path: root/browser/modules/FeatureCallout.sys.mjs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 900 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/modules/FeatureCallout.sys.mjs b/browser/modules/FeatureCallout.sys.mjs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..582854896f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/modules/FeatureCallout.sys.mjs
@@ -0,0 +1,900 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+/*eslint-env browser*/
+import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs";
+const TRANSITION_MS = 500;
+const CONTAINER_ID = "root";
+ * Feature Callout fetches messages relevant to a given source and displays them in
+ * the parent page pointing to the element they describe.
+ * @param {Window} Window in which messages will be rendered
+ * @param {String} Name of the pref used to track progress through a given feature tour
+ * @param {String} Optional string to pass as the source when checking for messages to show,
+ * defaults to this.doc.location.pathname.toLowerCase().
+ * @param {Browser} browser
+ */
+export class FeatureCallout {
+ constructor({ win, prefName, source, browser }) {
+ = win || window;
+ this.doc = win.document;
+ this.browser = browser ||;
+ this.config = null;
+ this.loadingConfig = false;
+ this.currentScreen = null;
+ this.renderObserver = null;
+ this.savedActiveElement = null;
+ this.ready = false;
+ this.listenersRegistered = false;
+ this.AWSetup = false;
+ this.source = source || this.doc.location.pathname.toLowerCase();
+ this.focusHandler = this._focusHandler.bind(this);
+ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(
+ this,
+ "featureTourProgress",
+ prefName,
+ '{"screen":"","complete":true}',
+ this._handlePrefChange.bind(this),
+ val => JSON.parse(val)
+ );
+ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(
+ this,
+ "cfrFeaturesUserPref",
+ "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.userprefs.cfr.features",
+ true,
+ function(pref, previous, latest) {
+ if (latest) {
+ this.showFeatureCallout();
+ } else {
+ this._handlePrefChange();
+ }
+ }.bind(this)
+ );
+ this.featureTourProgress; // Load initial value of progress pref
+ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, {
+ AboutWelcomeParent: "resource:///actors/AboutWelcomeParent.jsm",
+ ASRouter: "resource://activity-stream/lib/ASRouter.jsm",
+ PageEventManager: "resource://activity-stream/lib/PageEventManager.jsm",
+ });
+ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "pageEventManager", () => {
+ = new this.PageEventManager(this.doc);
+ return;
+ });
+ const inChrome =
+ === "chrome://browser/content/browser.xhtml";
+ // When the window is focused, ensure tour is synced with tours in
+ // any other instances of the parent page. This does not apply when
+ // the Callout is shown in the browser chrome.
+ if (!inChrome) {
+ "visibilitychange",
+ this._handlePrefChange.bind(this)
+ );
+ }
+ const positionCallout = this._positionCallout.bind(this);
+ this._addPositionListeners = () => {
+ if (!this.listenersRegistered) {
+"resize", positionCallout);
+ const parentEl = this.doc.querySelector(
+ this.currentScreen?.parent_selector
+ );
+ parentEl?.addEventListener("toggle", positionCallout);
+ this.listenersRegistered = true;
+ }
+ };
+ this._removePositionListeners = () => {
+ if (this.listenersRegistered) {
+"resize", positionCallout);
+ const parentEl = this.doc.querySelector(
+ this.currentScreen?.parent_selector
+ );
+ parentEl?.removeEventListener("toggle", positionCallout);
+ this.listenersRegistered = false;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ async _handlePrefChange() {
+ if (this.doc.visibilityState === "hidden" || !this.featureTourProgress) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // If we have more than one screen, it means that we're
+ // displaying a feature tour, and transitions are handled
+ // based on the value of a tour progress pref. Otherwise,
+ // just show the feature callout.
+ if (this.config?.screens.length === 1) {
+ this.showFeatureCallout();
+ return;
+ }
+ // If a pref change results from an event in a Spotlight message,
+ // reload the page to clear the Spotlight and initialize the
+ // feature callout with the next message in the tour.
