path: root/l10n-uz/mail/messenger
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 09:22:09 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 09:22:09 +0000
commit43a97878ce14b72f0981164f87f2e35e14151312 (patch)
tree620249daf56c0258faa40cbdcf9cfba06de2a846 /l10n-uz/mail/messenger
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 110.0.1.upstream/110.0.1upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
19 files changed, 1300 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/aboutRights.ftl b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/aboutRights.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aea4cd9e1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/aboutRights.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+rights-title = Huqularingiz haqida
+rights-intro = { -brand-full-name } butun dunyo boʻyicha minglab jamoalar hissasini qoʻshib, tuzilgan erkin va ochiq kodli dasturiy ta`minot. Bu yerda bilishingiz kerak boʻlgan ba`zi narsalar bor:
+rights-intro-point-1 = { -brand-short-name } <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-public-license-link">"Mozilla Public License" (Mozilla ochiq litsenziyasi) shartlari boʻyicha mavjud.</a>. Bu degani siz { -brand-short-name }dan foydalanishingiz, nusxa koʻchirishingiz va boshqalarga tarqatishingiz mumkin. Shuningdek, kerak boʻlsa { -brand-short-name }ning kodlarini oʻzgartirishingiz ham mumkin. "The Mozilla Public License" (Mozilla ochiq litsenziyasi) sizga kodlari oʻzgartiriglan versiyalarini tarqatish huquqini ham beradi.
+rights-intro-point-3 = { -brand-short-name }ning ba`zi xususiyatlari, masalan, "Nosozlik xabar bergichi" { -vendor-short-name }ga mulohazalar joʻnatish imkonini beradi. Mulohaza joʻnatishni tanlab, { -vendor-short-name }ga mahsulotlarini yaxshilashda, tavsiyalarni oʻzining saytida e`lon qilishda va fikrlarni tarqatishda mulohazalardan foydalanish huquqini berasiz..
+rights-intro-point-4 = { -vendor-short-name }ga { -brand-short-name } orqali joʻnatgan mulohazalaringiz va shaxsiy ma`lumotlaringizdan qanday qilib foydalanishimiz <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-privacy-policy-link">"{ -brand-short-name } "Maxfiylik nazorati"da yozilgan</a>.
+rights-intro-point-5 = Ba`zi { -brand-short-name } xossalari internetga asoslangan ma`lumot xizmatlaridan foydalanadi, shunday ekan, biz ularning 100% xatolardan holi ekanligiga kafolat bera olmaymiz. Ushbu xizmatlardan foydalanish xossasini oʻchirib qoʻyish haqidagi va boshqa koʻplab ma`lumotlarni <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-service-terms-link">xizmat shartlaridan olishingiz mumkin</a>.
+rights-intro-point-5-unbranded = Agar ushbu mahsulot veb xizmatlar bilan bogʻliq boʻlsa, ushbu xizmat(lar) uchun har qanday qabul qilinadigan shartlar <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-website-services-link">Veb sayt xizmatlari</a> boʻlimida keltirilgan boʻlishi kerak.
+rights-intro-point-6 = Aniq bir turdagi video fayllarni ijro etish uchun { -brand-short-name } uchinchi tomondan kerakli kontent ta’rifi modullarini yuklab oladi.
+rights-webservices-header = { -brand-full-name } internetga asoslangan ma`lumot berish xizmatlari
+rights-locationawarebrowsing = <strong>Manzilni bilib internetni koʻrish:</strong>- doimiy tanlov. Manzil ma`lumotlari ruxsatingizsiz umuman joʻnatilmaydi. Agar ushbu xususiyatni butunlay oʻchirib qoʻymoqchi boʻlsangiz, quyidagi bosqichlardan oʻtishingiz kerak:
+rights-locationawarebrowsing-term-1 = URL paneliga yozing <code>about:config</code>
+rights-locationawarebrowsing-term-2 = geo.enabled deb yozing
+rights-locationawarebrowsing-term-3 = geo.enabled moslamalari ustiga ikki marta bosing
+rights-locationawarebrowsing-term-4 = Manzilni bilib internetni koʻrish - oʻchirib qoʻyilgan
+rights-webservices-unbranded = Veb saytlar ma`lumotlarini koʻrib chiqish xizmati mahsulotga ularni qanday oʻchirish boʻyicha koʻrsatmalar qoʻshilgan, agar bu talab qilinsa, bu yerga qoʻshilishi kerak.
+rights-webservices-term-unbranded = Ushbu mahsuloat uchun ba`zi qabul qilingan xizmat shartlari bu yerda koʻrsatilgan boʻlishi kerak.
+rights-webservices-term-1 = { -vendor-short-name } va uning hissa qoʻshuvchilari, litsenziyachilari hamda hamkorlari "Xizmatlar" orqali eng aniq va yangi ma`lumotlarni berish uchun bor kuchlari bilan harakat qilishadi, lekin ushbu ma`lumotlarni toʻliq va xatolardan holi ekanligiga kafolat bera olmaymiz. Masalan, "Xavfsiz koʻrish" xizmati ba`zi xavfli saytlarni xavfsiz, ba`zi xavfsiz saytlarni esa xato tufayli xavfli deb koʻrsatishi mumkin, shuningdek, "Manzilni aniqlash xizmati"ga qaytariladigan barcha joylashgan manzillar aniq boʻlmasligi mumkin, biz ham xizmat koʻrsatuvchilarimiz ham bu manzillar aniqligiga 100% kafolat bera olmaymiz.
