path: root/accessible/mac/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'accessible/mac/')
1 files changed, 454 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/accessible/mac/ b/accessible/mac/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17138d93d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accessible/mac/
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+/* clang-format off */
+/* -*- Mode: Objective-C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* clang-format on */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#import "MOXSearchInfo.h"
+#import "MOXWebAreaAccessible.h"
+#import "RotorRules.h"
+#include "nsCocoaUtils.h"
+#include "DocAccessibleParent.h"
+using namespace mozilla::a11y;
+@interface MOXSearchInfo ()
+- (NSArray*)getMatchesForRule:(PivotRule&)rule;
+- (NSArray<mozAccessible*>*)applyPostFilter:(NSArray<mozAccessible*>*)matches;
+- (Accessible*)rootGeckoAccessible;
+- (Accessible*)startGeckoAccessible;
+- (BOOL)shouldApplyPostFilter;
+@implementation MOXSearchInfo
+- (id)initWithParameters:(NSDictionary*)params
+ andRoot:(MOXAccessibleBase*)root {
+ if (id searchKeyParam = [params objectForKey:@"AXSearchKey"]) {
+ mSearchKeys = [searchKeyParam isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]
+ ? [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:searchKeyParam, nil]
+ : [searchKeyParam retain];
+ }
+ if (id startElemParam = [params objectForKey:@"AXStartElement"]) {
+ mStartElem = startElemParam;
+ } else {
+ mStartElem = root;
+ }
+ mRoot = root;
+ mResultLimit = [[params objectForKey:@"AXResultsLimit"] intValue];
+ mSearchForward =
+ [[params objectForKey:@"AXDirection"] isEqualToString:@"AXDirectionNext"];
+ mImmediateDescendantsOnly =
+ [[params objectForKey:@"AXImmediateDescendantsOnly"] boolValue];
+ mSearchText = [params objectForKey:@"AXSearchText"];
+ return [super init];
+- (Accessible*)rootGeckoAccessible {
+ id root =
+ [mRoot isKindOfClass:[mozAccessible class]] ? mRoot : [mRoot moxParent];
+ return [static_cast<mozAccessible*>(root) geckoAccessible];
+- (Accessible*)startGeckoAccessible {
+ if ([mStartElem isKindOfClass:[mozAccessible class]]) {
+ return [static_cast<mozAccessible*>(mStartElem) geckoAccessible];
+ }
+ // If it isn't a mozAccessible, it doesn't have a gecko accessible
+ // this is most likely the root group. Use the gecko doc as the start
+ // accessible.
+ return [self rootGeckoAccessible];
+- (NSArray*)getMatchesForRule:(PivotRule&)rule {
+ // If we will apply a post-filter, don't limit search so we
+ // don't come up short on the final result count.
+ int resultLimit = [self shouldApplyPostFilter] ? -1 : mResultLimit;
+ NSMutableArray<mozAccessible*>* matches =
+ [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
+ Accessible* geckoRootAcc = [self rootGeckoAccessible];
+ Accessible* geckoStartAcc = [self startGeckoAccessible];
+ Pivot p = Pivot(geckoRootAcc);
+ Accessible* match;
+ if (mSearchForward) {
+ match = p.Next(geckoStartAcc, rule);
+ } else {
+ // Search backwards
+ if (geckoRootAcc == geckoStartAcc) {
+ // If we have no explicit start accessible, start from the last match.
+ match = p.Last(rule);
+ } else {
+ match = p.Prev(geckoStartAcc, rule);
+ }
+ }
+ while (match && resultLimit != 0) {
+ if (!mSearchForward && match == geckoRootAcc) {
+ // If searching backwards, don't include root.
+ break;
+ }
+ // we use mResultLimit != 0 to capture the case where mResultLimit is -1
+ // when it is set from the params dictionary. If that's true, we want
+ // to return all matches (ie. have no limit)
+ mozAccessible* nativeMatch = GetNativeFromGeckoAccessible(match);
+ if (nativeMatch) {
+ // only add/count results for which there is a matching
+ // native accessible
+ [matches addObject:nativeMatch];
+ resultLimit -= 1;
+ }
+ match = mSearchForward ? p.Next(match, rule) : p.Prev(match, rule);
+ }
+ return [self applyPostFilter:matches];
+- (BOOL)shouldApplyPostFilter {
+ // We currently only support AXSearchText as a post-search filter.
+ // In some cases, VO passes a non-null, empty string for AXSearchText.
+ // In that case, we should act as if no AXSearchText was given.