+ if (this.currentScreen == "spotlight") {
+ return;
+ }
+ let prefVal = this.featureTourProgress;
+ // End the tour according to the tour progress pref or if the user disabled
+ // contextual feature recommendations.
+ if (prefVal.complete || !this.cfrFeaturesUserPref) {
+ this._endTour();
+ this.currentScreen = null;
+ } else if (prefVal.screen !== this.currentScreen?.id) {
+ this.ready = false;
+ const container = this.doc.getElementById(CONTAINER_ID);
+ container?.classList.add("hidden");
+ // wait for fade out transition
+ () => {
+ await this._loadConfig();
+ container?.remove();
+ this._removePositionListeners();
+ await this._renderCallout();
+ }
+ }
+ _addCalloutLinkElements() {
+ const addStylesheet = href => {
+ if (this.doc.querySelector(`link[href="${href}"]`)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const link = this.doc.head.appendChild(this.doc.createElement("link"));
+ link.rel = "stylesheet";
+ link.href = href;
+ };
+ const addLocalization = hrefs => {
+ hrefs.forEach(href => {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
+ });
+ };
+ // Update styling to be compatible with about:welcome bundle
+ addStylesheet(
+ "chrome://activity-stream/content/aboutwelcome/aboutwelcome.css"
+ );
+ addLocalization([
+ "browser/newtab/onboarding.ftl",
+ "browser/spotlight.ftl",
+ "branding/brand.ftl",
+ "browser/branding/brandings.ftl",
+ "browser/newtab/asrouter.ftl",
+ "browser/featureCallout.ftl",
+ ]);
+ }
+ _createContainer() {
+ let parent = this.doc.querySelector(this.currentScreen?.parent_selector);
+ // Don't render the callout if the parent element is not present.
+ // This means the message was misconfigured, mistargeted, or the
+ // content of the parent page is not as expected.
+ if (!parent && !this.currentScreen?.content.callout_position_override) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let container = this.doc.createElement("div");
+ container.classList.add(
+ "onboardingContainer",
+ "featureCallout",
+ "callout-arrow",
+ "hidden"
+ );
+ container.setAttribute(
+ "aria-describedby",
+ `#${CONTAINER_ID} .welcome-text`
+ );
+ container.tabIndex = 0;
+ this.doc.body.prepend(container);
+ return container;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set callout's position relative to parent element
+ */
+ _positionCallout() {
+ const container = this.doc.getElementById(CONTAINER_ID);
+ const parentEl = this.doc.querySelector(
+ this.currentScreen?.parent_selector
+ );
+ const doc = this.doc;
+ // All possible arrow positions
+ // If the position contains a dash, the value before the dash
+ // refers to which edge of the feature callout the arrow points
+ // from. The value after the dash describes where along that edge
+ // the arrow sits, with middle as the default.
+ const arrowPositions = [
+ "top",
+ "bottom",
+ "end",
+ "start",
+ "top-end",
+ "top-start",
+ ];
+ const arrowPosition = this.currentScreen?.content?.arrow_position || "top";
+ // Callout should overlap the parent element by 17px (so the box, not
+ // including the arrow, will overlap by 5px)
+ const arrowWidth = 12;
+ let overlap = 17;
+ // If we have no overlap, we send the callout the same number of pixels
+ // in the opposite direction
+ overlap = this.currentScreen?.content?.noCalloutOverlap
+ ? overlap * -1
+ : overlap;
+ overlap -= arrowWidth;
+ // Is the document layout right to left?