+rights-webservices-term-2 = { -vendor-short-name } ehtiyotkorlik uchun "Xizmarlar" koʻrsatishni toʻxtatishi yoki uni oʻzgartirishi mumkin.
+rights-webservices-term-3 = Siz ushbu "Xizmatlar"dan { -brand-short-name }ning mavjud versiyasi bilan birga foydalanishingiz mumkin, { -vendor-short-name } ushbu huquqlar boʻyicha foydalanish imkonini beradi. { -vendor-short-name } va uning litsenziyachilari barcha boshqa huquqlarni "Xizmatlar"ga saqlaydi. Ushbu shartlar { -brand-short-name }da qoʻllanadigan ochiq kod litsenziyalari ostidagi kafolatlangan huquqlarni va { -brand-short-name } versiyalari manba kodini oʻzgartirishni cheklamaydi.
+rights-webservices-term-4 = <strong>Ushbu xizmat "boricha" koʻrsatiladi. { -vendor-short-name }, uning dasturchilar, litsenziya egalari va tarqatuvchilari barcha kafolatlarni rad etishadi (tezlik yoki biror narsaga tegishli, shaxsiy maqsadlarda foydalanish yoki savdo maqsadidagi xizmatlarda). Xizmatlar ijrosi va sifatiga munosabatda va maqsadlaringiz uchun xizmat tanlash bilan siz butun xavf-xatarni o‘z zimmangizga olasiz. Bir nechta huquqiy hujjatlar istisno yoki kafolatga ta’sir qiladigan cheklovlarga ruxsat bermaydi, shunday ekan ushbu rad qilishning sizga aloqasi yo‘q.</strong>
+rights-webservices-term-5 = <strong>Istisno holatlarda qonun qiyidagilarni talab qiladi, { -vendor-short-name }, uning ishchilar, litsenziya beruvchilar va tarqatuvchilar noto‘g‘ri, maxsus, tasodifiy, davom etadigan yoki jarima to‘lanadigan yoki zarar uchun jazolash, { -brand-short-name }dan foydalanishda ishdan chiqish va xizmatlar uchun javob bermaydi. Ushbu shartlarga muvofiq ish jamoasi javobgarligi $500 (besh yuz dollar)dan oshmasligi kerak. Ba’zi huquqiy qonunlar istisnoga yoki aniqlangan zararni cheklashga ruxsat bermaydi, shuning uchun hozirgi istisno va cheklovlarning sizga aloqasi yo‘q.</strong>
+rights-webservices-term-6 = { -vendor-short-name } kerak boʻlganda vaqti-vaqti bilan oʻzining shartlarini yangilashi mumkin. Ushbu shartlarni { -vendor-short-name }ning yozma roziligisiz oʻzgartirish va bekor qilish mumkin emas.
+rights-webservices-term-7 = Ushbu shartlar AQSH va Kaliforniya shtatlari qonunlari (qonunga toʻgʻri kelmaydiganlaridan boshqalari) tomonidan boshqariladi. Ushbu shartlardan biror qismi huquqiy amalda bo‘lmasa yoki bajarib bo‘lmasa, qolgan qismi to‘liq o‘zining huquqiy kuchini saqlab qoladi. Ushbu shartlarning tarjima qilingan va ingliz tilidagi asl manbalari o‘rtasida ziddiyatlar paydo bo‘lsa, ingliz tilidagi versiyasiga amal qilish kerak bo‘ladi.
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/menubar.ftl b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/menubar.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7faac21c28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/menubar.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Tools Menu
+## Help Menu
+menu-help-more-troubleshooting-info =
+ .label = Boshqa tuzatish maʼlumotlari
+ .accesskey = B
+## Mail Toolbar
+## View
+menu-view-repair-text-encoding =
+ .label = Matn shifrini tuzatish
+ .accesskey = M
+## View / Layout
+## File
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/messenger.ftl b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/messenger.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1cc352a9cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/messenger.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Window controls
+## Content tabs
+## Toolbar
+## Folder Pane
+## Folder Toolbar Header Popup
+## Menu
+## AppMenu
+appmenu-help-more-troubleshooting-info =
+ .label = Boshqa tuzatish maʼlumotlari
+## Context menu
+## Message header pane
+## Message header cutomize panel
+## Action Button Context Menu
+## Message headers
+## Add-on removal warning
+repair-text-encoding-button =
+ .label = Matn shifrini tuzatish
+ .tooltiptext = Sahifa tarkibidan toʻgʻri matn shifrini taxmin qiling
+## no-reply handling
+## error messages
+## Spaces toolbar
+## Spaces toolbar pinned tab menupopup
+## Spaces toolbar customize panel
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/openpgp/openpgp-frontend.ftl b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/openpgp/openpgp-frontend.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa17394398
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/openpgp/openpgp-frontend.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Don't translate the terms "OpenPGP" and "MS-Exchange"
+openpgp-broken-exchange-opened = Bu OpenPGP xabari boʻlib, uni MS-Exchange buzgan va uni tuzatib boʻlmaydi, chunki u mahalliy fayldan ochilgan. Avtomatik tuzatishni sinab koʻrish uchun xabarni pochta jildiga nusxalang.
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/openpgp/openpgp.ftl b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/openpgp/openpgp.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6433b36070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/openpgp/openpgp.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+openpgp-key-man-discover-prompt = OpenPGP kalitlarini onlayn topish uchun kalitlar serveriga yoki WKD protokoli yordamida email manzilingizni yoki kalit identifikatorini kiriting.
