path: root/accessible/android/SessionAccessibility.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'accessible/android/SessionAccessibility.cpp')
1 files changed, 1120 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/accessible/android/SessionAccessibility.cpp b/accessible/android/SessionAccessibility.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12c426ed95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accessible/android/SessionAccessibility.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1120 @@
+/* -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 2; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "SessionAccessibility.h"
+#include "LocalAccessible-inl.h"
+#include "AndroidUiThread.h"
+#include "AndroidBridge.h"
+#include "DocAccessibleParent.h"
+#include "IDSet.h"
+#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
+#include "AccAttributes.h"
+#include "AccessibilityEvent.h"
+#include "HyperTextAccessible.h"
+#include "HyperTextAccessible-inl.h"
+#include "JavaBuiltins.h"
+#include "RootAccessibleWrap.h"
+#include "nsAccessibilityService.h"
+#include "nsAccUtils.h"
+#include "nsViewManager.h"
+#include "mozilla/PresShell.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/BrowserParent.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/CanonicalBrowsingContext.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/Document.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/DocumentInlines.h"
+#include "mozilla/a11y/Accessible.h"
+#include "mozilla/a11y/DocAccessibleParent.h"
+#include "mozilla/a11y/DocAccessiblePlatformExtParent.h"
+#include "mozilla/a11y/DocManager.h"
+#include "mozilla/jni/GeckoBundleUtils.h"
+#include "mozilla/widget/GeckoViewSupport.h"
+#include "mozilla/MouseEvents.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/MouseEventBinding.h"
+#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_accessibility.h"
+#ifdef DEBUG
+# include <android/log.h>
+# define AALOG(args...) \
+ __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "GeckoAccessibilityNative", ##args)
+# define AALOG(args...) \
+ do { \
+ } while (0)
+#define FORWARD_ACTION_TO_ACCESSIBLE(funcname, ...) \
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); \
+ MonitorAutoLock mal(nsAccessibilityService::GetAndroidMonitor()); \
+ if (Accessible* acc = GetAccessibleByID(aID)) { \
+ if (acc->IsRemote()) { \
+ acc->AsRemote()->funcname(__VA_ARGS__); \
+ } else { \
+ static_cast<AccessibleWrap*>(acc->AsLocal())->funcname(__VA_ARGS__); \
+ } \
+ }
+#define FORWARD_EXT_ACTION_TO_ACCESSIBLE(funcname, ...) \
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); \
+ MonitorAutoLock mal(nsAccessibilityService::GetAndroidMonitor()); \
+ if (Accessible* acc = GetAccessibleByID(aID)) { \
+ if (RemoteAccessible* remote = acc->AsRemote()) { \
+ Unused << remote->Document()->GetPlatformExtension()->Send##funcname( \
+ remote->ID(), ##__VA_ARGS__); \
+ } else { \
+ static_cast<AccessibleWrap*>(acc->AsLocal())->funcname(__VA_ARGS__); \
+ } \
+ }
+using namespace mozilla::a11y;
+// IDs should be a positive 32bit integer.
+IDSet sIDSet(31UL);
+class Settings final
+ : public mozilla::java::SessionAccessibility::Settings::Natives<Settings> {
+ public:
+ static void ToggleNativeAccessibility(bool aEnable) {
+ if (aEnable) {
+ GetOrCreateAccService();
+ } else {
+ MaybeShutdownAccService(nsAccessibilityService::ePlatformAPI);
+ }
+ }
+ jni::NativeWeakPtr<widget::GeckoViewSupport> aWindow,
+ java::SessionAccessibility::NativeProvider::Param aSessionAccessibility)
+ : mWindow(aWindow), mSessionAccessibility(aSessionAccessibility) {
+ SetAttached(true, nullptr);
+void SessionAccessibility::SetAttached(bool aAttached,
+ already_AddRefed<Runnable> aRunnable) {
+ if (RefPtr<nsThread> uiThread = GetAndroidUiThread()) {
+ uiThread->Dispatch(NS_NewRunnableFunction(
+ "SessionAccessibility::Attach",
+ [aAttached,
+ sa = java::SessionAccessibility::NativeProvider::GlobalRef(
+ mSessionAccessibility),
+ runnable = RefPtr<Runnable>(aRunnable)] {
+ sa->SetAttached(aAttached);
+ if (runnable) {
+ runnable->Run();
+ }
+ }));
+ }
+void SessionAccessibility::Init() {
+ java::SessionAccessibility::NativeProvider::Natives<
+ SessionAccessibility>::Init();
+ Settings::Init();
+bool SessionAccessibility::IsCacheEnabled() {
+ return StaticPrefs::accessibility_cache_enabled_AtStartup();
+void SessionAccessibility::GetNodeInfo(int32_t aID,
+ mozilla::jni::Object::Param aNodeInfo) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(AndroidBridge::IsJavaUiThread());
