path: root/accessible/generic/TableAccessible.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'accessible/generic/TableAccessible.cpp')
1 files changed, 317 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/accessible/generic/TableAccessible.cpp b/accessible/generic/TableAccessible.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9bcbfdcc2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accessible/generic/TableAccessible.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at */
+#include "TableAccessible.h"
+#include "LocalAccessible-inl.h"
+#include "AccIterator.h"
+#include "nsTableCellFrame.h"
+#include "nsTableWrapperFrame.h"
+#include "TableCellAccessible.h"
+using namespace mozilla;
+using namespace mozilla::a11y;
+bool TableAccessible::IsProbablyLayoutTable() {
+ // Implement a heuristic to determine if table is most likely used for layout.
+ // XXX do we want to look for rowspan or colspan, especialy that span all but
+ // a couple cells at the beginning or end of a row/col, and especially when
+ // they occur at the edge of a table?
+ // XXX For now debugging descriptions are always on via SHOW_LAYOUT_HEURISTIC
+ // This will allow release trunk builds to be used by testers to refine
+ // the algorithm. Integrate it into Logging.
+ // Change to |#define SHOW_LAYOUT_HEURISTIC DEBUG| before final release
+# define RETURN_LAYOUT_ANSWER(isLayout, heuristic) \
+ { \
+ mLayoutHeuristic = isLayout \
+ ? nsLiteralString(u"layout table: " heuristic) \
+ : nsLiteralString(u"data table: " heuristic); \
+ return isLayout; \
+ }
+# define RETURN_LAYOUT_ANSWER(isLayout, heuristic) \
+ { return isLayout; }
+ LocalAccessible* thisacc = AsAccessible();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!thisacc->IsDefunct(), "Table accessible should not be defunct");
+ // Need to see all elements while document is being edited.
+ if (thisacc->Document()->State() & states::EDITABLE) {
+ RETURN_LAYOUT_ANSWER(false, "In editable document");
+ }
+ // Check to see if an ARIA role overrides the role from native markup,
+ // but for which we still expose table semantics (treegrid, for example).
+ if (thisacc->HasARIARole()) {
+ RETURN_LAYOUT_ANSWER(false, "Has role attribute");
+ }
+ dom::Element* el = thisacc->Elm();
+ if (el->IsMathMLElement(nsGkAtoms::mtable_)) {
+ RETURN_LAYOUT_ANSWER(false, "MathML matrix");
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(el->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::table),
+ "Table should not be built by CSS display:table style");
+ // Check if datatable attribute has "0" value.
+ if (el->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::datatable, u"0"_ns,
+ eCaseMatters)) {
+ RETURN_LAYOUT_ANSWER(true, "Has datatable = 0 attribute, it's for layout");
+ }
+ // Check for legitimate data table attributes.
+ if (el->Element::HasNonEmptyAttr(nsGkAtoms::summary)) {
+ RETURN_LAYOUT_ANSWER(false, "Has summary -- legitimate table structures");
+ }
+ // Check for legitimate data table elements.