+## e2e encryption settings
+## OpenPGP Key selection area
+# Strings filters.jsm
+filter-folder-required = Siz moʻljaldagi jildni tanlashingiz lozim.
+import-info-fpr = Barmoq izi
+## Account settings export output
+# Strings used in enigmailMessengerOverlay.js
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/application-manager.ftl b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/application-manager.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3554f15f18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/application-manager.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+app-manager-window-dialog =
+ .title = Ilova dastur ma’lumotlari
+ .style = width: 30em; min-height: 20em;
+remove-app-button =
+ .label = Olib tashlash
+ .accesskey = O
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/attachment-reminder.ftl b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/attachment-reminder.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4a67fd88f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/attachment-reminder.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+attachment-reminder-window =
+ .title = Biriktirmani eslatkich uchun kalit so‘zlar
+attachment-reminder-label = Xatni jo‘natish vaqtida ushbu kalit so‘zlardan birortasi bo‘lsa, { -brand-short-name } qo‘shilmagan biriktirmalar haqida xabar beradi.
+keyword-remove-button =
+ .label = O‘chirish
+ .accesskey = O
+edit-keyword-title = Kalit so‘zni tahrirlash
+edit-keyword-label = Kalit so‘z
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/colors.ftl b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/colors.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b26c092d9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/colors.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+colors-dialog-window =
+ .title = Ranglar
+ .style =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] width: 41em !important
+ *[other] width: 38em !important
+ }
+colors-dialog-legend = Matn va orqa fon
+text-color-label =
+ .value = Matn:
+ .accesskey = M
+background-color-label =
+ .value = Orqa fon:
+ .accesskey = O
+use-system-colors =
+ .label = Tizim ranlaridan foydalanilsin
+ .accesskey = f
+colors-link-legend = Havola ranglari
+link-color-label =
+ .value = Kirilmagan havolalar:
+ .accesskey = K
+visited-link-color-label =
+ .value = Kirilgan havolalar:
+ .accesskey = K
+underline-link-checkbox =
+ .label = Tagiga chizilgan havolalar
+ .accesskey = c
+override-color-label =
+ .value = Tarkib bo‘yicha ko‘rsatilgan ranglarni men tepada tanlaganlar bilan almashtiradi:
+ .accesskey = a
+override-color-always =
+ .label = Doimo
+override-color-auto =
+ .label = Faqat yuqori kontrastli mavzular bilan
+override-color-never =
+ .label = Hech qachon
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/connection.ftl b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/connection.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..431eb11fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/connection.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+connection-proxy-legend = Internetga kirish uchun proksilarni moslash
+proxy-type-no =
+ .label = Proksi yo‘q
+ .accesskey = P
+proxy-type-wpad =
+ .label = Ushbu tarmoq uchun proksi sozlamalarini avtomatik aniqlash
+ .accesskey = w
+proxy-type-system =
+ .label = Tizim proksi sozlamalaridan foydalanish
+ .accesskey = f
+proxy-type-manual =
+ .label = Proksini qo‘lbola moslash:
+ .accesskey = M
+proxy-http-label =
+ .value = HTTP proksi:
+ .accesskey = H
+http-port-label =
+ .value = Port:
+ .accesskey = P
+ssl-port-label =
+ .value = Port:
+ .accesskey = o
+proxy-socks-label =
+ .value = SOCKS hosti:
+ .accesskey = C
+socks-port-label =
+ .value = Port:
+ .accesskey = t
+proxy-socks4-label =
+ .label = SOCKS v4
+ .accesskey = K
+proxy-socks5-label =
+ .label = SOCKS v5
+ .accesskey = v
+proxy-type-auto =
+ .label = Automatik proksini moslash URL manzili:
+ .accesskey = A
+proxy-reload-label =
+ .label = Qayta yuklash
+ .accesskey = l
+no-proxy-label =
+ .value = Proksi yo‘q:
+ .accesskey = y
+no-proxy-example = Masalan:,,
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/cookies.ftl b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/cookies.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9fa55f028e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/cookies.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+cookies-window-dialog =
+ .title = Kukilar
+ .style = width: 36em;
+window-close-key =
+ .key = w
+window-focus-search-key =
+ .key = f
+window-focus-search-alt-key =
+ .key = k
+filter-search-label =
+ .value = Izlash:
+ .accesskey = I
+cookies-on-system-label = Quyidagi kukilar kompyuteringizda joylashgan:
+treecol-site-header =
+ .label = Sayt
+treecol-name-header =
+ .label = Kuki nomi
+props-name-label =
+ .value = Nomi:
+props-value-label =
+ .value = Kontent:
+props-domain-label =
+ .value = Host:
+props-path-label =
+ .value = Yo‘l:
+props-secure-label =
+ .value = Jo‘natish:
+props-expires-label =
+ .value = Muddati o‘tishi:
+props-container-label =
+ .value = Container:
+remove-cookie-button =
+ .label = Kukini olib tashlash
+ .accesskey = o
+remove-all-cookies-button =
+ .label = Barcha kukilarni olib tashlash
+ .accesskey = a
+cookie-close-button =
+ .label = Yopish
+ .accesskey = Y
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/dock-options.ftl b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/dock-options.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..483f4af383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/dock-options.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+dock-options-window-dialog =
+ .title = Ilova dastur nishonchasi moslamasi
+ .style = width: 35em;
+bounce-system-dock-icon =
+ .label = Yangi xabar kelganda ilova dastur nishonchasi harakatga kelsin
+ .accesskey = h
+dock-icon-legend = Ilova dastur nishonchasi belgisi
+dock-icon-show-label =
+ .value = Ilova nishonchasi ushbu bilan belgi bersi:
+count-unread-messages-radio =
+ .label = O‘qilmagan xabarlar miqdori
+ .accesskey = m
+count-new-messages-radio =
+ .label = Yangi xabarlar miqdori
+ .accesskey = m
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/fonts.ftl b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/fonts.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91aa442b7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/fonts.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+fonts-encoding-dialog-title =
+ .title = Shriftlar va kodlash
+fonts-language-legend =
+ .value = Shriftlar:
+ .accesskey = S
+fonts-proportional-label =
+ .value = Proportional:
+ .accesskey = P
+## Languages
+# Note: Translate "Latin" as the name of Latin (Roman) script, not as the name of the Latin language.