+ ReleasableMonitorAutoLock mal(nsAccessibilityService::GetAndroidMonitor());
+ java::GeckoBundle::GlobalRef ret = nullptr;
+ RefPtr<SessionAccessibility> self(this);
+ if (Accessible* acc = GetAccessibleByID(aID)) {
+ if (acc->IsLocal() || !IsCacheEnabled()) {
+ mal.Unlock();
+ nsAppShell::SyncRunEvent(
+ [this, self, aID, aNodeInfo = jni::Object::GlobalRef(aNodeInfo)] {
+ if (Accessible* acc = GetAccessibleByID(aID)) {
+ PopulateNodeInfo(acc, aNodeInfo);
+ } else {
+ AALOG("oops, nothing for %d", aID);
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ PopulateNodeInfo(acc, aNodeInfo);
+ }
+ } else {
+ AALOG("oops, nothing for %d", aID);
+ }
+int SessionAccessibility::GetNodeClassName(int32_t aID) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(AndroidBridge::IsJavaUiThread());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsCacheEnabled(), "Cache is enabled");
+ ReleasableMonitorAutoLock mal(nsAccessibilityService::GetAndroidMonitor());
+ int32_t classNameEnum = java::SessionAccessibility::CLASSNAME_VIEW;
+ RefPtr<SessionAccessibility> self(this);
+ if (Accessible* acc = GetAccessibleByID(aID)) {
+ if (acc->IsLocal()) {
+ mal.Unlock();
+ nsAppShell::SyncRunEvent([this, self, aID, &classNameEnum] {
+ if (Accessible* acc = GetAccessibleByID(aID)) {
+ classNameEnum = AccessibleWrap::AndroidClass(acc);
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ classNameEnum = AccessibleWrap::AndroidClass(acc);
+ }
+ }
+ return classNameEnum;
+void SessionAccessibility::SetText(int32_t aID, jni::String::Param aText) {
+ if (Accessible* acc = GetAccessibleByID(aID)) {
+ if (acc->IsRemote()) {
+ acc->AsRemote()->ReplaceText(PromiseFlatString(aText->ToString()));
+ } else if (acc->AsLocal()->IsHyperText()) {
+ acc->AsLocal()->AsHyperText()->ReplaceText(aText->ToString());
+ }
+ }
+void SessionAccessibility::Click(int32_t aID) {
+bool SessionAccessibility::CachedPivot(int32_t aID, int32_t aGranularity,
+ bool aForward, bool aInclusive) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsCacheEnabled(), "Cache is enabled");
+ MOZ_ASSERT(AndroidBridge::IsJavaUiThread());
+ MonitorAutoLock mal(nsAccessibilityService::GetAndroidMonitor());
+ RefPtr<SessionAccessibility> self(this);
+ if (Accessible* acc = GetAccessibleByID(aID)) {
+ if (acc->IsLocal()) {
+ nsAppShell::PostEvent(
+ [this, self, aID, aGranularity, aForward, aInclusive] {
+ Pivot(aID, aGranularity, aForward, aInclusive);
+ });
+ return true;
+ }
+ Accessible* result =
+ AccessibleWrap::DoPivot(acc, aGranularity, aForward, aInclusive);
+ if (result) {
+ int32_t virtualViewID = AccessibleWrap::GetVirtualViewID(result);
+ nsAppShell::PostEvent([this, self, virtualViewID] {
+ MonitorAutoLock mal(nsAccessibilityService::GetAndroidMonitor());
+ if (Accessible* acc = GetAccessibleByID(virtualViewID)) {
+ SendAccessibilityFocusedEvent(acc);
+ }
+ });
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void SessionAccessibility::Pivot(int32_t aID, int32_t aGranularity,
+ bool aForward, bool aInclusive) {
+ FORWARD_EXT_ACTION_TO_ACCESSIBLE(PivotTo, aGranularity, aForward, aInclusive);
+void SessionAccessibility::ExploreByTouch(int32_t aID, float aX, float aY) {
+ auto gvAccessor(mWindow.Access());
+ if (gvAccessor) {
+ if (nsWindow* gkWindow = gvAccessor->GetNsWindow()) {
+ WidgetMouseEvent hittest(true, eMouseExploreByTouch, gkWindow,
+ WidgetMouseEvent::eReal);
+ hittest.mRefPoint = LayoutDeviceIntPoint::Floor(aX, aY);
+ hittest.mInputSource = dom::MouseEvent_Binding::MOZ_SOURCE_TOUCH;
+ hittest.mFlags.mOnlyChromeDispatch = true;
+ gkWindow->DispatchInputEvent(&hittest);
+ }
+ }
+void SessionAccessibility::NavigateText(int32_t aID, int32_t aGranularity,
+ int32_t aStartOffset,
+ int32_t aEndOffset, bool aForward,
+ bool aSelect) {
+ FORWARD_EXT_ACTION_TO_ACCESSIBLE(NavigateText, aGranularity, aStartOffset,
+ aEndOffset, aForward, aSelect);
+void SessionAccessibility::SetSelection(int32_t aID, int32_t aStart,
+ int32_t aEnd) {
+void SessionAccessibility::Cut(int32_t aID) {
+void SessionAccessibility::Copy(int32_t aID) {
+void SessionAccessibility::Paste(int32_t aID) {
+RefPtr<SessionAccessibility> SessionAccessibility::GetInstanceFor(
+ Accessible* aAccessible) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ if (LocalAccessible* localAcc = aAccessible->AsLocal()) {
+ DocAccessible* docAcc = localAcc->Document();
+ // If the accessible is being shutdown from the doc's shutdown
+ // the doc accessible won't have a ref to a presshell anymore,
+ // but we should have a ref to the DOM document node, and the DOM doc
+ // has a ref to the presshell.
