path: root/l10n-zh-TW/mail/messenger/messengercompose/messengercompose.ftl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 453 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-zh-TW/mail/messenger/messengercompose/messengercompose.ftl b/l10n-zh-TW/mail/messenger/messengercompose/messengercompose.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..407a295a34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-zh-TW/mail/messenger/messengercompose/messengercompose.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Send Format
+compose-send-format-menu =
+ .label = 寄件格式
+ .accesskey = F
+compose-send-auto-menu-item =
+ .label = 自動
+ .accesskey = A
+compose-send-both-menu-item =
+ .label = 同時寄出 HTML 與純文字
+ .accesskey = B
+compose-send-html-menu-item =
+ .label = 僅 HTML
+ .accesskey = H
+compose-send-plain-menu-item =
+ .label = 僅純文字
+ .accesskey = P
+## Addressing widget
+# $type (String) - the type of the addressing row
+remove-address-row-button =
+ .title = 移除 { $type } 欄位
+# $type (String) - the type of the addressing row
+# $count (Number) - the number of address pills currently present in the addressing row
+address-input-type-aria-label =
+ { $count ->
+ [0] { $type }
+ *[other] { $type } 有 { $count } 個地址,使用鍵盤左方向鍵移動到該項目。
+ }
+# $email (String) - the email address
+# $count (Number) - the number of address pills currently present in the addressing row
+pill-aria-label =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] { $email }: 按 Enter 編輯、按 Delete 刪除。
+ *[other] { $email },第 1 筆,共 { $count } 筆: 按 Enter 編輯、按 Delete 刪除。
+ }
+# $email (String) - the email address
+pill-tooltip-invalid-address = { $email } 不是有效的電子郵件地址
+# $email (String) - the email address
+pill-tooltip-not-in-address-book = { $email } 不在您的通訊錄中
+pill-action-edit =
+ .label = 編輯地址
+ .accesskey = e
+# $type (String) - the type of the addressing row, e.g. Cc, Bcc, etc.
+pill-action-select-all-sibling-pills =
+ .label = 選擇所有{ $type }地址
+ .accesskey = A
+pill-action-select-all-pills =
+ .label = 選擇所有地址
+ .accesskey = S
+pill-action-move-to =
+ .label = 移到收件者
+ .accesskey = t
+pill-action-move-cc =
+ .label = 移到副本
+ .accesskey = c
+pill-action-move-bcc =
+ .label = 移到密件副本
+ .accesskey = b
+pill-action-expand-list =
+ .label = 展開清單
+ .accesskey = x
+## Attachment widget
+ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] ⇧ ⌘{ " " }
+ *[other] Ctrl+Shift+
+ }
+trigger-attachment-picker-key = A
+toggle-attachment-pane-key = M
+menuitem-toggle-attachment-pane =
+ .label = 附件窗格
+ .accesskey = m
+ .acceltext = { ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }
+toolbar-button-add-attachment =
+ .label = 附件
+ .tooltiptext = 新增附件({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key })
+add-attachment-notification-reminder2 =
+ .label = 新增附件…
+ .accesskey = A
+ .tooltiptext = { toolbar-button-add-attachment.tooltiptext }
+menuitem-attach-files =
+ .label = 檔案…
+ .accesskey = F
+ .acceltext = { ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }
+context-menuitem-attach-files =
+ .label = 附加檔案…
+ .accesskey = F
+ .acceltext = { ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }
+# Note: Do not translate the term 'vCard'.
+context-menuitem-attach-vcard =
+ .label = 我的 vCard
+ .accesskey = C
+context-menuitem-attach-openpgp-key =
+ .label = 我的 OpenPGP 公鑰
+ .accesskey = K
+# $count (Number) - the number of attachments in the attachment bucket
+attachment-bucket-count-value =
+ { $count ->
+ [1] { $count } 個附件
+ *[other] { $count } 個附件
+ }
+attachment-area-show =
+ .title = 顯示附件窗格({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key })
+attachment-area-hide =
+ .title = 隱藏附件窗格({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key })
+drop-file-label-attachment =
+ { $count ->
+ *[other] 新增為附件
+ }
+drop-file-label-inline =
+ { $count ->
+ *[other] 加到行內
+ }
+## Reorder Attachment Panel
+move-attachment-first-panel-button =
+ .label = 移到第一個
+move-attachment-left-panel-button =
+ .label = 移到左邊
+move-attachment-right-panel-button =
+ .label = 移到右邊
+move-attachment-last-panel-button =
+ .label = 移到最後一個
+button-return-receipt =
+ .label = 收件回執