+font-language-group-latin =
+ .label = Lotin
+font-language-group-japanese =
+ .label = Yapon
+font-language-group-trad-chinese =
+ .label = An’anaviy Xitoy (Tayvan)
+font-language-group-simpl-chinese =
+ .label = Soddalashtirilgan Xitoy
+font-language-group-trad-chinese-hk =
+ .label = An’anaviy Xitoy (Gong-kong)
+font-language-group-korean =
+ .label = Koreys
+font-language-group-cyrillic =
+ .label = Kirill
+font-language-group-el =
+ .label = Grek
+font-language-group-other =
+ .label = Boshqa yozuv tizimlari
+font-language-group-thai =
+ .label = Tay
+font-language-group-hebrew =
+ .label = Yahudiy
+font-language-group-arabic =
+ .label = Arab
+font-language-group-devanagari =
+ .label = Devanagari
+font-language-group-tamil =
+ .label = Tamil
+font-language-group-armenian =
+ .label = Arman
+font-language-group-bengali =
+ .label = Bengal
+font-language-group-canadian =
+ .label = Unified Canadian Syllabary
+font-language-group-ethiopic =
+ .label = Efiopiya
+font-language-group-georgian =
+ .label = Gruzin
+font-language-group-gujarati =
+ .label = Gujarat
+font-language-group-gurmukhi =
+ .label = Gurmuxi
+font-language-group-khmer =
+ .label = Xmer
+font-language-group-malayalam =
+ .label = Malayalam
+font-language-group-math =
+ .label = Matematika
+font-language-group-telugu =
+ .label = Telugu
+font-language-group-kannada =
+ .label = Kanada
+font-language-group-sinhala =
+ .label = Sinhala
+font-language-group-tibetan =
+ .label = Tibet
+## Default font type
+default-font-serif =
+ .label = Serif
+default-font-sans-serif =
+ .label = Sans Serif
+font-size-monospace-label =
+ .value = Hajmi:
+ .accesskey = i
+font-serif-label =
+ .value = Serif:
+ .accesskey = S
+font-sans-serif-label =
+ .value = Sans-serif:
+ .accesskey = n
+font-monospace-label =
+ .value = Monospace:
+ .accesskey = M
+font-min-size-label =
+ .value = Eng kichik shrift hajmi:
+ .accesskey = h
+min-size-none =
+ .label = Yo‘q
+## Fonts in message
+font-control-legend = Shrift boshqaruvi
+use-document-fonts-checkbox =
+ .label = Boshqa shriftlardan xabarlarda foydalanish uchun ruxsat berish
+ .accesskey = r
+use-fixed-width-plain-checkbox =
+ .label = Oddiy matn xabarlari uchun moslangan kenglikdagi shriftdan foydalanish
+ .accesskey = x
+## Language settings
+text-encoding-legend = Matnni kodlash
+text-encoding-description = Joriy matnni kodlashni xat jo‘natish va qabul qilish uchun standart sifatida o‘rnatish
+font-outgoing-email-label =
+ .value = Chiquvchi xat:
+ .accesskey = C
+font-incoming-email-label =
+ .value = Kiruvchi xat:
+ .accesskey = K
+default-font-reply-checkbox =
+ .label = Imkon bo‘lganda, standart matnni kodlashdan javoblarda foydalaning
+ .accesskey = h
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/new-tag.ftl b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/new-tag.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9df86170d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/new-tag.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+tag-name-label =
+ .value = Teg nomi:
+ .accesskey = T
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/notifications.ftl b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/notifications.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c5c55b377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/notifications.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+notifications-dialog-window =
+ .title = Yangi xat haqidagi ogohlantirishni moslash
+customize-alert-description = Ogohlantirish xabarida qaysi maydonchalar ko‘rinishini tanlang
+preview-text-checkbox =
+ .label = Xabarning matni ko‘rinishi
+ .accesskey = X
+subject-checkbox =
+ .label = Mavzu
+ .accesskey = M
+sender-checkbox =
+ .label = Jo‘natuvchi
+ .accesskey = J
+## Note: open-time-label-before is displayed first, then there's a field where
+## the user can enter a number, and open-time-label-after is displayed at the end
+## of the line. The translations of the open-time-label-before and open-time-label-after
+## parts don't have to mean the exact same thing as in English; please try instead
+## to translate the whole sentence.