+ dom::Document* doc = docAcc ? docAcc->DocumentNode() : nullptr;
+ if (doc && doc->IsContentDocument()) {
+ // Only content accessibles should have an associated SessionAccessible.
+ return GetInstanceFor(doc->GetPresShell());
+ }
+ } else {
+ dom::CanonicalBrowsingContext* cbc =
+ static_cast<dom::BrowserParent*>(
+ aAccessible->AsRemote()->Document()->Manager())
+ ->GetBrowsingContext()
+ ->Top();
+ dom::BrowserParent* bp = cbc->GetBrowserParent();
+ if (!bp) {
+ bp = static_cast<dom::BrowserParent*>(
+ aAccessible->AsRemote()->Document()->Manager());
+ }
+ if (auto element = bp->GetOwnerElement()) {
+ if (auto doc = element->OwnerDoc()) {
+ if (nsPresContext* presContext = doc->GetPresContext()) {
+ return GetInstanceFor(presContext->PresShell());
+ }
+ } else {
+ "Browser parent's element does not have owner doc.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+RefPtr<SessionAccessibility> SessionAccessibility::GetInstanceFor(
+ PresShell* aPresShell) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ if (!aPresShell) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ nsViewManager* vm = aPresShell->GetViewManager();
+ if (!vm) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> rootWidget = vm->GetRootWidget();
+ // `rootWidget` can be one of several types. Here we make sure it is an
+ // android nsWindow.
+ if (RefPtr<nsWindow> window = nsWindow::From(rootWidget)) {
+ return window->GetSessionAccessibility();
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+void SessionAccessibility::SendAccessibilityFocusedEvent(
+ Accessible* aAccessible) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ mSessionAccessibility->SendEvent(
+ java::sdk::AccessibilityEvent::TYPE_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED,
+ AccessibleWrap::GetVirtualViewID(aAccessible),
+ AccessibleWrap::AndroidClass(aAccessible), nullptr);
+ aAccessible->ScrollTo(nsIAccessibleScrollType::SCROLL_TYPE_ANYWHERE);
+void SessionAccessibility::SendHoverEnterEvent(Accessible* aAccessible) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ mSessionAccessibility->SendEvent(
+ java::sdk::AccessibilityEvent::TYPE_VIEW_HOVER_ENTER,
+ AccessibleWrap::GetVirtualViewID(aAccessible),
+ AccessibleWrap::AndroidClass(aAccessible), nullptr);
+void SessionAccessibility::SendFocusEvent(Accessible* aAccessible) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ // Suppress focus events from about:blank pages.
+ // This is important for tests.
+ if (aAccessible->IsDoc() && aAccessible->ChildCount() == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mSessionAccessibility->SendEvent(
+ java::sdk::AccessibilityEvent::TYPE_VIEW_FOCUSED,
+ AccessibleWrap::GetVirtualViewID(aAccessible),
+ AccessibleWrap::AndroidClass(aAccessible), nullptr);
+void SessionAccessibility::SendScrollingEvent(Accessible* aAccessible,
+ int32_t aScrollX,
+ int32_t aScrollY,
+ int32_t aMaxScrollX,
+ int32_t aMaxScrollY) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ int32_t virtualViewId = AccessibleWrap::GetVirtualViewID(aAccessible);
+ if (virtualViewId != kNoID) {
+ // XXX: Support scrolling in subframes
+ return;
+ }
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(eventInfo, "scrollX", java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(aScrollX));
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(eventInfo, "scrollY", java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(aScrollY));
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(eventInfo, "maxScrollX",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(aMaxScrollX));
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(eventInfo, "maxScrollY",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(aMaxScrollY));
+ mSessionAccessibility->SendEvent(
+ java::sdk::AccessibilityEvent::TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED, virtualViewId,
+ AccessibleWrap::AndroidClass(aAccessible), eventInfo);
+ SendWindowContentChangedEvent();
+void SessionAccessibility::SendWindowContentChangedEvent() {
+ mSessionAccessibility->SendEvent(
+ java::sdk::AccessibilityEvent::TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED, kNoID,
+ java::SessionAccessibility::CLASSNAME_WEBVIEW, nullptr);
+void SessionAccessibility::SendWindowStateChangedEvent(
+ Accessible* aAccessible) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ // Suppress window state changed events from about:blank pages.
+ // This is important for tests.
