label "Kopier">
+<!ENTITY copyCmd.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.label "Merk alt">
+<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY goBackCmd.commandkey "[">
+<!ENTITY goForwardCmd.commandkey "]">
+<!ENTITY homeButton.label "Heim">
+<!ENTITY homeButton.tooltip "Gå til hovudsida for hjelp">
+<!ENTITY printButton.label "Skriv ut">
+<!ENTITY printButton.tooltip "Skriv ut denne sida">
+<!ENTITY closeWindow.commandkey "W">
+<!ENTITY search.emptytext "Søk">
+<!ENTITY searchHeader.label "Søkjeresultat">
+<!ENTITY toctab.label "Innhald">
+<!ENTITY toctab.accesskey "n">
+fullZoomEnlargeCmd.commandkey3, fullZoomReduceCmd.commandkey2 and
+fullZoomResetCmd.commandkey2 are alternative acceleration keys for zoom.
+If shift key is needed with your locale popular keyboard for them,
+you can use these alternative items. Otherwise, their values should be empty. -->
+<!ENTITY fullZoomReduceCmd.commandkey "-">
+<!ENTITY fullZoomReduceCmd.commandkey2 "">
+<!ENTITY fullZoomEnlargeCmd.commandkey "+">
+<!ENTITY fullZoomEnlargeCmd.commandkey2 "="> <!-- + is above this key on many keyboards -->
+<!ENTITY fullZoomEnlargeCmd.commandkey3 "">
+<!ENTITY fullZoomResetCmd.commandkey "0">
+<!ENTITY fullZoomResetCmd.commandkey2 "">
+<!ENTITY helpSearch.commandkey "k">
+<!ENTITY zLevel.label "Alltid øvst">
+<!ENTITY zLevel.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY fullZoomReduceBtn.label "Mindre skrift">
+<!ENTITY fullZoomReduceBtn.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY fullZoomEnlargeBtn.label "Større skrift">
+<!ENTITY fullZoomEnlargeBtn.accesskey "S">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/helpviewer/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/helpviewer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7ff708550
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/helpviewer/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+emptySearchText=Ingen søkjeelement funne.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/migration/migration.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/migration/migration.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9de40fbfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/migration/migration.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY migrationWizard.title "Importvegvisar">
+<!ENTITY importAllFrom.label "Importer alle element frå:">
+<!ENTITY importBookmarksFrom.label "Importer bokmerke frå:">
+<!ENTITY importFromThunderbird.label "Thunderbird">
+<!ENTITY importFromThunderbird.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY importFromFile.label "Fil">
+<!ENTITY importFromFile.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY importFromNothing.label "Ikkje importer noko">
+<!ENTITY importFromNothing.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY importSource.title "Importer innstillingar og data">
+<!ENTITY importItems.title "Element som skal importerast">
+<!ENTITY importItems.label "Velg kva for element som skal importerast:">
+<!ENTITY selectProfile.title "Vel profil">
+<!ENTITY selectProfile.label "Følgjande profilar er tilgjengelege å importere frå:">
+<!ENTITY migrating.title "Importerer…">
+<!ENTITY migrating.label "Følgjande element vert importerte…">
+<!ENTITY done.title "Import fullført">
+<!ENTITY done.label "Følgjande element er importerte:">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/migration/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/migration/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57e0a023f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/migration/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# the following section is used in the first-time migration wizard
+# new and scary, however if these strings are not present, we will simply
+# skip this wizard page
+homePageStartDefault=Standard SeaMonkey startside
+homePageStartCurrent=Gjeldande SeaMonkey startside
+homePageImport=Importer startsida di frå %S
+homePageMigrationDescription=Vel kva for nettside du vil bruke som startside:
+# end safe-to-not-have section
+# note that the names of apps are in lower case to fit in with the
+# protocol specifications.
+importedBookmarksFolder=Fr[ %S
+importedSeamonkeyBookmarksTitle=SeaMonkey 1.x, Netscape 6/7 eller Mozilla 1.x
+# Import Sources
+# These are the string names for the values given in nsISuiteProfileMigrator.idl
+# _generic will apply to all import sources unless specifically overriden by another
+# item.
+# e.g. 1_ie=Internet Options will display "Internet Options" rather than "Preferences" when
+# importing from Internet Explorer.
+16_generic=Lagra passord
+64_generic=Andre data
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/notification.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/notification.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ac3addbd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/notification.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY closeNotification.tooltip "Lat att denne meldinga">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (closeNotificationItem.label): This entity is used
+ to replace the Toolkit default closeNotificationItem.label ("Not Now")
+ which is ambiguous in some cases. Thus, make sure to select a phrase
+ that clearly relates to closing the current doorhanger. -->
+<!ENTITY closeNotificationItem.label "Slå av varsel">
+<!ENTITY checkForUpdates "Sjå etter oppdateringar…">
+<!ENTITY learnMore "Les meir…">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e777bfd9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+crashedpluginsMessage.title=Programtillegget %S krasja
+crashedpluginsMessage.reloadButton.label=Last sida på nytt
+crashedpluginsMessage.submitButton.label=Send inn ein krasjrapport
+crashedpluginsMessage.learnMore=Les meir…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (popupWarning.message): Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 is brandShortName and #2 is the number of popups blocked.
+popupWarning.message=#1 hindra nettstaden frå å opne eit sprettoppvindauge.;#1 hindra nettstaden frå å opne #2 sprettoppvindauge.
+xpinstallHostNotAvailable=ukjend vert
+xpinstallPromptWarning=%S hindra denne nettstaden (%S) frå å spørje om å installere programvare på datamaskina.
+xpinstallPromptInstallButton=Installer programvare…
+xpinstallDisabledMessageLocked=Programvareinstallasjon er avslått av systemansvarleg.
+xpinstallDisabledMessage=Programvareinstallasjon er avslått no. Trykk på Tillat for å slå på, og prøv igjen.
+xpinstallDisabledButton=Slå på
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonDownloading, addonDownloadCancelled):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms. See:
+# The number of add-ons is not itself substituted in the string.
+addonDownloading=Lastar ned utviding:;Lastar ned utvidingar:
+addonDownloadCancelled=Nedlasting av utviding avbroten.;Nedlasting av utvidingar avbrotne.
+addonDownloadRestartButton=Start på nytt
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonsInstalled, addonsInstalledNeedsRestart):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 first add-on's name, #2 number of add-ons, #3 application name
+addonsInstalled=#1 er installert.;#2 utvidingar vart installerte.
+addonsInstalledNeedsRestart=#1 vert installert etter at du startar #3 på nytt.;#2 utvidingar vert installerte etter at du startar #3 på nytt.
+addonInstallRestartButton=Start på nytt no
+addonInstallManageButton=Opne utvidingshandsamaren
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonError-1, addonError-2, addonError-3, addonError-4, addonErrorIncompatible, addonErrorBlocklisted):
+# #1 is the add-on name, #2 is the host name, #3 is the application name
+# #4 is the application version
+addonError-1=Klarte ikkje å laste ned utvidinga på grunn av tilkoplingsfeil #2.
+addonError-2=Klarte ikkje å installere utvidinga frå #2 fordi ho ikkje stemmer med utvidinga som #3 venta.
+addonError-3=Klarte ikkje å installere utvidinga lasta ned frå #2, fordi ho ser ut til å vere skada.
+addonError-4=Klarte ikkje å installere #1 fordi #3 ikkje kan endre ei påkravd fil.
+addonErrorBlocklisted=#1 kan ikkje installerast fordi det er stor risiko for at ho lagar stabilitets- eller tryggingsproblem.
+addonErrorIncompatible=#1 kan ikkje installerast fordi det ikkje er kompatibel med #3 #4.
+# Light Weight Themes
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (lwthemeInstallRequest.message): %S will be replaced with
+# the host name of the site.
+lwthemeInstallRequest.message=Denne nettstaden (%S) perøvde å installere it tema. Trykk Tillat for å fortsetje.
+lwthemeInstallNotification.message=Eit nytt tema er installert.
+lwthemeInstallNotification.manageButton=Handter tema…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (lwthemeNeedsRestart.message):
+# %S will be replaced with the new theme name.
+lwthemeNeedsRestart.message=%S vil bli installert etter at du har starta på nytt.
+lwthemeNeedsRestart.restartButton=Start på nytt no
+# Geolocation UI
+geolocation.allowLocation=Tillat tilgang til plassering
+geolocation.dontAllowLocation=Ikkje tillat
+geolocation.shareWithSite3=Vil du tillate %S å få tilgang til plasseringa di?
+geolocation.shareWithFile3=Tillèt du at denne lokale fila får tilgang til plasseringa di?
+geolocation.remember=Hugs valet for denne nettstaden
+# Persistent storage UI
+persistentStorage.dontAllow=Ikkje tillat
+persistentStorage.allowWithSite=Vil du tillate %S å lagre data i varig lager?
+persistentStorage.remember=Hugs dette valet
+# Desktop Notifications
+webNotifications.allow=Tillat varsel
+webNotifications.notNow=Ikkje no
+webNotifications.never=Tillat aldri
+webNotifications.receiveFromSite2=Tillèt du at %S sender deg varsel?
+# IndexedDB
+offlineApps.permissions=Denne nettstaden (%S) ber om å lagre data på datamaskina di for fråkopla bruk.
+offlineApps.private=Du er i eit privat vindauge. Denne nettstaden (%S) har ikkje løyve til å lagre data på datamaskina di for fråkopla bruk.
+offlineApps.quota=Denne nettstaden (%1$S) prøver å lagre meir enn %2$S MB data på datamaskina for fråkopla bruk.
+offlineApps.always=Alltid tillat
+offlineApps.later=Ikkje no
+offlineApps.never=Aldri for denne nettstaden
+# Block autorefresh
+refreshBlocked.refreshLabel=%S hindra denne nettsida frå å automatisk laste på nytt.
+refreshBlocked.redirectLabel=%S hindra denne netsida frå å automatisk omdirigere til ei anna nettside.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (updatePrompt.text)
+# %S will be replaced with the application name.
+updatePromptCheckButton.label=Sjå etter oppdateringar
+TrackingContentMessage=Delar av denne sida sporar kanskje onlineaktiviteten din.
+MixedDisplayContentMessage=Du har førespurd ei side som berre er delvis kryptert, og som ikkje hindrar avlytting.
+BlockedActiveContentMessage=Usikker informasjon på denne nettsida vart blokkert.
+SecurityKeepBlocking.label=Fortset blokkeringa
+SecurityUnblock.label=Opphev blokkeringa
+# Phishing/Malware Notification Bar.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (notADeceptiveSite, notAnAttack)
+# The two button strings will never be shown at the same time, so
+# it's okay for them to have the same access key.
+safebrowsing.getMeOutOfHereButton.label=Få meg bort herifrå!
+safebrowsing.deceptiveSite=Villeiande nettstad!
+safebrowsing.notADeceptiveSiteButton.label=Dette er ikkje ein villeiande nettstad…
+safebrowsing.reportedAttackSite=Rapportert åtaksnettstad!
+safebrowsing.notAnAttackButton.label=Dette er ikkje ein åtaksnettstad…
+safebrowsing.reportedUnwantedSite=Rapporter nettstad med uønskte program!
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/openLocation.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/openLocation.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6415c51bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/openLocation.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/openLocation.xul -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (enter.accesskey): should be present in both enter.label
+ as defined above and attachEnterLabel as defined in
+ -->
+<!ENTITY enter.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY chooseFile.label "Vel fil…">
+<!ENTITY chooseFile.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY newPrivate.label "Nytt privat vindauge">
+<!ENTITY newWindow.label "Nytt nettlesarvindauge">
+<!ENTITY newTab.label "Ny nettlesarfane">
+<!ENTITY currentTab.label "Gjeldande nettlesarfane">
+<!ENTITY editNewWindow.label "Nytt Composer-vindauge">
+<!ENTITY open.label "Opne">
+<!ENTITY caption.label "Opne nettadresse">
+<!ENTITY openWhere.label "Opne i:">
+<!ENTITY openWhere.accesskey "O">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04cae88301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+attachTitle=Legg ved nettside
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (attachEnterLabel): should contain "enter.accesskey"
+# as defined in openLocation.dtd
+attachButtonLabel=Legg ved
+chooseFileDialogTitle=Vel fil
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/permissions/cookieViewer.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/permissions/cookieViewer.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..322b5a40c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/permissions/cookieViewer.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY tab.cookiesonsystem.label "Lagra infokapslar">
+<!ENTITY tab.bannedservers.label "Nettstad for infokapslar">
+<!ENTITY treehead.cookiename.label "Infokapselnamn">
+<!ENTITY treehead.cookiedomain.label "Nettstad">
+<!ENTITY treehead.cookieexpires.label "Går ut">
+<!ENTITY treehead.infoselected.label "Informasjon om vald infokapsel">
+<!ENTITY button.removecookie.label "Slett infokapsel">
+<!ENTITY button.removecookie.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY button.removeallcookies.label "Slett alle infokapslar">
+<!ENTITY button.removeallcookies.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY search.placeholder "Søk i infokapslar">
+<!ENTITY focusSearch.key "f">
+<!ENTITY selectAll.key "a">
+<!ENTITY "Namn:">
+<!ENTITY props.value.label "Innhald:">
+<!ENTITY props.domain.label "Vert:">
+<!ENTITY props.path.label "Sti:">
+<!ENTITY "Send for:">
+<!ENTITY props.expires.label "Går ut:">
+<!ENTITY treehead.sitename.label "Nettstad">
+<!ENTITY treehead.scheme.label "Skjema">
+<!ENTITY treehead.status.label "Status">
+<!ENTITY windowtitle.label "Infokapselhandsamar">
+<!ENTITY blockSite.label "Blokker">
+<!ENTITY blockSite.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY allowSite.label "Tillat">
+<!ENTITY allowSite.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY allowSiteSession.label "Programøkt">
+<!ENTITY allowSiteSession.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY removepermission.label "Slett nettstad">
+<!ENTITY removepermission.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY removeallpermissions.label "Slett alle nettstadar">
+<!ENTITY removeallpermissions.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY futureCookies.accesskey "D">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/permissions/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/permissions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6c987277d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/permissions/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# note this section of the code may require some tinkering in other languages =(
+# format in dialog: site [can/cannot] set cookies
+can=nettstaden kan sette infokapslar
+cannot=nettstaden kan ikkje sette infokapslar
+canSession=nettstaden kan sette øktinfokapslar
+domain=Domene denne infokapselen gjeld for:
+host=Serveren som sette infokapselen:
+forSecureOnly=Berre krypterte tilkoplingar
+forAnyConnection=Alle tilkoplingstypar
+expireAtEndOfSession=På slutten av programøkta
+deleteAllCookies=Er du sikker på at du vil slette alle infokapslar?
+deleteAllCookiesTitle=Slett alle infokapslar
+deleteAllCookiesSites=Er du sikker på at du vil slette alle infokapsel-nettsadar?
+deleteAllSitesTitle=Fjern alle nettstadar
+deleteSelectedCookies=Er du sikker på at du vil slette valde infokapslar?
+deleteSelectedCookiesTitle=Slett valde infokapslar
+deleteSelectedCookiesSites=Er du sikker på at du vil slette dei valde infokapsel-nettstadane?
+deleteSelectedSitesTitle=Slett valde nettstadar
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/permissions/permissionsManager.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/permissions/permissionsManager.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6fa54c3a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/permissions/permissionsManager.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowtitle.label "Unntak">
+<!ENTITY treehead.sitename.label "Nettstad">
+<!ENTITY treehead.status.label "Status">
+<!ENTITY remove.label "Fjern nettstad">
+<!ENTITY remove.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY removeall.label "Fjern alle nettstadar">
+<!ENTITY removeall.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY address.label "Adresse til nettstaden:">
+<!ENTITY address.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY block.label "Blokker">
+<!ENTITY block.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY session.label "Tillat for programøkta">
+<!ENTITY session.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY allow.label "Tillat">
+<!ENTITY allow.accesskey "T">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/permissions/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/permissions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..103136b3c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/permissions/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+popuppermissionstitle=Tillatne nettstadar - Sprettoppvindauge
+imagepermissionstitle=Unntak - Bilde
+offline-apppermissionstitle=Fråkopla data
+canSession=Tillat for økta
+alertInvalid=Nettstaden %S er ugyldig.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/places/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/places/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7369d7c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/places/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+dialogAcceptLabelAddItem=Legg til
+dialogAcceptLabelAddMulti=Legg til bokmerke
+dialogTitleAddBookmark=Nytt bokmerke
+dialogTitleAddLivemark=Abonner med aktivt bokmerke
+dialogTitleAddFolder=Ny mappe
+dialogTitleAddMulti=Nye bokmerke
+dialogTitleEdit=Eigenskapar for «%S»
+newFolderDefault=Ny mappe
+newBookmarkDefault=Nytt bokmerke
+newLivemarkDefault=Nytt aktivt bokmerke
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/places/editBookmarkOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/places/editBookmarkOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52fdf22467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/places/editBookmarkOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY "Namn:">
+<!ENTITY "N">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.location.label "Adresse:">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.location.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.feedLocation.label "RSS-kjeldeadresse:">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.feedLocation.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.siteLocation.label "Sideplassering:">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.siteLocation.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.folder.label "Mappe:">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.foldersExpanderDown.tooltip "Vis alle bokmerkemapper">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.expanderUp.tooltip "Gøym">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.tags.label "Etikettar:">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.tags.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.tagsEmptyDesc.label "Skil etikettar med komma">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.description.label "Skildring:">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.description.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.keyword.label "Nøkkelord:">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.keyword.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.tagsExpanderDown.tooltip "Vis alle etikettar">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.loadInSidebar.label "Last dette bokmerket i sidestolpen">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.loadInSidebar.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.choose.label "Vel…">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.newFolderButton.label "Ny mappe">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.newFolderButton.accesskey "a">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/places/places.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/places/places.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee2b11921c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/places/places.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (places.library.title): use "Library", "Archive" or "Repository" -->
+<!ENTITY places.library.title "Bibliotek">
+<!ENTITY places.library.width "700">
+<!ENTITY places.library.height "500">
+<!ENTITY organize.label "Organiser">
+<!ENTITY organize.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY organize.tooltip "Organiser bokmerka dine">
+<!ENTITY file.close.label "Lat att">
+<!ENTITY file.close.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY cmd.close.key "w">
+<!ENTITY views.label "Visingar">
+<!ENTITY views.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY views.tooltip "Endre vising">
+<!ENTITY view.columns.label "Vis kolonner">
+<!ENTITY view.columns.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY view.sort.label "Sorter">
+<!ENTITY view.sort.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY view.unsorted.label "Usortert">
+<!ENTITY view.unsorted.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY view.sortAscending.label "Sorteringsrekkjefølgje A -> Å">
+<!ENTITY view.sortAscending.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY view.sortDescending.label "Sorteringsrekkjefølgje Å -> A">
+<!ENTITY view.sortDescending.accesskey "Å">
+<!ENTITY importBookmarksFromHTML.label "Importer bokmerke frå HTML…">
+<!ENTITY importBookmarksFromHTML.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY exportBookmarksToHTML.label "Eksporter bokmerke til HTML…">
+<!ENTITY exportBookmarksToHTML.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY importOtherBrowser.label "Importer data frå ein annan nettlesar…">
+<!ENTITY importOtherBrowser.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY cmd.backup.label "Tryggingskopier…">
+<!ENTITY cmd.backup.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY cmd.restore2.label "Gjenopprett">
+<!ENTITY cmd.restore2.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY cmd.restoreFromFile.label "Vel fil…">
+<!ENTITY cmd.restoreFromFile.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY cmd.deleteDomainData.label "Gløym denne nettstaden">
+<!ENTITY cmd.deleteDomainData.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY "Opne">
+<!ENTITY "p">
+<!ENTITY cmd.open_window.label "Opne i nytt vindauge">
+<!ENTITY cmd.open_window.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY cmd.open_private_window.label "Opne i nytt privat vindauge">
+<!ENTITY cmd.open_private_window.accesskey "p">
+<!ENTITY cmd.open_tab.label "Opne i ny fane">
+<!ENTITY cmd.open_tab.accesskey "y">
+<!ENTITY cmd.open_all_in_tabs.label "Opne alle i faner">
+<!ENTITY cmd.open_all_in_tabs.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY "Eigenskaper">
+<!ENTITY "e">
+<!ENTITY cmd.sortby_name.label "Sorter etter namn">
+<!ENTITY cmd.sortby_name.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY cmd.context_sortby_name.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY cmd.new_bookmark.label "Nytt bokmerke…">
+<!ENTITY cmd.new_bookmark.accesskey "b">
+<!ENTITY cmd.new_folder.label "Ny mappe…">
+<!ENTITY cmd.new_folder.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY cmd.context_new_folder.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY cmd.new_separator.label "Ny skiljelinje">
+<!ENTITY cmd.new_separator.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY cmd.reloadLivebookmark.label "Oppdater levande bokmerke">
+<!ENTITY cmd.reloadLivebookmark.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY "Namn">
+<!ENTITY col.tags.label "Etikettar">
+<!ENTITY col.url.label "Adresse">
+<!ENTITY col.mostrecentvisit.label "Sist besøkt">
+<!ENTITY col.visitcount.label "Tal på besøk">
+<!ENTITY col.description.label "Skildring">
+<!ENTITY col.dateadded.label "Lagt til">
+<!ENTITY col.lastmodified.label "Sist endra">
+<!ENTITY search.placeholder "Søk">
+<!ENTITY cmd.find.key "f">
+<!ENTITY detailsPane.more.label "Meir">
+<!ENTITY detailsPane.more.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY detailsPane.less.label "Mindre">
+<!ENTITY detailsPane.less.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY detailsPane.selectAnItemText.description "Vel elementet du vil vise og redigere">
+<!ENTITY view.label "Vis">
+<!ENTITY view.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY byDate.label "Etter dato">
+<!ENTITY byDate.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY bySite.label "Etter nettstad">
+<!ENTITY bySite.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY byMostVisited.label "Etter mest besøkt">
+<!ENTITY byMostVisited.accesskey "b">
+<!ENTITY byLastVisited.label "Etter sist besøkt">
+<!ENTITY byLastVisited.accesskey "b">
+<!ENTITY byDayAndSite.label "Etter dato og nettstad">
+<!ENTITY byDayAndSite.accesskey "t">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/places/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/places/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed7ab30dec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/places/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+load-js-data-url-error=Av tryggingsårsaker kan ikkje javascript- eller data-URL-ar lastast frå historikkvindauget eller sidestolpen.
+bookmarksBackupTitle=Filnamn for tryggingskopi av bokmerke
+bookmarksRestoreAlertTitle=Tilbakestill bokmerke
+bookmarksRestoreAlert=Dette vil erstatte alle bokmerke du har no med tryggingskopien. Er du sikker på at du vil gjere dette?
+bookmarksRestoreTitle=Vel ein tryggingskopi
+bookmarksRestoreFormatError=Ustøtta filtype.
+bookmarksRestoreParseError=Klarte ikkje å handtere tryggingskopien.
+bookmarksLivemarkLoading=Lastar levande bokmerke…
+bookmarksLivemarkFailed=Mislykka innlasting av RSS-kjelda med aktive bokmerke.
+menuOpenLivemarkOrigin.label=Opne «%S»
+sortByName=Sorter «%S» etter namn
+sortByNameGeneric=Sorter etter namn
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( sortBy properties are versioned.
+# When any of these changes, all of the properties must be bumped, and the
+# change must be annotated here. Both label and accesskey must be updated.
+# - version 1: changed etter namn
+view.sortBy.1.url.label=Sorter etter plassering
+view.sortBy.1.url.accesskey=l etter sist besøkt
+view.sortBy.1.visitCount.label=Sorter etter besøkstal
+view.sortBy.1.description.label=Sorter etter skildring
+view.sortBy.1.dateAdded.label=Sorter etter lagt til
+view.sortBy.1.lastModified.label=Sorter etter sist oppdatert
+view.sortBy.1.tags.label=Sorter etter etikettar
+searchBookmarks=Søk i bokmerke
+searchHistory=Søk i historikk
+SelectImport=Importer bokmerkefil
+EnterExport=Eksporter bokmerkefil
+detailsPane.noItems=Ingen element
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (detailsPane.itemsCountLabel): Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 number of items
+# example: 111 items
+detailsPane.itemsCountLabel=Eitt element;#1 element
+mostVisitedTitle=Mest besøkt
+recentlyBookmarkedTitle=Nyaste bokmerke
+recentTagsTitle=Nyleg merkte
+OrganizerQueryAllBookmarks=Alle bokmerke
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tagResultLabel, bookmarkResultLabel, switchtabResultLabel,
+# keywordResultLabel, searchengineResultLabel)
+# Noun used to describe the location bar autocomplete result type
+# to users with screen readers
+# See createResultLabel() in urlbarBindings.xml
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (lockPrompt.text)
+# %S will be replaced with the application name.
+lockPromptInfoButton.label=Les meir
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.deleteSinglePage.accesskey,
+# cmd.deleteMultiplePages.accesskey): these accesskeys can use the same
+# character, since they're never displayed at the same time
+cmd.deleteSinglePage.label=Slett side
+cmd.deleteMultiplePages.label=Slett sider
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.bookmarkSinglePage.accesskey,
+# cmd.bookmarkMultiplePages.accesskey): these accesskeys can use the same
+# character, since they're never displayed at the same time
+cmd.bookmarkSinglePage.label=Bokmerk side
+cmd.bookmarkMultiplePages.label=Bokmerk sidene
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-advanced.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-advanced.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6271fd37b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-advanced.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE 'Advanced' prefs settings -->
+<!ENTITY pref.advanced.title "Avansert">
+<!ENTITY prefCheckDefault.caption "Systemintegrasjon">
+<!ENTITY prefCheckDefaultClient.label "Kontroller standardprogram-innstillingar ved oppstart">
+<!ENTITY prefCheckDefaultClient.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY crashReports.caption "Krasjrapportering">
+<!ENTITY submitCrashes.label "Send krasjrapportar">
+<!ENTITY submitCrashes.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY devTools.caption "Utviklarverktøy">
+<!ENTITY allowDebugger.label "Tillat ein debugger å kople til &brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY allowDebugger.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY allowRemoteConnections.label "Tillat tilkoplingar frå andre datamaskiner">
+<!ENTITY allowRemoteConnections.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY connectionPrompt.label "Spør om stadfesting for innkomande tilkoplingar">
+<!ENTITY connectionPrompt.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY remoteDebuggerPort.label "Portnummer for tilkoplingar:">
+<!ENTITY remoteDebuggerPort.accesskey "P">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-appearance.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-appearance.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05b9ee3019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-appearance.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE The Appearance prefs dialog. -->
+<!ENTITY pref.appearance.title "Utsjånad">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (onStartLegend.label): Don't translate "&brandShortName;".
+ Place &brandShortName; in the phrase where the name of the application should appear
+<!ENTITY onStartLegend.label "Når &brandShortName; startar, opne">
+<!ENTITY navCheck.label "Nettlesar">
+<!ENTITY navCheck.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY showToolsLegend.label "Vis verktøylinjer som">
+<!ENTITY picsNtextRadio.label "Bilde og tekst">
+<!ENTITY picsNtextRadio.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY picsOnlyRadio.label "Berre bilde">
+<!ENTITY picsOnlyRadio.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY textonlyRadio.label "Berre tekst">
+<!ENTITY textonlyRadio.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY showHideTooltips.label "Vis verktøytips">
+<!ENTITY showHideTooltips.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY showHideGrippies.label "Skjul foldelinja for verktøylinja">
+<!ENTITY showHideGrippies.accesskey "f">
+<!ENTITY pref.locales.title "Programspråk">
+<!ENTITY selectLocale.label "Vel kva for språk du ønskjer skal brukast i dialogboksar, menyar, verktøylinjer og knappetekstar:">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (dateTimeFormatting.label): labels/accesskeys for
+ radiobuttons are set dynamically from
+<!ENTITY dateTimeFormatting.label "Formatering av dato og tid">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (restartOnLocaleChange.label): Don't translate "&brandShortName;".
+ Place &brandShortName; in the phrase where the name of the application should appear
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-applicationManager.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-applicationManager.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..716c369260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-applicationManager.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY appManager.title "Programdetaljar">
+<!ENTITY "width: 40ch; min-height: 20em;">
+<!ENTITY remove.label "Slett">
+<!ENTITY remove.accesskey "S">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69bbe89055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+descriptionHandleProtocol=Følgjande program kan handtere %S-lenkjer
+descriptionHandleWebFeeds=Følgjande program kan handtere nyheitskjeldelenkjer
+descriptionHandleFile=Følgjande program kan handtere %S-innhald
+descriptionWebApp=Denne nettappen er tilbydd av:
+descriptionLocalApp=Programmet er tilbydd av:
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-applications.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-applications.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4b845dddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-applications.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE The Applications prefs dialog -->
+<!ENTITY pref.applications.title "Hjelpeprogram">
+<!ENTITY typeColumn.label "Innhaldstype">
+<!ENTITY typeColumn.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY actionColumn2.label "Handling">
+<!ENTITY actionColumn2.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY search.placeholder "Søk i typar og handlingar">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe6540975f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+#### Applications
+saveFile=Lagre fil
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (useApp, useDefault): %S = Application name
+useApp=Bruk %S
+useDefault=Bruk %S (standard)
+useOtherApp=Bruk anna…
+fpTitleChooseApp=Vel hjelpeprogram
+alwaysAsk=Alltid spør
+# %1$S = plugin name (for example "QuickTime Plugin-in 7.2")
+# %2$S = brandShortName from (for example "Minefield")
+usePluginIn=Bruk %S (i %S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (previewInApp, addNewsBlogsInApp): %S = brandShortName
+previewInApp=Førehandsvis i %S
+addNewsBlogsInApp=Abonner i %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (typeDescriptionWithType):
+# %1$S = type description (for example "Portable Document Format")
+# %2$S = type (for example "application/pdf")
+typeDescriptionWithType=%S (%S)
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-cache.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-cache.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47a9519d25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-cache.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-cache.xul -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE Cache prefs dialog -->
+<!ENTITY pref.cache.title "Snøgglager">
+<!ENTITY pref.cache.caption "Sett snøgglagerinnstillingar">
+<!ENTITY cachePara "Snøgglageret inneheld kopiar av nettstadar du besøker ofte (dersom du trykkjer «Oppdater», vil du alltid få den nyaste utgåva av nettsida).">
+<!ENTITY cacheCheck.label "La &brandShortName; styre storleiken av snøgglageret">
+<!ENTITY cacheCheck.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY diskCacheUpTo.label "Bruk opptil">
+<!ENTITY diskCacheUpTo.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY spaceMbytes " MB med diskplass for snøgglager.">
+<!ENTITY diskCacheFolder.label "Snøgglagermappeplassering:">
+<!ENTITY clearDiskCache.label "Tøm snøgglageret">
+<!ENTITY clearDiskCache.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY chooseDiskCacheFolder.label "Vel mappe…">
+<!ENTITY chooseDiskCacheFolder.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY diskCacheFolderExplanation "Filer i snøgglageret vil lagrast i ei undermappe med namnet «Cache». Start &brandShortName; på nytt for at endringane skal gjelde.">
+<!ENTITY docCache.label "Samanlikn sida i snøgglageret med sida på nettet:">
+<!ENTITY docCache.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY checkOncePerSession.label "Ein gong for kvar programøkt">
+<!ENTITY checkEveryTime.label "Kvar gong eg viser sida">
+<!ENTITY checkNever.label "Aldri">
+<!ENTITY checkAutomatically.label "Når sida er utdatert">
+<!ENTITY prefetchTitle.label "Førehandslasting av lenkjer">
+<!ENTITY enablePrefetch.label "Førehandsnedlast nettsider når ingenting anna vert lasta">
+<!ENTITY enablePrefetch.accesskey "d">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-certs.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-certs.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b13f68e6c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-certs.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY managecerts.caption "Handter sertifikat">
+<!ENTITY managecerts.button "Handter sertifikat…">
+<!ENTITY managedevices.caption "Handter tryggingseiningar">
+<!ENTITY managedevices.button "Handsam tryggingseiningar…">
+<!ENTITY managedevices.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY ssl.label "SSL">
+<!ENTITY pref.certs.title "Sertifikat">
+<!ENTITY certs.label "Sertifikat">
+<!ENTITY validation.ocsp.caption "OCSP">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ae3984bf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-colors.xul -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE Color management prefs -->
+<!ENTITY pref.colors.title "Fargar">
+<!ENTITY color "Tekst og bakgrunn">
+<!ENTITY textColor.label "Tekst:">
+<!ENTITY textColor.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY backgroundColor.label "Bakgrunn:">
+<!ENTITY backgroundColor.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY useSystemColors.label "Bruk systemfargar">
+<!ENTITY useSystemColors.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY underlineLinks.label "Understrek lenkjer">
+<!ENTITY underlineLinks.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY links "Lenkjer">
+<!ENTITY linkColor.label "Ubesøkte:">
+<!ENTITY linkColor.accesskey "ø">
+<!ENTITY activeLinkColor.label "Aktive lenkjer:">
+<!ENTITY activeLinkColor.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY visitedLinkColor.label "Besøkte lenkjer:">
+<!ENTITY visitedLinkColor.accesskey "e">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (someProvColors): This is the start of a sentence and will be followed by the following radio buttons. -->
+<!ENTITY someProvColors "Når ei nettside har eigne fargar">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (alwaysUseDocColors.label): This is option one, and it appends to 'someProvColors' above. -->
+<!ENTITY alwaysUseDocumentColors.label "Bruk fargar og bakgrunn spesifisert av nettsida">
+<!ENTITY alwaysUseDocumentColors.accesskey "n">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreDocColors.label): This is option two, and it appends to 'someProvColors' above. -->
+<!ENTITY useMyColors.label "Bruk mine fargar, og ignorer spesifiserte fargar og bakgrunnsbilde">
+<!ENTITY useMyColors.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY automaticColors.label "Berre ignorer sidefargane når du brukar eit høgkontrast-tema">
+<!ENTITY automaticColors.accesskey "B">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-content.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-content.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f442004971
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE The Appearance > Content prefs dialog. -->
+<!ENTITY pref.content.title "Innhald">
+<!ENTITY scrolling.label "Rulling">
+<!ENTITY useAutoScroll.label "Bruk autorulling">
+<!ENTITY useAutoScroll.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY useSmoothScroll.label "Bruk jamn rulling">
+<!ENTITY useSmoothScroll.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY zoomPrefs.label "Skaleringsval">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (minZoom.label, maxZoom.label, percent.label):
+ single hbox with minZoom.label preceding the minZoom control and
+ maxZoom.label preceding the maxZoom control; percent.label shows
+ the ASCII '%' character at the end of that string -->
+<!ENTITY minZoom.label "Område frå">
+<!ENTITY minZoom.accesskey "f">
+<!ENTITY maxZoom.label "til">
+<!ENTITY maxZoom.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY percent.label "&#37;">
+<!ENTITY textZoomOnly.label "Zoom berre tekst i staden for heile sider">
+<!ENTITY textZoomOnly.accesskey "Z">
+<!ENTITY siteSpecific.label "Hugs zoom-nivå for kvar nettstad">
+<!ENTITY siteSpecific.accesskey "H">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-cookies.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-cookies.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..233167feae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-cookies.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.cookies.title "Infokapslar">
+<!-- cookies -->
+<!ENTITY cookiePolicy.label "Løyve for infokapslar">
+<!ENTITY disableCookies.label "Blokker infokapslar">
+<!ENTITY disableCookies.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY accNo3rdPartyCookies.label "Tillat infokapslar berre frå opphavleg nettstad (ingen tredjeparts infokapslar)">
+<!ENTITY accNo3rdPartyCookies.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY acc3rdPartyVisited.label "Tillat tredjeparts infokapslar berre frå tidlegare besøkte nettsider">
+<!ENTITY acc3rdPartyVisited.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY accAllCookies.label "Tillat alle infokapslar">
+<!ENTITY accAllCookies.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY cookieRetentionPolicy.label "Reglar for å behalde infokapslar">
+<!ENTITY acceptNormally.label "Tillat infokapslar normalt">
+<!ENTITY acceptNormally.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY acceptForSession.label "Tillat berre for programøkta">
+<!ENTITY acceptForSession.accesskey "b">
+<!ENTITY acceptforNDays.label "Tillat infokapslar for">
+<!ENTITY acceptforNDays.accesskey "f">
+<!ENTITY days.label "dagar">
+<!ENTITY manageCookies.label "Handter infokapslar og nettstad">
+<!ENTITY manageCookiesDescription.label "Tillèt at du kan vise og handtere lagra infokapslar og innstillingar pr. nettstad. Innstillingar pr. nettstad vil overstyre innstillingane ovanfor.">
+<!ENTITY viewCookies.label "Infokapselhandtering">
+<!ENTITY viewCookies.accesskey "I">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-download.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-download.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1725094980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-download.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY "Nedlastingar">
+<!ENTITY downloadBehavior.label "Når ei ny nedlasting startar">
+<!ENTITY doNothing.label "Ikkje opne noko">
+<!ENTITY doNothing.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY openProgressDialog.label "Opne eigen framdriftsdialog">
+<!ENTITY openProgressDialog.accesskey "f">
+<!ENTITY openDM.label "Opne nedlastingar">
+<!ENTITY openDM.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY flashWhenOpen.label "Blink nedlastingsvindauget dersom det allereie er ope">
+<!ENTITY flashWhenOpen.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY downloadLocation.label "Ved lagring av ei fil">
+<!ENTITY saveTo.label "Lagre filer til">
+<!ENTITY saveTo.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY chooseDownloadFolder.label "Vel mappe…">
+<!ENTITY chooseDownloadFolder.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY alwaysAsk.label "Spør meg alltid om kvar filer skal lagrast">
+<!ENTITY alwaysAsk.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY finishedBehavior.label "Når ei nedlasting fullfører">
+<!ENTITY playSound.label "Spel av ein lyd">
+<!ENTITY playSound.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY browse.label "Bla gjennom…">
+<!ENTITY browse.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY playButton.label "Spel av">
+<!ENTITY playButton.accesskey "v">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-findasyoutype.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-findasyoutype.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fddef65dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-findasyoutype.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.findAsYouType.title "Finn medan du skriv">
+<!ENTITY findAsYouTypeBehavior.label "Finn medan du skriv">
+<!ENTITY findAsYouTypeAutoText.label "All tekst på sida">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-fonts.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-fonts.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8510940073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-fonts.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-fonts.xul -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE 'Fonts' prefs dialog -->
+<!ENTITY pref.fonts.title "Skrifter">
+<!ENTITY language.label "Skrifter for:">
+<!ENTITY language.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY typefaces.label "Skrifttype">
+<!ENTITY sizes.label "Storleik (punkt)">
+<!ENTITY proportional.label "Proporsjonal:">
+<!ENTITY proportional.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY serif.label "Seriffskrift:">
+<!ENTITY serif.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY sans-serif.label "Serifflaus skrift:">
+<!ENTITY sans-serif.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY monospace.label "Fast breidde:">
+<!ENTITY monospace.accesskey "F">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (fantasy.label): 'Fantasy' means 'Ornate' -->
+<!ENTITY fantasy.label "Fantasi:">
+<!ENTITY fantasy.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY cursive.label "Kursiv:">
+<!ENTITY cursive.accesskey "K">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (font.langGroup.latin) :
+ Translate "Latin" as the name of Latin (Roman) script, not as the name of
+ the Latin language. -->
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.latin "Vestleg">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.japanese "Japansk">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.trad-chinese "Tradisjonell Kinesisk (Taiwan)">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.simpl-chinese "KInesisk, forenkla">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.trad-chinese-hk "Tradisjonell Kinesisk (Hong Kong)">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.korean "Koreansk">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.cyrillic "Kyrillisk">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.el "Gresk">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.thai "Thai">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.hebrew "Hebraisk">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.arabic "Arabisk">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.devanagari "Devanagari">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.tamil "Tamilsk">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.armenian "Armensk">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.bengali "Bengalsk">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.canadian "Unified Canadian Syllabary">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.ethiopic "Etiopisk">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.georgian "Georgisk">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.gujarati "Gujarati">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.gurmukhi "Gurmukhi">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.khmer "Khmer">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.malayalam "Malayalam">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.math "Matematikk">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.odia "Oriya">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.telugu "Telugu">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.kannada "Kannada">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.sinhala "Singalesisk">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.tibetan "Tibetansk">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.other "Andre skriftsystem">
+<!-- Minimum font size -->
+<!ENTITY minSize.label "Minimum storleik:">
+<!ENTITY minSize.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY minSize.none "Ingen">
+<!-- default font type -->
+<!ENTITY useDefaultFontSerif.label "Seriffskrift">
+<!ENTITY useDefaultFontSansSerif.label "Serifflaus skrift">
+<!ENTITY useDocumentFonts.label "Tillat dokument å bruke andre skrifttyper">
+<!ENTITY useDocumentFonts.accesskey "o">
+<!-- leaving this stuff in for now -->
+<!ENTITY header2 "Når ei nettside vel sine eigne skrifttypar">
+<!ENTITY useDefaultFont.label "Bruk standard skrifttypar, og ignorer nettsida sine føretrekte skrifttypar">
+<!ENTITY useDefaultFont.accesskey "s">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-history.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-history.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..063eb756c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-history.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.history.title "Historikk">
+<!ENTITY pref.history.caption "Nettlesarhistorikk">
+<!ENTITY historyPages.label "Nettlesaren hugsar nettsider som du har besøkt i det siste.">
+<!ENTITY enableHistory.label "Hugs besøkte nettsider">
+<!ENTITY enableHistory.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY clearHistory.label "Tøm historikk">
+<!ENTITY clearHistory.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY locationBarHistory.caption "Adresselinjehistorikk">
+<!ENTITY urlBarHistoryEnabled.caption "Tillat adresselinjehistorikk">
+<!ENTITY urlBarHistoryEnabled.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY clearLocationBar.label "Tøm lista over nettstadar som er lagra i adresselinja.">
+<!ENTITY clearLocationBarButton.label "Tøm adressefeltet">
+<!ENTITY clearLocationBarButton.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY formfillHistory.caption "Skjema- og søkjehistorikk">
+<!ENTITY enableFormfill.label "Slå på skjema- og søkjehistorikk">
+<!ENTITY enableFormfill.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY formfillExpire.label "Hugs skjema- og søkjehistorikk for opptil">
+<!ENTITY formfillExpire.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY formfillDays.label "dagar">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-http.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-http.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..094640a0eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-http.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.http.title "HTTP-nettverk">
+<!-- Network-->
+<!ENTITY prefDirect.label "Direktetilkoplingsalternativ">
+<!ENTITY prefProxy.label "Mellomtenartilkoplingsalternativ">
+<!ENTITY prefEnableHTTP10.label "Bruk HTTP 1.0">
+<!ENTITY prefEnableHTTP10.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY prefEnableHTTP10Proxy.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY prefEnableHTTP11.label "Bruk HTTP 1.1">
+<!ENTITY prefEnableHTTP11.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY prefEnableHTTP11Proxy.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY prefPara "HTTP-tilkoplingar kan bli finjusterte med desse innstillingane for å betre anten yting eller kompabilitet. Enkelte mellomtenarar, til dømes, treng HTTP/1.0 for å verke (sjå versjonsnotatet for meir informasjon).">
+<!ENTITY prefUseragent.label "Brukeragenttekst">
+<!ENTITY prefFirefoxStrict.label "Identifiser som Firefox">
+<!ENTITY prefFirefoxStrict.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY prefFirefoxNone.label "Identifiser som SeaMonkey">
+<!ENTITY prefFirefoxNone.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY prefFirefoxCompat2.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY prefCompatWarning2.desc "ÅTVARING: endring av denne innstillinga kan føre til at nettstadar eller tenester ikkje fungerer som dei skal.">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-images.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-images.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42faacab9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-images.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.images.title "Bilde">
+<!ENTITY imageBlocking.label "Bildeløyve">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (onStartLegend.label): Don't translate "&brandShortName;".
