path: root/l10n-zh-CN/mail/messenger/messenger.ftl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-zh-CN/mail/messenger/messenger.ftl b/l10n-zh-CN/mail/messenger/messenger.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4db16d4a07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-zh-CN/mail/messenger/messenger.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Window controls
+messenger-window-minimize-button =
+ .tooltiptext = 最小化
+messenger-window-maximize-button =
+ .tooltiptext = 最大化
+messenger-window-restore-down-button =
+ .tooltiptext = 向下还原
+messenger-window-close-button =
+ .tooltiptext = 关闭
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - Number of unread messages.
+unread-messages-os-tooltip =
+ { $count ->
+ *[other] { $count } 条未读消息
+ }
+about-rights-notification-text = { -brand-short-name } 是一款自由且开源的软件,由来自世界各地数千位成员组成的社区所构建。
+## Content tabs
+content-tab-page-loading-icon =
+ .alt = 页面加载中
+content-tab-security-high-icon =
+ .alt = 连接是安全的
+content-tab-security-broken-icon =
+ .alt = 连接不安全
+## Toolbar
+addons-and-themes-toolbarbutton =
+ .label = 扩展和主题
+ .tooltiptext = 管理您的附加组件
+quick-filter-toolbarbutton =
+ .label = 快速筛选
+ .tooltiptext = 筛选消息
+redirect-msg-button =
+ .label = 重定向
+ .tooltiptext = 将选择的消息重定向
+## Folder Pane
+folder-pane-toolbar =
+ .toolbarname = 文件夹窗格工具栏
+ .accesskey = F
+folder-pane-toolbar-options-button =
+ .tooltiptext = 文件夹窗格选项
+folder-pane-header-label = 文件夹
+## Folder Toolbar Header Popup
+folder-toolbar-hide-toolbar-toolbarbutton =
+ .label = 隐藏工具栏
+ .accesskey = H
+show-all-folders-label =
+ .label = 全部文件夹
+ .accesskey = A
+show-unread-folders-label =
+ .label = 未读文件夹
+ .accesskey = n
+show-favorite-folders-label =
+ .label = 收藏夹
+ .accesskey = F
+show-smart-folders-label =
+ .label = 统一文件夹
+ .accesskey = U
+show-recent-folders-label =
+ .label = 最近文件夹
+ .accesskey = R
+folder-toolbar-toggle-folder-compact-view =
+ .label = 紧凑模式
+ .accesskey = C
+## Menu
+redirect-msg-menuitem =
+ .label = 重定向
+ .accesskey = D
+menu-file-save-as-file =
+ .label = 文件…
+ .accesskey = F
+## AppMenu
+appmenu-save-as-file =
+ .label = 文件…
+appmenu-settings =
+ .label = 设置
+appmenu-addons-and-themes =
+ .label = 扩展和主题
+appmenu-help-enter-troubleshoot-mode =
+ .label = 排障模式…
+appmenu-help-exit-troubleshoot-mode =
+ .label = 关闭故障排除模式
+appmenu-help-more-troubleshooting-info =
+ .label = 更多排障信息
+appmenu-redirect-msg =
+ .label = 重定向
+## Context menu
+context-menu-redirect-msg =
+ .label = 重定向
+mail-context-delete-messages =
+ .label =
+ { $count ->
+ *[other] 删除选择的消息?
+ }
+context-menu-decrypt-to-folder =
+ .label = 复制解密消息到
+ .accesskey = y
+## Message header pane
+other-action-redirect-msg =
+ .label = 重定向
+message-header-msg-flagged =
+ .title = 已加星标
+ .aria-label = 已加星标
+# Variables:
+# $address (String) - The email address of the recipient this picture belongs to.
+message-header-recipient-avatar =
+ .alt = { $address } 的头像。
+## Message header cutomize panel
+message-header-customize-panel-title = 消息标题设置
+message-header-customize-button-style =
+ .value = 按钮样式
+ .accesskey = B
+message-header-button-style-default =
+ .label = 图标和文本
+message-header-button-style-text =
+ .label = 文本
+message-header-button-style-icons =
+ .label = 图标
+message-header-show-sender-full-address =
+ .label = 始终显示发件人的完整地址
+ .accesskey = f
+message-header-show-recipient-avatar =
+ .label = 显示发件人头像
+ .accesskey = p
+message-header-hide-label-column =
+ .label = 隐藏标签列
+ .accesskey = I
+message-header-large-subject =
+ .label = 放大主题
+ .accesskey = s
+## Action Button Context Menu
+toolbar-context-menu-manage-extension =
+ .label = 管理扩展
+ .accesskey = E
+toolbar-context-menu-remove-extension =
+ .label = 移除扩展
+ .accesskey = v
+## Add-on removal warning
+# Variables:
+# $name (String): The name of the addon that will be removed.