+ if (aAccessible->IsDoc() && aAccessible->ChildCount() == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mSessionAccessibility->SendEvent(
+ java::sdk::AccessibilityEvent::TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED,
+ AccessibleWrap::GetVirtualViewID(aAccessible),
+ AccessibleWrap::AndroidClass(aAccessible), nullptr);
+ if (IsCacheEnabled()) {
+ SendWindowContentChangedEvent();
+ }
+void SessionAccessibility::SendTextSelectionChangedEvent(
+ Accessible* aAccessible, int32_t aCaretOffset) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ int32_t fromIndex = aCaretOffset;
+ int32_t startSel = -1;
+ int32_t endSel = -1;
+ bool hasSelection = false;
+ if (aAccessible->IsRemote() && !IsCacheEnabled()) {
+ nsAutoString unused;
+ hasSelection = aAccessible->AsRemote()->SelectionBoundsAt(
+ 0, unused, &startSel, &endSel);
+ } else {
+ hasSelection = aAccessible->AsHyperTextBase()->SelectionBoundsAt(
+ 0, &startSel, &endSel);
+ }
+ if (hasSelection) {
+ fromIndex = startSel == aCaretOffset ? endSel : startSel;
+ }
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(eventInfo, "fromIndex",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(fromIndex));
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(eventInfo, "toIndex",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(aCaretOffset));
+ mSessionAccessibility->SendEvent(
+ java::sdk::AccessibilityEvent::TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED,
+ AccessibleWrap::GetVirtualViewID(aAccessible),
+ AccessibleWrap::AndroidClass(aAccessible), eventInfo);
+void SessionAccessibility::SendTextChangedEvent(Accessible* aAccessible,
+ const nsAString& aStr,
+ int32_t aStart, uint32_t aLen,
+ bool aIsInsert,
+ bool aFromUser) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ if (!aFromUser) {
+ // Only dispatch text change events from users, for now.
+ return;
+ }
+ nsAutoString text;
+ if (aAccessible->IsHyperText()) {
+ aAccessible->AsHyperTextBase()->TextSubstring(0, -1, text);
+ } else if (aAccessible->IsText()) {
+ if (aAccessible->IsRemote() && !IsCacheEnabled()) {
+ // XXX: AppendTextTo is not implemented in the IPDL and only
+ // works when cache is enabled.
+ aAccessible->Name(text);
+ } else {
+ aAccessible->AppendTextTo(text, 0, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ nsAutoString beforeText(text);
+ if (aIsInsert) {
+ beforeText.Cut(aStart, aLen);
+ } else {
+ beforeText.Insert(aStr, aStart);
+ }
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(eventInfo, "text", jni::StringParam(text));
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(eventInfo, "beforeText", jni::StringParam(beforeText));
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(eventInfo, "addedCount",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(aIsInsert ? aLen : 0));
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(eventInfo, "removedCount",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(aIsInsert ? 0 : aLen));
+ mSessionAccessibility->SendEvent(
+ java::sdk::AccessibilityEvent::TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_CHANGED,
+ AccessibleWrap::GetVirtualViewID(aAccessible),
+ AccessibleWrap::AndroidClass(aAccessible), eventInfo);
+void SessionAccessibility::SendTextTraversedEvent(Accessible* aAccessible,
+ int32_t aStartOffset,
+ int32_t aEndOffset) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ nsAutoString text;
+ if (aAccessible->IsHyperText()) {
+ aAccessible->AsHyperTextBase()->TextSubstring(0, -1, text);
+ } else if (aAccessible->IsText()) {
+ if (aAccessible->IsRemote() && !IsCacheEnabled()) {
+ // XXX: AppendTextTo is not implemented in the IPDL and only
+ // works when cache is enabled.
+ aAccessible->Name(text);
+ } else {
+ aAccessible->AppendTextTo(text, 0, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(eventInfo, "text", jni::StringParam(text));
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(eventInfo, "fromIndex",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(aStartOffset));
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(eventInfo, "toIndex",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(aEndOffset));
+ mSessionAccessibility->SendEvent(
+ java::sdk::AccessibilityEvent::
+ AccessibleWrap::GetVirtualViewID(aAccessible),
+ AccessibleWrap::AndroidClass(aAccessible), eventInfo);
+void SessionAccessibility::SendClickedEvent(Accessible* aAccessible,
+ uint32_t aFlags) {
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(eventInfo, "flags", java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(aFlags));
+ mSessionAccessibility->SendEvent(
+ java::sdk::AccessibilityEvent::TYPE_VIEW_CLICKED,
+ AccessibleWrap::GetVirtualViewID(aAccessible),
+ AccessibleWrap::AndroidClass(aAccessible), eventInfo);
+void SessionAccessibility::SendSelectedEvent(Accessible* aAccessible,
+ bool aSelected) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ // Boolean::FALSE/TRUE gets clobbered by a macro, so ugh.
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(eventInfo, "selected",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(aSelected ? 1 : 0));
+ mSessionAccessibility->SendEvent(
+ java::sdk::AccessibilityEvent::TYPE_VIEW_SELECTED,
+ AccessibleWrap::GetVirtualViewID(aAccessible),
+ AccessibleWrap::AndroidClass(aAccessible), eventInfo);
+void SessionAccessibility::SendAnnouncementEvent(Accessible* aAccessible,
+ const nsAString& aAnnouncement,
+ uint16_t aPriority) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(eventInfo, "text", jni::StringParam(aAnnouncement));
+ // Announcements should have the root as their source, so we ignore the
+ // accessible of the event.