+ Place "&brandShortName;" in the phrase where the name of the application should
+ appear
+<!ENTITY imageDetails "Spesifiser korleis &brandShortName; handterer bilde.">
+<!ENTITY loadAllImagesRadio.label "Last alle bilde">
+<!ENTITY loadAllImagesRadio.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY loadOrgImagesRadio.label "Last berre bilde som kjem frå opphaveleg tenar">
+<!ENTITY loadOrgImagesRadio.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY loadNoImagesRadio.label "Ikkje last bilde">
+<!ENTITY loadNoImagesRadio.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY viewPermissions.label "Handter løyve">
+<!ENTITY viewPermissions.accesskey "H">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-keynav.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-keynav.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6dc79aae9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-keynav.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.keyNav.title "Tastaturnavigering">
+<!ENTITY tabNavigationBehavior.label "Tabulatortast-navigasjon">
+<!ENTITY tabNavigationLinks.label "Lenkjer">
+<!ENTITY tabNavigationLinks.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY tabNavigationForms.label "Knappar, radioknappar, avkryssingsboksar og lister">
+<!ENTITY tabNavigationForms.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY tabNavigationTextboxes.label "Merk: Tekstboksar er alltid ein del av rekkjefølgja.">
+<!ENTITY tabNavigationDesc.label "Når Tab eller Shift+Tab vert trykte på, flytt mellom:">
+<!ENTITY accessibilityBrowseWithCaret.label "Nettlesing med tekstmarkør">
+<!ENTITY browseWithCaretDesc.label "Nettlesing med tekstmarkør lar deg navigere og merke innanfor nettsider med piltastane for å flytte ein synleg tekstmarkør.">
+<!ENTITY browseWithCaretUse.label "Bruk nettlesing med tekstmarkør">
+<!ENTITY browseWithCaretUse.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY browseWithCaretShortCut.label "Bruk F7-snarvegen for å slå på eller av nettlesing med tekstmarkør">
+<!ENTITY browseWithCaretShortCut.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY browseWithCaretWarn.label "Åtvar meg før nettlesing med tekstmarkør vert skrudd på">
+<!ENTITY browseWithCaretWarn.accesskey "d">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-languages.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-languages.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ba97c7dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-languages.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE 'Languages' preferences dialog -->
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.prefLangDescript "Nokre gongar er nettsider tilgjengelege på fleire språk. Vel kva for språk du vil vise.">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.title "Språk">
+<!ENTITY langtitle.label "Språk for nettsider">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.prefAddLangDescript "Velg kva for språk du vil leggje til.">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.addButton.label "Legg til…">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.addButton.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.deleteButton.label "Fjern">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.deleteButton.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.add.title.label "Legg til språk">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.available.label "Språk:">
+<!ENTITY "Språk i føretrekt rekkjefølgje:">
+<!ENTITY "S">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.others.label "Andre:">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.others.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.Fallback2.grouplabel "Teiknkoding for eldre innhald">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.Fallback2.label "Reserve-teiknkoding:">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.Fallback2.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.Fallback2.desc "Vert brukt for eldre innhald som ikkje spesifiserer kva for teiknkoding som vert brukt.">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE Character Encoding Preferences Dialog: Do NOT localize the terms "en-bz, ar-jo" -->
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.others.examples "t.d. nn, en-us">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.moveUp.label "Flytt opp">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.moveUp.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.moveDown.label "Flytt ned">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.moveDown.accesskey "N">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf060ca8e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+illegalOtherLanguageTitle=Ugyldig språkkode/Ugyldige språkkodar
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Next two strings are for language name representations with
+# and without the region.
+# e.g. languageRegionCodeFormat : "French/Canada [fr-ca]" languageCodeFormat : "French [fr]"
+# %1$S = language name, %2$S = region name, %3$S = language-region code
+languageRegionCodeFormat=%1$S/%2$S [%3$S]
+# %1$S = language name, %2$S = language-region code
+languageCodeFormat=%1$S [%2$S]
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-links.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-links.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db771b9325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-links.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY linksHeader.label "Lenkjeoppførsel">
+<!ENTITY newWindow.label "Oppførsel ved opning av lenkjer">
+<!ENTITY newWindowDescription.label "Opne lenkjer som er meint å opnast i eit nytt vindauge i:">
+<!ENTITY newWindowRestriction.label "Når skript ønskjer å opne eit nytt vindauge:">
+<!ENTITY external.label "Lenkjer frå andre program">
+<!ENTITY externalDescription.label "Opne lenkjer sendt frå andre program i:">
+<!ENTITY openCurrent.label "Den aktive fana/vindauget">
+<!ENTITY newWindowGroupCurrent.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY externalGroupCurrent.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY openTab.label "Ei ny fane i det aktive vindauget">
+<!ENTITY newWindowGroupTab.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY externalGroupTab.accesskey "f">
+<!ENTITY openWindow.label "Eit nytt vindauge">
+<!ENTITY newWindowGroupWindow.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY externalGroupWindow.accesskey "v">
+<!ENTITY divertAll.label "Alltid gjer om vindauge til faner">
+<!ENTITY divertAll.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY divertNoFeatures.label "Ikkje gjer om eigne vindauge til faner">
+<!ENTITY divertNoFeatures.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY dontDivert.label "Alltid opne nye vindauge">
+<!ENTITY dontDivert.accesskey "A">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-locationbar.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-locationbar.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3bbeac61b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-locationbar.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE The Location Bar prefs panel -->
+<!ENTITY pref.locationBar.title "Adresselinje">
+<!ENTITY autoComplete.label "Autofullfør">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteMatchHistory.label "Foreslå automatisk nettstadar frå historikken">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteMatchHistory.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteMatchBookmarks.label "Foreslå automatisk nettstadar frå bokmerke">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteMatchBookmarks.accesskey "b">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteAutoFill.label "Automatisk fyll ut det beste treffet">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteAutoFill.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteShowPopup.label "Vis ei liste med resultat">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteShowPopup.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteMatchOnlyTyped.label "Berre fullfør med nettsider du har manuelt skrive inn før">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteMatchOnlyTyped.accesskey "B">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (autoCompleteMatch.label): This is the common leading
+ part of the menulist items listed below, mainly to make the control available
+ via the accesskey
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteMatch.label "Samanlikn med">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteMatch.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteMatchAnywhere "Alt i adressa eller tittelen">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteMatchWordsFirst "Alt, men føretrekk starten/slutten av ord">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteMatchWords "Berre i starten/slutten av ord">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteMatchStart "Berre i starten av adressene eller titlane">
+<!ENTITY showInternetSearch.label "Vis standard Internett-søkjemotor">
+<!ENTITY showInternetSearch.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY formatting.label "Formatering">
+<!ENTITY domainFormatting.label "Uthevar domenenamnet på nettstadar og FTP-tenarar">
+<!ENTITY domainFormatting.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY highlightSecure.label "Uthev nettsider som har høg sikkerheit i tilkoplinga">
+<!ENTITY highlightSecure.accesskey "h">
+<!ENTITY unknownLocations.label "Ukjende adresser">
+<!ENTITY domainGuessing.label "Legg til «www.» og «.com» i adressa dersom ei nettside ikkje er funne">
+<!ENTITY domainGuessing.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY keywords.label "Utfør eit nettsidesøk dersom innskriven tekst ikkje er ei nettsideadresse">
+<!ENTITY keywords.accesskey "U">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-masterpass.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-masterpass.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72f4f01126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-masterpass.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY changepassword.caption "Endre hovudpassord">
+<!ENTITY changepassword.text "Hovudpassordet vernar sensitiv informasjon somt.d. nettsidepassord og sertifikat.">
+<!ENTITY changepassword.button "Endre passord…">
+<!ENTITY changepassword.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY resetpassword.caption "Tilbakestill hovudpassord">
+<!ENTITY resetpassword.text "Dersom du tilbakestiller hovudpassordet vil alle lagra nettside- og e-postpassord, skjemadata, personlege sertifikat og private nyklar gå tapt.">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-media.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-media.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..349338891c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-media.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-media.xul -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE Media management prefs -->
+<!ENTITY "Media">
+<!ENTITY mediaHTML5Preferences.label "Lyd/video">
+<!ENTITY allowMediaAutoplay.label "Aktiver autoavspeling av HTML5-medieinnhald">
+<!ENTITY allowMediaAutoplay.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY enableDrmMedia.label "Slå på Digital Rights Management (DRM) for">
+<!ENTITY enableEmeForSuite.label "Tredjeparts innhaldsdekrypteringsmodular">
+<!ENTITY enableEmeForSuite.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY animLoopingTitle.label "Animerte bilde skal gå i lykkje">
+<!ENTITY animLoopAsSpecified.label "Så mange gongar som bildet spesifiserer">
+<!ENTITY animLoopAsSpecified.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY animLoopOnce.label "Ein gong">
+<!ENTITY animLoopOnce.accesskey "g">
+<!ENTITY animLoopNever.label "Aldri">
+<!ENTITY animLoopNever.accesskey "d">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-mousewheel.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-mousewheel.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe1a8168f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-mousewheel.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE Mouse-wheel management prefs, for those lucky OSes that support mouse wheels -->
+<!ENTITY pref.mouseWheel.title "Musehjul">
+<!ENTITY usingJustTheWheel.label "Ingen modifikatortast">
+<!-- Key labels, for mousewheel prefs -->
+<!ENTITY usingWheelAndAlt.label2 "Alt">
+<!ENTITY usingWheelAndOption.label "Tilval">
+<!ENTITY usingWheelAndCtrl.label2 "Ctrl">
+<!ENTITY usingWheelAndShft.label2 "Shift">
+<!ENTITY mouseWheelGroup.label "Vertikal rulling">
+<!ENTITY mouseWheelHorizGroup.label "Horisontal rulling">
+<!ENTITY sameAsVertical.label "Same som vertikal rulling">
+<!ENTITY sameAsVertical.accesskey "v">
+<!ENTITY doNothing.label "Ikkje gjer noko">
+<!ENTITY doNothing.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY doNothingHoriz.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY scrollDocument.label "Rull i dokumentet">
+<!ENTITY scrollDocument.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY scrollDocumentHoriz.accesskey "c">
+<!ENTITY history.label "Flytt tilbake og fram i nettlesarhistorikken">
+<!ENTITY history.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY historyHoriz.accesskey "b">
+<!ENTITY zoom.label "Zoom sida inn eller ut">
+<!ENTITY zoom.accesskey "Z">
+<!ENTITY zoomHoriz.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY wheelSpeed.label "Musehjulfart:">
+<!ENTITY wheelSpeed.accesskey "h">
+<!ENTITY wheelSpeedHoriz.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY reverseDirection.label "Motsett retning">
+<!ENTITY reverseDirection.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY reverseDirectionHoriz.accesskey "e">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-navigator.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-navigator.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1f6808b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-navigator.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.navigator.title "Nettlesar">
+<!ENTITY navRadio.label "Vis på">
+<!ENTITY navRadio.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY navStartPageMenu.label "Nettlesaroppstart">
+<!ENTITY newWinPageMenu.label "Nytt vindauge">
+<!ENTITY newTabPageMenu.label "Ny fane">
+<!ENTITY blankPageRadio.label "Blank side">
+<!ENTITY blankPageRadio.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY homePageRadio.label "Heimeside">
+<!ENTITY homePageRadio.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY lastPageRadio.label "Sist besøkte side">
+<!ENTITY lastPageRadio.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY restoreSessionRadio.label "Bygg oppatt siste programøkt">
+<!ENTITY restoreSessionRadio.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY restoreSessionIntro.label "Ved oppattbyggjing av programøkter og vindauge">
+<!ENTITY restoreImmediately.label "Bygg oppatt alle faner med ein gong">
+<!ENTITY restoreImmediately.accesskey "B">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (restoreTabs.label): This will concatenate to
+ "Restore [___] tab(s) at a time",
+ using (restoreTabs.label) and a number (restoreTabsAtATime.label). -->
+<!ENTITY restoreTabs.label "Bygg oppatt">
+<!ENTITY restoreTabs.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY restoreTabsAtATime.label "fane(r) om gongen">
+<!ENTITY restoreDeferred.label "Berre rett oppatt faner når eg treng dei">
+<!ENTITY restoreDeferred.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY homePageIntro.label "Når du trykkejr på Heim-knappen vil denne gruppa av sider bli vist:">
+<!ENTITY useCurrent.label "Bruk gjeldande side">
+<!ENTITY useCurrent.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY useCurrentGroup.label "Bruk fanegruppe">
+<!ENTITY useCurrentGroup.accesskey "g">
+<!ENTITY browseFile.label "Vel fil…">
+<!ENTITY browseFile.accesskey "f">
+<!ENTITY useDefault.label "Still tilbake til standard">
+<!ENTITY useDefault.accesskey "f">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-offlineapps.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-offlineapps.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2af03569b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-offlineapps.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-offlineapps.xul -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE Offline Apps prefs dialog -->
+<!ENTITY pref.offlineapps.title "Fråkopla nettpplikasjonar">
+<!ENTITY pref.offlineCache.caption "Fråkopla nettinnhald og brukardata">
+<!ENTITY clearOfflineAppCache.label "Tøm">
+<!ENTITY clearOfflineAppCache.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY offlineAlwaysAllow.label "Tillat alle nettstadar å lagre data for fråkopla bruk">
+<!ENTITY offlineAlwaysAllow.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY offlineExplicit.label "Berre tillat nettstadar med klare løyve">
+<!ENTITY offlineExplicit.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY offlineNotifyAsk.label "Varsle meg når nettstadar ønskjer å lagre data for fråkopla bruk.">
+<!ENTITY offlineNotifyAsk.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY offlineNotifyPermissions.label "Handsam løyve">
+<!ENTITY offlineNotifyPermissions.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY offlineAppsUsage.label "Følgjande nettstadar har løyve til å lagre data for fråkobla bruk:">
+<!ENTITY offlineAppsListRemove.label "Tøm data…">
+<!ENTITY offlineAppsListRemove.accesskey "d">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-passwords.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-passwords.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea4c7c6cd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-passwords.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.passwords.title "Passord">
+<!ENTITY signonHeader.caption "Passorhandtering">
+<!ENTITY signonDescription.label "Passorhandtering lar deg lagre innloggingsinformasjon for passordverna nettstadar, e-posttenarar og nyheitsgruppetenarar, og skriv inn informasjonen automatisk når han trengst.">
+<!ENTITY signonEnabled.label "Hugs passord">
+<!ENTITY signonEnabled.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY viewSignons.label "Handsam lagra passord">
+<!ENTITY viewSignons.accesskey "a">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-popups.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-popups.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc71eff6a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-popups.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.popups.title "Sprettoppvindauge">
+<!ENTITY pref.popups.caption "Sprettoppvindauge">
+<!ENTITY popupBlock.label "Blokker ikkje-førespurde sprettoppvindauge">
+<!ENTITY popupBlock.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY viewPermissions.label "Handsam løyve">
+<!ENTITY viewPermissions.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY whenBlock.description "Når eit sprettoppvindu vert blokkert:">
+<!ENTITY playSound.label "Spel av ein lyd:">
+<!ENTITY playSound.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY systemSound.label "Systemlyd">
+<!ENTITY systemSound.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY customSound.label "Tilpassa lydfil">
+<!ENTITY customSound.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY selectSound.label "Bla gjennom…">
+<!ENTITY selectSound.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY playSoundButton.label "Spel av">
+<!ENTITY playSoundButton.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY displayIcon.label "Vis eit ikon i statuslinja til nettlesaren">
+<!ENTITY displayIcon.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY displayNotification.label "Vis ei varslingslinje øvst i innhaldsområdet">
+<!ENTITY displayNotification.accesskey "e">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-privatedata.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-privatedata.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8fe42cd7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-privatedata.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE 'Private Data' prefs settings
+ These entities go on top of the sanitize.dtd definitions
+<!ENTITY pref.privatedata.title "Private data">
+<!ENTITY clearPrivateData.label "Slett private data">
+<!ENTITY alwaysClear.label "Alltid slett private data når eg lèt att &brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY alwaysClear.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY askBeforeClear.label "Spør meg før private data vert sletta">
+<!ENTITY clearDataSettings.label "Når eg ber &brandShortName; om å slette private data, skal han slette:">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (clearDataDialog.label, clearDataSilent.label, clearDataDialog.accesskey):
+ The only difference bettween the two labels is that one calls a dialog, the other doesn't.
+ The same accesskey is used for both labels.
+<!ENTITY clearDataDialog.label "Slett no…">
+<!ENTITY clearDataSilent.label "Slett no">
+<!ENTITY clearDataDialog.accesskey "n">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-proxies-advanced.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-proxies-advanced.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b1691005d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-proxies-advanced.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE The Advanced Proxy Preferences dialog -->
+<!ENTITY http.label "HTTP-proxy:">
+<!ENTITY http.accesskey "x">
+<!ENTITY ssl.label "SSL-proxy:">
+<!ENTITY ssl.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY ftp.label "FTP-proxy:">
+<!ENTITY ftp.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY reuseProxy.label "Bruk HTTP proxy for alle protokollane">
+<!ENTITY port.label "Port:">
+<!ENTITY HTTPPort.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY SSLPort.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY FTPPort.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY socks.caption "Generisk proxy">
+<!ENTITY socks.label "SOCKS-proxy:">
+<!ENTITY socks.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY socks4.label "SOCKS v4">
+<!ENTITY socks4.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY socks5.label "SOCKS v5">
+<!ENTITY socks5.accesskey "K">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-proxies.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-proxies.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..caa0c684ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-proxies.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-proxies.xul -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE The Proxies preferences dialog -->
+<!ENTITY pref.proxies.title "Proxiar">
+<!ENTITY reload.label "Oppdater">
+<!ENTITY reload.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY http.label "Proxy:">
+<!ENTITY http.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY port.label "Port:">
+<!ENTITY HTTPPort.accesskey "p">
+<!ENTITY advanced.label "Avansert…">
+<!ENTITY advanced.accesskey "v">
+<!ENTITY noproxy.label "Ingen proxy for:">
+<!ENTITY noproxy.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY noproxyExplain.label "Døme:,,">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-scripts.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-scripts.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b4f2a0e33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-scripts.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-scripts.xul -->
+<!ENTITY navigator.label "Nettlesar">
+<!ENTITY navigator.accesskey "N">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (enableJavaScript.label): 'JavaScript' should never be translated -->
+<!ENTITY enableJavaScript.label "Slå på JavaScript for">
+<!ENTITY allowScripts.label "Tillat skript å:">
+<!ENTITY allowScripts.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY allowWindowFlip.label "Heve eller senke vindauge">
+<!ENTITY allowWindowStatusChange.label "Endre statuslinjetekst">
+<!ENTITY allowContextmenuDisable.label "Slå av eller erstatte kontekstmenyar">
+<!ENTITY allowHideStatusBar.label "Gøym statuslinja">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-search.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-search.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..736c7ad413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-search.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-search.xul -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE The Search prefs dialog -->
+<!ENTITY "Internett-søk">
+<!ENTITY legendHeader "Standard søkjemotor">
+<!ENTITY defaultSearchEngine.label "Søk med:">
+<!ENTITY defaultSearchEngine.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY engineManager.label "Handter søkjemotorer…">
+<!ENTITY searchResults.label "Søkjeresultat">
+<!ENTITY openInTab.label "Opne ei ny fane for søkjeresultat i sidestolpen">
+<!ENTITY openInTab.accesskey "Å">
+<!ENTITY openContextSearchTab.label "Opne ei fane i staden for eit vindauge for kontekstmenysøk">
+<!ENTITY openContextSearchTab.accesskey "t">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-security.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-security.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec7a14903c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-security.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE 'Privacy and Security' prefs settings -->
+<!ENTITY "Personvern og sikkerheit">
+<!ENTITY tracking.label "Brukarsporing">
+<!ENTITY trackingIntro.label "Nettstadar kan spore korleis du bruker dei, og på den måten påverke personvernet ditt.">
+<!ENTITY doNotTrack.label "Fortell nettstadar at eg ikkje ønskjer å bli spora">
+<!ENTITY doNotTrack.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY trackProtect.label "Hindre sporingsaktivitet av kjende nettstadar">
+<!ENTITY trackProtect.accesskey "o">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (safeBrowsing.label, blockWebForgeries.label, blockAttackSites.label):
+ The methods by which forged (phished) and attack sites will be detected by
+ phishing providers will vary from human review to machine-based heuristics
+ to a combination of both, so it's important that these strings convey the
+ meaning "reported" (and not something like "known").
+<!ENTITY safeBrowsing.label "Trygg nettlesing">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-smartupdate.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-smartupdate.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1f227abfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-smartupdate.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE UI for Software Updates prefs -->
+<!ENTITY pref.smartUpdate.title "Programinstallering">
+<!ENTITY addOnsTitle.label "Utvidingar">
+<!ENTITY addOnsAllow.label "Tillat nettstadar å installere utvidingar og oppdateringar">
+<!ENTITY addOnsAllow.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY allowedSitesLink.label "Tillatte nettstadar">
+<!ENTITY autoAddOnsUpdates.label "Automatisk søk etter oppdateringar">
+<!ENTITY autoAddOnsUpdates.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY daily.label "dagleg">
+<!ENTITY addOnsDaily.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY weekly.label "kvar veke">
+<!ENTITY addOnsWeekly.accesskey "v">
+<!ENTITY addOnsModeAutomatic.label "Automatisk last ned og installer oppdateringane">
+<!ENTITY addOnsModeAutomatic.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY enablePersonalized.label "Personleggjer utvidingstilrådingar">
+<!ENTITY enablePersonalized.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY addonManagerLink.label "Handter utvidingar">
+<!ENTITY appUpdates.caption "&brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY autoAppUpdates.label "Automatisk søk etter oppdateringar">
+<!ENTITY autoAppUpdates.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY appDaily.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY appWeekly.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY appModeAutomatic.label "Automatisk last ned og installer oppdateringa">
+<!ENTITY appModeAutomatic.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY updateHistoryButton.label "Vis oppdateringshistorikk…">
+<!ENTITY updateHistoryButton.accesskey "V">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-spelling.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-spelling.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a0559dd52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-spelling.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ - You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY prefSpelling.title "Stavekontroll">
+<!ENTITY generalSpelling.label "Generelt">
+<!ENTITY dontCheckSpelling.label "Aldri">
+<!ENTITY multilineCheckSpelling.label "I boksar med fleire linjer">
+<!ENTITY alwaysCheckSpelling.label "Alle boksar">
+<!ENTITY spellForMailAndNews.label "E-post og nyheitsgrupper">
+<!ENTITY checkSpellingBeforeSend.label "Kontroller staving før sending">
+<!ENTITY checkSpellingBeforeSend.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY spellCheckInline.label "Kontroller staving medan du skriv">
+<!ENTITY spellCheckInline.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY languagePopup.label "Språk:">
+<!ENTITY languagePopup.accessKey "S">
+<!ENTITY moreDictionaries.label "Last ned fleire ordbøker &#x2026;">
+<!ENTITY noSpellCheckAvailable.label "Ingen ordbøker er tilgjengelege.">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-ssl.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-ssl.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25553c3b42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-ssl.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY SSLTLSProtocolVersions.caption "SSL/TLS-protokollversjonar">
+<!ENTITY SSLTLSWarnings.caption "SSL/TLS-åtvaringar">
+<!ENTITY SSLMixedContent.caption "Blanda innhald">
+<!ENTITY SSLClientAuthMethod.caption "Val av klientsertifikat">
+<!ENTITY limit.enable.label "Slå på:">
+<!ENTITY limit.tls10.label "TLS 1.0">
+<!ENTITY limit.tls10.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY limit.tls11.label "TLS 1.1">
+<!ENTITY limit.tls11.accesskey "1">
+<!ENTITY limit.tls12.label "TLS 1.2">
+<!ENTITY limit.tls12.accesskey "2">
+<!ENTITY limit.tls13.label "TLS 1.3">
+<!ENTITY limit.tls13.accesskey "3">
+<!ENTITY "Vel automatisk">
+<!ENTITY "V">
+<!ENTITY certselect.ask "Spør kvar gong">
+<!ENTITY certselect.ask.accesskey "p">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-sync.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-sync.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffc7d258fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-sync.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- The page shown when not logged in... -->
+<!ENTITY setupButton.label "Konfigurer &syncBrand.fullName.label;">
+<!ENTITY setupButton.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY weaveDesc.label "&syncBrand.fullName.label; lar deg få tilgang til historikk, bokmerke, passord og opne faner på tvers av alle einingane dine.">
+<!-- The page shown when logged in... -->
+<!ENTITY accountGroupboxCaption.label "&syncBrand.fullName.label;-konto">
+<!ENTITY accountName.label "Kontonamn:">
+<!-- Login error feedback -->
+<!ENTITY updatePass.label "Oppdater">
+<!ENTITY updatePass.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY resetPass.label "Tilbakestill">
+<!ENTITY resetPass.accesskey "T">
+<!-- Manage Account -->
+<!ENTITY manageAccount.label "Handter konto">
+<!ENTITY manageAccount.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY viewQuota.label "Vis plasskvote">
+<!ENTITY viewQuota.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY changePassword.label "Endre passord">
+<!ENTITY changePassword.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY myRecoveryKey.label "Oppattbyggingsnykel">
+<!ENTITY myRecoveryKey.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY resetSync.label "Tilbakestill Sync">
+<!ENTITY resetSync.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY unlinkDevice.label "Opphev tilknyting for denne eininga">
+<!ENTITY unlinkDevice.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY addDevice.label "Legg til ei eining">
+<!ENTITY addDevice.accesskey "L">
+<!-- Sync Settings -->
+<!ENTITY syncComputerName.label "Namn på datamaskina:">
+<!ENTITY syncComputerName.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY syncMy2.label "Synkroniser:">
+<!ENTITY engine.addons.label "Utvidingar">
+<!ENTITY engine.addons.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY engine.bookmarks.label "Bokmerke">
+<!ENTITY engine.bookmarks.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY engine.tabs.label "Faner">
+<!ENTITY engine.tabs.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY engine.history.label "Historikk">
+<!ENTITY engine.history.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY engine.passwords.label "Passord">
+<!ENTITY engine.passwords.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY engine.prefs.label "Innstillingar">
+<!ENTITY engine.prefs.accesskey "I">
+<!-- Footer stuff -->
+<!ENTITY prefs.tosLink.label "Tenestevilkår">
+<!ENTITY prefs.ppLink.label "Personvernerklæring">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-tabs.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-tabs.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b89bd146a
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY tabDisplay.label "Fanevising">
+<!ENTITY warnOnClose.label "Åtvar meg når eg vil late att fleire faner">
+<!ENTITY openDataManager.label "Datahandsamar">
+<!ENTITY openDataManager.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY openAddOnsManager.label "Utvidingshandsamar">
+<!ENTITY openAddOnsManager.accesskey "n">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/preferences.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/preferences.dtd
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index 0000000000..c7ced16df0
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY preferencesDefaultTitleMac.title "Innstillingar">
+<!ENTITY preferencesDefaultTitleWin.title "Innstillingar">
+<!ENTITY preferencesCloseButton.label "Lat att">
+<!ENTITY preferencesCloseButton.accesskey "L">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (.label): Preferences categories that appear on the left of the preferences dialog -->
+<!ENTITY prefWindow.title "Innstillingar">
+<!ENTITY prefWindow.size "width: 102ch; height: 44em;">
+<!ENTITY categoryHeader "Kategori">
+<!ENTITY appear.label "Utsjånad">
+<!ENTITY content.label "Innhald">
+<!ENTITY fonts.label "Skrifter">
+<!ENTITY colors.label "Fargar">
+<!ENTITY media.label "Media">
+<!ENTITY spellingPane.label "Stavekontroll">
+<!ENTITY navigator.label "Nettlesar">
+<!ENTITY history.label "Historikk">
+<!ENTITY languages.label "Språk">
+<!ENTITY applications.label "Hjelpeprogram">
+<!ENTITY locationBar.label "Adresselinje">
+<!ENTITY search.label "Søk på internett">
+<!ENTITY tabWindows.label "Nettlesing med faner">
+<!ENTITY links.label "Lenkjeoppførsel">
+<!ENTITY download.label "Nedlastingar">
+<!ENTITY security.label "Personvern og sikkerheit">
+<!ENTITY privatedata.label "Private data">
+<!ENTITY cookies.label "Infokapslar">
+<!ENTITY images.label "Bilde">
+<!ENTITY popups.label "Sprettoppvindauge">
+<!ENTITY passwords.label "Passord">
+<!ENTITY ssltls.label "SSL/TLS">
+<!ENTITY certs.label "Sertifikat">
+<!ENTITY sync.label "Sync">
+<!ENTITY advance.label "Avansert">
+<!ENTITY keynav.label "Tastaturnavigasjon">
+<!ENTITY findAsYouType.label "Finn medan du skriv">
+<!ENTITY cache.label "Snøgglager">
+<!ENTITY offlineApps.label "Fråkopla appar">
+<!ENTITY proxies.label "Mellomtenarar">
+<!ENTITY httpnetworking.label "HTTP-nettverk">
+<!ENTITY smart.label "Programvareinstallasjon">
+<!ENTITY mousewheel.label "Musehjul">
+<!ENTITY focusSearch.key "f">
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6e8ba8825
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY "Standard for gjeldande språk">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (FallbackCharset.arabic):
+ Translate "Arabic" as an adjective for an encoding, not as the name of the language. -->
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.arabic "Arabisk">
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.baltic "Baltisk">
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.ceiso "Sentraleuropeisk, ISO">
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.cewindows "Sentraleuropeisk, Microsoft">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (FallbackCharset.simplified):
+ Translate "Chinese" as an adjective for an encoding, not as the name of the language. -->
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.simplified "Kinesisk, forenkla">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (FallbackCharset.traditional):
+ Translate "Chinese" as an adjective for an encoding, not as the name of the language. -->
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.traditional "Kinesisk, tradisjonell">
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.cyrillic "Kyrillisk">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (FallbackCharset.greek):
+ Translate "Greek" as an adjective for an encoding, not as the name of the language. -->
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.greek "Gresk">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (FallbackCharset.hebrew):
+ Translate "Hebrew" as an adjective for an encoding, not as the name of the language. -->
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.hebrew "Hebraisk">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (FallbackCharset.japanese):
+ Translate "Japanese" as an adjective for an encoding, not as the name of the language. -->
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.japanese "Japansk">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (FallbackCharset.korean):
+ Translate "Korean" as an adjective for an encoding, not as the name of the language. -->
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.korean "Koreansk">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (FallbackCharset.thai):
+ Translate "Thai" as an adjective for an encoding, not as the name of the language. -->
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.thai "Thai">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (FallbackCharset.turkish):
+ Translate "Turkish" as an adjective for an encoding, not as the name of the language. -->
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.turkish "Tyrkisk">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (FallbackCharset.vietnamese):
+ Translate "Vietnamese" as an adjective for an encoding, not as the name of the language. -->
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.vietnamese "Vietnamesisk">
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.other "Andre (inkl. vesteuropeisk)">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eae21d1f04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/pref/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+cachefolder=Vel mappe for snøgglager
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (%1$S) is the size and (%2$S) is the unit of disk space.
+# Offline apps
+offlineAppRemoveConfirm=Fjern fråkopla data
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The next string is for the disk usage of the
+# offline application
+# e.g. offlineAppUsage : "50.23 MB"
+# %1$S = size (in bytes or megabytes, ...)
+# %2$S = unit of measure (bytes, KB, MB, ...)
+offlineAppUsage=%1$S %2$S
+choosehomepage=Vel startside
+downloadfolder=Vel ei nedlastingsmappe
+choosesound=Vel ein lyd
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/printPreview.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/printPreview.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38b655e9e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/printPreview.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY print.label "Skriv ut…">
+<!ENTITY print.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY pageSetup.label "Utskriftsformat…">
+<!ENTITY pageSetup.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY page.label "Side:">
+<!ENTITY page.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY of.label "av">
+<!ENTITY scale.label "Skaler:">
+<!ENTITY scale.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY portrait.label "Ståande">
+<!ENTITY portrait.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY landscape.label "Liggande">
+<!ENTITY landscape.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY close.label "Lat att">
+<!ENTITY close.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY p30.label "30 &#037;">
+<!ENTITY p40.label "40 &#037;">
+<!ENTITY p50.label "50 &#037;">
+<!ENTITY p60.label "60 &#037;">
+<!ENTITY p70.label "70 &#037;">
+<!ENTITY p80.label "80 &#037;">
+<!ENTITY p90.label "90 &#037;">
+<!ENTITY p100.label "100 &#037;">
+<!ENTITY p125.label "125 &#037;">
+<!ENTITY p150.label "150 &#037;">
+<!ENTITY p175.label "175 &#037;">
+<!ENTITY p200.label "200 &#037;">
+<!ENTITY Custom.label "Tilpassa…">
+<!ENTITY ShrinkToFit.label "Tilpass til sida">
+<!ENTITY customPrompt.title "Eigendefinert skalering…">
+<!ENTITY homearrow.tooltip "Første side">
+<!ENTITY endarrow.tooltip "Siste side">
+<!ENTITY rightarrow.tooltip "Neste side">
+<!ENTITY leftarrow.tooltip "Førre side">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/profile/profileSelection.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/profile/profileSelection.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07e12aefac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/profile/profileSelection.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<!-- -*- Mode: SGML; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- -->
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Vel brukarprofil">
+<!ENTITY profileManager.title "&brandShortName; profilhandtering">
+<!ENTITY manage.label "Handter profilar…">
+<!ENTITY manage.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY select.label "Bruk profil">
+<!ENTITY availableProfiles.label "Tilgjengelege profilar">
+<!ENTITY introStart.label "For å få tilgang til den personlege profilen din, som inneheld lagra meldingar, innstillingar og annan personleg informasjon, vel profilen frå lista og trykk &start.label; for å starte programøkta.">
+<!ENTITY introSwitch.label "For å byte til ein annan profil, som inneheld lagra meldingar, innstillingar og annan personleg informasjon, vel profilen frå lista og trykk &select.label; for å byrje å bruke profilen.">
+<!ENTITY profileManagerText.label "&brandShortName; lagrar informasjon om innstillingane dine, bokmerke og lagra e-post og andre data i brukarprofilen.">
+<!ENTITY autoSelect.label "Bruk profilen som standard">
+<!ENTITY autoSelect.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY start.label "Start &brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY exit.label "Avslutt">
+<!ENTITY newButton.label "Lag ny profil…">
+<!ENTITY newButton.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY renameButton.label "Endre profilnamn…">
+<!ENTITY renameButton.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY deleteButton.label "Slett profil…">
+<!ENTITY deleteButton.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY offlineState.label "Arbeid fråkopla">
+<!ENTITY offlineState.accesskey "o">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/profile/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/profile/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6aa8a73e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/profile/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+deleteLocked=%S kan ikkje slette profilen «%S» fordi han allereie er i bruk.
