path: root/l10n-lv/browser/chrome
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21 files changed, 1728 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4eeea10b19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (reconnectDescription) - %S = Email address of user's Firefox Account
+reconnectDescription = Pieslēgties %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (verifyDescription) - %S = Email address of user's Firefox Account
+verifyDescription = Pārbaudīt %S
+# These strings are shown in a desktop notification after the
+# user requests we resend a verification email.
+verificationSentTitle = Apstiprinājums nosūtīts
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (verificationSentBody) - %S = Email address of user's Firefox Account
+verificationSentBody = Apstiprinājuma saite ir nosūtīta uz %S.
+verificationNotSentTitle = Nevar nosūtīt apstiprinājumu
+verificationNotSentBody = Diemžēl, šobrīd nav iespējams nosūtīt apstiprinājuma epastu, lūdzu mēģiniet vēlreiz nedaudz vēlāk.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sendToAllDevices.menuitem)
+# Displayed in the Send Tab/Page/Link to Device context menu when right clicking a tab, a page or a link.
+sendToAllDevices.menuitem = Sūtīt uz visām ierīcēm
+sendTabToDevice.unconfigured = Uzziniet vairāk par cilņu sūtīšanu…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sendTabToDevice.singledevice, sendTabToDevice.connectdevice,
+# sendTabToDevice.singledevice.status)
+# Displayed in the Send Tabs context menu when right clicking a tab, a page or a link
+# and the Sync account has only 1 device. The sendTabToDevice.singledevice link
+# redirects to a marketing page, the sendTabToDevice.connectdevice redirects
+# to an FxAccounts page that tells to you to connect another device.
+sendTabToDevice.singledevice.status = Nav pieslēgtu ierīču
+sendTabToDevice.singledevice = Uzziniet vairāk par cilņu sūtīšanu…
+sendTabToDevice.connectdevice = Savienot citu ierīci…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sendTabToDevice.verify, sendTabToDevice.verify.status)
+# Displayed in the Send Tabs context menu when right clicking a tab, a page or a link
+# and the Sync account is unverified. Redirects to the Sync preferences page.
+sendTabToDevice.verify.status = Konts nav pārbaudīts
+sendTabToDevice.verify = Pārbaudiet savu kontu…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabArrivingNotification.title, tabArrivingNotificationWithDevice.title,
+# multipleTabsArrivingNotification.title, unnamedTabsArrivingNotification2.body,
+# unnamedTabsArrivingNotificationMultiple2.body, unnamedTabsArrivingNotificationNoDevice.body,
+# singleTabArrivingWithTruncatedURL.body)
+# These strings are used in a notification shown when we're opening tab(s) another device sent us to display.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabArrivingNotification.title, tabArrivingNotificationWithDevice.title)
+# The body for these is the URL of the tab received
+tabArrivingNotification.title = Cilne saņemta
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabArrivingNotificationWithDevice.title) %S is the device name
+tabArrivingNotificationWithDevice.title = Cilne no %S
+multipleTabsArrivingNotification.title = Cilnes saņemtas
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (unnamedTabsArrivingNotification2.body):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 is the number of tabs received and #2 is the device name.
+unnamedTabsArrivingNotification2.body = #1 cilnes ieradušās no #2;#1 cilne ieradusies no #2;#1 cilnes ieradušās no #2
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (unnamedTabsArrivingNotificationMultiple2.body):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 is the number of tabs received.
+unnamedTabsArrivingNotificationMultiple2.body = #1 cilnes ieradušās no savienotajām ierīcēm;#1 cilne ieradusies no savienotajām ierīcēm;#1 cilnes ieradušās no savienotajām ierīcēm
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (unnamedTabsArrivingNotificationNoDevice.body):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 is the number of tabs received
+# This version is used when we don't know any device names.
+unnamedTabsArrivingNotificationNoDevice.body = #1 cilnes ieradušās;#1 cilne ieradusies;#1 cilnes ieradušās
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (singleTabArrivingWithTruncatedURL.body):
+# Used when a tab from a remote device arrives but the URL must be truncated.
+# Should display the URL with an indication that it's benen truncated.
+# %S is the portion of the URL that remains after truncation.
+singleTabArrivingWithTruncatedURL.body = %S…
diff --git a/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec21c5fb06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,876 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+openFile=Atvērt failu
+droponhometitle=Iestatīt sākumlapu
+droponhomemsg=Vai jūs vēlaties, lai šis dokuments kļūst par jūsu jauno sākumlapu?
+droponhomemsgMultiple=Vai vēlaties, lai šie dokumenti būtu jūsu jaunā mājas lapa?
+# context menu strings
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contextMenuSearch): %1$S is the search engine,
+# %2$S is the selection string.
+contextMenuSearch=Meklēt %1$S frāzi "%2$S"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contextMenuPrivateSearchOtherEngine): %S is the search
+# engine name as set for Private Browsing mode. This label is only used when
+# this engine is different from the default engine name used in normal mode.
+# bookmark dialog strings
+bookmarkAllTabsDefault=[Mapes nosaukums]
+xpinstallPromptMessage=%S liedza šai lapai prasīt jums atļauju instalēt programmatūru jūsu datorā.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (xpinstallPromptMessage.header)
+# The string contains the hostname of the site the add-on is being installed from.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (xpinstallPromptMessage.neverAllowAndReport)
+# Long text in this context make the dropdown menu extend awkwardly to the left, avoid
+# a localization that's significantly longer than the English version.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sitePermissionInstallFirstPrompt.header)
+# This message is shown when a SitePermissionsAddon install is triggered, i.e. when the
+# website calls sensitive APIs (e.g. navigator.requestMIDIAccess).
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sitePermissionInstallFirstPrompt.message)
+# This message is shown when a SitePermissionsAddon install is triggered, i.e. when the
+# website calls sensitive APIs (e.g. navigator.requestMIDIAccess).
+# Accessibility Note:
+# Be sure you do not choose an accesskey that is used elsewhere in the active context (e.g. main menu bar, submenu of the warning popup button)
+# See for details
+xpinstallDisabledMessageLocked=Programmatūras instalēšanu ir liedzis sistēmas administrators.
+xpinstallDisabledMessage=Programmatūras instalēšana ir deaktivēta. Klikšķiniet Aktivēt un mēģiniet vēlreiz.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonInstallBlockedByPolicy)
+# This message is shown when the installation of an add-on is blocked by
+# enterprise policy. %1$S is replaced by the name of the add-on.
+# %2$S is replaced by the ID of add-on. %3$S is a custom message that
+# the administration can add to the message.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonDomainBlockedByPolicy)
+# This message is shown when the installation of add-ons from a domain
+# is blocked by enterprise policy.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.header,webextPerms.headerWithPerms,webextPerms.headerUnsigned,webextPerms.headerUnsignedWithPerms)
+# This string is used as a header in the webextension permissions dialog,
+# %S is replaced with the localized name of the extension being installed.
+# See
+# for an example of the full dialog.
+# Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, &
+webextPerms.header=Pievienot %S?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.sideloadMenuItem)
+# %1$S will be replaced with the localized name of the sideloaded add-on.
+# %2$S will be replace with the name of the application (e.g., Firefox, Nightly)
+webextPerms.sideloadMenuItem=%1$S pievienots %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.sideloadHeader)
+# This string is used as a header in the webextension permissions dialog
+# when the extension is side-loaded.
+# %S is replaced with the localized name of the extension being installed.
+# Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, &
+webextPerms.sideloadHeader=%S pievienots
+webextPerms.sideloadText2=Kāda cita programma jūsu datorā instalēja papildinājumu, kas var ietekmēt jūsu pārlūku. Lūdzu pārbaudiet šī papildinājuma tiesības un aktivējiet vai deaktivējiet tās.
+webextPerms.sideloadTextNoPerms=Kāda cita programma jūsu datorā instalēja papildinājumu, kas var ietekmēt jūsu pārlūku. Lūdzu izvēlieties aktivēt vai deaktivēt.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.updateMenuItem)
+# %S will be replaced with the localized name of the extension which
+# has been updated.
+webextPerms.updateMenuItem=%S ir nepieciešamas jaunas tiesības
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.updateText)
+# %S is replaced with the localized name of the updated extension.
+# Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, &
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.optionalPermsHeader)
+# %S is replace with the localized name of the extension requested new
+# permissions.
+# Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, &
+webextPerms.optionalPermsHeader=%S ir nepieciešamas papildu tiesības.
+webextPerms.optionalPermsListIntro=Tas vēlas:
+webextPerms.description.bookmarks=Lasīt un mainīt grāmatzīmes
+webextPerms.description.browserSettings=Lasīt un mainīt pārlūka iestatījumus
+webextPerms.description.browsingData=Pārlūkošanas vēstures, sīkdatņu un citu datu tīrīšana
+webextPerms.description.clipboardRead=Nolasīt datus no starpliktuves
+webextPerms.description.clipboardWrite=Nolikt datus starpliktuvē
+webextPerms.description.devtools=Paplašiniet izstrādātāju rīkus, lai piekļūtu datiem atvērtajās cilnēs
+webextPerms.description.downloads=Lejupielādēt failus, lasīt un mainīt pārlūka vēsturiērt failus, kas lejupielādēti jūsu datorā
+webextPerms.description.find=Lasiet tekstu atvērtajās cilnēs
+webextPerms.description.geolocation=Piekļūt jūsu atrašanās vietai
+webextPerms.description.history=Piekļūt pārlūkošanas vēstureiārvaldies papildinājumus un tēmas
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.description.nativeMessaging)
+# %S will be replaced with the name of the application
+webextPerms.description.nativeMessaging=Apmainīties ar ziņojumiem ar citām programmām, kas nav %S
+webextPerms.description.notifications=Rādīt paziņojumus
+webextPerms.description.pkcs11=Nodrošina kriptogrāfiskus autentifikācijas pakalpojumus
+webextPerms.description.privacy=Lasīt un mainīt konfidencialitātes iestatījumus
+webextPerms.description.proxy=Pārvaldīt pārlūkprogrammas starpniekservera iestatījumus
+webextPerms.description.sessions=Pieeja nesen aizvērtajām cilnēm
+webextPerms.description.tabs=Pieeja pārlūka cilnēm
+webextPerms.description.tabHide=Paslēpt un parādīt pārlūka cilnes
+webextPerms.description.topSites=Pieeja pārlūkošanas vēsturei
+webextPerms.description.webNavigation=Pieeja pārlūkošanas aktivitātēm navigācijas laikā
+webextPerms.hostDescription.allUrls=Pieeja visai jūsu informācijām visās lapās
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.hostDescription.wildcard)
+# %S will be replaced by the DNS domain for which a webextension
+# is requesting access (e.g.,
+webextPerms.hostDescription.wildcard=Pieeja jūsu informācijām lapās no %S domēna
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.hostDescription.tooManyWildcards):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 will be replaced by an integer indicating the number of additional
+# domains for which this webextension is requesting permission.
+webextPerms.hostDescription.tooManyWildcards=Pieeja jūsu datiem #1 citos domēnos;Pieeja jūsu datiem #1 citā domēnā;Pieeja jūsu datiem #1 citos domēnos
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.hostDescription.oneSite)
+# %S will be replaced by the DNS host name for which a webextension
+# is requesting access (e.g.,
+webextPerms.hostDescription.oneSite=Pieeja jūsu datiem no %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.hostDescription.tooManySites)
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 will be replaced by an integer indicating the number of additional
+# hosts for which this webextension is requesting permission.
