diff options
author | Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-linux.org> | 2024-04-07 09:22:09 +0000 |
committer | Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-linux.org> | 2024-04-07 09:22:09 +0000 |
commit | 43a97878ce14b72f0981164f87f2e35e14151312 (patch) | |
tree | 620249daf56c0258faa40cbdcf9cfba06de2a846 /other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash | |
parent | Initial commit. (diff) | |
download | firefox-43a97878ce14b72f0981164f87f2e35e14151312.tar.xz firefox-43a97878ce14b72f0981164f87f2e35e14151312.zip |
Adding upstream version 110.0.1.upstream/110.0.1upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-linux.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash')
-rw-r--r-- | other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.cpp | 82 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.def | 3 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.dsp | 159 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.dsw | 29 | ||||
-rwxr-xr-x | other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.h | 31 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.vcproj | 223 | ||||
-rwxr-xr-x | other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/cityhash/city.cpp | 322 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/cityhash/city.h | 98 |
8 files changed, 947 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.cpp b/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9998fb627d --- /dev/null +++ b/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ + +#include "CityHash.h" +#include "cityhash/city.h" +#include <tchar.h> + +#define MAX_STRLEN 1024 + +typedef struct _stack_t { + struct _stack_t *next; + TCHAR text[MAX_STRLEN]; +} stack_t; + +stack_t **g_stacktop; +char *g_variables; + +BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, + DWORD ul_reason_for_call, + LPVOID lpReserved) +{ + switch (ul_reason_for_call) + { + case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: + case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: + case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: + case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: + break; + } + return TRUE; +} + +bool popString(TCHAR *result) +{ + stack_t *th; + if (!g_stacktop || !*g_stacktop) return false; + th = (*g_stacktop); + lstrcpyn(result, th->text, MAX_STRLEN); + *g_stacktop = th->next; + GlobalFree((HGLOBAL)th); + return true; +} + +void pushString(const TCHAR *str) +{ + stack_t *th; + int strLen = wcslen(str)+1; + if (!g_stacktop) return; + th = (stack_t*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(stack_t) + (MAX_STRLEN*sizeof(TCHAR))); + lstrcpyn(th->text, str, strLen); + th->next = *g_stacktop; + *g_stacktop = th; +} + +extern "C" +{ + +void GetCityHash64(HWND hwndParent, int string_size, char *variables, stack_t **stacktop) +{ + TCHAR hashString[MAX_STRLEN]; + TCHAR hexResult[18] = { _T('\0') }; + + g_stacktop = stacktop; + g_variables = variables; + + memset(hashString, 0, sizeof(hashString)); + memset(hexResult, 0, sizeof(hexResult)); + + if (!popString(hashString)) { + pushString(L"error"); + return; + } + uint64 result = CityHash64((const char*)&hashString[0], wcslen(hashString)*sizeof(TCHAR)); + // If the hash happens to work out to less than 16 hash digits it will just + // use less of the buffer. + swprintf(hexResult, L"%I64X", result); + pushString(hexResult); +} + +} diff --git a/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.def b/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.def new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..61acb6e427 --- /dev/null +++ b/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.def @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +LIBRARY CityHash
+ GetCityHash64 @1
diff --git a/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.dsp b/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.dsp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2113913549 --- /dev/null +++ b/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.dsp @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="CityHash" - Package Owner=<4>
+# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
+# ** DO NOT EDIT **
+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library" 0x0102
+CFG=CityHash - Win32 Debug Unicode
+!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
+!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "CityHash.mak".