+ .tooltiptext = 要求對方收信後寄發回執
+## Encryption
+encryption-menu =
+ .label = 安全性
+ .accesskey = c
+encryption-toggle =
+ .label = 加密
+ .tooltiptext = 對此訊息進行端到端加密
+encryption-options-openpgp =
+ .label = OpenPGP
+ .tooltiptext = 檢視或變更 OpenPGP 加密設定
+encryption-options-smime =
+ .label = S/MIME
+ .tooltiptext = 檢視或變更 S/MIME 加密設定
+signing-toggle =
+ .label = 簽署
+ .tooltiptext = 對此訊息進行數位簽署
+menu-openpgp =
+ .label = OpenPGP
+ .accesskey = O
+menu-smime =
+ .label = S/MIME
+ .accesskey = S
+menu-encrypt =
+ .label = 加密
+ .accesskey = E
+menu-encrypt-subject =
+ .label = 加密主旨
+ .accesskey = B
+menu-sign =
+ .label = 數位簽署
+ .accesskey = i
+menu-manage-keys =
+ .label = 金鑰助理
+ .accesskey = A
+menu-view-certificates =
+ .label = 檢視收件憑證
+ .accesskey = V
+menu-open-key-manager =
+ .label = 金鑰管理員
+ .accesskey = M
+openpgp-key-issue-notification-one = 端到端加密功能需要解決 { $addr } 的金鑰問題
+openpgp-key-issue-notification-many = 端到端加密功能需要解決 { $count } 位收件者的金鑰問題。
+smime-cert-issue-notification-one = 端到端加密功能需要解決 { $addr } 的憑證問題。
+smime-cert-issue-notification-many = 端到端加密功能需要解決 { $count } 位收件者的憑證問題。
+key-notification-disable-encryption =
+ .label = 不要加密
+ .accesskey = D
+ .tooltiptext = 關閉端到端加密
+key-notification-resolve =
+ .label = 解決…
+ .accesskey = R
+ .tooltiptext = 開啟 OpenPGP 金鑰助理
+can-encrypt-smime-notification = 可使用 S/MIME 端到端加密。
+can-encrypt-openpgp-notification = 可使用 OpenPGP 端到端加密。
+can-e2e-encrypt-button =
+ .label = 加密
+ .accesskey = E
+## Addressing Area
+to-address-row-label =
+ .value = 給
+# $key (String) - the shortcut key for this field
+show-to-row-main-menuitem =
+ .label = 「給」欄位
+ .accesskey = T
+ .acceltext = { ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ $key }
+# No acceltext should be shown.
+# The label should match the show-to-row-button text.
+show-to-row-extra-menuitem =
+ .label = 給
+ .accesskey = T
+# $key (String) - the shortcut key for this field
+show-to-row-button = 給
+ .title = 顯示「給」欄位({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ $key })
+cc-address-row-label =
+ .value = 副本
+# $key (String) - the shortcut key for this field
+show-cc-row-main-menuitem =
+ .label = 「副本」欄位
+ .accesskey = C
+ .acceltext = { ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ $key }
+# No acceltext should be shown.
+# The label should match the show-cc-row-button text.
+show-cc-row-extra-menuitem =
+ .label = 副本
+ .accesskey = C
+# $key (String) - the shortcut key for this field
+show-cc-row-button = 副本
+ .title = 顯示「副本」欄位({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ $key })
+bcc-address-row-label =
+ .value = 密件副本
+# $key (String) - the shortcut key for this field
+show-bcc-row-main-menuitem =
+ .label = 「密件副本」欄位
+ .accesskey = B
+ .acceltext = { ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ $key }
+# No acceltext should be shown.
+# The label should match the show-bcc-row-button text.
+show-bcc-row-extra-menuitem =
+ .label = 密件副本
+ .accesskey = B
+# $key (String) - the shortcut key for this field
+show-bcc-row-button = 密件副本
+ .title = 顯示「密件副本」欄位({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ $key })
+extra-address-rows-menu-button =
+ .title = 其他要顯示的地址欄位
+# $count (Number) - the count of addresses in the "To" and "Cc" fields.
+many-public-recipients-notice =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] 您的訊息當中有公開的收件者,可以改用「密件副本」來避免揭露收件者資訊。
+ *[other] 「給」與「副本」收件者共有 { $count } 位,都可看到彼此的收件信箱。您可以改用「密件副本」來避免揭露收件者資訊。
+ }
+many-public-recipients-bcc =
+ .label = 改為密件副本收件者
+ .accesskey = U
+many-public-recipients-ignore =
+ .label = 保持收件者名單公開
+ .accesskey = K
+many-public-recipients-prompt-title = 太多公開收件者
+# $count (Number) - the count of addresses in the public recipients fields.
+many-public-recipients-prompt-msg =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] 您的訊息包含公開的收件者,可能會造成隱私權疑慮。可以將他們移到「密件副本」來避免揭露收件者資訊。
+ *[other] 您的訊息當中有 { $count } 位公開的收件者,他們都能看到彼此的信箱,可能會造成隱私權疑慮。可以將他們移到「密件副本」來避免揭露收件者資訊。
+ }
+many-public-recipients-prompt-cancel = 取消傳送
+many-public-recipients-prompt-send = 還是要寄出
+## Notifications
+# Variables:
+# $identity (string) - The name of the used identity, most likely an email address.