+webextPerms.hostDescription.tooManySites=Pieeja jūsu datiem #1 citās lapās;Pieeja jūsu datiem #1 citā lapā;Pieeja jūsu datiem #1 citās lapās
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextSitePerms.headerWithPerms,webextSitePerms.headerUnsignedWithPerms)
+# This string is used as a header in the webextension permissions dialog,
+# %1$S is replaced with the localized name of the extension being installed.
+# %2$S will be replaced by the DNS host name for which a webextension enables permissions
+# Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, &
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextSitePerms.headerWithGatedPerms.midi)
+# This string is used as a header in the webextension permissions dialog for synthetic add-ons.
+# The part of the string describing what privileges the extension gives should be consistent
+# with the value of webextSitePerms.description.{sitePermission}.
+# %S is the hostname of the site the add-on is being installed from.
+# Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, &
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextSitePerms.headerWithGatedPerms.midi-sysex)
+# This string is used as a header in the webextension permissions dialog for synthetic add-ons.
+# The part of the string describing what privileges the extension gives should be consistent
+# with the value of webextSitePerms.description.{sitePermission}.
+# %S is the hostname of the site the add-on is being installed from.
+# Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, &
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextSitePerms.descriptionGatedPerms)
+# This string is used as description in the webextension permissions dialog for synthetic add-ons.
+# %S will be replaced by the DNS host name for which a webextension enables permissions
+# Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, &
+# These should remain in sync with permissions.NAME.label in
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webext.defaultSearch.description)
+# %1$S is replaced with the localized named of the extension that is asking to change the default search engine.
+# %2$S is replaced with the name of the current search engine
+# %3$S is replaced with the name of the new search engine
+webext.defaultSearch.description=%1$S vēlētos mainīt noklusēto meklētāju no %2$S uz %3$S. Vai tas būs labi?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webext.remove.confirmation.message)
+# %1$S is the name of the extension which is about to be removed.
+# %2$S is brandShorterName
+webext.remove.confirmation.message=Aizvākt %1$S no %2$S?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonPostInstall.message3)
+# %S is replaced with the localized named of the extension that was
+# just installed.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonDownloadingAndVerifying):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# Also see for mockups
+addonDownloadingAndVerifying=Lejupielādē un pārbauda atjauninājumu…;Lejupielādē un pārbauda #1 atjauninājumu…;Lejupielādē un pārbauda #1 atjauninājumus…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonConfirmInstallMessage,addonConfirmInstallUnsigned):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is brandShortName
+# #2 is the number of add-ons being installed
+addonConfirmInstall.message=Lapa gribētu instalēt #2 papildinājumus #1:;Lapa gribētu instalēt #2 papildinājumu #1:;Lapa gribētu instalēt #2 papildinājumus #1:
+addonConfirmInstallUnsigned.message=Uzmanību: Šī lapa vēlas instalēt nepārbaudītu papildinājumu #1. Turpiniet uzņemoties pilnu atbildību.;Uzmanību: Šī lapa vēlas instalēt nepārbaudītu papildinājumu #1. Turpiniet uzņemoties pilnu atbildību.;Uzmanību: Šī lapa vēlas instalēt #2 nepārbaudītus papildinājumus #1. Turpiniet uzņemoties pilnu atbildību.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonConfirmInstallSomeUnsigned.message):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is brandShortName
+# #2 is the total number of add-ons being installed (at least 2)
+addonConfirmInstallSomeUnsigned.message=;Uzmanību: Šī lapa vēlas instalēt #2 nepārbaudītus papildinājumus #1. Turpiniet uzņemoties pilnu atbildību.;Uzmanību: Šī lapa vēlas instalēt #2 nepārbaudītus papildinājumus #1. Turpiniet uzņemoties pilnu atbildību.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonInstalled):
+# %S is the name of the add-on
+addonInstalled=%S ir instalēts veiksmīgi.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonsGenericInstalled):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 number of add-ons
+addonsGenericInstalled=#1 paplašinājums ir uzinstalēts veiksmīgi.;#1 paplašinājumi ir uzinstalēti veiksmīgi.;#1 paplašinājumi ir uzinstalēti veiksmīgi.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonInstallError-1, addonInstallError-2, addonInstallError-3, addonInstallError-4, addonInstallError-5, addonInstallError-8, addonLocalInstallError-1, addonLocalInstallError-2, addonLocalInstallError-3, addonLocalInstallError-4, addonLocalInstallError-5):
+# %1$S is the application name, %2$S is the add-on name
+addonInstallError-1=Papildinājumu nevar lejupielādēt, jo notikusi savienojuma kļūda.
+addonInstallError-2=Šo papildinājumu nevar uzinstalēt, jo tas nesakrīt ar gaidīto papildinājumu %1$S.
+addonInstallError-3=Papildinājumu no šīs lapas nevar uzinstalēt, jo tas ir bojāts.
+addonInstallError-4=%2$S nevar uzinstalēt, jo %1$S nevar izmainīt nepieciešamo failu.
+addonInstallError-5=%1$S liedza lapai uzinstalēt nepārbaudītu papildinājumu.
+addonLocalInstallError-1=Šo papildinājumu nevar uzinstalēt, jo notikusi failu sistēmas kļūda.
+addonLocalInstallError-2=Šo papildinājumu nevar uzinstalēt, jo tas nesakrīt ar gaidīto papildinājumu %1$S.
+addonLocalInstallError-3=Šo papildinājumu nevar uzinstalēt, jo tas ir bojāts.
+addonLocalInstallError-4=%2$S nevar uzinstalēt, jo %1$S nevar izmainīt nepieciešamo failu.
+addonLocalInstallError-5=Šo papildinājumu nevar uzinstalēt, jo tas nav pārbaudīts.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonInstallErrorIncompatible):
+# %1$S is the application name, %2$S is the application version, %3$S is the add-on name
+addonInstallErrorIncompatible=%3$S nevar uzinstalēt, jo tas nav saderīgs ar %1$S %2$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonInstallErrorBlocklisted): %S is add-on name
+addonInstallErrorBlocklisted=%S nevar uzinstalēt, jo tas rada lielu drošības un stabilitātes risku.
+unsignedAddonsDisabled.message=Vienu vai vairākus no instalētajiem papildinājumiem nevar pārbadīt, tāpēc tie ir deaktivēti.
+unsignedAddonsDisabled.learnMore.label=Uzzināt vairāk
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (popupWarning.message): Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 is brandShortName and #2 is the number of pop-ups blocked.
+popupWarning.message=#1 liedza lapai atvērt jaunu logu.;#1 liedza lapai atvērt #2 jaunus logus.;#1 liedza lapai atvērt #2 jaunus logus.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (popupWarning.exceeded.message): Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# The singular form is left empty for English, since the number of blocked pop-ups is always greater than 1.
+# #1 is brandShortName and #2 is the number of pop-ups blocked.
+popupWarning.exceeded.message=;Neļaut #1 atvērt vairāk kā #2 uznirstošos logus;Neļaut #1 atvērt vairāk kā #2 uznirstošo logu
+popupShowPopupPrefix=Rādīt '%S'
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (geolocationLastAccessIndicatorText): %S is the relative time of the most recent geolocation access (e.g. 5 min. ago)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (openProtocolHandlerPermissionEntryLabel): %S is the scheme of the protocol the site may open an application for. For example: mailto
+crashedpluginsMessage.title=Spraudnis %S ir avarējis.
+crashedpluginsMessage.reloadButton.label=Pārlādēt lapu
+crashedpluginsMessage.submitButton.label=Nosūtīt avārijas ziņojumu
+crashedpluginsMessage.learnMore=Uzzināt vairāk…
+# Keyword fixup messages
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (keywordURIFixup.message): Used when the user tries to visit
+# a local host page, by the time the DNS request recognizes it, we have already
+# loaded a search page for the given word. An infobar then asks to the user
+# whether he rather wanted to visit the host. %S is the recognized host.
+keywordURIFixup.message=Vai Jūs vēlējāties iet uz %S?
+keywordURIFixup.goTo=Jā, vediet mani uz %S
+# Flash activation doorhanger UI
+flashActivate.message=Vai ļaut Adobe Flash darboties šajā lapā? Ļaujiet Adobe Flash darboties tikai no lapām, kam uzticaties.
+flashActivate.outdated.message=Vai vēlaties atļaut novecojušai Adobe Flash versijai darboties šajā vietnē? Novecojušas versijas var ietekmēt pārlūka veiktspēju un drošību.
+# in-page UI
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (PluginClickToActivate2): Two changes were done to the
+# previous version of the string. The first is that we changed the wording from
+# "Activate" to "Run", because it's shorter and feels less technical in English.
+# Feel free to keep using the previous wording in your language if it's already
+# the best one.
+# The second change is that we removed the period at the end of the phrase, because
+# it's not natural in our UI, and the underline was removed from this, so it doesn't
+# look like a link anymore. We suggest that everyone removes that period too.
+PluginClickToActivate2=Palaist %S
+PluginVulnerableUpdatable=Šis spraudnis satur ievainojamību un to vajadzētu atjaunināt.
+PluginVulnerableNoUpdate=Šim spraudnim ir drošības ievainojamības.
+# Sanitize
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (update.downloadAndInstallButton.label): %S is replaced by the
+# version of the update: "Update to 28.0".
+update.downloadAndInstallButton.label=Atjaunināt uz %S
+menuOpenAllInTabs.label=Atvērt visu cilnēs
+# History menu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (menuUndoCloseWindowLabel): Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
+# see bug 394759
+# See:
+# #1 Window Title, #2 Number of tabs
+menuUndoCloseWindowLabel=#1 (un #2 cilni);#1 (un #2 cilnes);#1 (un #2 cilnes)
+# Unified Back-/Forward Popup
+tabHistory.current=Palikt šajā lapā
+# Unified Back-/Forward Popup
+tabHistory.goBack=Pāriet atpakaļ uz šo lapu
+tabHistory.goForward=Pāriet uz priekšu uz šo lapu
+# URL Bar
+pasteAndGo.label=Ievietot un atvērt
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (reloadButton.tooltip):
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for reloading the current page
+reloadButton.tooltip=Pārlādēt pašreizējo lapu (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stopButton.tooltip):
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for stopping loading the page
+stopButton.tooltip=Apturēt šīs lapas (%S) ielādi
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (urlbar-zoom-button.tooltip):
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for resetting the zoom level to 100%
+urlbar-zoom-button.tooltip=Atjaunot noklusēto pietuvinājumu (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (reader-mode-button.tooltip):
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for entering/exiting reader view
+reader-mode-button.tooltip=Pārslēgt lasītāja skatu (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoom-button.label): %S is the current page zoom level,
+# %% will be displayed as a single % character (% is commonly used to define
+# format specifiers, so it needs to be escaped).
+zoom-button.label = %S%%
+# Block autorefresh
+refreshBlocked.refreshLabel=%S liedza šai lapai iespēju automātiski pārlādēties.
+refreshBlocked.redirectLabel=%S liedza šai lapai iespēju automātiski pāriet uz citu lapu.