+manageTitle=Handsam brukarprofilar
+selectTitle=Vel brukarprofil
+renameProfileTitle=Byt namn på profilen
+renameProfilePrompt=Byt namn på profilen "%S" til:
+profileNameInvalidTitle=Ugyldig profilnamn
+profileNameEmpty=Eit tomt profilnamn er ikkje tillate.
+deleteTitle=Slett profilen
+deleteFiles=Slett filer
+dontDeleteFiles=Ikkje slett filer
+profileExistsTitle=Profilen finst allereie
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c60d593e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Strings for the Quit, Restart, and Close-browser dialogs
+# used by _onQuitRequest() in nsSuiteGlue.js
+# %S (also in the messages further down)
+# is the application's short name (e.g. SeaMonkey)
+# from the file
+quitDialogTitle=Avslutt %S
+lastwindowDialogTitle=Lat att %S nettlesaren
+restartDialogTitle=Start %S på nytt
+restartNowTitle=&Start på nytt no
+restartLaterTitle=Sta&rt på nytt seinare
+lastwindowTitle=Lat att &nettlesaren
+# The following two strings are labels for the same button, depending on
+# whether we are quitting the whole Suite, or only the Browser
+saveTitle=&Lagre og avslutt
+savelastwindowTitle=&Lagre og lat att
+neverAsk=&Ikkje spør neste gong
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/safeBrowsing.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/safeBrowsing.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef1e83bad2
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY safeb.palm.accept.label "Få meg bort herifrå!">
+<!ENTITY safeb.palm.reportPage.label "Kvifor vart denne nettstaden blokkert?">
+<!ENTITY safeb.blocked.malwarePage.title "Rapportert som åtaksnettstad!">
+<!-- Localization note (safeb.blocked.malwarePage.shortDesc) - Please don't translate the contents of the <span id="malware_sitename"/> tag. It will be replaced at runtime with a domain name (e.g. -->
+<!-- Localization note (safeb.blocked.unwantedPage.shortDesc) - Please don't translate the contents of the <span id="unwanted_sitename"/> tag. It will be replaced at runtime with a domain name (e.g. -->
+<!ENTITY safeb.blocked.phishingPage.title2 "Villeiande nettstad!">
+<!-- Localization note (safeb.blocked.phishingPage.shortDesc2) - Please don't translate the contents of the <span id="phishing_sitename"/> tag. It will be replaced at runtime with a domain name (e.g. -->
+<!-- Localization note (reportDeceptiveSite, notADeceptiveSite) - The two button strings will never be shown at the same time, so it's okay for them to have the same access key. -->
+<!ENTITY reportDeceptiveSite.label "Rapporter villeiande nettstad…">
+<!ENTITY reportDeceptiveSite.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY notADeceptiveSite.label "Dette er ikkje ein villeiande nettstad…">
+<!ENTITY notADeceptiveSite.accesskey "d">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/safeMode.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/safeMode.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fa0e832f8
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY safeModeDialog.title "&brandShortName; Trygg modus">
+<!ENTITY window.width "37em">
+<!ENTITY disableAddons.label "Slå av alle utvidingar">
+<!ENTITY disableAddons.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY deleteBookmarks.label "Slett alle bokmerke med unntak av sikkerheitskopiar">
+<!ENTITY deleteBookmarks.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY restoreSearch.label "Tilbakestill til standard søkjemotor">
+<!ENTITY restoreSearch.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY changeAndRestartButton.label "Utfør endringane og start på nytt">
+<!ENTITY continueButton.label "Fortset i trygg modus">
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c03364852
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY sanitizeDialog.title "Slett private data">
+<!ENTITY itemHistory.label "Nettlesarhistorikk">
+<!ENTITY itemHistory.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY itemUrlBar.label "Adresselinjehistorikk">
+<!ENTITY itemUrlBar.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY itemDownloads.label "Nedlastingshistorikk">
+<!ENTITY itemDownloads.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY itemCache.label "Snøgglager">
+<!ENTITY itemCache.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY itemCookies.label "Infokapslar">
+<!ENTITY itemCookies.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY itemOfflineApps.label "Fråkopla nettsidedata">
+<!ENTITY itemOfflineApps.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY itemPasswords.label "Lagra passord">
+<!ENTITY itemPasswords.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY itemSessions.label "Autentiserte økter">
+<!ENTITY itemSessions.accesskey "A">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/search/engineManager.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/search/engineManager.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..247c55950c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/search/engineManager.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY "Namn">
+<!ENTITY columnLabel.keyword "Nykelord">
+<!-- Buttons -->
+<!ENTITY up.label "Flytt opp">
+<!ENTITY up.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY dn.label "Flytt ned">
+<!ENTITY dn.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY remove.label "Slett">
+<!ENTITY remove.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY edit.label "Rediger nykelord…">
+<!ENTITY edit.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY addEngine.label "Installer fleire søkjemotorar…">
+<!ENTITY addEngine.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY enableSuggest.label "Vis søkjeforslag">
+<!ENTITY enableSuggest.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY restoreDefaults.label "Bygg oppatt standard">
+<!ENTITY restoreDefaults.accesskey "B">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/search/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0714e7fd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/search/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+editTitle=Rediger nykelord
+editMsg=Skriv inn eit nykelord for «%S»:
+duplicateTitle=Duplikat nykelord
+duplicateEngineMsg=Du har valt eit nykelord som allereie vert brukt av «%S». Vel eit anna nykelord.
+duplicateBookmarkMsg=Du har valt eit nykelord som vert brukt av eit anna bokmerke. Vel eit anna nykelord.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/search/search-panel.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/search/search-panel.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c6046bb7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/search/search-panel.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY search.button.label "Søk">
+<!ENTITY search.placeholder "Skriv inn søkjetekst">
+<!ENTITY search.engineManager.label "Handter søkjemotorar…">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/search/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..066d056ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/search/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+searchtip=Søk med %S
+cmd_addFoundEngine=Legg til «%S»
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/search/searchbar.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/search/searchbar.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d801fe630
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY cmd_engineManager.label "Handsam søkjemotorar…">
+<!ENTITY searchEndCap.label "Søk">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/setDesktopBackground.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/setDesktopBackground.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2542ed2aa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/setDesktopBackground.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY setDesktopBackground.title "Vel skrivebordsbakgrunn">
+<!ENTITY position.label "Posisjon:">
+<!ENTITY position.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY position.tile.label "Side ved side">
+<!ENTITY position.stretch.label "Strekt">
+<!ENTITY "Sentrert">
+<!ENTITY position.fill.label "Fyll">
+<!ENTITY "Tilpass">
+<!ENTITY picker.label "Farge:">
+<!ENTITY picker.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY preview.caption "Førehandsvis">
+<!ENTITY apply.label "Bruk">
+<!ENTITY apply.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY close.label "Lat att">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b315ba15d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+safeModeLabel=%S &TRygg modus
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/customize.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/customize.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59ef7a674b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/customize.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from ./customize.xul -->
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.customize.label "Tilpass fane…">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.customize.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.remove.label "Fjern">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.remove.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.additional.label "Tilgjengelege faner:">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.additional.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.add.label "Legg til">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.add.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.preview.label "Førehandsvis sida…">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.preview.accesskey "ø">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.up.label "Opp">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.up.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.down.label "Ned">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.down.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.more.label "Finn fleire faner…">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.more.accesskey "F">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/preview.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/preview.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6a775cba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/preview.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY sidebar.preview.title.label "Faneførehandsvising">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b749f9ceba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+addPanelConfirmTitle=Legg til fane i sidestolpen
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/sidebarOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/sidebarOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33ac79513e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/sidebarOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY sidebar.panels.label "Sidestolpe">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.reload.label "Oppdater">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.reload.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.picker.label "Faner">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.label "Tilpass sidestolpe…">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.hide.label "Gøym fane">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.hide.accesskey "G">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.switch.label "Gå til fane">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.switch.accesskey "G">
+<!ENTITY sidebarCmd.label "Sidestolpe">
+<!ENTITY sidebarCmd.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.loading.label "Lastar…">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.loadstopped.label "Stoppa">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.loading.stop.label "Stopp">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.loading.stop.accesskey "S">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (showHideSidebarCmd.key): This is only used on the
+ mac platform, other platforms use VK_F9. -->
+<!ENTITY "Sidestolpen er tom.">
+<!ENTITY 'Du kan leggje til faner ved å trykkje på «Faner»-knappen ovanfor.'>
+<!ENTITY 'Viss du vil gøyme sidestolpen kan du trykkje på «Vis»-menyen ovanfor, og velje «Sidestolpe» frå «Vis/Gøym»-undermenyen.'>
+<!ENTITY sidebar.sbDirectory.label "Vis katalog…">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.pagenotfound.label "Denne fana er ikkje tilgjengeleg akkurat no.">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.close.tooltip "Lat att sidestolpen">
+<!ENTITY "Opne sidestolpen">
+<!ENTITY "Søk">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.client-bookmarks.label "Bokmerke">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.client-history.label "Historikk">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.client-addressbook.label "Adressebok">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncBrand.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncBrand.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..71955e69ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncBrand.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY syncBrand.shortName.label "Sync">
+<!ENTITY syncBrand.fullName.label "SeaMonkey Sync">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sync/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sync/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe1c769b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sync/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (whole file) "Sync" should match &syncBrand.shortName.label; from syncBrand.dtd
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (change.password.title): This (and associated change.password/passphrase) are used when the user elects to change their password.
+change.password.title = Endre passordet ditt
+change.password.acceptButton = Endre passord = Endrar passordet ditt…
+change.password.status.success = Passordet ditt er endra.
+change.password3.introText = Passordet må vere minst 8 teikn langt. Det kan ikkje vere likt brukarnamnet eller oppattbyggingsnykelen.
+change.recoverykey.title = Endre oppattbyggingsnykel
+change.recoverykey.acceptButton = Oppattbyggingsnykel
+change.recoverykey.label = Endrar oppattbyggingsnykelen og lastar opp lokale data, vent…
+change.recoverykey.error = Ein feil oppstod under endring av oppattbyggingsnykelen!
+change.recoverykey.success = Oppattbyggingsnykelen er endra!
+new.recoverykey.label = Oppatbyggingsnykel
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (new.password.title): This (and associated new.password/passphrase) are used on a second computer when it detects that your password or passphrase has been changed on a different device.
+new.password.title = Oppdater passord
+new.password.label = Skriv inn nytt passord
+new.password.confirm = Stadfest det nye passordet
+new.password.acceptButton = Oppdater passord
+new.password.status.incorrect = Passordet er feil, prøv igjen.
+new.recoverykey.title = Oppdater oppattbyggingsnykelen
+new.recoverykey.introText = Oppattbyggingsnykelen din vart endra frå ei anna eining. Skriv inn den oppdaterte oppdateringsnykelen.
+new.recoverykey.acceptButton = Oppdater oppattbyggingsnykelen
+new.recoverykey.status.incorrect = Oppattbyggingsnykelen er feil, prøv igjen.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncQuota.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncQuota.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64020c0c57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncQuota.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY quota.dialogTitle.label "Plasskvote på serveren">
+<!ENTITY quota.retrievingInfo.label "Hentar plasskvoteinfo…">
+<!ENTITY quota.typeColumn.label "Type">
+<!ENTITY quota.sizeColumn.label "Storleik">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sync/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sync/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a88cbdfc87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sync/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+collection.addons.label = Utvidingar
+collection.bookmarks.label = Bokmerke
+collection.history.label = Historikk
+collection.passwords.label = Passord
+collection.prefs.label = Innstillingar
+collection.tabs.label = Faner
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (quota.usageNoQuota.label): %1$S and %2$S are numeric value
+# and unit (as defined in the download manager) of the amount of space occupied
+# on the server
+quota.usageNoQuota.label = Du brukar no %1$S %2$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (quota.usagePercentage.label):
+# %1$S is the percentage of space used,
+# %2$S and %3$S numeric value and unit (as defined in the download manager)
+# of the amount of space used,
+# %3$S and %4$S numeric value and unit (as defined in the download manager)
+# of the total space available.
+quota.usagePercentage.label = Du brukar %1$S%% (%2$S %3$S) av dei tilgjengelege %4$S %5$S.
+quota.usageError.label = Klarte ikkje å hente informasjon om plasskvote.
+quota.retrieving.label = Hentar…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (quota.sizeValueUnit.label): %1$S is the amount of space
+# occupied by the engine, %2$K the corresponding unit (e.g. kB) as defined in
+# the download manager.
+quota.sizeValueUnit.label = %1$S %2$S
+quota.remove.label = Fjern
+quota.treeCaption.label = Fjern avkryssinga på element for å slutte å synkronisere dei, og frigi plass på tenaren.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (quota.removal.label): %S is a list of engines that will be
+# disabled and whose data will be removed once the user confirms.
+quota.removal.label = SeaMonkey Sync vil fjerne følgjande data: %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (quota.list.separator): This is the separator string used
+# for the list of engines (incl. spaces where appropriate)
+quota.list.separator = ,\u0020
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (quota.freeup.label): %1$S and %2$S are numeric value
+# and unit (as defined in the download manager) of the amount of space freed
+# up by disabling the unchecked engines. If displayed this string is
+# concatenated directly to quota.removal.label and may need to start off with
+# whitespace.
+quota.freeup.label = \u0020Dette vil frigjere %1$S %2$S.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncSetup.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncSetup.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0bb0016e26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncSetup.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- First page of the wizard -->
+<!ENTITY button.createNewAccount.label "Lag ein ny konto">
+<!ENTITY setup.haveAccount.label "Eg har allereie ein &syncBrand.fullName.label;-konto.">
+<!ENTITY button.connect.label "Kople til">
+<!-- New Account AND Existing Account -->
+<!ENTITY server.label "Server">
+<!ENTITY server.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY serverType.main.label "&syncBrand.fullName.label;-serveren">
+<!ENTITY serverType.custom2.label "Bruk ein annan server…">
+<!ENTITY signIn.account2.label "Konto">
+<!ENTITY signIn.account2.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY signIn.password.label "Passord">
+<!ENTITY signIn.password.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY signIn.recoveryKey.label "Oppattbyggingsnykel">
+<!ENTITY signIn.recoveryKey.accesskey "O">
+<!-- New Account Page 1: Basic Account Info -->
+<!ENTITY setup.newAccountDetailsPage.title.label "Kontodetaljar">
+<!ENTITY setup.confirmPassword.label "Stadfest passord">
+<!ENTITY setup.confirmPassword.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY setup.emailAddress.label "E-postadresse">
+<!ENTITY setup.emailAddress.accesskey "E">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: tosAgree1, tosLink, tosAgree2, ppLink, tosAgree3 are
+ joined with implicit white space, so spaces in the strings aren't necessary -->
+<!ENTITY setup.tosAgree1.label "Eg er samd i">
+<!ENTITY setup.tosAgree1.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY setup.tosLink.label "tenestevilkåra">
+<!ENTITY setup.tosAgree2.label "og">
+<!ENTITY setup.ppLink.label "personvernpraksisen">
+<!ENTITY setup.tosAgree3.label "">
+<!ENTITY setup.tosAgree2.accesskey "">
+<!-- New Account Page 2: Recovery Key -->
+<!ENTITY setup.newRecoveryKeyPage.title.label "&brandShortName; bryr seg om sikkerheita di">
+<!ENTITY setup.newRecoveryKeyPage.description.label "For å beskytte personvernet ditt, vil alle data krypterast før dei vert lasta opp. Oppattbyggingsnykelen som er nødvendig for å dekryptere dine data vil ikkje lastast opp.">
+<!ENTITY recoveryKeyEntry.label "Oppattbyggingsnykelen din">
+<!ENTITY recoveryKeyEntry.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY recoveryGenerateNewKey.label "Generer ein ny nykel">
+<!ENTITY recoveryKeyBackup.description "Oppattbyggingsnykelen din er påkravd for å få tilgang til &syncBrand.fullName.label; på fleire maskiner. Lag ein sikkerheitskopi. Vi kan ikkje hjelpe deg med å finne tilbake ein gløymt oppattbyggingsnykel.">
+<!ENTITY button.syncKeyBackup.print.label "Skriv ut…">
+<!ENTITY button.syncKeyBackup.print.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY "Lagre…">
+<!ENTITY "L">
+<!-- New Account Page 3: Captcha -->
+<!ENTITY setup.captchaPage2.title.label "Stadfest at du ikkje er ein robot">
+<!-- Existing Account Page 1: Add Device (incl. Add a Device dialog strings) -->
+<!ENTITY addDevice.title.label "Legg til ei eining">
+<!ENTITY addDevice.showMeHow.label "Vis meg korleis.">
+<!ENTITY addDevice.dontHaveDevice.label "Eg har ikkje eininga med meg">
+<!ENTITY addDevice.dialog.tryAgain.label "Prøv ein gong til.">
+<!ENTITY addDevice.dialog.recoveryKey.label "For å aktivere eininga må du skrive inn oppattbyggingsnykelen. Skriv gjerne ut eller lagre denne nykelen og ta han med deg.">
+<!ENTITY addDevice.dialog.connected.label "Eining tilkopla">
+<!-- Existing Account Page 2: Manual Login -->
+<!ENTITY setup.signInPage.title.label "Logg inn">
+<!ENTITY existingRecoveryKey.description "Du kan skaffe ein kopi av oppattbyggingsnykelen din ved å gå til &syncBrand.shortName.label; Innstillingar på den andre eininga, og velje &#x0022;Min oppattbyggingsnykel&#x0022; under &#x0022;Handter konto&#x0022;.">
+<!ENTITY verifying.label "Stadfestar…">
+<!ENTITY resetPassword.label "Tilbakestill passord">
+<!ENTITY resetSyncKey.label "Eg har mista den andre eininga mi.">
+<!-- Sync Options -->
+<!ENTITY setup.optionsPage.title "Sync-innstillingar">
+<!ENTITY syncComputerName.label "Datamaskinnamn:">
+<!ENTITY syncComputerName.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY syncMy.label "Synkroniser">
+<!ENTITY engine.addons.label "Utvidingar">
+<!ENTITY engine.addons.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY engine.bookmarks.label "Bokmerke">
+<!ENTITY engine.bookmarks.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY engine.tabs.label "Faner">
+<!ENTITY engine.tabs.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY engine.history.label "Historikk">
+<!ENTITY engine.history.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY engine.passwords.label "Passord">
+<!ENTITY engine.passwords.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY engine.prefs.label "Innstillingar">
+<!ENTITY engine.prefs.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY choice2.merge.recommended.label "(tilrådd)">
+<!-- Confirm Merge Options -->
+<!ENTITY setup.optionsConfirmPage.title "Stadfest">
+<!-- New & Existing Account: Setup Complete -->
+<!ENTITY setup.successPage.title "Konfigurasjonen er fullført">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sync/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sync/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5dc63b2612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/sync/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+button.syncOptions.label = Sync-innstillingar
+button.syncOptionsDone.label = Ferdig
+button.syncOptionsCancel.label = Avbryt
+invalidEmail.label = Ugyldig e-postadresse
+serverInvalid.label = Skriv inn ein gyldig tenar-URL
+usernameNotAvailable.label = Allereie i bruk
+verifying.label = Stadfestar…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (additionalClientCount.label):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is the number of additional clients (was %S for a short while, use #1 instead, even if both work)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (bookmarksCount.label):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is the number of bookmarks (was %S for a short while, use #1 instead, even if both work)
+bookmarksCount.label = #1 bokmerke;#1 bokmerke
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (historyDaysCount.label):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is the number of days (was %S for a short while, use #1 instead, even if both work)
+historyDaysCount.label = #1 dag med historikk;#1 dagar med historikk
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (passwordsCount.label):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is the number of passwords (was %S for a short while, use #1 instead, even if both work)
+passwordsCount.label = #1 passord;#1 passord
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonsCount.label):
+# #1 is the number of add-ons, see the link above for forms
+addonsCount.label = #1 utviding;#1 utvidingar
+save.recoverykey.title = Lagre oppattbyggingsnykelen
+save.recoverykey.defaultfilename = SeaMonkey oppattbyggingsnykel.xhtml
+# Several other strings are used (via Weave.Status.login), but they come from
+# /services/sync
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/tasksOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/tasksOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..324644c294
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/tasksOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from tasksOverlay.xul -->
+<!ENTITY navigatorCmd.label "Nettlesar">
+<!ENTITY navigatorCmd.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY navigatorCmd.commandkey "1">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (editorCmd.label): DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY editorCmd.label "Composer (nettsideutviklar)">
+<!ENTITY editorCmd.accesskey "c">
+<!ENTITY editorCmd.commandkey "4">
+<!ENTITY errorConsoleCmd.label "Feilkonsoll">
+<!ENTITY errorConsoleCmd.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY errorConsoleCmd.commandkey2 "j">
+<!ENTITY taskNavigator.tooltip "Nettlesar">
+<!ENTITY taskComposer.tooltip "Composer (nettsideutviklar)">
+<!ENTITY webDevelopment.label "Nettsideutvikling">
+<!ENTITY webDevelopment.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY windowMenu.label "Vindauge">
+<!ENTITY windowMenu.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY tasksMenu.label "Verktøy">
+<!ENTITY tasksMenu.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY datamanCmd.label "Datahandsamar">
+<!ENTITY datamanCmd.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY passwordManagerCmd.label "Passorhandtering">
+<!ENTITY passwordManagerCmd.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY passwordDisplayCmd.label "Handsam lagra passord">
+<!ENTITY passwordDisplayCmd.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY passwordExpireCmd.label "Logg ut">
+<!ENTITY passwordExpireCmd.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY downloadManagerCmd.label "Nedlastingar">
+<!ENTITY downloadManagerCmd.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY addOnsManagerCmd.label "Utvidingshandsamar">
+<!ENTITY addOnsManagerCmd.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY addOnsManagerCmd.commandkey "a">
+<!ENTITY switchProfileCmd.label "Byt profil…">
+<!ENTITY switchProfileCmd.accesskey "y">
+<!ENTITY syncBrand.shortName.label "Sync">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (syncSetup.accesskey, syncSyncNowItem.accesskey):
+ Only one of these will show at a time (based on setup state),
+ so reusing accesskey is ok. -->
+<!ENTITY syncSetup.label "Konfigurer Sync…">
+<!ENTITY syncSetup.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY syncSyncNowItem.label "Synkroniser no">
+<!ENTITY syncSyncNowItem.accesskey "S">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08651b8734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+openparen = (
+closeparen = )
+textfound = Tekst funnen: «
+textnotfound = Tekst ikkje funnen: «
+linkfound = Lenkje funnen: «
+linknotfound = Lenkje ikkje funnen: «
+closequote = »
+stopfind = Søk avslutta.
+starttextfind = Startar -- finn tekst medan du skriv
+startlinkfind = Startar -- finn lenkjer medan du skriv
+repeated = repetert
+nextmatch = - neste treff
+prevmatch = - førre treff
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/utilityOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/utilityOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..187c9f5cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/utilityOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- these things need to move into utilityOverlay.xul -->
+<!ENTITY offlineGoOfflineCmd.label "Arbeid fråkopla">
+<!ENTITY offlineGoOfflineCmd.accesskey "f">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE This file contains the global menu items -->
+<!ENTITY fileMenu.label "Fil">
+<!ENTITY fileMenu.accesskey "f">
+<!ENTITY newMenu.label "Ny">
+<!ENTITY newMenu.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY newBlankPageCmd.label "Lag ny side">
+<!ENTITY newBlankPageCmd.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY newBlankPageCmd.key "n">
+<!ENTITY newPageFromTemplateCmd.label "Side frå mal">
+<!ENTITY newPageFromTemplateCmd.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY newPageFromDraftCmd.label "Side frå utkast">
+<!ENTITY newPageFromDraftCmd.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY newNavigatorCmd.label "Nettlesarvindauge">
+<!ENTITY newNavigatorCmd.key "N">
+<!ENTITY newNavigatorCmd.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY newPrivateWindowCmd.label "Privat vindauge">
+<!ENTITY newPrivateWindowCmd.key "B">
+<!ENTITY newPrivateWindowCmd.accesskey "v">
+<!ENTITY printSetupCmd.label "Utskriftsformat…">
+<!ENTITY printSetupCmd.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY printPreviewCmd.label "Førehandsvising">
+<!ENTITY printPreviewCmd.accesskey "v">
+<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Skriv ut…">
+<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY printCmd.key "P">
+<!ENTITY editMenu.label "Rediger">
+<!ENTITY editMenu.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY undoCmd.label "Angre">
+<!ENTITY undoCmd.key "Z">
+<!ENTITY undoCmd.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY redoCmd.label "Gjenta">
+<!ENTITY redoCmd.key "Y">
+<!ENTITY redoCmd.accesskey "G">
+<!ENTITY cutCmd.label "Klipp ut">
+<!ENTITY cutCmd.key "X">
+<!ENTITY cutCmd.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY copyCmd.label "Kopier">
+<!ENTITY copyCmd.key "C">
+<!ENTITY copyCmd.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY pasteCmd.label "Lim inn">
+<!ENTITY pasteCmd.key "V">
+<!ENTITY pasteCmd.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY pasteGoCmd.label "Lim inn og opne">
+<!ENTITY pasteGoCmd.accesskey "n">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteSearchCmd): "Search" is a verb, this is the
+ search bar equivalent to the url bar's "Paste & Go" -->
+<!ENTITY pasteSearchCmd.label "Lim inn og søk">
+<!ENTITY pasteSearchCmd.accesskey "ø">
+<!ENTITY deleteCmd.label "Slett">
+<!ENTITY deleteCmd.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.label "Merk alt">
+<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.key "A">
+<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY clearHistoryCmd.label "Tøm søkjehistorikk">
+<!ENTITY clearHistoryCmd.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY showSuggestionsCmd.label "Vis forslag">
+<!ENTITY showSuggestionsCmd.accesskey "f">
+<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.label "Innstillingar…">
+<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.key "E">
+<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY findBarCmd.key "F">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (findBarCmd.accesskey): This accesskey should be within
+ findBarCmd.label found in editorOverlay.dtd, findCmd.label in messenger.dtd
+ and messengercompose.dtd and findOnCmd.label found in navigatorOverlay.dtd -->
+<!ENTITY findBarCmd.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY findReplaceCmd.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY findAgainCmd.label "Finn igjen">
+<!ENTITY findAgainCmd.key "G">
+<!ENTITY findAgainCmd.accesskey "g">
+<!ENTITY findAgainCmd.key2 "VK_F3">
+<!ENTITY findPrevCmd.label "Finn førre">
+<!ENTITY findPrevCmd.key "G">
+<!ENTITY findPrevCmd.key2 "VK_F3">
+<!ENTITY findPrevCmd.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY findTypeTextCmd.label "Finn tekst medan du skriv">
+<!ENTITY findTypeTextCmd.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY findTypeLinksCmd.label "Finn lenkjer medan du skriv">
+<!ENTITY findTypeLinksCmd.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY viewMenu.label "Vis">
+<!ENTITY viewMenu.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY viewToolbarsMenu.label "Vis/Gøym">
+<!ENTITY viewToolbarsMenu.accesskey "v">
+<!ENTITY showTaskbarCmd.label "Statuslinje">
+<!ENTITY showTaskbarCmd.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY helpMenu.label "Hjelp">
+<!ENTITY helpMenu.accesskey "h">
+<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.label "Feilsøkingsinfo">
+<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY releaseCmd.label "Versjonsnotat">
+<!ENTITY releaseCmd.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY helpSafeMode.label "Start på nytt med avslåtte utvidingar">
+<!ENTITY helpSafeMode.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY updateCmd.label "Søk etter oppdateringar…">
+<!ENTITY updateCmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY aboutCmd.label "Om &brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY aboutCmd.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY aboutCommPluginsCmd.label "Om programtillegg">
+<!ENTITY aboutCommPluginsCmd.accesskey "p">
+<!ENTITY direct.label "Tilkopla (ingenmellomtenar)">
+<!ENTITY direct.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY manual.label "Tilkopla (manuell mellomtenar)">
+<!ENTITY manual.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY pac.label "Tilkopla (automatisk mellomtenar)">
+<!ENTITY pac.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY wpad.label "Tilkopla (automatisk oppdaging av mellomtenar)">
+<!ENTITY wpad.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY system.label "Tilkopla (system-mellomtenar)">
+<!ENTITY system.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY proxy.label "Innstillingar for mellomtenar…">
+<!ENTITY proxy.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY bidiSwitchTextDirectionItem.label "Bytt tekstretning">
+<!ENTITY bidiSwitchTextDirectionItem.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY bidiSwitchTextDirectionItem.commandkey "X">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbarContext.label "Tilpass…">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbarContext.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.toolbarmode.label "Innstillingar for denne verktøylinja">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.toolbarmode.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.iconsAndText.label "Ikon og tekst">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.iconsAndText.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.icons.label "Ikon">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.icons.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.text.label "Tekst">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.text.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.useSmallIcons.label "Bruk små ikon">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.useSmallIcons.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.labelAlignEnd.label "Vis tekst ved sidan av ikon">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.labelAlignEnd.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.useDefault.label "Bruk standardinnstillingar">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.useDefault.accesskey "s">
+<!-- Popup Blocked notification menu -->
+<!ENTITY allowPopups.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY showPopupManager.label "Handter sprettoppvindauge">
+<!ENTITY showPopupManager.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY dontShowMessage.label "Ikkje vis denne meldinga når sprettoppvindauge vert blokkerte">
+<!ENTITY dontShowMessage.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY syncToolbarButton.label "Sync">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef7d7d0480
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Online/offline tooltips
+# Popup menus
+popupMenuShow=Vis %S
+popupAllow=Tillat sprettoppvindauge frå %S
+# Check for Updates
+updatesItem_default=Søk etter oppdateringar…
+updatesItem_defaultFallback=Søk etter oppdateringar…
+updatesItem_downloading=Lastar ned %S …
+updatesItem_downloadingFallback=Lastar ned oppdatering…
+updatesItem_resume=Fortset nedlasting av %S…
+updatesItem_resumeFallback=Fortset nedlasting av oppdatering…
+updatesItem_pending=Installer nedlasta oppdatering no…
+updatesItem_pendingFallback=Installer nedlasta oppdatering no…
+# safeModeRestart
+safeModeRestartPromptTitle=Start på nytt med utvidingar avslått
+safeModeRestartPromptMessage=Er du sikker på at du vil slå av alle utvidingane og starte på nytt?