+!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
+!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "CityHash.mak" CFG="CityHash - Win32 Debug Unicode"
+!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
+!MESSAGE "CityHash - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")
+!MESSAGE "CityHash - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")
+!MESSAGE "CityHash - Win32 Release Unicode" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")
+!MESSAGE "CityHash - Win32 Debug Unicode" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")
+# Begin Project
+# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0
+# PROP Scc_ProjName ""
+# PROP Scc_LocalPath ""
+!IF "$(CFG)" == "CityHash - Win32 Release"
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release"
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release"
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
+# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+# PROP Output_Dir "Release"
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release"
+# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
+# PROP Target_Dir ""
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "CityHash_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O1 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "CityHash_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /c
+# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
+# ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
+# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /machine:I386
+# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comctl32.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /entry:"DllMain" /dll /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib /out:"../../Plugins/CityHash.dll" /opt:nowin98
+# SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "CityHash - Win32 Debug"
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug"
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
+# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+# PROP Output_Dir "Debug"
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
+# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
+# PROP Target_Dir ""
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "CityHash_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /GZ /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "CityHash_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /GZ /c
+# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
+# ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
+# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
+# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "CityHash - Win32 Release Unicode"
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "CityHash___Win32_Release_Unicode"
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "CityHash___Win32_Release_Unicode"
+# PROP BASE Ignore_Export_Lib 0
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
+# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+# PROP Output_Dir "Release_Unicode"
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release_Unicode"
+# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 1
+# PROP Target_Dir ""
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O1 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "CityHash_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O1 /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "CityHash_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /c
+# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
+# ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
+# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comctl32.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /entry:"DllMain" /dll /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib /out:"../../Plugins/CityHash.dll" /opt:nowin98
+# SUBTRACT BASE LINK32 /pdb:none
+# ADD LINK32 wininet.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comctl32.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /entry:"DllMain" /dll /machine:I386 /out:"./Unicode/CityHash.dll" /opt:nowin98
+# SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none /nodefaultlib
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "CityHash - Win32 Debug Unicode"
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "CityHash___Win32_Debug_Unicode"
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "CityHash___Win32_Debug_Unicode"
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
+# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+# PROP Output_Dir "Debug_Unicode"
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug_Unicode"
+# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
+# PROP Target_Dir ""
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "CityHash_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /GZ /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "CityHash_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /GZ /c
+# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
+# ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
+# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
+# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
+# Begin Target
+# Name "CityHash - Win32 Release"
+# Name "CityHash - Win32 Debug"
+# Name "CityHash - Win32 Release Unicode"
+# Name "CityHash - Win32 Debug Unicode"
+# Begin Group "Source Files"
+# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat"
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# End Group
+# End Target
+# End Project
diff --git a/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.dsw b/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.dsw new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5a77a3c94b --- /dev/null +++ b/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.dsw @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00
+Project: "CityHash"=.\CityHash.dsp - Package Owner=<4>