+# General bookmarks button
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (bookmarksMenuButton.tooltip):
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for "Show All Bookmarks"
+bookmarksMenuButton.tooltip=Parādīt visas grāmatzīmes (%S)
+# Downloads button tooltip
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (downloads.tooltip):
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for "Downloads"
+downloads.tooltip=Parādīt lejupielāžu progresu (%S)
+# New Window button tooltip
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (newWindowButton.tooltip):
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for "New Window"
+newWindowButton.tooltip=Atvērt jaunu logu (%S)
+# New Tab button tooltip
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (newTabButton.tooltip):
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for "New Tab"
+newTabButton.tooltip=Atvērt jaunu cilni (%S)
+# Offline web applications
+# Canvas permission prompt
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (canvas.siteprompt2): %S is hostname
+# WebAuthn prompts
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.registerPrompt2): %S is hostname
+webauthn.registerPrompt2=%S vēlas reģistrēt jaunu kontu ar vienu jo jūsu drošības kodiem. Jūs varat pieslēgties un atļaut to vai atcelt.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.CTAP2registerPrompt): %S is hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.registerTouchDevice): %S is hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.registerDirectPrompt3):
+# %S is hostname.
+# The website is asking for extended information about your
+# hardware authenticator that shouldn't be generally necessary. Permitting
+# this is safe if you only use one account at this website. If you have
+# multiple accounts at this website, and you use the same hardware
+# authenticator, then the website could link those accounts together.
+# And this is true even if you use a different profile / browser (or even Tor
+# Browser). To avoid this, you should use different hardware authenticators
+# for different accounts on this website.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.registerDirectPromptHint):
+# %S is brandShortName
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.CTAP2signPrompt): %S is hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.signTouchDevice): %S is hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.signPrompt2): %S is hostname
+webauthn.signPrompt2=%S vēlas izmantot vienu jo jūsu drošības kodiem. Jūs varat pieslēgties un atļaut to vai atcelt.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.selectSignResultPrompt): %S is hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.selectDevicePrompt): %S is hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.deviceBlockedPrompt): %S is hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.pinAuthBlockedPrompt): %S is hostname
+# Spoof Accept-Language prompt
+privacy.spoof_english=Iestatot Angļu valodu, jūs būs grūtāk izsekot internetā. Vai vēlaties pieprasīt lapu angļu valodas versijas?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (identity.identified.verifier, identity.identified.state_and_country, identity.ev.contentOwner2):
+# %S is the hostname of the site that is being displayed.
+identity.identified.verifier=Pārbaudījis: %S
+identity.identified.verified_by_you=Jūs esat pievienojis drošības izņēmumu šai lapai
+identity.identified.state_and_country=%S, %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (identity.notSecure.label):
+# Keep this string as short as possible, this is displayed in the URL bar
+# use a synonym for "safe" or "private" if "secure" is too long.
+identity.notSecure.label=Nav drošs
+identity.extension.label=Paplašinājums (%S)
+identity.extension.tooltip=Ielādēts ar paplašinājumu: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.trackersView.blocked.label):
+# This label is shown next to a tracker in the trackers subview.
+# It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence " [was] Blocked"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookies.blockingTrackers.label, contentBlocking.cookies.blocking3rdParty.label,
+# contentBlocking.cookies.blockingUnvisited.label,contentBlocking.cookies.blockingAll.label):
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.firstParty.empty.label):
+# This references the header from contentBlocking.cookiesView.firstParty.label:
+# "[Cookies] From This Site: None detected on this site".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.trackers.empty.label):
+# This references the header from contentBlocking.cookiesView.trackers.label:
+# "Tracking Cookies: None detected on this site".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.thirdParty.empty.label):
+# This references the header from contentBlocking.cookiesView.thirdParty.label:
+# "Third-Party Cookies: None detected on this site".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.allowed.label):
+# This label is shown next to a cookie origin in the cookies subview.
+# It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence " [was] Allowed"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.blocked.label):
+# This label is shown next to a cookie origin in the cookies subview.
+# It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence " [was] Blocked"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.removeButton.tooltip): %S is the domain of the site.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.fingerprintersView.blocked.label):
+# This label is shown next to a fingerprinter in the fingerprinters subview.
+# It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence " [was] Blocked"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cryptominersView.blocked.label):
+# This label is shown next to a cryptominer in the cryptominers subview.
+# It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence " [was] Blocked"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (trackingProtection.icon.noTrackersDetectedTooltip): %S is brandShortName.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.header):
+# Header of the Protections Panel. %S is replaced with the site's hostname.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.disableAriaLabel):
+# Text that gets spoken by a screen reader if the button will disable protections.
+# %s is the site's hostname.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.enableAriaLabel):
+# Text that gets spoken by a screen reader if the button will enable protections.
+# %s is the site's hostname.
+# Blocking and Not Blocking sub-views in the Protections Panel
+# Footer section in the Protections Panel
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.footer.blockedTrackerCounter.description,
+# protections.footer.blockedTrackerCounter.tooltip):
+# This text indicates the total number of trackers blocked on all sites. In
+# its tooltip, we show the date when we started counting this number.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.footer.blockedTrackerCounter.description):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# Replacement for #1 is a locale-string converted positive integer.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.footer.blockedTrackerCounter.tooltip):
+# %S is the date on which we started counting (e.g., July 17, 2019).
+# Milestones section in the Protections Panel
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.milestone.description):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 is replaced with brandShortName.
+# #2 is replaced with the (locale-formatted) number of trackers blocked
+# #3 is replaced by a locale-formatted date with short month and numeric year.
+# In English this looks like "Firefox blocked over 10,000 trackers since Oct 2019"
+# Application menu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoomReduce-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+zoomReduce-button.tooltip = Attālināt (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoomReset-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+zoomReset-button.tooltip = Atjaunot noklusēto pietuvinājumu (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoomEnlarge-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+zoomEnlarge-button.tooltip = Pietuvināt (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cut-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+cut-button.tooltip = Izgriezt (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (copy-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+copy-button.tooltip = Kopēt (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (paste-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+paste-button.tooltip = Ielīmēt (%S)
+# Geolocation UI
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(geolocation.shareWithSiteUnsafeDelegation2):
+# %1$S is the first party origin, %2$S is the third party origin.
+geolocation.remember=Atcerēties šo izvēli
+# Virtual Reality Device UI
+# Persistent storage UI
+# Web notifications UI
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alwaysBlock, block)
+# The two button strings will never be shown at the same time, so
+# it's okay for them to have the same access key
+webNotifications.notNow=Ne tagad
+webNotifications.never=Neatļaut nekad
+# Phishing/Malware Notification Bar.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (notADeceptiveSite, notAnAttack)
+# The two button strings will never be shown at the same time, so
+# it's okay for them to have the same access key
+safebrowsing.getMeOutOfHereButton.label=Vediet mani prom no šejienes!
+safebrowsing.deceptiveSite=Maldinoša lapa!
+safebrowsing.notADeceptiveSiteButton.label=Šī nav maldinoša lapa…
+safebrowsing.reportedAttackSite=Kaitnieku lapa!
+safebrowsing.notAnAttackButton.label=Šī lapa neveic uzbrukumus…
+safebrowsing.reportedUnwantedSite=Bīstama nevēlamas programmatūras lapa!
+safebrowsing.reportedHarmfulSite=Ziņoja par kaitīgu lapu!
+# Ctrl-Tab
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ctrlTab.listAllTabs.label): #1 represents the number
+# of tabs in the current browser window. It will always be 2 at least.
+# See:
+ctrlTab.listAllTabs.label=Parādīt visas #1 cilnes;Parādīt visas #1 cilnes;Parādīt visas #1 cilnes
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addKeywordTitleAutoFill): %S will be replaced by the page's title
+# Used as the bookmark name when saving a keyword for a search field.
+addKeywordTitleAutoFill=Meklēt %S
+# troubleshootModeRestart
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (troubleshootModeRestartPromptTitle): %S is the name of the product (e.g., Firefox)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Set to the string
+# "true" (spelled and capitalized exactly that way) to show the "Text
+# Encoding" menu in the main Firefox button on Windows. Any other value will
+# hide it. Regardless of the value of this setting, the "Text Encoding"
+# menu will always be accessible via the "Browser Tools" menu.
+# This is not a string to translate; it just controls whether the menu shows
+# up in the Firefox button. If users frequently use the "Text Encoding"
+# menu, set this to "true". Otherwise, you can leave it as "false".
+# Process hang reporter
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (processHang.selected_tab.label): %1$S is the name of the product (e.g., Firefox)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (processHang.nonspecific_tab.label): %1$S is the name of the product (e.g., Firefox)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (processHang.specific_tab.label): %1$S is the title of the tab.
+# %2$S is the name of the product (e.g., Firefox)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (processHang.add-on.label2): %1$S is the name of the
+# extension. %2$S is the name of the product (e.g., Firefox)
+processHang.add-on.learn-more.text = Uzzināt vairāk
+processHang.button_debug.label = Atkļūdot skriptu
+processHang.button_debug.accessKey = d
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fullscreenButton.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut for full screen
+fullscreenButton.tooltip=Parādīt logu pa visu ekrānu (%S)
+# These are visible when opening the popup inside the bookmarks sidebar
+sidebar.moveToLeft=Pārvietot sānu joslu pa kreisi
+sidebar.moveToRight=Pārvietot sānu joslu pa labi
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (getUserMedia.shareCamera3.message,
+# getUserMedia.shareMicrophone3.message,
+# getUserMedia.shareScreen4.message,
+# getUserMedia.shareCameraAndMicrophone3.message,
+# getUserMedia.shareCameraAndAudioCapture3.message,
+# getUserMedia.shareScreenAndMicrophone4.message,
+# getUserMedia.shareScreenAndAudioCapture4.message,
+# getUserMedia.shareAudioCapture3.message):
+# %S is the website origin (e.g.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (selectAudioOutput.shareSpeaker.message):
+# "Speakers" is used in a general sense that might include headphones or
+# another audio output connection.
+# %S is the website origin (e.g.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (getUserMedia.shareCameraUnsafeDelegation2.message,
+# getUserMedia.shareMicrophoneUnsafeDelegation2.message,
+# getUserMedia.shareScreenUnsafeDelegation2.message,
+# getUserMedia.shareCameraAndMicrophoneUnsafeDelegation2.message,
+# getUserMedia.shareCameraAndAudioCaptureUnsafeDelegation2.message,
+# getUserMedia.shareScreenAndMicrophoneUnsafeDelegation2.message,
+# getUserMedia.shareScreenAndAudioCaptureUnsafeDelegation2.message,
+# %1$S is the first party origin.
+# %2$S is the third party origin.
+# "Speakers" is used in a general sense that might include headphones or
+# another audio output connection.
+# %1$S is the first party origin.
+# %2$S is the third party origin.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (getUserMedia.shareScreenWarning.message): NB: inserted via innerHTML, so please don't use <, > or & in this string.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (getUserMedia.shareFirefoxWarning.message): NB: inserted via innerHTML, so please don't use <, > or & in this string.
+# %S is brandShortName (eg. Firefox)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(getUserMedia.shareScreen.learnMoreLabel): NB: inserted via innerHTML, so please don't use <, > or & in this string.