+ mSessionAccessibility->SendEvent(
+ java::sdk::AccessibilityEvent::TYPE_ANNOUNCEMENT, kNoID,
+ java::SessionAccessibility::CLASSNAME_WEBVIEW, eventInfo);
+void SessionAccessibility::ReplaceViewportCache(
+ const nsTArray<Accessible*>& aAccessibles,
+ const nsTArray<BatchData>& aData) {
+ auto infos = jni::ObjectArray::New<java::GeckoBundle>(aAccessibles.Length());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < aAccessibles.Length(); i++) {
+ Accessible* acc = aAccessibles.ElementAt(i);
+ if (!acc) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Updated accessible is gone.");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (aData.Length() == aAccessibles.Length()) {
+ const BatchData& data = aData.ElementAt(i);
+ auto bundle = ToBundle(acc, data.State(), data.Bounds(),
+ data.ActionCount(), data.Name(), data.TextValue(),
+ data.DOMNodeID(), data.Description());
+ infos->SetElement(i, bundle);
+ } else {
+ infos->SetElement(i, ToBundle(acc, true));
+ }
+ }
+ mSessionAccessibility->ReplaceViewportCache(infos);
+ SendWindowContentChangedEvent();
+void SessionAccessibility::ReplaceFocusPathCache(
+ const nsTArray<Accessible*>& aAccessibles,
+ const nsTArray<BatchData>& aData) {
+ auto infos = jni::ObjectArray::New<java::GeckoBundle>(aAccessibles.Length());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < aAccessibles.Length(); i++) {
+ Accessible* acc = aAccessibles.ElementAt(i);
+ if (!acc) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Updated accessible is gone.");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (aData.Length() == aAccessibles.Length()) {
+ const BatchData& data = aData.ElementAt(i);
+ auto bundle =
+ ToBundle(acc, data.State(), data.Bounds(), data.ActionCount(),
+ data.Name(), data.TextValue(), data.DOMNodeID(),
+ data.Description(), data.CurValue(), data.MinValue(),
+ data.MaxValue(), data.Step(), data.Attributes());
+ infos->SetElement(i, bundle);
+ } else {
+ infos->SetElement(i, ToBundle(acc));
+ }
+ }
+ mSessionAccessibility->ReplaceFocusPathCache(infos);
+void SessionAccessibility::UpdateCachedBounds(
+ const nsTArray<Accessible*>& aAccessibles,
+ const nsTArray<BatchData>& aData) {
+ auto infos = jni::ObjectArray::New<java::GeckoBundle>(aAccessibles.Length());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < aAccessibles.Length(); i++) {
+ Accessible* acc = aAccessibles.ElementAt(i);
+ if (!acc) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Updated accessible is gone.");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (aData.Length() == aAccessibles.Length()) {
+ const BatchData& data = aData.ElementAt(i);
+ auto bundle = ToBundle(acc, data.State(), data.Bounds(),
+ data.ActionCount(), data.Name(), data.TextValue(),
+ data.DOMNodeID(), data.Description());
+ infos->SetElement(i, bundle);
+ } else {
+ infos->SetElement(i, ToBundle(acc, true));
+ }
+ }
+ mSessionAccessibility->UpdateCachedBounds(infos);
+void SessionAccessibility::UpdateAccessibleFocusBoundaries(Accessible* aFirst,
+ Accessible* aLast) {
+ mSessionAccessibility->UpdateAccessibleFocusBoundaries(
+ aFirst ? AccessibleWrap::GetVirtualViewID(aFirst) : kNoID,
+ aLast ? AccessibleWrap::GetVirtualViewID(aLast) : kNoID);
+mozilla::java::GeckoBundle::LocalRef SessionAccessibility::ToBundle(
+ Accessible* aAccessible, bool aSmall) {
+ nsAutoString name;
+ aAccessible->Name(name);
+ nsAutoString textValue;
+ aAccessible->Value(textValue);
+ nsAutoString nodeID;
+ aAccessible->DOMNodeID(nodeID);
+ nsAutoString description;
+ aAccessible->Description(description);
+ uint64_t state = aAccessible->State();
+ LayoutDeviceIntRect bounds = aAccessible->Bounds();
+ uint8_t actionCount = aAccessible->ActionCount();
+ if (aSmall) {
+ return ToBundle(aAccessible, state, bounds, actionCount, name, textValue,
+ nodeID, description);
+ }
+ double curValue = UnspecifiedNaN<double>();
+ double minValue = UnspecifiedNaN<double>();
+ double maxValue = UnspecifiedNaN<double>();
+ double step = UnspecifiedNaN<double>();
+ if (aAccessible->HasNumericValue()) {
+ curValue = aAccessible->CurValue();
+ minValue = aAccessible->MinValue();
+ maxValue = aAccessible->MaxValue();
+ step = aAccessible->Step();
+ }
+ RefPtr<AccAttributes> attributes = aAccessible->Attributes();
+ return ToBundle(aAccessible, state, bounds, actionCount, name, textValue,
+ nodeID, description, curValue, minValue, maxValue, step,
+ attributes);
+mozilla::java::GeckoBundle::LocalRef SessionAccessibility::ToBundle(
+ Accessible* aAccessible, const uint64_t aState,
+ const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aBounds, const uint8_t aActionCount,
+ const nsString& aName, const nsString& aTextValue,
+ const nsString& aDOMNodeID, const nsString& aDescription,
+ const double& aCurVal, const double& aMinVal, const double& aMaxVal,
+ const double& aStep, AccAttributes* aAttributes) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ int32_t virtualViewID = AccessibleWrap::GetVirtualViewID(aAccessible);
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(nodeInfo, "id", java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(virtualViewID));
+ Accessible* parent = virtualViewID != kNoID ? aAccessible->Parent() : nullptr;
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(nodeInfo, "parentId",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(
+ parent ? AccessibleWrap::GetVirtualViewID(parent) : 0));
+ role role = aAccessible->Role();
+ if (role == roles::LINK && !(aState & states::LINKED)) {
+ // A link without the linked state (<a> with no href) shouldn't be presented
+ // as a link.