+safeModeRestartButton=Start på nytt
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/viewApplyThemeOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/viewApplyThemeOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e321e665e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/viewApplyThemeOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY applyTheme.label "Bruk tema">
+<!ENTITY applyTheme.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY getMoreThemesCmd.label "Hent fleire tema">
+<!ENTITY getMoreThemesCmd.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY getBackgroundsCmd.label "Hent bakgrunnar">
+<!ENTITY getBackgroundsCmd.accesskey "e">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed95dbada6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+switchskinstitle=Bruk tema
+switchskinsnow=Start på nytt no
+switchskinslater=Start på nytt seinare
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/viewZoomOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/viewZoomOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..914fff8542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/viewZoomOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: do not use digits "0"-"9" as accesskeys -->
+<!ENTITY zoomEnlargeCmd.label "Større">
+<!ENTITY zoomEnlargeCmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY zoomEnlargeCmd.commandkey "+">
+<!ENTITY zoomEnlargeCmd.commandkey2 "="> <!-- + is above this key on many keyboards -->
+<!ENTITY zoomReduceCmd.label "Mindre">
+<!ENTITY zoomReduceCmd.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY zoomReduceCmd.commandkey "-">
+<!ENTITY zoomResetCmd.commandkey "0">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee051bd58c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# zoom submenu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: don't translate %zoom% in any property
+# don't use digits "0"-"9" for accesskeys
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fullZoom,textZoom): are never available at the same time
+fullZoom.label=Zoom (%zoom% %)
+textZoom.label=Tekst-zoom (%zoom% %)
+# labels and accesskeys to emphasize the 100 % and 200 % entries
+zoom.100.label=100 % (Opphaveleg storleik)
+zoom.200.label=200 % (Dobbel storleik)
+# labels and accesskeys to emphasize the minimum and maximum boundaries
+zoom.min.label=%zoom% % (minimum)
+zoom.max.label=%zoom% % (maksimum)
+# label pattern for remaining values, accesskeys are assigned dynamically
+zoom.value.label=%zoom% %
+zoom.other.label=Anna (%zoom% %) …
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdAdvancedEdit.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdAdvancedEdit.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c01a08e91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdAdvancedEdit.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY WindowTitle.label "Avanserte eigenskapar">
+<!ENTITY AttName.label "Attributt: ">
+<!ENTITY AttValue.label "Verdi: ">
+<!ENTITY PropertyName.label "Eigenskap: ">
+<!ENTITY currentattributesfor.label "Gjeldande attributtar for: ">
+<!ENTITY tree.attributeHeader.label "Attributt">
+<!ENTITY tree.propertyHeader.label "Eigenskap">
+<!ENTITY tree.valueHeader.label "Verdi">
+<!ENTITY tabHTML.label "HTML-attributtar">
+<!ENTITY tabCSS.label "Innebygt stil">
+<!ENTITY tabJSE.label "JavaScript-hendingar">
+<!ENTITY editAttribute.label "Vel eit element ovanfor for å redigera verdien">
+<!ENTITY removeAttribute.label "Fjern">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdColorPicker.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdColorPicker.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34040e4175
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdColorPicker.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Farge">
+<!ENTITY lastPickedColor.label "Sist valde farge">
+<!ENTITY lastPickedColor.accessKey "S">
+<!ENTITY chooseColor1.label "Vel ein farge:">
+<!ENTITY chooseColor2.label "Skriv inn ein HTML-fargestreng">
+<!ENTITY chooseColor2.accessKey "H">
+<!ENTITY setColorExample.label "(til dømes: «#0000ff» eller «blue»):">
+<!ENTITY default.label "Standard">
+<!ENTITY default.accessKey "D">
+<!ENTITY palette.label "Palett:">
+<!ENTITY standardPalette.label "Standard">
+<!ENTITY webPalette.label "Alle vevfargar">
+<!ENTITY background.label "Bakgrunn for:">
+<!ENTITY background.accessKey "B">
+<!ENTITY table.label "Tabell">
+<!ENTITY table.accessKey "T">
+<!ENTITY cell.label "Celle(r)">
+<!ENTITY cell.accessKey "C">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdConvertToTable.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdConvertToTable.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..310aeaa448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdConvertToTable.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Konverter til tabell">
+<!ENTITY instructions1.label "Nettsideutviklar opprettar ei ny tabellrad for kvart avsnitt i det valte området.">
+<!ENTITY instructions2.label "Vel teiknet som er brukt for å separera kolonnane i det valde området:">
+<!ENTITY commaRadio.label "Komma">
+<!ENTITY spaceRadio.label "Mellomrom">
+<!ENTITY otherRadio.label "Anna teikn:">
+<!ENTITY deleteCharCheck.label "Slett skiljeteikn">
+<!ENTITY collapseSpaces.label "Ignorer ekstra mellomrom">
+<!ENTITY collapseSpaces.tooltip "Konverter gjentekne mellomrom til eitt skiljeteikn">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdDialogOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdDialogOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a66d15e5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdDialogOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY AdvancedEditButton.label "Avanserte innstillingar…">
+<!ENTITY AdvancedEditButton.accessKey "A">
+<!ENTITY AdvancedEditButton.tooltip "Legg til eller endra HTML-attributtar, stilattributtar og JavaScript">
+<!ENTITY chooseFileButton.label "Vel fil…">
+<!ENTITY chooseFileButton.accessKey "V">
+<!ENTITY chooseFileLinkButton.label "Vel fil…">
+<!ENTITY chooseFileLinkButton.accessKey "e">
+<!ENTITY makeUrlRelative.label "URL-en er relativ til sideadressa">
+<!ENTITY makeUrlRelative.accessKey "r">
+<!ENTITY makeUrlRelative.tooltip "Byt mellom relativ og absolutt URL. Først må du lagre sida for å endre dette.">
+<!ENTITY LinkURLEditField2.label "Skriv inn ei nettsideadresse, namnet til ei lokal fil, eller vel eit nemngjeve anker eller overskrift frå feltet sin kontekstmeny:">
+<!ENTITY LinkURLEditField2.accessKey "n">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdNamedAnchorProperties.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdNamedAnchorProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..93ac17ce29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdNamedAnchorProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Eigenskapar for namngjevne anker">
+<!ENTITY anchorNameEditField.label "Ankernamn:">
+<!ENTITY anchorNameEditField.accessKey "n">
+<!ENTITY nameInput.tooltip "Skriv inn eit unikt namn for dette namngjevne målankeret">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditConflict.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditConflict.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7fad3f3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditConflict.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Vel endringsforandringar">
+<!ENTITY conflictWarning.label "Denne sida har vorte endra av eit anna program, men du har òg ulagra endringar i nettsideutviklaren.">
+<!ENTITY conflictResolve.label "Vel kva for ein versjon du vil behalda:">
+<!ENTITY keepCurrentPageButton.label "Hald på gjeldande sideendringar">
+<!ENTITY useOtherPageButton.label "Byt gjeldande side med dei andre endringane">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorButtonProperties.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorButtonProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1a5f14f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorButtonProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Knappeeigenskapar">
+<!ENTITY Settings.label "Innstillingar">
+<!ENTITY ButtonType.label "Type">
+<!ENTITY ButtonType.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY submit.value "Send">
+<!ENTITY reset.value "Still tilbake">
+<!ENTITY button.value "Knapp">
+<!ENTITY ButtonName.label "Namn:">
+<!ENTITY ButtonName.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY ButtonValue.label "Verdi:">
+<!ENTITY ButtonValue.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY tabIndex.label "Tabulatorindeks">
+<!ENTITY tabIndex.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY ButtonDisabled.label "Slått av">
+<!ENTITY ButtonDisabled.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY AccessKey.label "Snøggtast:">
+<!ENTITY AccessKey.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY RemoveButton.label "Fjern knapp">
+<!ENTITY RemoveButton.accesskey "F">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorColorProperties.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorColorProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40389edaeb
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Sidefargar og -bakgrunn">
+<!ENTITY pageColors.label "Sidefargar">
+<!ENTITY defaultColorsRadio.label "Lesaren sine standardfargar (Ikkje vel fargar på sida)">
+<!ENTITY defaultColorsRadio.accessKey "L">
+<!ENTITY defaultColorsRadio.tooltip "Bruk berre fargevala i lesaren sin nettlesar">
+<!ENTITY customColorsRadio.label "Bruk eigendefinerte fargar:">
+<!ENTITY customColorsRadio.accessKey "e">
+<!ENTITY customColorsRadio.tooltip "Desse fargevala overstyrer nettlesaren sine val">
+<!ENTITY normalText.label "Normal tekst">
+<!ENTITY normalText.accessKey "N">
+<!ENTITY linkText.label "Tekst for lenker">
+<!ENTITY linkText.accessKey "T">
+<!ENTITY activeLinkText.label "Tekst for aktive lenker">
+<!ENTITY activeLinkText.accessKey "k">
+<!ENTITY visitedLinkText.label "Tekst for vitja lenker">
+<!ENTITY visitedLinkText.accessKey "f">
+<!ENTITY background.label "Bakgrunn:">
+<!ENTITY background.accessKey "B">
+<!ENTITY colon.character ":">
+<!ENTITY backgroundImage.label "Bakgrunnsbilde:">
+<!ENTITY backgroundImage.accessKey "a">
+<!ENTITY backgroundImage.tooltip "Bruk ei bildefil som bakgrunn på sida">
+<!ENTITY backgroundImage.shortenedDataURI "Forkorta data-URI (ved kopiering vil heile URI-en bli plassert på utklippstavla)">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorFieldSetProperties.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorFieldSetProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dec402f33f
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Eigenskapar for feltgruppe">
+<!ENTITY Legend.label "Legend">
+<!ENTITY Legend.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY EditLegendText.label "Rediger legend:">
+<!ENTITY EditLegendText.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY LegendAlign.label "Aligneringslegend">
+<!ENTITY LegendAlign.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY AlignDefault.label "Standard">
+<!ENTITY AlignLeft.label "Venstre">
+<!ENTITY AlignCenter.label "Midtstilt">
+<!ENTITY AlignRight.label "Høgre">
+<!ENTITY RemoveFieldSet.label "Fjern feltgruppe">
+<!ENTITY RemoveFieldSet.accesskey "r">
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index 0000000000..029f6c5492
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Skjemaeigenskapar">
+<!ENTITY Settings.label "Innstillingar">
+<!ENTITY FormName.label "Skjemanamn:">
+<!ENTITY FormName.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY FormAction.label "Hendings-URL:">
+<!ENTITY FormAction.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY FormMethod.label "Metode:">
+<!ENTITY FormMethod.accesskey "M">
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+<!ENTITY FormEncType.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY FormTarget.label "Målramme:">
+<!ENTITY FormTarget.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY RemoveForm.label "Fjern skjema">
+<!ENTITY RemoveForm.accesskey "r">
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index 0000000000..b23755438d
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Eigenskapar for horisontale linjer">
+<!ENTITY dimensionsBox.label "Dimensjonar">
+<!ENTITY heightEditField.label "Høgd:">
+<!ENTITY heightEditField.accessKey "H">
+<!ENTITY widthEditField.label "Breidde:">
+<!ENTITY widthEditField.accessKey "B">
+<!ENTITY pixelsPopup.value "pikslar">
+<!ENTITY alignmentBox.label "Justering">
+<!ENTITY leftRadio.label "Venstre">
+<!ENTITY leftRadio.accessKey "V">
+<!ENTITY centerRadio.label "Midtstilt">
+<!ENTITY centerRadio.accessKey "M">
+<!ENTITY rightRadio.label "Høgre">
+<!ENTITY rightRadio.accessKey "R">
+<!ENTITY threeDShading.label "3D-skygge">
+<!ENTITY threeDShading.accessKey "s">
+<!ENTITY saveSettings.label "Bruk som standard">
+<!ENTITY saveSettings.accessKey "B">
+<!ENTITY saveSettings.tooltip "Lagre desse innstillingane for bruk ved innsetting av nye horisontale linjer">
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@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- These strings are for use specifically in the editor's image and form image dialogs. -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Bildeeigenskapar">
+<!ENTITY pixelsPopup.value "pikslar">
+<!-- These are in the Location tab panel -->
+<!ENTITY locationEditField.label "Bildeadresse:">
+<!ENTITY locationEditField.accessKey "B">
+<!ENTITY locationEditField.tooltip "Skriv inn filnamnet eller adressa til bildet">
+<!ENTITY locationEditField.shortenedDataURI "Forkorta data-URI (kopiera vil flytta heile URI-en til utklippstavla)">
+<!ENTITY title.label "Verktøytips:">
+<!ENTITY title.accessKey "V">
+<!ENTITY title.tooltip "HTML-attributtet «title» viser eit verktøytips">
+<!ENTITY altText.label "Alternativ tekst:">
+<!ENTITY altText.accessKey "A">
+<!ENTITY altTextEditField.tooltip "Skriv inn tekst som skal visast i staden for bildet">
+<!ENTITY noAltText.label "Ikkje bruk alternativ tekst">
+<!ENTITY noAltText.accessKey "I">
+<!ENTITY previewBox.label "Førehandsvising av bildet">
+<!-- These controls are in the Dimensions tab panel -->
+<!-- actualSize.label should be same as actualSizeRadio.label + ":" -->
+<!ENTITY actualSize.label "Verkeleg storleik:">
+<!ENTITY actualSizeRadio.label "Verkeleg storleik">
+<!ENTITY actualSizeRadio.accessKey "V">
+<!ENTITY actualSizeRadio.tooltip "Gå tilbake til den verkelege bildestorleiken">
+<!ENTITY customSizeRadio.label "Eigendefinert storleik">
+<!ENTITY customSizeRadio.accessKey "E">
+<!ENTITY customSizeRadio.tooltip "Endre bildestorleik som vist på sida">
+<!ENTITY heightEditField.label "Høgd:">
+<!ENTITY heightEditField.accessKey "H">
+<!ENTITY widthEditField.label "Breidde:">
+<!ENTITY widthEditField.accessKey "r">
+<!ENTITY constrainCheckbox.label "Avgrens">
+<!ENTITY constrainCheckbox.accessKey "A">
+<!ENTITY constrainCheckbox.tooltip "Behald høgde-/breidde-forhold i bildet">
+<!-- These controls are in the Image Map box of the expanded area -->
+<!ENTITY imagemapBox.label "Bildekart">
+<!ENTITY removeImageMapButton.label "Fjern">
+<!ENTITY removeImageMapButton.accessKey "F">
+<!-- These are the options for image alignment -->
+<!ENTITY alignment.label "Juster tekst etter bilde">
+<!ENTITY bottomPopup.value "Ved botnen">
+<!ENTITY topPopup.value "Ved toppen">
+<!ENTITY centerPopup.value "I midten">
+<!ENTITY wrapRightPopup.value "Bryt til høgre">
+<!ENTITY wrapLeftPopup.value "Bryt til venstre">
+<!-- These controls are in the Spacing Box -->
+<!ENTITY spacingBox.label "Mellomrom">
+<!ENTITY leftRightEditField.label "Venstre og høgre:">
+<!ENTITY leftRightEditField.accessKey "V">
+<!ENTITY topBottomEditField.label "Topp og botn:">
+<!ENTITY topBottomEditField.accessKey "T">
+<!ENTITY borderEditField.label "Heiltrekt kantlinje">
+<!ENTITY borderEditField.accessKey "H">
+<!-- These controls are in the Link Box -->
+<!ENTITY showImageLinkBorder.label "Vis kantlinje omkring lenka bilde">
+<!ENTITY showImageLinkBorder.accessKey "V">
+<!ENTITY LinkAdvancedEditButton.label "Lenk avansert redigering…">
+<!ENTITY LinkAdvancedEditButton.accessKey "L">
+<!ENTITY LinkAdvancedEditButton.tooltip "Legg til eller endre HTML-attributtaar, stilattributtar og JavaScript">
+<!-- These tabs are currently used in the image input dialog -->
+<!ENTITY imageInputTab.label "Skjema">
+<!ENTITY imageLocationTab.label "Adresse">
+<!ENTITY imageDimensionsTab.label "Dimensjonar">
+<!ENTITY imageAppearanceTab.label "Utsjånad">
+<!ENTITY imageLinkTab.label "Lenke">
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@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Eigenskapar for skjemafelt">
+<!ENTITY windowTitleImage.label "Eigenskapar for skjemabilde">
+<!ENTITY InputType.label "Felttype">
+<!ENTITY InputType.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY text.value "Tekst">
+<!ENTITY password.value "Passord">
+<!ENTITY checkbox.value "Avmerkingsboks">
+<!ENTITY radio.value "Alternativknapp">
+<!ENTITY submit.value "Send-knapp">
+<!ENTITY reset.value "Tilbakestill-knapp">
+<!ENTITY file.value "Fil">
+<!ENTITY hidden.value "Skjult">
+<!ENTITY image.value "Bilde">
+<!ENTITY button.value "Knapp">
+<!ENTITY InputSettings.label "Feltinnstillingar">
+<!ENTITY InputName.label "Feltnamn:">
+<!ENTITY InputName.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY GroupName.label "Gruppenamn:">
+<!ENTITY GroupName.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY InputValue.label "Feltverdi:">
+<!ENTITY InputValue.accesskey "v">
+<!ENTITY InitialValue.label "Opphavleg verdi:">
+<!ENTITY InitialValue.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY InputChecked.label "Opphavleg avkryssa">
+<!ENTITY InputChecked.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY InputSelected.label "Opphavleg valt">
+<!ENTITY InputSelected.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY InputReadOnly.label "Berre lesetilgang">
+<!ENTITY InputReadOnly.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY InputDisabled.label "Avslått">
+<!ENTITY InputDisabled.accesskey "å">
+<!ENTITY tabIndex.label "Tabulatorindeks">
+<!ENTITY tabIndex.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY TextSize.label "Feltstorleik:">
+<!ENTITY TextSize.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY TextLength.label "Makslengde">
+<!ENTITY TextLength.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY AccessKey.label "Snøggtast:">
+<!ENTITY AccessKey.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY Accept.label "Godta typar:">
+<!ENTITY Accept.accesskey "G">
+<!ENTITY ImageProperties.label "Bildeeigenskapar …">
+<!ENTITY ImageProperties.accesskey "B">
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Set inn teikn">
+<!ENTITY category.label "Kategori">
+<!ENTITY letter.label "Bokstav:">
+<!ENTITY letter.accessKey "B">
+<!ENTITY character.label "Teikn:">
+<!ENTITY character.accessKey "T">
+<!ENTITY accentUpper.label "Store bokstavar med aksentteikn">
+<!ENTITY accentLower.label "Småe bokstavar med aksentteikn">
+<!ENTITY otherUpper.label "Andre store bokstavar">
+<!ENTITY otherLower.label "Andre småe bokstavar">
+<!ENTITY commonSymbols.label "Vanlege symbol">
+<!ENTITY insertButton.label "Set inn">
+<!ENTITY closeButton.label "Lat att">
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Set inn matte">
+<!ENTITY sourceEditField.label "Skriv inn LaTeX kjeldekode:">
+<!ENTITY options.label "Innstillingar">
+<!ENTITY optionInline.label "Innbunde modus">
+<!ENTITY optionInline.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY optionDisplay.label "Visingsmodus">
+<!ENTITY optionDisplay.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY optionLTR.label "Venstre-til-høgre retning">
+<!ENTITY optionLTR.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY optionRTL.label "Høgre-til-venstre retning">
+<!ENTITY optionRTL.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY insertButton.label "Set inn">
+<!ENTITY insertButton.accesskey "i">
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Set inn HTML">
+<!ENTITY sourceEditField.label "Skriv inn HTML-taggar og tekst:">
+<!ENTITY example.label "Døme: ">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (exampleOpenTag.label): DONT_TRANSLATE: they are text for HTML tagnames: "<i>" and "</i>" -->
+<!ENTITY exampleOpenTag.label "&lt;i&gt;">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (exampleCloseTag.label): DONT_TRANSLATE: they are text for HTML tagnames: "<i>" and "</i>" -->
+<!ENTITY exampleCloseTag.label "&lt;/i&gt;">
+<!ENTITY exampleText.label "Hallo, verda!">
+<!ENTITY insertButton.label "Set inn">
+<!ENTITY insertButton.accesskey "i">
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY Window.title "Innhaldsliste">
+<!ENTITY buildToc.label "Bygg opp innhaldsliste frå:">
+<!ENTITY tag.label "Taggar:">
+<!ENTITY class.label "Klasse:">
+<!ENTITY header1.label "Nivå 1">
+<!ENTITY header2.label "Nivå 2">
+<!ENTITY header3.label "Nivå 3">
+<!ENTITY header4.label "Nivå 4">
+<!ENTITY header5.label "Nivå 5">
+<!ENTITY header6.label "Nivå 6">
+<!ENTITY makeReadOnly.label "Gjer innhaldslista berre lesbar">
+<!ENTITY orderedList.label "Nummerer alle element i innhaldslista">
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Set inn tabell">
+<!ENTITY size.label "Storleik">
+<!ENTITY numRowsEditField.label "Rader:">
+<!ENTITY numRowsEditField.accessKey "R">
+<!ENTITY numColumnsEditField.label "Kolonner:">
+<!ENTITY numColumnsEditField.accessKey "K">
+<!ENTITY widthEditField.label "Breidde:">
+<!ENTITY widthEditField.accessKey "B">
+<!ENTITY borderEditField.label "Kantlinje:">
+<!ENTITY borderEditField.accessKey "n">
+<!ENTITY borderEditField.tooltip "Skriv inn eit tal for tabellkantlinja, eller skriv null (0) for inga kantlinje">
+<!ENTITY pixels.label "pikslar">
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Merkelappeigenskapar">
+<!ENTITY Settings.label "Innstillingar">
+<!ENTITY Settings.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY EditLabelText.label "Rediger tekst:">
+<!ENTITY EditLabelText.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY LabelFor.label "For kontroll:">
+<!ENTITY LabelFor.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY AccessKey.label "Tilgjengetast:">
+<!ENTITY AccessKey.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY RemoveLabel.label "Fjern merkelapp">
+<!ENTITY RemoveLabel.accesskey "e">
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Lenkeeiigenskapar">
+<!ENTITY LinkURLBox.label "Lenkeadresse">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorListProperties.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorListProperties.dtd
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Listeeigenskapar">
+<!ENTITY ListType.label "Listetype">
+<!ENTITY bulletStyle.label "Punktstil:">
+<!ENTITY startingNumber.label "Start med:">
+<!ENTITY startingNumber.accessKey "m">
+<!ENTITY none.value "Ingen">
+<!ENTITY bulletList.value "Punktmerka (unummerert) liste">
+<!ENTITY numberList.value "Nummerert liste">
+<!ENTITY definitionList.value "Definisjonsliste">
+<!ENTITY changeEntireListRadio.label "Endra heile lista">
+<!ENTITY changeEntireListRadio.accessKey "h">
+<!ENTITY changeSelectedRadio.label "Endra berre merkte element">
+<!ENTITY changeSelectedRadio.accessKey "E">
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Sideeigenskapar">
+<!ENTITY location.label "Adresse:">
+<!ENTITY lastModified.label "Sist endra:">
+<!ENTITY titleInput.label "Tittel:">
+<!ENTITY titleInput.accessKey "T">
+<!ENTITY authorInput.label "Forfattar:">
+<!ENTITY authorInput.accessKey "F">
+<!ENTITY descriptionInput.label "Skildring:">
+<!ENTITY descriptionInput.accessKey "S">
+<!ENTITY locationNewPage.label "[Ny side, ikkje lagra enno]">
+<!ENTITY EditHEADSource1.label "Avanserte brukarar:">
+<!ENTITY EditHEADSource2.label "For å redigera anna innhald i &lt;head&gt;-regionen, bruk «HTML-kjelde» i Vis-menyen eller verktøylinja for redigeringsmodus.">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorPersonalDictionary.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorPersonalDictionary.dtd
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Eigendefinert ordbok">
+<!ENTITY wordEditField.label "Nytt ord:">
+<!ENTITY wordEditField.accessKey "N">
+<!ENTITY AddButton.label "Legg til">
+<!ENTITY AddButton.accessKey "L">
+<!ENTITY DictionaryList.label "Ord i ordboka:">
+<!ENTITY DictionaryList.accessKey "O">
+<!ENTITY ReplaceButton.label "Erstatt">
+<!ENTITY ReplaceButton.accessKey "E">
+<!ENTITY RemoveButton.label "Fjern">
+<!ENTITY RemoveButton.accessKey "F">
+<!ENTITY CloseButton.label "Lat att">
+<!ENTITY CloseButton.accessKey "L">
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Publiser side">
+<!ENTITY windowTitleSettings.label "Publiseringsinnstillingar">
+<!ENTITY publishTab.label "Publiser">
+<!ENTITY settingsTab.label "Innstillingar">
+<!ENTITY publishButton.label "Publiser">
+<!-- Publish Tab Panel -->
+<!ENTITY siteList.label "Områdenamn:">
+<!ENTITY siteList.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY siteList.tooltip "Vel området du vil publisere til">
+<!ENTITY newSiteButton.label "Nytt område">
+<!ENTITY newSiteButton.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY docDirList.label "Undermappe for denne sida:">
+<!ENTITY docDirList.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY docDirList.tooltip "Vel eller skriv inn namnet på ein underkatalog på tenaren til denne sida">
+<!ENTITY publishImgCheckbox.label "Inkluder bilde og andre filer">
+<!ENTITY publishImgCheckbox.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY publishImgCheckbox.tooltip "Publiser bilde og andre filer som denne sida er kopla til">
+<!ENTITY sameLocationRadio.label "Bruk den same adressa som sida">
+<!ENTITY sameLocationRadio.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY sameLocationRadio.tooltip "Publiser filer til den same adressa som sida">
+<!ENTITY useSubdirRadio.label "Bruk denne undermappa">
+<!ENTITY useSubdirRadio.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY useSubdirRadio.tooltip "Vel eller skriv inn namnet på den eksterne undermappa der filene skal publiserast">
+<!ENTITY otherDirList.tooltip "Vel eller skriv inn namnet på ein underkatalog på tenaren der filene skal publiseres">
+<!ENTITY pageTitle.label "Sidetittel:">
+<!ENTITY pageTitle.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY pageTitle.tooltip "Gje sida ein tittel for å identifisere ho i vindauget og i bokmerkeoversynet">
+<!ENTITY pageTitleExample.label "t.d.: «Mi nettside»">
+<!ENTITY filename.label "Filnamn:">
+<!ENTITY filename.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY filename.tooltip "Gje denne fila eit namn, inkludert «.html» for ei nettside">
+<!ENTITY filenameExample.label "t.d.: «miside.html»">
+<!ENTITY setDefaultButton.label "Vel som standard">
+<!ENTITY setDefaultButton.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY removeButton.label "Fjern område">
+<!ENTITY removeButton.accesskey "F">
+<!-- Settings Tab Panel -->
+<!ENTITY publishSites.label "Publiseringsstader">
+<!ENTITY serverInfo.label "Tenarinformasjon">
+<!ENTITY loginInfo.label "Innloggingsinformasjon">
+<!ENTITY siteName.label "Områdenamn:">
+<!ENTITY siteName.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY siteName.tooltip "Eit kallenamn som identifiserer dette publiseringsområdet (t.d.: «Mitt område»)">
+<!ENTITY siteUrl.label "Publiseringsadresse (t.d.: «»):">
+<!ENTITY siteUrl.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY siteUrl.tooltip "FTP://- eller HTTP://-adressa til ISP-en eller nettverten din">
+<!ENTITY browseUrl.label "HTTP-adressa til heimesida (t.d.: «»):">
+<!ENTITY browseUrl.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY browseUrl.tooltip " HTTP://-adressa til heimekatalogen din (ikkje inkluder filnamn)">
+<!ENTITY username.label "Brukarnamn:">
+<!ENTITY username.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY username.tooltip "Brukarnamnet du brukar for å logga deg på hos nettleverandøren eller nettverten din">
+<!ENTITY password.label "Passord:">
+<!ENTITY password.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY password.tooltip "Passordet som høyrer til brukarnamnet ditt">
+<!ENTITY savePassword.label "Lagre passord">
+<!ENTITY savePassword.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY savePassword.tooltip "Merk av her for trygg lagring av passordet i Passordhandsaming">
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY siteUrl.label "Område-URL:">
+<!ENTITY docSubdir.label "Undermappe for sider:">
+<!ENTITY otherSubdir.label "Undermappe for bilde:">
+<!ENTITY status.label "Publiserer …">
+<!ENTITY fileList.label "Publiseringsstatus">
+<!ENTITY succeeded.label "Lykkast">
+<!ENTITY failed.label "Mislukkast">
+<!ENTITY keepOpen "Ikkje lat att dette vindauget etter at publiseringa er fullført.">
+<!ENTITY closeButton.label "Lat att">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorReplace.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorReplace.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d98a4e1e48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorReplace.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from EdReplace.xul -->
+<!-- extracted from EdReplace.xhtml -->
+<!ENTITY replaceDialog.title "Søk og erstatt">
+<!ENTITY findField.label "Søk etter:">
+<!ENTITY findField.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY replaceField.label "Erstatt med:">
+<!ENTITY replaceField.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY caseSensitiveCheckbox.label "Skil mellom store og småe bokstavar">
+<!ENTITY caseSensitiveCheckbox.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY wrapCheckbox.label "Bryt rundt">
+<!ENTITY wrapCheckbox.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY backwardsCheckbox.label "Søk baklengs">
+<!ENTITY backwardsCheckbox.accesskey "b">
+<!ENTITY findNextButton.label "Søk etter neste">
+<!ENTITY findNextButton.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY replaceButton.label "Erstatt">
+<!ENTITY replaceButton.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY replaceAndFindButton.label "Erstatt og søk">
+<!ENTITY replaceAndFindButton.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY replaceAllButton.label "Erstatt alle">
+<!ENTITY replaceAllButton.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY closeButton.label "Lat att">
+<!ENTITY closeButton.accesskey "L">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorSaveAsCharset.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorSaveAsCharset.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14508c8303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorSaveAsCharset.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- These strings are generic to all or most of the editor's dialogs. -->
+<!-- This button is for the progressive disclosure of additional editing functionality -->
+<!-- These strings are for use specifically in the editor's link dialog. -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle2.label "Lagre og endre tekstkoding">
+<!ENTITY documentTitleTitle.label "Sidetittel">
+<!ENTITY documentCharsetTitle2.label "Tekstkoding">
+<!ENTITY documentCharsetDesc2.label "Vel tekstkodinga du vil ha for å lagre eit dokument i:">
+<!ENTITY documentExportToText.label "Eksporter til tekst">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorSelectProperties.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorSelectProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26d4a6bf53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorSelectProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Eigenskapar for alternativsliste">
+<!ENTITY Select.label "Alternativsliste">
+<!ENTITY SelectName.label "Listenamn:">
+<!ENTITY SelectName.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY SelectSize.label "Høgd:">
+<!ENTITY SelectSize.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY SelectMultiple.label "Fleirval">
+<!ENTITY SelectMultiple.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY SelectDisabled.label "Avslått">
+<!ENTITY SelectDisabled.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY SelectTabIndex.label "Tabulatorindeks:">
+<!ENTITY SelectTabIndex.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY OptGroup.label "Alternativsgruppe">
+<!ENTITY OptGroupLabel.label "Merkelapp:">
+<!ENTITY OptGroupLabel.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY OptGroupDisabled.label "Avslått">
+<!ENTITY OptGroupDisabled.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY Option.label "Alternativ">
+<!ENTITY OptionText.label "Tekst:">
+<!ENTITY OptionText.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY OptionValue.label "Verdi:">
+<!ENTITY OptionValue.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY OptionSelected.label "Opphavleg valt">
+<!ENTITY OptionSelected.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY OptionDisabled.label "Avslått">
+<!ENTITY OptionDisabled.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY TextHeader.label "Tekst">
+<!ENTITY ValueHeader.label "Verdi">
+<!ENTITY SelectedHeader.label "Valt">
+<!ENTITY AddOption.label "Legg til alternativ">
+<!ENTITY AddOption.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY AddOptGroup.label "Legg til gruppe">
+<!ENTITY AddOptGroup.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY RemoveElement.label "Fjern">
+<!ENTITY RemoveElement.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY MoveElementUp.label "Flytt opp">
+<!ENTITY MoveElementUp.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY MoveElementDown.label "Flytt ned">
+<!ENTITY MoveElementDown.accesskey "d">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorSnapToGrid.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorSnapToGrid.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e3e6c957a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorSnapToGrid.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Fest til rutenett">
+<!ENTITY enableSnapToGrid.label "Slå på festing til rutenett">
+<!ENTITY enableSnapToGrid.accessKey "s">
+<!ENTITY sizeEditField.label "Storleik:">
+<!ENTITY sizeEditField.accessKey "S">
+<!ENTITY pixelsLabel.value "pikslar">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorSpellCheck.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorSpellCheck.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da70af0b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorSpellCheck.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Stavekontroll">
+<!ENTITY misspelledWord.label "Feilstava ord:">
+<!ENTITY wordEditField.label "Erstatt med:">
+<!ENTITY wordEditField.accessKey "E">
+<!ENTITY checkwordButton.label "Kontroller ord">
+<!ENTITY checkwordButton.accessKey "K">
+<!ENTITY suggestions.label "Forslag:">
+<!ENTITY suggestions.accessKey "F">
+<!ENTITY ignoreButton.label "Ignorer">
+<!ENTITY ignoreButton.accessKey "I">
+<!ENTITY ignoreAllButton.label "Ignorer alle">
+<!ENTITY ignoreAllButton.accessKey "n">
+<!ENTITY replaceButton.label "Erstatt">
+<!ENTITY replaceButton.accessKey "E">
+<!ENTITY replaceAllButton.label "Erstatt alle">
+<!ENTITY replaceAllButton.accessKey "a">
+<!ENTITY stopButton.label "Stopp">
+<!ENTITY stopButton.accessKey "t">
+<!ENTITY userDictionary.label "Eigendefinert ordbok:">
+<!ENTITY moreDictionaries.label "Last ned fleire">
+<!ENTITY addToUserDictionaryButton.label "Legg til ord">
+<!ENTITY addToUserDictionaryButton.accessKey "g">
+<!ENTITY editUserDictionaryButton.label "Rediger …">
+<!ENTITY editUserDictionaryButton.accessKey "R">
+<!ENTITY recheckButton2.label "Kontroller tekst på nytt">
+<!ENTITY recheckButton2.accessKey "K">
+<!ENTITY closeButton.label "Lat att">
+<!ENTITY closeButton.accessKey "L">
+<!ENTITY sendButton.label "Send">
+<!ENTITY sendButton.accessKey "d">
+<!ENTITY languagePopup.label "Språk:">
+<!ENTITY languagePopup.accessKey "S">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorTableProperties.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorTableProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b5cf28e6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorTableProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY tableWindow.title "Tabelleigenskapar">
+<!ENTITY applyButton.label "Bruk">
+<!ENTITY applyButton.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY closeButton.label "Lat att">
+<!ENTITY tableTab.label "Tabell">
+<!ENTITY cellTab.label "Celler">
+<!ENTITY tableRows.label "Rader:">
+<!ENTITY tableRows.accessKey "R">
+<!ENTITY tableColumns.label "Kolonner:">
+<!ENTITY tableColumns.accessKey "K">
+<!ENTITY tableHeight.label "Høgd:">
+<!ENTITY tableHeight.accessKey "ø">
+<!ENTITY tableWidth.label "Breidde:">
+<!ENTITY tableWidth.accessKey "B">
+<!ENTITY tableBorderSpacing.label "Kantlinjer og mellomrom">
+<!ENTITY tableBorderWidth.label "Kantlinje:">
+<!ENTITY tableBorderWidth.accessKey "K">
+<!ENTITY tableSpacing.label "Mellomrom:">
+<!ENTITY tableSpacing.accessKey "M">
+<!ENTITY tablePadding.label "Padding:">
+<!ENTITY tablePadding.accessKey "P">
+<!ENTITY tablePxBetwCells.label "pikslar mellom celler">
+<!ENTITY tablePxBetwBrdrCellContent.label "pikslar mellom kantlinja og innhaldet i cella">
+<!ENTITY tableAlignment.label "Tabelljustering:">
+<!ENTITY tableAlignment.accessKey "T">
+<!ENTITY tableCaption.label "Forklaring:">
+<!ENTITY tableCaption.accessKey "F">
+<!ENTITY tableCaptionAbove.label "Over tabellen">
+<!ENTITY tableCaptionBelow.label "Under tabellen">
+<!ENTITY tableCaptionLeft.label "Venstre for tabellen">
+<!ENTITY tableCaptionRight.label "Høgre for tabellen">
+<!ENTITY tableCaptionNone.label "Ingen">
+<!ENTITY tableInheritColor.label "(Lat sidefargen skina gjennom)">
+<!ENTITY cellSelection.label "Merka område">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectCell.label "Celle">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectRow.label "Rad">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectColumn.label "Kolonne">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectNext.label "Neste">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectNext.accessKey "N">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectPrevious.label "Førre:">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectPrevious.accessKey "F">
+<!ENTITY applyBeforeChange.label "Desse endringane vil verta nytta før byte av merkt område.">
+<!ENTITY cellContentAlignment.label "Innhaldsjustering">
+<!ENTITY cellHorizontal.label "Horisontal:">
+<!ENTITY cellHorizontal.accessKey "H">
+<!ENTITY cellVertical.label "Vertikal:">
+<!ENTITY cellVertical.accessKey "V">
+<!ENTITY cellStyle.label "Cellestil:">
+<!ENTITY cellStyle.accessKey "C">
+<!ENTITY cellNormal.label "Normal">
+<!ENTITY cellHeader.label "Overskrift">
+<!ENTITY cellTextWrap.label "Tekstbryting:">
+<!ENTITY cellTextWrap.accessKey "b">
+<!ENTITY cellWrap.label "Linjebryting">
+<!ENTITY cellNoWrap.label "Inga tekstbryting">
+<!ENTITY cellAlignTop.label "Topp">
+<!ENTITY cellAlignMiddle.label "Midten">
+<!ENTITY cellAlignBottom.label "Botn">
+<!ENTITY cellAlignJustify.label "Justering">
+<!ENTITY cellInheritColor.label "(Lat tabellfargen skina gjennom)">
+<!ENTITY cellUseCheckboxHelp.label "Bruk avkryssingsboksar for å avgjera kva eigenskapar som skal gjelda alle merka celler">
+<!-- Used in both Table and Cell panels -->
+<!ENTITY size.label "Storleik">
+<!ENTITY pixels.label "pikslar">
+<!ENTITY backgroundColor.label "Bakgrunnsfarge:">
+<!ENTITY backgroundColor.accessKey "B">
+<!ENTITY AlignLeft.label "Venstre">
+<!ENTITY AlignCenter.label "Midtstill">
+<!ENTITY AlignRight.label "Høgre">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorTextAreaProperties.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorTextAreaProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6703df4f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorTextAreaProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Eigenskapar for tekstområde">
+<!ENTITY Settings.label "Innstillingar">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaName.label "Feltnamn:">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaName.accessKey "F">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaRows.label "Rader:">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaRows.accessKey "R">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaCols.label "Kolonner:">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaCols.accessKey "K">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaReadOnly.label "Berre lesetilgjenge">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaReadOnly.accessKey "O">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaDisabled.label "Avslegen">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaDisabled.accessKey "A">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaTabIndex.label "Tabulatorindeks:">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaTabIndex.accessKey "i">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaAccessKey.label "Snøggtast:">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaAccessKey.accessKey "S">
+<!ENTITY InitialText.label "Opphavleg tekst:">
+<!ENTITY InitialText.accessKey "O">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaWrap.label "Modus for tekstbryting">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaWrap.accessKey "t">
+<!ENTITY WrapDefault.value "Standard">
+<!ENTITY WrapOff.value "Avslegen">
+<!ENTITY WrapHard.value "Hard">
+<!ENTITY WrapSoft.value "Mjuk">
+<!ENTITY WrapPhysical.value "Fysisk">
+<!ENTITY WrapVirtual.value "Virtuell">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/editingOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/editingOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6927740a8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/editingOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- File menu items -->
+<!ENTITY openFileCmd.label "Opne fil…">
+<!ENTITY openFileCmd.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY openFileCmd.key "O">
+<!ENTITY openRemoteCmd.label "Opne nettadresse …">
+<!ENTITY openRemoteCmd.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY openRemoteCmd.key "L">
+<!ENTITY fileRecentMenu.label "Nyleg brukte sider">
+<!ENTITY fileRecentMenu.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY saveCmd.label "Lagre">
+<!ENTITY saveCmd.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY saveAsCmd.label "Lagre som…">
+<!ENTITY saveAsCmd.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY saveAsChangeEncodingCmd2.label "Lagre og endre tekstkoding">
+<!ENTITY saveAsChangeEncodingCmd2.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY publishCmd.label "Publiser">
+<!ENTITY publishCmd.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY publishCmd.key "S">
+<!ENTITY publishAsCmd.label "Publiser som …">
+<!ENTITY publishAsCmd.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY fileRevert.label "Tilbakestill">
+<!ENTITY fileRevert.accesskey "T">
+<!-- Edit menu items -->
+<!ENTITY publishSettings.label "Publiseringsinnstillingar …">
+<!ENTITY publishSettings.accesskey "b">
+<!-- Toolbar buttons/items -->
+<!ENTITY newToolbarCmd.label "Ny">
+<!ENTITY newToolbarCmd.tooltip "Lag ei ny nettsideutviklar-side">
+<!ENTITY openToolbarCmd.label "Opne">
+<!ENTITY openToolbarCmd.tooltip "Opne ei lokal fil">
+<!ENTITY saveToolbarCmd.tooltip "Lagre fil lokalt">
+<!ENTITY publishToolbarCmd.tooltip "Last opp fil til lokalt område">
+<!ENTITY printToolbarCmd.label "Skriv ut">
+<!ENTITY printToolbarCmd.tooltip "Skriv ut denne sida">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/editor.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/editor.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7bedb8358b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/editor.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (editorWindow.titlemodifier): DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY editorWindow.titlemodifier "Composer">
+<!ENTITY editorWindow.titlemodifiermenuseparator " - ">
+<!-- Menu items: the . means that the menu item isn't implemented yet -->
+<!-- Toolbar-only items -->
+<!ENTITY compositionToolbar.tooltip "Utformingslinje">
+<!ENTITY previewToolbarCmd.label "Førehandsvis">
+<!ENTITY previewToolbarCmd.tooltip "Last denne sida i nettlesaren">
+<!-- File menu items -->
+<!ENTITY exportToTextCmd.label "Eksporter til tekst…">
+<!ENTITY exportToTextCmd.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY previewCmd.label "Førehandsvis sida">
+<!ENTITY previewCmd.accesskey "v">
+<!ENTITY sendPageCmd.label "Send sida …">
+<!ENTITY sendPageCmd.accesskey "s">
+<!-- View menu items -->
+<!ENTITY compositionToolbarCmd.label "Forfattarlinje">
+<!ENTITY compositionToolbarCmd.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY formattingToolbarCmd.label "Formateringslinje">
+<!ENTITY formattingToolbarCmd.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY editmodeToolbarCmd.label "Endringslinje">
+<!ENTITY editmodeToolbarCmd.accesskey "r">
+<!-- Format menu items -->
+<!ENTITY formatMenu.label "Formatering">
+<!ENTITY formatMenu.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY grid.label "Posisjoneringsnett">
+<!ENTITY grid.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY pageProperties.label "Sidetittel og -eigenskapar…">
+<!ENTITY pageProperties.accesskey "t">
+<!-- Tools menu items -->
+<!ENTITY validateCmd.label "Kontroller HTML">
+<!ENTITY validateCmd.accesskey "K">
+<!-- Display Mode toolbar and View menu items -->
+<!ENTITY NormalModeTab.label "Normal">
+<!ENTITY NormalMode.label "Normal redigeringsmodus">
+<!ENTITY NormalMode.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY NormalMode.tooltip "Vis tabellkantar og namngjevne anker">
+<!ENTITY AllTagsModeTab.label "HTML-taggar">
+<!ENTITY AllTagsMode.label "HTML-taggar">
+<!ENTITY AllTagsMode.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY AllTagsMode.tooltip "Vis ikon for alle HTML-taggar">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: (HTMLSourceModeTab.dir, HTMLSourceModeTab.label)
+ Do NOT translate text for 'HTMLSourceModeTab.dir', use latin "ltr" if
+ you want the <html> image to left of the 'HTMLSourceModeTab.label' text,
+ or use latin "rtl" if you want this image to the right of text. You do
+ not need to include HTML in the label 'HTMLSourceModeTab.label' -->
+<!ENTITY HTMLSourceModeTab.dir "ltr">
+<!ENTITY HTMLSourceModeTab.label "Kjelde">
+<!ENTITY HTMLSourceMode.label "HTML-kjeldekode">
+<!ENTITY HTMLSourceMode.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY HTMLSourceMode.tooltip "Rediger HTML-kjeldekode">
+<!ENTITY PreviewModeTab.label "Førehandsvis">
+<!ENTITY PreviewMode.label "Førehandsvis">
+<!ENTITY PreviewMode.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY PreviewMode.tooltip "Vis som WYSIWYG (i nettlesaren)">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7450421ab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE FILE: embedded "\n" represent HTML breaks (<br>)
+# Don't translate embedded "\n".