+getUserMedia.shareScreen.learnMoreLabel = Uzzināt vairāk
+getUserMedia.shareEntireScreen.label = Visu ekrānu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (getUserMedia.shareMonitor.label):
+# %S is screen number (digits 1, 2, etc)
+# Example: Screen 1, Screen 2,..
+getUserMedia.shareMonitor.label = Ekrāns %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (getUserMedia.shareApplicationWindowCount.label):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# Replacement for #1 is the name of the application.
+# Replacement for #2 is the number of windows currently displayed by the application.
+getUserMedia.shareApplicationWindowCount.label=#1 (#2 logu);#1 (#2 logs);#1 (#2 logi)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (getUserMedia.allow.label,
+# getUserMedia.block.label):
+# These two buttons are the possible answers to the various prompts in the
+# "getUserMedia.share{device}.message" strings.
+getUserMedia.allow.label = Atļaut
+getUserMedia.allow.accesskey = A
+getUserMedia.remember=Atcerēties šo izvēli
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (getUserMedia.reasonForNoPermanentAllow.screen3,
+# getUserMedia.reasonForNoPermanentAllow.insecure):
+# %S is brandShortName
+getUserMedia.reasonForNoPermanentAllow.screen3=%S nevar atļaut pastāvīgu piekļuvi jūsu ekrānam. nevar atļaut pastāvīgu piekļuvi jūsu cilnes audio nejautājot kuru tieši cilni koplietot.
+getUserMedia.reasonForNoPermanentAllow.insecure=Jūsu savienojums ar šo lapu nav drošs. Lai jūs aizsargātu, %S atļaus piekļuvi tikai uz šīs darba sesijas laiku.
+getUserMedia.sharingMenu.label = Cilnes dažādās ierīcēs
+getUserMedia.sharingMenu.accesskey = d
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (getUserMedia.sharingMenuCamera
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuMicrophone,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuAudioCapture,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuApplication,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuScreen,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuWindow,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuBrowser,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraMicrophone,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraMicrophoneApplication,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraMicrophoneScreen,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraMicrophoneWindow,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraMicrophoneBrowser,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraAudioCapture,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraAudioCaptureApplication,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraAudioCaptureScreen,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraAudioCaptureWindow,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraAudioCaptureBrowser,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraApplication,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraScreen,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraWindow,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraBrowser,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuMicrophoneApplication,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuMicrophoneScreen,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuMicrophoneWindow,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuMicrophoneBrowser,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuAudioCaptureApplication,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuAudioCaptureScreen,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuAudioCaptureWindow,
+# getUserMedia.sharingMenuAudioCaptureBrowser):
+# %S is the website origin (e.g.
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuCamera = %S (kamera)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuMicrophone = %S (mikrofons)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuAudioCapture = %S (cilnes audio)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuApplication = %S (lietotne)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuScreen = %S (ekrāns)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuWindow = %S (logs)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuBrowser = %S (cilne)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraMicrophone = %S (kamera un mikrofons)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraMicrophoneApplication = %S (kamera, mikrofons un lietotne)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraMicrophoneScreen = %S (kamera, mikrofons un ekrāns)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraMicrophoneWindow = %S (kamera mikrofons un logs)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraMicrophoneBrowser = %S (kamera, mikrofons un ekrāns)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraAudioCapture = %S (kamera un cilnes audio)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraAudioCaptureApplication = %S (kamera, cilnes audio un lietotnes)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraAudioCaptureScreen = %S (kamera, cilnes audio un ekrāns)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraAudioCaptureWindow = %S (kamera, cilnes audio un logs)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraAudioCaptureBrowser = %S (kamera, cilnes audio un cilne)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraApplication = %S (kamera un lietotnes)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraScreen = %S (kamera un ekrāns)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraWindow = %S (kamera un logs)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuCameraBrowser = %S (kamera un cilnes)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuMicrophoneApplication = %S (mikrofons un lietotne)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuMicrophoneScreen = %S (mikrofons un ekrāns)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuMicrophoneWindow = %S (mikrofons un logs)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuMicrophoneBrowser = %S (mikrofons un ekrāns)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuAudioCaptureApplication = %S (cilnes audio un lietotnes)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuAudioCaptureScreen = %S (cilnes audio un ekrāns)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuAudioCaptureWindow = %S (cilnes audio un logs)
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuAudioCaptureBrowser = %S (cilnes audio un cilne)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(getUserMedia.sharingMenuUnknownHost): this is used for the website
+# origin for the sharing menu if no readable origin could be deduced from the URL.
+getUserMedia.sharingMenuUnknownHost = Nezināma lapa
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(emeNotifications.drmContentDisabled.message): NB: inserted via innerHTML, so please don't use <, > or & in this string. %S will be the 'learn more' link
+emeNotifications.drmContentDisabled.button.label = Aktivizēt DRM
+emeNotifications.drmContentDisabled.button.accesskey = A
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(emeNotifications.drmContentCDMInstalling.message): NB: inserted via innerHTML, so please don't use <, > or & in this string. %S is brandShortName
+emeNotifications.drmContentCDMInstalling.message = %S instalē atjauninājumus, kas nepieciešami audio vai video atskaņošanai šajā lapā. Lūdzu mēģiniet vēlreiz nedaudz vēlāk.
+emeNotifications.unknownDRMSoftware = Nezināms
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (customizeMode.tabTitle): %S is brandShortName
+customizeMode.tabTitle = Pielāgot %S
+e10s.accessibilityNotice.acceptButton.label = Labi
+e10s.accessibilityNotice.acceptButton.accesskey = L
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (e10s.accessibilityNotice.jawsMessage): %S is brandShortName
+e10s.accessibilityNotice.jawsMessage = Cilnes satura attēlošana ir deaktivēta savietojamības problēmu dēļ starp %S un jūsu pieejamības programmatūru. Lūdzu atjauniniet ekrāna lasītāju vai pārejiet uz pagarinātā atbalsta Firefox versiju.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (userContextPersonal.label,
+# userContextWork.label,
+# userContextShopping.label,
+# userContextBanking.label,
+# userContextNone.label):
+# These strings specify the four predefined contexts included in support of the
+# Contextual Identity / Containers project. Each context is meant to represent
+# the context that the user is in when interacting with the site. Different
+# contexts will store cookies and other information from those sites in
+# different, isolated locations. You can enable the feature by typing
+# about:config in the URL bar and changing privacy.userContext.enabled to true.
+# Once enabled, you can open a new tab in a specific context by clicking
+# File > New Container Tab > (1 of 4 contexts). Once opened, you will see these
+# strings on the right-hand side of the URL bar.
+userContextPersonal.label = Personīgais
+userContextWork.label = Darba
+userContextBanking.label = Finanšu
+userContextShopping.label = Iepirkšanās
+userContextNone.label = Nav konteinera
+userContextPersonal.accesskey = P
+userContextWork.accesskey = W
+userContextBanking.accesskey = B
+userContextShopping.accesskey = S
+userContextNone.accesskey = N
+userContext.aboutPage.label = Pārvaldīt konteinerus
+userContext.aboutPage.accesskey = a
+muteTab.label = Apklusināt cilni
+muteTab.accesskey = A
+unmuteTab.label = Atjaunot
+unmuteTab.accesskey = a
+muteSelectedTabs2.label = Apklusināt cilnes
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (muteSelectedTabs2.accesskey): The accesskey should
+# match the accesskey for muteTab.accesskey
+muteSelectedTabs2.accesskey = A
+unmuteSelectedTabs2.label = Ieslēgt skaņu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (unmuteSelectedTabs2.accesskey): The accesskey should
+# match the accesskey for unmuteTab.accesskey
+unmuteSelectedTabs2.accesskey = I
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sendTabsToDevice.label):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 is the number of tabs sent to the device.
+sendTabsToDevice.label = Sūtīt #1 cilne uz ierīci;Sūtīt #1 cilni uz ierīci;Sūtīt #1 cilnes uz ierīci
+sendTabsToDevice.accesskey = n
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pendingCrashReports2.label): Semi-colon list of plural forms
+# See:
+# #1 is the number of pending crash reports
+pendingCrashReports2.label = Ir #1 nenosūtīti avārijas ziņojumi;Ir #1 nenosūtīts avārijas ziņojums;Ir #1 nenosūtīti avārijas ziņojumi
+pendingCrashReports.viewAll = Skats
+pendingCrashReports.send = Nosūtīt
+pendingCrashReports.alwaysSend = Vienmēr sūtīt
+decoder.noCodecs.button = Uzziniet kā
+decoder.noCodecs.accesskey = L
+decoder.noCodecsLinux.message = Lai atskaņotu šo video, jums varētu būt nepieciešams instalēt pieprasītos video saspiedatspiedējus.\u0020
+decoder.noHWAcceleration.message = Lai uzlabotu video kvalitāti, jums iespējams būs jāuzinstalē Microsoft Media Feature Pack.
+decoder.noPulseAudio.message = Lai atskaņotu audio, jums var vajadzēt instalēt nepieciešamo PulseAudio programmatūru.
+decoder.unsupportedLibavcodec.message = libavcodec var būt nedrošs vai nav atbalstīts, to vajadzētu atjaunināt, lai atskaņotu video.
+decoder.decodeError.message = Atkodējot mēdiju resursu notikusi kļūda.
+decoder.decodeError.button = Ziņot par problēmu ar lapu
+decoder.decodeError.accesskey = R
+decoder.decodeWarning.message = Atkodējot mēdiju resursu notikusi apejama kļūda.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (captivePortal.infoMessage3):
+# Shown in a notification bar when we detect a captive portal is blocking network access
+# and requires the user to log in before browsing.
+captivePortal.infoMessage3 = Pieslēdzieties tīklam, lai piekļūtu Internetam.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (captivePortal.showLoginPage2):
+# The label for a button shown in the info bar in all tabs except the login page tab.
+# The button shows the portal login page tab when clicked.
+captivePortal.showLoginPage2 = Atvērt tīkla pieslēgšanās lapu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (permissions.header):
+# %S is the hostname of the site that is being displayed.
+permissions.remove.tooltip = Notīrīt šo atļauju un jautāt vēlreiz
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (aboutDialog.architecture.*):
+# The sixtyFourBit and thirtyTwoBit strings describe the architecture of the
+# current Firefox build: 32-bit or 64-bit. These strings are used in parentheses
+# between the Firefox version and the "What's new" link in the About dialog,
+# e.g.: "48.0.2 (32-bit) <What's new>" or "51.0a1 (2016-09-05) (64-bit)".
+aboutDialog.architecture.sixtyFourBit = 64-bitu
+aboutDialog.architecture.thirtyTwoBit = 32-bitu
+midi.remember=Atcerēties šo izvēli
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (midi.shareWithSite): %S is the name of the site URL (https://...) requesting MIDI access
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (midi.shareSysexWithSite): %S is the name of the site URL (https://...) requesting MIDI access
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (panel.back):
+# This is used by screen readers to label the "back" button in various browser
+# popup panels, including the sliding subviews of the main menu.
+panel.back = Atpakaļ
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (storageAccess4.message, storageAccess1.hintText):
+# %1$S is the name of the site URL (www.site1.example) trying to track the user's activity.
+# %2$S is the name of the site URL (www.site2.example) that the user is visiting. This is the same domain name displayed in the address bar.
+confirmationHint.sendToDevice.label = Nosūtīts!
+confirmationHint.copyURL.label = Nokopēts starpliktuvē!
