path: root/l10n-br/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebrtc.ftl
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1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-br/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebrtc.ftl b/l10n-br/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebrtc.ftl
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index 0000000000..63972c55d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-br/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebrtc.ftl
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Localization for about:webrtc, a troubleshooting and diagnostic page
+### for WebRTC calls. See
+# The text "WebRTC" is a proper noun and should not be translated.
+about-webrtc-document-title = Diabarzhiadoù WebRTC
+# "about:webrtc" is a internal browser URL and should not be
+# translated. This string is used as a title for a file save dialog box.
+about-webrtc-save-page-dialog-title = enrollañ about:webrtc evel
+## AEC is an abbreviation for Acoustic Echo Cancellation.
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-msg-label = Kerzhlevr AEC
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-off-state-label = Gweredekaat kerzhlevr AEC
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-on-state-label = Diweredekaat kerzhlevr AEC
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-on-state-msg = Enrolladur kerzhlevr AEC gweredekaet (komzit gant ar galver e-pad un nebeud munutennoù ha paouezit an enrolladenn)
+# "PeerConnection" is a proper noun associated with the WebRTC module. "ID" is
+# an abbreviation for Identifier. This string should not normally be translated
+# and is used as a data label.
+about-webrtc-peerconnection-id-label = Naoudi PeerConnection:
+## "SDP" is an abbreviation for Session Description Protocol, an IETF standard.
+## See
+about-webrtc-sdp-heading = SDP
+about-webrtc-local-sdp-heading = SDP Lec'hel
+about-webrtc-local-sdp-heading-offer = SDP Lec'hel (Kinnig)
+about-webrtc-local-sdp-heading-answer = SDP Lec'hel (Respont)
+about-webrtc-remote-sdp-heading = SDP a-bell
+about-webrtc-remote-sdp-heading-offer = SDP a-bell (Kinnig)
+about-webrtc-remote-sdp-heading-answer = SDP a-bell (Respont)
+about-webrtc-sdp-history-heading = Roll istor SDP
+# "RTP" is an abbreviation for the Real-time Transport Protocol, an IETF
+# specification, and should not normally be translated. "Stats" is an
+# abbreviation for Statistics.
+about-webrtc-rtp-stats-heading = Stadegoù SDP
+## "ICE" is an abbreviation for Interactive Connectivity Establishment, which
+## is an IETF protocol, and should not normally be translated.
+about-webrtc-ice-state = Stad ICE
+# "Stats" is an abbreviation for Statistics.
+about-webrtc-ice-stats-heading = Stadegoù ICE
+about-webrtc-ice-restart-count-label = Adloc'hadennoù ICE:
+about-webrtc-ice-rollback-count-label = Atoradur ICE:
+about-webrtc-ice-pair-bytes-sent = Eizhbitoù kaset:
+about-webrtc-ice-pair-bytes-received = Eizhbitoù degemeret:
+about-webrtc-ice-component-id = Naoudi ar parzh
+## "Avg." is an abbreviation for Average. These are used as data labels.
+## These adjectives are used to label a line of statistics collected for a peer
+## connection. The data represents either the local or remote end of the
+## connection.
+about-webrtc-type-local = Lec'hel
+about-webrtc-type-remote = A-bell
+# This adjective is used to label a table column. Cells in this column contain
+# the localized javascript string representation of "true" or are left blank.
+about-webrtc-nominated = Rakdibabet
+# This adjective is used to label a table column. Cells in this column contain
+# the localized javascript string representation of "true" or are left blank.
+# This represents an attribute of an ICE candidate.
+about-webrtc-selected = Diuzet
+about-webrtc-save-page-label = Enrollañ ar bajenn
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-msg-label = Mod Diveugañ
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-off-state-label = Deraouiñ ar Mod Diveugañ
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-on-state-label = Arsaviñ ar Mod Diveugañ
+about-webrtc-stats-heading = Stadegoù an estez
+about-webrtc-stats-clear = Skarzhañ ar roll istor
+about-webrtc-log-heading = Kerzhlevr Kennaskañ
+about-webrtc-log-clear = Skarzhañ ar c'herzhlevr
+about-webrtc-log-show-msg = diskouez ar c'herzhlevr
+ .title = klikit evit kreskaat al lodenn-mañ
+about-webrtc-log-hide-msg = Kuzhat ar c'herzhlevr
+ .title = Klikañ da ziskar ar gevrenn-mañ
+## These are used to display a header for a PeerConnection.
+## Variables:
+## $browser-id (Number) - A numeric id identifying the browser tab for the PeerConnection.
+## $id (String) - A globally unique identifier for the PeerConnection.
+## $url (String) - The url of the site which opened the PeerConnection.
+## $now (Date) - The JavaScript timestamp at the time the report was generated.
+about-webrtc-connection-open = [ { $browser-id } | { $id } ] { $url } { $now }
+about-webrtc-connection-closed = [ { $browser-id } | { $id } ] { $url } (bet serret) { $now }
+about-webrtc-local-candidate = Rakdibab lec'hel
+about-webrtc-remote-candidate = Rakdibab a-bell
+about-webrtc-raw-candidates-heading = An holl emstriverien diaoz
+about-webrtc-raw-local-candidate = Emstriver diaoz lec'hel
+about-webrtc-raw-remote-candidate = Emstriver diaoz a-bell
+about-webrtc-raw-cand-show-msg = diskouez an emstriverien diaoz
+ .title = klikit evit kreskaat al lodenn-mañ
+about-webrtc-raw-cand-hide-msg = kuzhat an emstriverien diaoz
+ .title = Klikañ da ziskar ar gevrenn-mañ
+about-webrtc-priority = Tevet
+about-webrtc-fold-show-msg = skrammañ ar munudoù
+ .title = klikit evit kreskaat al lodenn-mañ
+about-webrtc-fold-hide-msg = kuzhat ar munudoù
+ .title = Klikañ da ziskar ar gevrenn-mañ
+about-webrtc-decoder-label = Ezvoneger
+about-webrtc-encoder-label = Enboneger
+about-webrtc-width-px = Ledander (pks)
+about-webrtc-height-px = Uhelder (pks)
+about-webrtc-time-elapsed = Amzer aet e bioù (e)
+about-webrtc-rotation-degrees = Troiñ (derezioù)
+## SSRCs are identifiers that represent endpoints in an RTP stream
+## These are paths used for saving the about:webrtc page or log files so
+## they can be attached to bug reports.
+## Variables:
+## $path (String) - The path to which the file is saved.
+about-webrtc-save-page-msg = pajenn enrollet e: { $path }
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-off-state-msg = Kerzhlevr ar roudoù a c'hall bezañ kavet e: { $path }
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-on-state-msg = mod diveugañ gweredekaet, kerzhlevr ar roudoù e: { $path }
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-off-state-msg = Restroù kerzhlevr euvret a c'hall bezañ kavet e-barzh: { $path }
+# Jitter is the variance in the arrival time of packets.
+# See:
+# Variables:
+# $jitter (Number) - The jitter.
+about-webrtc-jitter-label = Distabilder { $jitter }
+# ICE candidates arriving after the remote answer arrives are considered trickled
+# (an attribute of an ICE candidate). These are highlighted in the ICE stats
+# table with light blue background.
+about-webrtc-trickle-caption-msg = An emstriverien gorrek (a zegouezh goude ar respont) a zo usskedet e glas
+## "SDP" is an abbreviation for Session Description Protocol, an IETF standard.
+## See