+compose-missing-identity-warning = 找不到寄件地址對應的唯一識別資料。將使用目前的寄件者欄位資料,以及 { $identity } 身份的設定來寄信。
+encrypted-bcc-warning = 寄出加密郵件時,不會完全隱藏密件副本收件者。所有的收件者都可能識別出他們。
+encrypted-bcc-ignore-button = 知道了!
+## Editing
+# Tools
+compose-tool-button-remove-text-styling =
+ .tooltiptext = 刪除文字樣式
+## Filelink
+# A text used in a tooltip of Filelink attachments, whose account has been
+# removed or is unknown.
+cloud-file-unknown-account-tooltip = 上傳至未知的雲端鏈結帳號。
+# Placeholder file
+# Title for the html placeholder file.
+# $filename - name of the file
+cloud-file-placeholder-title = { $filename } - 雲端鏈結附件
+# A text describing that the file was attached as a Filelink and can be downloaded
+# from the link shown below.
+# $filename - name of the file
+cloud-file-placeholder-intro = 檔案 { $filename } 已上傳至雲端鏈結,可於下方鏈結下載。
+# Template
+# A line of text describing how many uploaded files have been appended to this
+# message. Emphasis should be on sharing as opposed to attaching. This item is
+# used as a header to a list, hence the colon.
+cloud-file-count-header =
+ { $count ->
+ *[other] 我已將 { $count } 個檔案的雲端鏈結加入此郵件:
+ }
+# A text used in a footer, instructing the reader where to find additional
+# information about the used service provider.
+# $link (string) - html a-tag for a link pointing to the web page of the provider
+cloud-file-service-provider-footer-single = 了解 { $link } 的更多資訊。
+# A text used in a footer, instructing the reader where to find additional
+# information about the used service providers. Links for the used providers are
+# split into a comma separated list of the first n-1 providers and a single entry
+# at the end.
+# $firstLinks (string) - comma separated list of html a-tags pointing to web pages
+# of the first n-1 used providers
+# $lastLink (string) - html a-tag pointing the web page of the n-th used provider
+cloud-file-service-provider-footer-multiple = 了解 { $firstLinks } 與 { $lastLink } 的更多資訊。
+# Tooltip for an icon, indicating that the link is protected by a password.
+cloud-file-tooltip-password-protected-link = 密碼保護鏈結
+# Used in a list of stats about a specific file
+# Service - the used service provider to host the file (Filelink Service:
+# Size - the size of the file (Size: 4.2 MB)
+# Link - the link to the file (Link:
+# Expiry Date - stating the date the link will expire (Expiry Date: 12.12.2022)
+# Download Limit - stating the maximum allowed downloads, before the link becomes invalid
+# (Download Limit: 6)
+cloud-file-template-service-name = 雲端鏈結服務:
+cloud-file-template-size = 大小:
+cloud-file-template-link = 鏈結:
+cloud-file-template-password-protected-link = 密碼保護鏈結:
+cloud-file-template-expiry-date = 過期日:
+cloud-file-template-download-limit = 下載限制:
+# Messages
+# $provider (string) - name of the online storage service that reported the error
+cloud-file-connection-error-title = 連線錯誤
+cloud-file-connection-error = { -brand-short-name } 已離線,無法連線至 { $provider }。
+# $provider (string) - name of the online storage service that reported the error
+# $filename (string) - name of the file that was uploaded and caused the error
+cloud-file-upload-error-with-custom-message-title = 將檔案 { $filename } 上傳到 { $provider } 失敗
+# $provider (string) - name of the online storage service that reported the error
+# $filename (string) - name of the file that was renamed and caused the error
+cloud-file-rename-error-title = 重新命名錯誤
+cloud-file-rename-error = 在 { $provider } 重新命名 { $filename } 時發生錯誤。
+# $provider (string) - name of the online storage service that reported the error
+# $filename (string) - name of the file that was renamed and caused the error
+cloud-file-rename-error-with-custom-message-title = 在 { $provider } 重新命名 { $filename } 失敗
+# $provider (string) - name of the online storage service that reported the error
+cloud-file-rename-not-supported = { $provider } 不支援重新命名已上傳的檔案。
+# $filename (string) - name of the file that was renamed and caused the error
+cloud-file-attachment-error-title = 雲端鏈結上傳錯誤
+cloud-file-attachment-error = 由於本機檔案被移動或刪除,雲端鏈結附件 { $filename } 更新失敗。
+# $filename (string) - name of the file that was renamed and caused the error
+cloud-file-account-error-title = 雲端鏈結帳號錯誤
+cloud-file-account-error = 由於雲端鏈結帳號已遭刪除,雲端鏈結附件 { $filename } 更新失敗。
+## Link Preview
+link-preview-title = 鏈結預覽
+link-preview-description = 貼上鏈結時,{ -brand-short-name } 可嵌入鏈結預覽。
+link-preview-autoadd = 可用時,自動新增鏈結預覽
+link-preview-replace-now = 要新增此鏈結的預覽圖嗎?
+link-preview-yes-replace = 好的
+## Dictionary selection popup
+spell-add-dictionaries =
+ .label = 新增字典…
+ .accesskey = A