path: root/browser/components/pocket/content/panels/js/style-guide/overlay.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'browser/components/pocket/content/panels/js/style-guide/overlay.js')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/components/pocket/content/panels/js/style-guide/overlay.js b/browser/components/pocket/content/panels/js/style-guide/overlay.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6e9f67e20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/pocket/content/panels/js/style-guide/overlay.js
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+import React from "react";
+import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
+import Header from "../components/Header/Header";
+import ArticleList from "../components/ArticleList/ArticleList";
+import Button from "../components/Button/Button";
+import PopularTopics from "../components/PopularTopics/PopularTopics";
+import TagPicker from "../components/TagPicker/TagPicker";
+var StyleGuideOverlay = function(options) {};
+StyleGuideOverlay.prototype = {
+ create() {
+ // TODO: Wrap popular topics component in JSX to work without needing an explicit container hierarchy for styling
+ ReactDOM.render(
+ <div>
+ <h3>JSX Components:</h3>
+ <h4 className="stp_styleguide_h4">Buttons</h4>
+ <h5 className="stp_styleguide_h5">text</h5>
+ <Button style="text" url="" source="styleguide">
+ Text Button
+ </Button>
+ <h5 className="stp_styleguide_h5">primary</h5>
+ <Button style="primary" url="" source="styleguide">
+ Primary Button
+ </Button>
+ <h5 className="stp_styleguide_h5">secondary</h5>
+ <Button style="secondary" url="" source="styleguide">
+ Secondary Button
+ </Button>
+ <h5 className="stp_styleguide_h5">primary wide</h5>
+ <span className="stp_button_wide">
+ <Button style="primary" url="" source="styleguide">
+ Primary Wide Button
+ </Button>
+ </span>
+ <h5 className="stp_styleguide_h5">secondary wide</h5>
+ <span className="stp_button_wide">
+ <Button
+ style="secondary"
+ url=""
+ source="styleguide"
+ >
+ Secondary Wide Button
+ </Button>
+ </span>
+ <h4 className="stp_styleguide_h4">Header</h4>
+ <Header>
+ <Button style="primary" url="" source="styleguide">
+ View My List
+ </Button>
+ </Header>
+ <h4 className="stp_styleguide_h4">PopularTopics</h4>
+ <PopularTopics
+ pockethost={``}
+ source={`styleguide`}
+ utmParams={`utm_source=styleguide`}
+ topics={[
+ { title: "Self Improvement", topic: "self-improvement" },
+ { title: "Food", topic: "food" },
+ { title: "Entertainment", topic: "entertainment" },
+ { title: "Science", topic: "science" },
+ ]}
+ />
+ <h4 className="stp_styleguide_h4">ArticleList</h4>
+ <ArticleList
+ source={`styleguide`}
+ articles={[
+ {
+ title: "Article Title",
+ publisher: "Publisher",
+ thumbnail:
+ "",
+ url: "",
+ alt: "Alt Text",
+ },
+ {
+ title: "Article Title (No Publisher)",
+ thumbnail:
+ "",
+ url: "",
+ alt: "Alt Text",
+ },
+ {
+ title: "Article Title (No Thumbnail)",
+ publisher: "Publisher",
+ url: "",
+ alt: "Alt Text",
+ },
+ ]}
+ />
+ <h4 className="stp_styleguide_h4">TagPicker</h4>
+ <TagPicker tags={[`futurism`, `politics`, `mozilla`]} />
+ <h3>Typography:</h3>
+ <h2 className="header_large">.header_large</h2>
+ <h3 className="header_medium">.header_medium</h3>
+ <p>paragraph</p>
+ <h3>Native Elements:</h3>
+ <h4 className="stp_styleguide_h4">Horizontal Rule</h4>
+ <hr />
+ </div>,
+ document.querySelector(`#stp_style_guide_components`)
+ );
+ },
+export default StyleGuideOverlay;