+# Don't translate strings like this: %variable%
+# as they will be replaced using JavaScript
+MoreProperties=Fleire eigenskapar
+FewerProperties=Færre eigenskapar
+OpenHTMLFile=Opne HTML-fil
+OpenTextFile=Opne tekstfil
+SelectImageFile=Vel bildefil
+SaveDocument=Lagre side
+SaveDocumentAs=Lagre sida som
+SaveTextAs=Lagre tekst som
+PublishPage=Publiser sida
+DontPublish=Ikkje publiser
+SavePassword=Bruk Passord-handteraren for å lagre dette passordet
+CorrectSpelling=(korrekt staving)
+NoSuggestedWords=(ingen føreslåtte ord)
+NoMisspelledWord=Ingen stavefeil
+CheckSpellingDone=Fullført stavekontroll.
+CantEditFramesetMsg=Nettsideutviklaren kan ikkje redigera rammesett, eller sider med innebygde rammer. Prøv å redigere kvar ramme for seg når det gjeld rammesett. Lagre ein kopi av sida og fjern <iframe>-merket når det gjeld innsiderammer.
+CantEditMimeTypeMsg=Denne typen sider kan ikkje endrast.
+CantEditDocumentMsg=Av ein ukjend grunn kan ikkje denne sida endrast.
+BeforeClosing=før du lèt att
+BeforePreview=før vising i nettlesaren
+BeforeValidate=før dokumentet vert validert
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (SaveFilePrompt, PublishPrompt): Don't translate %title% and %reason% (this is the reason for asking user to close, such as "before closing")
+SaveFilePrompt=Lagre endringar i «%title%» %reason%?\u0020
+PublishPrompt=Lagre endringar i «%title%» %reason%?
+SaveFileFailed=Klarte ikkje å lagre fila!
+# Publishing error strings:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE Don't translate %dir% or %file% in the Publishing error strings:
+FileNotFound=%file% ikkje funnen.
+SubdirDoesNotExist=Underkatalogen «%dir%» finst ikkje på dette området, eller filnamnet «%file%» er allereie i bruk av ein annan underkatalog.
+FilenameIsSubdir=Filnamnet «%file%» er allereie i bruk av ein annan underkatalog.
+ServerNotAvailable=Tenaren er ikkje tilgjengeleg. Kontroller tilkoplinga og prøv på nytt seinare.
+Offline=Du er fråkopla. Trykk på ikonet nede til høgre i vindauget for å kople til.
+DiskFull=Det er ikkje nok diskplass til å lagre fila «%file%».
+NameTooLong=Filnamnet eller katalognamnet er for langt.
+AccessDenied=Du har ikkje løyve til å publisera til dette området.
+UnknownPublishError=Det oppstod ein ukjend publiseringsfeil.
+PublishFailed=Publisering mislykkast.
+PublishCompleted=Publisering fullført
+AllFilesPublished=Alle filene er publisert
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE Don't translate %x% or %total%
+FailedFileMsg=%x% av %total% filer kunne ikkje publiserast.
+# End-Publishing error strings
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (PromptFTPUsernamePassword): Don't translate %host%
+PromptFTPUsernamePassword=Skriv inn brukarnamn og passord for FTP-tenaren på %host%
+RevertCaption=Gå tilbake til førre versjon
+Revert=Gå tilbake
+SendPageReason=før sida vert sendt
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (PublishProgressCaption, PublishToSite, AbandonChanges): Don't translate %title%
+PublishProgressCaption=Publiserer: %title%
+PublishToSite=Publiserer til område: %title%
+AbandonChanges=Vil du fjerne ulagra endringar i %title% og lasta sida på ny?
+NeedDocTitle=Skriv inn ein tittel på gjeldande side.
+DocTitleHelp=Dette identifiserer sida i vindaugstittelen og som bokmerke.
+CancelPublishTitle=Avbryte publisering?
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE: "Continue" in this sentence must match the text for
+## the CancelPublishContinue key below
+CancelPublishMessage=Avbrot under publiseringa kan føra til at filene ikkje vert fullstendig overførde. Vil du halda fram med publiseringa eller avbryte?
+CancelPublishContinue=Hald fram
+MissingImageError=Skriv inn eller vel eit bilde av typen gif, jpg eller png.
+EmptyHREFError=Vel området der du vil opprette ei ny lenke.
+MixedSelection=[Blanda merking]
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (NotInstalled): %S is the name of the font
+NotInstalled=%S (ikkje installert)
+EnterLinkText=Skriv inn teksten som skal visast i lenka:
+EmptyLinkTextError=Skriv inn teksten til denne lenka.
+EditTextWarning=Dette vil byta ut alt av innhald som er der frå før.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (ValidateNumber):Don't translate: %n% %min% %max%
+ValidateRangeMsg=Talet du skreiv inn (%n%) er for lite eller for stort.
+ValidateNumberMsg=Skriv inn eit tal mellom %min% og %max%.
+MissingAnchorNameError=Skriv inn eit namn på dette ankeret.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (DuplicateAnchorNameError): Don't translate %name%
+DuplicateAnchorNameError=«%name%» finst alt på denne sida. Skriv inn eit anna namn.
+SolidCircle=Fylt sirkel
+OpenCircle=Open sirkel
+SolidSquare=Fylt kvadrat
+Style_1=1, 2, 3 …
+Style_I=I, II, III …
+Style_i=i, ii, iii …
+Style_A=A, B, C …
+Style_a=a, b, c …
+PercentOfCell=% av celle
+PercentOfWindow=% av vindauge
+PercentOfTable=% av tabell
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (untitledTitle): %S is the window #. No plural handling needed.
+ShowToolbar=Vis verktøylinje
+HideToolbar=Skjul verktøylinje
+ImapError=Klarte ikkje å lasta bilde
+ImapCheck=\nVel ei ny adresse (URL) og prøv på nytt.
+SaveToUseRelativeUrl=Relative URL-ar kan berre brukast på sider som har vorte lagra
+NoNamedAnchorsOrHeadings=(Ingen namngjevne anker eller overskrifter på sida)
+PageColor=Bakgrunnsfarge på sida
+BlockColor=Blokker bakgrunnsfarge
+TableColor=Bakgrunnsfarge i tabell
+CellColor=Bakgrunnsfarge for celle
+TableOrCellColor=Tabell- eller cellefarge
+ActiveLinkColor=Farge på aktive lenker
+VisitedLinkColor=Farge på vitja lenker
+NoColorError=Vel farge eller skriv inn ein gyldig HTML-fargekode
+NestedTable=Tabell i tabell
+HLine=Horisontal linje
+ImageAndLink=Bilde og lenke
+NamedAnchor=Namngjeve anker
+MissingSiteNameError=Skriv inn eit namn på dette publiseringsområdet.
+MissingPublishUrlError=Skriv inn ei adresse for publisering av sida.
+MissingPublishFilename=Skriv inn eit filnamn for den gjeldande sida
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (DuplicateSiteNameError): Don't translate %name%
+DuplicateSiteNameError=«%name%» finst alt. Skriv inn eit anna namn.
+AdvancedProperties=Avanserte eigenskapar…\u0020
+AdvancedEditForCellMsg=Avansert endring er utilgjengeleg når fleire celler er merkte
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ObjectProperties):Don't translate "%obj%" it will be replaced with one of above object nouns
+ObjectProperties=Eigenskapar for %obj% …
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE This character must be in the above string and not confict with other accesskeys in Format menu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (JoinSelectedCells): This variable should contain the "tableJoinCells.accesskey"
+# letter as defined in editorOverlay.dtd
+JoinSelectedCells=Slå saman merkte celler
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (JoinCellToRight): This variable should contain the "tableJoinCells.accesskey"
+# letter as defined in editorOverlay.dtd
+JoinCellToRight=Slå saman med cella til høgre
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (TableSelectKey): Ctrl key on a keyboard
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (XulKeyMac): Command key on a Mac keyboard
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Del): Del key on a keyboard
+DeleteCells=Slett celler
+DeleteTableTitle=Slett rader eller kolonner
+DeleteTableMsg=Å redusera talet på rader eller kolonner vil fjerna tabellceller og innhaldet i dei. Er du viss på at du vil gjera dette?
+#Mouse actions
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE "RemoveTextStylesAccesskey" is used for both
+# menu items: "RemoveTextStyles" and "StopTextStyles"
+RemoveTextStyles=Fjern alle tekststilar
+StopTextStyles=Avslutt tekststilar
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE "RemoveLinksAccesskey" is used for both
+# menu items: "RemoveLinks" and "StopLinks"
+RemoveLinks=Fjern lenker
+StopLinks=Avslutt lenke
+NoFormAction=Du bør skriva inn ei handling til dette skjemaet. Sjølvsendande skjema er ein avansert teknikk som ikkje verkar likt i alle nettlesarar.
+NoAltText=Dersom bildet er relevant til innhaldet på sida må du leggja til alternativ tekst som kan visast i tekstbaserte nettlesarar, i vanlege nettlesarar medan bildet vert lasta, eller når bildelasting ikkje er aktivert.
+Malformed=Klarte ikkje å konvertera kjelda tilbake til dokumentet fordi det ikkje er gyldig XHTML.
+NoLinksToCheck=Det er ingen element med lenker å kontrollere
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/editorOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/editorOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cfee4c6e57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/editorOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Attn: Localization - some of the menus in this dialog directly affect mail also. -->
+<!-- File menu items -->
+<!ENTITY saveCmd.key "S">
+<!-- Edit menu items -->
+<!ENTITY pasteNoFormatting.label "Lim inn utan formatering">
+<!ENTITY pasteNoFormatting.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY pasteNoFormatting.key "V">
+<!ENTITY pasteAsQuotationCmd.label "Lim inn som sitat">
+<!ENTITY pasteAsQuotationCmd.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY pasteAsQuotationCmd.key "o">
+<!ENTITY findBarCmd.label "Finn …">
+<!ENTITY findReplaceCmd.label "Finn og byt ut …">
+<!ENTITY enableInlineSpellChecker.label "Stavekontroll medan du skriv">
+<!ENTITY enableInlineSpellChecker.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY checkSpellingCmd2.label "Kontroller staving…">
+<!ENTITY checkSpellingCmd2.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY checkSpellingCmd2.key "p">
+<!-- Insert menu items -->
+<!ENTITY insertMenu.label "Set inn">
+<!ENTITY insertMenu.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY insertLinkCmd2.label "Lenke …">
+<!ENTITY insertLinkCmd2.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY insertLinkCmd2.key "K">
+<!ENTITY insertAnchorCmd.label "Namngjeve anker …">
+<!ENTITY insertAnchorCmd.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY insertImageCmd.label "Bilde …">
+<!ENTITY insertImageCmd.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY insertHLineCmd.label "Horisontal linje">
+<!ENTITY insertHLineCmd.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY insertTableCmd.label "Tabell…">
+<!ENTITY insertTableCmd.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY insertHTMLCmd.label "HTML …">
+<!ENTITY insertHTMLCmd.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY insertMathCmd.label "Matte …">
+<!ENTITY insertMathCmd.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY insertCharsCmd.label "Teikn og symbol …">
+<!ENTITY insertCharsCmd.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY insertBreakAllCmd.label "Linjeskift under bilde">
+<!ENTITY insertBreakAllCmd.accesskey "u">
+<!-- Used just in context popup. -->
+<!ENTITY createLinkCmd.label "Lag lenke …">
+<!ENTITY createLinkCmd.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY editLinkCmd.label "Rediger lenke i nytt nettsideutviklar-vindauge">
+<!ENTITY editLinkCmd.accesskey "i">
+<!-- Font Face SubMenu -->
+<!ENTITY FontFaceSelect.title "Skrifttype">
+<!ENTITY FontFaceSelect.tooltip "Vel skrifttype">
+<!ENTITY fontfaceMenu.label "Skrifttype">
+<!ENTITY fontfaceMenu.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY fontVarWidth.label "Proporsjonal">
+<!ENTITY fontVarWidth.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY fontFixedWidth.label "Ikkje-proporsjonal">
+<!ENTITY fontFixedWidth.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY fontFixedWidth.key "T">
+<!ENTITY fontHelvetica.label "Helvetica, Arial">
+<!ENTITY fontHelvetica.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY fontTimes.label "Times">
+<!ENTITY fontTimes.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY fontCourier.label "Courier">
+<!ENTITY fontCourier.accesskey "C">
+<!-- Font Size SubMenu -->
+<!ENTITY FontSizeSelect.title "Skriftstorleik">
+<!ENTITY FontSizeSelect.tooltip "Vel skriftstorleik">
+<!ENTITY decreaseFontSize.label "Mindre">
+<!ENTITY decreaseFontSize.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY decrementFontSize.key "&lt;">
+<!ENTITY decrementFontSize.key2 ","> <!-- < is above this key on many keyboards -->
+<!ENTITY increaseFontSize.label "Større">
+<!ENTITY increaseFontSize.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY incrementFontSize.key "&gt;">
+<!ENTITY incrementFontSize.key2 "."> <!-- > is above this key on many keyboards -->
+<!ENTITY fontSizeMenu.label "Storleik">
+<!ENTITY fontSizeMenu.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY size-tinyCmd.label "Ekstra lita">
+<!ENTITY size-tinyCmd.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY size-smallCmd.label "liten">
+<!ENTITY size-smallCmd.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY size-mediumCmd.label "middels">
+<!ENTITY size-mediumCmd.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY size-largeCmd.label "stor">
+<!ENTITY size-largeCmd.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY size-extraLargeCmd.label "Ekstra stor">
+<!ENTITY size-extraLargeCmd.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY size-hugeCmd.label "Svær">
+<!ENTITY size-hugeCmd.accesskey "v">
+<!-- Font Style SubMenu -->
+<!ENTITY fontStyleMenu.label "Tekststil">
+<!ENTITY fontStyleMenu.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY styleBoldCmd.label "Feit">
+<!ENTITY styleBoldCmd.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY styleBoldCmd.key "B">
+<!ENTITY styleItalicCmd.label "Kursiv">
+<!ENTITY styleItalicCmd.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY styleItalicCmd.key "I">
+<!ENTITY styleUnderlineCmd.label "Understreking">
+<!ENTITY styleUnderlineCmd.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY styleUnderlineCmd.key "U">
+<!ENTITY styleStrikeThruCmd.label "Gjennomstreking">
+<!ENTITY styleStrikeThruCmd.accesskey "G">
+<!ENTITY styleSuperscriptCmd.label "Heva tekst">
+<!ENTITY styleSuperscriptCmd.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY styleSubscriptCmd.label "Senka tekst">
+<!ENTITY styleSubscriptCmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY styleNonbreakingCmd.label "Ikkje linjeskift">
+<!ENTITY styleNonbreakingCmd.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY styleEm.label "Utheva">
+<!ENTITY styleEm.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY styleStrong.label "Sterkare utheving">
+<!ENTITY styleStrong.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY styleCite.label "Tilvising">
+<!ENTITY styleCite.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY styleAbbr.label "Forkorting">
+<!ENTITY styleAbbr.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY styleAcronym.label "Akronym">
+<!ENTITY styleAcronym.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY styleCode.label "Kode">
+<!ENTITY styleCode.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY styleSamp.label "Dømeresultat">
+<!ENTITY styleSamp.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY styleVar.label "Variabel">
+<!ENTITY styleVar.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY formatFontColor.label "Tekstfarge …">
+<!ENTITY formatFontColor.accesskey "f">
+<!ENTITY tableOrCellColor.label "Bakgrunnsfarge for tabell eller celle…">
+<!ENTITY tableOrCellColor.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY formatRemoveStyles.key "y">
+<!ENTITY formatRemoveLinks.key "k">
+<!ENTITY formatRemoveNamedAnchors.label "Fjern namngjevne anker">
+<!ENTITY formatRemoveNamedAnchors.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY formatRemoveNamedAnchors2.key "r">
+<!ENTITY paragraphMenu.label "Avsnitt">
+<!ENTITY paragraphMenu.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY paragraphParagraphCmd.label "Avsnitt">
+<!ENTITY paragraphParagraphCmd.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY heading1Cmd.label "Overskrift 1">
+<!ENTITY heading1Cmd.accesskey "1">
+<!ENTITY heading2Cmd.label "Overskrift 2">
+<!ENTITY heading2Cmd.accesskey "2">
+<!ENTITY heading3Cmd.label "Overskrift 3">
+<!ENTITY heading3Cmd.accesskey "3">
+<!ENTITY heading4Cmd.label "Overskrift 4">
+<!ENTITY heading4Cmd.accesskey "4">
+<!ENTITY heading5Cmd.label "Overskrift 5">
+<!ENTITY heading5Cmd.accesskey "5">
+<!ENTITY heading6Cmd.label "Overskrift 6">
+<!ENTITY heading6Cmd.accesskey "6">
+<!ENTITY paragraphAddressCmd.label "Adresse">
+<!ENTITY paragraphAddressCmd.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY paragraphPreformatCmd.label "Førehandsformatert">
+<!ENTITY paragraphPreformatCmd.accesskey "f">
+<!-- List menu items -->
+<!ENTITY formatlistMenu.label "Liste">
+<!ENTITY formatlistMenu.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY noneCmd.label "Ingen">
+<!ENTITY noneCmd.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY listBulletCmd.label "Punktmerking">
+<!ENTITY listBulletCmd.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY listNumberedCmd.label "Nummerert">
+<!ENTITY listNumberedCmd.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY listTermCmd.label "Term">
+<!ENTITY listTermCmd.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY listDefinitionCmd.label "Definisjon">
+<!ENTITY listDefinitionCmd.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY listPropsCmd.label "Listeeigenskapar …">
+<!ENTITY listPropsCmd.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY ParagraphSelect.title "Avsnitt">
+<!ENTITY ParagraphSelect.tooltip "Vel avsnittsformat">
+<!-- Shared in Paragraph, and Toolbar menulist -->
+<!ENTITY bodyTextCmd.label "Brødtekst">
+<!ENTITY bodyTextCmd.accesskey "B">
+<!-- isn't used in menu now, but may be added in future -->
+<!ENTITY advancedPropertiesCmd.label "Avanserte eigenskapar">
+<!ENTITY advancedPropertiesCmd.accesskey "v">
+<!-- Align menu items -->
+<!ENTITY alignMenu.label "Justering">
+<!ENTITY alignMenu.accesskey "J">
+<!ENTITY alignLeft.label "Venstre">
+<!ENTITY alignLeft.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY alignLeft.tooltip "Venstrejuster">
+<!ENTITY alignCenter.label "Midtstilt">
+<!ENTITY alignCenter.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY alignCenter.tooltip "Midtstill">
+<!ENTITY alignRight.label "Høgre">
+<!ENTITY alignRight.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY alignRight.tooltip "Høgrejuster">
+<!ENTITY alignJustify.label "Blokkjustert">
+<!ENTITY alignJustify.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY alignJustify.tooltip "Blokkjuster">
+<!-- Layer toolbar items -->
+<!ENTITY absolutePosition.label "Posisjonering">
+<!ENTITY layer.tooltip "Lag">
+<!ENTITY decreaseZIndex.label "Plasser lengst bak">
+<!ENTITY layerSendToBack.tooltip "Send til bakgrunn">
+<!ENTITY increaseZIndex.label "Plasser lengst framme">
+<!ENTITY layerBringToFront.tooltip "Send til forgrunn">
+<!ENTITY increaseIndent.label "Auk innrykk">
+<!ENTITY increaseIndent.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY increaseIndent.key "]">
+<!ENTITY decreaseIndent.label "Reduser innrykk">
+<!ENTITY decreaseIndent.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY decreaseIndent.key "[">
+<!ENTITY colorsAndBackground.label "Fargar og bakgrunn på sida…">
+<!ENTITY colorsAndBackground.accesskey "F">
+<!-- Table Menu -->
+<!ENTITY tableMenu.label "Tabell">
+<!ENTITY tableMenu.accesskey "T">
+<!-- Select Submenu -->
+<!ENTITY tableSelectMenu.label "Vel">
+<!ENTITY tableSelectMenu.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY tableSelectMenu2.label "Merk tabell">
+<!ENTITY tableSelectMenu2.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY tableInsertMenu2.label "Set inn tabell">
+<!ENTITY tableInsertMenu2.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY tableDeleteMenu2.label "Tabellsletting">
+<!ENTITY tableDeleteMenu2.accesskey "T">
+<!-- Insert SubMenu -->
+<!ENTITY tableInsertMenu.label "Set inn">
+<!ENTITY tableInsertMenu.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY tableTable.label "Tabell">
+<!ENTITY tableTable.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY tableRow.label "Rad">
+<!ENTITY tableRows.label "Rad(er)">
+<!ENTITY tableRow.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY tableRowAbove.label "Rad over">
+<!ENTITY tableRowAbove.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY tableRowBelow.label "Rad under">
+<!ENTITY tableRowBelow.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY tableColumn.label "Kolonne">
+<!ENTITY tableColumns.label "Kolonne(r)">
+<!ENTITY tableColumn.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY tableColumnBefore.label "Kolonne før">
+<!ENTITY tableColumnBefore.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY tableColumnAfter.label "Kolonne etter">
+<!ENTITY tableColumnAfter.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY tableCell.label "Celle">
+<!ENTITY tableCells.label "Celle(r)">
+<!ENTITY tableCell.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY tableCellContents.label "Celleinnhald">
+<!ENTITY tableCellContents.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY tableAllCells.label "Alle celler">
+<!ENTITY tableAllCells.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY tableCellBefore.label "Celle før">
+<!ENTITY tableCellBefore.accesskey "f">
+<!ENTITY tableCellAfter.label "Celle etter">
+<!ENTITY tableCellAfter.accesskey "C">
+<!-- Delete SubMenu -->
+<!ENTITY tableDeleteMenu.label "Slett">
+<!ENTITY tableDeleteMenu.accesskey "S">
+<!-- text for "Join Cells" is in
+ ("JoinSelectedCells" and "JoinCellToRight")
+ the access key must exist in both of those strings
+ But value must be set here for accesskey to draw properly
+<!ENTITY tableJoinCells.label "j">
+<!ENTITY tableJoinCells.accesskey "j">
+<!ENTITY tableSplitCell.label "Del celle">
+<!ENTITY tableSplitCell.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY convertToTable.label "Lag tabell av merkt område">
+<!ENTITY convertToTable.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY tableProperties.label "Tabelleigenskapar…">
+<!ENTITY tableProperties.accesskey "T">
+<!-- Toolbar-only items -->
+<!ENTITY menuBar.tooltip "Menylinje">
+<!ENTITY formatToolbar.tooltip "Formateringsverktøylinje">
+<!ENTITY cutToolbarCmd.tooltip "Klipp ut">
+<!ENTITY copyToolbarCmd.tooltip "Kopier">
+<!ENTITY pasteToolbarCmd.tooltip "Lim inn">
+<!ENTITY findToolbarCmd.label "Søk">
+<!ENTITY findToolbarCmd.tooltip "Søk etter tekst på sida">
+<!ENTITY spellToolbarCmd.label "Stavekontroll">
+<!ENTITY spellToolbarCmd.tooltip "Kontroller merkt område eller heile sida for stavefeil">
+<!ENTITY imageToolbarCmd.label "Bilde">
+<!ENTITY imageToolbarCmd.tooltip "Set inn nytt bilde eller rediger eigenskapane til det valde bildet">
+<!ENTITY hruleToolbarCmd.label "Horisontal linje">
+<!ENTITY hruleToolbarCmd.tooltip "Set inn horisontal linje eller rediger eigenskapane til den valde linja">
+<!ENTITY tableToolbarCmd.label "Tabell">
+<!ENTITY tableToolbarCmd.tooltip "Set inn ny tabell eller rediger eigenskapane til den valde tabellen">
+<!ENTITY linkToolbarCmd.label "Lenke">
+<!ENTITY linkToolbarCmd.tooltip "Set inn ny lenke eller rediger eigenskapane til den valde lenka">
+<!ENTITY anchorToolbarCmd.label "Anker">
+<!ENTITY anchorToolbarCmd.tooltip "Set inn nytt namngjeve anker eller rediger eigenskapane til det valde ankeret">
+<!ENTITY colorButtons.title "Fargar">
+<!ENTITY TextColorButton.tooltip "Vel tekstfarge">
+<!ENTITY BackgroundColorButton.tooltip "Vel bakgrunnsfarge">
+<!ENTITY HighlightColorButton.label "Merkepenn">
+<!ENTITY HighlightColorButton.tooltip "Vel uthevingsfarge for tekst">
+<!-- Editor toolbar -->
+<!ENTITY absoluteFontSize.label "Skriftstorleik">
+<!ENTITY absoluteFontSizeToolbarCmd.tooltip "Vel skriftstorleik">
+<!ENTITY smaller.label "Mindre">
+<!ENTITY decreaseFontSizeToolbarCmd.tooltip "Mindre skrift">
+<!ENTITY larger.label "Større">
+<!ENTITY increaseFontSizeToolbarCmd.tooltip "Større skrift">
+<!ENTITY bold.label "Feit">
+<!ENTITY boldToolbarCmd.tooltip "Feit">
+<!ENTITY italic.label "Kursiv">
+<!ENTITY italicToolbarCmd.tooltip "Kursiv">
+<!ENTITY underline.label "Understreking">
+<!ENTITY underlineToolbarCmd.tooltip "Understreking">
+<!ENTITY bullets.label "Punktmerking">
+<!ENTITY bulletListToolbarCmd.tooltip "Legg til eller fjern punktmerking">
+<!ENTITY numbers.label "Nummerering">
+<!ENTITY numberListToolbarCmd.tooltip "Legg til eller fjern nummerering">
+<!ENTITY outdent.label "Reduser innrykk">
+<!ENTITY outdentToolbarCmd.tooltip "Reduser innrykk (flytt mot venstre)">
+<!ENTITY indent.label "Auk innrykk">
+<!ENTITY indentToolbarCmd.tooltip "Auk innrykk (flytt mot høgre)">
+<!ENTITY AlignPopupButton.label "Justering">
+<!ENTITY AlignPopupButton.tooltip "Vel tekstjustering">
+<!ENTITY InsertPopupButton.label "Set inn">
+<!ENTITY InsertPopupButton.tooltip "Set inn lenke, anker, bilde, horisontal linje eller tabell">
+<!ENTITY alignLeftButton.label "Venstrejuster">
+<!ENTITY alignLeftButton.tooltip "Juster tekst langs venstre marg">
+<!ENTITY alignCenterButton.label "Midtstill">
+<!ENTITY alignCenterButton.tooltip "Midtstill tekst">
+<!ENTITY alignRightButton.label "Høgrejuster">
+<!ENTITY alignRightButton.tooltip "Juster tekst langs høgre marg">
+<!ENTITY alignJustifyButton.label "Blokkjuster">
+<!ENTITY alignJustifyButton.tooltip "Juster tekst etter venstre og høgre marg">
+<!-- Structure Toolbar Context Menu items -->
+<!ENTITY structSelect.label "Vel">
+<!ENTITY structSelect.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY structRemoveTag.label "Fjern tagg">
+<!ENTITY structRemoveTag.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY structChangeTag.label "Endra tagg">
+<!ENTITY structChangeTag.accesskey "E">
+<!-- TOC manipulation -->
+<!ENTITY insertTOC.label "Set inn">
+<!ENTITY insertTOC.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY updateTOC.label "Oppdater">
+<!ENTITY updateTOC.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY removeTOC.label "Fjern">
+<!ENTITY removeTOC.accesskey "j">
+<!ENTITY tocMenu.label "Innhaldsliste …">
+<!ENTITY tocMenu.accesskey "I">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/editorSmileyOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/editorSmileyOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67f52daeae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/editorSmileyOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Smiley Menu items -->
+<!ENTITY insertSmiley.label "Smilefjes">
+<!ENTITY insertSmiley.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY smiley1Cmd.label "Smil">
+<!ENTITY smiley1Cmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY smiley1Cmd.tooltip "Set inn smilefjes">
+<!ENTITY smiley2Cmd.label "Misnøgd">
+<!ENTITY smiley2Cmd.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY smiley2Cmd.tooltip "Set inn misnøgd fjes">
+<!ENTITY smiley3Cmd.label "Blink">
+<!ENTITY smiley3Cmd.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY smiley3Cmd.tooltip "Set inn blink">
+<!ENTITY smiley4Cmd.label "Geip">
+<!ENTITY smiley4Cmd.accesskey "G">
+<!ENTITY smiley4Cmd.tooltip "Set inn geip">
+<!ENTITY smiley5Cmd.label "Flirar">
+<!ENTITY smiley5Cmd.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY smiley5Cmd.tooltip "Set inn smilefjes">
+<!ENTITY smiley6Cmd.label "Brydd">
+<!ENTITY smiley6Cmd.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY smiley6Cmd.tooltip "Set inn brydd smilefjes">
+<!ENTITY smiley7Cmd.label "Ubestemt">
+<!ENTITY smiley7Cmd.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY smiley7Cmd.tooltip "Set inn ubestemt smilefjes">
+<!ENTITY smiley8Cmd.label "Overraska">
+<!ENTITY smiley8Cmd.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY smiley8Cmd.tooltip "Set inn overraska smilefjes">
+<!ENTITY smiley9Cmd.label "Kyss">
+<!ENTITY smiley9Cmd.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY smiley9Cmd.tooltip "Set inn smilefjeskyss">
+<!ENTITY smiley10Cmd.label "Skrik">
+<!ENTITY smiley10Cmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY smiley10Cmd.tooltip "Set inn smilefjesskrik">
+<!ENTITY smiley11Cmd.label "Kul">
+<!ENTITY smiley11Cmd.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY smiley11Cmd.tooltip "Set inn kult smilefjes">
+<!ENTITY smiley12Cmd.label "Pengemunn">
+<!ENTITY smiley12Cmd.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY smiley12Cmd.tooltip "Set inn pengemunn-fjes">
+<!ENTITY smiley13Cmd.label "Fot-i-munn">
+<!ENTITY smiley13Cmd.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY smiley13Cmd.tooltip "Set inn Fot-i-munn-fjes">
+<!ENTITY smiley14Cmd.label "Uskuldig">
+<!ENTITY smiley14Cmd.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY smiley14Cmd.tooltip "Set inn uskuldig smilefjes">
+<!ENTITY smiley15Cmd.label "Gråtande">
+<!ENTITY smiley15Cmd.accesskey "G">
+<!ENTITY smiley15Cmd.tooltip "Set inn gråtande smilefjes">
+<!ENTITY smiley16Cmd.label "Munnen-er-forsegla">
+<!ENTITY smiley16Cmd.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY smiley16Cmd.tooltip "Set inn munnen-er-forsegla-smil">
+<!ENTITY SmileButton.label "Set inn smilefjes">
+<!ENTITY SmileButton.tooltip "Set inn smilefjes">
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (editorCheck.label): DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY editorCheck.label "Composer">
+<!ENTITY editorCheck.accesskey "c">
+<!ENTITY compose.label "Nettsideutvikling">
+<!ENTITY editing.label "Innstillingar for nye sider">
+<!ENTITY publish.label "Publisering">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/prefs/pref-composer.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/prefs/pref-composer.dtd
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-composer.xul -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-composer.xhtml -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE 'Composer' prefs dialog. Similar to Communcator 4.x Document Properties/Colors and Background -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (pref.composer.title): DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY pref.composer.title "Composer">
+<!ENTITY recentFiles.title "Nyleg brukte filer">
+<!ENTITY documentsInMenu.label "Maksimalt tal på filer på lista:">
+<!ENTITY documentsInMenu.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY savingFiles.title "Under lagring/publisering av filer">
+<!ENTITY preserveExisting.label "Hald på den originale kjeldeformateringa">
+<!ENTITY preserveExisting.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY preserveExisting.tooltip "Hald på linjeskift den originale kjeldeformateringa">
+<!ENTITY saveAssociatedFiles.label "Lagre bilde og andre nytta filer ved lagring av sider">
+<!ENTITY saveAssociatedFiles.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY showPublishDialog.label "Vis alltid Publiser-boksen ved publisering av sider">
+<!ENTITY showPublishDialog.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY composerEditing.label "Redigering">
+<!ENTITY maintainStructure.label "Hald på tabellformgjevinga ved tilføying eller fjerning av celler">
+<!ENTITY maintainStructure.tooltip "Hald på den rektangulære forma åt tabellen ved å automatisk leggje til celler etter å ha føydd til eller sletta celler">
+<!ENTITY maintainStructure.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY useCSS.label "Bruk CSS-stilsett i staden for HTML-element og -attributtar">
+<!ENTITY useCSS.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY crInPCreatesNewP.label "Linjeskift i eit avsnitt lagar alltid eit nytt avsnitt">
+<!ENTITY crInPCreatesNewP.accesskey "L">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/prefs/pref-editing.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/editor/prefs/pref-editing.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa54af390e
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@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.editing.title "Innstillingar for ny side">
+<!ENTITY authorName.label "Forfattar:">
+<!ENTITY authorName.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY pageColorHeader "Standardutsjånad">
+<!ENTITY defaultColors.label "Lesaren sine standarfargar (Ikkje vel fargar på sida)">
+<!ENTITY defaultColors.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY customColors.label "Bruk standardfargar:">
+<!ENTITY customColors.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY normalText.label "Normal tekst">
+<!ENTITY normalText.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY linkText.label "Lenketekst">
+<!ENTITY linkText.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY activeLinkText.label "Aktiv lenketekst">
+<!ENTITY activeLinkText.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY visitedLinkText.label "Vitja lenketekst">
+<!ENTITY visitedLinkText.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY background.label "Bakgrunn:">
+<!ENTITY background.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY colon.character ":">
+<!ENTITY backgroundImage.label "Bakgrunnsbilde:">
+<!ENTITY backgroundImage.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY chooseFile.label "Vel fil…">
+<!ENTITY chooseFile.accesskey "V">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/CustomHeaders.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/CustomHeaders.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65197a30ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/CustomHeaders.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY addButton.label "Legg til">
+<!ENTITY addButton.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY removeButton.label "Fjern">
+<!ENTITY removeButton.accesskey "F">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/FilterEditor.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/FilterEditor.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73a00a2228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/FilterEditor.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY window.title "Filterreglar">
+<!ENTITY filterName.label "Filternamn:">
+<!ENTITY recentFolders.label "Siste">
+<!ENTITY junk.label "Uønskt">
+<!ENTITY notJunk.label "Ønskt">
+<!ENTITY lowestPriorityCmd.label "Lågaste">
+<!ENTITY lowPriorityCmd.label "Låg">
+<!ENTITY normalPriorityCmd.label "Normal">
+<!ENTITY highPriorityCmd.label "Høg">
+<!ENTITY highestPriorityCmd.label "Høgste">
+<!ENTITY contextDesc.label "Bruk filteret når:">
+<!-- New Style Filter Rule Actions -->
+<!ENTITY moveMessage.label "Flytt melding til">
+<!ENTITY copyMessage.label "Kopier melding til">
+<!ENTITY forwardTo.label "Vidaresend meldinga til">
+<!ENTITY replyWithTemplate.label "Svar med mal">
+<!ENTITY markMessageRead.label "Marker som lesen">
+<!ENTITY markMessageUnread.label "Marker som ulesen">
+<!ENTITY markMessageStarred.label "Merk med flagg">
+<!ENTITY setPriority.label "Sett prioritet til">
+<!ENTITY setJunkScore.label "Sett uønskt-status til">
+<!ENTITY deleteMessage.label "Slett melding">
+<!ENTITY deleteFromPOP.label "Slett frå POP-serveren">
+<!ENTITY fetchFromPOP.label "Hent frå POP-serveren">
+<!ENTITY ignoreThread.label "Ignorer tråd">
+<!ENTITY ignoreSubthread.label "Ignorer undertråd">
+<!ENTITY watchThread.label "Følg tråd">
+<!ENTITY stopExecution.label "Stopp filtreringa">
+<!ENTITY addAction.tooltip "Legg til ei ny handling">
+<!ENTITY removeAction.tooltip "Fjern denne handlinga">
+ The values below are used to control the widths of the filter action widgets.
+ Change the values only when the localized strings in the popup menus
+ are truncated in the widgets.
+ -->
+<!-- Flex Attribute: -->
+<!ENTITY filterActionTypeFlexValue "1">
+<!ENTITY filterActionTargetFlexValue "4">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/FilterListDialog.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/FilterListDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ee748345b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/FilterListDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY filterListDialog.title "Meldingsfilter">
+<!ENTITY nameColumn.label "Filternamn">
+<!ENTITY activeColumn.label "Slått på">
+<!ENTITY newButton.label "Nytt…">
+<!ENTITY newButton.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY editButton.label "Rediger…">
+<!ENTITY editButton.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY deleteButton.label "Slett">
+<!ENTITY deleteButton.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY reorderUpButton.label "Flytt opp">
+<!ENTITY reorderUpButton.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY reorderDownButton.label "Flytt ned">
+<!ENTITY reorderDownButton.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY filterHeader.label "Filter som er slått på vert køyrde i den rekkjefølgja dei står i nedanfor.">
+<!ENTITY filtersForPrefix.label "Filter for:">
+<!ENTITY filtersForPrefix.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY viewLogButton.label "Filterlogg">
+<!ENTITY viewLogButton.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY runFilters.label "Køyr nå">
+<!ENTITY runFilters.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY stopFilters.label "Stopp">
+<!ENTITY stopFilters.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY folderPickerPrefix.label "Køyr merkt meldingsfilter på:">
+<!ENTITY folderPickerPrefix.accesskey "K">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abAddressBookNameDialog.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abAddressBookNameDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e23b85fc74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abAddressBookNameDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY name.label "Namn på adressebok:">
+<!ENTITY name.accesskey "N">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abCardOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abCardOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..239158a3b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abCardOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY "Kontakt">
+<!ENTITY Contact.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY "Namn">
+ NameField1, NameField2, PhoneticField1, PhoneticField2
+ those fields are either LN or FN depends on the target country.
+ "FirstName" and "LastName" can be swapped for id to change the order
+ but they should not be translated (same applied to phonetic id).
+ Make sure the translation of label corresponds to the order of id.