+ const RTL = this.doc.dir === "rtl";
+ const customPosition = this.currentScreen?.content
+ .callout_position_override;
+ // Early exit if the container doesn't exist,
+ // or if we're missing a parent element and don't have a custom callout position
+ if (!container || (!parentEl && !customPosition)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const getOffset = el => {
+ const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
+ return {
+ left: rect.left +,
+ right: rect.right +,
+ top: +,
+ bottom: rect.bottom +,
+ };
+ };
+ const clearPosition = () => {
+ Object.keys(positioners).forEach(position => {
+[position] = "unset";
+ });
+ arrowPositions.forEach(position => {
+ if (container.classList.contains(`arrow-${position}`)) {
+ container.classList.remove(`arrow-${position}`);
+ }
+ if (container.classList.contains(`arrow-inline-${position}`)) {
+ container.classList.remove(`arrow-inline-${position}`);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ const addArrowPositionClassToContainer = finalArrowPosition => {
+ let className;
+ switch (finalArrowPosition) {
+ case "bottom":
+ className = "arrow-bottom";
+ break;
+ case "left":
+ className = "arrow-inline-start";
+ break;
+ case "right":
+ className = "arrow-inline-end";
+ break;
+ case "top-start":
+ className = RTL ? "arrow-top-end" : "arrow-top-start";
+ break;
+ case "top-end":
+ className = RTL ? "arrow-top-start" : "arrow-top-end";
+ break;
+ case "top":
+ default:
+ className = "arrow-top";
+ break;
+ }
+ container.classList.add(className);
+ };
+ const addValueToPixelValue = (value, pixelValue) => {
+ return `${Number(pixelValue.split("px")[0]) + value}px`;
+ };
+ const subtractPixelValueFromValue = (pixelValue, value) => {
+ return `${value - Number(pixelValue.split("px")[0])}px`;
+ };
+ const overridePosition = () => {
+ // We override _every_ positioner here, because we want to manually set all
+ // in every positioner's "position" function
+ // regardless of the actual arrow position
+ // Note: We override the position functions with new functions here,
+ // but they don't actually get executed until the respective position functions are called
+ // and this function is not executed unless the message has a custom position property.
+ // We're positioning relative to a parent element's bounds,
+ // if that parent element exists.
+ for (const position in positioners) {
+ positioners[position].position = () => {
+ if ( {
+ = addValueToPixelValue(
+ parentEl.getBoundingClientRect().top,
+ );
+ }
+ if (customPosition.left) {
+ const leftPosition = addValueToPixelValue(
+ parentEl.getBoundingClientRect().left,
+ customPosition.left
+ );
+ ? ( = leftPosition)
+ : ( = leftPosition);
+ }
+ if (customPosition.right) {
+ const rightPosition = subtractPixelValueFromValue(
+ customPosition.right,
+ parentEl.getBoundingClientRect().right - container.clientWidth
+ );
+ ? ( = rightPosition)
+ : ( = rightPosition);
+ }
+ if (customPosition.bottom) {
+ = subtractPixelValueFromValue(
+ customPosition.bottom,
+ parentEl.getBoundingClientRect().bottom - container.clientHeight
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ const positioners = {
+ // availableSpace should be the space between the edge of the page in the assumed direction
+ // and the edge of the parent (with the callout being intended to fit between those two edges)
+ // while needed space should be the space necessary to fit the callout container
+ top: {
+ availableSpace() {
+ return (
+ doc.documentElement.clientHeight -
+ getOffset(parentEl).top -
+ parentEl.clientHeight
+ );
+ },
+ neededSpace: container.clientHeight - overlap,
+ position() {
+ // Point to an element above the callout
+ let containerTop =
+ getOffset(parentEl).top + parentEl.clientHeight - overlap;
+ = `${Math.max(0, containerTop)}px`;
+ alignHorizontally("center");
+ },
+ },
+ bottom: {
+ availableSpace() {
+ return getOffset(parentEl).top;