+ LocalAccessible* caption = thisacc->LocalFirstChild();
+ if (caption && caption->IsHTMLCaption() && caption->HasChildren()) {
+ "Not empty caption -- legitimate table structures");
+ }
+ for (nsIContent* childElm = el->GetFirstChild(); childElm;
+ childElm = childElm->GetNextSibling()) {
+ if (!childElm->IsHTMLElement()) continue;
+ if (childElm->IsAnyOfHTMLElements(nsGkAtoms::col, nsGkAtoms::colgroup,
+ nsGkAtoms::tfoot, nsGkAtoms::thead)) {
+ false,
+ "Has col, colgroup, tfoot or thead -- legitimate table structures");
+ }
+ if (childElm->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::tbody)) {
+ for (nsIContent* rowElm = childElm->GetFirstChild(); rowElm;
+ rowElm = rowElm->GetNextSibling()) {
+ if (rowElm->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::tr)) {
+ if (LocalAccessible* row =
+ thisacc->Document()->GetAccessible(rowElm)) {
+ if (const nsRoleMapEntry* roleMapEntry = row->ARIARoleMap()) {
+ if (roleMapEntry->role != roles::ROW) {
+ RETURN_LAYOUT_ANSWER(true, "Repurposed tr with different role");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (nsIContent* cellElm = rowElm->GetFirstChild(); cellElm;
+ cellElm = cellElm->GetNextSibling()) {
+ if (cellElm->IsHTMLElement()) {
+ if (cellElm->NodeInfo()->Equals(nsGkAtoms::th)) {
+ "Has th -- legitimate table structures");
+ }
+ if (cellElm->AsElement()->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None,
+ nsGkAtoms::headers) ||
+ cellElm->AsElement()->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None,
+ nsGkAtoms::scope) ||
+ cellElm->AsElement()->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None,
+ nsGkAtoms::abbr)) {
+ "Has headers, scope, or abbr attribute -- "
+ "legitimate table structures");
+ }
+ if (LocalAccessible* cell =
+ thisacc->Document()->GetAccessible(cellElm)) {
+ if (const nsRoleMapEntry* roleMapEntry = cell->ARIARoleMap()) {
+ if (roleMapEntry->role != roles::CELL &&
+ roleMapEntry->role != roles::COLUMNHEADER &&
+ roleMapEntry->role != roles::ROWHEADER &&
+ roleMapEntry->role != roles::GRID_CELL) {
+ "Repurposed cell with different role");
+ }
+ }
+ if (cell->ChildCount() == 1 &&
+ cell->LocalFirstChild()->IsAbbreviation()) {
+ false, "has abbr -- legitimate table structures");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Check for nested tables.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIHTMLCollection> nestedTables =
+ el->GetElementsByTagName(u"table"_ns);
+ if (nestedTables->Length() > 0) {
+ RETURN_LAYOUT_ANSWER(true, "Has a nested table within it");
+ }
+ // If only 1 column or only 1 row, it's for layout.
+ auto colCount = ColCount();
+ if (colCount <= 1) {
+ RETURN_LAYOUT_ANSWER(true, "Has only 1 column");
+ }
+ auto rowCount = RowCount();
+ if (rowCount <= 1) {
+ RETURN_LAYOUT_ANSWER(true, "Has only 1 row");
+ }
+ // Check for many columns.
+ if (colCount >= 5) {
+ RETURN_LAYOUT_ANSWER(false, ">=5 columns");
+ }
+ // Now we know there are 2-4 columns and 2 or more rows. Check to see if
+ // there are visible borders on the cells.
+ // XXX currently, we just check the first cell -- do we really need to do
+ // more?
+ nsTableWrapperFrame* tableFrame = do_QueryFrame(el->GetPrimaryFrame());
+ if (!tableFrame) {
+ RETURN_LAYOUT_ANSWER(false, "table with no frame!");
+ }
+ nsIFrame* cellFrame = tableFrame->GetCellFrameAt(0, 0);
+ if (!cellFrame) {
+ RETURN_LAYOUT_ANSWER(false, "table's first cell has no frame!");
+ }
+ nsMargin border;
+ cellFrame->GetXULBorder(border);
+ if ( && border.bottom && border.left && border.right) {
+ RETURN_LAYOUT_ANSWER(false, "Has nonzero border-width on table cell");
+ }
+ // Rules for non-bordered tables with 2-4 columns and 2+ rows from here on
+ // forward.
+ // Check for styled background color across rows (alternating background
+ // color is a common feature for data tables).