+ role = roles::TEXT;
+ }
+ uint32_t flags = AccessibleWrap::GetFlags(role, aState, aActionCount);
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(nodeInfo, "flags", java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(flags));
+ nodeInfo, "className",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(AccessibleWrap::AndroidClass(aAccessible)));
+ nsAutoString hint;
+ if (aState & states::EDITABLE) {
+ // An editable field's name is populated in the hint.
+ hint.Assign(aName);
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(nodeInfo, "text", jni::StringParam(aTextValue));
+ } else {
+ if (role == roles::LINK || role == roles::HEADING) {
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(nodeInfo, "description", jni::StringParam(aName));
+ } else {
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(nodeInfo, "text", jni::StringParam(aName));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!aDescription.IsEmpty()) {
+ if (!hint.IsEmpty()) {
+ // If this is an editable, the description is concatenated with a
+ // whitespace directly after the name.
+ hint.AppendLiteral(" ");
+ }
+ hint.Append(aDescription);
+ }
+ if ((aState & states::REQUIRED) != 0) {
+ nsAutoString requiredString;
+ if (LocalizeString(u"stateRequired"_ns, requiredString)) {
+ if (!hint.IsEmpty()) {
+ // If the hint is non-empty, concatenate with a comma for a brief pause.
+ hint.AppendLiteral(", ");
+ }
+ hint.Append(requiredString);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!hint.IsEmpty()) {
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(nodeInfo, "hint", jni::StringParam(hint));
+ }
+ nsAutoString geckoRole;
+ nsAutoString roleDescription;
+ if (virtualViewID != kNoID) {
+ AccessibleWrap::GetRoleDescription(role, aAttributes, geckoRole,
+ roleDescription);
+ }
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(nodeInfo, "roleDescription",
+ jni::StringParam(roleDescription));
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(nodeInfo, "geckoRole", jni::StringParam(geckoRole));
+ if (!aDOMNodeID.IsEmpty()) {
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(nodeInfo, "viewIdResourceName",
+ jni::StringParam(aDOMNodeID));
+ }
+ const int32_t data[4] = {aBounds.x, aBounds.y, aBounds.x + aBounds.width,
+ aBounds.y + aBounds.height};
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(nodeInfo, "bounds", jni::IntArray::New(data, 4));
+ if (aAccessible->HasNumericValue()) {
+ if (aMaxVal == 1 && aMinVal == 0) {
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(rangeInfo, "type",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(2)); // percent
+ } else if (std::round(aStep) != aStep) {
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(rangeInfo, "type",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(1)); // float
+ } else {
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(rangeInfo, "type",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(0)); // integer
+ }
+ if (!IsNaN(aCurVal)) {
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(rangeInfo, "current", java::sdk::Double::New(aCurVal));
+ }
+ if (!IsNaN(aMinVal)) {
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(rangeInfo, "min", java::sdk::Double::New(aMinVal));
+ }
+ if (!IsNaN(aMaxVal)) {
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(rangeInfo, "max", java::sdk::Double::New(aMaxVal));
+ }
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(nodeInfo, "rangeInfo", rangeInfo);
+ }
+ if (aAttributes) {
+ nsString inputTypeAttr;
+ aAttributes->GetAttribute(nsGkAtoms::textInputType, inputTypeAttr);
+ int32_t inputType = AccessibleWrap::GetInputType(inputTypeAttr);
+ if (inputType) {
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(nodeInfo, "inputType",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(inputType));
+ }
+ Maybe<int32_t> rowIndex =
+ aAttributes->GetAttribute<int32_t>(nsGkAtoms::posinset);
+ if (rowIndex) {
+ GECKOBUNDLE_START(collectionItemInfo);
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(collectionItemInfo, "rowIndex",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(*rowIndex));
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(collectionItemInfo, "columnIndex",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(0));
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(collectionItemInfo, "rowSpan",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(1));
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(collectionItemInfo, "columnSpan",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(1));
+ GECKOBUNDLE_FINISH(collectionItemInfo);
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(nodeInfo, "collectionItemInfo", collectionItemInfo);
+ }
+ Maybe<int32_t> rowCount =
+ aAttributes->GetAttribute<int32_t>(nsGkAtoms::child_item_count);
+ if (rowCount) {
+ GECKOBUNDLE_START(collectionInfo);
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(collectionInfo, "rowCount",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(*rowCount));
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(collectionInfo, "columnCount",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(1));
+ if (aAttributes->HasAttribute(nsGkAtoms::tree)) {
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(collectionInfo, "isHierarchical",
+ java::sdk::Boolean::TRUE());
+ }
+ if (aAccessible->IsSelect()) {
+ int32_t selectionMode = (aState & states::MULTISELECTABLE) ? 2 : 1;
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(collectionInfo, "selectionMode",
+ java::sdk::Integer::ValueOf(selectionMode));
+ }
+ GECKOBUNDLE_FINISH(collectionInfo);
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(nodeInfo, "collectionInfo", collectionInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!nsAccUtils::MustPrune(aAccessible)) {
+ auto childCount = aAccessible->ChildCount();
+ nsTArray<int32_t> children(childCount);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
+ auto child = aAccessible->ChildAt(i);
+ children.AppendElement(AccessibleWrap::GetVirtualViewID(child));
+ }
+ GECKOBUNDLE_PUT(nodeInfo, "children",
+ jni::IntArray::New(children.Elements(), children.Length()));
+ }
+ return nodeInfo;
+void SessionAccessibility::PopulateNodeInfo(
+ Accessible* aAccessible, mozilla::jni::Object::Param aNodeInfo) {
+ nsAutoString name;
+ aAccessible->Name(name);
+ nsAutoString textValue;
+ aAccessible->Value(textValue);
+ nsAutoString nodeID;
+ aAccessible->DOMNodeID(nodeID);
+ nsAutoString accDesc;
+ aAccessible->Description(accDesc);
+ uint64_t state = aAccessible->State();
+ LayoutDeviceIntRect bounds = aAccessible->Bounds();
+ uint8_t actionCount = aAccessible->ActionCount();
+ int32_t virtualViewID = AccessibleWrap::GetVirtualViewID(aAccessible);
+ Accessible* parent = virtualViewID != kNoID ? aAccessible->Parent() : nullptr;
+ int32_t parentID = parent ? AccessibleWrap::GetVirtualViewID(parent) : 0;
+ role role = aAccessible->Role();
+ if (role == roles::LINK && !(state & states::LINKED)) {
+ // A link without the linked state (<a> with no href) shouldn't be presented
+ // as a link.