+ return !!mSearchText && [mSearchText length] > 0;
+- (NSArray<mozAccessible*>*)applyPostFilter:(NSArray<mozAccessible*>*)matches {
+ if (![self shouldApplyPostFilter]) {
+ return matches;
+ }
+ NSMutableArray<mozAccessible*>* postMatches =
+ [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
+ nsString searchText;
+ nsCocoaUtils::GetStringForNSString(mSearchText, searchText);
+ __block DocAccessibleParent* ipcDoc = nullptr;
+ __block nsTArray<uint64_t> accIds;
+ [matches enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(mozAccessible* match, NSUInteger idx,
+ BOOL* stop) {
+ Accessible* geckoAcc = [match geckoAccessible];
+ if (!geckoAcc) {
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (geckoAcc->Role()) {
+ case roles::LANDMARK:
+ case roles::COMBOBOX:
+ case roles::LISTITEM:
+ case roles::COMBOBOX_LIST:
+ case roles::MENUBAR:
+ case roles::MENUPOPUP:
+ case roles::DOCUMENT:
+ case roles::APPLICATION:
+ // XXX: These roles either have AXTitle/AXDescription overridden as
+ // empty, or should never be returned in search text results. This
+ // should be integrated into a pivot rule in the future, and possibly
+ // better mapped somewhere.
+ return;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (geckoAcc->IsLocal()) {
+ AccessibleWrap* acc = static_cast<AccessibleWrap*>(geckoAcc->AsLocal());
+ if (acc->ApplyPostFilter(EWhichPostFilter::eContainsText, searchText)) {
+ if (mozAccessible* nativePostMatch =
+ GetNativeFromGeckoAccessible(acc)) {
+ [postMatches addObject:nativePostMatch];
+ if (mResultLimit > 0 &&
+ [postMatches count] >= static_cast<NSUInteger>(mResultLimit)) {
+ // If we reached the result limit, alter the `stop` pointer to YES
+ // to stop iteration.
+ *stop = YES;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ RemoteAccessible* proxy = geckoAcc->AsRemote();
+ if (ipcDoc &&
+ ((ipcDoc != proxy->Document()) || (idx + 1 == [matches count]))) {
+ // If the ipcDoc doesn't match the current proxy's doc, we crossed into a
+ // new document. ..or this is the last match. Apply the filter on the list
+ // of the current ipcDoc.
+ nsTArray<uint64_t> matchIds;
+ Unused << ipcDoc->GetPlatformExtension()->SendApplyPostSearchFilter(
+ accIds, mResultLimit, EWhichPostFilter::eContainsText, searchText,
+ &matchIds);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < matchIds.Length(); i++) {
+ if (RemoteAccessible* postMatch =
+ ipcDoc->GetAccessible(matchIds.ElementAt(i))) {
+ if (mozAccessible* nativePostMatch =
+ GetNativeFromGeckoAccessible(postMatch)) {
+ [postMatches addObject:nativePostMatch];
+ if (mResultLimit > 0 &&
+ [postMatches count] >= static_cast<NSUInteger>(mResultLimit)) {
+ // If we reached the result limit, alter the `stop` pointer to YES
+ // to stop iteration.
+ *stop = YES;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ipcDoc = nullptr;
+ accIds.Clear();
+ }
+ if (!ipcDoc) {
+ ipcDoc = proxy->Document();
+ }
+ accIds.AppendElement(proxy->ID());
+ }];
+ return postMatches;
+- (NSArray*)performSearch {
+ Accessible* geckoRootAcc = [self rootGeckoAccessible];
+ Accessible* geckoStartAcc = [self startGeckoAccessible];
+ NSMutableArray* matches = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
+ for (id key in mSearchKeys) {
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXAnyTypeSearchKey"]) {
+ RotorRule rule =
+ mImmediateDescendantsOnly ? RotorRule(geckoRootAcc) : RotorRule();
+ if ([mStartElem isKindOfClass:[MOXWebAreaAccessible class]]) {
+ if (id rootGroup =
+ [static_cast<MOXWebAreaAccessible*>(mStartElem) rootGroup]) {
+ // Moving forward from web area, rootgroup; if it exists, is next.
+ [matches addObject:rootGroup];
+ if (mResultLimit == 1) {
+ // Found one match, continue in search keys for block.
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (mImmediateDescendantsOnly && mStartElem != mRoot &&
+ [mStartElem isKindOfClass:[MOXRootGroup class]]) {
+ // Moving forward from root group. If we don't match descendants,
+ // there is no match. Continue.