+confirmationHint.passwordSaved.label = Parole saglabāta!
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gnomeSearchProviderSearch):
+# Used for search by Gnome Shell activity screen, %S is a searched string.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gnomeSearchProviderSearchWeb):
+# Used for search by Gnome Shell activity screen, %S is a searched string.
diff --git a/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/customizableui/ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/customizableui/
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/customizableui/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+history-panelmenu.label = Vēsture
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(history-panelmenu.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut
+history-panelmenu.tooltiptext2 = Parādīt vēsturi (%S)
+find-button.label = Meklēt
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(find-button.tooltiptext3): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+find-button.tooltiptext3 = Meklēt šajā lapā (%S)
+developer-button.label = Izstrādātāju rīki
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(developer-button.tooltiptext): %S is the keyboard shortcut
+developer-button.tooltiptext2 = Atvērt izstrādātāju rīkus (%S)
+sidebar-button.label = Sānu joslas
+sidebar-button.tooltiptext2 = Rādīt sānu joslas
+zoom-controls.label = Pietuvinājuma rīki
+zoom-controls.tooltiptext2 = Pietuvinājuma rīki
+zoom-out-button.label = Attālināt
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoom-out-button.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+zoom-out-button.tooltiptext2 = Attālināt (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoom-reset-button.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+zoom-reset-button.tooltiptext2 = Atjaunot noklusēto pietuvinājumu (%S)
+zoom-in-button.label = Pietuvināt
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoom-in-button.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+zoom-in-button.tooltiptext2 = Pietuvināt (%S)
+edit-controls.label = Rediģēt kontroles
+edit-controls.tooltiptext2 = Rediģēt kontroles
+cut-button.label = Izgriezt
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(cut-button.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+cut-button.tooltiptext2 = Izgriezt (%S)
+copy-button.label = Kopēt
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(copy-button.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+copy-button.tooltiptext2 = Kopēt (%S)
+paste-button.label = Ielīmēt
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(paste-button.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+paste-button.tooltiptext2 = Ielīmēt (%S)
+panic-button.label = Aizmirst
+panic-button.tooltiptext = Aizmirst daļu pārlūkošanas vēstures
+toolbarspring.label = Elastīga atstarpe
+toolbarseparator.label = Atdalītājs
+toolbarspacer.label = Atstarpe
diff --git a/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/downloads/ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/downloads/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0da5d30ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/downloads/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+# You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateStarting):
+# Indicates that the download is starting.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateFailed):
+# Indicates that the download failed because of an error.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (statePaused):
+# Indicates that the download was paused by the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateCanceled):
+# Indicates that the download was canceled by the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateCompleted):
+# Indicates that the download was completed.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateBlockedParentalControls):
+# Indicates that the download was blocked by the Parental Controls feature of
+# Windows. "Parental Controls" should be consistently named and capitalized
+# with the display of this feature in Windows. The following article can
+# provide a reference for the translation of "Parental Controls" in various
+# languages:
+stateBlockedParentalControls=Bloķējis vecāku kontroles rīks
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (blockedMalware, blockedPotentiallyUnwanted,
+# blockedUncommon2):
+# These strings are shown in the panel for some types of blocked downloads, and
+# are immediately followed by the "Learn More" link, thus they must end with a
+# period. You may need to adjust "downloadDetails.width" in "downloads.dtd" if
+# this turns out to be longer than the other existing status strings.
+# Note: These strings don't exist in the UI yet. See bug 1053890.
+blockedMalware=Šajāfairā ir vīruss vai kaitnieciska programma.
+blockedPotentiallyUnwanted=Šis fails var kaitēt jūsu datoram.
+blockedUncommon2=Šis fails parasti netiek lejupielādēts.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fileMovedOrMissing):
+# Displayed when a complete download which is not at the original folder.
+fileMovedOrMissing=Fails nav atrodams
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (unblockHeaderUnblock, unblockHeaderOpen,
+# unblockTypeMalware, unblockTypePotentiallyUnwanted2,
+# unblockTypeUncommon2, unblockTip2, unblockButtonOpen,
+# unblockButtonUnblock, unblockButtonConfirmBlock):
+# These strings are displayed in the dialog shown when the user asks a blocked
+# download to be unblocked. The severity of the threat is expressed in
+# descending order by the unblockType strings, it is higher for files detected
+# as malware and lower for uncommon downloads.
+unblockHeaderUnblock=Vai tiešām vēlaties atļaut šo lejupielādi?
+unblockHeaderOpen=Vai tiešām vēlaties atvērt šo failu?
+unblockTypeMalware=Šajāfailāir vīruss vai kāda cita kaitnieciska programma, kas kaitēs jūsu datoram.
+unblockTypePotentiallyUnwanted2=Iespējams šajā failā, izliekoties par noderīgu lejupielādi, slēpjas iestatījumu un programmu izmaiņas.
+unblockTypeUncommon2=Parasti šādus failus nelejupielādē un to atvērt var nebūt droši. Tajā var būt vīrusi vai negaidītas jūsu sistēmas un programmu konfigurācijas izmaiņas.
+unblockTip2=Varat mēģināt atrast šo failu citā vietā vai lejupielādēt vēlreiz nedaudz vēlāk.
+unblockButtonUnblock=Atļaut lejupielādi
+unblockButtonConfirmBlock=Aizvākt failu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sizeWithUnits):
+# %1$S is replaced with the size number, and %2$S with the measurement unit.
+sizeWithUnits=%1$S %2$S
+sizeUnknown=Nezināms izmērs
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (statusSeparator, statusSeparatorBeforeNumber):
+# These strings define templates for the separation of different elements in the
+# status line of a download item. As a separator, by default we use the Unicode
+# character U+2014 'EM DASH' (long dash). Examples of status lines include
+# "Canceled -", "1.1 MB -", or "Paused - 1.1 MB". Note
+# that we use a wider space after the separator when it is followed by a number,
+# just to avoid visually confusing it with with a minus sign with some fonts.
+# If you use a different separator, this might not be necessary. However, there
+# is usually no need to change the separator or the order of the substitutions,
+# even for right-to-left languages, unless the defaults are not suitable.
+statusSeparator=%1$S — %2$S
+statusSeparatorBeforeNumber=%1$S — %2$S
diff --git a/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/feeds/ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/feeds/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bfa85f5eae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/feeds/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addProtocolHandlerMessage):
+# Message displayed when adding a protocol handler:
+# %1$S is the application's domain, %2$S is the type of protocol
+addProtocolHandlerMessage=Pievienot “%1$S” kā programmu %2$S tipa saitēm?
+addProtocolHandlerAddButton=Pievienot programmu
diff --git a/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/places/ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/places/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b68e4902d0
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+++ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/places/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+dialogAcceptLabelAddMulti=Pievienot grāmatzīmes
+dialogAcceptLabelEdit=Saglabāt izmaiņas
+dialogTitleAddBookmark=Pievienot grāmatzīmi
+dialogTitleAddFolder=Pievienot mapi
+dialogTitleAddMulti=Saglabāt visas cilnes
+dialogTitleEdit="%S" iestatījumi
+bookmarkAllTabsDefault=[Mapes nosaukums]
+newFolderDefault=Jauna mape
+newBookmarkDefault=Jauna grāmatzīme
diff --git a/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/places/ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/places/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ded0ca5c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/places/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+load-js-data-url-error=Drošības apsvērumu dēļ, javascript vai datu URL nevar ielādēt no vēstures loga vai sānu joslas.
+noTitle=(bez virsraksta)
+bookmarksBackupTitle=Grāmatzīmju rezerves kopijas faila nosaukums
+bookmarksRestoreAlertTitle=Atjaunot grāmatzīmes
+bookmarksRestoreAlert=Jūsu pašreizējās grāmatzīmes aizvietos rezerves kopija. Vai tiešām vēlaties to izdarīt?
+bookmarksRestoreTitle=Izvēlieties grāmatzīmju rezerves kopiju
+bookmarksRestoreFormatError=Neatbalstīts faila tips.
+bookmarksRestoreParseError=Nevar apstrādāt grāmatzīmju rezerves kopijas failu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( sortBy properties are versioned.
+# When any of these changes, all of the properties must be bumped, and the
+# change must be annotated here. Both label and accesskey must be updated.
+# - version 1: changedārtot pēc nosaukuma
+view.sortBy.1.url.label=Kārtot pēc vietas
+view.sortBy.1.url.accesskey=vārtot pēc apmeklējuma laika
+view.sortBy.1.visitCount.label=Kārtot pēc apmeklējumu skaita
+view.sortBy.1.dateAdded.label=Kārtot pēc pievienošanas
+view.sortBy.1.lastModified.label=Kārtot pēc izmaiņu datuma
+view.sortBy.1.tags.label=Kārtot pēc birkām
+searchBookmarks=Meklēt grāmatzīmes
+searchHistory=Meklēt vēsturē
+searchDownloads=Meklēt lejupielādēs
+SelectImport=Importēt grāmatzīmju failu
+EnterExport=Eksportēt grāmatzīmju failu
+detailsPane.noItems=Nav nevienas vienības
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (detailsPane.itemsCountLabel): Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 number of items
+# example: 111 items
+detailsPane.itemsCountLabel=#1 vienības;#1 vienība;#1 vienības
+lockPrompt.text=Grāmatzīmju un pārlūkošanas vēstures funkcijas nebūs pieejamas, jo %S failus izmanto kāda cita programma. Dažas drošības programmas var radīt šo problēmu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.deleteSinglePage.accesskey,
+# cmd.deleteMultiplePages.accesskey): these accesskeys can use the same
+# character, since they're never displayed at the same time
+cmd.deleteSinglePage.label=Dzēst lapu
+cmd.deleteMultiplePages.label=Dzēst lapas
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.bookmarkSinglePage.accesskey,
+# cmd.bookmarkMultiplePages.accesskey): these accesskeys can use the same
+# character, since they're never displayed at the same time
+cmd.bookmarkSinglePage.label=Saglabāta grāmatzīmēs
+cmd.bookmarkMultiplePages.label=Saglabāta grāmatzīmēs
diff --git a/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/safebrowsing/ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/safebrowsing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f0aeedc33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/safebrowsing/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+errorReportFalseDeceptiveTitle=Šī nav maldinoša lapa
+errorReportFalseDeceptiveMessage=Šobrīd nav iespējams ziņot par šo kļūdu.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c12970c766
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+++ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+searchtip=Meklēt, izmantojot %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (searchHeader): this is displayed at the top of the panel
+# showing search suggestions.
+# %S is replaced with the name of the current default search engine.
+searchHeader=%S meklēšana
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd_pasteAndSearch): "Search" is a verb, this is the
+# search bar equivalent to the url bar's "Paste & Go"
+cmd_pasteAndSearch=Ievietot un meklēt
+cmd_clearHistory=Dzēst meklēšanas vēsturi
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (searchForSomethingWith2):
+# This string is used to build the header above the list of one-click
+# search providers: "Search for <user-typed string> with:"
+searchForSomethingWith2=Meklēšana ar %S:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (searchWithHeader):
+# The wording of this string should be as close as possible to
+# searchForSomethingWith2. This string will be used when the user
+# has not typed anything.
+searchWithHeader=Meklēt ar:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (searchSettings):
+# This is the label for the button that opens Search preferences.