+open-time-label-before =
+ .value = Yangi xat ogohlantirishini
+ .accesskey = Y
+open-time-label-after =
+ .value = soniyada ko‘rsatish
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/offline.ftl b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/offline.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7394c4d3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/offline.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+offline-dialog-window =
+ .title = Oflayn sozlamalari
+autodetect-online-label =
+ .label = Onlayn holatda xabarlar aniqlanishi avtomatik kuzatilsin
+ .accesskey = a
+status-radio-remember =
+ .label = Oldingi onlayn holatini eslab qolish
+ .accesskey = e
+status-radio-ask =
+ .label = Onlayn holati haqida mendan so‘ralsin
+ .accesskey = s
+status-radio-always-online =
+ .label = Onlayn
+ .accesskey = l
+status-radio-always-offline =
+ .label = Oflayn
+ .accesskey = f
+going-online-label = Onlayn bo‘lganda jo‘natilmagan xabarlar jo‘natilsinmi?
+going-online-auto =
+ .label = Ha
+ .accesskey = H
+going-online-not =
+ .label = Yo‘q
+ .accesskey = Y
+going-online-ask =
+ .label = Mendan so‘ralsin
+ .accesskey = s
+going-offline-label = Oflayn bo‘lganda foydalanish uchun xabarlar yuklab olinsinmi?
+going-offline-auto =
+ .label = Ha
+ .accesskey = H
+going-offline-not =
+ .label = Yo‘q
+ .accesskey = Y
+going-offline-ask =
+ .label = Mendan so‘ralsin
+ .accesskey = s
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/permissions.ftl b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/permissions.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da0cc6c91f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/permissions.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+permissions-reminder-window =
+ .title = Istisnolar
+ .style = width: 45em;
+website-address-label =
+ .value = Vebsayt manzili:
+ .accesskey = m
+block-button =
+ .label = Bloklash
+ .accesskey = B
+allow-session-button =
+ .label = Seans uchun ruxsat berish
+ .accesskey = S
+allow-button =
+ .label = Ruxsat berish
+ .accesskey = R
+treehead-sitename-label =
+ .label = Sayt
+treehead-status-label =
+ .label = Holati
+remove-site-button =
+ .label = Saytni olib tashlash
+ .accesskey = S
+remove-all-site-button =
+ .label = Barcha saytlarni olib tashlash
+ .accesskey = i
+cancel-button =
+ .label = Bekor qilish
+ .accesskey = B
+save-button =
+ .label = O‘zgarishlarni saqlash
+ .accesskey = s
+permission-can-label = Ruxsat berish
+permission-can-access-first-party-label = Faqat birinchi qismiga ruxsat berish
+permission-can-session-label = Seans uchun ruxsat berish
+permission-cannot-label = Bloklash
+invalid-uri-message = Mavjud bo‘lgan host nomini kiriting
+invalid-uri-title = Mavjud bo‘lmagan host nomini kiritdingiz
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/preferences.ftl b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/preferences.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2055f1c77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/preferences.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+pane-compose-title = Yozish
+category-compose =
+ .tooltiptext = Yozish
+pane-chat-title = Chat
+category-chat =
+ .tooltiptext = Chat
+pane-calendar-title = Taqvim
+category-calendar =
+ .tooltiptext = Taqvim
+## OS Authentication dialog
+## General Tab
+focus-search-shortcut =
+ .key = f
+focus-search-shortcut-alt =
+ .key = k
+general-legend = { -brand-short-name } bosh sahifasi
+start-page-label =
+ .label = { -brand-short-name } ishga tushganda, xabar hududida bosh sahifa ko‘rsatilsin
+ .accesskey = i
+location-label =
+ .value = Joylashuvi:
+ .accesskey = o
+restore-default-label =
+ .label = Standart holatni tiklash
+ .accesskey = t
+default-search-engine = Asosiy qidiruv tizimi
+new-message-arrival = Yangi xabar kelganda:
+mail-play-button =
+ .label = Ijro etish
+ .accesskey = I
+change-dock-icon = Ilova dastur nishonchasi uchun parametrlarni o‘zgartirish
+app-icon-options =
+ .label = Ilova dastur nishonchasi tanlamalari…
+ .accesskey = n
+animated-alert-label =
+ .label = Ogohlantirish signalini ko‘rsatish
+ .accesskey = k
+customize-alert-label =
+ .label = Qulaylashtirish…
+ .accesskey = Q
+mail-custom-sound-label =
+ .label = Quyidagi tovush faylidan foydalanilsin
+ .accesskey = f
+mail-browse-sound-button =
+ .label = Ko‘rish…
+ .accesskey = r
+enable-gloda-search-label =
+ .label = Global izlash va indekslashni yoqib qo‘yish
+ .accesskey = q
+allow-hw-accel =
+ .label = Mavjud bo‘lganda qurilmani tezlatishdan foydalanilsin
+ .accesskey = q
+store-type-label =
+ .value = Yangi hisoblar uchun xabarlarni saqlash turi:
+ .accesskey = t
+mbox-store-label =
+ .label = Har bir jilddagi fayl (mbox)
+maildir-store-label =
+ .label = Har bir xabardagi fayl (maildir)
+scrolling-legend = Siljitish
+autoscroll-label =
+ .label = Avtosiljitishdan foydalanish
+ .accesskey = f
+smooth-scrolling-label =
+ .label = Bir tekisda siljitishdan foydalanish
+ .accesskey = e
+system-integration-legend = Tizimni integratsiyalash
+always-check-default =
+ .label = Ishga tushirilganda doimo { -brand-short-name } standart e-pochta mijozi ekanligi tekshirilsin
+ .accesskey = A
+check-default-button =
+ .label = Hozir tekshirish…
+ .accesskey = H
+# Note: This is the search engine name for all the different platforms.