+ role = roles::TEXT;
+ }
+ uint32_t flags = AccessibleWrap::GetFlags(role, state, actionCount);
+ int32_t className = AccessibleWrap::AndroidClass(aAccessible);
+ nsAutoString hint;
+ nsAutoString text;
+ nsAutoString description;
+ if (state & states::EDITABLE) {
+ // An editable field's name is populated in the hint.
+ hint.Assign(name);
+ text.Assign(textValue);
+ } else {
+ if (role == roles::LINK || role == roles::HEADING) {
+ description.Assign(name);
+ } else {
+ text.Assign(name);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!accDesc.IsEmpty()) {
+ if (!hint.IsEmpty()) {
+ // If this is an editable, the description is concatenated with a
+ // whitespace directly after the name.
+ hint.AppendLiteral(" ");
+ }
+ hint.Append(accDesc);
+ }
+ if ((state & states::REQUIRED) != 0) {
+ nsAutoString requiredString;
+ if (LocalizeString(u"stateRequired"_ns, requiredString)) {
+ if (!hint.IsEmpty()) {
+ // If the hint is non-empty, concatenate with a comma for a brief pause.
+ hint.AppendLiteral(", ");
+ }
+ hint.Append(requiredString);
+ }
+ }
+ RefPtr<AccAttributes> attributes = aAccessible->Attributes();
+ nsAutoString geckoRole;
+ nsAutoString roleDescription;
+ if (virtualViewID != kNoID) {
+ AccessibleWrap::GetRoleDescription(role, attributes, geckoRole,
+ roleDescription);
+ }
+ int32_t inputType = 0;
+ if (attributes) {
+ nsString inputTypeAttr;
+ attributes->GetAttribute(nsGkAtoms::textInputType, inputTypeAttr);
+ inputType = AccessibleWrap::GetInputType(inputTypeAttr);
+ }
+ auto childCount = aAccessible->ChildCount();
+ nsTArray<int32_t> children(childCount);
+ if (!nsAccUtils::MustPrune(aAccessible)) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
+ auto child = aAccessible->ChildAt(i);
+ children.AppendElement(AccessibleWrap::GetVirtualViewID(child));
+ }
+ }
+ const int32_t boundsArray[4] = {bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.x + bounds.width,
+ bounds.y + bounds.height};
+ mSessionAccessibility->PopulateNodeInfo(
+ aNodeInfo, virtualViewID, parentID, jni::IntArray::From(children), flags,
+ className, jni::IntArray::New(boundsArray, 4), jni::StringParam(text),
+ jni::StringParam(description), jni::StringParam(hint),
+ jni::StringParam(geckoRole), jni::StringParam(roleDescription),
+ jni::StringParam(nodeID), inputType);
+ if (aAccessible->HasNumericValue()) {
+ double curValue = aAccessible->CurValue();
+ double minValue = aAccessible->MinValue();
+ double maxValue = aAccessible->MaxValue();
+ double step = aAccessible->Step();
+ int32_t rangeType = 0; // integer
+ if (maxValue == 1 && minValue == 0) {
+ rangeType = 2; // percent
+ } else if (std::round(step) != step) {
+ rangeType = 1; // float;
+ }
+ mSessionAccessibility->PopulateNodeRangeInfo(
+ aNodeInfo, rangeType, static_cast<float>(minValue),
+ static_cast<float>(maxValue), static_cast<float>(curValue));
+ }
+ if (attributes) {
+ Maybe<int32_t> rowIndex =
+ attributes->GetAttribute<int32_t>(nsGkAtoms::posinset);
+ if (rowIndex) {
+ mSessionAccessibility->PopulateNodeCollectionItemInfo(aNodeInfo,
+ *rowIndex, 1, 0, 1);
+ }
+ Maybe<int32_t> rowCount =
+ attributes->GetAttribute<int32_t>(nsGkAtoms::child_item_count);
+ if (rowCount) {
+ int32_t selectionMode = 0;
+ if (aAccessible->IsSelect()) {
+ selectionMode = (state & states::MULTISELECTABLE) ? 2 : 1;
+ }
+ mSessionAccessibility->PopulateNodeCollectionInfo(
+ aNodeInfo, *rowCount, 1, selectionMode,
+ attributes->HasAttribute(nsGkAtoms::tree));
+ }
+ }
+Accessible* SessionAccessibility::GetAccessibleByID(int32_t aID) const {
+ Accessible* accessible = mIDToAccessibleMap.Get(aID);
+ if (accessible && accessible->IsLocal() &&
+ accessible->AsLocal()->IsDefunct()) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Registered accessible is defunct!");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return accessible;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+static bool IsDetachedDoc(Accessible* aAccessible) {
+ if (!aAccessible->IsRemote() || !aAccessible->AsRemote()->IsDoc()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return !aAccessible->Parent() ||
+ aAccessible->Parent()->FirstChild() != aAccessible;
+void SessionAccessibility::RegisterAccessible(Accessible* aAccessible) {
+ if (IPCAccessibilityActive()) {
+ // Don't register accessible in content process.