+searchSettings=Mainīt meklēšanas iestatījumus
diff --git a/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6967cb0622
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (setDefaultBrowserTitle, setDefaultBrowserMessage, setDefaultBrowserDontAsk, setDefaultBrowserAlertConfirm.label, setDefaultBrowserAlertNotNow.label):
+# These strings are used as an alternative to the ones above, in a modal dialog.
+# %S will be replaced by brandShortName
+setDefaultBrowserTitle=Noklusētais pārlūks
+setDefaultBrowserMessage=%S šobrīd nav noklusētais pārlūks. Vai vēlaties, lai tas būtu noklusētais pārlūks?
+setDefaultBrowserDontAsk=Vienmēr veikt šo pārbaudi palaižot %S.
+setDefaultBrowserAlertConfirm.label=Izmantot %S kā noklusēto pārlūku
+setDefaultBrowserAlertNotNow.label=&Ne tagad
+desktopBackgroundLeafNameWin=Darbvirsmas fons.bmp
+DesktopBackgroundDownloading=Saglabā attēlu...
+DesktopBackgroundSet=Uzlikt darbvirsmas fonu
diff --git a/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ab16021a6
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+clearSiteDataPromptTitle=Notīrīt visus sīkfailus un vietņu datus
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (clearSiteDataPromptText): %S = brandShortName
+clearSiteDataPromptText=Izvēloties ‘Iztīrīt’ tiks nodzēsti visi sīkfaili un %S saglabātie dati. Tas var pārtraukt jūsu pierakstu lapā un aizvākt datus, kas saglabāti izmantošanai nesaistē.
+clearSiteDataNow=Notīrīt tagad
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a7f6ce416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (state.current.allowed,
+# state.current.allowedForSession,
+# state.current.allowedTemporarily,
+# state.current.blockedTemporarily,
+# state.current.blocked,
+# state.current.hide):
+# This label is used to display active permission states in the site
+# identity popup (which does not have a lot of screen space).
+state.current.allowed = Atļauts
+state.current.allowedForSession = Atļauts šai sesijai
+state.current.allowedTemporarily = Atļauts īslaicīgi
+state.current.blockedTemporarily = Bloķēts īslaicīgi
+state.current.blocked = Bloķēts
+state.current.prompt = Vienmēr jautāt
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (state.multichoice.alwaysAsk,
+# state.multichoice.allow,
+# state.multichoice.allowForSession,
+# state.multichoice.block):
+# Used to label permission state checkboxes in the page info dialog.
+state.multichoice.alwaysAsk = Vienmēr jautāt
+state.multichoice.allow = Atļaut
+state.multichoice.allowForSession = Atļaut šai sesijai
+state.multichoice.block = Bloķēt
+permission.cookie.label = Saglabāt sīkdatnes
+permission.desktop-notification3.label = Sūtīt paziņojumus = Izmantot kameru
+permission.microphone.label = Izmantot mikrofonu
+permission.screen.label = Koplietot ekrānu
+permission.install.label = Instalēt papildinājumus
+permission.popup.label = Atvērt jaunus logus
+permission.geo.label = Piekļūt jūsu atrašanās vietai
+permission.shortcuts.label = Pārrakstīt tastatūras saīsnes
+permission.focus-tab-by-prompt.label = Pāriet uz cilni
+permission.persistent-storage.label = Glabāt datus pastāvīgajā krātuvē
+permission.canvas.label = Izgūt canvas datus
+permission.midi.label = Piekļuve MIDI ierīcēm
+permission.midi-sysex.label = Piekļuve MIDI ierīcēm ar SysEx atbalstu
diff --git a/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5b3a4c3af
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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Several other strings are used (via Weave.Status.login), but they come from
+# /services/sync
+# Firefox Accounts based setup.
+continue.label = Turpināt
+relinkVerify.title = Sapludināšanas brīdinājums
+relinkVerify.heading = Vai tiešām vēlaties pieslēgties Sync?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (relinkVerify.description): Email address of a user previously signed into sync.
+relinkVerify.description = Iepriekš šī datora dati tika sinhronizēti ar cita lietotāja kontu. Pierakstīšanās sapludinās šī pārlūka grāmatzīmes, paroles un iestatījumus ar %S
diff --git a/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a19a0fcd56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+tabs.emptyTabTitle=Jauna cilne
+tabs.emptyPrivateTabTitle=Privātā pārlūkošana
+tabs.closeTab=Aizvērt cilni
+# This section applies when closing a window with more than one tab open,
+# or when quitting when only one window is open.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabs.closeTabsTitle):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# The singular form is not considered since this string is used only for
+# multiple tabs.
+tabs.closeButtonMultiple=Aizvērt cilnes
+# This section applies when quitting using the menu and multiple windows are open.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabs.closeTitleTabs):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# The forms for 0 or 1 items are not considered since this string is used only for
+# multiple windows. The %S replacement form will be replaced with the contents
+# Same as tabs.closeWindowsButton, but on Windows
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabs.closeTabsWithKeyTitle and closeTabsWithKeyButton):
+# This section applies when quitting using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd+Q)
+# Windows does not show a prompt on quit when using the keyboard shortcut by
+# default.
+# %S is replaced with brandShorterName
+# %S is replaced with brandShorterName
+tabs.closeTabsWithKeyButton=Aizvērt %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabs.closeTabsWithKeyConfirmCheckbox):
+# %S is replaced with the text of the keyboard shortcut for quitting.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabs.closeTabs.tooltip):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is the number of tabs that will be closed. This is ignored for the
+# single tab case in English, but can be used by other locales as necessary.
+tabs.closeTabs.tooltip=Aizvērt #1 cilnes; Aizvērt #1 cilni;Aizvērt #1 cilnes
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabs.muteAudio2.tooltip):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for "Mute tab".
+# #1 is the number of tabs that will be muted. This is ignored for the
+# single tab case in English, but can be used by other locales as necessary.
+tabs.muteAudio2.tooltip=Apklusināt #1 cilnes (%S);Apklusināt #1 cilni (%S);Apklusināt #1 cilnes (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabs.unmuteAudio2.tooltip):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for "Unmute tab".
+# #1 is the number of tabs that will be unmuted. This is ignored for the
+# single tab case in English, but can be used by other locales as necessary.
+tabs.unmuteAudio2.tooltip=Atļaut skaņu #1 cilnēm (%S);Atļaut skaņu #1 cilnei (%S);Atļaut skaņu #1 cilnēm (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabs.muteAudio2.background.tooltip):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is the number of tabs that will be muted. This is ignored for the
+# single tab case in English, but can be used by other locales as necessary.
+tabs.muteAudio2.background.tooltip=Apklusināt #1 cilnes;Apklusināt #1 cilni;Apklusināt #1 cilnes
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabs.unmuteAudio2.background.tooltip):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is the number of tabs that will be unmuted. This is ignored for the
+# single tab case in English, but can be used by other locales as necessary.
+tabs.unmuteAudio2.background.tooltip=Atjaunot skaņu #1 cilnēs;Atjaunot skaņu #1 cilnē;Atjaunot skaņu #1 cilnēs
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabs.unblockAudio2.tooltip):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is the number of tabs that will have their audio unblocked. This is ignored for the
+# single tab case in English, but can be used by other locales as necessary.
+tabs.unblockAudio2.tooltip=Atskaņot #1 cilnes;Atskaņot #1 cilni;Atskaņot #1 cilnes
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabs.containers.tooltip):
+# Displayed as a tooltip on container tabs
+# %1$S is the title of the current tab
+# %2$S is the name of the current container
+tabs.containers.tooltip=%1$S - %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabs.openWarningTitle, tabs.openWarningMultipleBranded, tabs.openButtonMultiple, tabs.openWarningPromptMeBranded):
+# These items are moved from chrome/browser/places/
+# Now they are not specific to bookmark.
+tabs.openWarningTitle=Apstipriniet atvēršanu
+tabs.openWarningMultipleBranded=Jūs tūdaļ atvērsiet %S cilnes. Tas var ievērojami iebremzēt %S, kamēr šīs lapas ielādējās. Vai vēlaties turpināt?
+tabs.openButtonMultiple=Atvērtās cilnes
+tabs.openWarningPromptMeBranded=Brīdināt mani, kad vairāku cilņu atvēršana var ievērojami iebremzēt %S
diff --git a/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97b17afab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+taskbar.tasks.newTab.label=Atvērt jaunu cilni
+taskbar.tasks.newTab.description=Open a new browser tab.
+taskbar.tasks.newWindow.label=Atvērt jaunu logu
+taskbar.tasks.newWindow.description=Open a new browser window.
+taskbar.tasks.newPrivateWindow.label=Jauns privātais logs
+taskbar.tasks.newPrivateWindow.description=Atvērt jaunu logu privātās pārlūkošanas režīmā.
diff --git a/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/translation.dtd b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/translation.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c0b4365f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/translation.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (translation.thisPageIsIn.label,
+ - translation.translateThisPage.label):
+ - These 2 strings are used to construct a sentence that contains a dropdown
+ - showing the detected language of the current web page.
+ - In en-US it looks like this:
+ - This page is in [detected language] Translate this page?
+ - "detected language" here is a language name coming from the
+ - global/ file; for some locales it may not be in
+ - the correct grammar case to keep the same structure of the original
+ - sentence. -->
+<!-- This file is only used by the Firefox Translations extension,
+ - and should be removed once possible.
+ - See: -->
+<!ENTITY translation.thisPageIsIn.label "Šī lapa ir">
+<!ENTITY translation.translateThisPage.label "Tulkot lapu?">
+<!ENTITY translation.translate.button "Tulkot">
+<!ENTITY translation.notNow.button "Ne tagad">
+<!ENTITY translation.translatingContent.label "Tulko lapas saturu…">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (translation.translatedFrom.label,
+ - translation.translatedTo.label,
+ - translation.translatedToSuffix.label):
+ - These 3 strings are used to construct a sentence that contains 2 dropdowns
+ - showing the source and target language of a translated web page.
+ - In en-US it looks like this:
+ - This page has been translated from [from language] to [to language]
+ - "from language" and "to language" here are language names coming from the
+ - global/ file; for some locales they may not be in
+ - the correct grammar case to keep the same structure of the original
+ - sentence.
+ -
+ - translation.translatedToSuffix.label (empty in en-US) is for locales that
+ - need to display some text after the second drop down for the sentence to
+ - be grammatically correct. -->
+<!ENTITY translation.translatedFrom.label "Šī lapa ir iztulkota no">
+<!ENTITY translation.translatedTo.label "uz">
+<!ENTITY translation.translatedToSuffix.label "">
+<!ENTITY translation.showOriginal.button "Rādīt sākotnējo">
+<!ENTITY translation.showTranslation.button "Rādīt tulkojumu">
+<!ENTITY translation.errorTranslating.label "Tulkojot lapu notikusi kļūda.">
+<!ENTITY translation.tryAgain.button "Mēģināt vēlreiz">
+<!ENTITY translation.serviceUnavailable.label "Tulkošana šobrīd nav pieejama. Lūdzu mēģiniet vēlreiz nedaudz vēlāk.">
+<!ENTITY "Iestatījumi">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (translation.options.neverForSite.accesskey,
+ - translation.options.preferences.accesskey):
+ - The accesskey values used here should not clash with the value used for
+ - translation.options.neverForLanguage.accesskey in
+ -->
+<!ENTITY translation.options.neverForSite.label "Nekad netulkot šo lapu">
+<!ENTITY translation.options.neverForSite.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY translation.options.preferences.label "Tulkošanas iestatījumi">
+<!ENTITY translation.options.preferences.accesskey "T">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (translation.options.attribution.beforeLogo,
+ - translation.options.attribution.afterLogo):
+ - These 2 strings are displayed before and after a 'Microsoft Translator'
+ - logo.