+ continue;
+ }
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXHeadingSearchKey"]) {
+ RotorRoleRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorRoleRule(roles::HEADING, geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorRoleRule(roles::HEADING);
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXArticleSearchKey"]) {
+ RotorRoleRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorRoleRule(roles::ARTICLE, geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorRoleRule(roles::ARTICLE);
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXTableSearchKey"]) {
+ RotorRoleRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorRoleRule(roles::TABLE, geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorRoleRule(roles::TABLE);
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXLandmarkSearchKey"]) {
+ RotorRoleRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorRoleRule(roles::LANDMARK, geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorRoleRule(roles::LANDMARK);
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXListSearchKey"]) {
+ RotorRoleRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorRoleRule(roles::LIST, geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorRoleRule(roles::LIST);
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXLinkSearchKey"]) {
+ RotorLinkRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorLinkRule(geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorLinkRule();
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXVisitedLinkSearchKey"]) {
+ RotorVisitedLinkRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorVisitedLinkRule(geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorVisitedLinkRule();
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXUnvisitedLinkSearchKey"]) {
+ RotorUnvisitedLinkRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorUnvisitedLinkRule(geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorUnvisitedLinkRule();
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXButtonSearchKey"]) {
+ RotorRoleRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorRoleRule(roles::PUSHBUTTON, geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorRoleRule(roles::PUSHBUTTON);
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXControlSearchKey"]) {
+ RotorControlRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorControlRule(geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorControlRule();
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXSameTypeSearchKey"]) {
+ mozAccessible* native = GetNativeFromGeckoAccessible(geckoStartAcc);
+ NSString* macRole = [native moxRole];
+ RotorMacRoleRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorMacRoleRule(macRole, geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorMacRoleRule(macRole);
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXDifferentTypeSearchKey"]) {
+ mozAccessible* native = GetNativeFromGeckoAccessible(geckoStartAcc);
+ NSString* macRole = [native moxRole];
+ RotorNotMacRoleRule rule =
+ mImmediateDescendantsOnly ? RotorNotMacRoleRule(macRole, geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorNotMacRoleRule(macRole);
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXRadioGroupSearchKey"]) {
+ RotorRoleRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorRoleRule(roles::RADIO_GROUP, geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorRoleRule(roles::RADIO_GROUP);
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXFrameSearchKey"]) {
+ RotorRoleRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorRoleRule(roles::DOCUMENT, geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorRoleRule(roles::DOCUMENT);
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXImageSearchKey"] ||
+ [key isEqualToString:@"AXGraphicSearchKey"]) {
+ RotorRoleRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorRoleRule(roles::GRAPHIC, geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorRoleRule(roles::GRAPHIC);
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXCheckBoxSearchKey"]) {
+ RotorRoleRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorRoleRule(roles::CHECKBUTTON, geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorRoleRule(roles::CHECKBUTTON);
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXStaticTextSearchKey"]) {
+ RotorStaticTextRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorStaticTextRule(geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorStaticTextRule();
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXHeadingLevel1SearchKey"]) {
+ RotorHeadingLevelRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorHeadingLevelRule(1, geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorHeadingLevelRule(1);
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXHeadingLevel2SearchKey"]) {
+ RotorHeadingLevelRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorHeadingLevelRule(2, geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorHeadingLevelRule(2);
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXHeadingLevel3SearchKey"]) {
+ RotorHeadingLevelRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorHeadingLevelRule(3, geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorHeadingLevelRule(3);
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXHeadingLevel4SearchKey"]) {
+ RotorHeadingLevelRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorHeadingLevelRule(4, geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorHeadingLevelRule(4);
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXHeadingLevel5SearchKey"]) {
+ RotorHeadingLevelRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorHeadingLevelRule(5, geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorHeadingLevelRule(5);
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXHeadingLevel6SearchKey"]) {
+ RotorHeadingLevelRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorHeadingLevelRule(6, geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorHeadingLevelRule(6);
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXBlockquoteSearchKey"]) {
+ RotorRoleRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorRoleRule(roles::BLOCKQUOTE, geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorRoleRule(roles::BLOCKQUOTE);
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXTextFieldSearchKey"]) {
+ RotorTextEntryRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorTextEntryRule(geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorTextEntryRule();
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ if ([key isEqualToString:@"AXLiveRegionSearchKey"]) {
+ RotorLiveRegionRule rule = mImmediateDescendantsOnly
+ ? RotorLiveRegionRule(geckoRootAcc)
+ : RotorLiveRegionRule();
+ [matches addObjectsFromArray:[self getMatchesForRule:rule]];
+ }
+ }
+ return matches;
+- (void)dealloc {
+ [mSearchKeys release];
+ [super dealloc];