+# Platforms that don't support it should be left blank.
+search-engine-name =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Spotlight
+ [windows] Windows qidiruvi
+ *[other] { "" }
+ }
+search-integration-label =
+ .label = Xabarlarni qidirishda { search-engine-name }ga ruxsat berilsin
+ .accesskey = s
+config-editor-button =
+ .label = Tahrirlagichni moslash…
+ .accesskey = T
+return-receipts-description = { -brand-short-name } qabul qilinganlik haqidagi xabarlar bilan qanday ishlashini aniqlash
+return-receipts-button =
+ .label = Qabul qilinganligi haqida xabar berish…
+ .accesskey = Q
+automatic-updates-label =
+ .label = Yangilanishlarni avtomatik o‘rnatish (tavsiya qilinadi: yaxshilangan xavfsizlik)
+ .accesskey = a
+check-updates-label =
+ .label = Yangilanishlar uchun tekshirilsin, ammo menga tanlab o‘rnatish imkoni berilsin
+ .accesskey = t
+update-history-button =
+ .label = Yangilash tarixini ko‘rsatish
+ .accesskey = a
+use-service =
+ .label = Yangilanishlarni o‘rnatish uchun orqa fonda yangilash xizmatidan foydalaning
+ .accesskey = o
+networking-legend = Ulanish
+proxy-config-description = { -brand-short-name } dasturini internetga ulanishini moslash
+network-settings-button =
+ .label = Sozlamalar…
+ .accesskey = S
+offline-legend = Oflayn
+offline-settings = Oflayn sozlamalarini to‘g‘rilash
+offline-settings-button =
+ .label = Oflayn…
+ .accesskey = O
+diskspace-legend = Diskdagi joy
+offline-compact-folder =
+ .label = Barcha jildlar saqlanganda ularni yig‘ish
+ .accesskey = a
+compact-folder-size =
+ .value = Jami: MB
+## Note: The entities use-cache-before and use-cache-after appear on a single
+## line in preferences as follows:
+## use-cache-before [ textbox for cache size in MB ] use-cache-after
+use-cache-before =
+ .value = Kesh uchun
+ .accesskey = U
+use-cache-after = MB joydan foydalaning
+clear-cache-button =
+ .label = Hozir tozalash
+ .accesskey = t
+fonts-legend = Shriftlar va ranglar
+default-font-label =
+ .value = Asosiy shrift
+ .accesskey = A
+default-size-label =
+ .value = Hajmi:
+ .accesskey = H
+font-options-button =
+ .label = Qo‘shimcha…
+ .accesskey = Q
+color-options-button =
+ .label = Ranglar…
+ .accesskey = R
+display-width-legend = Oddiy matn xabarlari
+# Note : convert-emoticons-label 'Emoticons' are also known as 'Smileys', e.g. :-)
+convert-emoticons-label =
+ .label = Hissiyotlarni grafika kabi ko‘rsatish
+ .accesskey = H
+display-text-label = Oddiy matn xabarlari qo‘shtirnoq ichida ko‘rsatilganda:
+style-label =
+ .value = Uslub:
+ .accesskey = l
+regular-style-item =
+ .label = Muntazam
+bold-style-item =
+ .label = Qalin
+italic-style-item =
+ .label = Qiya
+bold-italic-style-item =
+ .label = Qalin qiya
+size-label =
+ .value = Hajmi:
+ .accesskey = H
+regular-size-item =
+ .label = Muntazam
+bigger-size-item =
+ .label = Kattaroq
+smaller-size-item =
+ .label = Kichikroq
+quoted-text-color =
+ .label = Rangi:
+ .accesskey = R
+save-to-label =
+ .label = Fayllarni saqlash
+ .accesskey = s
+choose-folder-label =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Tanlash…
+ *[other] Ko‘rish…
+ }
+ .accesskey =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] T
+ *[other] r
+ }
+always-ask-label =
+ .label = Fayllarni saqlash joy doimo mendan so‘ralsin
+ .accesskey = d
+display-tags-text = Teglar xabarlaringizni turkumlarga va muhimligi bo‘yicha ajratishda foydalaniladi.
+delete-tag-button =
+ .label = O‘chirish
+ .accesskey = O
+auto-mark-as-read =
+ .label = Xabarlarni avtomatik tarzda o‘qilgan deb belgilash
+ .accesskey = a
+mark-read-no-delay =
+ .label = Tezda ekranda
+ .accesskey = e
+## Note: This will concatenate to "After displaying for [___] seconds",
+## using (mark-read-delay) and a number (seconds-label).
+mark-read-delay =
+ .label = Ko‘rsatilsin –
+ .accesskey = d
+seconds-label = soniyadan so‘ng
+open-msg-label =
+ .value = Xabarlar
+open-msg-tab =
+ .label = yangi ichi oynada ochilsin
+ .accesskey = i
+open-msg-window =
+ .label = yangi xabar oynasida ochilsin
+ .accesskey = y
+open-msg-ex-window =
+ .label = Mavjud xabar oynasida ochilsin
+ .accesskey = M
+close-move-delete =
+ .label = Xabar oynasi/ichki oynasi ko‘chirilganda yoki o‘chirilganda yopilsin
+ .accesskey = y
+condensed-addresses-label =
+ .label = Faqat manzillar kitobimdagi odamlarni nomi ko‘rsatilsin
+ .accesskey = k
+## Compose Tab
+forward-label =
+ .value = Xabarlarni boshqalarga yuborish:
+ .accesskey = X
+inline-label =
+ .label = Ichki
+as-attachment-label =
+ .label = Biriktirma sifatida
+extension-label =
+ .label = kengaytmani fayl nomiga qo‘shish
+ .accesskey = k
+## Note: This will concatenate to "Auto Save every [___] minutes",
+## using (auto-save-label) and a number (auto-save-end).