+ },
+ neededSpace: container.clientHeight - overlap,
+ position() {
+ // Point to an element below the callout
+ let containerTop =
+ getOffset(parentEl).top - container.clientHeight + overlap;
+ = `${Math.max(0, containerTop)}px`;
+ alignHorizontally("center");
+ },
+ },
+ right: {
+ availableSpace() {
+ return getOffset(parentEl).left;
+ },
+ neededSpace: container.clientWidth - overlap,
+ position() {
+ // Point to an element to the right of the callout
+ let containerLeft =
+ getOffset(parentEl).left - container.clientWidth + overlap;
+ = `${Math.max(0, containerLeft)}px`;
+ if (container.offsetHeight <= parentEl.offsetHeight) {
+ = `${getOffset(parentEl).top}px`;
+ } else {
+ centerVertically();
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ left: {
+ availableSpace() {
+ return doc.documentElement.clientWidth - getOffset(parentEl).right;
+ },
+ neededSpace: container.clientWidth - overlap,
+ position() {
+ // Point to an element to the left of the callout
+ let containerLeft =
+ getOffset(parentEl).left + parentEl.clientWidth - overlap;
+ = `${Math.max(0, containerLeft)}px`;
+ if (container.offsetHeight <= parentEl.offsetHeight) {
+ = `${getOffset(parentEl).top}px`;
+ } else {
+ centerVertically();
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ "top-start": {
+ availableSpace() {
+ doc.documentElement.clientHeight -
+ getOffset(parentEl).top -
+ parentEl.clientHeight;
+ },
+ neededSpace: container.clientHeight - overlap,
+ position() {
+ // Point to an element above and at the start of the callout
+ let containerTop =
+ getOffset(parentEl).top + parentEl.clientHeight - overlap;
+ = `${Math.max(
+ container.clientHeight - overlap,
+ containerTop
+ )}px`;
+ alignHorizontally("start");
+ },
+ },
+ "top-end": {
+ availableSpace() {
+ doc.documentElement.clientHeight -
+ getOffset(parentEl).top -
+ parentEl.clientHeight;
+ },
+ neededSpace: container.clientHeight - overlap,
+ position() {
+ // Point to an element above and at the end of the callout
+ let containerTop =
+ getOffset(parentEl).top + parentEl.clientHeight - overlap;
+ = `${Math.max(
+ container.clientHeight - overlap,
+ containerTop
+ )}px`;
+ alignHorizontally("end");
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ const calloutFits = position => {
+ // Does callout element fit in this position relative
+ // to the parent element without going off screen?
+ // Only consider which edge of the callout the arrow points from,
+ // not the alignment of the arrow along the edge of the callout
+ let edgePosition = position.split("-")[0];
+ return (
+ positioners[edgePosition].availableSpace() >
+ positioners[edgePosition].neededSpace
+ );
+ };
+ const choosePosition = () => {
+ let position = arrowPosition;
+ if (!arrowPositions.includes(position)) {
+ // Configured arrow position is not valid
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (["start", "end"].includes(position)) {
+ // position here is referencing the direction that the callout container
+ // is pointing to, and therefore should be the _opposite_ side of the arrow
+ // eg. if arrow is at the "end" in LTR layouts, the container is pointing
+ // at an element to the right of itself, while in RTL layouts it is pointing to the left of itself
+ position = RTL ^ (position === "start") ? "left" : "right";
+ }
+ // If we're overriding the position, we don't need to sort for available space
+ if (customPosition || calloutFits(position)) {
+ return position;
+ }
+ let sortedPositions = Object.keys(positioners)
+ .filter(p => p !== position)
+ .filter(calloutFits)
+ .sort((a, b) => {
+ return (
+ positioners[b].availableSpace() - positioners[b].neededSpace >
+ positioners[a].availableSpace() - positioners[a].neededSpace
+ );
+ });
+ // If the callout doesn't fit in any position, use the configured one.
+ // The callout will be adjusted to overlap the parent element so that
+ // the former doesn't go off screen.