+<!ENTITY "FirstName">
+<!ENTITY "LastName">
+<!ENTITY "PhoneticFirstName">
+<!ENTITY "PhoneticLastName">
+<!ENTITY NameField1.label "Fornamn:">
+<!ENTITY NameField1.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY NameField2.label "Etternamn:">
+<!ENTITY NameField2.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY PhoneticField1.label "Fonetisk:">
+<!ENTITY PhoneticField2.label "Fonetisk:">
+<!ENTITY DisplayName.label "Fullt namn:">
+<!ENTITY DisplayName.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY preferDisplayName.label "Alltid føretrekk å vise namnet i staden for det i meldingshovudet">
+<!ENTITY NickName.label "Kallenamn:">
+<!ENTITY NickName.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY PrimaryEmail.label "E-postadresse:">
+<!ENTITY PrimaryEmail.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY SecondEmail.label "Annan e-post:">
+<!ENTITY SecondEmail.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY PreferMailFormat.label "Føretrekkjer å få meldingar formatert som:">
+<!ENTITY PreferMailFormat.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY PlainText.label "Rein tekst">
+<!ENTITY HTML.label "HTML">
+<!ENTITY Unknown.label "Ukjent">
+<!ENTITY WorkPhone.label "Arbeid:">
+<!ENTITY WorkPhone.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY HomePhone.label "Heime:">
+<!ENTITY HomePhone.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY FaxNumber.label "Faks:">
+<!ENTITY FaxNumber.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY PagerNumber.label "Personsøkjar:">
+<!ENTITY PagerNumber.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY CellularNumber.label "Mobiltelefon:">
+<!ENTITY CellularNumber.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY "Privat">
+<!ENTITY Home.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY HomeAddress.label "Adresse:">
+<!ENTITY HomeAddress.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY HomeAddress2.label "">
+<!ENTITY HomeAddress2.accesskey "">
+<!ENTITY HomeCity.label "Poststad:">
+<!ENTITY HomeCity.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY HomeState.label "Delstat/region:">
+<!ENTITY HomeState.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY HomeZipCode.label "Postnummer:">
+<!ENTITY HomeZipCode.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY HomeCountry.label "Land:">
+<!ENTITY HomeCountry.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY HomeWebPage.label "Nettside:">
+<!ENTITY HomeWebPage.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY Birthday.label "Fødselsdag:">
+<!ENTITY Birthday.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY In.label "">
+<!ENTITY Year.placeholder "År">
+<!ENTITY Or.value "eller">
+<!ENTITY Age.placeholder "Alder">
+<!ENTITY YearsOld.label "">
+<!ENTITY "Arbeid">
+<!ENTITY Work.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY JobTitle.label "Tittel:">
+<!ENTITY JobTitle.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY Department.label "Avdeling:">
+<!ENTITY Department.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY Company.label "Organisasjon:">
+<!ENTITY Company.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY WorkAddress.label "Adresse:">
+<!ENTITY WorkAddress.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY WorkAddress2.label "">
+<!ENTITY WorkAddress2.accesskey "">
+<!ENTITY WorkCity.label "Poststad:">
+<!ENTITY WorkCity.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY WorkState.label "Delstat/region:">
+<!ENTITY WorkState.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY WorkZipCode.label "Postnummer:">
+<!ENTITY WorkZipCode.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY WorkCountry.label "Land:">
+<!ENTITY WorkCountry.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY WorkWebPage.label "Nettside:">
+<!ENTITY WorkWebPage.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY "Anna">
+<!ENTITY Other.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY Custom1.label "Tilpassa 1:">
+<!ENTITY Custom1.accesskey "1">
+<!ENTITY Custom2.label "Tilpassa 2:">
+<!ENTITY Custom2.accesskey "2">
+<!ENTITY Custom3.label "Tilpassa 3:">
+<!ENTITY Custom3.accesskey "3">
+<!ENTITY Custom4.label "Tilpassa 4:">
+<!ENTITY Custom4.accesskey "4">
+<!ENTITY Notes.label "Notat:">
+<!ENTITY Notes.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY "Foto">
+<!ENTITY Photo.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY GenericPhoto.label "Generelt bilde">
+<!ENTITY GenericPhoto.accesskey "G">
+<!ENTITY DefaultPhoto.label "Standard">
+<!ENTITY PhotoFile.label "På denne datamaskina">
+<!ENTITY PhotoFile.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY BrowsePhoto.label "Bla gjennom">
+<!ENTITY BrowsePhoto.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY PhotoURL.label "På nettet">
+<!ENTITY PhotoURL.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY PhotoURL.placeholder "Lim eller skriv inn nettadressa til eit foto">
+<!ENTITY UpdatePhoto.label "Oppdater">
+<!ENTITY UpdatePhoto.accesskey "O">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abMailListDialog.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abMailListDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87d3175492
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abMailListDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Title -->
+<!ENTITY mailListWindow.title "E-postliste">
+<!-- Labels and Access Keys -->
+<!ENTITY addToAddressBook.label "Legg til i: ">
+<!ENTITY addToAddressBook.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY ListName.label "Listenamn: ">
+<!ENTITY ListName.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY ListNickName.label "Kallenamn på lista: ">
+<!ENTITY ListNickName.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY ListDescription.label "Skildring: ">
+<!ENTITY ListDescription.accesskey "S">
+<!-- See bug 58485, when we implement drag and drop, add 'or drag addresses' back in -->
+<!ENTITY AddressTitle.label "Skriv inn e-postadressene her for å leggje dei til i e-postlista:">
+<!ENTITY AddressTitle.accesskey "m">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abMainWindow.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abMainWindow.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e0a815dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abMainWindow.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Title -->
+<!ENTITY addressbookWindow.title "Adressebok">
+<!-- Menus: the . means that the menu item isn't implemented yet -->
+<!-- File Menu -->
+<!ENTITY newContact.label "Kontakt…">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (newContact.accesskey) : DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY newContact.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY newListCmd.label "E-postliste…">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (newListCmd.accesskey) : DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY newListCmd.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY newAddressBookCmd.label "Adressebok…">
+<!ENTITY newAddressBookCmd.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY newLDAPDirectoryCmd.label "LDAP-katalog…">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (newLDAPDirectoryCmd.accesskey) : DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY newLDAPDirectoryCmd.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY newIM.label "IM">
+<!ENTITY printContactViewCmd.label "Skriv ut kontakt…">
+<!ENTITY printContactViewCmd.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY printContactViewCmd.key "P">
+<!ENTITY printPreviewContactViewCmd.label "Utskriftsførehandsvising av kontakt">
+<!ENTITY printPreviewContactViewCmd.accesskey "v">
+<!ENTITY printAddressBook.label "Skriv ut adressebok…">
+<!ENTITY printAddressBook.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY printPreviewAddressBook.label "Utskritsførehandsvisning av adressebok">
+<!ENTITY printPreviewAddressBook.accesskey "U">
+<!-- Edit Menu -->
+<!ENTITY deleteAbCmd.label "Slett adressebok">
+<!ENTITY deleteContactCmd.label "Slett kontakt">
+<!ENTITY deleteContactsCmd.label "Slett valde kontaktar">
+<!ENTITY deleteListCmd.label "Slett liste">
+<!ENTITY deleteListsCmd.label "Slett valde lister">
+<!ENTITY deleteItemsCmd.label "Slett valde element">
+<!ENTITY swapFirstNameLastNameCmd.label "Byt om for/etternamn">
+<!ENTITY swapFirstNameLastNameCmd.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY propertiesCmd.label "Eigenskapar…">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (propertiesCmd.accesskey) : DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY propertiesCmd.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY propertiesCmd.key "i">
+<!-- View Menu -->
+<!ENTITY showAbToolbarCmd.label "Adressebokverktøylinje">
+<!ENTITY showAbToolbarCmd.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY layoutMenu.label "Utforming">
+<!ENTITY layoutMenu.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY showDirectoryPane.label "Mappepanel">
+<!ENTITY showDirectoryPane.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY showContactPane2.label "Kontaktpanel">
+<!ENTITY showContactPane2.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY menu_ShowNameAs.label "Vis namn som">
+<!ENTITY menu_ShowNameAs.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY firstLastCmd.label "Fornamn, etternamn">
+<!ENTITY firstLastCmd.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY lastFirstCmd.label "Etternamn, fornamn">
+<!ENTITY lastFirstCmd.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY displayNameCmd.label "Visingsnamn">
+<!ENTITY displayNameCmd.accesskey "V">
+<!-- Tasks Menu -->
+<!ENTITY importCmd.label "Importer…">
+<!ENTITY importCmd.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY exportCmd.label "Eksporter…">
+<!ENTITY exportCmd.accesskey "E">
+<!-- Toolbar and Popup items -->
+<!ENTITY newContactButton.label "Ny kontakt">
+<!ENTITY newContactButton.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY newlistButton.label "Ny liste">
+<!ENTITY newlistButton.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY editItemButton.label "Eigenskapar">
+<!ENTITY editItemButton.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY newmsgButton.label "Skriv nytt">
+<!ENTITY newmsgButton.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY deleteItemButton.label "Slett">
+<!ENTITY deleteItemButton.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY newimButton.label "Lynmelding">
+<!ENTITY newimButton.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY searchNameAndEmail.placeholder "Søk i namn og e-postadresse">
+<!ENTITY searchBox.title "Søk">
+<!-- Tooltips -->
+<!ENTITY addressbookToolbar.tooltip "Adressebok-verktøylinje">
+<!ENTITY newContactButton.tooltip "Lag ein ny adressebok-kontakt">
+<!ENTITY newlistButton.tooltip "Lag ei ny liste">
+<!ENTITY editItemButton.tooltip "Rediger valt element">
+<!ENTITY newmsgButton.tooltip "Send ein e-post">
+<!ENTITY newIM.tooltip "Send ei melding eller chat">
+<!ENTITY deleteItemButton.tooltip "Slett valt element">
+<!ENTITY advancedButton.tooltip "Avansert adressesøk">
+<!-- Dir Tree header -->
+<!ENTITY dirTreeHeader.label "Adressebøker">
+<!-- Card Summary Pane -->
+<!-- Box Headings -->
+<!ENTITY contact.heading "Kontakt">
+<!ENTITY home.heading "Heim">
+<!ENTITY other.heading "Anna">
+<!ENTITY phone.heading "Telefon">
+<!ENTITY work.heading "Arbeid">
+<!-- Special Box Headings, for mailing lists -->
+<!ENTITY description.heading "Skildring">
+<!ENTITY addresses.heading "Adresser">
+<!-- For Map It! -->
+<!ENTITY mapItButton.label "Hent kart">
+<!ENTITY mapIt.tooltip "Viser eit kart med denne adressa frå nettet">
+<!-- Status Bar -->
+<!ENTITY statusText.label "">
+<!-- Swap FN/LN UI Set to "false" to show swap fn/ln UI -->
+<!ENTITY hideSwapFnLnUI "true">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abNewCardDialog.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abNewCardDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9cc073b8e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abNewCardDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Labels -->
+<!ENTITY chooseAddressBook.label "Legg til i: ">
+<!ENTITY chooseAddressBook.accesskey "L">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abResultsPaneOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abResultsPaneOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6613b6fc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abResultsPaneOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY GeneratedName.label "Namn">
+<!ENTITY GeneratedName.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY PrimaryEmail.label "E-post">
+<!ENTITY PrimaryEmail.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY Company.label "Organisasjon">
+<!ENTITY Company.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY _PhoneticName.label "Fonetisk namn">
+<!ENTITY _PhoneticName.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY NickName.label "Kallenamn">
+<!ENTITY NickName.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY SecondEmail.label "E-post (anna)">
+<!ENTITY SecondEmail.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY Department.label "Avdeling">
+<!ENTITY Department.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY JobTitle.label "Tittel">
+<!ENTITY JobTitle.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY CellularNumber.label "Mobiltelefon">
+<!ENTITY CellularNumber.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY PagerNumber.label "Personsøkjar">
+<!ENTITY PagerNumber.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY FaxNumber.label "Faks">
+<!ENTITY FaxNumber.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY HomePhone.label "Heimetelefon">
+<!ENTITY HomePhone.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY WorkPhone.label "Arbeidstelefon">
+<!ENTITY WorkPhone.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY sortAscending.label "Stigande">
+<!ENTITY sortAscending.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY sortDescending.label "Søkkande">
+<!ENTITY sortDescending.accesskey "ø">
+<!-- context menu -->
+<!ENTITY composeEmail.label "Skriv e-post til">
+<!ENTITY composeEmail.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY copyAddress.label "Kopier e-postadresse">
+<!ENTITY copyAddress.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY deleteAddrBookCard.label "Slett">
+<!ENTITY deleteAddrBookCard.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY newAddrBookCard.label "Ny kontakt…">
+<!ENTITY newAddrBookCard.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY newAddrBookMailingList.label "Ny e-postliste…">
+<!ENTITY newAddrBookMailingList.accesskey "p">
+<!ENTITY addrBookCardProperties.label "Eigenskaper">
+<!ENTITY addrBookCardProperties.accesskey "p">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abSelectAddressesDialog.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abSelectAddressesDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6cb87cc102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abSelectAddressesDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Title -->
+<!ENTITY selectAddressWindow.title "Vel adresser">
+<!-- Buttons -->
+<!ENTITY toButton.label "Til->">
+<!ENTITY toButton.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY ccButton.label "Kopi til->">
+<!ENTITY ccButton.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY bccButton.label "Blindkopi til->">
+<!ENTITY bccButton.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY newButton.label "Ny…">
+<!ENTITY newButton.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY editButton.label "Endre…">
+<!ENTITY editButton.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY removeButton.label "Fjern">
+<!ENTITY removeButton.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY lookIn.label "Sjå i:">
+<!ENTITY lookIn.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY for.label "etter:">
+<!ENTITY for.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY for.placeholder "Namn eller e-post">
+<!ENTITY addressMessageTo.label "Adresser melding til:">
+<!-- Tooltips items -->
+<!ENTITY addressPickerNewButton.tooltip "Lag ny kontakt">
+<!ENTITY addressPickerEditButton.tooltip "Rediger vald kontakt">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22b5e58453
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the Mailing list dialog
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailingListTitleEdit): %S will be replaced by the Mailing List's display name
+mailingListTitleEdit=Rediger %S
+emptyListName=Du må skrive inn eit listenamn.
+lastFirstFormat=%S, %S
+firstLastFormat=%S %S
+newContactTitle=Ny kontakt
+# %S will be the card's display name
+newContactTitleWithDisplayName=Ny kontakt for %S
+editContactTitle=Rediger kontakt
+# %S will be the card's display name
+editContactTitleWithDisplayName=Rediger kontakten %S
+# don't translate vCard
+editVCardTitle=Rediger adressekort (vCard)
+# %S will be the card's display name, don't translate vCard
+editVCardTitleWithDisplayName=Rediger adressekort (vCard) for %S
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (cardRequiredDataMissingMessage): do not localize \n
+cardRequiredDataMissingMessage=Du må skrive inn minst eitt av følgjande:\nE-postadresse, fornamn, etternamn, vist namn, organisasjon.
+cardRequiredDataMissingTitle=Manglar nødvendig informasjon
+incorrectEmailAddressFormatMessage=Den primære e-postadressa må vere i formatet bruker@vert.
+incorrectEmailAddressFormatTitle=Ugyldig format på e-postadressa
+viewListTitle=E-postliste: %S
+mailListNameExistsTitle=E-postlista finst allereie
+mailListNameExistsMessage=Ei e-postliste med det same namnet finst allereie. Vel eit anna namn.
+propertySecondaryEmail=E-post (annan)
+propertyCustom1=Tilpassa 1
+propertyCustom2=Tilpassa 2
+propertyCustom3=Tilpassa 3
+propertyCustom4=Tilpassa 4
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (cityAndStateAndZip):
+## %1$S is city, %2$S is state, %3$S is zip
+cityAndStateAndZip=%1$S, %2$S %3$S
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (cityAndStateNoZip):
+## %1$S is city, %2$S is state
+cityAndStateNoZip=%1$S, %2$S
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (cityOrStateAndZip):
+## %1$S is city or state, %2$S is zip
+cityOrStateAndZip=%1$S %2$S
+prefixCc=Kopi til
+prefixBcc=Blindkopi til
+emptyEmailAddCard=Du kan ikkje leggje til eit kort som ikkje har ei primær e-postadresse
+emptyEmailAddCardTitle=Klarte ikke å leggje til kort
+# mailnews.js
+ldap_2.servers.pab.description=Personleg adressebok
+ldap_2.servers.history.description=Oppsamla adresser
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (ldap_2.servers.oe.description is only used on Windows)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (ldap_2.servers.osx.description is only used on Mac OS X)
+ldap_2.servers.osx.description=Mac OS X adressebok
+# status bar stuff
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (totalContactStatus):
+## %1$S is address book name, %2$S is card count
+totalContactStatus=Tal på kontaktar i %1$S: %2$S
+noMatchFound=Ingen treff funne
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (matchesFound1):
+## Semicolon-separated list of singular and plural forms.
+## See:
+## #1 is the number of matching contacts found
+matchesFound1=#1 treff funne;#1 treff funne
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (contactsCopied): Semi-colon list of plural forms
+## %1$S is the number of contacts that were copied. This should be used multiple
+## times wherever you need it. Do not replace by %S.
+contactsCopied=%1$S kontakt kopiert;%1$S kontaktar kopierte
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (contactsMoved): Semi-colon list of plural forms
+## %1$S is the number of contacts that were moved. This should be used multiple
+## times wherever you need it. Do not replace by %S.
+contactsMoved=%1$S kontakt flytta;%1$S kontaktar flytta
+# LDAP directory stuff
+invalidName=Skriv inn eit gyldig namn.
+invalidHostname=Skriv inn eit gyldig tenarnamn.
+invalidPortNumber=Skriv inn eit gyldig portnummer.
+invalidResults=Skriv inn eit gyldig nummer i resultatfeltet.
+abReplicationOfflineWarning=Du må vere tilkopla for å utføre LDAP-replikasjon.
+abReplicationSaveSettings=Innstillingar må lagrast før ein katalog kan lastast ned.
+# For importing / exporting
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (ExportAddressBookNameTitle): %S is the name of exported addressbook
+ExportAddressBookNameTitle=Eksporter adressebok - %S
+LDIFFiles=LDIF (*.ldi,*.ldif)
+CSVFiles=Kommaseparert (*.csv)
+CSVFilesSysCharset=Kommaseparert (system-teiknsettet)
+CSVFilesUTF8=Kommaseparert (UTF-8)
+TABFiles=Tabulator-avgrensa (*.tab,*.txt)
+TABFilesSysCharset=Tab-separert (system-teiknsettet)
+TABFilesUTF8=Tab-separert (UTF-8)
+failedToExportTitle=Eksport feila
+failedToExportMessageNoDeviceSpace=Klarte ikkje å eksportere adresseboka. Ingen ledig plass på eininga.
+failedToExportMessageFileAccessDenied=Klarte ikkje å eksportere adresseboka. Tilgang til fila vart nekta.
+# For getting authDN for replication using dlg box
+AuthDlgTitle=Adressebok LDAP-replikasjon
+AuthDlgDesc=For å få tilgang til katalogtenaren, skriv inn brukarnamnet og passordet ditt.
+# use + for spaces
+# For printing
+## For address books
+addressBookTitleNew=Ny adressebok
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addressBookTitleEdit):
+# %S is the current name of the address book.
+# Example: My Custom AB Properties
+addressBookTitleEdit=Eigenskapar for %S
+duplicateNameTitle=Dupliser adresseboknamn
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (duplicateNameText):
+# Don't localize "\n• %S" unless your local layout comes out wrong.
+# %S is the name of the existing address book.
+# Example: An address book with this name already exists:
+# • My Custom AB
+duplicateNameText=Ei adressebok med dette namnet finst allereie:\n• %S
+# For corrupt .mab files
+corruptMabFileTitle=Korrupt adressebokfil
+corruptMabFileAlert=Ei av adressebokfilene (%1$S) kunne ikkje lesast. Ei ny fil %2$S vil bli oppretta, og ein tryggingskopi av den gamle fila, kalla %3$S, vil bli oppretta i den same mappa.
+# For locked .mab files
+lockedMabFileTitle=Klarte ikke å lese adresseboken
+lockedMabFileAlert=Klarte ikkje å lese adresseboka %S. Det er mogleg at fila ikkje er skrivbar, eller er låst av eit anna program. Prøv på nytt seinare.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63e3d70c5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# These are error strings for problems that happen while in the
+# various states declared in nsILDAPAutoCompFormatter.idl. Note that
+# the number that indexes each error state is the same as the number
+# corresponding to that state in nsILDAPAutoCompFormatter.idl.
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+1=Tilkopling til LDAP-serveren feila
+## @loc none
+2=Tilkopling til LDAP-serveren feila
+## @loc none
+3=Kommunikasjonsproblem mot LDAP-serveren
+## @loc none
+4=Søkjeproblem på LDAP-serveren
+# The format of the alert dialog itself
+## @name ALERT_FORMAT
+## @loc None of %1$S, %2$S and %3$S should be localized.
+## %1$S is the error code itself, %2$S is an LDAP SDK error message from
+## chrome://mozldap/locale/, and %3$S is a hint relating
+## to that specific error, found in this file.
+errorAlertFormat=Feilkode %1$S: %2$S\n\n %3$S
+## The following errors are for error codes other than LDAP-specific ones.
+## Someday mozilla will actually have a system for mapping nsresults to
+## error strings that's actually widely used, unlike nsIErrorService. But
+## until it does, these strings live here…
+## @name HOST_NOT_FOUND
+## @loc none
+5000=Vert ikkje funnen
+## @loc none
+9999=Ukjend feil
+# Hints to for the user, associated with specific error codes (ie error code
+# + 10000)
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @name BUSY_HINT
+## @loc none
+10051=Prøv igjen seinare.
+## @loc none
+## @name TIMEOUT_HINT
+## @loc none
+10085=Prøv igjen seinare.
+## @loc none
+## @name NO_MEMORY_HINT
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @name GENERIC_HINT
+## @loc none
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59ebe8b2c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Short name of import module
+ApplemailImportName=Apple Mail
+# Description of import module
+# Success Message
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(ApplemailImportMailboxSuccess): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Error Message
+# Error message
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(ApplemailImportMailboxConverterror): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72f489f1d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the becky import code to display status/error
+# and informational messages
+# Short name of import module
+BeckyImportName=Becky! Internet Mail
+# Description of import module
+BeckyImportDescription=Importer lokal e-post frå Becky! Internet Mail
+# Success Message
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# The variable %S will contain the name of the Mailbox
+BeckyImportMailboxSuccess=Lokale meldingar er importerte frå %S.
+BeckyImportAddressSuccess=Adressebok importert
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db53065b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Rule of this file:
+## 1. key should always be in lower case ascii so we can do case insensitive
+## comparison in the code faster.
+## Format of this file:
+## charset_name.title = a_title - specifies the human readable title for
+## this charset
+iso-8859-1.title = Vestleg (ISO-8859-1)
+iso-8859-2.title = Sentraleuropeisk (ISO-8859-2)
+iso-8859-3.title = Søreuropeisk (ISO-8859-3)
+iso-8859-4.title = Baltisk (ISO-8859-4)
+iso-8859-10.title = Nordisk (ISO-8859-10)
+iso-8859-13.title = Baltisk (ISO-8859-13)
+iso-8859-14.title = Keltisk (ISO-8859-14)
+iso-8859-15.title = Vestleg (ISO-8859-15)
+iso-8859-16.title = Rumensk (ISO-8859-16)
+windows-1250.title = Sentraleuropeisk (Windows-1250)
+windows-1252.title = Vestleg (Windows-1252)
+windows-1254.title = Tyrkisk (Windows-1254)
+windows-1257.title = Baltisk (Windows-1257)
+macintosh.title = Vestleg (MacRoman)
+x-mac-ce.title = Sentraleuropeisk (MacCE)
+x-mac-turkish.title = Tyrkisk (MacTurkish)
+x-mac-croatian.title = Kroatisk (MacCroatian)
+x-mac-romanian.title = Rumensk (MacRomanian)
+x-mac-icelandic.title = Islandsk (MacIcelandic)
+iso-2022-jp.title = Japansk (ISO-2022-JP)
+shift_jis.title = Japansk (Shift_JIS)
+euc-jp.title = Japansk (EUC-JP)
+big5.title = Tradisjonell kinesisk (Big5)
+big5-hkscs.title = Tradisjonell kinesisk (Big5-HKSCS)
+gb2312.title = Forenkla kinesisk (GB2312)
+gbk.title = Forenkla kinesisk (GBK)
+euc-kr.title = Koreansk (EUC-KR)
+utf-7.title = Unicode (UTF-7)
+utf-8.title = Unicode (UTF-8)
+utf-16.title = Unicode (UTF-16)
+utf-16le.title = Unicode (UTF-16LE)
+utf-16be.title = Unicode (UTF-16BE)
+iso-8859-5.title = Kyrillisk (ISO-8859-5)
+windows-1251.title = Kyrillisk (Windows-1251)
+x-mac-cyrillic.title = Kyrillisk (MacCyrillic)
+x-mac-ukrainian.title = Kyrillisk/ukrainsk (MacUkrainian)
+koi8-r.title = Kyrillisk (KOI8-R)
+koi8-u.title = Kyrillisk/ukrainsk (KOI8-U)
+iso-8859-7.title = Gresk (ISO-8859-7)
+windows-1253.title = Gresk (Windows-1253)
+x-mac-greek.title = Gresk (MacGreek)
+windows-1258.title = Vietnamesisk (Windows-1258)
+windows-874.title = Thai (Windows-874)
+iso-8859-6.title = Arabisk (ISO-8859-6)
+iso-8859-8.title = Hebraisk visuell (ISO-8859-8)
+iso-8859-8-i.title = Hebraisk (ISO-8859-8-I)
+windows-1255.title = Hebraisk (Windows-1255)
+windows-1256.title = Arabisk (Windows-1256)
+x-user-defined.title = Brukardefinert
+ibm866.title = Kyrillisk/russisk (CP-866)
+gb18030.title = Forenkla kinesisk (GB18030)
+x-mac-arabic.title = Arabisk (MacArabic)
+x-mac-farsi.title = Farsi (MacFarsi)
+x-mac-hebrew.title = Hebraisk (MacHebrew)
+x-mac-devanagari.title = Hindi (MacDevanagari)
+x-mac-gujarati.title = Gujarati (MacGujarati)
+x-mac-gurmukhi.title = Gurmukhi (MacGurmukhi)
+ = (Av)
+chardet.universal_charset_detector.title = Universell
+chardet.ja_parallel_state_machine.title = Japansk
+chardet.ko_parallel_state_machine.title = Koreansk
+chardet.zhtw_parallel_state_machine.title = Tradisjonell kinesisk
+chardet.zhcn_parallel_state_machine.title = Forenkla kinesisk
+chardet.zh_parallel_state_machine.title = Kinesisk
+chardet.cjk_parallel_state_machine.title = Austasiatisk
+chardet.ruprob.title = Russisk
+chardet.ukprob.title = Ukrainsk
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/addressingWidgetOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/addressingWidgetOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73bf1c19cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/addressingWidgetOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- address labels -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE addressingWidgetOverlay.dtd The basic mail/news composition headers as they are seen in UI -->
+<!ENTITY toAddr.label "Til:">
+<!ENTITY ccAddr.label "Kopi til:">
+<!ENTITY bccAddr.label "Blindkopi til:">
+<!ENTITY replyAddr.label "Svar til:">
+<!ENTITY newsgroupsAddr.label "Nyheitsgruppe:">
+<!ENTITY followupAddr.label "Oppfølging til:">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/askSendFormat.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/askSendFormat.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6b88d5ced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/askSendFormat.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE askSendFormat.dtd UI for dialog that asks the user, which format to use for sending a message -->
+<!ENTITY send.label "Send">
+<!ENTITY send.accesskey "S">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f99398c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e6ffc3e6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the compose back end
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (unableToOpenFile, unableToOpenTmpFile):
+## %S will be replaced with the name of file that could not be opened
+unableToOpenFile=Klarte ikkje å opne fila %S.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingFromCommand): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingDataCommand): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingMessage): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpServerError): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (communicationsError): argument %d is the error code
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (tcpReadError): argument %s is the network error
+errorReadingFile=Feil ved lesing av fil.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorAttachingFile): argument %S is the file name/URI of object to be attached
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (incorrectSmtpGreeting): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) greeting
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingRcptCommand): argument %1$S is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response, argument %2$S is the intended message recipient.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (startTlsFailed): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpPasswordUndefined): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP) account
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpTempSizeExceeded): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpPermSizeExceeded1): argument %d is the Outgoing server (SMTP) size limit
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpPermSizeExceeded2): argument %s is the server's response
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendFailedUnknownServer): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendRequestRefused): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendInterrupted): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendTimeout): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendFailedUnknownReason): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpHintAuthEncryptToPlainNoSsl): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpHintAuthEncryptToPlainSsl): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpHintAuthPlainToEncrypt): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthFailure): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthGssapi): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthMechNotSupported): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthenticationNotSupported): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorIllegalLocalPart): %s is an email address with an illegal localpart
+## Strings used for the save message dialog shown when the user closes a message compose window
+saveDlogTitle=Lagre melding
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveDlogMessages2): Do not translate the words %1$S and \n.
+## %1$S is replaced by the folder name configured for saving drafts (typically the "Drafts" folder).
+## Translate "Compose" to match the translation of item "windowTitlePrefix" below.
+## generics string
+chooseFileToAttach=Legg ved fil(er)
+## String used by the dialog that informs the user about the newsgroup recipient
+## String used by the alert that tells the user an e-mail address is invalid
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (addressInvalid): %1$S is the email address
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (undisclosedRecipients): this string must use only US_ASCII characters
+## String used for attachment pretty name, when the attachment is a message
+messageAttachmentSafeName=Vedlagd melding
+## String used for attachment pretty name, when the attachment is a message part
+## String used by the Initialization Error dialog
+## String used if the file to attach does not exist when passed as
+## a command line argument
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorFileAttachMessage): %1$S will be replaced by the non-existent file name. Do not translate
+## Strings used by the Save as Draft/Template dialog
+SaveDialogTitle=Lagre melding
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (SaveDialogMsg): %1$S is the folder name, %2$S is the host name
+## Strings used by the prompt when Quitting while in progress
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (quitComposeWindowMessage): don't translate \n
+## Strings used by the prompt for Ctrl-Enter check before sending message
+sendMessageCheckWindowTitle=Send melding
+assemblingMessage=Set saman melding…
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (gatheringAttachment): argument %S is the file name/URI of attachment
+gatheringAttachment=Legg ved %S…
+creatingMailMessage=Lagar e-postmelding…
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (copyMessageStart): argument %S is the folder name
+copyMessageStart=Kopierer melding til mappa %S…
+copyMessageComplete=Kopiering fullført.
+copyMessageFailed=Mislykka kopiering.
+filterMessageComplete=Filter fullført.
+filterMessageFailed=Mislykka filtrering.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (largeMessageSendWarning):
+## %S is the message size in user-friendly notation. Do not translate.
+sendingMessage=Sender melding…
+postingMessage=Postar melding…
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (failureOnObjectEmbeddingWhileSaving): argument %.200S is the file name/URI of object to be embedded
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (failureOnObjectEmbeddingWhileSending): argument %.200S is the file name/URI of object to be embedded
+## reply header in composeMsg
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailnews.reply_header_authorwrotesingle): #1 is the author (name of person replying to)
+mailnews.reply_header_authorwrotesingle=#1 skreiv:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailnews.reply_header_ondateauthorwrote): #1 is the author, #2 is the date, #3 is the time
+mailnews.reply_header_ondateauthorwrote=Den #2 #3, skreiv #1:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailnews.reply_header_authorwroteondate): #1 is the author, #2 is the date, #3 is the time
+mailnews.reply_header_authorwroteondate=#1 skreiv den #2 #3:
+## reply header in composeMsg
+## user specified
+mailnews.reply_header_originalmessage=-------- Original melding --------
+## forwarded header in composeMsg
+## user specified
+mailnews.forward_header_originalmessage=-------- Vidaresendt melding --------
+## Strings used by the rename attachment dialog
+renameAttachmentTitle=Byt namn på vedlegget
+renameAttachmentMessage=Nytt vedleggsnamn:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(smtpEnterPasswordPrompt): Do not translate the
+## word %S. Place the word %S where the host name should appear.
+smtpEnterPasswordPrompt=Skriv inn passordet for %S:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(smtpEnterPasswordPromptWithUsername): Do not translate the
+## words %1$S and %2$S. Place the word %1$S where the host name should appear,
+## and %2$S where the user name should appear.
+smtpEnterPasswordPromptWithUsername=Skriv inn passordet ditt for %2$S på %1$S:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(promptToSaveSentLocally): Do not translate the stings %1$S, %2$S, %3$S and \n.
+## %2$S will be replaced with the account name. $1$S will be replaced by the folder name
+## configured to contain saved sent messages (typically the "Sent" folder).
+## %3$S will be replaced with the local folders account name (typically "Local Folders").
+## Translate "Compose" to match the translation of item "windowTitlePrefix" above.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(promptToSaveTemplateLocally): Do not translate the stings %1$S, %2$S, %3$S and \n.
+## %2$S will be replaced with the account name. $1$S will be replaced by the folder name
+## configured to contain saved templates (typically the "Templates" folder).
+## %3$S will be replaced with the local folders account name (typically "Local Folders").
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(saveToLocalFoldersFailed): Message appears after normal
+## save fails (e.g., to Sent) and save to Local Folders also fails. This could
+## occur if network is down and filesystem problems are present such as disk
+## full, permission issues or hardware failure.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(blockedAllowResource): %S is the URL to load.
+blockedAllowResource=Fjern blokkering av %S
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (blockedContentMessage): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+## See:
+## %S will be replaced by brandShortName.
+## Files must be unblocked individually, therefore the plural form reads:
+## Unblocking a file (one of several) will include it (that one file) in your sent message.
+## In other words:
+## Unblocking one/several file(s) will include it/them in your message.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (blockedContentPrefLabel, blockedContentPrefAccesskey):
+## Same content as (blockedContentPrefLabel, blockedContentPrefAccesskey)
+## in mail directory. SeaMonkey does only use Options and not Preferences.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/mailComposeEditorOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/mailComposeEditorOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83ca361d47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/mailComposeEditorOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY attachImageSource.label "Send dette bildet som vedlegg i meldinga">
+<!ENTITY attachImageSource.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY attachLinkSource.label "Tilknyt kjelda til denne lenkja til meldinga">
+<!ENTITY attachLinkSource.accesskey "T">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/messengercompose.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/messengercompose.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..074dcb3107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/messengercompose.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE messengercompose.dtd Main UI for message composition -->
+<!ENTITY msgComposeWindow.title "Skriv: (emnelaus)">
+<!ENTITY fromAddr.label "Frå:">
+<!ENTITY fromAddr.accesskey "å">
+<!ENTITY subject.label "Emne:">
+<!ENTITY subject.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY attachments.label "Vedlegg:">
+<!ENTITY attachments.accesskey "d">
+<!-- menu items: the . means that the menu item isn't implemented yet -->
+<!-- File menu items -->
+<!ENTITY saveCmd.label "Lagre">
+<!ENTITY saveCmd.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY saveAsCmd.label "Lagre som">
+<!ENTITY saveAsCmd.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY saveAsFileCmd.label "Fil…">
+<!ENTITY saveAsFileCmd.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY saveAsDraftCmd.label "Utkast">
+<!ENTITY saveAsDraftCmd.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY saveAsTemplateCmd.label "Mal">
+<!ENTITY saveAsTemplateCmd.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY attachMenu.label "Legg ved">
+<!ENTITY attachMenu.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY attachFileCmd.label "Fil(er)…">
+<!ENTITY attachFileCmd.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY attachPageCmd.label "Nettside…">
+<!ENTITY attachPageCmd.accesskey "N">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE attachVCardCmd.label Don't translate the term 'vCard' -->
+<!ENTITY attachVCardCmd.label "Personleg adressekort (vCard)">
+<!ENTITY attachVCardCmd.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY sendNowCmd.label "Send no">
+<!ENTITY sendCmd.keycode "VK_RETURN">
+<!ENTITY sendNowCmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY sendLaterCmd.label "Send seinare">
+<!ENTITY sendLaterCmd.keycode "VK_RETURN">
+<!ENTITY sendLaterCmd.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY accountManagerCmd.label "Kontoinstillingar for e-post og nyheitsgrupper…">
+<!ENTITY accountManagerCmd.accesskey "K">
+<!-- View menu items -->
+<!ENTITY showComposeToolbarCmd.label "E-postverktøylinje">
+<!ENTITY showComposeToolbarCmd.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY showFormatToolbarCmd.label "Formateringsverktøylinje">
+<!ENTITY showFormatToolbarCmd.accesskey "F">
+<!-- Format menu items -->
+<!ENTITY formatMenu.label "Formatering">
+<!ENTITY formatMenu.accesskey "o">
+<!-- Options menu items -->
+<!ENTITY optionsMenu.label "Innstillingar">
+<!ENTITY optionsMenu.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY quoteCmd.label "Siter melding">
+<!ENTITY quoteCmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY selectAddressCmd.label "Vel adresser…">
+<!ENTITY selectAddressCmd.key "">
+<!ENTITY selectAddressCmd.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY priorityMenu.label "Prioritet">
+<!ENTITY priorityMenu.accesskey "p">
+<!ENTITY lowestPriorityCmd.label "Lågaste">
+<!ENTITY lowestPriorityCmd.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY lowPriorityCmd.label "Låg">
+<!ENTITY lowPriorityCmd.accesskey "å">
+<!ENTITY normalPriorityCmd.label "Normal">
+<!ENTITY normalPriorityCmd.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY highPriorityCmd.label "Høg">
+<!ENTITY highPriorityCmd.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY highestPriorityCmd.label "Høgste">
+<!ENTITY highestPriorityCmd.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY returnReceiptMenu.label "Mottakskvitteringar">
+<!ENTITY outputFormatMenu.label "Format">
+<!ENTITY outputFormatMenu.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY autoFormatCmd.label "Automatisk attkjenning">
+<!ENTITY autoFormatCmd.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY fileCarbonCopyCmd.label "Send ein kopi til">
+<!ENTITY fileCarbonCopyCmd.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY fileHereMenu.label "Arkiver her">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE Toolbar items Don't change any "chrome://" URLs -->
+<!-- Toolbar items -->
+<!ENTITY sendButton.label "Send">
+<!ENTITY addressButton.label "Adresser">
+<!ENTITY attachButton.label "Legg ved">
+<!ENTITY spellingButton.label "Stavekontroll">
+<!ENTITY saveButton.label "Lagre">
+<!ENTITY stopButton.label "Stopp">
+<!-- We already inherit &menuBar.tooltip and &mailToolbar.tooltip from messenger.dtd -->
+<!ENTITY addressBar.tooltip "Adresselinje">
+<!ENTITY formatToolbar.tooltip "Formateringsverktøylinje">
+<!ENTITY sendButton.tooltip "Send denne meldingen no">
+<!ENTITY sendlaterButton.tooltip "Send denne meldinga seinare">
+<!ENTITY addressButton.tooltip "Vel ein mottakar frå adresseboka">
+<!ENTITY attachButton.tooltip "Inkluder eit vedlegg">
+<!ENTITY saveButton.tooltip "Lagre denne meldinga">
+<!ENTITY stopButton.tooltip "Stopp denne overføringa">
+<!-- context menu items -->
+<!ENTITY openAttachment.label "Opne">
+<!ENTITY openAttachment.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY renameAttachment.label "Byt namn…">
+<!ENTITY renameAttachment.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY deleteAttachment.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY selectAllAttachments.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY attachFile.label "Legg ved filer…">
+<!ENTITY attachFile.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY attachPage.label "Legg ved nettside…">
+<!ENTITY attachPage.accesskey "v">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/sendProgress.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/sendProgress.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa7f247e78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/sendProgress.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE sendprogress.dtd Main UI for Send Message Progress Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY sendDialog.title "Sender meldingar">
+<!ENTITY status.label "Status:">
+<!ENTITY progress.label "Framdrift:">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f41c3b4aad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (titleSendMsgSubject):
+# %S will be replaced by the message subject.