+auto-save-label =
+ .label = Avto saqlash –
+ .accesskey = A
+auto-save-end = har daqiqada
+warn-on-send-accel-key =
+ .label = Xabar jo‘natishda tayyot tugmalardan foydalanishni tasdiqlash
+ .accesskey = t
+spellcheck-label =
+ .label = Jo‘natishdan oldin imlo xatolarini tekshirish
+ .accesskey = t
+spellcheck-inline-label =
+ .label = Yozayotganda imlo xatolarini tekshirishni yoqib qo‘yish
+ .accesskey = E
+language-popup-label =
+ .value = Til:
+ .accesskey = T
+download-dictionaries-link = Boshqa lug‘atlarni yuklab olish
+font-label =
+ .value = Shrift:
+ .accesskey = S
+font-color-label =
+ .value = Matn rangi:
+ .accesskey = M
+bg-color-label =
+ .value = Orqa fon rangi:
+ .accesskey = O
+restore-html-label =
+ .label = Asosiy sozlamalarni tiklash
+ .accesskey = t
+default-format-label =
+ .label = Asosiy matn o‘rniga Paragraf formatidan foydalaning
+ .accesskey = P
+autocomplete-description = Xabarlar manzilga yo‘naltirilayotganda, kiritilganlar mosligini tekshirish:
+ab-label =
+ .label = Mahalliy manzil kitobi
+ .accesskey = M
+directories-label =
+ .label = Direktoriya serveri
+ .accesskey = D
+directories-none-label =
+ .none = Yo‘q
+edit-directories-label =
+ .label = Direktoriyalarni tahrirlash…
+ .accesskey = t
+email-picker-label =
+ .label = Xat yuborilayotgan manzillar avtomatik tarzda qo‘shilsin:
+ .accesskey = a
+attachment-label =
+ .label = Biriktirmalar qolib ketmasligi uchun tekshirish
+ .accesskey = q
+attachment-options-label =
+ .label = Kalit so‘zlar…
+ .accesskey = K
+enable-cloud-share =
+ .label = Ushbudan kattaroq fayllarni bo‘lishish taklif qilinsin
+cloud-share-size =
+ .value = MB
+remove-cloud-account =
+ .label = Olib tashlash
+ .accesskey = O
+cloud-account-description = Yangi Filelink ombori xizmatini qo‘shish
+## Privacy Tab
+mail-content = Xatdagi sayt
+remote-content-label =
+ .label = Xabarlarda masofadagi saytga ruxsat berish
+ .accesskey = m
+exceptions-button =
+ .label = Istisnolar...
+ .accesskey = I
+remote-content-info =
+ .value = Masofadagi sayt maxfiylik muammolari haqida batafsil ma’lumot
+web-content = Veb sayt
+history-label =
+ .label = Men kirgan sayt va havolalar eslab qolinsin
+ .accesskey = e
+cookies-label =
+ .label = Saytlardan kukilarga rozi bo‘lish
+ .accesskey = r
+third-party-label =
+ .value = Begona taraf kukilariga ruxsat berish:
+ .accesskey = r
+third-party-always =
+ .label = Doimo
+third-party-never =
+ .label = Hech qachon
+third-party-visited =
+ .label = Kirilganlardan
+keep-label =
+ .value = Saqlansin:
+ .accesskey = S
+keep-expire =
+ .label = ular eskirguncha
+keep-close =
+ .label = Men { -brand-short-name }ni yopaman
+keep-ask =
+ .label = doimo mendan so‘ralsin
+cookies-button =
+ .label = Kukilarni ko‘rsatish…
+ .accesskey = k
+passwords-description = { -brand-short-name } barcha hisoblaringiz uchun parollaringizni eslab qoladi.
+passwords-button =
+ .label = Saqlangan parollar…
+ .accesskey = S
+junk-description = Asosiy spam sozlamalarini o‘rnating. Hisobda ko‘rsatilgan xatlarni spamga qo‘shish sozlamalarini Hisob sozlamalarida moslash mumkin.
+junk-label =
+ .label = Xabarlar spam sifatida belgilanganda:
+ .accesskey = b
+junk-move-label =
+ .label = Ular hisobning "Spam" jildiga jo‘natilsin
+ .accesskey = o
+junk-delete-label =
+ .label = Ular o‘chirilsin
+ .accesskey = o
+junk-read-label =
+ .label = Spam sifatida aniqlangan xabarlarni o‘qilgan sifatida belgilash
+ .accesskey = b
+junk-log-label =
+ .label = Moslashuvchan spam filter kiritishlarini yoqish
+ .accesskey = y
+junk-log-button =
+ .label = Jurnalni ko‘rsatish
+ .accesskey = k
+reset-junk-button =
+ .label = O‘rganish ma’lumotlarini tiklash
+ .accesskey = t
+phishing-description = { -brand-short-name } siz foydalanadigan qurilma umumiy texnikasi izlash funksiyasi orqali e-pochta qallobliklari xabarlarini aniqlay oladi.