+ return sortedPositions[0] || position;
+ };
+ const centerVertically = () => {
+ let topOffset = (container.offsetHeight - parentEl.offsetHeight) / 2;
+ = `${getOffset(parentEl).top - topOffset}px`;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Horizontally align a top/bottom-positioned callout according to the
+ * passed position.
+ * @param {string} [position = "start"] <"start"|"end"|"center">
+ */
+ const alignHorizontally = position => {
+ switch (position) {
+ case "center": {
+ let sideOffset = (parentEl.clientWidth - container.clientWidth) / 2;
+ let containerSide = RTL
+ ? doc.documentElement.clientWidth -
+ getOffset(parentEl).right +
+ sideOffset
+ : getOffset(parentEl).left + sideOffset;
+[RTL ? "right" : "left"] = `${Math.max(
+ containerSide,
+ 0
+ )}px`;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ let containerSide =
+ RTL ^ (position === "end")
+ ? parentEl.getBoundingClientRect().left +
+ parentEl.clientWidth -
+ container.clientWidth
+ : parentEl.getBoundingClientRect().left;
+ = `${Math.max(containerSide, 0)}px`;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ clearPosition(container);
+ if (customPosition) {
+ overridePosition();
+ }
+ let finalPosition = choosePosition();
+ if (finalPosition) {
+ positioners[finalPosition].position();
+ addArrowPositionClassToContainer(finalPosition);
+ }
+ container.classList.remove("hidden");
+ }
+ _setupWindowFunctions() {
+ if (this.AWSetup) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const AWParent = new this.AboutWelcomeParent();
+"unload", () => {
+ AWParent.didDestroy();
+ });
+ const receive = name => data =>
+ AWParent.onContentMessage(`AWPage:${name}`, data, this.doc);
+ // Expose top level functions expected by the bundle.
+ = () => this.config;
+ = receive("GET_REGION");
+ = receive("GET_SELECTED_THEME");
+ // Do not send telemetry if message config sets metrics as 'block'.
+ if (this.config?.metrics !== "block") {
+ = receive("TELEMETRY_EVENT");
+ }
+ = receive(
+ );
+ = (name, data) => receive(name)(data);
+ = () => {
+ this._endTour();
+ };
+ this.AWSetup = true;
+ }
+ _clearWindowFunctions() {
+ const windowFuncs = [
+ "AWGetFeatureConfig",
+ "AWGetRegion",
+ "AWGetSelectedTheme",
+ "AWSendEventTelemetry",
+ "AWSendToDeviceEmailsSupported",
+ "AWSendToParent",
+ "AWFinish",
+ ];
+ windowFuncs.forEach(func => delete[func]);
+ }
+ _endTour(skipFadeOut = false) {
+ // We don't want focus events that happen during teardown to effect
+ // this.savedActiveElement
+"focus", this.focusHandler, {
+ capture: true,
+ });
+ // We're deleting featureTourProgress here to ensure that the
+ // reference is freed for garbage collection. This prevents errors
+ // caused by lingering instances when instantiating and removing
+ // multiple feature tour instances in succession.
+ delete this.featureTourProgress;
+ this.ready = false;
+ // wait for fade out transition
+ let container = this.doc.getElementById(CONTAINER_ID);
+ container?.classList.add("hidden");
+ this._clearWindowFunctions();
+ () => {
+ container?.remove();
+ this.renderObserver?.disconnect();
+ // Put the focus back to the last place the user focused outside of the
+ // featureCallout windows.