diff --git a/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.h b/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.h new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..4daa91d294 --- /dev/null +++ b/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.h @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ + +#ifndef WINVER +#define WINVER 0x0600 +#endif + +#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT +#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600 +#endif + +#ifndef _WIN32_WINDOWS +#define _WIN32_WINDOWS 0x0410 +#endif + +#ifndef _WIN32_IE +#define _WIN32_IE 0x0700 +#endif + +#ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN +#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN +#endif +#include <windows.h> + +#ifdef CITYHASH_EXPORTS +#define CITYHASH_API __declspec(dllexport) +#else +#define CITYHASH_API __declspec(dllimport) +#endif diff --git a/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.vcproj b/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.vcproj new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..21f4533aca --- /dev/null +++ b/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/CityHash.vcproj @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
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+ />
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+ Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCMIDLTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
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+ BasicRuntimeChecks="3"
+ RuntimeLibrary="3"
+ UsePrecompiledHeader="0"
+ WarningLevel="3"
+ DebugInformationFormat="4"
+ />
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+ />
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+ Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
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+ />
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+ />
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+ Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCFxCopTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
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+ />
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+ Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCMIDLTool"
+ />
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+ />
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+ />
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+ Name="VCFxCopTool"
+ />
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+ />
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+ Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
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+ >
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+ >
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diff --git a/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/cityhash/city.cpp b/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/cityhash/city.cpp new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..f34777eb84 --- /dev/null +++ b/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/cityhash/city.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2011 Google, Inc. +// +// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: +// +// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +// all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +// +// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +// THE SOFTWARE. +// +// CityHash Version 1, by Geoff Pike and Jyrki Alakuijala +// +// This file provides CityHash64() and related functions. +// +// It's probably possible to create even faster hash functions by +// writing a program that systematically explores some of the space of +// possible hash functions, by using SIMD instructions, or by +// compromising on hash quality. + +#include "city.h" + +#include <algorithm> + +using namespace std; + +#if __sparc__ +#include <string.h> +static inline uint64 UNALIGNED_LOAD64(const char *p) { + uint64 val; + memcpy(&val, p, sizeof(uint64)); + return val; +} + +static inline uint32 UNALIGNED_LOAD32(const char *p) { + uint32 val; + memcpy(&val, p, sizeof(uint32)); + return val; +} +#else +#define UNALIGNED_LOAD64(p) (*(const uint64*)(p)) +#define UNALIGNED_LOAD32(p) (*(const uint32*)(p)) +#endif + +#if !defined(LIKELY) +#if defined(__GNUC__) +#define LIKELY(x) (__builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)) +#else +#define LIKELY(x) (x) +#endif +#endif + +// Some primes between 2^63 and 2^64 for various uses. +static const uint64 k0 = 0xc3a5c85c97cb3127; +static const uint64 k1 = 0xb492b66fbe98f273; +static const uint64 k2 = 0x9ae16a3b2f90404f; +static const uint64 k3 = 0xc949d7c7509e6557; + +// Bitwise right rotate. Normally this will compile to a single +// instruction, especially if the shift is a manifest constant. +static uint64 Rotate(uint64 val, int shift) { + // Avoid shifting by 64: doing so yields an undefined result. + return shift == 0 ? val : ((val >> shift) | (val << (64 - shift))); +} + +// Equivalent to Rotate(), but requires the second arg to be non-zero. +// On x86-64, and probably others, it's possible for this to compile +// to a single instruction if both args are already in registers. +static uint64 RotateByAtLeast1(uint64 val, int shift) { + return (val >> shift) | (val << (64 - shift)); +} + +static uint64 ShiftMix(uint64 val) { + return val ^ (val >> 47); +} + +static uint64 HashLen16(uint64 u, uint64 v) { + return Hash128to64(uint128(u, v)); +} + +static uint64 HashLen0to16(const char *s, size_t len) { + if (len > 8) { + uint64 a = UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s); + uint64 b = UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + len - 8); + return HashLen16(a, RotateByAtLeast1(b + len, len)) ^ b; + } + if (len >= 4) { + uint64 a = UNALIGNED_LOAD32(s); + return HashLen16(len + (a << 3), UNALIGNED_LOAD32(s + len - 4)); + } + if (len > 0) { + uint8 a = s[0]; + uint8 b = s[len >> 1]; + uint8 c = s[len - 1]; + uint32 y = static_cast<uint32>(a) + (static_cast<uint32>(b) << 8); + uint32 z = len + (static_cast<uint32>(c) << 