+phishing-label =
+ .label = Men o‘qiyotganimda e-pochta qallobliklari sifatida aniqlangan xabar bo‘lsa menga aytilsin
+ .accesskey = a
+antivirus-description = Kiruvchi xatlarni kompyuterga saqlashdan oldin antivirus dasturlari tekshirishini { -brand-short-name } osonlashtiradi.
+antivirus-label =
+ .label = Individual kiruvchi xabarlarni karantinda saqlash uchun antivirus mijozlariga ruxsat berilsin
+ .accesskey = r
+certificate-description = Server shaxsiy sertifikatimni so‘raganida:
+certificate-auto =
+ .label = Avtomatik tarzda bittasini tanlash
+ .accesskey = S
+certificate-ask =
+ .label = Har safar mendan so‘ralsin
+ .accesskey = A
+ocsp-label =
+ .label = OCSP javob berish serverlari sertifikatlarining joriy yaroqliligini tasdiqlash uchun so‘rov jo‘natish
+ .accesskey = s
+## Chat Tab
+startup-label =
+ .value = { -brand-short-name } ishga tushganda:
+ .accesskey = i
+offline-label =
+ .label = Chat hisoblarim oflayn saqlansin
+auto-connect-label =
+ .label = Chat hisoblarimga avtomatik tarzda ulansin
+## Note: idle-label is displayed first, then there's a field where the user
+## can enter a number, and itemTime is displayed at the end of the line.
+## The translations of the idle-label and idle-time-label parts don't have
+## to mean the exact same thing as in English; please try instead to
+## translate the whole sentence.
+idle-label =
+ .label = Kompyuterga bir necha daqiqadan so‘ng
+ .accesskey = K
+idle-time-label = qaytganimdan so‘ng kontaktlarimni bilishga imkon berilsin
+away-message-label =
+ .label = va holatimga Ushbu xabar bilan tashqarida xabari o‘rnatilsin:
+ .accesskey = t
+send-typing-label =
+ .label = Suhbatlarda yozish bildirishnomalarini jo‘natish
+ .accesskey = y
+notification-label = Xabar siz uchun yo‘naltirilganda:
+show-notification-label =
+ .label = Bildirishnomani ko‘rsatish:
+ .accesskey = B
+notification-all =
+ .label = jo‘natuvchining ismi va xabar ko‘rinishi bilan
+notification-name =
+ .label = faqat jo‘natuvchining ismi bilan
+notification-empty =
+ .label = hech qanday ma’lumotsiz
+chat-play-sound-label =
+ .label = Tovushni eshitib ko‘rish
+ .accesskey = n
+chat-play-button =
+ .label = Eshitib ko‘rish
+ .accesskey = E
+chat-system-sound-label =
+ .label = Yangi xat uchun asosiy tizim tovushi
+ .accesskey = a
+chat-custom-sound-label =
+ .label = Quyidagi tovush faylidan foydalanilsin
+ .accesskey = f
+chat-browse-sound-button =
+ .label = Ko‘rish…
+ .accesskey = r
+## Preferences UI Search Results
+## Settings UI Search Results
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/receipts.ftl b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/receipts.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c29fbe9b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/receipts.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+receipts-dialog-window =
+ .title = Qabul qilinganligi haqida xabar berish
+receipt-arrive-label = Qabul qilinganda:
+receipt-request-label = Qabul qilganlik haqidagi so‘rovni olganimda:
+receipt-send-never-label =
+ .label = Hech qachon jo‘natilmasin
+receipt-send-always-label =
+ .label = Doimo jo‘natilsin
+receipt-send-ask-label =
+ .label = Mendan so‘ralsin
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/system-integration.ftl b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/system-integration.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d3d33b99b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/messenger/preferences/system-integration.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+system-integration-title =
+ .title = Tizimni integratsiyalash
+system-integration-dialog =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Asosiy sifatida o‘rnatish
+ .buttonlabelcancel = Integratsiyalashni tashlab o‘tish
+ .buttonlabelcancel2 = Bekor qilish
+default-client-intro = { -brand-short-name } dasturidan asosiy mijoz sifatida foydalanish:
+unset-default-tooltip = { -brand-short-name } dasturini { -brand-short-name } ichidagi asosiy mijoz sifatida bekor qilib bo‘lmaydi. Boshqa ilova dasturni asosiy sifatida o‘rnatish uchun uning "Asosiy sifatida o‘rnatish" oynasidan foydalanishingiz kerak.
+checkbox-email-label =
+ .label = E-pochta
+ .tooltiptext = { unset-default-tooltip }
+checkbox-newsgroups-label =
+ .label = Yangiliklar guruhi
+ .tooltiptext = { unset-default-tooltip }
+checkbox-feeds-label =
+ .label = Tasmalar
+ .tooltiptext = { unset-default-tooltip }
+# Note: This is the search engine name for all the different platforms.
+# Platforms that don't support it should be left blank.
+system-search-engine-name =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Spotlight
+ [windows] Windows qidiruvi
+ *[other] { "" }
+ }
+system-search-integration-label =
+ .label = Xabarlarni qidirishda { system-search-engine-name }ga ruxsat berilsin
+ .accesskey = s
+check-on-startup-label =
+ .label = { -brand-short-name } ishga tushganda doimo ushbu tekshiruv amalga oshirilsin
+ .accesskey = d