+ -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (translation.options.attribution.poweredByYandex,
+ translation.options.attribution.beforeLogo,
+ - translation.options.attribution.afterLogo):
+ - translation.options.attribution.poweredByYandex is displayed instead of
+ - the other two strings when yandex translation engine is preferred by the
+ - user.
+ -->
diff --git a/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..650c591ac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (translation.options.neverForLanguage.label):
+# %S is a language name coming from the global/ file.
+translation.options.neverForLanguage.label=Nekad netulkot %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (translation.options.neverForLanguage.accesskey):
+# The accesskey value used here should not clash with the values used for
+# translation.options.*.accesskey in translation.dtd
diff --git a/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e99e4bd5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+uiDensity.menuitem-touch.acceltext=Planšetes režīms ir aktivēts
diff --git a/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24eb5193d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE This file contains the webrtc global indicator strings
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webrtcIndicator.windowtitle): %S is the brand name (e.g. Firefox).
+# This string is used so that the window has a title in tools that enumerate/look for window
+# titles. It is not normally visible anywhere.
+webrtcIndicator.windowtitle = %S - Koplietošanas indikators
+webrtcIndicator.sharingCameraAndMicrophone.tooltip = Jūsu kamera un mikrofons tiek koplietoti. Klikšķiniet, lai kontrolētu koplietošanu.
+webrtcIndicator.sharingCamera.tooltip = Jūsu kamera tiek koplietot. Klikšķiniet, lai kontrolētu koplietošanu.
+webrtcIndicator.sharingMicrophone.tooltip = Jūsu mikrofons tiek koplietots. Klikšķiniet, lai kontrolētu koplietošanu.
+webrtcIndicator.sharingApplication.tooltip = Jūsu lietotne tiek koplietota. Klikšķiniet, lai kontrolētu koplietošanu.
+webrtcIndicator.sharingScreen.tooltip = Jūsu ekrāns tiek koplietots. Klikšķiniet, lai kontrolētu koplietošanu.
+webrtcIndicator.sharingWindow.tooltip = Jūsu logs tiek koplietots. Klikšķiniet, lai kontrolētu koplietošanu.
+webrtcIndicator.sharingBrowser.tooltip = Jūsu logs tiek koplietots. Klikšķiniet, lai kontrolētu koplietošanu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : The following strings are only used on Mac for
+# menus attached to icons near the clock on the mac menubar.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webrtcIndicator.sharing*With.menuitem):
+# %S is the title of the tab using the share.
+webrtcIndicator.sharingCameraWith.menuitem = Koplieto kameru ar "%S"
+webrtcIndicator.sharingMicrophoneWith.menuitem = Koplieto mikrofonu ar "%S"
+webrtcIndicator.sharingApplicationWith.menuitem = Koplieto lietotni ar "%S"
+webrtcIndicator.sharingScreenWith.menuitem = Koplieto ekrānu ar "%S"
+webrtcIndicator.sharingWindowWith.menuitem = Koplieto logu ar "%S"
+webrtcIndicator.sharingBrowserWith.menuitem = Koplieto cilni ar “%S”
+webrtcIndicator.controlSharing.menuitem = Kontrolēt koplietošanu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webrtcIndicator.sharingCameraWithNTabs.menuitem):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+webrtcIndicator.sharingCameraWithNTabs.menuitem = Koplieto kameru ar #1 cilnēm;Koplieto kameru ar #1 cilni;Koplieto kameru ar #1 cilnēm
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webrtcIndicator.sharingMicrophoneWithNTabs.menuitem):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+webrtcIndicator.sharingMicrophoneWithNTabs.menuitem = Koplieto mikrofonu ar #1 cilnēm;Koplieto mikrofonu ar #1 cilni;Koplieto mikrofonu ar #1 cilnēm
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webrtcIndicator.sharingApplicationWithNTabs.menuitem):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+webrtcIndicator.sharingApplicationWithNTabs.menuitem = Koplieto lietotni ar #1 cilnēm;Koplieto lietotni ar #1 cilni;Koplieto lietotni ar #1 cilnēm
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webrtcIndicator.sharingScreenWithNTabs.menuitem):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+webrtcIndicator.sharingScreenWithNTabs.menuitem = Koplieto ekrānu ar #1 cilnēm;Koplieto ekrānu ar #1 cilni;Koplieto ekrānu ar #1 cilnēm
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webrtcIndicator.sharingWindowWithNTabs.menuitem):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+webrtcIndicator.sharingWindowWithNTabs.menuitem = Koplieto logu ar #1 cilnēm;Koplieto logu ar #1 cilni;Koplieto logu ar #1 cilnēm
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webrtcIndicator.sharingBrowserWithNTabs.menuitem):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# This message is shown when the contents of a tab is shared during a WebRTC
+# session, which currently is only possible with Loop/Hello.
+webrtcIndicator.sharingBrowserWithNTabs.menuitem = Koplieto cilni ar #1 cilnēm;Koplieto cilni ar #1 cilni;Koplieto cilni ar #1 cilnēm
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webrtcIndicator.controlSharingOn.menuitem):
+# %S is the title of the tab using the share.
+webrtcIndicator.controlSharingOn.menuitem = Kontrolēt koplietošanu ar "%S"
diff --git a/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/overrides/ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/overrides/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b9b93c114d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/overrides/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+malformedURI2=Lūdzu pārliecinieties, ka adrese ir pareiza un mēģiniet vēlreiz.
+fileNotFound=Firefox nevar atrast failu %S.
+fileAccessDenied=Fails %S nav pieejams.
+dnsNotFound2=Nevar savienoties ar serveri %S.
+unknownProtocolFound=Firefox nezina kā atvērt šo adresi, jo viens no protokoliem (%S) nav saistīs ar nevienu programmu vai arī nav atļauts šajā kontekstā.
+connectionFailure=Savienojums tika atteikts, mēģinot sazināties ar %S.
+netInterrupt=Savienojums ar %S tika pārtraukts lapas ielādes laikā.
+netTimeout=Gaidot servera %S atbildi, iestājies noilgums.
+redirectLoop=Pārsniegts pārvirzes limits šim URL. Nav iespējams ielādēt pieprasīto lapu. To var izraisīt bloķētas sīkdatnes.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (confirmRepostPrompt): In this item, don’t translate "%S"
+confirmRepostPrompt=Lai parādītu šo lapu, %S ir vēlreiz jānosūta informācija, kas izraisīs atkārtotu darbību (piemēram, meklēšanu vai pasūtījuma apstiprinājumu).
+resendButton.label=Sūtīt vēlreiz
+unknownSocketType=Firefox nezina, kā sazināties ar serveri.
+netReset=Nav datu - savienojums ar serveri tika pārtraukts lapas ielādes laikā.
+notCached=Šis dokuments vairs nav pieejams.
+netOffline=Firefox šobrīd ir bezsaistes režīmā un nevar atvērt šo lapu.
+isprinting=Dokumentu nevar izmainīt, kamēr tas tiek drukāts vai priekšskatīts.
+deniedPortAccess=Drošības apsvērumu dēļ pieeja šim porta numuram nav atļauta.
+proxyResolveFailure=Neizdevās atrast jūsu norādīto starpniekserveri.
+proxyConnectFailure=Neizdevās pieslēgties jūsu norādītajam starpniekserverim. Lūdzu, pārbaudiet starpniekservera iestatījumus un mēģiniet vēlreiz.
+contentEncodingError=Lapu, kuru jūs mēģināt aplūkot, nevar parādīt, jo tā izmanto nekorektu vai neatbalstītu kompresijas formu.
+unsafeContentType=Lapu, kuru jūs mēģināt aplūkot, nevar parādīt, jo tā satur faila tipu, ko nav droši atvērt. Lūdzu, sazinieties ar lapas autoriem un informējiet viņus par šo problēmu.
+externalProtocolTitle=Ārējs protokola pieprasījums
+externalProtocolPrompt=Lai apstrādātu %1$S: saites, jāpalaiž kāda ārēja programma.\n\n\nPieprasītā saite:\n\n%2$S\n\nProgramma: %3$S\n\n\nJa jūs negaidījāt šādu pieprasījumu, šis varētu būt mēģinājums izmantot drošības ievainojamību norādītajā programmā. Atceliet šī pieprasījuma izpildi, ja šaubāties par tā drošību.\n
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (externalProtocolUnknown): The following string is shown if the application name can't be determined
+externalProtocolChkMsg=Atcerēties manu izvēli visām šāda veida saitēm.
+externalProtocolLaunchBtn=Palaist programmu
+malwareBlocked=Lietotāji lapu %S ir atzīmējuši kā bīstamu kaitnieku lapu. Balstoties uz jūsu drošības iestatījumiem, šī lapa ir bloķēta.
+harmfulBlocked=Lietotāji lapu %S ir atzīmējuši kā bīstamu kaitnieku lapu. Balstoties uz jūsu drošības iestatījumiem, šī lapa tika bloķēta.
+unwantedBlocked=Lietotāji lapu %S ir atzīmējuši kā bīstamu maldību programmu lapu. Balstoties uz jūsu drošības iestatījumiem, šī lapa ir bloķēta.
+deceptiveBlocked=Lietotāji lapu %S ir atzīmējuši kā maldinošu. Balstoties uz jūsu drošības iestatījumiem, šī lapa ir bloķēta.
+cspBlocked=Šīs lapas drošības politika liedz to ielādēt korekti.\u0020
+corruptedContentErrorv2=Lapa %S saskārās ar tīkla protokola pārkāpumu, ko nav iespējams salabot.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (sslv3Used) - Do not translate "%S".
+sslv3Used=Šī aplikācija nevar garantēt jūsu datu drošību %S, jo tā izmanto bojātu drošības protokolu SSLv3
+inadequateSecurityError=Lapa mēģināja vienoties par neadekvātu drošības līmeni.
+blockedByPolicy=Jūsu organizācija ir bloķējusi piekļuvi šai lapai.