+addon-removal-title = 要移除 { $name } 吗?
+addon-removal-confirmation-button = 移除
+addon-removal-confirmation-message = 要从 { -brand-short-name } 中移除 { $name } 及其配置和数据吗?
+caret-browsing-prompt-title = 光标浏览
+caret-browsing-prompt-text = 按 F7 来启用或禁用光标浏览。此功能将在某些内容中放置一个可移动的光标,以便您能使用键盘选择文本。您想要启用光标浏览吗?
+caret-browsing-prompt-check-text = 不再询问。
+repair-text-encoding-button =
+ .label = 修复文字编码
+ .tooltiptext = 根据消息内容猜测正确的文字编码
+## no-reply handling
+no-reply-title = 不支持回复
+no-reply-message = 邮件的回复地址({ $email })看起来不像是有人会收件的地址。发送到此地址的邮件,不大可能被人阅读。
+no-reply-reply-anyway-button = 仍然回复
+## error messages
+decrypt-and-copy-failures = 共计 { $total } 条消息,有 { $failures } 条因解密失败而未复制。
+## Spaces toolbar
+spaces-toolbar-element =
+ .toolbarname = 侧工具栏
+ .aria-label = 侧工具栏
+ .aria-description = 用于切换各种功能的垂直工具栏(支持方向键)。
+spaces-toolbar-button-mail2 =
+ .title = 邮件
+spaces-toolbar-button-address-book2 =
+ .title = 通讯录
+spaces-toolbar-button-calendar2 =
+ .title = 日历
+spaces-toolbar-button-tasks2 =
+ .title = 任务
+spaces-toolbar-button-chat2 =
+ .title = 聊天
+spaces-toolbar-button-overflow =
+ .title = 更多按钮…
+spaces-toolbar-button-settings2 =
+ .title = 设置
+spaces-toolbar-button-hide =
+ .title = 隐藏侧工具栏
+spaces-toolbar-button-show =
+ .title = 显示侧工具栏
+spaces-context-new-tab-item =
+ .label = 新建标签页打开
+spaces-context-new-window-item =
+ .label = 新建窗口打开
+# Variables:
+# $tabName (String) - The name of the tab this item will switch to.
+spaces-context-switch-tab-item =
+ .label = 切换到 { $tabName }
+settings-context-open-settings-item2 =
+ .label = 设置
+settings-context-open-account-settings-item2 =
+ .label = 账户设置
+settings-context-open-addons-item2 =
+ .label = 扩展和主题
+## Spaces toolbar pinned tab menupopup
+spaces-toolbar-pinned-tab-button =
+ .tooltiptext = 打开侧工具菜单
+spaces-pinned-button-menuitem-mail2 =
+ .label = { spaces-toolbar-button-mail2.title }
+spaces-pinned-button-menuitem-address-book2 =
+ .label = { spaces-toolbar-button-address-book2.title }
+spaces-pinned-button-menuitem-calendar2 =
+ .label = { spaces-toolbar-button-calendar2.title }
+spaces-pinned-button-menuitem-tasks2 =
+ .label = { spaces-toolbar-button-tasks2.title }
+spaces-pinned-button-menuitem-chat2 =
+ .label = { spaces-toolbar-button-chat2.title }
+spaces-pinned-button-menuitem-settings2 =
+ .label = { spaces-toolbar-button-settings2.title }
+spaces-pinned-button-menuitem-show =
+ .label = { spaces-toolbar-button-show.title }
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - Number of unread messages.
+chat-button-unread-messages = { $count }
+ .title =
+ { $count ->
+ *[other] { $count } 条未读消息
+ }
+## Spaces toolbar customize panel
+menuitem-customize-label =
+ .label = 定制…
+spaces-customize-panel-title = 侧工具栏设置
+spaces-customize-background-color = 背景颜色
+spaces-customize-icon-color = 按钮颜色
+# The background color used on the buttons of the spaces toolbar when they are
+# `current`, meaning the related space/tab is active and visible.
+spaces-customize-accent-background-color = 选定按钮的背景颜色
+# The icon color used on the buttons of the spaces toolbar when they are
+# `current`, meaning the related space/tab is active and visible.
+spaces-customize-accent-text-color = 选定按钮的颜色
+spaces-customize-button-restore = 恢复默认设置
+ .accesskey = R
+customize-panel-button-save = 完成
+ .accesskey = D