+titleSendMsgSubject=Sender melding - %S
+titleSendMsg=Sender melding
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (titleSaveMsgSubject):
+# %S will be replaced by the message subject.
+titleSaveMsgSubject=Lagrar melding - %S
+titleSaveMsg=Lagrar melding
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (percentMsg):
+# This string is used to format the text to the right of the progress meter.
+# %S will be replaced by the percentage of the file that has been saved.
+# %% will be replaced a single % sign.
+percentMsg=%S %%
+messageSent=Meldinga er sendt.
+messageSaved=Meldinga er lagra.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/downloadheaders.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/downloadheaders.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99d0e52ef7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/downloadheaders.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (download.label):
+ consider the download.label and headers.label as a single sentence
+ with the number of headers to be downloaded inserted between them:
+ EXAMPLE: "Download" <some number> "headers"
+ Either label could be set to null ("") if required grammatically.
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (download.label):
+ consider the download.label and headers.label as a single sentence
+ with the number of headers to be downloaded inserted between them:
+ EXAMPLE: "Download" <some number> "headers"
+ Either label could be set to null ("") if required grammatically.
+<!ENTITY download.label "Last ned">
+<!ENTITY download.accesskey "a">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (headers.label): see note for download.label -->
+<!ENTITY headers.label "meldingshovud">
+<!ENTITY headers.accesskey "e">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/fieldMapImport.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/fieldMapImport.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41252ca6c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/fieldMapImport.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY fieldMapImport.title "Importer adressebok">
+<!ENTITY "Neste">
+<!ENTITY "N">
+<!ENTITY fieldMapImport.up.label "Flytt opp">
+<!ENTITY fieldMapImport.up.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY fieldMapImport.down.label "Flytt ned">
+<!ENTITY fieldMapImport.down.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY fieldMapImport.fieldListTitle "Adressebokfelt">
+<!ENTITY fieldMapImport.dataTitle "Element å importere">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..93e6b28c26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+mustSelectFolder=Du må velje ei målmappe.
+enterValidEmailAddress=Skriv inn ei gyldig e-postadresse å vidaresende til.
+pickTemplateToReplyWith=Vel ein mal å svare med.
+mustEnterName=Du må gje dette filteret eit namn.
+cannotHaveDuplicateFilterTitle=Filternamn finst frå før
+untitledFilterName=Namnlaust filter
+matchAllFilterName=Vis alle meldingane
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterFailureWarningPrefix)
+# %1$S=filter error action
+# %2$S=error code as hexadecimal string.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(searchTermsInvalidRule)
+# %1$S=search attribute name from the invalid rule
+# %2$S=search operator from the bad rule
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterActionOrderExplanation)
+# Keep the \n\n that mean 2 linebreaks.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterActionItem):
+# %1$S=sequence number of the action, %2$S=action text, %3$S=action argument
+filterActionItem=%1$S. %2$S %3$S\n
+# for junk mail logging / mail filter logging
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(junkLogDetectStr)
+# %1$S=author, %2$S=subject, %3$S=date
+# %1$S=message id, %2$S=folder URI
+# %1$S=message id, %2$S=folder URI
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterLogDetectStr)
+# %1$S=filter name %2$S=author, %3$S=subject, %4$S=date
+filterAction4=markert som lesen
+filterAction5=tråd avslutta
+filterAction6=tråd overvaka
+filterAction9=svart på
+filterAction11=utføring stoppa
+filterAction12=sletta frå POP3-server
+filterAction17=med etikett
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterAutoNameStr)
+# %1$S=Header or item to match, e.g. "From", "Tag", "Age in days", etc.
+# %2$S=Operator, e.g. "Contains", "is", "is greater than", etc.
+# %3$S=Value, e.g. "Steve Jobs", "Important", "42", etc.
+filterAutoNameStr=%1$S %2$S: %3$S
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/folderProps.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/folderProps.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3bb375e887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/folderProps.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY folderProps.windowtitle.label "Eigenskapar">
+<!ENTITY generalInfo.label "Generell informasjon">
+<!ENTITY folderCharsetFallback2.label "Reserve-teiknkoding:">
+<!ENTITY folderCharsetFallback2.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY folderRebuildSummaryFile2.label "Reparer mappe">
+<!ENTITY folderRebuildSummaryFile2.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY retentionUseAccount.label "Bruk innstillingane frå kontoen min">
+<!ENTITY retentionUseAccount.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY daysOld.label "dager gammal">
+<!ENTITY message.label "meldingane">
+<!ENTITY offlineNewsgroup.button.label "Last ned no">
+<!ENTITY "Namn:">
+<!ENTITY "N">
+<!ENTITY folderSharingTab.label "Deling">
+<!ENTITY privileges.button.label "Løyve…">
+<!ENTITY privileges.button.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY permissionsDesc.label "Du har følgjande løyve:">
+<!ENTITY folderType.label "Mappetype:">
+<!ENTITY folderQuotaTab.label "Kvote">
+<!ENTITY folderQuotaUsage.label "Bruk:">
+<!ENTITY folderQuotaStatus.label "Status:">
+<!ENTITY numberOfMessages.label "Tal på meldingar:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: When the number of messages can't be determined, this string is displayed as the number -->
+<!ENTITY numberUnknown.label "ukjend">
+<!ENTITY sizeOnDisk.label "Størleik på disk:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: When the size can't be determined, this string is displayed as the size -->
+<!ENTITY sizeUnknown.label "ukjend">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..51525ec46f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# %S=name of the Local folders account
+globalInbox=Global innboks (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(verboseFolderFormat): %1$S is folder name, %2$S is server name
+verboseFolderFormat=%1$S på %2$S
+chooseFolder=Vel mappe…
+chooseAccount=Vel konto…
+noFolders=Ingen tilgjengelege mapper
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/folderpane.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/folderpane.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ecc785616
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/folderpane.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY nameColumn.label "Namn">
+<!ENTITY unreadColumn.label "Ulesne">
+<!ENTITY totalColumn.label "Totalt">
+<!ENTITY folderSizeColumn.label "Storleik">
+<!ENTITY folderLocationToolbarItem.title "Mappeplassering">
+<!ENTITY mailViewsToolbarItem.title "E-postvisingar">
+<!ENTITY searchToolbarItem.title "Søk">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b1c56d1aa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*.facetLabel): These are the labels used to label the facet
+# displays in the global search facet display mechanism.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*.includeLabel): The label to use for the included group
+# in the facet display. If not provided, we will fall back to
+# "glodaFacetView.facets.included.fallbackLabel".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*.excludeLabel): The label to use for the excluded group
+# in the facet display. If not provided, we will fall back to
+# "glodaFacetView.facets.excluded.fallbackLabel".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*.remainderLabel): The label to use for the remaining items
+# that are neither part of the included group or the excluded group in the
+# facet display. If not provided, we will fall back to
+# "glodaFacetView.facets.remainder.fallbackLabel".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.folder.*): Stores the message folder in
+# which the message is stored.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.fromMe.*): Stores everyone involved
+# with the message. This means from/to/cc/bcc.
+gloda.message.attr.fromMe.facetLabel=Frå meg
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.toMe.*): Stores everyone involved
+# with the message. This means from/to/cc/bcc.
+gloda.message.attr.toMe.facetLabel=Til meg
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.involves.*): Stores everyone involved
+# with the message. This means from/to/cc/bcc.
+gloda.message.attr.involves.includeLabel=som gjeld ein av:
+gloda.message.attr.involves.excludeLabel=som ikkje gjeld:
+gloda.message.attr.involves.remainderLabel=andre deltakarar:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*): Stores the date of the message.
+# SeaMonkey normally stores the date the message claims it was composed
+# according to the "Date" header. This is not the same as when the message
+# was sent or when it was eventually received by the user. In the future we
+# may change this to be one of the other dates, but not anytime soon.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.attachmentTypes.*): Stores the list of
+# MIME types (ex: image/png, text/plain) of real attachments (not just part of
+# the message content but explicitly named attachments) on the message.
+# Although we hope to be able to provide localized human-readable explanations
+# of the MIME type (ex: "PowerPoint document"), I don't know if that is going
+# to happen.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.mailing-list.*): Stores the mailing
+# lists detected in the message. This will normally be the e-mail address of
+# the mailing list and only be detected in messages received from the mailing
+# list. Extensions may contribute additional detected mailing-list-like
+# things.
+gloda.message.attr.mailing-list.facetLabel=E-postliste involvert
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.tag.*): Stores the tags applied to the
+# message. Notably, gmail's labels are not currently exposed via IMAP and we
+# do not do anything clever with gmail, so this is indepdendent of gmail
+# labels. This may change in the future, but it's a safe bet it's not
+# happening on SeaMonkey's side prior to 2.0.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*): Stores whether the message is
+# flagged or not, as indicated by a pretty flag icon.
+# Thunderbird uses a star.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*): Stores whether the user has
+# read the message or not.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.repliedTo.*): Stores whether we believe
+# the user has ever replied to the message. We normally show a little icon in
+# the thread pane when this is the case.
+gloda.message.attr.repliedTo.facetLabel=Er svart på
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.forwarded.*): Stores whether we believe
+# the user has ever forwarded the message. We normally show a little icon in
+# the thread pane when this is the case.
+gloda.message.attr.forwarded.facetLabel=Er vidaresendt
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.mimetype.category.*.label): Map categories of MIME
+# types defined in mimeTypeCategories.js to labels.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.mimetype.category.archives.label): Archive is
+# referring to things like zip files, tar files, tar.gz files, etc.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Media is meant to
+# encompass both audio and video. This is because video and audio streams are
+# frequently stored in the same type of container and we cannot rely on the
+# sending e-mail client to have been clever enough to figure out what was
+# really in the file. So we group them together. (lyd, bilde)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.mimetype.category.other.label): Other is the category
+# for MIME types that we don't really know what it is.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c1bc08dbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the imap code to display progress/status/error messages
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(imapAlertDialogTile): Do not translate the word "%S"
+# below. Place the word %S where the account name should appear.
+imapAlertDialogTitle=Varsel for kontoen %S
+# Status - opening folder
+imapStatusSelectingMailbox=Opnar mappe %S…
+# Status - create folder
+imapStatusCreatingMailbox=Opprettar mappe…
+# Status - deleting a folder
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusDeletingMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated.
+# Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name
+# of the folder being deleted.
+imapStatusDeletingMailbox=Slettar mappe %S…
+# Status - renaming mailbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusRenamingMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated.
+# Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name
+# of the folder being renamed.
+imapStatusRenamingMailbox=Byter namn på mappe %S…
+# Status - looking for mailboxes
+imapStatusLookingForMailbox=Leitar etter mapper…
+# Status - subscribing to mailbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusSubscribeToMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated.
+# Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name
+# of the folder being subscribed to.
+imapStatusSubscribeToMailbox=Abonnerer på mappa %S…
+# Status - unsubscribing from mailbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusUnsubscribeMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated.
+# Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name
+# of the folder being unsubscribed from.
+imapStatusUnsubscribeMailbox=Seier opp abonnementet på mappa %S…
+# Status - searching imap folder
+imapStatusSearchMailbox=Søkjer i mappe…
+# Status - closing a folder
+imapStatusCloseMailbox=Lèt att mappe…
+# Status - compacting a folder
+imapStatusExpungingMailbox=Komprimerer mappe…
+# Status - logging out
+imapStatusLoggingOut=Loggar ut…
+# Status - checking server capabilities
+imapStatusCheckCompat=Kontrollerer eigenskapar på meldingsserver…
+# Status - logging on
+imapStatusSendingLogin=Sender innlogging…
+# Status - auth logon
+imapStatusSendingAuthLogin=Sender innlogging…
+# Status - downloading message
+imapDownloadingMessage=Lastar ned melding…
+# Status - getting acl for folder
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapGettingACLForFolder): Do not translate the word "ACL" below.
+imapGettingACLForFolder=Hentar ACL-ar for mappe…
+# Status - getting server info
+imapGettingServerInfo=Hentar konfigurasjonsinfo frå serveren…
+# Status - getting mailbox info
+# Status - empty mime part
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapReceivingMessageHeaders3): Do not translate the words "%1$S", "%2$S", and "%3$S" below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the number of the header being downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the total number of headers to be downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the folder being processed should appear.
+# Note: The account name and separators (e.g. colon, space) are automatically added to the status message.
+# Example: "Joe's Account: Downloading message header 100 of 1000 in Drafts…"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapReceivingMessageFlags3): Do not translate the words "%1$S", "%2$S", and "%3$S" below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the number of the flag being downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the total number of flags to be downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the folder being processed should appear.
+# Note: The account name and separators (e.g. colon, space) are automatically added to the status message.
+# Example: "Jim's Account: Downloading message flag 100 of 1000 in INBOX…"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapMovingMessages): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapMovingMessage): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapCopyingMessages): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapCopyingMessage): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapFolderReceivingMessageOf3): Do not translate the words "%1$S", "%2$S", and "%3$S" below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the number of the message being downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the total number of messages to be downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the folder being processed should appear.
+# Note: The account name and separators (e.g. colon, space) are automatically added to the status message.
+# Example: "Juan's Account: Downloading message 100 of 1000 in Sent…"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapDiscoveringMailbox): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+imapDiscoveringMailbox=Fann mappe: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapEnterServerPasswordPrompt): Do not translate the words %1$S and %2$S below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the username should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the servername should appear.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapServerNotImap4): Do not translate the word "IMAP4" below.
+# This is intentionally left blank.
+# Status - no messages to download
+imapPersonalSharedFolderTypeName=Personleg mappe
+imapAclFullRights=Full kontroll
+imapAclCreateRight=Lag undermappe
+imapAclDeleteRight=Slett meldingar
+imapAclAdministerRight=Administrer mapper
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autoSubscribeText): %1$S is the imap folder.
+imapSubscribePrompt=Vil du abonnere på %1$S?
+# Out of memory
+imapOutOfMemory=Programmet er tomt for minne.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapCopyingMessageOf2): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the destination folder should appear.
+# Place the word %1$S where the currently copying message should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S where the total number of messages should appear.
+imapCopyingMessageOf2=Kopierer melding %1$S av %2$S til %3$S…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapMoveFolderToTrash): Do not translate the word %S below.
+# "%S" is the name of the folder.
+imapMoveFolderToTrash=Er du sikker på at du vil slette mappa «%S»?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapDeleteNoTrash): Do not translate the word %S below.
+# "%S" is the name of the folder.
+imapDeleteFolderDialogTitle=Slett mappa
+imapDeleteFolderButtonLabel=&Slett mappa
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainSSL): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthChangePlainToEncrypt): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainNoSSL): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthMechNotSupported): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthGssapiFailed): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapServerCommandFailed):
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account name should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the server response should appear.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapFolderCommandFailed): Do not translate the word %S below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the server response should appear.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapServerAlert):
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the alert from the server should appear.
+imapServerAlert=Varsel frå konto %1$S: %2$S
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/importDialog.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/importDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4c1e426ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/importDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY importDialog.windowTitle "Importer">
+<!ENTITY importAll.label "Importer alt">
+<!ENTITY importAll.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY importMail.label "E-post">
+<!ENTITY importMail.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY importAddressbook.label "Adressebøker">
+<!ENTITY importAddressbook.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY importSettings.label "Innstillingar">
+<!ENTITY importSettings.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY importFilters.label "Filter">
+<!ENTITY importFilters.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY window.width "40em">
+<!ENTITY window.macWidth "45em">
+<!ENTITY importTitle.label "&brandShortName; E-post importvegvisar">
+<!ENTITY acctName.label "Namn:">
+<!ENTITY acctName.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY back.label "&lt; Tilbake">
+<!ENTITY forward.label "Neste &gt;">
+<!ENTITY finish.label "Ferdig">
+<!ENTITY cancel.label "Avbryt">
+<!ENTITY title.label "Tittel">
+<!ENTITY processing.label "Importerer…">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df0b9e83cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the import code to display status/error
+# and informational messages
+# Success message when no address books are found to import
+## @loc None
+# Error: Address book import not intialized
+## @loc None
+# Error: Unable to create the import thread
+## @loc None
+# Error: Unable to create the import thread
+## @loc None
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 2003): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Success message when no mailboxes are found to import
+## @loc None
+# Error: Mailbox import not intialized
+## @loc None
+# Error: Unable to create the import thread
+## @loc None
+# Error: Unable to create the proxy object for importing mailboxes
+## @loc None
+# Error: Error creating destination mailboxes
+## @loc None
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 2008): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place %S in your translation where the name of the mailbox should appear.
+# Error: Error creating destination mailboxes
+## @loc None
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 2009): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place %S in your translation where the name of the mailbox should appear.
+# Error: No destination folder to import mailboxes
+## @loc None
+# The following are used by the import code to display status/error
+# and informational messages
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2104=Primær e-post
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2105=Sekundær e-post
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2112=Heimeadresse 2
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+#Error strings
+#Error strings for settings import
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+#Error string for mail import
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Error string for address import
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Error string for filters import
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : The %S will get replaced by the name of the import module.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : The %S will get replaced by the name of the import module.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : The %S will get replaced by the name of the import module.
+#Progress strings
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+#Import file dialog strings
+# Folder Names for imported Mail
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate the word "%S" below.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/junkLog.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/junkLog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..adeb5e5e08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/junkLog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY clearLog.label "Tøm loggen">
+<!ENTITY clearLog.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY closeLog.label "Lat att">
+<!ENTITY closeLog.accesskey "L">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/junkMailInfo.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/junkMailInfo.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f5f6b8695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/junkMailInfo.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY window.title "Om uønskt e-post">
+<!ENTITY window.width "450">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b76ed60013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the local mail code to display progress/status/error messages
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pop3ErrorDialogTitle): Do not translate the word "%S"
+# below. Place the word %S where the account name should appear.
+pop3ErrorDialogTitle=Feil med kontoen %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pop3EnterPasswordPrompt): Do not translate the words "%1$S"
+# and "%2$S" below. Place the word %1$S where the user name should appear, and
+# %2$S where the host name should appear.
+pop3EnterPasswordPrompt=Skriv inn passordet ditt for %1$S på %2$S:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pop3PreviouslyEnteredPasswordIsInvalidPrompt): Do not
+# translate the words "%1$S" and "%2$S" below. Place the word %1$S where the
+# user name should appear, and %2$S where the host name should appear.
+# Status - Downloading message n of m
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (receivingMessages): Do not translate %1$S or %2$S in the following lines.
+# Place the word %1$S where the number of messages downloaded so far should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S where the total number of messages to receive should appear;
+# Status - connecting to host
+# Status - no messages to download
+# Status - messages received after the download
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate %1$S or %2$S in the following line.
+# %1$S will receive the number of messages received
+# %2$S will receive the total number of messages
+# Status - parsing folder
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (buildingSummary): Do not translate %S in the following line.
+# Place the word %S where the name of the mailbox should appear
+# Status - parsing folder
+# Status - pop3 server error
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3ServerError): Do not translate POP3 in the following line.
+# Status - pop3 user name failed
+# Status - password failed
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3PasswordFailed): Do not translate "%1$S" below.
+# Place the word %1$S where the user name should appear.
+# Status - write error occurred
+# Status - pop3 server or folder busy
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3ServerBusy): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place %S where the account name should appear.
+# Status - retr failure from the server
+# Status - password undefined
+# Status - username undefined
+# Status - list failure
+# Status - delete error
+# Status - stat failed
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3ServerSaid): Do not remove the leading space during translation.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (movemailCantParseSpool): %S is file name
+# Status - the server doesn't support UIDL…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pop3ServerDoesNotSupportUidlEtc): The following sentence should be translated in this way:
+# Do not translate "POP3"
+# Do not translate "%S". Place %S in your translation where the name of the server should appear.
+# Do not translate "UIDL"
+# Status - the server doesn't support the top command
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pop3ServerDoesNotSupportTopCommand): The following sentence should be translated in this way:
+# Do not translate "POP3"
+# Do not translate "%S". Place %S in your translation where the name of the server should appear.
+# Do not translate "TOP"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3MoveFolderToTrash): Do not translate the word %S below.
+# "%S" is the name of the folder.
+pop3DeleteFolderDialogTitle=Slett mappe
+pop3DeleteFolderButtonLabel=&Slett mappe
+# Authentication server caps and pref don't match
+# Status - Could not log in to GSSAPI, and it was the only method
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailEditorOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailEditorOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..679408cdb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailEditorOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY sendPage.label "Send side…">
+<!ENTITY sendPage.accesskey "S">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailKeysOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailKeysOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e87e67a733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailKeysOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY openMessageWindowCmd.label "Opne melding">
+<!ENTITY openMessageWindowCmd.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY openMessageWindowCmd.key "o">
+<!ENTITY tagCmd0.key "0">
+<!ENTITY tagCmd1.key "1">
+<!ENTITY tagCmd2.key "2">
+<!ENTITY tagCmd3.key "3">
+<!ENTITY tagCmd4.key "4">
+<!ENTITY tagCmd5.key "5">
+<!ENTITY tagCmd6.key "6">
+<!ENTITY tagCmd7.key "7">
+<!ENTITY tagCmd8.key "8">
+<!ENTITY tagCmd9.key "9">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff0e2d0ce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY newMessageCmd.key "M">
+<!ENTITY newMessageCmd.label "Melding">
+<!ENTITY newMessageCmd.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY newContactCmd.label "Kontakt…">
+<!ENTITY newContactCmd.accesskey "K">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailTasksOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailTasksOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b0ab92a1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailTasksOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (messengerCmd.label): DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY messengerCmd.label "E-post og nyheitsgrupper">
+<!ENTITY messengerCmd.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY messengerCmd.commandkey "2">
+<!ENTITY addressBookCmd.label "Adressebok">
+<!ENTITY addressBookCmd.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY addressBookCmd.commandkey "5">
+<!ENTITY taskMessenger.tooltip "E-post og nyheitsgrupper">
+<!ENTITY taskAddressBook.tooltip "Adressebok">
+<!-- searchAddressesCmd is also used by addressbook -->
+<!ENTITY searchAddressesCmd.label "Søk i adresser…">
+<!ENTITY searchAddressesCmd.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY searchMailCmd.label "Søk i meldingar…">
+<!ENTITY searchMailCmd.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY searchMailCmd.key "f">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7da235803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Mail Views
+mailViewLastFiveDays=Siste 5 dagane
+mailViewHasAttachments=Har vedlegg
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/mapi/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/mapi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12e1bd1826
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/mapi/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# MAPI Messages
+loginText=Skriv inn passordet for %S:
+loginTextwithName=Skriv inn brukarnamn og passord
+loginTitle=%S E-post
+PasswordTitle=%S Mail
+# MAPI Security Messages
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/markByDate.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/markByDate.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..824e064a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/markByDate.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY markByDateUpper.label "Til:">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/messenger.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/messenger.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8bea582fe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/messenger.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY messengerWindow.title "E-post og nyheitsgrupper">
+<!ENTITY titleModifier.label "&brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY titleSeparator.label " - ">
+<!-- tabmail -->
+<!ENTITY tabmailClose.label "Lat att fane">
+<!ENTITY tabmailClose.tooltip "Lat att fane">
+<!ENTITY tabmailNewButton.tooltip "Dupliser denne fana">
+<!ENTITY tabmailCloseButton.tooltip "Lat att denne fana">
+<!-- menu items: the . means that the menu item isn't implemented yet -->
+<!-- File menu items -->
+<!ENTITY newMessage.label "Ny melding">
+<!ENTITY newMessage.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY newFolderCmd.label "Mappe…">
+<!ENTITY newFolderCmd.accesskey "p">
+<!ENTITY newVirtualFolderCmd.label "Lagra søk…">
+<!ENTITY newVirtualFolderCmd.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY newTabCmd.label "Dupliser fane">
+<!ENTITY newTabCmd.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY newTabCmd.key "t">
+<!ENTITY closeTabCmd.label "Lat att fane">
+<!ENTITY closeTabCmd.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY newAccountCmd.label "Konto…">
+<!ENTITY newAccountCmd.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY openMessageFileCmd.label "Opne fil…">
+<!ENTITY openMessageFileCmd.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY openAttachmentCmd.label "Vedlegg">
+<!ENTITY openAttachmentCmd.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY saveAsMenu.label "Lagre som">
+<!ENTITY saveAsMenu.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY saveAsFileCmd.label "Fil">
+<!ENTITY saveAsFileCmd.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY saveAsFileCmd.key "s">
+<!ENTITY saveAsTemplateCmd.label "Mal">
+<!ENTITY saveAsTemplateCmd.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY getNewMsgCmd.label "Hent nye meldingar">
+<!ENTITY getNewMsgCmd.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY getNewMsgCmd2.key "d">
+<!ENTITY getNewMsgForCmd.label "Hent nye meldingar for">
+<!ENTITY getNewMsgForCmd.accesskey "f">
+<!ENTITY getAllNewMsgCmdPopupMenu.label "Alle kontoar">
+<!ENTITY getAllNewMsgCmdPopupMenu.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY getNextNMsgCmd.label "Hent neste 500 meldingar i nyheitsgruppa">
+<!ENTITY getNextNMsgCmd.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY subscribeCmd.label "Abonner…">
+<!ENTITY subscribeCmd.accesskey "A">
+<!-- Edit Menu -->
+<!ENTITY unsubscribeNewsgroupCmd.label "Avslutt abonnementet">
+<!ENTITY unsubscribeNewsgroupCmd.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY undoDefaultCmd.label "Angre">
+<!ENTITY redoDefaultCmd.label "Gjer om">
+<!-- View Menu -->
+<!ENTITY showSearchToolbarCmd.label "Søkjelinje">
+<!ENTITY showSearchToolbarCmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY messagePaneClassic.label "Klassisk vising">
+<!ENTITY messagePaneClassic.accesskey "K">
+<!-- sortMenu is also used by addressbook -->
+ This is the key used to show the Lightning quick filter bar. -->
+<!-- Go Menu -->
+<!ENTITY nextMenu.label "Neste">
+<!ENTITY nextMenu.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY nextMsgCmd.label "Melding">
+<!ENTITY nextMsgCmd.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY nextMsgCmd.key "f">
+<!ENTITY nextUnreadMsgCmd.label "Ulest melding">
+<!ENTITY nextUnreadMsgCmd.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY nextUnreadMsgCmd.key "n">
+<!ENTITY nextFlaggedMsgCmd.label "Flagga melding">
+<!ENTITY nextFlaggedMsgCmd.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY nextUnreadThread.label "Ulest tråd">
+<!ENTITY nextUnreadThread.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY nextUnreadThread.key "t">
+<!-- Message Menu -->
+<!ENTITY openFeedWebPageInWindow.label "Nettside i nytt vindauge">
+<!ENTITY openFeedSummaryInWindow.label "Oppsummering i nytt vindauge">
+<!-- Tools Menu -->
+<!ENTITY importCmd.label "Importer…">
+<!ENTITY importCmd.accesskey "I">
+<!-- Folder Pane -->
+<!ENTITY nameColumn.label "Namn">
+<!-- Toolbar items -->
+<!ENTITY nextButton.label "Neste">
+<!ENTITY goBackButton.label "Gå tilbake">
+<!ENTITY goForwardButton.label "Gå fram">
+<!ENTITY deleteButton.label "Slett">
+<!ENTITY undeleteButton.label "Angre sletting">
+<!ENTITY markButton.label "Merk">
+<!ENTITY stopButton.label "Stopp">
+<!ENTITY junkButton.label "Uønskt">
+<!ENTITY notJunkButton.label "Denne er ønskt">
+<!ENTITY searchButton.title "Avansert søk">
+<!-- Tooltips -->
+<!ENTITY menuBar.tooltip "Menylinje">
+<!ENTITY mailToolbar.tooltip "E-postverktøylinje">
+<!ENTITY searchToolbar.tooltip "Søkjelinje">
+<!ENTITY advancedButton.tooltip "Avansert meldingssøk">
+<!ENTITY getMsgButton.tooltip "Hent nye meldingar">
+<!ENTITY newMsgButton.tooltip "Skriv ei ny melding">
+<!ENTITY replyButton.tooltip "Svar til avsendar">
+<!ENTITY replyAllButton.tooltip "Svar til avsendar og alle mottakarar">
+<!ENTITY replyAllButtonNews.tooltip "Svar til avsendar og nyheitsgruppe">
+<!ENTITY forwardButton.tooltip "Vidaresend vald melding">
+<!ENTITY fileButton.tooltip "Arkiver vald melding">
+<!ENTITY nextButton.tooltip "Hopp til neste uleste melding">
+<!ENTITY goBackButton.tooltip "Gå tilbake ei melding">
+<!ENTITY goForwardButton.tooltip "Gå fram ei melding">
+<!ENTITY deleteButton.tooltip "Slett vald melding eller mappe">
+<!-- Remote Content Button Popup -->
+<!ENTITY remoteContentOptionsAllowForMsg.label "Vis eksternt innhald i denne meldinga">
+<!ENTITY remoteContentOptionsAllowForMsg.accesskey "s">
+<!-- Statusbar -->
+<!-- Thread Pane Context Menu -->
+<!ENTITY contextOpenNewWindow.label "Opne melding i nytt vindauge">
+<!ENTITY contextArchive.label "Arkiver">
+<!ENTITY contextArchive.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY contextMoveMsgMenu.label "Flytt til">
+<!ENTITY contextMoveMsgMenu.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY contextCopyMsgMenu.label "Kopier til">
+<!ENTITY contextSaveAs.label "Lagre som…">
+<!ENTITY contextSaveAs.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY contextPrint.label "Skriv ut…">
+<!ENTITY contextPrint.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY contextPrintPreview.label "Førehandsvis side">
+<!ENTITY contextPrintPreview.accesskey "v">
+<!-- Folder Pane Context Menu -->
+<!ENTITY folderContextRemove.label "Slett">
+<!ENTITY folderContextRemove.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY folderContextCompact.label "Komprimer denne mappa">
+<!ENTITY folderContextCompact.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY folderContextEmptyTrash.label "Tøm søppelkassa">
+<!ENTITY folderContextEmptyTrash.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY folderContextEmptyJunk.label "Tøm søppelkassa">
+<!ENTITY folderContextEmptyJunk.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY folderContextSendUnsentMessages.label "Send usende meldingar">
+<!ENTITY folderContextSendUnsentMessages.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY folderContextUnsubscribe.label "Avslutt abonnementet">
+<!ENTITY folderContextUnsubscribe.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY folderContextSubscribe.label "Abonner…">
+<!ENTITY folderContextSubscribe.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY folderContextProperties.label "Eigenskapar…">
+<!ENTITY folderContextProperties.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY folderContextSettings.label "Innstillingar…">
+<!ENTITY folderContextSettings.accesskey "I">
+<!-- focusSearchInput.key also used by addressbook -->
+<!ENTITY focusSearchInput.key "k">
+<!ENTITY advancedButton.label "Avansert…">
+<!ENTITY advancedButton.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY searchButton.label "Søk i meldinger…">
+<!ENTITY searchButton.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY all.label "Alle">
+<!ENTITY all.accesskey "A">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..281a795149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the messenger application
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(statusMessage):
+# Do not translate the words %1$S and %2$S below. Place the word %1$S where the
+# account name should appear and %2$S where the status message should appear.
+# EXAMPLE: Jim's Account: Downloading messages...
+statusMessage=%1$S: %2$S
+renameFolder=Endre mappenamn…
+removeAccount=Slett konto…
+removeFolder=Slett mappe
+newFolder=Ny mappe…
+newSubfolder=Ny undermappe…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (getNextNewsMessages): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# #1 is the number of news messages to get.
+replyToSender=Svar til avsendar
+OpenEMLFiles=Opne melding
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(defaultSaveMessageAsFileName): Do not translate ".eml"
+# in the line below. Also, the complete file name should be 8.3.
+SaveMailAs=Lagre melding som
+SaveAttachment=Lagre vedlegg
+SaveAllAttachments=Lagre alle vedlegg
+DetachAttachment=Løys frå vedlegg
+DetachAllAttachments=Løys frå alle vedlegg
+ChooseFolder=Vel mappe
+LoadingMessageToPrint=Lastar melding for utskrift…
+MessageLoaded=Melding lasta…
+PrintingMessage=Skriv ut melding…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(confirmDuplicateFolderRename): %1$S is name of folder being moved, %2$S is parent folder name, %3$S is proposed new folder name
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(compactingDone): %1$S is the compaction gain.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(autoCompactAllFoldersText): %1$S is the compaction gain.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(autoCompactAllFoldersMsg): %1$S will be replaced by size gain of the compaction (including the unit), %2$S will be replaced by application name
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(verboseFolderFormat): %1$S is folder name, %2$S is server name
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterFolderTruncateFailed): %1$S is replaced by the folder name, %2$S is replaced by the brandShortName
+# Used in message database list view to provide a text value for graphic based cells.
+# Used in the SMTP Account Settings panel when a server value has no properties
+smtpServerList-NotSpecified=<ikkje spesifisert>
+smtpServer-ConnectionSecurityType-1=STARTTLS, dersom tilgjengeleg
+smtpServers-confirmServerDeletionTitle=Slett server
+smtpServers-confirmServerDeletion=Er du sikker på at du vil slette serveren: \n %S?
+# Account Settings - Both Incoming and SMTP server
+authNo=Inga autentisering
+authOld=Passord, original metode (utrygg)
+authPasswordCleartextInsecurely=Passord, overført utan sikkerheit
+authPasswordCleartextViaSSL=Normalt passord
+authPasswordEncrypted=Kryptert passord
+authAnySecure=Valfri trygg metode (ikkje tilrådd)
+authAny=Valfri metode (utrygg)
+# OAuth2 window title
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(oauth2WindowTitle):
+# %1$S is the username (or full email address) used for authentication.
+# %2$S is the hostname of the account being authenticated.
+oauth2WindowTitle=Skriv inn passord for %1$S på %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(serverType-nntp): Do not translate "NNTP" in the line below
+serverType-nntp=Nyheitsgruppeserver (NNTP)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(serverType-pop3): Do not translate "POP" in the line below
+serverType-pop3=POP e-postserver
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(serverType-imap): Do not translate "IMAP" in the line below
+serverType-imap=IMAP e-postserver
+serverType-none=Lokalt e-postlager
+sizeColumnTooltip2=Sorter etter storleik
+linesColumnTooltip2=Sorter etter linjer
+# status feedback stuff
+documentLoading=Lastar melding…
+unreadMsgStatus=Ulesen: %S
+selectedMsgStatus=Markert: %S
+totalMsgStatus=Totalt: %S
+# localized folder names
+localFolders=Lokale mapper
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inboxFolderName): OK to translate all foldernames, bugzilla #57440 & bugzilla #23625 fixed
+# "Normal" priority is often blank,
+# depending on the consumers of these strings
+#Group by date thread pane titles
+today=I dag
+yesterday=I går
+lastWeek=Sist veke
+last7Days=Siste 7 dagar
+twoWeeksAgo=To veker sidan
+last14Days=Siste 14 dagar
+older=Gammal e-post
+#Grouped By Tags
+untaggedMessages=Umerkt melding
+# Grouped by status
+messagesWithNoStatus=Ingen status
+#Grouped by priority
+noPriority=Ingen prioritet
+#Grouped by has attachments
+noAttachments=Ingen vedlegg
+#Grouped by flagged
+notFlagged=Ikkje flagga
+# defaults descriptions for tag prefs listed in mailnews.js
+# (we keep the .labels. names for backwards compatibility)
+mailnews.tags.remove=Fjern alle etikettar
+mailnews.labels.description.4=Å gjere
+# Format definition tag menu texts.
+# This is necessary in order to get the accesskeys to be the on the first
+# character of the menu text instead of after the menu text.
+# If a key definition exists for the tag at index n, that key's key will be
+# taken as the accesskey, eg.
+# <key id="key_tag3" key="&tagCmd3.key;" oncommand="ToggleMessageTagKey(3);"/>
+# makes the third tag have the accesskey &tagCmd3.key;.
+# In the menuitem's label, this accesskey appears at %1$S below; %2$S will be
+# replaced by the tag label.
+mailnews.tags.format=%1$S %2$S
+replied=Svart på
+# for junk status picker in search and mail views
+# for junk score origin picker in search and mail views
+# for the has attachment picker in search and mail views
+hasAttachments=Har vedlegg
+# for the Tag picker in search and mail views.
+# for multiple authors, add this abbreviation to the first author to indicate
+# there are more; for the From column in the threadpane message list.
+# mailnews.js
+# whether to generate display names in last first order
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(mail.addr_book.displayName.lastnamefirst):
+# the only valid values are: true OR false (choose from the untranslated English words)
+# whether to also show phonetic fields in the addressbook
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(mail.addr_book.show_phonetic_fields):
+# the only valid values are: true OR false (choose from the untranslated English words)
+# valid format options are:
+# 1: yyyy/mm/dd
+# 2: yyyy/dd/mm
+# 3: mm/dd/yyyy
+# 4: mm/yyyy/dd
+# 5: dd/mm/yyyy
+# 6: dd/yyyy/mm
+# 0: auto-detect the current locale format
+# a separator has to be either '/', '-', '.' and the year in Chistian year
+# otherwise mm/dd/yyyy (option 3) is used
+# separator for search date (e.g. "/", "-"), or empty when search_date_format is zero
+# leading zeros for day and month values, not used if mailnews.search_date_format is not zero
+# offline msg
+# accountCentral
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(acctCentralTitleFormat): %1$S is brand, %2$S is account type, %3$S is account name
+acctCentralTitleFormat=%1$S %2$S - %3$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(nocachedbodytitle): Do not translate "<TITLE>" or "</TITLE>" in the line below
+# mailWindowOverlay.js
+confirmUnsubscribeTitle=Stadfest avslutting av abonnementet
+# msgHdrViewOverlay.js
+# This is the format for prepending accesskeys to the
+# each of the attachments in the file|attachments menu:
+# ie: 1 file.txt
+# 2 another file.txt
+attachmentDisplayNameFormat=%S %S
+# This is the heading for the attachment summary when printing an email
+# Connection Error Messages
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(unknownHostError): %S is the server name
+unknownHostError=Klarte ikkje å kople til serveren %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(connectionRefusedError): %S is the server name
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(netTimeoutError): %S is the server name
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(netResetError): %S is the server name
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(netInterruptError): %S is the server name
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(biffNotification): %1$S is the number of new messages
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(macBiffNotification is Mac only):
+# %1$S is the number of new messages
+# %2$S is a list of names and/or email addresses separated by biffNotification_separator
+# %3$S is the number of new messages not displayed in the biff alert
+# Used to separate names/email addresses in a list. Note the trailing space ', '
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(newMailNotification_message): %1$S is the name of the account %2$S is the number of new messages
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(newMailNotification_messages): %1$S is the name of the account %2$S is the number of new messages
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(newMailAlert_message):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is the name of the account, #2 is the number of new messages
+# For the Quota tab in the mail folder properties dialog
+# For the Quota tab in the mail folder properties dialog
+# for message views
+# for virtual folders
+## @loc None
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (passwordPrompt): Do not translate the word %S below.