+ if (this.savedActiveElement) {
+ this.savedActiveElement.focus({ focusVisible: true });
+ }
+ },
+ skipFadeOut ? 0 : TRANSITION_MS
+ );
+ }
+ async _addScriptsAndRender() {
+ const reactSrc = "resource://activity-stream/vendor/react.js";
+ const domSrc = "resource://activity-stream/vendor/react-dom.js";
+ // Add React script
+ const getReactReady = async () => {
+ return new Promise(resolve => {
+ let reactScript = this.doc.createElement("script");
+ reactScript.src = reactSrc;
+ this.doc.head.appendChild(reactScript);
+ reactScript.addEventListener("load", resolve);
+ });
+ };
+ // Add ReactDom script
+ const getDomReady = async () => {
+ return new Promise(resolve => {
+ let domScript = this.doc.createElement("script");
+ domScript.src = domSrc;
+ this.doc.head.appendChild(domScript);
+ domScript.addEventListener("load", resolve);
+ });
+ };
+ // Load React, then React Dom
+ if (!this.doc.querySelector(`[src="${reactSrc}"]`)) {
+ await getReactReady();
+ }
+ if (!this.doc.querySelector(`[src="${domSrc}"]`)) {
+ await getDomReady();
+ }
+ // Load the bundle to render the content as configured.
+ let bundleScript = this.doc.createElement("script");
+ bundleScript.src =
+ "resource://activity-stream/aboutwelcome/aboutwelcome.bundle.js";
+ this.doc.head.appendChild(bundleScript);
+ }
+ _observeRender(container) {
+ this.renderObserver?.observe(container, { childList: true });
+ }
+ async _loadConfig() {
+ if (this.loadingConfig) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ this.loadingConfig = true;
+ await this.ASRouter.waitForInitialized;
+ let result = await this.ASRouter.sendTriggerMessage({
+ browser: this.browser,
+ // triggerId and triggerContext
+ id: "featureCalloutCheck",
+ context: { source: this.source },
+ });
+ this.loadingConfig = false;
+ if (result.message.template !== "feature_callout") {
+ // If another message type, like a Spotlight modal, is included
+ // in the tour, save the template name as the current screen.
+ this.currentScreen = result.message.template;
+ return false;
+ }
+ this.config = result.message.content;
+ let newScreen = this.config?.screens?.[this.config?.startScreen || 0];
+ if (newScreen?.id === this.currentScreen?.id) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Only add an impression if we actually have a message to impress
+ if (Object.keys(result.message).length) {
+ this.ASRouter.addImpression(result.message);
+ }
+ this.currentScreen = newScreen;
+ return true;
+ }
+ async _renderCallout() {
+ let container = this._createContainer();
+ if (container) {
+ // This results in rendering the Feature Callout
+ await this._addScriptsAndRender();
+ this._observeRender(container);
+ this._addPositionListeners();
+ }
+ }
+ _focusHandler(e) {
+ let container = this.doc.getElementById(CONTAINER_ID);
+ if (!container) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // If focus has fired on the feature callout window itself, or on something
+ // contained in that window, ignore it, as we can't possibly place the focus
+ // on it after the callout is closd.
+ if (
+ (Node.isInstance( && container.contains(
+ ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Save this so that if the next focus event is re-entering the popup,
+ // then we'll put the focus back here where the user left it once we exit
+ // the feature callout series.
+ this.savedActiveElement = this.doc.activeElement;
+ }
+ /**
+ * For each member of the screen's page_event_listeners array, add a listener.
+ * @param {Array<PageEventListener>} listeners An array of listeners to set up
+ *
+ * @typedef {Object} PageEventListener
+ * @property {PageEventListenerParams} params Event listener parameters
+ * @property {PageEventListenerAction} action Sent when the event fires
+ *
+ * @typedef {Object} PageEventListenerParams See PageEventManager.jsm
+ * @property {String} type Event type string e.g. `click`
+ * @property {String} selectors Target selector, e.g. `tag.class, #id[attr]`
+ * @property {PageEventListenerOptions} [options] addEventListener options
+ *
+ * @typedef {Object} PageEventListenerOptions
+ * @property {Boolean} [capture] Use event capturing phase?
+ * @property {Boolean} [once] Remove listener after first event?
+ * @property {Boolean} [preventDefault] Prevent default action?