+networkProtocolError=Firefox ir pieredzējis tīkla protokola pārkāpumu, kuru nevar labot.
diff --git a/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/overrides/netError.dtd b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/overrides/netError.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..371829299d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/browser/chrome/overrides/netError.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY % brandDTD SYSTEM "chrome://branding/locale/brand.dtd">
+<!ENTITY loadError.label "Problēma ar lapas ielādi">
+<!ENTITY retry.label "Mēģināt vēlreiz">
+<!ENTITY returnToPreviousPage.label "Iet atpakaļ">
+<!ENTITY returnToPreviousPage1.label "Iet atpakaļ (ieteicams)">
+<!ENTITY viewCertificate.label "Aplūkot sertifikātu">
+<!-- Specific error messages -->
+<!ENTITY connectionFailure.longDesc "&sharedLongDesc;">
+<!ENTITY deniedPortAccess.longDesc "">
+<!ENTITY dnsNotFound.pageTitle "Serveris nav atrasts">
+<!ENTITY dnsNotFound.longDesc1 "
+<strong>Ja lapas adrese ir pareiza, šīs ir dažas papildu lietas, ko varat izmēģināt:</strong>
+ <li>Pamēģiniet pieslēgties vēlreiz nedaudz vēlāk.</li>
+ <li>Pārbaudiet savu tīkla savienojumu.</li>
+ <li>Ja jūsu savienojumu aizsargā ugunsmūris, pārliecinieties, ka &brandShortName; ir nepieciešamās tiesības piekļūt internetam.</li>
+<!ENTITY fileNotFound.longDesc "<ul> <li>Pārbaudiet, vai faila vārds ir uzrakstīts pareizi un ar pareizā lieluma burtiem.</li> <li>Pārliecinieties, ka fails nav pārvietots, pārsaukts vai izdzēsts.</li> </ul>">
+<!ENTITY fileAccessDenied.longDesc "<ul> <li>Tas varētu būt aizvākts, pārvietots vai arī faila piekļuves tiesības liedz piekļuvi tam.</li> </ul>">
+<!ENTITY generic.longDesc "<p>Kāda nezināma iemesla dēļ &brandShortName; nevar atvērt šo lapu.</p>">
+<!ENTITY captivePortal.title "Pieteikšanās tīklā">
+<!ENTITY captivePortal.longDesc2 "<p>Pieslēdzieties tīklam, lai piekļūtu Internetam.</p>">
+<!ENTITY openPortalLoginPage.label2 "Atvērt tīkla pieslēgšanās lapu">
+<!ENTITY malformedURI.pageTitle "Nederīga adrese">
+<!ENTITY netInterrupt.longDesc "&sharedLongDesc;">
+<!ENTITY notCached.longDesc "<p>Pieprasītais dokuments vairs nav pieejams &brandShortName; kešatmiņā.</p><ul><li>Drošības apsvērumu dēļ, &brandShortName; neveic sensitīvu dokumentu automātisku atkārtotu pieprasīšanu.</li><li>Klikšķiniet uz Mēģināt vēlreiz, lai atkārtoti pieprasītu šo dokumentu no mājas lapas.</li></ul>">
+<!ENTITY netOffline.longDesc2 "<ul> <li>Nospiediet &quot;Mēģināt vēlreiz&quot; lai pārslēgtos uz tiešsaistes režīmu un pārlādētu lapu.</li> </ul>">
+<!ENTITY contentEncodingError.longDesc "<ul> <li>Lūdzu, informējiet mājas lapas īpašniekus par šo problēmu.</li> </ul>">
+<!ENTITY unsafeContentType.longDesc "<ul> <li>Lūdzu, informējiet mājas lapas īpašniekus par šo problēmu.</li> </ul>">
+<!ENTITY netReset.longDesc "&sharedLongDesc;">
+<!ENTITY netTimeout.longDesc "&sharedLongDesc;">
+<!ENTITY unknownProtocolFound.longDesc "<ul> <li>Iespējams, jums jāuzinstalē kāda cita programma, lai apstrādātu šī tipa adreses.</li> </ul>">
+<!ENTITY proxyConnectFailure.longDesc "<ul> <li>Pārbaudiet starpniekservera (proxy) iestatījumus.</li> <li>Sazinieties ar savu tīkla administratoru, lai pārliecinātos, ka starpniekserveris strādā korekti.</li> </ul>">
+<!ENTITY proxyResolveFailure.longDesc "<ul> <li>Pārbaudiet starpniekservera (proxy) iestatījumus.</li> <li>Pārliecinieties, ka datoram ir strādājošs tīkla savienojums.</li> <li>Ja jūsu datu aizsardzībai tiek izmantots ugunsmūris, pārliecinieties, ka &brandShortName; ir atļauts piekļūt tīmeklim.</li> </ul>">
+<!ENTITY redirectLoop.longDesc "<ul> <li>Šo problēmu reizēm var atrisināt, deaktivējot sīkdatnes vai nepieņemot tās no šīs lapas.</li> </ul>">
+<!ENTITY unknownSocketType.longDesc "<ul> <li>Pārliecinieties, ka jums ir instalēts Personiskās drošības pārvaldnieks.</li> <li>Iemesls var būt arī nestandarta servera konfigurācija.</li> </ul>">
+<!ENTITY nssFailure2.longDesc2 "<ul> <li>Lapu, kuru jūs šobrīd mēģināt aplūkot, nevar parādīt, jo nevar pārbaudīt tās nosūtīto datu autentiskumu.</li> <li>Lūdzu, sazinieties ar lapas īpašniekiem un informējiet viņus par šo problēmu.</li> </ul>">
+<!ENTITY certerror.introPara2 "&brandShortName; atklāja potenciālus draudus drošībai un nepārgāja uz <span class='hostname'/>. Ja apmeklējat šo vietni, uzbrucēji varētu mēģināt nozagt informāciju, piemēram, jūsu paroles, e-pastus vai kredītkartes datus.">
+<!ENTITY certerror.sts.introPara "&brandShortName; konstatēja potenciālus drošības draudus un nedevās uz <span class='hostname'/>, jo šai vietnei vajadzīgs drošs savienojums.">
+<!ENTITY certerror.expiredCert.introPara "&brandShortName; konstatēja problēmu un nedevās uz <span class='hostname'/>. Mājas lapa ir nepareizi konfigurēta vai datora pulkstenis ir iestatīts nepareizā laikā.">
+<!ENTITY certerror.expiredCert.secondPara2 "Iespējams, ka vietnes sertifikāta derīguma termiņš ir beidzies, un tas neļauj &brandShortName; droši savienoties. Ja apmeklēsiet šo vietni, uzbrucēji varētu mēģināt nozagt informāciju, piemēram, jūsu paroles, epastus vai kredītkartes datus.">
+<!ENTITY certerror.expiredCert.sts.secondPara "Iespējams, ka vietnes sertifikāta derīguma termiņš ir beidzies, un tas neļauj &brandShortName; droši savienoties.">
+<!ENTITY certerror.whatCanYouDoAboutItTitle "Ko jūs varat darīt?">
+<!ENTITY certerror.unknownIssuer.whatCanYouDoAboutIt "
+<p>Problēma visdrīzāk ir saistīta ar mājas lapu un jūs neko nevarat darīt, lai to atrisinātu.</p>
+<p>Ja izmantojat uzņēmuma tīklu vai pretvīrusu programmu, varat lūgt palīdzīgu lietotāju atbalsta nodaļai. Tāpat varat ziņot lapas īpašniekiem par šo problēmu.</p>">
+<!ENTITY certerror.expiredCert.whatCanYouDoAboutIt2 "<p>Jūsu datora pulkstenis ir iestatīts uz <span id='wrongSystemTime_systemDate2'/>. Pārliecinieties, vai jūsu sistēmas iestatījumos ir iestatīts pareizais datums, laiks un laika josla, un pēc tam atsvaidziniet <span class='hostname'/>.</p>
+<p>Ja jūsu pulkstenis jau ir iestatīts pareizajā laikā, iespējams, ka vietne ir nepareizi konfigurēta, un jūs nevarat neko darīt, lai atrisinātu problēmu. Jūs varat informēt vietnes administratoru par problēmu.</p>">
+<!ENTITY certerror.badCertDomain.whatCanYouDoAboutIt "<p>Visdrīzāk šī ir lapas problēma un vienīgais ko jūs varat darīt ir ziņot lapas administratoram par šo problēmu.</p>">
+<!ENTITY sharedLongDesc "<ul> <li>Lapa var būt īslaicīgi nepieejama vai pārāk aizņemta. Mēģiniet vēlreiz pēc pāris minūtēm.</li> <li>Ja nevarat atvērt nevienu lapu, pārbaudiet sava datora tīkla savienojumu.</li> <li>Ja jūsu datu aizsardzībai tiek izmantots ugunsmūris, pārliecinieties, ka &brandShortName; ir atļauts piekļūt tīmeklim.</li> </ul>">
+<!ENTITY cspBlocked.longDesc "<p>&brandShortName; liedza šīs lapas ielādi, jo tās drošības politika to neļauj.</p>">
+<!ENTITY corruptedContentErrorv2.longDesc "<p>Lappuse, kuru mēģināt skatīt nevar parādīt, jo tika atrasta kļūda datu pārraidi.</p><ul><li>Lūdzu, sazinieties ar mājas īpašniekiem, lai informētu viņus par šo problēmu.</li></ul>">
+<!ENTITY securityOverride.exceptionButton1Label "Pieņemt risku un turpināt">
+<!ENTITY errorReporting.automatic2 "Ziņojiet par šādām kļūdām Mozilla, lai varētu identificēt un bloķēt kaitnieciskas lapas">
+<!ENTITY errorReporting.learnMore "Uzzināt vairāk…">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (sslv3Used.longDesc2) - Do not translate
+<!ENTITY sslv3Used.longDesc2 "Papildus informācija: ssl_error_unsupported_version">
+<!ENTITY certerror.pagetitle2 "Brīdinājums: Potenciāls drošības risks">
+<!ENTITY certerror.sts.pagetitle "Netika izveidots savienojums: potenciāla drošības problēma">
+<!ENTITY certerror.whatShouldIDo.badStsCertExplanation1 "<span class='hostname'></span> izmanto drošības politiku, ko sauc HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), kas nozīmē, ka &brandShortName; var lapai pieslēgties lapai tikai drošajā režīmā. Jūs nevarat pievienot izņēmumu, lai apmeklētu šo lapu.">
+<!ENTITY certerror.copyToClipboard.label "Kopēt tekstu atmiņā">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (inadequateSecurityError.longDesc) - Do not translate
+<!ENTITY inadequateSecurityError.longDesc "<p><span class='hostname'></span> izmanto novecojušu un nedrošu drošības tehnoloģiju. Uzbrucējs varētu piekļūt informācijai, kuru uzskatījāt par droši aizsargātu. Lapas administratoram vajadzēs salabot serveri, pirms varēsiet apmeklē lapu.</p><p>Kļūdas kods: NS_ERROR_NET_INADEQUATE_SECURITY</p>">
+<!ENTITY blockedByPolicy.title "Bloķēta lapa">
+<!ENTITY clockSkewError.longDesc "Jūsu dators uzskata, ka tas ir <span id='wrongSystemTime_systemDate1'/>, kas neļauj &brandShortName; droši savienoties. Lai apmeklētu <span class='hostname'></span>, atjauniniet sava datora pulksteni jūsu sistēmas iestatījumos uz pašreizējo datumu, laiku un laika joslu un pēc tam atsvaidziniet <span class='hostname'></span>.">
+<!ENTITY prefReset.longDesc "Izskatās, ka jūsu tīkla drošības iestatījumi varētu bū pie vainas. Vai vēlaties atjaunot noklusētos iestatījumus?">
+<!ENTITY prefReset.label "Atjaunot noklusētos iestatījumus">
+<!ENTITY networkProtocolError.longDesc "<p>Lapu, kuru mēģināt skatīt, nevar tikt parādīta, jo tika konstatēta tīkla protokola kļūda.</p><ul><li>Lūdzu, sazinieties ar vietņu īpašniekiem, lai informētu viņus par šo problēmu.</li></ul>">