+# Place the word "%S" in your translation where the email address
+# or the username should appear
+## @loc None
+# for checking if the user really wants to open lots of messages in separate windows.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (openWindowWarningConfirmation): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# #1 is the number of messages the user is attempting to open.
+# for warning the user that a tag he's trying to create already exists
+# for checking if the user really wants to delete the adaptive filter training set
+# for the virtual folder list dialog title
+# %S is the name of the saved search folder
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (foldersChosen): #1 number of chosen folders
+#alert to inform the user to choose one or more folders to search for a saved search folder
+# These are displayed in the message and folder pane windows
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE %.*f is the abbreviated size in the appropriate units
+byteAbbreviation2=%.*f bytes
+kiloByteAbbreviation2=%.*f KB
+megaByteAbbreviation2=%.*f MB
+# Error message if message for a message id wasn't found
+# Warnings to alert users about phishing urls
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE %1$S is the brand name, %2$S is the host name of the url being visited
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(mdnBarMessageNormal) %1$S is the name of the sender
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(mdnBarMessageAddressDiffers) %1$S is the name of the sender, %2$S is the address(es) to send return receipt to
+# mailCommands.js
+emptyJunkDontAsk=Ikkje spør meg meir.
+emptyTrashDontAsk=Ikkje spør meg meir.
+# junkCommands.js
+# Messenger bootstrapping messages
+fileNotFoundTitle = Fann ikkje fila
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(fileNotFoundMsg): %S is the filename
+fileNotFoundMsg = Fila %S finst ikkje.
+confirmMsgDelete.title=Stadfest sletting
+confirmMsgDelete.dontAsk.label=Ikkje spør meg meir.
+mailServerLoginFailedTitle=Mislykka innlogging
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailServerLoginFailedTitleWithAccount):
+# "%S" is the account name.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailServerLoginFailed2):
+# %1$S is the host name of the server, %2$S is the user name.
+mailServerLoginFailedRetryButton=&Prøv på nytt
+mailServerLoginFailedEnterNewPasswordButton=&Skriv inn nytt passord
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (junkBarMessage): %S is the brandname
+junkBarButton=Meldinga er ønskt
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteContentBarMessage): %S is the brandname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(remoteContentAllow): %S is host name
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (phishingBarMessage): %S is the brandname
+mdnBarIgnoreButton=Ignorer førespurnad
+mdnBarSendReqButton=Send kvittering
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveAsType): replace %S with the extension of the file to be saved.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7859d544b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by libmime to emit header display in HTML
+# Mail subject
+## @loc None
+# Resent-Comments
+## @loc
+# Resent-Date
+## @loc
+# Resent-Sender
+## @loc
+# Resent-From
+## @loc
+# Resent-To
+## @loc
+# Resent-CC
+## @loc
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (1006): Do not translate "CC" below.
+# Date
+## @loc
+# Sender
+## @loc
+# From
+## @loc
+# Reply-To
+## @loc
+# Organization
+## @loc
+# To
+## @name MIME_MHTML_TO
+## @loc
+# CC
+## @name MIME_MHTML_CC
+## @loc
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (1013): Do not translate "CC" below.
+# Newsgroups
+## @loc
+# Followup-To
+## @loc
+# References
+## @loc
+# Message ID
+## @loc
+# BCC
+## @name MIME_MHTML_BCC
+## @loc
+# Link to doc
+## @loc
+1026=Lenkje til dokument
+# Get Doc info
+## @loc
+# Msg Attachment
+## @loc
+# default attachment name
+## @loc
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (1040): Do not translate "%s" below.
+# Place the %s where you wish the part number of the attachment to appear
+1040=Del %s
+# default forwarded message prefix
+## @loc
+1041=-------- Original melding --------
+# Partial Message Truncated
+## @loc
+# Partial Message Truncated Explanation
+## @loc
+# Partial Message Not Downloaded
+## @loc
+# Partial Message Not Downloaded Explanation
+## @loc
+## @loc
+MIME_MSG_PARTIAL_CLICK_FOR_REST=Last ned resten av meldinga.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f77a8a5e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by libmime for header display in XML & HTML
+RESENT-COMMENTS=Kommentarar sende på nytt
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (RESENT-CC); Do not translate "CC"
+APPROVED-BY=Godkjend av
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgAccountCentral.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgAccountCentral.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44e1274385
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgAccountCentral.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY emailSectionHdr.label "E-post">
+<!ENTITY readMsgsLink.label "Les meldingar">
+<!ENTITY composeMsgLink.label "Skriv ei ny melding">
+<!ENTITY newsSectionHdr.label "Nyheitsgrupper">
+<!ENTITY accountsSectionHdr.label "Kontoar">
+<!ENTITY newAcctLink.label "Opprett ein ny konto">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgHdrViewOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgHdrViewOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aadaa3b43d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgHdrViewOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY toField.label "Til: ">
+<!ENTITY fromField.label "Frå: ">
+<!ENTITY senderField.label "Sendar: ">
+<!ENTITY organizationField.label "Organisasjon: ">
+<!ENTITY replyToField.label "Svar til: ">
+<!ENTITY subjectField.label "Emne: ">
+<!--# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ccField.label): DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY ccField.label "Kopi: ">
+<!ENTITY bccField.label "Blindkopi: ">
+<!ENTITY newsgroupsField.label "Nyheitsgruppe: ">
+<!ENTITY followupToField.label "Oppfølgjing til: ">
+<!ENTITY tagsHdr.label "Etikettar: ">
+<!ENTITY dateField.label "Dato: ">
+<!ENTITY userAgentField.label "Brukaragent: ">
+<!ENTITY referencesField.label "Referansar: ">
+<!ENTITY messageIdField.label "Meldings-ID: ">
+<!ENTITY inReplyToField.label "Som-Svar-Til: ">
+<!ENTITY originalWebsite.label "Nettstad: ">
+<!ENTITY attachmentsTree.label "Vedlegg:">
+<!ENTITY attachmentsTree.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY openAttachmentCmd.label "Opne">
+<!ENTITY openAttachmentCmd.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY viewAttachmentCmd.label "Vis kjeldekode">
+<!ENTITY viewAttachmentCmd.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY saveAsAttachmentCmd.label "Lagre som…">
+<!ENTITY saveAsAttachmentCmd.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY deleteAttachmentCmd.label "Slett">
+<!ENTITY deleteAttachmentCmd.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY saveAllAttachmentsCmd.label "Lagre alle…">
+<!ENTITY saveAllAttachmentsCmd.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY deleteAllAttachmentsCmd.label "Slett alle…">
+<!ENTITY deleteAllAttachmentsCmd.accesskey "e">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgHdrViewPopup.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgHdrViewPopup.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57c78296a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgHdrViewPopup.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Message Header View Popup -->
+<!ENTITY EditContact.label "Rediger kontakt…">
+<!ENTITY EditContact.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY ViewContact.label "Vis kontakt">
+<!ENTITY ViewContact.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY SendMailTo.label "Skriv e-post til…">
+<!ENTITY SendMailTo.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY CopyEmailAddress.label "Kopier e-postadresse">
+<!ENTITY CopyEmailAddress.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY CreateFilterFrom.label "Lag filter på…">
+<!ENTITY CreateFilterFrom.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY openInBrowser.label "Opne i nettlesar">
+<!ENTITY openInBrowser.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY bookmarkLinkCmd.label "Bokmerk denne lenkja…">
+<!ENTITY bookmarkLinkCmd.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY copyLinkCmd.label "Kopier lenkjeadresse">
+<!ENTITY copyLinkCmd.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY CopyMessageId.label "Kopier meldings-ID">
+<!ENTITY CopyMessageId.accesskey "K">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgPrintEngine.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgPrintEngine.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08139ffaf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgPrintEngine.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (printCmd.key, closeCmd.key):
+ As defined in msgPrintEngine.xul, Ctrl plus the command keys defined here
+ will be the keyboard shortcuts effective in print preview, e.g. Ctrl+P
+ -->
+<!ENTITY printCmd.key "P">
+<!ENTITY closeCmd.key "W">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgSynchronize.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgSynchronize.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..678951b491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgSynchronize.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from MsgSynchronize.xul and msgSelectOffline.xul-->
+<!-- extracted from MsgSynchronize.xul and msgSelectOfflineFolders.xul-->
+<!ENTITY MsgSynchronize.label "Last ned og synkroniser meldingar">
+<!ENTITY MsgSelect.label "Element for fråkopla bruk">
+<!ENTITY MsgSyncDesc.label "Dersom du allereie har valt e-postmapper eller nyheitsgrupper for fråkopla bruk, kan du laste ned og/eller synkronisere dei no. Elles kan du bruke «Vel»-knappen for å velje e-postmappene og nyheitsgruppene du vil bruke fråkopla.">
+<!ENTITY MsgSyncDirections.label "Last ned og/eller synkroniser følgjande:">
+<!ENTITY syncTypeMail.label "E-postmeldingar">
+<!ENTITY syncTypeMail.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY syncTypeNews.label "Nyheitsgruppemeldingar">
+<!ENTITY syncTypeNews.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY sendMessage.label "Send usende meldingar">
+<!ENTITY sendMessage.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY workOffline.label "Arbeid fråkopla når nedlasting/synkronisering er ferdig">
+<!ENTITY workOffline.accesskey "f">
+<!ENTITY selectButton.label "Vel…">
+<!ENTITY selectButton.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY MsgSelectDesc.label "Vel e-postmappene og nyheitsgruppene du ønskjer å bruke fråkopla.">
+<!ENTITY MsgSelectInd.label "Last ned">
+<!ENTITY MsgSelectItems.label "Mapper og nyheitsgrupper">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgViewPickerOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgViewPickerOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94dd0e72a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgViewPickerOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE msgViewPickerOverlay.dtd UI for showing various views on a folder -->
+<!ENTITY viewPicker.label "Vis:">
+<!ENTITY viewPicker.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY viewAll.label "Alle">
+<!ENTITY viewAll.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY viewUnread.label "Ulesne">
+<!ENTITY viewUnread.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY viewNotDeleted.label "Ikkje sletta">
+<!ENTITY viewNotDeleted.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY viewTags.label "Etikettar">
+<!ENTITY viewTags.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY viewCustomViews.label "Tilpassa visingar">
+<!ENTITY viewCustomViews.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY viewVirtualFolder.label "Lagre vising som mappe…">
+<!ENTITY viewVirtualFolder.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY viewCustomizeView.label "Tilpass…">
+<!ENTITY viewCustomizeView.accesskey "T">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsblog/am-newsblog.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsblog/am-newsblog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c25adf309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsblog/am-newsblog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- entities from rss.rdf -->
+<!ENTITY feeds.accountName "Bloggar og nyheitskjelder">
+<!ENTITY feeds.wizardLongName "Bloggar og nyheitskjelder">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsblog/feed-subscriptions.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsblog/feed-subscriptions.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2040938a71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsblog/feed-subscriptions.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Subscription Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY feedSubscriptions.label "Abonnement på nyheitskjelder">
+<!ENTITY learnMore.label "Les meir om nyheitskjelder">
+<!ENTITY feedTitle.label "Tittel:">
+<!ENTITY feedTitle.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY feedLocation.label "Kjelde-URL:">
+<!ENTITY feedLocation.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY locationValidate.label "Valider">
+<!-- Account Settings and Subscription Dialog -->
+<!-- Subscription Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY button.addFeed.label "Legg til">
+<!ENTITY button.addFeed.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY button.updateFeed.label "Oppdater">
+<!ENTITY button.updateFeed.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY button.removeFeed.label "Slett">
+<!ENTITY button.removeFeed.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY button.importOPML.label "Importer">
+<!ENTITY button.importOPML.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY button.exportOPML.label "Eksporter">
+<!ENTITY button.exportOPML.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY cmd.close.commandKey "w">
+<!ENTITY button.close.label "Lat att">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsblog/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsblog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34599ace7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsblog/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLExportTitleList):
+## %S is the name of the feed account folder name.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLExportTitleStruct):
+## %S is the name of the feed account folder name.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLExportFileDialogTitle):
+## %1$S is the brandShortName, %2$S is the name of the feed account folder name.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLExportDefaultFileName):
+## %1$S is the brandShortName (Thunderbird for example), %2$S is the account name.
+## The default extension (.opml) is added here as it is not automatically appended in the file picker on MacOS.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLImportInvalidFile): %S is the name of the OPML file the user tried to import.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLImportFeedCount): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+## See:
+## #1 is the count of new imported entries.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLImportUniqueFeeds): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+## #1 is the count of new imported entries
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLImportFoundFeeds):
+## #1 is total number of elements found in the file
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLImportStatus):
+## This is the concatenation of the two strings defined above to compose 1 sentence.
+## %1$S = subscribe-OPMLImportUniqueFeeds
+## %2$S = subscribe-OPMLImportFoundFeeds
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLExportDone): %S is the export file name.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-confirmFeedDeletion): %S is the name of the feed the user wants to unsubscribe from.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-gettingFeedItems):
+## - The first %S is the number of articles processed so far;
+## - The second %S is the total number of items
+newsblog-noNewArticlesForFeed=Det er ingen nye artiklar i denne kjelda.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(newsblog-networkError): %S is the feed URL
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(newsblog-feedNotValid): %S is the feed URL
+newsblog-feedNotValid=%S er ikkje ei gyldig kjelde.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(newsblog-badCertError): %S is the feed URL host
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(newsblog-noAuthError): %S is the feed URL
+newsblog-getNewMsgsCheck=Ser om kjeldene har nye oppdateringar…
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(feeds-accountname): This string should be the same as feeds.accountName in am-newsblog.dtd
+feeds-accountname=Bloggar og nyheitskjelder
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(externalAttachmentMsg): Content in the MIME part for external link attachments.
+## Import wizard.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(ImportFeedsDone):
+## - The first %S is the import file name;
+## - The second %S is the value of either ImportFeedsNew or ImportFeedsExisting;
+## - The third %S is the feed account name.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9725160a56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# do not localize "\n". use "\n" to make the text fit nicely in the dialog.
+# Download Messages Prompt
+downloadMessagesWindowTitle=Arbeid fråkopla
+# do not localize "\n". use "\n" to make the text fit nicely in the dialog.
+# Send Messages Prompt
+# GetMessages Offline Prompt
+# do not localize "\n". use "\n" to make the text fit nicely in the dialog.
+# Send Messages Offline Prompt
+# do not localize "\n". use "\n" to make the text fit nicely in the dialog.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6d157a51d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+title=Arbeid fråkopla
+desc=Vil du kople til no?\n\n(Dersom du ønskjer å arbeide fråkoplet kan du kople til seinare ved å velje «Arbeid tilkopla» frå Fil-menyen.)
+workOnline=Arbeid fråkopla
+workOffline=Arbeid fråkopla
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53cbab2cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the outlook express import code to display status/error
+# and informational messages
+# The following are used by the outlook express import code to display status/error
+# and informational messages
+# The following are used by the Outlook import code to display status/error
+# and informational messages
+# Short name of import module
+## @loc None
+# Description of import module
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2010): In this item, don't translate "Outlook"
+2010=Outlook e-post, adressebøker og innstillingar
+# Success message
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2002): In this item, don't translate "%S" or "%d"
+## The variable %S will receive the name of the mailbox
+## The variable %d will receive the number of messages
+2002=Postkasse %S, importerte %d meldingar
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+2003=Feil parameter sendt til postkasseimport.
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2004): In this item, don't translate "%S"
+## The variable %S will receive the name of the mailbox
+2004=Feil ved import av postkassa %S. Kanskje har ikkje alle meldingane blitt importerte.
+# Address book name
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2005): In this item, don't translate "Outlook"
+2005=Outlook adressebøker
+# Description
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2006): In this item, don't translate "%S"
+## The variable %S will receive the name of the address book
+2006=Importerte adresseboka %S
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+2007=Feil parameter sendt til adressebokimport.
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2008): In this item, don't translate "%S"
+## The variable %S will receive the name of the address book
+2008=Feil ved tilgang til fila for adresseboka %S.
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2009): In this item, don't translate "%S"
+## The variable %S will receive the name of the address book
+2009=Feil ved import av adresseboka %S. Kanskje har ikkje alle adressene blitt importerte.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-archiveoptions.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-archiveoptions.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3825baa5b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-archiveoptions.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from am-archiveoptions.xul -->
+<!ENTITY dialogTitle.label "Arkiveringsinnstillingar">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (archiveFolderName.label): this should match the default
+ name for the "Archives" folder -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (inboxFolderName.label): this should match the default
+ name for the "Inbox" folder -->
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-copies.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-copies.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28df47244d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-copies.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from am-copies.xul -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (ccAddress.label): do not translate "Cc" in below line -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (bccAddress.label): do not translate "Bcc" in below line -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (sentFolderOn.label): OK to translate this, bug #57440 -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (archivesFolderOn.label): OK to translate this, bug #57440 -->
+<!ENTITY archiveHierarchyButton.label "Arkivinnstillingar…">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (draftsFolderOn.label): OK to translate this, bug #57440 -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (templatesFolderOn.label): OK to translate this, bug #57440 -->
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-server-advanced.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-server-advanced.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ecc4c3e79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-server-advanced.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY serverAdvanced.label "Avanserte kontoinnstillingar">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (serverDirectory.label): DONT_TRANSLATE "IMAP" -->
+<!ENTITY serverDirectory.label "IMAP servermappe:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (namespaceDesc.label): DONT_TRANSLATE "IMAP" -->
+<!ENTITY otherUsersNamespace.label "Andre brukarar:">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-server-top.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-server-top.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28abb0db85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-server-top.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from am-server-top.xul -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (biffStart.label) : translate below 2 line with grammer dependency
+ For example, in Japanese cases:
+ biffStart.label "every"
+ biffEnd.label "minutes for new messages Check"
+<!ENTITY useIdleNotifications.label "Tillat direkte tenarvarsel når nye meldingar kjem">
+<!ENTITY useIdleNotifications.accesskey "d">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (expungeOnExit.label) : do not translate two of "&quot;" in below line -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (maxMessagesStart.label) : translate below 2 lines with grammar dependency
+ maxMessengerStart.label will be followed by maxMessagesEnd.label with the number
+ of messages between them
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (maxMessagesEnd.label) : see note for maxMessagesStart.label -->
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/mailPrefsOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/mailPrefsOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..788541ef4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/mailPrefsOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- These are added to the Window menu -->
+<!ENTITY mail.label "E-post og nyheitsgrupper">
+<!ENTITY mail.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY addressbook.label "Adressebok">
+<!ENTITY addressbook.accesskey "A">
+<!-- These are added to Preferences dialog -->
+<!ENTITY viewingMessages.label "Meldingsvising">
+<!ENTITY notifications.label "Varslingar">
+<!ENTITY format.label "Sendeformat">
+<!ENTITY tags.label "Etikettar">
+<!ENTITY characterEncoding2.label "Tekstkoding">
+<!ENTITY networkStorage.label "Nettverk og lagring">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-composing_messages.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-composing_messages.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ac7ed4db2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-composing_messages.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.composing.messages.title "Meldingsskriving">
+<!ENTITY generalComposing.label "Generelt">
+<!ENTITY forwardMsg.label "Vidaresend meldingar:">
+<!ENTITY inline.label "Innbunden">
+<!ENTITY inline.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY asAttachment.label "Som vedlegg">
+<!ENTITY asAttachment.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY replyQuoteInline.label "Siter vedlegg innbunde i svar">
+<!ENTITY replyQuoteInline.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY warnOnSendAccelKey.label "Stadfest når tastatursnarveg vert brukt for å sende meldingar">
+<!ENTITY warnOnSendAccelKey.accesskey "å">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (autoSave.label): This will concatenate with
+ "xxx minutes", using a number and (autoSaveEnd.label). -->
+<!ENTITY autoSave.label "Automatisk lagre meldingar kvart">
+<!ENTITY autoSave.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY autoSaveEnd.label "minutt">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (wrapOutMsg.label): This will concatenate with "xxx characters", using a number and (char.label). -->
+<!ENTITY wrapOutMsg.label "Bryt linjer på vanlege tekstmeldingar på">
+<!ENTITY wrapOutMsg.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY char.label "teikn">
+<!ENTITY defaultMessagesHeader.label "Standard for HTML-meldingar">
+<!ENTITY font.label "Skrift:">
+<!ENTITY font.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY size.label "Storleik:">
+<!ENTITY size.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY fontColor.label "Tekst:">
+<!ENTITY fontColor.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY bgColor.label "Bakgrunn:">
+<!ENTITY bgColor.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY defaultCompose.label "Standard samansettingsformat:">
+<!ENTITY defaultBodyText.label "Brødtekst (linjeskift lagar ei ny linje)">
+<!ENTITY defaultBodyText.accesskey "ø">
+<!ENTITY defaultParagraph.label "Avsnitt (linjeskift lagar eit nytt avsnitt)">
+<!ENTITY defaultParagraph.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY selectHeaderType.label "Vel type svar-overskrift:">
+<!ENTITY selectHeaderType.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY noReplyOption.label "Ikkje noko svar-overskrift">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (authorWroteOption.label): this is tied to the
+ mailnews.reply_header_authorwrotesingle preference. [Author] needs to be
+ translated. -->
+<!ENTITY authorWroteOption.label "[Forfattar] skreiv:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (onDateAuthorWroteOption.label): this is tied to the
+ mailnews.reply_header_ondateauthorwrote preference. [Author] and [date]
+ need to be translated. -->
+<!ENTITY onDateAuthorWroteOption.label "Den [dato], skreiv [forfatter]:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (onDateAuthorWroteOption.label): this is tied to the
+ mailnews.reply_header_authorwroteondate preference. [Author] and [date]
+ need to be translated. -->
+<!ENTITY authorWroteOnDateOption.label "[Forfatter] skreiv den [dato]:">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-directory.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-directory.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87577d66b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-directory.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (window.title) : do not translate "LDAP" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY pref.ldap.window.title "LDAP-katalogtenar">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (directories.label) : do not translate "LDAP" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY directories.label "LDAP-katalogtenar:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (directoriesText.label) : do not translate "LDAP" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY directoriesText.label "Vel ein LDAP-katalogtenar:">
+<!ENTITY directoriesText.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY addDirectory.label "Legg til">
+<!ENTITY addDirectory.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY editDirectory.label "Rediger">
+<!ENTITY editDirectory.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY deleteDirectory.label "Slett">
+<!ENTITY deleteDirectory.accesskey "S">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-notifications.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-notifications.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60d0084600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-notifications.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.notifications.title "Varslingar">
+<!ENTITY notifications.caption "Varslingar">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: (showAlertFor.label, showAlertTimeEnd.label)
+ showAlertFor.label is associated with the checkbox to show the alert,
+ leading into a numerical field to enter a time in seconds, followed by
+ showAlertTimeEnd.label which in en-US is the unit of the value -->
+<!ENTITY useSystemAlert.label "Brukar den innebygde varslingstenesta i operativsystemet">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-offline.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-offline.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69f3002920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-offline.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-offline.xul -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE The 'Offline' preferences dialog -->
+<!ENTITY "Nettverk og lagring">
+<!ENTITY pref.offline.caption "Fråkopla">
+<!ENTITY textStartUp "Ved oppstart:">
+<!ENTITY textStartUp.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY menuitemRememberPrevState "Hugs siste tilkoplingstilstand">
+<!ENTITY menuitemAskMe "Spør meg om tilkoplingstilstand ved oppstart">
+<!ENTITY menuitemAlwaysOnline "Alltid start opp i tilkopla modus">
+<!ENTITY menuitemAlwaysOffline "Alltid start opp i fråkopla modus">
+<!ENTITY menuitemAutomatic "Oppdag automatisk (dersom tilgjengeleg)">
+<!ENTITY textGoingOnline "Send usende meldingar når eg koplar til?">
+<!ENTITY radioAutoSend "Ja">
+<!ENTITY radioAutoSend.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY radioNotSend "Nei">
+<!ENTITY radioNotSend.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY radioAskUnsent "Spør meg">
+<!ENTITY radioAskUnsent.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY textGoingOffline "Laste ned meldinger når eg koplar frå?">
+<!ENTITY radioAutoDownload "Ja">
+<!ENTITY radioAutoDownload.accesskey "J">
+<!ENTITY radioNotDownload "Nei">
+<!ENTITY radioNotDownload.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY radioAskDownload "Spør meg">
+<!ENTITY radioAskDownload.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY mailConnections.caption "E-posttilkoplingar">
+<!ENTITY mailnewsTimeout.label "Tidsavbrot:">
+<!ENTITY mailnewsTimeout.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY mailnewsTimeoutSeconds.label "sekund">
+<!ENTITY Diskspace "Diskplass">
+<!ENTITY offlineCompactFolders.label "Komprimer alle mapper når det vil spare meir enn">
+<!ENTITY offlineCompactFolders.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY offlineCompactFoldersMB.label "MB totalt">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-tags.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-tags.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce75ae4d74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-tags.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.tags.title "Etikettar">
+<!ENTITY pref.tags.caption "Tilpass etikettar">
+<!ENTITY pref.tags.description "Etikettar kan brukast for å kategorisere og prioritere meldingane dine. Modifiser utsjånad og viktigheita til etikettane ved å bruke innstillingane nedanfor. Etikettar nær toppen er viktigare enn dei lenger nede.">
+<!ENTITY tagColumn.label "Etikett">
+<!ENTITY colorColumn.label "Farge">
+<!ENTITY defaultTagName.label "Namnlaus etikett">
+<!ENTITY addTagButton.label "Legg til">
+<!ENTITY addTagButton.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY deleteTagButton.label "Slett">
+<!ENTITY deleteTagButton.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY raiseTagButton.label "Meir viktig">
+<!ENTITY raiseTagButton.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY lowerTagButton.label "Mindre viktig">
+<!ENTITY lowerTagButton.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY restoreButton.label "Tilbakestill til standardar">
+<!ENTITY restoreButton.accesskey "T">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-viewing_messages.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-viewing_messages.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..71bd11f36e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-viewing_messages.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.viewing.messages.title "Meldingsvising">
+<!ENTITY style.label "Stil:">
+<!ENTITY style.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY regular.label "Vanleg">
+<!ENTITY bold.label "Feit">
+<!ENTITY italic.label "Kursiv">
+<!ENTITY boldItalic.label "Feit kursiv">
+<!ENTITY size.label "Storleik:">
+<!ENTITY size.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY bigger.label "Større">
+<!ENTITY smaller.label "Mindre">
+<!ENTITY color.label "Farge:">
+<!ENTITY color.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY displayPlainText.caption "Rein tekst-meldingar">
+<!ENTITY fontPlainText.label "Skrift:">
+<!ENTITY fontPlainText.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY displayQuoted.label "Innstillingar for siterte meldingar:">
+<!ENTITY wrapInMsg.label "Bryt teksten til å passe i vindauget">
+<!ENTITY wrapInMsg.accesskey "B">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : (convertEmoticons.label) 'Emoticons' are also known as 'Smileys', e.g. :-) -->
+<!ENTITY convertEmoticons.label "Vis kjensleikon som grafikk">
+<!ENTITY convertEmoticons.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY generalMessageDisplay.caption "Generelt">
+<!ENTITY autoMarkAsRead.label "Automatisk merk meldingar som lesne">
+<!ENTITY autoMarkAsRead.accesskey "A">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (markAsReadAfter.label): This will concatenate to
+ "Only after displaying for [___] seconds",
+ using (markAsReadAfter.label) and a number (secondsLabel.label). -->
+<!ENTITY markAsReadAfter.label "Etter dei er viste i">
+<!ENTITY markAsReadAfter.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY secondsLabel.label "sekund">
+<!ENTITY openingMessages.label "Ved opning av meldingar, vis dei i:">
+<!ENTITY newWindowRadio.label "Eit nytt vindauge">
+<!ENTITY newWindowRadio.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY existingWindowRadio.label "Eit eksisterande vindauge">
+<!ENTITY existingWindowRadio.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY disableContent.label "Blokker bilde og anna innhald frå Internett">
+<!ENTITY disableContent.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY showCondensedAddresses.label "Vis berre namnet for personar i adresseboka">
+<!ENTITY showCondensedAddresses.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY closeMsgWindowOnDelete.label "Lat att meldingsvindauget når meldinga vert sletta">
+<!ENTITY closeMsgWindowOnDelete.accesskey "L">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38313ee9f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+removeQuestion=Er du sikker på at du vil slette kontoen «%S»?
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56e30c17c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+replicationStarted=Replikasjon starta…
+changesStarted=Starta søk etter endringar å replikere…
+# do not localize %S. %S is the current entry number (an integer)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (directoryTitleEdit): %S will be replaced by the LDAP directory's display name
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/renameFolderDialog.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/renameFolderDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc24f4b6e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/renameFolderDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY renameFolderDialog.title "Endre mappenamn">
+<!ENTITY rename.label "Skriv inn det nye namnet på mappa:">
+<!ENTITY rename.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY accept.label "Endre namn">
+<!ENTITY accept.accesskey "E">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8720d3a9f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+#these need to match nsMsgSearchAttrib interface in nsMsgSearchCore.idl
+#and nsMsgSearchAttribMap in nsMsgSearchAdapter.cpp
+ToOrCc=Til eller Kopi
+AgeInDays=Alder i dagar
+SizeKB=Storleik (kB)
+# for AB and LDAP
+AdditionalEmail=E-post (annan)
+AnyNumber=Eit nummer
+# more mailnews
+FromToCcOrBcc=Frå, Til, Kopi eller Blindkopi
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34a64671bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# search and filter strings
+# these are the fields that get inserted in the search line
+# for "and" searches, this looks like:
+# searchAnd0 <attribute> searchAnd1 <operator> searchAnd2 <value> searchAnd4
+# for example, in english this looks like:
+# and the [Sender ] [doesn't contain] [John]
+# TODO: need to special-case the first line (filterindex==0)
+# filter stuff
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (matchesFound): #1 number of matches found
+matchesFound=#1 treff;#1 treff
+noMatchesFound=Ingen treff
+moreButtonTooltipText=Legg til ny regel
+lessButtonTooltipText=Fjern denne regelen
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/am-smime.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/am-smime.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..36f83170d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/am-smime.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY manageCerts2.label "Handter sertifikat…">
+<!-- Strings for the cert picker dialog -->
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7922b3a07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Signature Information strings
+## Encryption Information strings
+EINone=Meldinga vart ikkje kryptert før ho vart send. Informasjon som vert send over Internett utan kryptering, kan verte sett av andre under overføringa.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d8792371e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabs.closeWarningAll):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# The singular form is not considered since this string is used only for
+# multiple tabs.
+tabs.closeWarningPromptMeAll=Åtvar meg når eg vil late att fleire faner
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/viewLog.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/viewLog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6aba4db1de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/viewLog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY viewLog.title "Filterlogg">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/virtualFolderListDialog.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/virtualFolderListDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89c414da22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/virtualFolderListDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY virtualFolderListTitle.title "Vel mappe(r)">
+<!ENTITY virtualFolderDesc.label "Vel mapper å søkje i:">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/virtualFolderProperties.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/virtualFolderProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3dc45f8fa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/virtualFolderProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY name.label "Namn:">
+<!ENTITY name.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY description.label "Opprett som undermappe av:">
+<!ENTITY description.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY folderSelectionCaption.label "Vel mapper å søkje i: ">
+<!ENTITY chooseFoldersButton.label "Vel…">
+<!ENTITY chooseFoldersButton.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY newFolderButton.label "Opprett">
+<!ENTITY newFolderButton.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY editFolderButton.label "Oppdater">
+<!ENTITY editFolderButton.accesskey "d">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mozldap/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mozldap/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b66f3df089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mozldap/
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following two strings are used when prompting the user for authentication
+# information:
+## @loc none
+authPromptTitle=LDAP-tenaren krev passord
+## @loc %1$S should not be localized. It is the hostname of the LDAP server.
+# These are string versions of all the errors defined in
+# nsILDAPErrors.idl, as well as the nsresult codes based on those
+# errors. See that file for the genesis of these codes, as well as
+# for info about how to get documentation about their precise
+# meanings.
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @name COMPARE_TRUE
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @name REFERRAL
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+21=Ugyldig syntaks
+## @name NO_SUCH_OBJECT
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @name IS_LEAF
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @name BUSY
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @name LOOP_DETECT
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @name OTHER
+## @loc none
+## @name SERVER_DOWN
+## @loc none
+## @name LOCAL_ERROR
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @name TIMEOUT
+## @loc none
+## @name AUTH_UNKNOWN
+## @loc none
+## @name FILTER_ERROR
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @name PARAM_ERROR
+## @loc none
+## @name NO_MEMORY
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
+## @name CLIENT_LOOP
+## @loc none
+## @loc none
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/installer/windows/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/installer/windows/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea0f3abf84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/installer/windows/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This file must be saved as UTF8
+# Accesskeys are defined by prefixing the letter that is to be used for the
+# accesskey with an ampersand (e.g. &).
+# Do not replace $BrandShortName, $BrandFullName, or $BrandFullNameDA with a
+# custom string and always use the same one as used by the en-US files.
+# $BrandFullNameDA allows the string to contain an ampersand (e.g. DA stands
+# for double ampersand) and prevents the letter following the ampersand from
+# being used as an accesskey.
+# You can use \n to create a newline in the string but only when the string
+# from en-US contains a \n.
+# MAILNEWS_TEXT appears in Windows (All) Programs menu as "SeaMonkey $(MAILNEWS_TEXT)"
+OPTIONS_PAGE_SUBTITLE=Vel installeringstype
+# _DESC strings support approximately 65 characters per line.
+# One line
+# One line
+# One line
+# Two lines
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/installer/windows/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/installer/windows/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b6ba1c0bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/installer/windows/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This file must be saved as UTF8
+# Accesskeys are defined by prefixing the letter that is to be used for the
+# accesskey with an ampersand (e.g. &).
+# Do not replace $BrandShortName, $BrandFullName, or $BrandFullNameDA with a
+# custom string and always use the same one as used by the en-US files.
+# $BrandFullNameDA allows the string to contain an ampersand (e.g. DA stands
+# for double ampersand) and prevents the letter following the ampersand from
+# being used as an accesskey.
+# You can use \n to create a newline in the string but only when the string
+# from en-US contains a \n.
+# Strings that require a space at the end should be enclosed with double
+# quotes and the double quotes will be removed. To add quotes to the beginning
+# and end of a strong enclose the add and additional double quote to the
+# beginning and end of the string (e.g. ""This will include quotes"").
+SetupCaption=$BrandFullName Installering
+UninstallCaption=$BrandFullName Avinstallering
+BackBtn=< &Tilbake
+NextBtn=&Neste >
+AcceptBtn=&Eg godtek vilkåra i lisensavtalen
+DontAcceptBtn=E&g godtek ikkje vilkåra i lisensavtalen
+CloseBtn=&Lat att
+BrowseBtn=&Bla gjennom…
+ShowDetailsBtn=Vis &detaljer
+ClickNext=Trykk «Neste» for å fortsetje.
+ClickInstall=Trykk «Installer» for å starte installeringa.
+ClickUninstall=Trykk «Avinstaller» for å starte avinstalleringa.
+LicenseTextRB=Les gjennom lisensavtalen før du installerer $BrandFullNameDA. Dersom du godtek alle vilkåra i lisensavtalen, vel det første alternativet ovanfor. $_CLICK
+LogInstall=Logg installeringsprosessen
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/profile/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/profile/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83c38b8fa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/profile/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#filter emptyLines
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The 'en-US' strings in some URLs will be replaced with
+# your locale code, and link to your translated pages as soon as they're live.
+#define bookmarks_title Bokmerke
+#define bookmarks_heading Bokmerke
+#define personal_toolbarfolder Personleg verktøymappe
+#define seamonkey_and_mozilla SeaMonkey og Mozilla
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (seamonkey):
+# link title for (in the personal toolbar)
+#define seamonkey SeaMonkey
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (seamonkey_long):
+# link title for (in normal bookmarks)
+#define seamonkey_long SeaMonkey-prosjektet
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mozilla_org):
+# link title for (in the personal toolbar)
+#define mozilla_org
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mozilla_org_long):
+# link title for (in normal bookmarks)
+#define mozilla_org_long Mozilla-organisasjonen
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mozilla_projects):
+# link title for
+#define mozilla_projects Mozilla-prosjekt
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mozilla_about):
+# link title for
+#define mozilla_about Om Mozilla
+#define extend_seamonkey Utvide SeaMonkey
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (seamonkey_addons):
+# link title for
+#define seamonkey_addons SeaMonkey-utvidingar
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (seamonkey_themes):
+# link title for
+#define seamonkey_themes SeaMonkey-tema
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (seamonkey_dictionaries):
+# link title for
+#define seamonkey_dictionaries Stavekontrollordbøker
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (seamonkey_plugins):
+# link title for
+#define seamonkey_plugins Programtillegg for SeaMonkey
+# link title for
+#define mozdev
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mozdev_seamonkey):
+# link title for
+#define mozdev_seamonkey SeaMonkey-utvidingar frå
+#define community_support Brukarstøtte og samfunn/sosialt
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (seamonkey_community):
+# link title for
+#define seamonkey_community SeaMonkey-fellesskapet
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mozillazine):
+# link title for
+#define mozillazine mozillaZine
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (seamonkey_support):
+# link title for the mozillaZine SeaMonkey Support forum
+#define seamonkey_support SeaMonkey brukarstøtteforum (mozillaZine)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (seamonkey_l10n):
+# insert full bookmark line for localized SeaMonkey page (personal toolbar)
+# e.g. #define seamonkey_l10n <DT><A HREF="http://www.seamonkey.tlh/">SeaMonkey tlhIngan</a>
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (seamonkey_l10n_long):
+# insert full bookmark line for localized SeaMonkey page (normal bookmark)
+# e.g. #define seamonkey_l10n_long <DT><A HREF="http://www.seamonkey.tld/">tlhIngan Hol SeaMonkey</a>
+#unfilter emptyLines
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/updater/updater.ini b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/updater/updater.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b79cea6b85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/updater/updater.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This file is in the UTF-8 encoding
+TitleText=Oppdatering av %MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME%
+InfoText=%MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME% installerer no oppdateringar, og vil starte igjen straks…