+ *
+ * @typedef {Object} PageEventListenerAction Action sent to AboutWelcomeParent
+ * @property {String} [type] Action type, e.g. `OPEN_URL`
+ * @property {Object} [data] Extra data, properties depend on action type
+ * @property {Boolean} [dismiss] Dismiss screen after performing action?
+ */
+ _attachPageEventListeners(listeners) {
+ listeners?.forEach(({ params, action }) =>
+ this.pageEventManager[params.options?.once ? "once" : "on"](
+ params,
+ event => {
+ this._handlePageEventAction(action, event);
+ if (params.options?.preventDefault) {
+ event.preventDefault?.();
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Perform an action in response to a page event.
+ * @param {PageEventListenerAction} action
+ * @param {Event} event Triggering event
+ */
+ _handlePageEventAction(action, event) {
+ const page = this.doc.location.href;
+ const message_id = this.config?.id.toUpperCase();
+ const source = this._getUniqueElementIdentifier(;
+ event: "PAGE_EVENT",
+ event_context: {
+ action: action.type ?? (action.dismiss ? "DISMISS" : ""),
+ reason: event.type?.toUpperCase(),
+ source,
+ page,
+ },
+ message_id,
+ });
+ if (action.type) {
+"SPECIAL_ACTION", action);
+ }
+ if (action.dismiss) {
+ event: "DISMISS",
+ event_context: { source: `PAGE_EVENT:${source}`, page },
+ message_id,
+ });
+ this._endTour();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * For a given element, calculate a unique string that identifies it.
+ * @param {Element} target Element to calculate the selector for
+ * @returns {String} Computed event target selector, e.g. `button#next`
+ */
+ _getUniqueElementIdentifier(target) {
+ let source;
+ if (Element.isInstance(target)) {
+ source = target.localName;
+ if (target.className) {
+ source += `.${[].join(".")}`;
+ }
+ if ( {
+ source += `#${}`;
+ }
+ if (target.attributes.length) {
+ source += `${[]
+ .filter(attr => ["is", "role", "open"].includes(
+ .map(attr => `[${}="${attr.value}"]`)
+ .join("")}`;
+ }
+ if (this.doc.querySelectorAll(source).length > 1) {
+ let uniqueAncestor = target.closest(`[id]:not(:scope, :root, body)`);
+ if (uniqueAncestor) {
+ source = `${this._getUniqueElementIdentifier(
+ uniqueAncestor
+ )} > ${source}`;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return source;
+ }
+ async showFeatureCallout() {
+ let updated = await this._loadConfig();
+ if (!updated || !this.config?.screens?.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.renderObserver = new => {
+ // Check if the Feature Callout screen has loaded for the first time
+ if (!this.ready && this.doc.querySelector(`#${CONTAINER_ID} .screen`)) {
+ // Once the screen element is added to the DOM, wait for the
+ // animation frame after next to ensure that _positionCallout
+ // has access to the rendered screen with the correct height
+ => {
+ => {
+ this.ready = true;
+ this._attachPageEventListeners(
+ this.currentScreen?.content?.page_event_listeners
+ );
+ this._positionCallout();
+ let container = this.doc.getElementById(CONTAINER_ID);
+ container.focus();
+"focus", this.focusHandler, {
+ capture: true, // get the event before retargeting
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ this.ready = false;
+ const container = this.doc.getElementById(CONTAINER_ID);
+ container?.remove();
+ // If user has disabled CFR, don't show any callouts. But make sure we load
+ // the necessary stylesheets first, since re-enabling CFR should allow
+ // callouts to be shown without needing to reload. In the future this could
+ // allow adding a CTA to disable recommendations with a label like "Don't show
+ // these again" (or potentially a toggle to re-enable them).
+ if (!this.cfrFeaturesUserPref) {
+ this.currentScreen = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ this._addCalloutLinkElements();
+ this._setupWindowFunctions();
+ await this._renderCallout();
+ }