2); + return ShiftMix(y * k2 ^ z * k3) * k2; + } + return k2; +} + +// This probably works well for 16-byte strings as well, but it may be overkill +// in that case. +static uint64 HashLen17to32(const char *s, size_t len) { + uint64 a = UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s) * k1; + uint64 b = UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + 8); + uint64 c = UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + len - 8) * k2; + uint64 d = UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + len - 16) * k0; + return HashLen16(Rotate(a - b, 43) + Rotate(c, 30) + d, + a + Rotate(b ^ k3, 20) - c + len); +} + +// Return a 16-byte hash for 48 bytes. Quick and dirty. +// Callers do best to use "random-looking" values for a and b. +static pair<uint64, uint64> WeakHashLen32WithSeeds( + uint64 w, uint64 x, uint64 y, uint64 z, uint64 a, uint64 b) { + a += w; + b = Rotate(b + a + z, 21); + uint64 c = a; + a += x; + a += y; + b += Rotate(a, 44); + return make_pair(a + z, b + c); +} + +// Return a 16-byte hash for s[0] ... s[31], a, and b. Quick and dirty. +static pair<uint64, uint64> WeakHashLen32WithSeeds( + const char* s, uint64 a, uint64 b) { + return WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s), + UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + 8), + UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + 16), + UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + 24), + a, + b); +} + +// Return an 8-byte hash for 33 to 64 bytes. +static uint64 HashLen33to64(const char *s, size_t len) { + uint64 z = UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + 24); + uint64 a = UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s) + (len + UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + len - 16)) * k0; + uint64 b = Rotate(a + z, 52); + uint64 c = Rotate(a, 37); + a += UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + 8); + c += Rotate(a, 7); + a += UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + 16); + uint64 vf = a + z; + uint64 vs = b + Rotate(a, 31) + c; + a = UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + 16) + UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + len - 32); + z = UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + len - 8); + b = Rotate(a + z, 52); + c = Rotate(a, 37); + a += UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + len - 24); + c += Rotate(a, 7); + a += UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + len - 16); + uint64 wf = a + z; + uint64 ws = b + Rotate(a, 31) + c; + uint64 r = ShiftMix((vf + ws) * k2 + (wf + vs) * k0); + return ShiftMix(r * k0 + vs) * k2; +} + +uint64 CityHash64(const char *s, size_t len) { + if (len <= 32) { + if (len <= 16) { + return HashLen0to16(s, len); + } else { + return HashLen17to32(s, len); + } + } else if (len <= 64) { + return HashLen33to64(s, len); + } + + // For strings over 64 bytes we hash the end first, and then as we + // loop we keep 56 bytes of state: v, w, x, y, and z. + uint64 x = UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s); + uint64 y = UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + len - 16) ^ k1; + uint64 z = UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + len - 56) ^ k0; + pair<uint64, uint64> v = WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(s + len - 64, len, y); + pair<uint64, uint64> w = WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(s + len - 32, len * k1, k0); + z += ShiftMix(v.second) * k1; + x = Rotate(z + x, 39) * k1; + y = Rotate(y, 33) * k1; + + // Decrease len to the nearest multiple of 64, and operate on 64-byte chunks. + len = (len - 1) & ~static_cast<size_t>(63); + do { + x = Rotate(x + y + v.first + UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + 16), 37) * k1; + y = Rotate(y + v.second + UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + 48), 42) * k1; + x ^= w.second; + y ^= v.first; + z = Rotate(z ^ w.first, 33); + v = WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(s, v.second * k1, x + w.first); + w = WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(s + 32, z + w.second, y); + std::swap(z, x); + s += 64; + len -= 64; + } while (len != 0); + return HashLen16(HashLen16(v.first, w.first) + ShiftMix(y) * k1 + z, + HashLen16(v.second, w.second) + x); +} + +uint64 CityHash64WithSeed(const char *s, size_t len, uint64 seed) { + return CityHash64WithSeeds(s, len, k2, seed); +} + +uint64 CityHash64WithSeeds(const char *s, size_t len, + uint64 seed0, uint64 seed1) { + return HashLen16(CityHash64(s, len) - seed0, seed1); +} + +// A subroutine for CityHash128(). Returns a decent 128-bit hash for strings +// of any length representable in an int. Based on City and Murmur. +static uint128 CityMurmur(const char *s, size_t len, uint128 seed) { + uint64 a = Uint128Low64(seed); + uint64 b = Uint128High64(seed); + uint64 c = 0; + uint64 d = 0; + int l = len - 16; + if (l <= 0) { // len <= 16 + c = b * k1 + HashLen0to16(s, len); + d = Rotate(a + (len >= 8 ? UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s) : c), 32); + } else { // len > 16 + c = HashLen16(UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + len - 8) + k1, a); + d = HashLen16(b + len, c + UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + len - 16)); + a += d; + do { + a ^= ShiftMix(UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s) * k1) * k1; + a *= k1; + b ^= a; + c ^= ShiftMix(UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + 8) * k1) * k1; + c *= k1; + d ^= c; + s += 16; + l -= 16; + } while (l > 0); + } + a = HashLen16(a, c); + b = HashLen16(d, b); + return uint128(a ^ b, HashLen16(b, a)); +} + +uint128 CityHash128WithSeed(const char *s, size_t len, uint128 seed) { + if (len < 128) { + return CityMurmur(s, len, seed); + } + + // We expect len >= 128 to be the common case. Keep 56 bytes of state: + // v, w, x, y, and z. + pair<uint64, uint64> v, w; + uint64 x = Uint128Low64(seed); + uint64 y = Uint128High64(seed); + uint64 z = len * k1; + v.first = Rotate(y ^ k1, 49) * k1 + UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s); + v.second = Rotate(v.first, 42) * k1 + UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + 8); + w.first = Rotate(y + z, 35) * k1 + x; + w.second = Rotate(x + UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + 88), 53) * k1; + + // This is the same inner loop as CityHash64(), manually unrolled. + do { + x = Rotate(x + y + v.first + UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + 16), 37) * k1; + y = Rotate(y + v.second + UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + 48), 42) * k1; + x ^= w.second; + y ^= v.first; + z = Rotate(z ^ w.first, 33); + v = WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(s, v.second * k1, x + w.first); + w = WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(s + 32, z + w.second, y); + std::swap(z, x); + s += 64; + x = Rotate(x + y + v.first + UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + 16), 37) * k1; + y = Rotate(y + v.second + UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + 48), 42) * k1; + x ^= w.second; + y ^= v.first; + z = Rotate(z ^ w.first, 33); + v = WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(s, v.second * k1, x + w.first); + w = WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(s + 32, z + w.second, y); + std::swap(z, x); + s += 64; + len -= 128; + } while (LIKELY(len >= 128)); + y += Rotate(w.first, 37) * k0 + z; + x += Rotate(v.first + z, 49) * k0; + // If 0 < len < 128, hash up to 4 chunks of 32 bytes each from the end of s. + for (size_t tail_done = 0; tail_done < len; ) { + tail_done += 32; + y = Rotate(y - x, 42) * k0 + v.second; + w.first += UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + len - tail_done + 16); + x = Rotate(x, 49) * k0 + w.first; + w.first += v.first; + v = WeakHashLen32WithSeeds(s + len - tail_done, v.first, v.second); + } + // At this point our 48 bytes of state should contain more than + // enough information for a strong 128-bit hash. We use two + // different 48-byte-to-8-byte hashes to get a 16-byte final result. + x = HashLen16(x, v.first); + y = HashLen16(y, w.first); + return uint128(HashLen16(x + v.second, w.second) + y, + HashLen16(x + w.second, y + v.second)); +} + +uint128 CityHash128(const char *s, size_t len) { + if (len >= 16) { + return CityHash128WithSeed(s + 16, + len - 16, + uint128(UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s) ^ k3, + UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + 8))); + } else if (len >= 8) { + return CityHash128WithSeed(NULL, + 0, + uint128(UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s) ^ (len * k0), + UNALIGNED_LOAD64(s + len - 8) ^ k1)); + } else { + return CityHash128WithSeed(s, len, uint128(k0, k1)); + } +} diff --git a/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/cityhash/city.h b/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/cityhash/city.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..01d47e4c1f --- /dev/null +++ b/other-licenses/nsis/Contrib/CityHash/cityhash/city.h @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2011 Google, Inc. +// +// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: +// +// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +// all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +// +// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +// THE SOFTWARE. +// +// CityHash Version 1, by Geoff Pike and Jyrki Alakuijala +// +// This file provides a few functions for hashing strings. On x86-64 +// hardware in 2011, CityHash64() is faster than other high-quality +// hash functions, such as Murmur. This is largely due to higher +// instruction-level parallelism. CityHash64() and CityHash128() also perform +// well on hash-quality tests. +// +// CityHash128() is optimized for relatively long strings and returns +// a 128-bit hash. For strings more than about 2000 bytes it can be +// faster than CityHash64(). +// +// Functions in the CityHash family are not suitable for cryptography. +// +// WARNING: This code has not been tested on big-endian platforms! +// It is known to work well on little-endian platforms that have a small penalty +// for unaligned reads, such as current Intel and AMD moderate-to-high-end CPUs. +// +// By the way, for some hash functions, given strings a and b, the hash +// of a+b is easily derived from the hashes of a and b. This property +// doesn't hold for any hash functions in this file. + +#ifndef CITY_HASH_H_ +#define CITY_HASH_H_ + +#include <stdlib.h> // for size_t. +#include <stdint.h> + +typedef uint8_t uint8; +typedef uint32_t uint32; +typedef uint64_t uint64; + +#ifdef __cplusplus + +#include <utility> +typedef std::pair<uint64, uint64> uint128; +inline uint64 Uint128Low64(const uint128& x) { return x.first; } +inline uint64 Uint128High64(const uint128& x) { return x.second; } + +extern "C" { +#endif + +// Hash function for a byte array. +uint64 CityHash64(const char *buf, size_t len); + +// Hash function for a byte array. For convenience, a 64-bit seed is also +// hashed into the result. +uint64 CityHash64WithSeed(const char *buf, size_t len, uint64 seed); + +// Hash function for a byte array. For convenience, two seeds are also +// hashed into the result. +uint64 CityHash64WithSeeds(const char *buf, size_t len, + uint64 seed0, uint64 seed1); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +// Hash function for a byte array. +uint128 CityHash128(const char *s, size_t len); + +// Hash function for a byte array. For convenience, a 128-bit seed is also +// hashed into the result. +uint128 CityHash128WithSeed(const char *s, size_t len, uint128 seed); + +// Hash 128 input bits down to 64 bits of output. +// This is intended to be a reasonably good hash function. +inline uint64 Hash128to64(const uint128& x) { + // Murmur-inspired hashing. + const uint64 kMul = 0x9ddfea08eb382d69; + uint64 a = (Uint128Low64(x) ^ Uint128High64(x)) * kMul; + a ^= (a >> 47); + uint64 b = (Uint128High64(x) ^ a) * kMul; + b ^= (b >> 47); + b *= kMul; + return b; +} +#endif + +#endif // CITY_HASH_H_ |