+ auto childCount = thisacc->ChildCount();
+ nscolor rowColor = 0;
+ nscolor prevRowColor;
+ for (auto childIdx = 0U; childIdx < childCount; childIdx++) {
+ LocalAccessible* child = thisacc->LocalChildAt(childIdx);
+ if (child->IsHTMLTableRow()) {
+ prevRowColor = rowColor;
+ nsIFrame* rowFrame = child->GetFrame();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(rowFrame, "Table hierarchy got screwed up");
+ if (!rowFrame) {
+ RETURN_LAYOUT_ANSWER(false, "Unexpected table hierarchy");
+ }
+ rowColor = rowFrame->StyleBackground()->BackgroundColor(rowFrame);
+ if (childIdx > 0 && prevRowColor != rowColor) {
+ "2 styles of row background color, non-bordered");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Check for many rows.
+ const uint32_t kMaxLayoutRows = 20;
+ if (rowCount > kMaxLayoutRows) { // A ton of rows, this is probably for data
+ RETURN_LAYOUT_ANSWER(false, ">= kMaxLayoutRows (20) and non-bordered");
+ }
+ // Check for very wide table.
+ nsIFrame* documentFrame = thisacc->Document()->GetFrame();
+ nsSize documentSize = documentFrame->GetSize();
+ if (documentSize.width > 0) {
+ nsSize tableSize = thisacc->GetFrame()->GetSize();
+ int32_t percentageOfDocWidth = (100 * tableSize.width) / documentSize.width;
+ if (percentageOfDocWidth > 95) {
+ // 3-4 columns, no borders, not a lot of rows, and 95% of the doc's width
+ // Probably for layout
+ true, "<= 4 columns, table width is 95% of document width");
+ }
+ }
+ // Two column rules.
+ if (rowCount * colCount <= 10) {
+ RETURN_LAYOUT_ANSWER(true, "2-4 columns, 10 cells or less, non-bordered");
+ }
+ static const nsLiteralString tags[] = {u"embed"_ns, u"object"_ns,
+ u"iframe"_ns};
+ for (auto& tag : tags) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIHTMLCollection> descendants = el->GetElementsByTagName(tag);
+ if (descendants->Length() > 0) {
+ "Has no borders, and has iframe, object or embed, "
+ "typical of advertisements");
+ }
+ }
+ "No layout factor strong enough, so will guess data");
+LocalAccessible* TableAccessible::RowAt(int32_t aRow) {
+ int32_t rowIdx = aRow;
+ AccIterator rowIter(this->AsAccessible(), filters::GetRow);
+ LocalAccessible* row = rowIter.Next();
+ while (rowIdx != 0 && (row = rowIter.Next())) {
+ rowIdx--;
+ }
+ return row;
+LocalAccessible* TableAccessible::CellInRowAt(LocalAccessible* aRow,
+ int32_t aColumn) {
+ int32_t colIdx = aColumn;
+ AccIterator cellIter(aRow, filters::GetCell);
+ LocalAccessible* cell = nullptr;
+ while (colIdx >= 0 && (cell = cellIter.Next())) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(cell->IsTableCell(), "No table or grid cell!");
+ colIdx -= cell->AsTableCell()->ColExtent();
+ }
+ return cell;
+int32_t TableAccessible::ColIndexAt(uint32_t aCellIdx) {
+ uint32_t colCount = ColCount();
+ if (colCount < 1 || aCellIdx >= colCount * RowCount()) {
+ return -1; // Error: column count is 0 or index out of bounds.
+ }
+ return aCellIdx % colCount;
+int32_t TableAccessible::RowIndexAt(uint32_t aCellIdx) {
+ uint32_t colCount = ColCount();
+ if (colCount < 1 || aCellIdx >= colCount * RowCount()) {
+ return -1; // Error: column count is 0 or index out of bounds.
+ }
+ return aCellIdx / colCount;
+void TableAccessible::RowAndColIndicesAt(uint32_t aCellIdx, int32_t* aRowIdx,
+ int32_t* aColIdx) {
+ uint32_t colCount = ColCount();
+ if (colCount < 1 || aCellIdx >= colCount * RowCount()) {
+ *aRowIdx = -1;
+ *aColIdx = -1;
+ return; // Error: column count is 0 or index out of bounds.
+ }
+ *aRowIdx = aCellIdx / colCount;
+ *aColIdx = aCellIdx % colCount;