+ return;
+ }
+ nsAccessibilityService::GetAndroidMonitor().AssertCurrentThreadOwns();
+ RefPtr<SessionAccessibility> sessionAcc = GetInstanceFor(aAccessible);
+ if (!sessionAcc) {
+ return;
+ }
+ bool isTopLevel = false;
+ if (aAccessible->IsLocal() && aAccessible->IsDoc()) {
+ DocAccessibleWrap* doc =
+ static_cast<DocAccessibleWrap*>(aAccessible->AsLocal()->AsDoc());
+ isTopLevel = doc->IsTopLevelContentDoc();
+ } else if (aAccessible->IsRemote() && aAccessible->IsDoc()) {
+ isTopLevel = aAccessible->AsRemote()->AsDoc()->IsTopLevel();
+ }
+ int32_t virtualViewID = kNoID;
+ if (!isTopLevel) {
+ if (sessionAcc->mIDToAccessibleMap.IsEmpty()) {
+ // We expect there to already be at least one accessible
+ // registered (the top-level one). If it isn't we are
+ // probably in a shutdown process where it was already
+ // unregistered. So we don't register this accessible.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Don't use the special "unset" value (0).
+ while ((virtualViewID = sIDSet.GetID()) == kUnsetID) {
+ }
+ }
+ AccessibleWrap::SetVirtualViewID(aAccessible, virtualViewID);
+ Accessible* oldAcc = sessionAcc->mIDToAccessibleMap.Get(virtualViewID);
+ if (oldAcc) {
+ // About to overwrite mapping of registered accessible. This should
+ // only happen when the registered accessible is a detached document.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsDetachedDoc(oldAcc),
+ "ID already registered to non-detached document");
+ AccessibleWrap::SetVirtualViewID(oldAcc, kUnsetID);
+ }
+ sessionAcc->mIDToAccessibleMap.InsertOrUpdate(virtualViewID, aAccessible);
+void SessionAccessibility::UnregisterAccessible(Accessible* aAccessible) {
+ if (IPCAccessibilityActive()) {
+ // Don't unregister accessible in content process.
+ return;
+ }
+ nsAccessibilityService::GetAndroidMonitor().AssertCurrentThreadOwns();
+ int32_t virtualViewID = AccessibleWrap::GetVirtualViewID(aAccessible);
+ if (virtualViewID == kUnsetID) {
+ return;
+ }
+ RefPtr<SessionAccessibility> sessionAcc = GetInstanceFor(aAccessible);
+ if (sessionAcc) {
+ Accessible* registeredAcc =
+ sessionAcc->mIDToAccessibleMap.Get(virtualViewID);
+ if (registeredAcc != aAccessible) {
+ // Attempting to unregister an accessible that is not mapped to
+ // its virtual view ID. This probably means it is a detached document
+ // and a more recent document overwrote its '-1' mapping.
+ // We set its own virtual view ID to `kUnsetID` and return early.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!registeredAcc || IsDetachedDoc(aAccessible),
+ "Accessible is detached document");
+ AccessibleWrap::SetVirtualViewID(aAccessible, kUnsetID);
+ return;
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(registeredAcc, "Unregistering unregistered accessible");
+ MOZ_ASSERT(registeredAcc == aAccessible, "Unregistering wrong accessible");
+ sessionAcc->mIDToAccessibleMap.Remove(virtualViewID);
+ }
+ if (virtualViewID > kNoID) {
+ sIDSet.ReleaseID(virtualViewID);
+ }
+ AccessibleWrap::SetVirtualViewID(aAccessible, kUnsetID);
+void SessionAccessibility::UnregisterAll(PresShell* aPresShell) {
+ if (IPCAccessibilityActive()) {
+ // Don't unregister accessible in content process.
+ return;
+ }
+ nsAccessibilityService::GetAndroidMonitor().AssertCurrentThreadOwns();
+ RefPtr<SessionAccessibility> sessionAcc = GetInstanceFor(aPresShell);
+ if (sessionAcc) {
+ sessionAcc->mIDToAccessibleMap.Clear();
+ }